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» Physical punishment is returning to British schools. Lessons in humiliation. Is physical punishment in schools a thing of the past? Lack of motivation

Physical punishment is returning to British schools. Lessons in humiliation. Is physical punishment in schools a thing of the past? Lack of motivation

I studied at a private preparatory school. The rules there were strict even for the early 1960s, when schoolchildren were not treated on ceremony at all, and corporal punishment was the most ordinary thing for us.

Each class had its own belt, thick but flexible. They were flogged for minor offenses; misbehaved in class - get two or three hits with this belt. And those who committed more serious offenses were put on a special list. These poor fellows were awaiting a “Friday” spanking with the director’s cane. As the week went on, the list grew. New additions to it were posted every evening, and after dinner the boys gathered around the notice board, studying new names and rejoicing if they did not find theirs among them.

As far as I remember, the shameful “ritual” that preceded the moment when you leaned over the back of the chair, waiting in fear for the first blow, was even worse than the spanking itself. It all started after a Friday dinner of fish and chips (we simply hated this dish, as we associated it with a further “visit” to the director). After dinner, the first of five all-clear signals sounded, intended for seven-year-old first-graders. The offenders had to undress in their bedrooms and, wearing only panties and T-shirts, gather near the shower room, where the first-graders were washing their faces at that time. After they had washed, they lined up, and the school housekeeper, a stern and sarcastic woman, checked that they had washed well and sent them to their bedrooms. In exactly the same way, only not in the shower itself, but outside, the guilty ones lined up, waiting for the housekeeper to finish fiddling with the kids.

The first-graders went to their bedrooms, and the housekeeper led a “mournful procession” to the director. She stopped the guys near the director's office. The offenders were lined up according to a list that was compiled according to the time the offense was committed, without taking into account the age of the boys, so those who were guilty on Monday stood first, on Friday - last, tall thirteen- and fourteen-year-old teenagers - mixed with seven-eight-year-old kids. And when the director decided that everything was ready, a line of boys entered his office and positioned themselves along the wall.

In the middle of the office there was a low chair in which the director usually sat. The housekeeper called the boys one by one. The offender had to approach the director to listen to the lecture and receive punishment. The director laid the first-graders over his knee, then took a white wooden hairbrush from the housekeeper, which she kept ready, and spanked the kids with this brush. The director ordered the older boys to lean over the back of the chair. The housekeeper pulled the offender's underpants as tight as possible, so that the fabric tightly, without wrinkles, fit the boy's butt. The guys standing by the wall watched in fear as the director walked to the table and took a yellow cane with a round handle.

“Baker, you deserve four strikes! Let this serve as a lesson to you!”

The frightened “criminal” heard the cane whistling through the air, and flinched - yelped when the first blow burned his buttocks. For children's pops, the cane was a very unpleasant instrument. It was necessary to muster all the willpower (the fear of getting an “additive” helped with this) so as not to jump out of the chair and rush away. Only after receiving the required number of blows could the boy stand against the wall again, this time facing it (hands behind his head, tears flowing down his cheeks), and listen to the squeals of the rest of those being punished.

The seriousness of this type of punishment, its weight and significance will be quite high if the school uses it with due caution.

24. Summons for indoctrination to the Pedagogical Council - applied to students in grades 4 to 10 who have committed repeated violations of discipline and do not show sufficient efforts to correct themselves despite the measures of conviction and punishment already applied to them.

The student must give an explanation about his behavior at the Pedagogical Council, listen to advice and instructions, accept the proposals made and receive a warning that if he commits new violations of discipline, the question of his expulsion will be raised.

25. Temporary exclusion from school for a period of not more than two weeks is applied for such serious offenses as insulting teaching staff, repeated violation of orders of the school administration and teachers, for individual facts of grossly indecent behavior in public places and on the street.

Temporary exclusion of a student from school is carried out by the director (head).

This measure is recorded in the student’s personal file. The student and his parents are warned that if the student repeats serious violations of discipline, he may be expelled from school for a long period of time or transferred to a school with a special regime.

26. Expulsion from school for a period of one to three years and sending a student to a school with a special regime are extreme punishments used in the case of gross insult to any of the teaching staff, systematic violation of the orders of the administration, for drinking alcohol, for disorderly conduct, for facts of grossly indecent behavior on the street and in public places, expressed in violation of public order, for malicious damage or theft of public and personal property.

Expulsion from school for a period of one to three years and sending a student to a school with a special regime is carried out by the director (head) of the school by resolution of the Pedagogical Council and approved by the district (city) department of public education.

The head of the district (city) department of public education, having received the school’s materials on the expulsion of a student, is obliged to immediately check the situation on the spot and personally make an appropriate decision.

The final decision to expel a student from school is announced by the school director (head) at a school student meeting of parents, calling them to school.

An extract from the protocol of the Pedagogical Council on the expulsion of a student from school is included in the student’s personal file with a note when this decision is approved by the department of public education.

The district (city) department of public education, if it cancels the decision of the Pedagogical Council, must explain its decision in detail and report it to the regional (territorial) department of public education (NKP ASSR) outlining all the circumstances of the case.

27. A student expelled from school for a period of one to three years cannot be admitted to another general education school of a regular type during the period of time for which he was expelled.

Those expelled for a period of one to three years are admitted back to school in the usual manner, i.e. on a par with new students entering the school.

28. In cases where this is possible and appropriate, the penalty that follows as a natural consequence of the nature of the offense committed is applied.

For example, in case of failure to complete homework - leaving after school to complete this work, in case of contamination of the room - cleaning it, in case of damage to school equipment or things of friends - repairing them on your own or compensation for material damage, in case of breaking the queue - an offer to be the last , in case of violation of the rules of the game - exclusion from it, in case of violation of order at a movie show, during a walk, etc. - deprivation of such pleasure the next time, when offending one of the comrades or when showing impoliteness towards one of the elders - a demand for an apology.

29. When choosing a punishment, you should approach it differentiated depending on the age of the students.

So, for example, removing a student from class and expelling students from school will almost never take place in the lower grades of primary school, requiring the offender to stand up is inappropriate in grades 9-10, etc.

Misdemeanors that are in the nature of a misdemeanor and punishable by law if committed by students over 12 years of age are reported to the civil authorities.

30. It is essential that the student being punished understands the relationship between punishment and misconduct. For these purposes, for any student’s offense that entails punishment, one should: thoroughly understand the reason for the offense, bring to the student’s consciousness the consequences arising from the committed offense for himself, for his parents, for comrades, for the school.

31. The director (head) of the school has the right to increase the punishment imposed by the teacher. Only the teacher who applied it can cancel the imposed penalty.

32. The results of the application of punishments should be monitored, seeking correction of the student and improvement in the behavior of other students.

33. If a student’s behavior is corrected, a corresponding note is made in the class journal or, in more significant cases, in the student’s personal file.

If the teacher, class teacher or director finds it necessary, they note the fact of the student’s correction in front of the group of students (for example, in front of the class).

34. Entries made in the personal file are taken into account when compiling a student’s profile at the end of each academic year, when the student graduates from school, as well as when he transfers to another school.

35. The school administration is obliged to promptly inform the parents of students about the behavior of their children, notify about the facts of the application of punishment and warn about the possibility of applying the most severe punishments (reduced behavior scores, expulsion from school, transfer to a school with a special regime).

It is necessary to agree with parents on joint measures to correct the student and on one line of approach to him.

At the same time, calling parents to school cannot be considered as a type of punishment.

36. In addition to the application of the above penalties, the teacher, class teacher, head. educational department, the director (head) of the school, the student’s behavior, at their suggestion, can be discussed in student organizations.

Student organizations can provide comradely assistance to a student in his correction.

Student organizations have the right to censure members of their team who violate the discipline requirements established for Soviet schoolchildren, and thereby bring down the honor of their class and their school.

However, it is impossible to overload student organizations with an analysis of student misconduct.

Student organizations may accept promises from their members regarding correction of behavior, but with mandatory subsequent monitoring of the fulfillment of these promises.

37. The most important condition for the effectiveness of the use of rewards and punishments is the correct relationship between teachers and students.

In all cases, teachers must invariably treat students fairly.

It is important that students feel attention and care towards them from teachers, sensitivity and a sincere desire to work for their education and upbringing.

It is very important for every teacher to have the ability to find the good sides in any student, and, instilling in the student a sense of dignity and honor, rely on the positive traits of his character in order to help him overcome shortcomings in his behavior.

Appendix B

Questionnaire for teachers

1. How often do you punish students:


2. How often do you encourage students to:


3. How do you most often punish:




Physical punishment

4. How do you most often encourage:





5. Do you punish and reward students fairly:

6. For what purpose do you use methods of reward and punishment:

Putting things in order

Behavior corrections

Directions of existing personality traits

Formation of adequate self-esteem

7. Do you think you are achieving your goal?

8. Do you agree with your parents on rewards and punishments?

9. Do you think it is possible to refuse punishment?

Questionnaire for students

1. Are you often punished?


Schoolgirl Verka Savrasova:

In general, yes. My ancestors decided that it was necessary to lock my curiosity into the mainstream of the Secondary School curriculum. Otherwise, I myself am not interested in what, in their parental opinion, I should be. Such as smoking, alcohol intoxication, self-administering injections prescribed by a doctor, so as not to drag yourself to the clinic for injections and not sit in line.
And even my treatment of the boys worries them greatly. Well, they don’t like the fact that the boys at school grab me with their hands when I practice releasing them from grabs during recess! Like, what if I can’t break free, what if they not only touch me, but also want to rape me! And in general, a decent girl shouldn’t allow boys to treat her like that! In the sense of allowing boys to grab and squeeze you.

In general, my parents sent me to a provincial boarding school for the entire next academic year, since they didn’t have enough money to go to a metropolitan or Moscow region school with the same regime. And now I will have to spend the whole year, both in and outside of school, behind a fence under the constant round-the-clock supervision of teachers, educators and security. And my parents suggested that I consider all this as an acquaintance with life in captivity, since I am bored at a normal school, and I am irresistibly drawn to get acquainted with extreme sports. Like, here’s an extreme experience for you, take it and get acquainted with what army discipline is, what it means to obey the Regulations, live according to the Daily Routine, walk in formation, wash yourself, iron yourself, etc. And so that such a life does not seem boring to me, they have every right to flog me for violations of discipline! In general, enjoy extreme sports as much as your ass can handle!

Actually, I wanted to choose extreme sports for myself, and not have teachers force it on me, but my father fooled me and managed to get consent from me. A particularly powerful argument was the brand new laptop for $1,500, which my parents promised to provide me with when I was sent “outside the fence.” Since it is needed there for studying.

In general, my dad and mom made sure that I was “screwed into the thread” into forced labor, and not across it. And my dad downloaded the statutes of that gymnasium onto a flash drive and printed it out for me at work. And that Charter, that of the Internal Regulations and that of the Disciplinary, which spells out what and how much is supposed to be weighed.
I found out which teachers and educators should be called by their last name and patronymic name, copied them and made me remember them. And the mobile Internet was charged with money and was also well allocated to my mobile phone. And my ancestors were also concerned about acquiring the necessary junk for everyday life there, behind the fence. Like, they bought the kind of underwear that is allowed there according to the Charter. Hygiene items, threads, needles, scissors, fabric for collars, soap, washcloth, shampoo, terry and simple towels. Brushes, toothbrushes, shoe and clothing brushes. Tracksuit and sneakers. Sanitary pads, since my period has already started... Textbooks, notebooks, pencils, felt-tip pens, fountain pens... In general, everything is according to the list, which they also bothered to get there. In short, my father remembered his long-time military service in the Soviet Army. And also books in electronic form on all subjects, including an anthology on Literature and History.

Well, I also bought something from myself and took it with me. Mainly from among those not recommended and “not allowed”. Well, there are all kinds of cosmetics, tampons, contraceptives, lubricators, special literature, in the adult category. In electronic form, of course! Books and videos on my sport. And not only! Well, any nasty three-X porn just makes me sick, but something where girls are treated kindly... To show boys how to caress, kiss, have mercy and love girls, and let girls also look at the correct examples of how boys are supposed to handle them!

The first thing I did was go on the Internet to see where my parents were going to put me! I found the school’s website, reviews about it, and memories of those who had to visit there. Honestly, my parents made the worst choice for me, in my opinion. The reviews were diametrically opposed. Some people simply admired it, but many people wrote real horror stories about this school. Of course, I immediately saved everything I found onto a flash drive. As they say, everything needs to be thought through!

This lovely educational institution is located in a pine forest in the Vladimir region, half an hour’s drive from the nearest train platform. It was created on the basis of a former sanatorium of a large enterprise, which in Soviet times worked for the military-industrial complex, and in modern times, having gone through bankruptcy proceedings, was forced to abandon this facility. The sanatorium, together with the adjacent territory, was purchased by the founders of the School and re-equipped for new purposes.

Some extracts from what I found about this school on the Internet:

Full name: Closed-type educational and correctional school of correctional education named after N.I. Pirogov.

The school's educational population consists of schoolchildren of both sexes aged 11 to 15 years, who are placed in this educational institution for a period of one month to a year.

The grounds for placing a child in school are: poor academic performance, constant disobedience to parents and teachers, bad behavior for a long time, and drug use.

Students are placed in the School at the request of their parents, who determine the period of their detention in this institution. As for the regime for keeping pupils, as well as the nature of pedagogical measures for their re-education, this entirely depends on the teaching staff of the School.

In order to correct negative trends in the character and behavior of the School’s students, along with the usual pedagogical measures, various punishments are applied to them according to Pirogov, the same one about whom Dobrolyubov wrote the verse:

I would like to be whipped!..
But not with the usual cut,
How fools are flogged everywhere,
And others, which he considered decent
Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

Let the high school student Dobrolyubov himself get what he wrote the poem about, but I don’t want that at all! What kind of disgusting thing is hidden under the names of corrective therapy and other rubbish on the school website!

School Management

The entire work of the School is headed and directed by its director, who is elected by the members of the School's Supervisory Board, and who in turn appoints all other employees of this educational institution, including the heads of the Girls' and Boys' Departments, as well as the director of the Tutoring Center.

The departments for boys and girls respectively are managed by supervisors appointed by the School Director. Usually these are people with considerable teaching experience and serious life experience.

Teaching staff

As already mentioned, the teaching staff of the School is divided into teachers and educators. Their functions differ significantly. Teachers, first of all, are obliged to take care of the training and education of their students. The educational process itself is carried out by educators who lead and lead groups of students.

The age composition of teachers and educators is very different, but mostly they are quite young people 25-35 years old, but many students of pedagogical universities are 17-20 years old.

The views of educators (educators) on the process of re-education of their charges vary widely and sometimes diametrically. But the majority consider spanking to be an obligatory and necessary form of educational influence and use it quite often and strictly. However, there are a very small number of educators who believe that executions should not be used too often and too strictly, although even they still use corporal punishment in cases where all other measures have not produced the expected results. Moreover, they are encouraged to do this by the School Charter.

Admission of students to the School

Future students are brought to the School by their parents. All new arrivals are placed in the emergency department with a one- to two-day quarantine. Each of the two Departments of the School has its own reception departments, so future students, depending on their gender, immediately find themselves in the Department of the School where they will study.

In the reception department, educators on duty meet with teenagers and their parents, who conduct an interview with the arrivals during which the reasons why the parents were forced to deliver their offspring to this correctional institution are clarified. Teachers and teenagers are interviewed about why they behave inappropriately and what they themselves think about their behavior.

Then all the necessary forms and papers are filled out, after which the student receives a referral to a certain group, where he will have to study and re-educate. The teacher agrees with the parents for how long the teenager will be placed in a correctional school and will undergo a re-education procedure. This period may be fixed (for example, 3 months or six months) or determined by the result of the correctional process, i.e. the pupil will remain within the walls of the School until his complete correction and re-education. In the latter case, the decision to terminate the student’s stay at the School is made by the Pedagogical Council, taking into account the opinion of the teacher of the group in which the student was brought up.
Simultaneously with passing the formalities, the teenager undergoes a full medical examination, combined with the observation of a psychologist and psychiatrist, who carry out express testing of adolescents

When all of the above issues have been resolved, the teacher on duty acquaints the future pupil and his parents in detail with the established rules and norms of behavior adopted at the School, with the responsibilities of the pupils, as well as with the educational influences to which they will be subjected if these duties are not fulfilled and the routine is violated.

After completing the formalities and undergoing a medical examination, the teenager is subject to the mandatory “First Educational Procedure” followed by a short-term quarantine.
After completing the “First Educational Procedure,” the pupil is provided, if necessary, with medical and psychological assistance, after which the newcomer is changed into a school uniform, having taken away his previous clothes. In addition, boys also have their heads shaved. After this, the newcomer is once again introduced to the rules of conduct at the School, as well as what educational procedures will be applied to him or her for offenses and how he or she is required to behave during the implementation of educational procedures. The story is accompanied by a demonstration of an educational video film, which reflects in detail all the points mentioned.

Verka Savrasova, student.
– In general, after reading about the first educational procedure, I pestered my father so that he would tell me everything about it. Like, I know you talked to them! Look what a “dowry” they bought for me to send there! Let's tell them what you told them about me! And about their “First Educational Procedure” too!

Well, my father told me without hiding about what they asked about me and what he answered about me. Like, when asked what problem my parents need to solve with me, he answered that everything is fine with my studies and behavior, but I have a stubborn character and indomitable curiosity. Like, I tried smoking secretly from my parents and drank vodka too. And not because I was addicted, but only out of curiosity. Because when I couldn’t drink vodka, I diluted it with syrup. And he also told me about how I gave myself injections without my parents’ knowledge.

They also asked about my relationship with boys. He said that after almost three years ago three of my peers beat me bloody, I resorted to hand-to-hand combat in order to be able to defend myself if something happened. And then at school during recess I practiced releasing the grips on my classmates.

They asked, why then are parents so worried? He replied that he was very afraid that I would do something else potentially dangerous. For example, I provoke boys into rape, and then it’s unknown how my fight with them will end. Or, out of curiosity, I’ll decide to steal from a supermarket. Like my parents were never able to find out from me how I acquired the quarter. So they decided to put me under supervision for a year.

They also asked about how I was punished for disobedience. He answered that before this year there was no need to punish me in any way, like everything was explained that way, but this year I “fell off the chain.” Like, I declare that both school and parents do not teach me what is necessary for life.

After that they asked me when my period came. He answered that about a little over a year ago I told my father about my first period. They were very surprised and asked about my relationship with my mother. He replied that my mother had delegated the solution to all delicate problems with me to him. That most often the daughter sends such questions to her father, and then asks what the father told his daughter. He said that my mother doesn’t have any nerves when it comes to me, that in most cases my mother’s reactions are very emotional.

They asked about punishments again. Like, did my parents have to punish me with a belt? He replied that it happened a couple of times. They asked me to tell you more. The father asked to ask specific questions. In general, he said that the first time he was flogged with a belt was for vodka. He said that I resisted, and when I spanked, I cursed with bad words and called my parents all sorts of names. And that time he spanked me until I burst into tears. And then they moved me from the floor to the bed, put a cold compress on my butt and began to calm me down. And that I didn’t seem to be offended by my parents.
And the second time was when I brought a diary entry from school for allegedly dissolute behavior at school. But he didn’t punish me for depraved behavior, because there was nothing depraved, the boys just grabbed me and groped me, and I practiced different ways to break out at them. And he flogged me because during a conversation with my father I freaked out and threatened suicide. And that I again skillfully resisted, and if he had not stocked up on handcuffs, it is not a fact that he would have been able to flog me. And he considers beating me with anything absolutely unacceptable. And then, for all my sins, he immediately flogged me with a belt, long and hard. And again, during the spanking, I screamed curses, but this time I didn’t call my parents names. And he stopped flogging me because he gave me such bruises on my ass that he decided that this was excessive cruelty. And my mother, looking at all this, got scared and rushed to take me away. And then my father took off the handcuffs and told me to take care of my ass myself. And I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in there, although my mother was going to help me. And it seemed like I wasn’t offended by my parents again, but behaved as if I had managed to achieve something.

He also said that once my mother whipped me with a belt, missing the target. This happened when, without my parents’ knowledge, I started giving myself injections so as not to have to go to the clinic. And my mother noticed a used syringe in the trash and was afraid that I had become a drug addict. But my mother didn’t manage to beat me, because I didn’t give in. And he couldn’t even give his mother a slap. Because I automatically knocked off my mother’s hand. And she whipped me later, when my father sent me and my mother to make peace. He said that I asked for my father’s belt and went to make peace with my mother. Like, at first my mother didn’t want to spank me, she just wanted to make an oral suggestion. But I told my mother that I came to make peace, and not to have my brain fucked. And then the mother freaked out and whipped her in all directions, although her daughter endured it in silence and didn’t even dodge. So then the mother herself asked her daughter for forgiveness. And it seems that the daughter was satisfied with the results of her provocation. Like, she expressed to her parents everything that she thought about them, and provoked her mother into an undeserved beating, and managed to get her mother to confess that she was wrong.

This is my father! “He laid out everything about me, but there’s nothing to complain about!” I told the whole truth, but did not tell the School anything compromising about me.

And I began to ask what the school had promised him to do with me?
In general, he was told that I was a good girl, and my problems were quite common for my age. And that they will certainly teach me to behave in a safe manner. Like, they have the best teachers and educators. And their life safety course is the most powerful. And law enforcement officials often speak with them and explain and show everything very clearly. And they promised that I would be under supervision all the time, so there simply couldn’t be any excesses with the boys, or fights, or criminal charges for theft. And they will stop me from swearing and resisting immediately upon admission. Because after their “First Educational Procedure,” the newcomer immediately begins to obey the educators unquestioningly.

And here I pestered my father, like tell me, what kind of “First Educational Procedure” is this?
Dad tried to get rid of it by saying that this was a way to immediately teach the pupils to obey unquestioningly. He recommended that I obey any demands of the teachers immediately, and without asking questions. He said that parents are strongly advised not to tell their children about this “first educational procedure.” When I heard “don’t talk about it,” I clung to him like a tick. And although he didn’t want to tell me anything, I split him anyway. She stated that if he didn’t tell me everything himself, then even without him I would find detailed answers on the Internet to the question from the category “where do children come from.” And now I’m wondering what my father will tell me about all this. And if he doesn’t want to talk, then I’ve already picked up a lot about it from the Internet anyway. I can also ask around on Odnoklassniki. And then my father told me the following:
– This ephemeralism refers to the close acquaintance with the caning of the naked buttocks of all newcomers upon entering school. In short, this is education according to Pirogov, he won’t be mentioned by night. And then details began that did not change the essence of the matter.
The “first educational procedure” is carried out by the teacher who conducted the interview and to whose group the teenager was previously sent based on the results of studying the personal file, information from parents and the results of secret express testing by a psychologist and psychiatrist during the interview of the newcomer and his medical examination.

The “procedure” is carried out in order to immediately accustom the newcomer to unquestioning obedience to the teacher by inflicting educational painful effects of a shock level. Parents are informed about this separately from their child. They are convinced of the need for their lost child to carry out this painful educational procedure and are given a guarantee that nothing irreparable will happen to their precious but disobedient child. Parents are allowed to observe the educational procedure, but are not given the right to interfere in the “process”.
When the entire contingent of students enters school before the start of the school year, teachers flog them on a bench in the same premises where they themselves previously conducted interviews. During studies, such educational procedures are carried out in the “Complex of premises for the execution of disciplinary sanctions” equipped for this purpose, and in short, in “Rydalna”.

The teacher (teacher) orders the new pupil or pupil to bare his buttocks and lie down on a special spanking bench. The bench is equipped with straps to secure the teenager at the waist, as well as to tie his arms and legs.

The peculiarity of the “first educational procedure” is that newcomers are brought to it completely naked immediately after a medical examination in order to reduce their ability to resist the educator.
If the newcomer immediately obeys the teacher’s demand to lie down on the bench and allows himself to be restrained without resistance, then he is given the 30 rods established for the first educational procedure. For such a newcomer, the blows are dealt quite hard for obedience, but without excessive cruelty. And such a newcomer, after he is tied to the bench, is told before the flogging that this is not humiliation or punishment, but simply a painful educational procedure, like mustard plasters, thanks to which he will immediately gain the ability to obey unquestioningly and firmly remember what awaits him in case of violation. It is reported that he can scream, and that screaming during the procedure is not considered either humiliation or weakness, but only a way to better endure unbearable pain.
If a pupil or pupil tries to resist, then the number of rods increases up to 60, and to fix and suppress resistance, the teacher can use the assistance of two guards. The resisting teenager is forcibly tied to a bench and whipped much harsher than the one who immediately obeyed. After the first dozen rods they ask whether he is ready to obey the teacher unquestioningly. If he does not make such a promise, then they will flog him further. And so on until he makes a promise to obey unquestioningly. After this, they untie him, console him, and convince him that he did the right thing. And when he thinks that the educational procedure is over for him, he is reminded of the promise he has just given to obey unquestioningly, and is ordered to lie down on the bench. If the teenager, having come to his senses, immediately obeys, then he receives 30 rods assigned to a newcomer. If he begins to be indignant, he is again forcibly tied and whipped again until he screams that he is ready to obey. Then they untie him, console him, and suggest that if the teacher ordered, then after that he is obliged to ensure that the order is carried out. And nothing else! And suddenly they again order the newcomer to lie down on the bench and receive the allotted 30 rods. True, if he obeys, then after that they don’t try too hard. They seem to be hinting that if you obey, they will of course flog you, but they will not be zealous.

Verka Savrasova:
Now I understand why a day of quarantine is assigned after the first educational procedure. So that a beginner can get over the shock, come to his senses and change his behavior!
In general, I extracted from my father everything that awaited me upon admission! There is no reason for innovative teachers to give us newbies such nasty surprises!

I asked my father why he didn’t immediately tell me that upon admission I would be flogged with rods?
He replied that it is strongly not recommended for the administration to say this. She demanded to know why this is not recommended!? He answered that they wanted to subject the newcomer to shock-level stress. Because emotional shock is more powerful than any logical arguments. And if you are warned, then you are almost armed. That’s why he limited himself to only advising me, if something happened, to obey there immediately and without asking questions. Then maybe for me entering the School will be possible without a spanking. Unless, of course, I’m insolent. After talking with my father, they called me a good girl. Again, starting this year, the “First educational procedure,” or “registration” in slang, was left to the discretion of the teacher. That is, if I don’t show off, then maybe “registration” will pass me by. But all the same, one of the newcomers, the most frostbitten or the most impudent, will definitely be whipped in the presence of everyone else. To instill fear in both him and everyone else, to warn and warn him and all the other newcomers too.

I read further what I managed to dig up on the Internet:
After undergoing instruction and quarantine, the new student is sent to the group in which the teacher on duty enrolled him and where the student will have to undergo training during the entire period of his stay at the School. The newcomer is met by the teacher (or teacher) of this group, introduces the newcomer to his comrades and solves the necessary everyday issues.

– Starting this year, it is customary to resolve organizational and legal issues with parents in advance, before they take the child to school. The process turned out to be time consuming.
The decision to conduct the “First educational procedure” and its intensity for a newcomer upon entering school is left to the discretion of his teacher after familiarizing himself with the parents, characteristics and personality of the student himself.

Groups, Classes and daily routine of School students

All pupils and pupils of the School are distributed into classes and groups at the time of admission to this educational institution.

Pupils of the same gender and age (one year of study) make up the Class. The numbering of classes corresponds to that in ordinary secondary schools, depending on the student’s year of study (8th, 9th, 10th, etc.). The class, in turn, is divided into groups of 12-15 people. The group also includes students of the same gender and age. Mixed groups are not allowed. One class can include 2-3 groups at the same time.

All students from groups belonging to one class study in the same classroom, but live separately in their groups. This division allows you to reduce the number of teachers, because there is no need to invite teachers for each individual group. At the same time, the process of re-education is carried out very effectively, since the educators who are in each group (12-15 people) can observe the behavior of their students much better than teachers leading classes of 30-40 students.

The School has special groups for juvenile drug addicts. Such groups enroll teenagers who used drugs before entering the School, and for whom, in addition to educational correction, medical assistance is also provided. Such groups are completely isolated from all other groups and the educational regime there is much stricter.

The teaching staff of the School is divided into teachers and educators. In addition to them, there are technical staff: security guards, medical workers, cooks, etc.

The school is a full boarding school, in which students stay 24 hours a day during the entire period of their stay in this educational institution. Any absences are not permitted.

The school is divided into two main Divisions: for boys and girls. In addition, there is also a Tutoring Center, which carries out not so much an educational, but rather an educational and preparatory function.

The curriculum at the School is fully consistent with the curriculum in regular secondary schools in the country.

The daily routine of group pupils

All pupils belonging to one group live in one isolated residential block, which includes:

1. Bedroom cabins for 8 – 12 beds, consisting of bunk beds;
2. Toilet for 8 people;
3. A shower room in which 8 people can simultaneously take a shower and the same number can wash at the washbasins.
4. Educational room, where the teacher (or teacher) of the group works and where pupils are punished for their offenses.

The bedroom contains the appropriate number of beds. Each such bed has a bedside table for the pupils’ personal belongings. The bedroom windows have double bars and an alarm system.

Hidden video cameras are installed in the bedroom, toilet and shower room for round-the-clock monitoring of what is happening in the group room. The image from these cameras is displayed on the monitors of teachers and security guards on duty, in addition, it is broadcast on the Internet, which makes it possible for any interested teacher to monitor the behavior of pupils, even while at home.

The School operates an intra-school wired radio network. In the living quarters of each group, loudspeakers are installed with the help of which the School Director, his deputies, and heads of Departments can directly address students. The radio also alerts students about morning wake-up and evening lights out.

Each group, as already mentioned, consists of 12-15 students of the same age. Although they are all considered equal to each other, their actual status may vary significantly. The teacher (or teacher) at his own discretion appoints the head of the group and his two assistants. Usually these are students who have firmly taken the path of correction. These three privileged pupils are the main conductors of the teacher's (educator's) policy and help him (or her) in matters of maintaining discipline and order in the corresponding group. Their responsibilities include reporting to the teacher any violations of discipline and order and pointing out those responsible.

The headman and assistants monitor the strict observance by the pupils of the group of all orders of the teacher (teacher), as well as teachers. They also help the teacher in carrying out the educational procedure for the guilty pupils: they suppress the resistance of the obstinate, if necessary, they are forcibly undressed, tied to a bench, their limbs are secured with belts, etc. Sometimes some teachers even entrust them with carrying out the educational procedure for the guilty, but this happens rarely. They do not have the right to punish the guilty on their own. For exceeding their powers, the headman and his assistants themselves are subjected to a strict educational procedure by the teacher (teacher).

As a reward for performing these functions, the headman and assistants have a number of privileges and concessions, the amount of which is determined by the teacher (teacher) of the group, for example, they may be exempt from cleaning the premises of the residential block. However, in case of misconduct, they receive punishments on a general basis and without any discounts. The pupils usually do not like the headman and his henchmen.

The teacher (teacher) can at any time deprive the headman of his group of rank and privileges.

Every day, two people on duty are appointed in the group, whose responsibilities include cleaning the premises of the residential block, washing floors, windows, etc. The work of the people on duty is supervised by the head of the group, while neither he himself nor his assistants may take part in cleaning the premises. But they are still responsible to the teacher if the room is not cleaned properly.

Pupils' daily routine

6-00 – rise. Exercise. Cleaning the beds. Morning toilet. Morning inspection.
7-00 – breakfast in the common dining room of the corresponding School Department.
7-30 – walk in the School yard.
8-00 – preparation for training sessions.
8:30 – start of the first lesson.
12-30 – lunch.
13-30 – continuation of lessons.
16-30 – end of lessons. A walk in the School yard.
17-30 – independent preparation of homework.
19-00 – general meeting of all pupils of the group in the teacher’s room. "Debriefing". Carrying out educational procedures.
20-00 – free time, rest.
21-00 – evening walk
21-30 – evening verification
22-00 – lights out.

The daily routine at the School is strictly observed. At 6 o'clock in the morning the wake-up signal is transmitted over the loudspeaker. Students are required to quickly get up and run for exercise, after which they must make their beds and perform their morning toilet.

Pupils have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the common dining room, which is available in each of the School’s departments and in the Tutoring Center. Teachers and educators eat meals in a separate dining room. The food is simple and healthy, without frills or frills.

After breakfast, it is time for a walk in the courtyard of the corresponding Department of the School. The territory of each Department of the School is fenced with a high internal fence, which does not allow students from different Departments to see each other. The walk is carried out under the supervision of teachers. Active games are allowed.

After a half-hour walk, the students return to the school buildings and begin to prepare for classes: they repeat the assigned material, study textbooks and teaching aids.

Lessons begin at 08:30. Pupils of groups belonging to a certain class study in a strictly defined room. All lessons are held only in this room so that students do not move from one classroom to another when changing subjects. This is done to isolate students of different classes from each other and prevent the negative influence of elders on younger ones.
True, to study in specialized classes you have to move from class to class, although you can connect the laptops of students and teachers into a computer network in any class. Young teachers teach this to their students right away. Help for older teachers. So, ensuring that individual assignments are issued to students for class work, tests and homework is carried out without problems, as is checking completed assignments.

The duration of lessons and breaks corresponds to what takes place in regular secondary schools. The same applies to the curriculum.

Classes are conducted by teachers; educators are most often not present during lessons, since there is a clear distribution of roles. Teachers teach academic subjects, but are much less concerned about the education of their students. Educators are the opposite: they hardly interfere in the educational process, but the process of education is completely under their control.

Teachers may teach multiple subjects to the same class, or teach just one.

Among the teachers there are completely different people: women and men, young and old. Some subjects are taught even by senior students of pedagogical universities. In these cases, to ensure discipline in the lesson, they try to ensure the presence of one of the teachers in the lesson. The character of different teachers also varies significantly from extremely gentle to extremely strict. Some cannot imagine the educational process without violence, others are completely opposed to such methods, but the majority, within reasonable limits, apply educational pain to careless and disobedient students.

Teachers, in principle, can use educational pain to maintain discipline during classes. To warn off violators, the following are hung on the wall near the board on special hooks: rattan canes (rods) of various lengths, thicknesses and flexibility; belts of various modifications; Birch rods are soaking in a bucket standing in the corner of the classroom. There is also a spanking bench in the classroom. However, most often, teachers use this only if very limited educational pain is applied to students, which does not require control by a health worker (for inattention, minor violations of discipline, etc.). However, it all depends on the character of the teacher and the powers given to him. There are teachers who are tacitly denied the right to apply any painful pressure to violators themselves. This applies to all teaching students. They are required to contact their teachers. Other teachers are given this right, but they avoid using it themselves and tend to forgive the faults of their students, especially those who are successful students. Students' academic success increases the evaluation of their teachers' work.

In case of serious offenses (disobedience, insolence, poor academic performance, unfinished homework, etc.), teachers write a note to the teacher of the group to which the offending student belongs, asking him to take appropriate educational measures for this student. At the same time, an entry is also made in the journal recording the use of painful educational influences. Thus, the teacher (or teacher) will definitely receive timely information about the misbehavior of her student, indicating: the name of the offender, an indication of his offense and the teacher’s or teacher’s wishes about what, in his opinion, educational procedures should be applied to this student.

The teacher or teacher, as a rule, takes into account the teacher’s opinion, but the final decision on the choice of educational procedure for the pupil (pupil) of his group is made by themselves. Sometimes the difference is very significant. Sometimes the teacher (teacher) of a group can either greatly increase or, on the contrary, greatly reduce the intensity of the educational procedure for his pupil compared to what the teacher recorded in the logbook. Everything also very much depends on the personality of the teacher or teacher.

Each teacher, at the end of his lesson, must give each student in the class grades for both academic performance and behavior. This assessment is entered by the teacher (teacher) in the journal of student progress and behavior. A score of 2 points (and even more so - 1) is guaranteed to mean for the student that in the evening of the same day he (or she) will receive a very intensive educational procedure from his teacher (teacher).
A score of 3 points also entails an educational procedure, but less intense. In this case, the student may receive additional assignments for self-preparation if the grade is reduced for academic performance or an emergency assignment to chores if it is reduced for violation of discipline.
The use of time-consuming forms of educational influence such as kneeling in a corner on peas, or a punishment cell is recognized as an inappropriate waste of time.

A rating of “4” does not entail any educational measures, and a rating of “5,” if given over a long period, may be the basis for rewarding the student.

Grades for academic performance are also entered by the teacher (teacher) in the journal of student progress and behavior. The subsequent reaction of teachers to grades for students’ performance is fully consistent with that indicated above in relation to the behavior of students.

Grades for student performance and behavior are considered equally important at the School and are indicators of the process of re-education.

If in relation to any student (student) the teacher (teacher) considers it necessary to apply an educational procedure using dosed painful effects, then he is obliged to make an appropriate entry in the journal of such educational measures and, in addition, a note is written to the teacher of the group where the offender is being educated. Educational procedures can be prescribed both for negligence in studies and for bad behavior.

At 16-30 lessons end, and all students have the opportunity to walk in the fresh air for an hour. As during the morning walk, students are constantly monitored by teachers of the groups where they are educated.

After the walk, students sit down to prepare their homework. This happens in the same classroom where lessons were previously held. However, this process is no longer observed by teachers, but by educators. Self-preparation continues until 7 pm.
Educators are asked to take into account the diligence of students who have been at fault during self-preparation in their subsequent decision on applying educational procedures to them, especially with the use of dosed painful effects.

At 19-00, teachers send the pupils of their groups back to the residential blocks and order them to gather in the teachers' room. After all the pupils (pupils) of the group have gathered in their teacher’s room, the door is locked and an analysis of the behavior of each pupil in the group over the past day begins.

The teacher (teacher) of the group studies the journal of progress and behavior, as well as the journal of penalties, and notes received from teachers are also considered. In addition, the teacher (teacher) of the group listens to the report of the group leader on the behavior of the students in the classroom and on their compliance with the instructions of the educators and teachers.

Based on the results of this consideration, the teacher (teacher) makes a decision about which students to subject to educational procedures and which to encourage. The intensity, strength and forms of educational influences and rewards are entirely in the power of the teacher (teacher) and strongly depend on their views, inclinations and character.

Verka Savrasova, schoolgirl:
“Here I again demanded that my father explain all the nonsense about educational procedures. Like, why don’t these hypocrites directly call spanking spanking, but come up with all sorts of nonsense about some procedures and painful effects? And what is dosed? - How many blows should I give? Or what marks to carve on your butt?
Well, he told me something like that teachers try to avoid the word punishment in their documents. Instead, they write not punishment, but education. And the fact that instead of the word spanking they write educational procedure is to remind educators that their goal is not so much to flog for an offense, but to obtain the desired educational result. And therefore, if you have to remember the rod, then instead of the word flogging they use the words educational dosed painful impact. And the word “dosed” can mean that we should be flogged fairly and without harm to health. And only for educational purposes, and not out of anger. That’s why they always try to drag in the word education. And in general, if they are suddenly banned from flogging one day, they don’t want to rewrite the Disciplinary Charter because of this. Therefore, instead of the word spanking, they wrote an educational procedure or educational dosed pain. Abbreviated as VDBV. And what exactly this is, it is only called by its proper name in documents for official use. They'll poke you with a stun gun and you'll get the same VDBV. But they don't do that yet. And thank God they don’t. Living organisms have been adapting to restore mechanical damage for hundreds of millions of years, but electric shock has just appeared! For example, burns, even superficial ones, heal much worse than mechanical damage to the skin.

In general, then I translate everything from their allegorical language into understandable language and call everything by its proper name.
Some educators flog offenders often and severely, seeing this as the only effective way to re-educate students, others adhere to more liberal positions and tend to show greater humanism. Moreover, the range of opinions on this issue among educators is very wide and sometimes radical. But more often than not, every offense of a student is always followed by a spanking, combined with some additional punishment, such as washing floors, washbasins, and toilets.

When does the punishment process begin? The teacher (teacher) orders the pupils who will be flogged today to line up facing the wall, kneel down and expose their buttocks. At the same time, boys should lower their pants and underwear, and girls should lift their skirts and also lower their underwear.

After all this has been done, the teacher (teacher) calls the offending students one by one to carry out the educational intervention assigned to them.

To carry out appropriate educational interventions in the teaching room there is the following set of devices:

1. A wooden bench with leather straps to secure the student at the waist, back, as well as limbs - arms and legs;
2. A special high, stable stool, also equipped with fixing straps.
3. Gymnastic goat, complemented by belts for fixing the limbs and waist;
4. A cabinet where all the necessary tools for educational activities are stored on appropriate hooks and shelves: rattan rods of various lengths, thicknesses and flexibility, leather and rubber belts of various sizes. There is also the necessary set of medical first aid equipment.
5. A plastic baby bathtub with classic birch rods and willow twigs. To prevent the water from going rotten, salt and vinegar are mixed into it.

In addition, in the teaching room there is also a leather sofa on which a pupil or pupil can be laid to carry out educational influence.

Many teachers are too lazy to bother with tying even a non-resisting student to a bench in order to whip him several times on the bottom with a belt for some little thing that the teacher prescribed. Then the teachers simply bend him over their knee so that he rests his hands on the floor, and beat him on his bare bottom, without tying him up in any way. This is how some teachers spank naughty girls in class. It's faster with girls. He sat down on a chair, bent the naughty student over his knee, lifted the hem, pulled off her panties, and spanked her with his palm. True, in most cases, teachers are advised not to spank immediately, but at first to limit themselves to a remark.
The teacher can also use his desk or the student’s desk for executions, especially if he does not want to be distracted from presenting the lesson. Orders the offending student and her prefect to carry out execution. The condemned student goes to the back table in the classroom. There she lifts her skirt, pulls her panties down to her knees and lies with her stomach on the table and her bare butt towards the teacher at the blackboard so that he can see everything. Her prefect goes to the blackboard, takes a belt or a rod there, returns to the back of the class and flogs the offender. The guilty are supposed to endure such punishment in silence. Because no one should be distracted and look at the back of the class. And it’s hard not to automatically look back at a scream, and even more so at a squeal. Therefore, the disciples make a promise to each other to endure the pain in silence. Although in the “weeping room” you can scream as you want. Because no matter what, the rest of the students in the class at this time need to listen to the teacher, who usually begins to dictate something. And then the head girl must make the necessary entries in the journal and report to the teacher. A short SMS to her work mobile phone. So that everything is documented.

There's more fuss with boys. Their ass spanking during class takes up more time. Therefore, in order not to waste time on such trifles, the offending student is sent to the back of the class. There he lifts up his trouser legs, and his headman whips him on his bare calves. Usually with a rod so that noticeable marks remain.

And during the “debriefing” from 19:00 to 20:00, the teachers are in no hurry.
A pupil (or pupil) called for punishment lies down on one of the spanking devices designated by the teacher (teacher) (a bench, stool or goat). If they try to resist, then force is used either by the teacher himself or by the School security guards called by the teacher. For the same purposes, the teacher (teacher) can use the leader of their group and his assistants, who are ordered to force the offender to the appropriate place and secure him with belts.

After the pupil (teacher) is restrained and ready for execution, the teacher (teacher) selects a rod or belt and begins the punishment. Before starting the spanking, the teacher (teacher) must once again remind the offender of his (her) offense, as well as the amount of the punishment that will follow. Then the teacher (teacher) begins the spanking.

Or if you are too lazy to tie him up on the bench, then the teacher can order another condemned person to sit on the shoulders of the one who is now lying on the bench, and order another one of the same person to sit on his feet. And then swap their places.
When spanking with a belt, the teacher (teacher) often does not use any special devices at all, but simply clamps the head of the offender between their legs and spanks the naked bottom with a double-folded belt. To do this, many female teachers wear jeans or, less often, short skirts, since long skirts in this case are not entirely comfortable.

The teacher (or teacher) can order the student to count the blows received. In addition, the punishment is accompanied by a reminder to the pupil of the need for his/her good behavior and obedience in the future.

Before releasing the punished person, he/she must ask for forgiveness and only after that can they be free.

After all the guilty students have been punished, the teacher (teacher) allows the students to rest and go about their business. Pupils who behaved well and studied diligently can obtain permission from the teacher (teacher) for additional visits to the cinema, swimming pool, computer or gym. Sometimes even from 19:00 without their presence at the “debriefing”.

At 22-00 after lights out, all students must be in their beds.

Note: The teacher MUST record each case of the use of educational dosed painful influences in the Journal of registration of educational painful influences. The issue of using educational procedures with shock-level pain for exceptional offenses is decided at the teachers' council.

Meetings with relatives

Pupils of the School can meet with relatives only once a week - on Sunday. No exceptions are made for anyone. These meetings take place on the ground floor of the relevant Department in a room specially designated for this purpose. Pupils and their parents sit at the table opposite each other. The meeting takes place under the supervision of one of the teachers on duty.

The duration of the meeting cannot exceed 2 hours.

Parents are provided with general information about the behavior and academic performance of their offspring, as well as about the educational procedures applied to them.

Only their parents, uncles and aunts, as well as grandparents are allowed to visit students. Dating with minor brothers, sisters, friends, acquaintances and schoolmates is strictly prohibited.

Pupils and pupils may be deprived of the right to visit relatives for bad behavior or poor academic performance.
(End of extract)

Verka Savrasova, schoolgirl:
My parents highly appreciated my ability to withstand extreme sports! It won't cost me much to buy a brand new laptop! If this is not a prison, then it is certainly not a pioneer camp, which I can’t stand either! If they don’t screw me over here, they probably won’t be able to do it anywhere. Unless I kill myself, of course.


Poor Verka! They poisoned a girl to a school with a semi-prison regime! However, “The Stainless Steel Rat” Harry Harrison sent his boys to exactly the same school, so that they could be made into men! So there is always a need for such establishments.
It’s a pity, of course, that the remains of Verka’s childhood and most of his youth will be ruined, but staying in such an institution is disciplined! Unless, of course, teachers abuse their power. In my opinion, punishing young girls aged 14 to 22 (inclusive) is a very useful thing! I am sure that for bad behavior in a correctional school, rudeness to elders, not doing homework, skipping classes, bad grades, etc., mischievous girls can be flogged with rods.
This is a wonderful, time-tested method of correcting behavior and lifestyle!
I Vera Savrasova could be happy if teachers are doing a very good job for the benefit of society, but this is of course just my opinion. I think that if only a girl is thoroughly flogged for misbehavior, nothing bad will come from it other than good!!! In this way, a well-bred generation of girls will grow up! Of course, you can’t commit any minor offenses there, but if you’ve done something seriously wrong, then yes. Put it down and flog it!
On the other hand, some teachers reason this way: “Why do you like to whip naughty girls with rods?” Because it's erotic. The girl being punished looks very sexy - she bends over from the blows and cries. Is it bad if she agrees to various pranks in order to reduce her punishment? Another thing is that girls can only be flogged with the voluntary consent of the children and their parents. I won’t hide it - it will be hard for Vera, but it will be useful

The new school year in St. Petersburg began with loud scandals. First, the school in the Pushkin district became famous. There, during a lesson, the music teacher called the sixth-graders “stupid and wretched,” and the educational institution itself “poor.” In the Kalininsky district, a German language teacher went even further and hit a disobedient student on the head with a textbook. The boy has a concussion.

Adequacy check

A schoolboy who was hit in the head with a textbook was taken to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed a concussion and traumatic brain injury in a 13-year-old patient. When the incident became public, both famous teachers hurried to go on sick leave.

In the Pushkinsky district, the prosecutor's office has already initiated an investigation and found evidence that the teacher allowed herself to make statements that violated the rights of students to humane treatment. Thus, she compromised the norms of professional ethics. Human rights activists demand that the teacher be punished. In the Kalininsky district, the prosecutor's office is still looking into what happened.

Teacher with 40 years of experience Maria Sutupova I am sure that only unbalanced people can afford such an attitude towards students. “Of course, the work is hard. But children drive every teacher crazy,” says Maria Nikolaevna. - I believe that it is necessary to introduce mandatory annual examination of teachers by psychiatrists in schools, because emotional and professional burnout in a teacher can occur within 5-7 years. It is necessary to monitor the condition of teachers.”

Neither the schools nor the Education Committee of St. Petersburg wanted to comment on the incident. “If one of the children had not thought of filming this disgrace, everything would have continued like this,” I’m sure Ekaterina P., mother of one of the students who fell under the hot hand of that same music teacher with 33 years of experience.

Lack of motivation?

By the way, in the Kirov region in March of this year, a dictaphone recording of a teacher’s unethical behavior in a Russian language lesson became the subject of an investigation by the prosecutor’s office. In it, a teacher can be heard calling a fifth-grader names and threatening to “blow her head off” because the student dropped flower pots on the teacher’s desk. Human rights activists ordered the school management to eliminate the causes of the violation. But it was not possible to find out whether the teacher was fired.

Meanwhile, it is known for sure that after the intervention of the prosecutor’s office, a primary school teacher in the Moscow region lost her job because in September last year she wrote the word “Fool” on the forehead of a second-grader.

HR specialist Elena Knyazeva I am sure that the prestige of the teaching profession could not be raised either through salary increases or benefits. If motivation in Russian education really worked, then such incidents, in her opinion, would not happen so often. “There is a shortage of staff in almost every school. For example, there are currently 24 vacancies for music teachers in the city. The promised salary is a maximum of 40 thousand rubles,” says the expert.

According to Commissioner for Children's Rights in St. Petersburg Svetlana Agapitova, conflicts in educational institutions are not uncommon. The department receives about 100 complaints annually about teachers who abuse children. However, the fault does not always lie solely with teachers.

“In our city there are cases when, unable to withstand the claims of parents and children, teachers filed claims for the protection of honor and dignity,” says Agapitova. - Recently, the National Research University Higher School of Economics conducted a survey in which 2.8 thousand teachers from 75 regions took part. He showed that teachers often become victims of bullying (psychological and physical aggression) from teenagers. 50% experienced bullying two to three times, and 6% of teachers experience it regularly. Of course, people who allow themselves to insult children, much less raise a hand against them, should not be in school. But schoolchildren also need to behave in such a way that the teacher can fulfill his duties - teach a lesson, and not waste time establishing discipline. But only mom and dad can explain this to schoolchildren.”