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» Flag of Germany. Colors, history, meaning of the German flag. What do the flag and coat of arms of Germany mean? German flag 1941

Flag of Germany. Colors, history, meaning of the German flag. What do the flag and coat of arms of Germany mean? German flag 1941

German national symbols have an ancient history, dating back to the oldest noble families of Europe. The flag and coat of arms of Germany, like other similar signs, have their own meaning due to the history of this state.

The meaning of the German coat of arms

The Federal Republic of Germany chose a symbol of courage and vitality for its coat of arms. The single-headed eagle is a symbol revered by many peoples, the meaning of which is difficult to exaggerate.

Initially, a black eagle with a red beak was a symbol of the Holy Roman Empire. The sign belonged to the personal heraldry of Henry the Fourth.

In the 15th century, the eagle undergoes a transformation and becomes double-headed. This coat of arms is chosen for the symbolism of Austria-Hungary. Even the Nazis use this symbol in conjunction with the swastika.

The modern German coat of arms was adopted in 1950. The artist Tobias Schwab is considered its creator. The first sketch of an eagle for a government sign was drawn back in 1926.

The final decision regarding the national symbol was made by President Theodor Heuss.

Today the black eagle is depicted on a yellow shield. Its wings are spread out to the sides, and its claws and beak are painted red. The meaning of the symbol is interpreted as courage, strength and the light of the sun that illuminates Germany.

Description of the German flag

The flag of Germany can rightfully be called the tricolor. Its colors alternate with each other in the following sequence:

  • Black;
  • Red;
  • Yellow.

The current version of the flag was adopted by the Parliamentary Council in Bonn. Representatives of various states approved this option, and also enshrined it legislatively in Article 22, paragraph 2 of the federal law on state symbols.

The black-red-gold flag became the official symbol of the state in 1959. The formal designation of the symbol occurred much earlier in 1949.

The meaning of the German tricolor is very symbolic. Black here symbolizes the past of the republic, as well as the darkness through which the Germans emerged into the light. The red hue signifies the struggle for a brighter future and the blood shed to establish the republic. The golden color can be interpreted as a good future for Germany.

Some experts believe that the colors of the symbol can be deciphered differently. It is believed that such shades indicate the unity and freedom of the German people.

The history of the colors chosen for the flag begins in the 19th century. It was then that the students who formed the Freedom Corps used these colors in the fight against Napoleon. Their coats were black and the buttons were brass. There were also red stripes on the frock coats.

The service flag of various institutions is almost identical to the state flag, but has the German coat of arms in the middle. The official symbol of the German naval forces is a flag with a pigtail in the form of a check mark. The colors and crest for this variant remain the same.

German states and their provinces may have their own insignia, but are required by law to display the flag and coat of arms of the country on all their government institutions.

Disrespect for German symbols of modernity is punished quite severely in Germany. For inappropriate handling of symbols, you can get a real prison sentence or pay a fine.

The Germans are proud that their main symbols stand for freedom, the struggle for independence and hope for a good future. The flag of the German Republic is always flown at all official events, and is lowered only in case of large-scale mourning in the country. The Germans value and know the history of their main coat of arms and flag.

The modern flag of Germany, the photo of which is located below, was officially approved on March 9, 1948. It is a rectangular canvas, which consists of three horizontal stripes. The lower one is golden in color (as is commonly believed, even despite the fact that it is, in fact, yellow), the middle one is red, and the upper one is black. The width of this German state symbol is related to the length as three to five. Throughout German history it has been canceled several times. At first this was done by adherents of the empire, and then by the fascists. Despite everything, the country's national symbol was invariably revived.

First uses of the modern flag

The first historical mention of the use of this color combination dates back to the nineteenth century. Then this was done by representatives of the national student freedom movement. They motivated their choice by the fact that this coloring was used back in the days of the ancient empire. This happened in 1818. The next time this version of the country's symbol was used was for the Hambach Festival, held in 1832. More than forty thousand Germans took part in it, most of whom were students and professors who defended their patriotic and democratic views.

Among other things, the same flag of Germany was used during the revolution that took place in the country in March 1848. In connection with these events, parliament even awarded it the status of a state banner. At the same time, the revolution failed. Immediately after this, the decision regarding the flag was reversed. In 1863, under this banner, a conference of German princes was held in Frankfurt. It should be noted that similar colors were previously worn by the uniforms of German student volunteers who united to fight Napoleonic expansion in Europe.

Otto von Bismarck's version of the flag

During his tenure as chancellor of the country, the legendary Otto von Bismarck introduced a flag that consisted of horizontal stripes of black, white and red. Initially, it served as the banner of the German merchant and naval fleet. In 1892, the newly formed German Empire adopted this symbol. It was used until the advent of the Weimar Republic. Only in her time were the colors of the German flag such as gold, red and black officially recognized and even included in the national constitution.

Fate of black, white and red symbol

At that time, there were many adherents of the national banner proposed by Otto von Bismarck. In order to prevent a tense situation in society, the Weimar government made certain concessions. More specifically, the black-white-red banner was recognized as a trading symbol. At the same time, state colors were still applied in the upper part. Such a compromise is evidence that the German flag remained the subject of heated discussions. They continued for a very long time, and even led to the resignation of the government in 1926.

German flag before and after the war

In 1935, the country's Workers' National Democratic Party imposed a new symbol - its own party flag with a swastika. It received the status of a national banner in connection with the adoption of the relevant law. After the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, it was decided to use the 1848 style flag in the future. One of the government representatives then said that this symbol means personal freedom, which in the future will become the basis of a completely new state.

Banner of the GDR

The second article of the Constitution of the German Democratic Republic, approved on October 7, 1949, stated the country's involvement in the golden-red-black colors. This testified to her commitment to the unity of the nation, even despite being under socialist ideas. Ten years after this, the symbol of the GDR was additionally marked with a coat of arms, which consisted of a compass, a hammer and a wreath of ears. An interesting fact is that both teams competed as a single team at the Olympic Games until 1968. At the same time, the athletes used the golden-red-black flag of Germany, on which five rings were applied.

In 1989, a peaceful revolution took place in the country. During it, many Germans living in the eastern part of the capital demanded the reunification of the two countries. Demonstrating their desire, they carved the coat of arms everywhere, which was placed on the flag. On August 31, 1990, they achieved their goal, and the state united. Automatically, Article 22 of the German Constitution extended to new lands. Just over a month later, on October 3, 1990, the German flag with stripes of gold, red and black was planted in front of the parliament building (Reichstag).

Flag in local legislation

The Government Decree on German Flags, dated November 13, 1996, regulates and defines the use of the national flag. As for its uniform use for buildings of state and official significance, it is provided for by order of the federal government, the new edition of which was adopted in 2005. It should be noted that every German has the right to use the national flag. At the same time, private citizens are prohibited from wearing official symbols of federal departments.

Symbolism of the German flag

It is impossible not to mention what the German flag means. As noted above, the canvas consists of three stripes that are golden (yellow), red and black. The lowest of them is associated by the Germans with the future of the country, the middle means the modern political system, and the top symbolizes the internal political position of the state.

However, there is another version regarding the symbolism embedded in the German flag. The meaning of flowers was even stated in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Based on it, they mean cohesion, unity and freedom of the entire German people.

Coat of arms of Germany

The coat of arms of modern Germany is the image of an eagle (“Reichsadler”). Its history goes back many centuries and goes back to the early eras of human development and culture. The ancient Germans and Greeks associated this bird with vitality and the sun, so it was highly revered. The eagle became one of the elements of national symbols approximately during the reign of Charlemagne. In 1200, his image on a golden background was recognized as the state coat of arms. In the fifteenth century, the imperialists began to use an eagle with two heads. It was only at the end of the nineteenth century that the Weimar Emperor abandoned this symbol. Demonstrating its inextricable connection with democratic traditions, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany also began to use the image of this bird on its coat of arms. In 1926, the final design for the national symbol was drawn up by Tobias Schwab.

The national emblem, like the flag of Germany, now enjoys great authority among the Germans. In this regard, the image of an eagle can be found here on the service banners of various federal departments and the presidential standard. Moreover, it is used in official seals, coins, stamps, as well as on all kinds of departmental forms.

Flag and coat of arms of Germany: history of origin and meaning of symbols

The coat of arms of Germany is the official symbol of the country. It, like any other sign, has its own history and characteristics. Speaking about such a majestic and powerful country as Germany, one cannot help but talk about its coat of arms and flag.

History of origin

The coat of arms of Germany, the photo of which you can see above, presents a black eagle depicted on a golden background, with red paws. This bird is a symbol of the sun. It also signifies vitality and courage. Even during the reign of Charlemagne, this symbol was recognized as the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire. However, it did not remain so for long, since from the 15th century the image was replaced by a double-headed eagle with one crown.

A little later, this coat of arms began to belong to Austria-Hungary. And only in 1848 did he begin to relate to Germany. Then the double-headed eagle became the coat of arms of the Reich. This is how it became established as a national symbol. The Nazis, by the way, also used the image of this mighty bird, only there was also a swastika in its talons. Not much has changed since then. The crown, which was a symbol of the monarchy, was removed. Post-war Germany also adopted the eagle as a state symbol.


The coat of arms of Germany is not an ordinary eagle. His image was made according to a special sketch, the author of which was Tobias Schwab. The modern coat of arms of Germany was created back in 1926. But it received official status in 1950 - after the approval of the corresponding order by Theodor Heuss, who was at that time the president of the federal republic. His description was exactly the same as the text telling about the coat of arms of the Weimar Republic. It should be noted that the same coat of arms of Germany is depicted on flags, state seals, postage stamps and coins.

History of the German flag

Everyone knows what the German flag looks like. These are three stripes in a row - black, scarlet and gold (colors listed from top to bottom). It was adopted on May 8, 1949. The decision was made by the Parliamentary Council, which met in Bonn. The next day, on the territory of the republic, for the first time in the last 16 years, a black-red-gold flag was raised over the building where all nationally important meetings were held. After quite a long time, in 1996, it was decided that the federal tricolor could be used vertically. Thus, there was a black stripe on the left, a scarlet stripe in the middle, and a gold stripe on the right.

The meaning of the tricolor

The flag and coat of arms of Germany have their own interpretation. And if some people have heard something about the meaning of the German eagle, few people know about the tricolor. The color black represents the dark past of the German Empire. After all, Germany was not always such a successful and prosperous country. Red denotes the internal political position of the state (which reigned at that time). And finally, the golden color is a symbol of the rich future of the country. By the way, even before the approval of just such a flag, one could observe the Germans’ love for this combination. Back in the days when the liberation wars against Napoleon were going on, the German army was dressed in a black uniform, complemented by red sleeves and brass buttons that looked like gold.

Another interesting point dates back to the day when the tercentenary of the Reformation was celebrated. It was at Wartburg Castle. The ceremony was attended by a huge number of students who advocated the reunification of Germany. And their banner was made up of thin red stripes along the edges and one large, black one, which was visible in the center. In the very middle there was an oak branch framed with a golden fringe. This flag is considered to be the predecessor of the modern German tricolor.

What do the colors of the German flag mean?

The national flag of Germany consists of black, red and yellow horizontal stripes. The black color on the flag is considered as a symbol of the past, the former German Empire. The red color symbolizes the current internal political situation in Germany. The yellow stripe of the flag represents the future of this country. At the same time, there is another point of view on the symbolic meaning of the colors of the German flag. Some West German authors interpret the black, red and yellow flag of Germany as a symbol of cohesion and freedom. The flag was adopted in 1949.

Atan Magiev

I don’t remember exactly, but something like this... From the dark past (black color), through blood (meaning wars, revolutions, etc.) to the golden future (golden color), I don’t know how correct it is, since the teacher also said German in 6th grade))))

The history of the three colors of the German flag


The national flag of Germany consists of black, red and yellow horizontal stripes. The black color on the flag is considered as a symbol of the past, the former German Empire. The red color symbolizes the current internal political situation in Germany. The yellow stripe of the flag represents the future of this country. At the same time, there is another point of view on the symbolic meaning of the colors of the German flag. Some West German authors interpret the black, red and yellow flag of Germany as a symbol of cohesion and freedom. The flag was adopted in 1949.

The history of the national black-red-gold colors of Germany began in the 19th century. During the fight against Napoleon, German student volunteers formed the so-called “Freedom Corps” (1813) under the command of von Lutzow. The uniform of the corps was student black frock coats with sewn red shoulder straps and brass buttons. Then the same colors were adopted by student associations in Germany. In 1815, students founded the Burschenschaft union, which aimed at the unification of Germany. In 1816, the women of the city of Jena presented the union with a banner: a red banner with a horizontal black stripe in the middle and an image of a golden oak branch. By 1816, the All-German Student Association was already using a black, red and gold flag. At the Hambach festival in May 1832, a three-stripe national flag was used with the inscription: "Deutschlands Wiedergeburt" (German Renaissance) on the middle red stripe.

The black-red-gold flag was a symbol of the revolution of 1848-1849; during the working hours of the National Assembly (Bundestag) in Frankfurt am Main on July 31, 1848, the flag was first raised as a symbol of a united Germany. It soon became the naval (from 31 June) and merchant flag of the German Confederation (1848-1852). The German Confederation was not a full-fledged state, and did not last long. The unification of Germany took place under the black, white and red colors of Otto von Bismarck. But the black-red-gold flag has already begun to be associated with the concept of German nationality. For example, in 1863 this flag was used during the Conference of German Princes in Frankfurt. The black-red-gold (namely “gold”, not “yellow”) flag was abolished first by supporters of the empire, and then by the fascists; but was reborn again. The last time the German flag was officially revived was after the Second World War.

In 1949, the Parliamentary Council of the Federal Republic of Germany took it for granted that the traditional colors of black, red and gold should be re-adopted as a symbol of freedom and unity. Article 22 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany states: “The colors of the German national flag are black, red and gold.” And even in the socialist GDR they did not consider it possible to deviate from the historical colors, but only added the coat of arms in the center. The flag of the Federal Republic of Germany did not have any images. After the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, it was the three-page cloth without emblems that became the state flag of the united Germany. The history of the national black-red-gold colors of Germany began in the 19th century.

The flag of Germany is a rectangular flag divided into three horizontal stripes of different colors. The top stripe is black, the middle stripe is red and the bottom stripe is gold. The aspect ratio is three to five.

Before its official approval in June of the fiftieth year of the last century, the German flag underwent a large number of changes. During the wars of liberation against Napoleon's army, the German army first wore black uniforms, which were complemented by gold (brass) buttons and red sleeves.

During the celebration of the tercentenary of the Reformation and the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Leipzig, a celebration was held in Thuringia, and more precisely at Wartburg Castle, in which thousands of German students who supported the unification of Germany took part. Their banner consisted of several horizontal stripes - dark red on the edges and black in the middle. In the very center of the flag was an oak branch framed with gold fringe. It was this flag that became the predecessor of the German tricolor.

For the first time, such a tricolor flag was first approved in Frankfurt in May of the forty-eighth year of the last century, during the creation of the German Confederation. During the Second Reich, at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, the flag was black, red and white. Since August 1919, the black-red-white German banner has again become the state banner. During the Third Reich, the national flag of the NSDAP was a red cloth with a swastika in a white circle. After the Second World War was over, the German state did not have a flag for some time, since absolutely all variants of national banners in the country were banned.

Officially, the tricolor banner became the official flag of Germany after the unification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. It is generally accepted that the national flag represents the unity and freedom of the people of Germany.

Coat of arms of Germany

The coat of arms of Germany is a yellow shield of the Varangian heraldic form, which depicts a black eagle with its head turned to the left (from looking at the shield).

National flag of Germany. Brief description and characteristics of the flag of Germany

The sketch of the modern coat of arms was made by the artist Tobias Schwab in 1926.

The eagle as a state symbol continues its history both during the time of the united German Reich (1871-1918) and during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933). The Nazis also used the image of an eagle with a swastika in an oak crown in its talons as a state symbol of their power.

The prototype of the eagle was most likely the Coat of Arms of Prussia.


The eagle is a traditional symbol in Germanic heraldry that symbolizes strength and power. A similar coat of arms existed on the coats of arms of the first German rulers. The eagle symbolizes royal power, courage, and continuity. A similar image of an eagle can be seen on coins from the 12th century belonging to the court of King Frederick Barbarossa.

Initially, the eagle's beak, tongue and paws were red.

The use of a black and white version of the coat of arms is also fixed

Federal Eagle

The image of the eagle is limited by an invisible hexagonal lattice.

Historical coats of arms of Germany

Coats of arms of the German Confederation from 1848 to 1871

Coats of arms of Germany from 1871 to 1888

Coat of arms of Germany from 1888 to 1918

In fact, the state emblem during this period was an image of an eagle depicted on a shield with two shield holders.

The eagle did not act as a coat of arms, although it was used in some cases.

Coat of arms of Germany from 1919 to 1935

It was these variants of coats of arms that served as prototypes for the modern coat of arms and the federal eagle.

Coat of arms of Germany from 1935 to 1945

Coats of arms of the GDR (German Democratic Republic)

Emblem (Coat of Arms) of the GDR from 1950 to 1953

Emblem (Coat of Arms) of the GDR from 1953 to 1955

Coat of arms (Emblem) of the GDR from 1955 to 1990

useful links

Coats of arms of the German states

The three most important national symbols are the distinctive features of any state, which is determined by the Constitution or a special law. These include the state emblem, flag and anthem. Each of these attributes has come a long way with the country and has its own history.

One of the main symbols of Germany is the German coat of arms. It is a yellow and gold shield with a black angel eagle on it with outstretched wings and a red beak and talons.

The image of an eagle on the coat of arms of Germany is not accidental. The eagle has been a symbol of the sun, courage and vitality since ancient times.

The eagle in heraldry is one of the most common personalities. Among the natural numbers, the most common person is the lion.

The eagle symbolizes power, dominance, and fortune prediction. Many European countries have the eagle image of their national arms: Austria, Poland, Russia, Romania, Czech Republic and Albania.

The coat of arms of Germany is a very ancient coat of arms, the roots of which go back to the Middle Ages.

The eagle has always occupied a special place in German heraldry. The earliest depictions of the eagle, such as German symbols, date back to the 12th century. Karl-Tobias Schwab in 1926 developed a draft of the German coat of arms on the principle of “nothing superfluous” and was strict and appropriate. After the war, Germany adopted the image of the eagle as a national symbol in the Weimar Republic, which existed in Germany during two world wars and created a liberal democracy during that time.
After the merger of the two Germans in 1990, the coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany became the coat of arms of the Unified Germany.

The image of the eagle on the German coat of arms is also used on coins, stamped seals, postage stamps and federal agency letterheads, on German national flags, and designs have been taken from the Weimar Republic.

The German flag has three wide horizontal sashes of black, red and gold. The history of the German flag comes from the color of the uniform of German soldiers who fought against Napoleon.

The military uniform of the liberation units was a universal black with red hearts and gold buttons. A flag of this color, adopted by the Union of Patriotic Apprentices as a symbol in combination with the common dream of creating a united Germany. The first time democratic and patriotic progressive students and professors publicly attended the red gold flag was at a rally in 1832 at the Hambacher Fest.

After the democratic revolution of 1848 with the advent of the German Confederation, the Bundestag recognized the black and red gold flag as the national flag of Germany.

Gradually these colors became increasingly popular as a symbol of the desire to unite Germany. Otto von Bismarck, in the wars with Denmark, Austria and France, satisfied the needs of Germany after the unification of all Germany. The event took place under the black, white and red colors of Bismarck. During the Second Rivers (1871-1918) the color of the national flag was changed to black, white and red.

But when Germany was defeated in World War I on August 11, 1919, the colors of the national flag changed back to black and red gold. These colors were already associated with the concept of German nationality. The German flag changed again with the arrival of the Nazis.
The last time the German flag was officially restored was in 1949. The flag of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) was restored as the flag of the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1990, the NDR joined the Federal Republic of Germany.

Germany received a common national flag.

The colors of the German flag represent:

black color - a reminder of the years of reaction;

Red is the color of the blood of German patriots;

Gold is the color of future freedom.

German Anthem - Source History:

The German anthem consists of the third version of the German song "Kaiser's Song". Its melody, composed by composer Joseph Heind in 1797, was originally used as the official anthem of the Austrian Empire. In 1841, the poet Dichter August Heinrich Hoffmann von Wallersleben wrote the poem "Germany before everyone."

In 1922, this work in its full version became the anthem of the Weimar Republic. During the Third Reich, the German anthem was only the first verse to be banned in 1945 as fiery, arrogant. In 1952, only Haydn's melody was without words in the German national anthem. After German reunification, the third verse becomes the German anthem.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit fuer das deutsche Vaterland!

Danach last, not all archers are bruderlich with Hertz and Ruka!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit sind Glueckes Unterpfand:

Blueh im Glanze dies Glueckes,

blue maidens of Waterland.

German anthem:

National symbols usually encourage certain feelings of the citizen.

Pride, happy... or other emotions. For example, this is the opinion of four Germans of different generations. To the question: when and where do you use the state symbols of Germany?

There are such opinions:

Boy, 12-14 years old, football fan, like many German boys. “We had the World Cup in Germany.

That was great. Now I am one of the German fans and I have the German national flag. Hang me on my wall. On my backpack there is an emblem with the national colors of Germany. "

2. Young man 22-24 years old: “These are beautiful colors!

In any case, I am a fan of Germany, what sport is it: football, handball, auto racing or tennis. "

3. Old lady: “I will never want to use this flag or any other national symbols.

I think that after Hitler we should ban these patriotic symbols. "

4. Middle-aged man: “In Germany, we only have the national flag at official events. And I don’t think anyone sings the national anthem in private.”

Related articles:

Flag of Germany. Colors, history, meaning of the German flag

This is a rectangular canvas consisting of three horizontal stripes. The bottom color is gold (commonly accepted, although actually yellow), the middle is red, and the top is black. The width of this German national symbol refers to the length from three to five. Throughout German history it was canceled several times. Firstly, they were members of the Empire, and then fascists. However, the national symbol of the state has always been restored.

Modern flag of Germany

The first examples of the use of a modern flag

The first historical reference to the use of this color combination dates back to the nineteenth century. It was then prepared by representatives of the National Student Freedom Movement. They motivated their choice by the fact that this color was also used during the ancient Empire.

This happened in 1818. The next time this version of the country's symbol was used was for the Hambach holiday, which was in 1832. More than forty thousand Germans attended, most of whom were students and professors who defended their patriotic and democratic views.

Incidentally, the same German flag was used during the revolution that took place in March 1848. In connection with these events, parliament even granted the status of a state belt.

Moreover, the revolution was also a fiasco. Immediately after this, the flag's decision was reversed. In 1863, a conference of German princes took place under this banner in Frankfurt.

It should be noted that similar colors were previously used in the uniform of German volunteers who joined forces to fight the spread of Napoleon in Europe.

Flag version of Otto von Bismarck

Flag version of Otto von Bismarck

During his tenure as the country's chancellor, the legendary Otto von Bismarck introduced a flag that covered horizontal lines of black, white and red lines.

He first played on a German commercial and naval poster. In 1892, the newly formed German Empire adopted this symbol. It was used until the advent of the Weimar Republic. Only at one time were the colors of the German flag - gold, red and black - officially recognized and even included in the national constitution.

Fate black and white red symbol. During this time there were many members of the national flag proposed by Otto von Bismarck.

To prevent tension in society, the Weimar government made some concessions. More specifically, the black and white red banner was recognized as a symbol of trade. At the same time, the status colors are still used at the top. This compromise is proof that the German flag remains a hotly debated issue. They lasted a very long time and even in 1926 led to the resignation of the government.

German flag before and after the war

In 1935, a new symbol was created - the national party flag with a swastika was created by the state's national democratic party.

The status of a national group obtained in connection with the adoption of the relevant law. After the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, it was decided to use the 1848 model flag in the future.

Then one of the government representatives said that this symbol represents personal freedom, which in the future will become the basis of a completely new state.

Banner NDR

Banner NDR

In the second article of the Constitution of the German Democratic Republic, which was adopted on October 7, 1949, the state was included in the golden red black color.

This reaffirmed its commitment to the unity of the nation, although it was under socialist ideas. Ten years later, the GDR emblem was introduced, consisting of a compass, a hammer and a wreath of ears. Interestingly, both teams played the same team in the Olympics until 1968.

In this case, the athletes used the gold red black flag of Germany using five fingers.

In 1989, a peaceful revolution took place in the country. At that time, many Germans living in the eastern part of the capital demanded the reunification of both countries.

They showed their desire by carving a coat of arms that was placed on the flag everywhere. On August 31, 1990, they achieved their goal and the country was united. It automatically applies to new states in accordance with Article 22 of the German Constitution. A month later, on October 3, 1990, the German flag with gold, red and black lines was placed in front of the parliament building (Reichstag).

Brand in local legislation

The Government Decree on German Flags of November 13, 1996 regulates and defines the use of the National Flag.

As for the uniform use of public and official buildings, this is provided for by a decision of the federal government, a new version of which was adopted in 2005. It should be noted that every German has the right to use the national flag.

At the same time, it is prohibited to transfer official symbols of federal agencies to private parties.

Symbolism of the German flag

It is impossible to say what the German flag means. As mentioned, the canvas consists of three stripes having gold (yellow), red and black.

History and meaning of the German flag

The smallest of them is connected with the future of the state, the middle is the modern political structure, and this symbolizes the internal political situation of the state.

However, there is another version of the symbolism built into the German flag. The importance of flowers was also prescribed in Germany. As a result, they represent the unity, unity and freedom of the entire German nation.

Coat of arms of Germany

The emblem of modern Germany is the image of an eagle (“Reichsadler”). Its history dates back many centuries and dates back to the early days of human development and culture. To the ancient Germans and Greeks, this bird was associated with life force and the sun, so it was highly valued. One of the elements of national symbolism, the eagle became temporary between the reign of Charlemagne. In 1200, his painting on a golden background was recognized as a national emblem.

In the fifteenth century, imperialists began to use an eagle with two heads. Only at the end of the nineteenth century did Emperor Weimar abandon this symbol. The government of the Federal Republic of Germany demonstrated its inextricable connection with democratic traditions and began to use the image of this bird on its coat of arms.

In 1926, Tobias Schwab developed the final design for the national symbol.

The state emblem, like the German flag, now enjoys enormous authority among the Germans. Because of this, the image of an eagle can be found here on banners of various federal agencies and presidential standards. Additionally, it is used in stamped seals, coins, dies, and all kinds of departmental forms.

Evgeny Titorchuk


Home / Countries / Germany / Flag of Germany

National flag of Germany.

Flag of Germany in 1919-1933

Brief description and characteristics of the flag of Germany

Description of the flag of Germany

The flag of Germany is represented by three equal horizontal stripes of black, red, and gold.

The aspect ratio of the German flag is 3 to 5.

Black and gold were the colors of the Holy Roman Empire's eagle flag, which later also featured red. The Austrian Empire, descended from the Holy Roman Empire, had black and gold in its flag.

These same colors were used on the uniforms of German soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars.

The soldier's uniform had black collars with red braid and gold buttons.

History of the German flag

Invented in 1832, the German flag was first used during the revolutions of 1848, which eventually led to the union of German feudal states. The German flag, signifying liberalism and democracy, was banned in the 1850s, and new flags belonging to Prussia and the German Hansa were used in the next decade.

After World War I, in 1919, when Germany became the Weimar Republic, the horizontal tricolor was reintroduced.

When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, the flag was again banned, and the flag of the Third Reich was adopted as the state flag. The Nazi flag was red, with a large black swastika on a white circle.

After World War II, on May 23, 1949, the tricolor became the state flag of the Federal Republic of Germany (at that time West Germany).

On October 1, 1959, East Germany adopted a version of the flag that also featured the country's coat of arms. When the two Germanys united after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the former East Germans removed the coat of arms from their flag and the united nation returned to one flag.

Flag of Germany

Flag of Germany

On the German flag:

Three horizontal stripes of equal thickness: black, red and gold

Meaning and history of the flag of Germany:

On May 8, 1949, the Parliamentary Council meeting in Bonn, consisting of representatives of the Landtags of the states in the zones of occupation of the United States, Great Britain and France, adopted the Basic Law of Germany, paragraph 2 of Article 22 of which established: “Federal flag (German.

die Bundesflagge) - black-red-gold,” and on May 9, 1949, for the first time on German territory since 1933, a black-red-gold flag was raised above the building where the Parliamentary Council met. The Basic Law came into force on May 23, 1949.

The decree on German flags of June 7, 1950 established a precise description of the federal flag: “The federal flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width, black on top, red in the middle, gold at the bottom.

The ratio of the height of the flag to its length is 3:5"

On December 8, 1951, it was established that all commercial ships in Germany must fly the federal flag.

The federal flag was confirmed without changes by the new decree on German flags of November 13, 1996, which also established the possibility of using the federal flag in the form of a vertical banner (banner), which consists of three vertical stripes of equal width: on the left - black, in the middle - red, on the right - gold.

Germany flag colors:

black, red, gold

At all times, the flag has played an important role in the life of society in every country. It is a symbol of the state and determines its individuality. In every country, the flag is a source of pride and patriotism. At the moment there are 295 independent states. Each of them has its own unique symbols - the state flag, coat of arms and anthem.

So what is the national flag?

The national flag is a cloth (the shape of which can be different) of one or more colors, the sides of which are related in a certain way.

The German national flag is the official state symbol of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German flag today is represented by a horizontal tricolor with black, red and gold stripes.

History of the German tricolor: from its origins to the First World War

Germany's national colors have changed frequently over time. Gold, red, white, black - at different periods these colors were national. Even in the Middle Ages, German heraldry used these colors, since the same colors were on the flag of the Holy German Empire. The German flag as we know it has been a symbol of the German Confederation since 1848, when it became associated with democracy. However, when the union collapsed, the authorities decided to abandon the use of a flag of this format. When the Prussian king unified Germany and became emperor in 1871, the banner of the German Empire consisted of black, white and red stripes. This tricolor, called the "Imperial Colours", served as a symbol of the country until the collapse of the Second Reich in World War I.

From the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich

The newly formed Weimar Republic (the adopted historical name of Germany from 1919-1933) in 1919 adopted a banner with black, red and gold stripes (the color scheme is known as republican colors). However, as a result of the collapse of the Weimar Republic in 1933, the Nazi Party was elected to the leadership, and the German flag returned to its previous appearance - black, white and red. Also, to represent the state at this time, the flag of the official Nazi party was used - a red cloth with a white circle, inside of which a black swastika was depicted. When the Nazi Party completely seized control of Germany, it was decided to abandon the tricolor in favor of a flag with a swastika. This flag was used to represent Germany until the very end of World War II. After the defeat of the Third Reich, Germany was prohibited from using any German national flags.

Throughout the period of German division, a time spanning the years from 1949 to 1989, East Germany and West Germany used different flags. It was only after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which occurred in 1989, that black, red and gold officially became the colors of the German flag.

Symbolism of the colors of the German flag

The color palette of the German national flag is somewhat reminiscent of the colors used by the Roman Empire, which were simply black and gold. Germans associate the colors of the modern flag with freedom and unity, as they were used in the first attempt to unify the German Republic. In the Weimar Republic, after World War I, black represented the centrist political party, red the republican, and gold the democratic. It was they who formed the coalition to prevent military extremists from rising to power.

Currently, there are several opinions about what the German flag means. Supporters of the first version believe that the black color on the country’s flag is a symbol of Germany’s past, the red color is a symbol of the country’s current internal political situation, and the gold color is the personification of the future. Adherents of the second point of view argue that the tricolor symbolizes the cohesion and freedom of the state. The third opinion says that black represents difficult years, red represents blood and struggle, and gold represents a favorable future, freedom and independence. This is evidenced by the words of the call to fight for liberation from the French invaders in 1813-1814 - “From the blackness of slavery through bloody battles to the golden light of freedom.”

Proportions: 3:5

Description of the German flag:

The flag of Germany consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width - the top stripe is black; middle - red; and the bottom stripe is gold in color.

German flag meaning:

The colors black, red and gold have been associated with Germany since the Middle Ages, but the flag that is now official was introduced in the 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars. The colors were taken from the soldiers' uniforms: they wore black coats with red braid and gold buttons.

History of the German flag:

The flag was officially recognized on May 9, 1949. However, this flag has appeared in German history at least three times. It was first adopted in 1848 and repealed in 1852. Then again adopted on August 11, 1919 as the flag of the Weimar Republic, and again canceled in 1933. It was then that the flag was replaced by the banner of the Third Reich. The German flag was not recognized in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) until 1959. After World War II, it was divided into two countries, and it was reunited only on October 3, 1990. It was then that the German three-stripe flag was again recognized.

The colors of the German flag currently represent the unification of Germany.

From 1935 to 1945, the official German flag was a red background with a black swastika in the middle on a white circle.

The former East German flag (1959 to 1989) contained communist emblems.