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» Felix the meaning of the name is character and fate. Felix. Felix's personal life

Felix the meaning of the name is character and fate. Felix. Felix's personal life

Felix - "happy" (lat.)

Health is satisfactory. He gets tired very quickly and needs a lot of sleep. It is necessary to take care of lips and teeth, take care of weak lungs, and monitor an unstable nervous system. Prone to fullness, it is not recommended to overindulge in sweets.

Contradictory, two people live in it. Has a tendency to withdraw into himself and give up everything he does. A strong personality is capable of taking control at a critical moment, but for this the situation must be hopeless. He has great willpower, but he rarely shows it, because there is little that can interest him enough to make him active. Excitability is weak: he is too passive for this.

There is always a problem with solving difficult issues. Felix takes a long time to choose his profession. He gets carried away with his studies, then suddenly gives up everything. He is interested in politics, but quickly gets bored with it. Can become an excellent musician, but must be constantly supervised and directed. The opportunity is open to him to be the guardian of tax laws; he has the talent of a customs officer or a policeman. Felix's reaction is slow, but his persistence works wonders if desired. Developed intuition: foresees impending troubles long before they happen. Somewhat slow intelligence. Possessing an analytical mind, he is still inclined to be distracted by numerous little things, moving away from the main thing.

Felix is ​​a sensitive tyrant whose feelings envelop you in tenderness and paralyze you. His wife is always in doubt whether she did the right thing when she married him, what guided her at that time. He does not complicate his life by thinking about morality, this does not concern him. His sexuality depends on how much he eats. If a woman cooks well, Felix cannot help but honor her with his attention. A woman for him is a chain that will chain him all his life, and the first link of this chain is his mother.

Activity? The word itself puts him in a state of shock, again he needs to sacrifice his peace and do something! hospitable if this event is accompanied by the enjoyment of food and pleasant unobtrusive conversation. Parents must constantly shake their son until a miracle happens and he becomes interested in everything that is happening and wants to do something, since he is very talented. (Can become an artist, lawyer, dancer, mathematician.)

“Winter” Felix frightens his parents with his persistent idleness, but by no means his spinelessness.

“Autumn” is more active, but only in those situations when he forces himself to understand all the benefits of the planned event. This name is suitable for patronymics: Valerievich, Viktorovich, Filippovich, Yurievich, Adamovich, Glebovich, Pavlovich.

“Summer” is lazy, but vain. Will not allow anyone to talk about his character weaknesses.

“Spring” Felix is ​​proud, playful and cunning, loves flattery, even if it is unjustified. The name is suitable for patronymics: Tarasovich, Robertovich, Stefanovich, Olegovich, Mstislavovich.

Meaning of the name Felix option 2

1. Personality. Soaring above the waves.

2. Character. 78%.

3. Radiation. 72%.

4. Vibration. 58,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sociability - intuition - sexuality - morality.

7. Totem plant. Beech.

8. Totem animal. Tuna.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. Like the sea, which from calm and calm can become uplifted and raging, these men are two-faced and look like either a serene gondolier singing love songs or a sailor fleeing a shipwreck on the high seas.

11. Psyche. They tend to withdraw into themselves and put things off until later. They contain the qualities of a strong person who is able to grab the rudder and save the situation, but for this the ship must really go down!

12. Will. "Will? And what is it? - they will exclaim. “What if I am free to do nothing?”

13. Excitability. Weak.

14. Reaction speed. Slowed down, even weaker than the will.

15. Field of activity. They live by the proverb: “Hurry and be slow!” They get carried away with their studies and then give it up; despite this, they manage to achieve certain results. These men always have problems choosing a profession. They are interested in politics, become excellent musicians, and a possible career as a tax inspector, customs officer or police officer.

16. Intuition. They sense the approaching storm of life better than an albatross at sea...

17. Intelligence. Felix has an analytical mind, so he is distracted by little things and does not notice the main thing.

18. Receptivity. These are sensitive tyrants who envelop you in tenderness and paralyze your will. Their wives often wonder why they married them: either out of passionate love, or out of tenderness for them, or out of a desire to live comfortably.

19. Morality. “Why complicate your life? - they will say. “So many people died because they did not want to sit quietly in their apartment!”

20. Health. Satisfactory, although they get tired easily. As a rule, these men are very fond of sweets, so they are at risk of becoming overweight; in addition, they must always remember about their teeth.

21. Sexuality. Trouble is the woman who cooks poorly! The road to the heart of such men lies only through the stomach. Women for them are chains that will chain them all their lives.

22. Activity. How they don’t like this word!

23. Sociability. Receiving guests is a pleasant event for them, where enjoying food and interesting conversation are equally pleasant.

24. Conclusion. Parents and educators, you can take such a child by the collar and shake him until a miracle happens!

23. Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. Felix does not like to give up old attachments.

24. Conclusion. Don't let people like this isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Meaning of the name Felix option 3

The name comes from the Latin word "felix" - happy, successful.

Felix is ​​his mother's favorite, who indulges his every whim. The father is stricter towards his son, and he tries to catch his eye as little as possible.

He studies unevenly at school and is lazy, although he has abilities. He reacts painfully to teachers' comments, can flare up, say insolent things and then... burst into tears. The complexity of nature, its duality is also inherent in adult Felixes. They seem to be polite, sociable, and at the first meeting they give the impression of being “their guy.” However, later it becomes obvious that Felix shows a good mood, friendliness, and generosity in cases where close and immediate benefit awaits him. For example, he can give such an expensive gift that people will gasp, but time will sing, and everyone will understand that the gift was only a means of achieving an important goal for Felix.

Felix is ​​looking for a job and profession that is prestigious and profitable, giving a quick and large income. They can often be found in the service sector. If conflicts arise at work, it is mainly because of Felix’s great love for money and integrity when it comes to money. He likes to brag, tends to overestimate his own personality, and does not always keep his promises.

“Summer” ones are more unlucky, but they are saved by hard work, perseverance and stubbornness.

He marries with benefits, tries to ensure that the material and other positive aspects of marriage are combined with the beauty and sexuality of his future wife. He strives for leadership in the family, but his wife’s opinion is taken into account. Sometimes he is unfaithful, he is not tormented by his infidelities, but he takes his wife’s infidelity seriously. In order for everything to go well in the family, Felix’s wife must always remain attractive and a little mysterious.

Felix has a hard time dealing with stress and can easily fall asleep. Felix's family happiness will be made up of one of those called Aurora, Inna, Lilia, Svetlana. It is unlikely that a marriage with Daria, Juliet, Evgenia, Martha, Maria, Nadezhda, Raisa, Roxana, Christina will be successful.

Meaning of the name Felix option 4

Hot-tempered, impulsive, temperamental. They love women and money very much. Sexy. They like to give pleasure to their partner.

They are boastful and do not tolerate criticism. They are deceitful, resourceful, make a career, but in communication they are pleasant and unforgiving. Felix is ​​principled in “selfish” issues.

Meaning of the name Felix option 5

Felix - from lat. happy.

Derivatives: Felya, Elya.

Folk signs. On this day, you need to observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, so will be the first half of the next winter; what the weather is like from noon to evening - this will be the second half of winter.


Felix really wants to be a leader both at home and at work, and in a friendly company. And there are enough reasons for this: hard work, determination, ambition and charm. But Felix is ​​inclined to somewhat exaggerate his own importance, sometimes inventing something that does not exist in order to look like a kind of superman in the eyes of others. He does not always keep his word, sincerity is suddenly unexpectedly replaced by isolation, coldness, sensitivity by hard-heartedness, generosity by stinginess. These contradictions greatly prevent him from achieving his desired goal.

Meaning of the name Felix option 6

FELIX- happy (lat.).

Name day: February 7 - Holy Martyr Felix, together with his mother and brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome (2nd century).

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Planet - Uranus.
  • Color - blue-green.
  • Auspicious tree - cypress.
  • The treasured plant is immortelle.
  • The patron of the name is sturgeon.
  • The talisman stone is diamond.


Felix is ​​a complex, dual nature; he combines frankness with isolation, sentimentality with cruelty, and breadth of soul with stinginess. He is hardworking, very persistent, stubborn. He likes to brag, tends to overestimate his own personality, and does not always keep his promises.

The meaning of the name Felix option 7

Felix is ​​unusually hot-tempered; As soon as anything seems wrong to him, he explodes, blushes, says insolent things, and only then pulls himself together and, through force, listens to other people’s objections.

Does not tolerate criticism. By pointing out a flaw to him, you can become his enemy for life. And knowing and forgiving his shortcomings, everyone can get along well with him. Many people find him a pleasant person.

Felix is ​​tactful, polite, practical; in a calm state, he is attentive to others. But Felix's main flaw is his habit of promising more than he can or wants to deliver. He is a braggart and a careerist; He doesn’t always tell the truth, but he lies beautifully and artistically. Sometimes, even after catching Felix in a lie, you can’t be offended by him, you don’t want to break off friendly relations. Hidden; loves money; loves women; extremely sexy. He is somewhat stingy and, if not for his sexuality, many women would harbor a grudge against him, but everything is forgiven to him. As a child, Felix is ​​a sickly boy. In a family, as a rule, he is more than one child; he has a brother or sister.

When choosing a name for a newborn child, parents should pay attention not only to the sound, but also to the characteristics of the name in order to know what qualities it endows its owner with.

Origin of the name

The male name Felix, which has a pleasant and soft sound, comes from the Latin language. It comes from the word felix, meaning “happy.” In various countries it has synonyms, for example, Philix, Felice, among the Russian people it was transformed into Philist or Finist.

Forms of the name Felix

Shortened options:

  • Felya;
  • Feli;
  • Felik.

Affectionate diminutives:

  • Felenka;
  • Felinka;
  • Felyasha;
  • Felyusha.

In Orthodoxy, the name Felix is ​​written and pronounced Philix. Name days for a man with this name are February 7, May 1, July 19, September 4, November 1.

Table: name options in different languages

Transliteration: FELIKS.

Photo gallery named Felix

Writing a name in Russian

Felix combines with the following middle names:

  • Adamovich;
  • Albertovich;
  • Arnoldovich;
  • Bernardovich;
  • Georgievich;
  • Karimovich;
  • Makarovich;
  • Markovich;
  • Romanovich;
  • Tarasovich;
  • Timurovich;
  • Yakovlevich.

Nickname options for social networks

  • Lucky^FeLix;
  • Feliks*Iron*Man;
  • 2000#FeL#X;
  • FeL@sH@2004.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Various researchers have studied the characteristics of the name Felix.

Name meaning according to Higir

Professor Boris Khigir in his works described the name Felix. In his opinion, Felix is ​​a capable boy, but laziness prevents him from becoming a good student. Touchy and vulnerable, reacts painfully to criticism, can flare up and then cry in front of everyone. Adult Felix is ​​polite and generous, but these qualities awaken in him only when benefits await him. He often overestimates his own personality, passionately adores money, one can say that his every action is dictated by love for it. He carefully selects his life partner. He needs the material side of marriage to be combined with the beauty of his future wife. Felix takes stress very hard, tends to drown it out with alcohol and often drinks himself to death.

The main passion in Felix's life is money

Meaning of the name according to Rouge

The French researcher Pierre Rouget noted the two-faced nature of men named Felix: they are either calm and serene, like a gondolier singing romances, or they look like sailors fleeing a shipwreck. Secretive, withdrawn, putting things off until later, with a weak will and slow reaction, but their intuition can be envied. An analytical mindset forces Felix to be distracted by little things, while not noticing the main thing. What he values ​​in women is the ability to cook deliciously - the way to Felix's heart is through his stomach.

Parents and teachers should be as strict as possible with Felix from a very early age.

Felenka's childhood

From an early age, Felyusha was a little despot. Stubborn, hot-tempered, reluctant to study in class, he responds to fair comments from teachers with insolence.

To eradicate the son’s arrogant attitude towards others, parents will have to remember that any indulgence of the child’s whims should be prohibited. However, often only the father understands that Felix needs to be brought up in strictness, while Felix is ​​his mother’s favorite. The boy tries to be seen by his father less often and takes advantage of his mother’s kindness. A charming, sociable young man - this is how Felix was when we first met. Only after getting to know him better do those around him realize that he is a cynic, trying to find profit in everything. Felix's boasting often turns into lies. Non-obligation allows him to make promises without a twinge of conscience that he does not intend to keep. The girls are seduced by his courtesy, but are quickly disappointed.

Felix's dual nature emerges as a teenager

Felix as an adult

Secrecy and duplicity are the qualities of Felix the man. He manages emotions well, but does not tolerate criticism at all and can react too violently. Felix's ostentatious intelligence allows him to fit into any company, but he always remains a dark horse. He chooses an uncomplicated job; he will show zeal only when his career will help him achieve prestige. A man named Felix has a special weakness for women, but he is not familiar with fidelity - he has several mistresses at once. He makes high demands on his wife: she must become a reliable assistant for him, a faithful ally in any endeavor. If the partner does not admire Felix, the marriage will fall apart.

Interests and hobbies

Proper upbringing in childhood helps to instill in Felix a love of creativity. In this case, both as a teenager and as an adult, Felix can successfully realize himself in painting, poetry, and music. Will be happy to devote time to playing sports in the fresh air.

Profession and career

Felix chooses his future profession thoroughly. Most often he settles on a dust-free job, prestigious and capable of bringing a quick and impressive income.

Felix has difficulty getting along with the team, because money comes first for him. He treats his duties responsibly, but not for the sake of the task itself, but because of his inherent practicality and commercialism.

Given these qualities, majors related to finance will bring Felix the greatest success. Eg:


The constant suppression of emotions causes Felix migraines and depression. The tendency to bad habits affects the internal organs - problems with the lungs, stomach, liver, and pancreas are often found.

Felix's personal life If a woman agrees to lock herself in a golden cage and turn a blind eye to her husband’s infidelities, then a high social status, a luxurious life, and a successful husband await her. Unfaithful by nature, Felix will not tolerate being cheated on. Having caught his wife in infidelity, he will immediately divorce, unless, of course, the divorce brings him a loss in financial matters.

Marriage of convenience is not uncommon for Felix; he even tries to benefit from relationships

Table: compatibility with female names

Felix +Features of relationships
TatianaHarmonious and loving couple. Felix and Tatiana manage to become one. Their romance develops rapidly and brightly. Family life is very successful, the woman supports her husband in all endeavors, and he listens to his chosen one.
JuliaThey can become a good couple, provided that Felix takes control of the development of the relationship. Otherwise, their acquaintance will be limited to unobtrusive flirting. Not very pleasant surprises await Julia in her marriage - Felix is ​​prone to cheating. Disappointment and reproaches based on jealousy lead this couple to divorce.
ElenaA strong love union. Felix respects the values ​​and ideals of his partner, Elena likes that the man is devoted to her. In family life, he surrounds Elena with comfort, his wife inspires him to develop and achieve success. Quarrels between them are possible if Felix is ​​too fixated on everyday problems.
IrinaRelationships built on inequality. Irina strives to dominate, which does not always suit Felix, who is also prone to leadership. Harmony in family life is possible if one spouse can cede power to the other.
OlgaLong-term love union. The relationship between Olga and Felix is ​​developing steadily, without reproaches or discontent. Felix gladly supports a woman’s desire for a serious relationship, and he also plays the main role in the family. He is a breadwinner, able to provide a decent life for his wife and children. Olga is practical in everyday life, but sometimes she lacks romance from her husband. Unless Felix begins to show his love more openly, conflicts cannot be avoided.
AnastasiaThey don't suit each other well. The romance of such a couple often ends after several dates. Thoughtful Felix does not like Anastasia’s desire to rush things; her selfishness repels the man. For a love relationship to develop, he will have to give in. However, having entered into marriage, Felix and Anastasia will not last long together.
DariaUnsuccessful alliance. Daria hopes for a man’s honesty and decency; for him, an intimate victory over the opposite sex is more important. Having learned that she is far from the only one with Felix, the woman breaks off the relationship. If Daria can close her eyes to her partner’s behavior, they are able to start a family for many years.
MariaAn ideal union based on love. Next to Felix, Maria feels her value and importance to him. Under the influence of Mary, a man begins to look at many things more optimistically. Their family life is rich and varied, they are never bored with each other.
InnaA strong and reliable union. Ambitious and independent partners do not cause each other inconvenience. Next to Felix, Inna feels like a real woman; Felix is ​​ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved. In marriage, mutual understanding and harmony reign between them.

Correspondences to the name Felix

Important years in life:

The character of a man named Felix is ​​also influenced by the time of year in which he was born.

Name horoscope

No less important for the characteristics of Felix is ​​the influence of the zodiac sign under which he was born.

  • Aries (March 20 - April 19). Aries gives Felix an explosive character, energy, self-confidence and integrity. Such a man is thrifty, petty, secretive. He looks for a logical justification in everything; his actions are determined by facts, but not by intuition. Felix-Aries becomes a brilliant leader.
  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20). Risk-taker, adventurer, very inquisitive, loves to travel to new places. Often loses interest in business due to mood swings. Quickly forgets defeats. He is somewhat cowardly when it comes to making an important decision; the complexity of the issue frightens him.
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20). Strives for perfection, often obsessed with some idea. Felix-Gemini can be called a genius, but he does not strive for leadership. Sentimental in love.
  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22). Among Cancers you can often find philosophers immersed in their inner self. Such Felix is ​​hardworking, patient, selfless in helping others. He loves children and often has a large family.
  • Leo (July 23 - August 22). He is distinguished by his straightforwardness, love of truth, self-confidence, and the ability to organize any business at the highest level. They endure troubles with steadfastness and do not become arrogant when they achieve success.
  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22). Felix is ​​determined, always gets things done, allows himself to be drawn into dangerous adventures, is arrogant and quick-tempered. They are influenced by fortune tellers and soothsayers.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22). Felix-Libra rarely finishes what he starts, tends to immerse himself in illusions, is superstitious, creative, and is often indifferent to material wealth.
  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21). Sensitive Felix-Scorpio, idealizes everything around him, strives to improve the world, has developed intuition and the gift of foresight.
  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20). Capable of completing the most complicated task, a man of well-deserved success. Meticulous, hardworking, determined, cold-blooded.
  • Capricorn (December 21 - January 19). He does not like to put things off until tomorrow, this is the secret of his win-win success. They are energetically strong, impulsive, and difficult to understand by others.
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 17). Executive, obliging and calm Felix. More often he occupies a subordinate position and does not strive for leadership. Likes to analyze his life.
  • Pisces (February 18 - March 19). A man of contradiction. His character combines opposite traits: truthfulness and cunning, frivolity and practicality, courtesy and guile. Very sensitive to winning or losing. He is pleasant to talk to, witty, but rarely sincerely becomes attached even to the closest people.

Famous men Felixes

  • Felix Dzerzhinsky (August 30, 1877 - July 20, 1926) - Russian revolutionary of Polish origin, Soviet politician, head of a number of people's commissariats, founder and head of the Cheka. Secretary of the Central Committee of the RSDLP(b) (1917), member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) (1919-1920, 1921-1924), candidate member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) (1921, 1924-1926 gg.). Candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1924-1926). Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Red Terror".

    Felix Dzerzhinsky - Russian revolutionary, Soviet politician


The meaning of the name Felix

Happy, prosperous, blessed. “Happy” (lat.) Felix is ​​the favorite of his mother, who indulges all his whims. The father is stricter towards his son, and he tries to catch his eye as little as possible. At school, Felix studies unevenly and is lazy, although he has abilities. He reacts painfully to teachers' comments, can flare up, say insolent things and then... burst into tears. The complexity of nature, its duality is also inherent in adult Felixes. They seem to be polite, sociable, and at the first meeting they give the impression of being their boyfriend. However, later it becomes obvious that Felix shows good humor, commitment, and generosity in cases where close and immediate benefit awaits him. Felix, for example, can give such an expensive gift that people will gasp, but time will pass and everyone will understand that the gift was only a means of achieving an important goal for Felix. Felix is ​​looking for a job and profession that is prestigious and profitable, giving a quick and large income. He often finds himself in the service sector. If conflicts arise at work, it is mainly because of Felix's great love for money and integrity when it comes to money. He likes to brag, tends to overestimate his own personality, and does not always keep his promises. “Summer” ones are unlucky, but they are saved by hard work, perseverance and stubbornness. He marries with benefits, tries to combine the material and other positive aspects of marriage with the beauty and sexuality of his future wife. He strives for leadership in the family, but his wife’s opinion is taken into account. Sometimes he is unfaithful, he is not tormented by his infidelities, but he takes his wife’s infidelity seriously. In order for everything to go well in the family, Felix’s wife must always remain attractive and a little mysterious. Has a hard time withstanding stress and can easily fall asleep.

Name day: NAME DAY: February 7 (January 25) - Martyr Felix. May 1 (April 18) - Venerable Felix of Karelian (Russian). June 6 (May 24) - martyr Felix Tribune. July 19 (6) - martyr Philix. September 4 (August 22) - Martyr Felix. November 1 (October 19) - Hieromartyr Felix (also known as Filik), presbyter.

Numerology of the name Felix

Soul Number: 1.
Owners of this name number always take an active position in life and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme life situations; they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the ranks of business people. The hobby of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 7

Body number: 3


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: Leo.
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Felix as a phrase

F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
To Kako
With Word

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Felix

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, chaotic at first glance, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of views is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.

Felix name meaning: The boy's name means "happy." This affects Felix's character and fate.

Origin of the name Felix: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Felya, Elka.

What does the name Felix mean? The name Felix comes from a Roman family nickname. The name translates as “happy.” Another meaning of the name Felix is ​​“successful.” Felix has been lucky since the moment he was born. He Felix becomes the winner of the competition, rapidly moves up the career ladder, and brilliantly masters foreign languages. One can only envy him. Ambition has a special meaning for him.

Patronymic name Felix: Feliksovich, Feliksovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Felix celebrates his name day once a year: February 1 (January 25) - The Holy Martyr Felix, together with his mother and brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome (II century).

Signs: On Felix's day, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, such, they say, will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - foreshadows the other half of winter.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Uranus
  • Color - blue-green
  • Auspicious name tree - cypress
  • Treasured plant - immortelle
  • Patron - sturgeon
  • Felix talisman stone - diamond

Characteristics of the name Felix

Positive features: He is Felix - a sober, practical and independent person. A guy with this name is modest in communication and would prefer not to show his superiority to others. Felya is gifted with a creative imagination and is not without daydreaming. It is noteworthy that his fantasies and dreams are based on fairly solid ground and are completely unlike senseless wanderings in the clouds.

Negative features: Self-love, combined with balance and a disinclination to painful soul-searching, is quite capable of developing into a feeling of one’s right to superiority. This awareness may develop a “power complex” in Feli.

Personality of the name Felix: What character traits does the meaning of the name Felix determine? It is literally torn apart by contradictions. In him, frankness is combined with isolation, sentimentality with cruelty, breadth of soul with stinginess. A man with this name is hardworking, very persistent, stubborn. To achieve a goal, he can become both a lion and a fox. He Felix is ​​not interested in what people say about him, the main thing is to win.

Felix and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of the name with Agnia, Diana, Zhanna, Caroline, Louise, Nellie, Eleanor, Emma is favorable. The name Felix also goes with Juno. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Ariadne, Virginia, Christina, Rosa.

Love and marriage: In family life, Felix can make up for the lack of depth of his feelings with logic and acting.

In relationships with women he can be unceremonious, far from tender sighs and walks in the moonlight. The wife must be an assistant in business, a comrade-in-arms who admires the merits of her spouse, otherwise the marriage will fall apart.

Sex has a special meaning for him. Money and women are his two great passions. He is interested in politics and enjoys music. A guy with this name loves delicious food. He Felix is ​​marrying for convenience: his chosen one’s beauty and temperament must be supported by a material base or a prestigious position in society. He strives for leadership in the family, but also takes into account the opinion of his wife. A guy named Felix cheats on his wife, but her infidelity is hard to bear. Felix is ​​not in good health and tends to be overweight. The weak point of the body is the teeth. Has a hard time withstanding stress. Don't mind having a drink.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Possessing a strong character and good strong-willed qualities, the owner of the name Felix can achieve noticeable success in life, and obvious diplomatic abilities can make him a good leader, diplomat, or lawyer.

Business and career: Felya is very ambitious, but at the same time he tries not to forget about the purely material side of life.

Endowed with an analytical type of mind, but is distracted by trifles and sometimes does not notice the main thing. Felix always has problems choosing a profession. He Felix prefers a specialty that is prestigious, profitable, and provides a large and quick income. He likes a career as a tax inspector, customs officer, or lawyer. He has great acting abilities. Felya is rarely sincere; he is a secretive person.

Health and energy

Health and talents named Felix: By temperament he is choleric, nervous, hot-tempered. Does not tolerate criticism. This is an unnecessary, two-faced person, his promises cannot be trusted. The reaction is slow, the intuition is good. His performance is unstable; the guy named Felix likes to put things off until later, but in difficult, extreme situations he displays the qualities of a strong-willed person.

Felix's fate in history

What does the name Felix mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Felix Yusupov, Prince Sumarokov-Elston (1887-1957) - Russian nobleman, was married to the niece of Emperor Nicholas II. Felix Yusupov is one of those who tried to rid Russia of the destructive power of Grigory Rasputin. Unfortunately, the murder of the lustful old man happened too late: the sovereign machine was already unstoppably rolling into the abyss. Since 1917, Yusupov lived in exile in France. He was buried in Paris, in the cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve du Bois.
  2. Felix of Nolan is a Catholic saint, considered the patron saint of animals; it is also customary to appeal to him for healing from eye diseases and for protection from slander.
  3. Lucius Cornelius Sulla - (138 - 78 BC) Roman statesman and military leader, dictator (82 - 80 BC)
  4. Felix Dzerzhinsky - (1877 - 1926) nicknames - FD, party pseudonyms: Jacek, Jakub, Bookbinder, Frank, Astronomer, Jozef, Domansky; revolutionary, Polish nobleman by birth, Soviet statesman, head of a number of people's commissariats, founder of the Cheka.
  5. Felix Henrik Waldemar Christian - (born 2002) Prince of Denmark, Count of Monpeza.
  6. Phoenix or Foinix is ​​a character in ancient Greek mythology, the son of Amyntor, a faithful friend of Peleus.
  7. Felix I - (d.274) Bishop of Rome from January 5, 269 to December 30, 274. Native Roman. He polemicized a lot with Pavel Samosatsky and corresponded with Bishop Maximus of Alexandria. Even Emperor Aurelian turned to him on religious issues.
  8. Felix the Athenian, Apolloniad (Macedonian) - martyr.
  9. Phoenix or Foinix or Foinik is the founder of Phenicia (the Phoenician kingdom) in ancient Greek mythology.
  10. Felix Beato, Felice Beato - (1832 - 1909) traveler and one of the first British photographers to photograph East Asia, as well as one of the first war photographers. Known for his panoramas, genre works, portraits, views and landscapes of the Mediterranean and Asia. His works cover the Crimean War, the Indian National Rebellion of 1857, the Second Opium War and the Boshin War.
  11. Felix Zemdegs is the current record holder for the average time in solving Rubik's cubes (3x3x3 and 4x4x4) and an outstanding solver of many other puzzles; he is the “monster” of speedcubing.

Many modern names are borrowed words from other languages. Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to names and nicknames. It was believed that a name endows a person with a certain character and destiny. The name Felix came to Rus' with the adoption of Christianity. Short form of the name: Elike or Felya. Pairs best with the zodiac sign Aquarius.

The origin and meaning of the name Felix comes down to several versions. In Ancient Rome, the word “felix” was translated as “lucky”. It was used as a nickname, added to the main name. Over time, slaves who were freed began to be called this. The feminine form of the name is Felicia, found in the daughter of Caesar. Lucky, successful, fertile - this is what the name Felix means.

In the Slavic lands the name appeared with the advent of Christianity. The name book initially proposed the Greek form Philix. Therefore, over time, it transformed into Finist. In Russian folklore, this is what a man-falcon was called. Name days are celebrated on February 7, September 1. In the Catholic faith, saints named Felix are more revered. Not so common in Orthodoxy. The nationality of the name Felix is ​​difficult to determine, since it exists in many countries.

general characteristics

Since childhood, he has been attached to his parents and is his mother’s favorite. He is fascinated by all kinds of creativity: music, poetry. He behaves impudently and has a quick temper with teachers. He has good abilities, but he is lazy to use them. Despotism and stubbornness- this is what the name Felix means for a boy. He reacts painfully to criticism. Mom often spoils her son, and this does not benefit his character. His behavior becomes a reason for ridicule from his classmates.

A harsh father may try to correct his son, but this will only lead to the son starting to avoid him. An arrogant attitude towards others will develop into egocentrism. Can easily get along in the company of peers. Finds a common language with everyone and is diplomatic.

Adult Felix is ​​distinguished by his duplicity and contradictory nature. He hides his emotions, but they accumulate and explode. He loves women and has several mistresses. It combines generosity and stinginess, sentimentality and cruelty, frankness and isolation. His main goal is to win. It doesn’t matter where: on the love front, in work or other matters.

Positive character traits include:

  • practicality;
  • independence;
  • modesty in communication;
  • daydreaming;
  • creative imagination.

The right to superiority and “power complex” are the main negative meanings of the name Felix. The character and fate of a man largely depend on himself. If he indulges his pride too much, it will result in egocentrism.

Relationships with women

Felix behaves unceremoniously with the ladies. He is emotional and very demanding. His temperament is clearly manifested in passionate novels. He makes the following demands on his companion:

  • she must admire him;
  • she must be an ally in business;
  • she should be the first assistant in everything.

For relationships for the sake of sex, he is looking for women who are uninhibited and ready to experiment. Marriage of convenience is normal for Felix. This does not mean that he will look for a rich companion. The calculation can be anything: certain family benefits, a position at work, etc. He will look for benefits in marriage, and if he finds it, it will be a good basis for him. The spouse will receive a “golden cage”, and with it money and social status. But she will have to put up with a string of mistresses. It is noteworthy that Felix will not tolerate betrayal on the part of his wife and will immediately file for divorce.

Takes an indirect part in raising children. Loves children, or rather, their love for themselves. For Felix, a child is just a status thing. He will brag about his children and show them off at social parties. However, all problems with them should be resolved by the spouse. His task is to ensure the comfortable existence of the family.

Thanks to his strong-willed qualities and strong character, he easily makes a career. Achieves success in banking, business, and customs. Can build a career as a lawyer. Not inclined to work “for an idea,” financial incentive is the only motivation for Felix. He doesn’t like to conflict in a team, but he doesn’t become part of it. Due to his secrecy, he communicates with few people. He is only interested in making money.

When choosing a profession, he evaluates career prospects. High income is what he strives for. He has an analytical mind, he is not distracted by trifles, so he lives well in the field of finance.

He has good acting skills. Few people know his real essence. Therefore, it is easy for him to be a lawyer. Each of his appearances in court will be a small theatrical performance.

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