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» DIY cold porcelain figurines. Cold porcelain products (40 photos): DIY miracles. Features of products made from cold porcelain

DIY cold porcelain figurines. Cold porcelain products (40 photos): DIY miracles. Features of products made from cold porcelain

Cold porcelain

Cold porcelain- this is a plastic mass, ideal for any type of work, the mass is similar to plasticine, but much better, as it dries and becomes hard.

As stated above, you can sculpt anything from cold porcelain, it can be flowers, all kinds of figurines, etc.
The mixture for preparing cold porcelain can be bought in special decorative arts stores; pure white color is available for sale; the finished product can be painted with acrylic paints at your discretion; flesh-colored porcelain is usually used when sculpting body parts; there are bright and more delicate shades.
If you decide to try to sculpt something from this mass, you will need a few more things to achieve a quality result. So, this is: cold porcelain, a set of special sticks with different tips, a small rolling pin, molds for cutting out flat figures, silicone molds - these can be flowers and leaves, various animals, etc., acrylic glue - in case you have to glue individual parts, a syringe with holes (spaghetti), toothpicks, wire for flowers, scissors, finishing varnish - matte or shiny

Cold porcelain can also be made at home in two ways, the first method is it's in the microwave.Ingredients:
2 tea mugs of Maisen corn flour
2 tea cups of pva glue
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tablespoons of liquid Vaseline (glycerin)
1 tbsp hand cream (non-greasy)
glass bowl
wooden spoon
How it's done:
Mix all ingredients except hand cream in a glass bowl. Knead everything well into a homogeneous mass.
Place the bowl in the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum temperature. Stir the mixture once a minute with a wooden spoon, this is necessary to ensure that all ingredients undergo uniform heat treatment. If necessary, you can keep the mixture in the microwave for a couple more minutes, again stirring every minute.
Now that the cold porcelain is ready, you need to knead it well with your hands. This is done as follows: 1 tablespoon (without top) of low-fat cream is spread on a marble table surface or on another smooth work surface. The still hot mass is laid out on the cream, and now we begin to knead with our hands like dough for several minutes, the longer you knead the mass, the better it will be to work with it.
Then roll the mass into a roller and put it in a hermetically sealed bag.
Second way: cooking the mass on fire.
How it's done:
Combine all ingredients except hand cream in a non-stick pan. Mix everything well into a homogeneous mass. Place the pan over medium heat. Stir constantly until the mixture starts to peel off the sides and forms a ball. Be careful not to let thin films from the walls of the pan get into the mixture. Now you need to knead the mass: 1 tablespoon (without top) of low-fat cream is spread on the marble surface of the table or on another smooth work surface. The still hot mass is laid out on the cream, and now we begin to knead with our hands like dough for several minutes. Then we put it in a bag.
How to paint the mass in bright colors?
To get a bright color, you need oil paints. Make a small roller or ball of the mixture, lightly squeeze out the paint and rub well until the color is uniform.
To get more subtle colors, use oil paints in small quantities.
You can use food coloring.
One piece of advice: if you make something in a silicone mold, then the mold should be lightly greased with a small amount of cream, Nivea, for example, so that the product sticks well from the mold.
Before sculpting, there is no need to lubricate your hands with cream; the mass does not stick to your hands.

Elegant and durable products made from cold porcelain look like ordinary porcelain, but in practice they have little in common. Despite the fact that the Japanese have been familiar with it for more than five thousand years, it has recently spread throughout Europe. Properly prepared porcelain looks fragile and translucent, but in fact it makes very durable things. In addition, it is completely safe and easy to use.

Preparing the material at home is as easy as shelling pears, and even a child can handle the modeling. We invite you to take our master class “How to make cold porcelain.”


To master the craft you do not need any special tools. If you are not planning to become a professional sculptor, make do with the means at hand.

Use rulers, knitting needles, and nail files as stacks. Attach the bead to a toothpick: this simple device is convenient for rolling out the material to the desired thickness.

To sculpt some things you need texture molds. Unexpected things can play their role. For example, real plants and flowers will help you create a beautiful petal or leaf.

Cooking recipes

Homemade cold porcelain can be made in several ways, using ingredients you probably have at home.

No recipe is complete without starch. It is best to use corn: the material will be more elastic, weightless and transparent. Potato will give a grayish tint and visual heaviness. Suitable for sculpting jewelry and figurines.

Cooking without heat treatment

Place two tablespoons of starch and a tablespoon of Vaseline oil into a container and mix. Add a little Vaseline oil and a pinch of regular soda. Pour in two tablespoons of PVA glue and mix well.

With heat treatment

Mix a glass of starch, one tablespoon each of baby cream, petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly in a bowl. Pour in a teaspoon of citric acid and 100 (a little more if necessary) milliliters of PVA glue. Cook the “dough” over low heat until you get a dense lump.

Alternative recipe

Mix 150 milliliters of PVA glue, a teaspoon of glycerin and fatty hand cream in a bowl, pour in 100 milliliters of water. Start cooking cold porcelain.

Bring the “dough” until smooth over low heat. Add 200 grams of starch. Stir constantly during cooking. When the mixture begins to form a lump, remove it from the heat. The second part of the preparation is the same for all recipes.

Moisten the towel and place the future porcelain on it. After waiting for it to cool partially, start kneading. At this stage, you can add various dyes. Both food and synthetic ones are suitable, the main thing is that they do not cause allergies.

Wrap the elastic mass in plastic and put it in the refrigerator. Start creating the next day: the porcelain should rest. Without delay, start washing the pan before any remaining material dries on the walls.

Cooking errors

Good cold porcelain will be elastic and easy to sculpt. An error in the dosage of starch, in particular its excess, will lead to excessive rigidity of the material. It will be inconvenient to pinch off pieces from such a mass.

If you see inclusions of starch in the “dough”, do not rush to throw it away: add a little PVA and knead the material again. Having achieved the desired elasticity, wrap the “dough” in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

If the material turns out to be sticky, difficult to hold its shape, and not flexible, liquid glue (you may have used stationery PVA) or an insufficient amount of plasticizer are to blame. You can try to cook the porcelain until the required qualities appear. If this does not help, you will have to repeat the preparation with better glue.

The quality of the glue is largely a fundamental factor in the final result. Because of this, the finished product may crack. Construction adhesive with a plasticizer is best.

Properly prepared cold porcelain does not stick to hands and surfaces. If even after thorough kneading the mass does not want to take the required shape, it hardly lags behind the film, it means that there is not enough glycerin or petroleum jelly in it. They are responsible for getting rid of excess moisture and the plasticity of the material.

Does the material lose its shape and tend to fall? Add a little starch to thicken the “dough”.

Speed ​​up the drying time of the craft by using a hairdryer or microwave. A low oven will also help. If you are not in a hurry, just turn the product over occasionally so that it dries on all sides.

Coloring crafts

At the mixing stage, add pigment or water-soluble paint to the mixture: tempera, gouache, acrylic.

Powdered dyes (including food dyes) will help to color the sculpted part. Apply them to the craft and hold over the steam, allowing the color to absorb.

To draw details on the finished product, use a thin brush and paints. Please note: when dry, water-soluble ones will fade slightly, while oil-based ones will retain their brightness and richness.

Look at the photos of cold porcelain items: what amazing and stunningly beautiful things you can create with a little effort and imagination!


Naturally, the craft will dry in 1-7 days. By placing it in a low-heat oven, you will speed up the process.

Don't be alarmed when the product shrinks a little after drying: this is how it should be. Take into account future shrinkage during the sculpting process.

Benefits from work

Surprisingly, it’s true: modeling from cold porcelain will bring into the world not only a beautiful product, but will also have a positive effect on the well-being of bones and joints. It will improve blood and lymph circulation, alleviate seasonal exacerbations of arthritis, arthrosis and gout. Working with small parts will improve fine motor skills and calm the nervous system.

Modeling is a very exciting process that presents no difficulties even for beginners. Let your first work be flowers made of cold porcelain, a bird, an animal, or jewelry. By increasing your skill level, you will be able to perform elements that require more delicate work.

Use our simple instructions for beginners on sculpting with cold porcelain so that your creativity will bring only positive emotions!

DIY photo of cold porcelain

There are no clear boundaries in creativity; everyone chooses a hobby according to their desires and abilities. If you have a predisposition to sculpting, then you can choose compositions made of cold porcelain. For many, this is something new, since the name itself sounds unusual. However, it is much more convenient to work with such material than with plasticine or clay. It is more flexible, more accessible and cheaper. This type of applied modeling is becoming increasingly popular. And the resulting products delight with lightness and sophistication.

Cold material is easy to make at home. To do this, you will need a standard set of ingredients: glycerin, glue, oil, starch. The composition was invented at the beginning of the 20th century in Argentina. Our country loved him too. Only recently have new, improved cooking options begun to appear. The mass, initially soft, later hardens.

For what types of work can cold porcelain be used? You can make New Year's toys from it - this year the favorite model was a pig - and bouquets of flowers, large paintings and small pictures, wall panels and figurines, even decorative dishes can be made from this wonderful material. In addition, cold porcelain is increasingly being used to make jewelry - it makes cool brooches very well.

Master class on making cold porcelain at home

Before starting the master class aimed at teaching how to sculpt all kinds of porcelain crafts, we are preparing the material. The main thing is to follow the technology and values. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Gallery: crafts from cold porcelain (25 photos)

Cold porcelain jewelry, step-by-step master class

Let's try it with our own hands make a ring with roses. Required list of consumables:

  • cold porcelain;
  • adhesive composition;
  • toothpicks;
  • polystyrene foam or any sponge composite.

The first thing we start with is rolling the ball. We pull it out in the form of a drop, and stick a toothpick into the lower part. This will create a workpiece with which we will continue to work. We make such parts in the same quantity as there will be roses. So that they have time to get stronger, we make them in advance.

Let's move on to the petals. And also, we roll it into a spherical shape, flatten it between our palms, and we get a petal. We model the edge region at your discretion, it can be wavy or smooth. The only thing is that the edge should be much thinner than the central part.

To fix it on the core, glue is first applied and pressed without effort. By doing this, we grow the flower head to the required size. Don’t forget to bend the petals outward a little to create an openwork border.

After a day's exposure, the rose will finally harden. Fix the resulting composition onto any ring with epoxy glue. Jewelry made from cold porcelain looks unusual and stylish, adding additional charm. When falling, nothing will happen to them. Cold porcelain does not break and is difficult to break.

Recommendations for storing cold porcelain items

Despite the availability and versatility of the material, it requires certain maintenance conditions. Close proximity to water and direct exposure to sunlight are unacceptable. It should be remembered that this is polymer clay, which tends to become limp when damp. And from excessive lighting, loses its color. Therefore, it is better to place ceramic bouquets away from the sun. Window sills are excluded.

In the room with such products, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature regime. In extreme cold, moisture particles inside crystallize, which leads to destruction of the structure. Drying occurs in hot weather, which causes damage to the external exterior.

Some people apply varnish to the surface. This technique helps provide protection from any external factors.

What can be made from cold porcelain

The range of crafts is huge, it's up to imagination and practical skills. It is better for beginners to master science from simpler elements, making separate notes for better assimilation. For little fashionistas, we can recommend various jewelry: rings, hair clips, brooches, etc. . This kind of decoration They look quite original and extraordinary. It will be interesting if you involve young children in the process. Working together on cartoon characters will bring a lot of joy. And heroes made with your own hands will become a wonderful decoration for a child’s interior.

Due to the peculiarities of preschool education and training, we all sculpted from plasticine in one way or another in childhood, and this process captivated, fascinated many, lit a fire in the eyes, and gave the opportunity to feel like a creator.

What happened when we grew up? Where has the desire for creative self-expression, for transforming reality, for cultivating one’s hobby gone?

So,Having visited an old friend, I was amazed by what I saw. Marina is fond of modeling from polymer clay and her work window sill was filled with all sorts of boxes, bags, vials, blanks and other things. Her eyes were burning and, telling me about her works, Marina could not control herself - she could not stop... Of course, her story captivated me, especially since I am not deprived of artistic abilities and a creative attitude to life and, in general, decided to I want to become more familiar with this type of creativity, such as modeling from polymer clay. Of course, I clarified the price of this issue in advance. I typed “buy polymer clay” on the Internet and found out that the cost range of everything needed to start modeling with polymer clay is very different and there are very affordable options.

There is an abundance of information about polymer clay on the Internet, but most of the material presented is intended for advanced users. I spent quite a lot of time until I found simple articles talking about polymer clay in simple language, using simple examples that were understandable to a completely untrained person. What did I learn?

1. What is polymer clay or plastic. This is a substance that resembles regular plasticine in consistency, from which it is convenient to sculpt various objects or parts. With subsequent heating (in the oven), the polymer clay hardens and the created product can be used for its intended purpose. Polymer clay is a chemical compound of not entirely harmless substances, and when working with it it is necessary to follow a number of safety rules.

2. Safety precautions when working with polymer clay.

  • Tools used in working with polymer clay should not be used in other activities, especially in the process of cooking.
  • Always wash your hands after working with polymer clay.
  • Do not bake polymer clay products in a microwave oven; when baking in the oven, thoroughly wash the clay to remove clay residues.
  • Avoid getting clay into food.
  • If the temperature regime was violated during baking and an unpleasant odor appeared, immediately ventilate the room.

3. What can be made from polymer clay.

Products from cold porcelain can be made by both beginning sculptors and children, especially since it is very interesting to work with it. Cold porcelain is absolutely safe to use.

Cold porcelain is one of the cheapest, most pliable and accessible materials. Even very small products can be sculpted from it. After all, there is clay and puff pastry, and small parts can also be made from them, but porcelain has a great advantage over them - it does not need to be baked, it dries on its own in the fresh air in two days.

Modeling from this material develops fine motor skills of the hands; jewelry, pendants, flowers, greeting cards, and paintings are made from it.

The first writings about modeling from cold porcelain were found in Chinese treatises. About art and sculpture. Cold porcelain was invented in Argentina in the early 19th century. A similar recipe was used at the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg. As the story goes, the first flowers were made in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century by Pyotr Ulyanovich Ivanov, they were used to decorate perfume bottles for the emperor and his family.


Consider one of the recipes for making porcelain:

  • 1 cup rice or corn starch;
  • 1 cup PVA glue;
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon of rich baby cream.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Do not store in the refrigerator or leave at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

  1. The product can be painted only after complete drying, but not earlier than a day later.
  2. Porcelain can be painted with oil, acrylic paints, and gouache. Coloring with water-based paints (food coloring) should be avoided.
  3. When working with porcelain, so that it does not stick to your hands, lubricate your hands with cream.
  4. Recipes that contain water are fragile and short-lived.
  5. If you add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to the composition, the product will be stronger and more durable, since it creates a preservation effect.
  6. Do not store near water or in direct sunlight.
  7. For storage, optimal temperature conditions must be maintained. At 10°C the structure will collapse. At high temperatures, the structure also collapses - the material shrinks and crumbles.
  8. To ensure that the products last as long as possible, they are coated with varnish. Thus, the product is protected from moisture, color and shape are preserved.
  9. It is recommended to use all the porcelain at a time, but if there is any left, store it in a plastic bag or tightly sealed container.
  10. The surface of the products can be sprinkled with small beads, seed beads, and sand.
  11. If the porcelain material sits for a long time, it becomes liquid. It can also be used. Using a medical syringe, you can draw or write with it, after pre-treating the surface with glue.

Tools required for work:

  • rolling pin and cutting board;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • wire cutters;
  • toothpick or knitting needle;
  • brushes and paints;
  • gloves;
  • thin wire;
  • PVA glue.

Product Description

For beginners, the easiest way is to start sculpting flowers. And caring for them is simple: just blow on the product with a hairdryer to remove dust.


We divide the material into 2 parts: one part is white, and the other is pink (you can pre-paint it soft pink). From each color we make blank blocks, as in the photo, for the petals, and we make the white block thicker.

We connect the blanks together along the length and cut them into small rectangles.

Make the base of the petal pink and the edges white. To do this, glue the petals together with PVA, and in the middle, using a toothpick, make a hole for the stem (wire).

From the previously prepared blocks, you need to form flower petals, connect them together, and make a hole inside for the stem (wire).

We “seat” the buds on a cup-leaf green at the base and white at the edges, secure it and make a stem.

The branch of the sakura harvest should be the same as the real sakura. Each branch is collected separately after complete drying. The buds must be twisted using wire.

Now the sakura can be placed in a vase.


Take a piece of porcelain, about the size of a pea, and roll it out in your palm. After this you need to make a drop.

Using a toothpick, roll out a droplet and roll it into a tube.

We attach subsequent petals to it in a checkerboard pattern. To secure the petals, you can use PVA glue.

Such flowers can be placed in a vase, or they can also be used to decorate a greeting card or a painting.

Video on the topic of the article

The video contains detailed master classes on making products from cold porcelain.