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» Photos of the fetus at different stages of pregnancy. Belly during pregnancy: it's interesting and useful to know! Embryo growth process

Photos of the fetus at different stages of pregnancy. Belly during pregnancy: it's interesting and useful to know! Embryo growth process

We invite you not only to learn interesting facts, but also to observe for yourself, week after week, how the baby develops. The origin of life and pregnancy week by week with unique photographs that were taken by Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson back in 1965. The photographer himself was born in 1922 and became the first who, using special equipment and cameras, was able to penetrate inside the female body and film the entire process of the birth of a new life.

The first photographs of the embryo appeared in print back in 1953, and this event inspired the photographer to create new works.

To show human development from the very beginning, he placed a micro-camera and micro-illuminator on the end of a cystoscope tube used to examine the bladder, and took his unique photographs right from where people take their first step into the world. We will talk about the most important moments of pregnancy and the formation of a new life.

“IMPORTANT” * the development of pregnancy in this article is based on the weeks of embryo development. Those. if you want to get an obstetric week, add 2 weeks to the embryonic period

Here the sperm moves towards the egg.

The sperm in the folds of the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes moves towards the egg.


Will the meeting take place?

The walls of the fallopian tube...

Two sperm come into contact with the shell of the egg. Enzymes contained in the head of the sperm dissolve the membrane of the egg, but only the genetic material of one sperm is involved in fertilization.

One of the father's 200 million spermatozoa, having broken through the membrane of the egg, literally pours into it...

Longitudinal section of a spermatozoon. Genetic material is contained in the head of the sperm

Pregnancy by week - 1 week

The beginning of a new life begins with a change in the female body, ovulation occurs. This moment is favorable for conception. After all, a woman can become pregnant only 3-4 days a month. Some women feel ovulation, some don't. Signs of ovulation may be an increase in vaginal mucus, an increase in basal temperature, as well as minor pain in the ovary area. Also during ovulation, under the influence of hormones, a woman, as a rule, experiences a desire for intimacy.

After a week, the embryo, sliding down the fallopian tube, moves into the uterus...

Embryo attached to the uterine lining

Pregnancy by week - 2 weeks

The fertilized egg begins to divide. Of the 46 parental chromosomes, the child inherits 23, 2 of them - X and Y - influence the gender of the unborn child. Whether you have a girl or a boy depends on the sperm that fertilizes the egg.

During this week, the embryo travels through the fallopian tube and ends up in the uterine cavity. Towards the end of the week, it attaches to the wall of the uterus, growing into its mucous membrane. Sometimes implantation may cause slight bleeding.

Embryo development. Gray color - future brain

Pregnancy by week - 3 weeks

24 days. A one-month-old embryo does not yet have a skeleton - there is only a heart, it begins to pulsate on the 18th day

Pregnancy by week - 4 weeks

4 weeks after fertilization

Pregnancy by week - 4 and a half weeks

Around this time, and most likely even later, a woman finds out about her pregnancy, provided that her cycle is approximately 28 days. There is no menstruation. Possible signs of pregnancy appear, such as fatigue, drowsiness, nausea in the morning and in transport, and increased salivation.

Pregnancy by week - 5 weeks

A five-week embryo, 9 mm long, can already discern a face with holes for the mouth, nostrils and eyes. The central nervous system begins to develop, the spinal cord and brain are formed. These processes directly depend on the presence of necessary substances in the mother’s body. First of all, we are talking about folic acid - the most important element for the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors recommend consuming 400 mcg of folic acid daily to prevent neural tube defects. By the way, by the end of the fifth week the baby’s heart will begin to beat. Only now, most likely, will the young mother begin to think about the possibility of pregnancy and take a test or consult a doctor.

Pregnancy by week - 6 weeks

40 days. The outer cells of the embryo grow together with the loose surface of the uterus and form the placenta, or baby's place. This spongy piece of flesh serves a person in the first nine months of his life as lungs, stomach, liver, and kidney...

Pregnancy by week - 7 weeks

Unlike the second trimester, when your waist rapidly expands, in the first trimester your breasts mainly expand. This happens regardless of toxicosis. Blouses and sweaters become tight, the bra is difficult to fasten.

The fetus continues to grow and develop. The brain and limbs are formed. The mass of the tiny body is already a whole gram, and the size is about a small grape. The baby is beginning to master its environment and move, but you don’t feel it yet.

Pregnancy by week - 8 weeks

The rapidly growing embryo is well protected in the mother's womb. Using an electron microscope, Nilsson was able to magnify the image hundreds of thousands of times.

Pregnancy by week - 9 weeks

Starting this week, the baby is proudly given the title “fetus.” The most common problem “threat of early miscarriage” is long gone. Everything is fine with your baby, the pregnancy is developing as it should, so the uterus is not trying to get rid of the pregnancy.

At the ultrasound, of course, they won’t tell you who you are expecting, a boy or a girl. External sexual characteristics are just beginning to form.

Pregnancy by week - 10 weeks

The eyelids are already half open. They will be fully formed within a few days. The baby is becoming more and more like a little man. Now is one of the most important periods in the development of the baby, the development of the nervous system and almost all organs is underway. The placenta does not yet completely protect the baby from adverse factors, therefore, during these weeks of pregnancy, drinking alcohol or another damaging factor can cause significant harm both to the course of pregnancy and to the development of the embryo as a whole.

Pregnancy by week - 11 weeks

Many pregnant women at this stage note that their palms and feet no longer feel cold. This is explained very simply: the amount of blood increases and its circulation improves, and the hormones produced due to pregnancy also affect the thermoregulation of the body. That is why from this moment the pregnant woman increasingly begins to feel stuffiness, weakness, frequent dizziness and changes in blood pressure.

Pregnancy by week - 12 weeks

This week marks the end of the first trimester. A lot of interesting things are happening with your baby this week. Red blood cells are already present in his blood and white blood cells are beginning to be produced - leukocytes, which in the future are responsible for protecting the body. So far they cannot protect the baby from infection. A guarantee of its safety during intrauterine life and the first months after birth is passive immunity - antibodies coming from the mother through the blood, and subsequently through breast milk.

Pregnancy by week - 13 weeks

Well, that’s all, the first trimester with all the problems and toxicosis is left behind. There is a truly golden time ahead of you, during which you can enjoy your pregnancy. Your belly is already taking on some shape, your pride in it is growing, but at the same time it is not yet difficult to wear, so you can run around an entire children’s store with great enthusiasm and a huge amount of strength.

The baby's task in the second trimester is skeletal development and growth. To do this, it requires a large amount of calcium, so you should not forget about taking special complexes for pregnant women. According to research, at this stage of pregnancy the baby begins to feel sounds with the help of special vibration receptors located on the skin. This means that now he hears and, most likely, distinguishes the sound of your voice and the voice of the future dad. His own vocal cords are still developing.

At the thirteenth week, the baby’s liver begins to produce bile, and the pancreas begins to produce insulin, and villi are formed in the intestines, which play an important role in the digestion of food.

Pregnancy by week - 14 weeks

The baby has new needs... He “learns” breathing movements - inhaling and exhaling, preparing for life outside the womb. These training movements are very important for the development of lung tissue - for that long-awaited first cry that he will make as soon as he is born. The urethra and bladder are formed, the kidneys begin to work, secreting urine. It mixes with amniotic fluid and is excreted by the placenta.

The baby's entire body gradually begins to be covered with fluff, the so-called lanugo, which performs a protective function and helps regulate the baby's body temperature. The pattern on the fingertips - fingerprints - already have a unique pattern that will last throughout life.

M and F are increasingly different from each other. In guys, the prostate gland forms; in girls, the ovaries move to the pelvic area.

Pregnancy by week - 15 weeks

Neonatologists say that around this time the fetus begins to become aware of what is happening around it - it feels, hears and in its own way understands what is happening. He can express emotions through facial expressions and gestures. He feels his mother’s mood, their sleep and wakefulness are synchronized.

The circulatory system is improved. The first foci of hematopoiesis occur in the walls of the yolk sac. At 2-3 months of intrauterine development, the main hematopoietic organ is the liver, from the end of 3 - the bone marrow. From 4 months, the spleen begins to take part in hematopoiesis.

Arteries and veins provide nutrition and supply to all organs and systems: brain, heart, lungs, stomach and intestines. At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's heart beats twice as fast as the mother's. It passes through itself up to 23 liters of blood per day. If necessary, you can determine his blood type and Rh factor. This may be important when the mother is Rh- and the father is Rh+.

Pregnancy by week 16 weeks

The child learns to coordinate his actions. He moves actively - rolls, somersaults and kicks. While all these movements are not felt, the amniotic fluid softens even the most active movements of the baby.

His face is already quite well formed. At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's eyes open for the first time.
The skin of the fetus is very thin and translucent. Photographs taken using ultrasound show that the subcutaneous fat layer is still completely absent - blood vessels are visible through the skin.

My legs are getting more and more tired. Due to an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity, the load on them increases. A duck gait appears, characteristic of pregnant women. You have to give up high heels and shoes with slippery soles.

The inquisitive baby is already using his hands to explore his surroundings.

The skeleton consists mainly of a flexible shaft and a network of blood vessels visible through thin skin.

Pregnancy by week 17 weeks

During pregnancy, you discover a lot of new things not only in reality, but also in your dreams. Many expectant mothers have crazy, vivid dreams. According to experts, this is due to the overstrain that your brain experiences. In addition, you get up more often at night and, thanks to this, remember more dreams than is usually possible. During the seventeenth week of pregnancy, dreams are often related to the upcoming birth or baby and can seem so real that they are constantly running through your head. Often mothers complain about nightmares - such dreams reflect the anxieties that they suppress while awake.

Research shows that babies also experience rapid eye movements during fetal life, which in adults is indicative of dreaming. In this regard, some scientists claim that babies can have dreams associated with their activity during the day. Perhaps the child dreams of stretching his legs, hearing your voice, or playing with the umbilical cord.

Pregnancy by week - 18 weeks

About 14 cm. The embryo can now perceive sounds from the outside world.

Pregnancy by week - 19 weeks

Movements. Magical feeling. In the eighteenth week of pregnancy, you constantly receive confirmation that there is someone inside.

The baby becomes large and strong enough for his movements to be noticeable to the expectant mother. First, a vibration is felt, then it seems as if butterflies are flying in the stomach, and then it becomes clearly clear that this is the child making itself felt. Within half an hour, a 5-month-old fetus can perform from 20 to 60 kicks. Their strength varies depending on the time of day, the mood and activity of the mother herself. Emotional outbursts, stuffy rooms, overexcitement, chocolate and sweets - all this makes the baby move more actively.

If you don’t feel any movement yet, it’s okay. Continue to listen to yourself and soon you will experience the joy of the “first move.”

Pregnancy by week 20 weeks

Mid-pregnancy. Equator.

You have already adapted to many of the delights of your interesting situation and are increasingly thinking about future births. Haven't chosen courses for future parents yet? It's time to think about it. Attending classes and trainings in such schools is a good prevention of complications during childbirth and psychological problems after them. You will receive information about the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, and the features of caring for newborns. You will be able to discuss with specialists and other pregnant women issues that concern you in connection with bearing a child, relationships with relatives or raising a future heir or heiress.

This week are you interested in movements and the psychology of intrauterine development? At school you will find like-minded people and specialists who are ready to advise you on these issues.
If possible, try to attend classes with the future dad.

Your baby is already about 20 cm long. Hair is already beginning to appear on his head.

Pregnancy by week - 24 weeks

If you put your ear to your stomach at this time, you can hear the baby’s heartbeat. His rhythm is much more frequent than that of an adult - 120 - 160 beats per minute. After birth, his blood will circulate in a large and small circle. In the meantime, at this stage, placental blood circulation plays a decisive role.

Blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients in the placenta enters the body through the umbilical vein. The umbilical vein approaches the liver through the umbilical ring, then to the inferior vena cava. In it, arterial blood is mixed with venous blood, which comes from the lower part of the body and the insides of the fetus. Almost all of this blood flows through the foramen ovale (blood flow from the right atrium to the left stops immediately after birth) in the wall of the right atrium into the left atrium. From the left ventricle, blood is ejected into the systemic circulation. The upper part of the fetal body is better supplied with arterial blood compared to the lower half of the body. This explains the relatively small size of the pelvis and lower extremities of the newborn. Very little blood reaches the lungs.

Pregnancy by week - 26 weeks

At the twenty-sixth week, the baby diligently explores the space around him. For now, he still has room for active movements. He pushes, feels the umbilical cord and the surrounding walls of the uterus. According to the Pearson test, which is recommended to be carried out from the 28th week, the baby normally makes about 10 kicks per hour.

One of his favorite activities at this stage of pregnancy is thumb sucking. This strengthens the cheek and jaw muscles and calms him down. The sucking reflex is one of the first unconditioned reflexes, the so-called oral segmental automatisms. It is formed from the first trimester of pregnancy and persists during the first years of life. Preference for the thumb of the right hand, or, conversely, the left one, may be a sign of dominance of one or another hemisphere of the brain. You can already guess who the baby will be - right-handed or left-handed.

Over the past month, the uterus has increased in size 4 times. Now it rests on the hypochondrium, spreading out the lower ribs.

Pregnancy by week - 28 weeks

Lanugo (thin hair covering the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the lips, palms and soles) gradually disappears, but several “islands” may remain after childbirth - on the back, on the shoulders and even on the forehead. They will disappear in the first weeks of extrauterine life.

The hair on your head becomes thicker. Some children already at birth can boast of thick, long curls, while others have an almost bald head. Both are variants of the norm. The visible absence of hair does not mean that there is none at all.

This week the eyelids open and close. Eyelashes appeared. Toenails are growing. During this period of pregnancy, the brain mass constantly grows, the number and depth of convolutions increases. However, the functions of the cerebral cortex develop after birth. During the prenatal period, the most important functions of the fetus are regulated by the spinal cord and other parts of the central nervous system.

There are still eight to ten carefree weeks ahead, but the little man is already cramped in the uterus, and he is preparing to leave it. He turns upside down - it’s easier to get out.

Pregnancy by week - 36 weeks

This week, the expectant mother’s body can begin active preparations for the birth of the baby. Precursors appear - changes in the body that occur shortly before the birth itself.

  • The nesting instinct is the internal need to prepare space for the imminent appearance of a child;
  • Decrease in the height of the fundus of the uterus - or “drooping” of the abdomen;
  • Discharge of the mucus plug - discharge of colorless or pinkish mucus from the cervix;
  • Increased frequency of urination and defecation. The prolapsed uterus puts more pressure on the bladder and intestines. Prostaglandins, released during early contractions, can periodically signal bowel movements;
  • Reducing the number of movements. The child seems to calm down and gain strength before the upcoming birth;
  • Braxton-Higgs matches. Irregular, training contractions;
  • Slight decrease in body weight;
  • Softening and shortening of the cervix. It is possible to open the external pharynx by 1-2 cm;

Your baby's length this week is approximately 47 cm and his weight is approximately 2600 grams.

After 4 weeks the baby will see the white light. At this stage the fetus is almost full term.

Find out the reasons for abdominal pain in pregnant women, and what to do if you have them.

All parents want their baby to be born healthy. Every mother worries about the condition of the baby even before giving birth. She experiences many new sensations not yet known to her during pregnancy. It often happens that in the first months of an interesting situation, the stomach begins to hurt. This is very worrying. Let's further study the causes of unpleasant sensations.

How the belly grows over the weeks of pregnancy, photo. Abdominal growth during pregnancy by weeks and months

When a woman is in an interesting state for the first time, she is curious not only about the internal changes happening to her, but how her appearance will change, or more precisely, how her tummy will grow.

How the belly changes from the fourteenth week

As a rule: up to twelve weeks - three months of pregnancy, it will be completely invisible. After all, the uterus is still located in the small pelvis. But its dimensions are already impressive - like the head of a newly born child.

Twelfth week - belly

TO sixteenth week - four months of pregnancy your baby will already weigh 100 grams, and the convex side of the uterus will be located exactly in the middle between the navel and pubis. The tummy will begin to round. Amniotic fluid will occupy a volume of 300 milliliters.

On twentieth week - at the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, The length of the embryo will be 26 centimeters. The fundus of the uterus will drop two fingers below the navel. The baby weighs three hundred grams, and the water will have a capacity of about 500 milliliters.

Tummy at the twentieth week of pregnancy

On twenty-fourth week, at the end of the sixth month, the bottom of the uterus reaches the level of the navel, the stomach is already clearly visible even in loose clothes.

Twenty-fourth week - belly

On 28th week - at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy the embryo reaches thirty-five centimeters, the uterus is three fingers higher than the navel. The baby's weight is already 1,000 - 1,200 grams.

Fetal development at twenty-eight weeks

On thirty-second week, at the end of the eighth month of pregnancy, the navel is flattened, and the uterus is located approximately in the middle between the xiphoid process and the navel. The child weighs 1,700 grams and reaches 41 centimeters in size.

Belly size at thirty-second week

On thirty-eighth week ninth month of pregnancy, the baby has already reached the uppermost space in the area of ​​the costal arches. The weight of the fetus is 2,500 grams or more, height is forty-eight centimeters or more.

Belly - thirty-eighth week

On fortieth week before giving birth The belly begins to drop, the baby is ready to be born. Pregnancy is coming to an end. Often during this period of pregnancy, the navel begins to protrude.

Forty weeks pregnant - belly

IMPORTANT: The size of the tummies of different women during pregnancy may differ due to unequal body structure and hereditary characteristics. Women who have multiple pregnancies also have a larger tummy.

What should be the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl?

Medical specialists reject the hypothesis that the shape of a mother’s belly can tell who the son or daughter will be. However, people think differently. According to signs, it is believed that if there is a girl, then the belly of the future mother will be more rounded, spreading out a little to the sides. In addition, mothers of babies become less beautiful in the later stages of pregnancy. They experience swelling and their face changes slightly for the worse.

Pregnant woman with a girl

If the expectant mother is expecting a son, then her tummy is neat, sharp, and does not float on the sides. If a woman stands with her back, then even in the later stages her pregnancy will not be noticeable.

Why does the lower abdomen pull when walking during pregnancy?

The sources of pain in the lower abdomen while walking can be for various reasons. In order not to endanger yourself and your baby, if you have such unpleasant feelings, contact your local gynecologist with a problem. Only he will be able to correctly determine what causes the nagging pain.

Nagging pain in the abdomen when walking - its causes

The causes of nagging pain in the abdomen can be:

  • increased blood flow to the uterus- normal in early pregnancy
  • swelling, stretching of the uterine ligaments- occurs due to the growth of the uterus, if you lie down and relax, then such sensations go away, if severe pain does not subside, spotting appears - there may be a miscarriage
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • increase in fetal size- in later stages, this process is more often observed in primiparas
  • lowering of the abdomen before childbirth

Pregnant belly before childbirth

Why does your stomach itch during pregnancy?

Itching in the abdominal area is a common occurrence with a growing belly. Doctors used to think so. However, then they began to study this phenomenon and established several reasons why the stomach may itch.

  • Allergic reactions for food, creams, wool, synthetics and a number of other materials. Such problems appear during pregnancy. To solve them, you need to remove the allergen
  • The skin itches due to the fact that it is stretched, because the belly is growing bigger and bigger every week. To relieve itching, use hypoallergenic creams
  • Sometimes itching on the skin of the abdomen indicates liver disease, manifestation of cholecystitis. Only a specialist doctor can establish these pathologies after the test results
  • Often my stomach just itches, itching, as it appears, goes away on its own

IMPORTANT: If you have any discomfort (itching, burning) in the abdominal area, tell your doctor about the problem. Let the doctor dispel all your doubts, make a diagnosis, and thereby make sure that there is no danger to your and your child’s life.

What does pain in the upper abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

Sometimes expectant mothers feel pain in the upper abdomen. Such feelings are natural, because a number of functional changes occur in the body. The fetus grows and moves quite actively in the second half of pregnancy. These painful feelings occur periodically and disappear within one to two hours.

Pain in the lower abdomen

But there are others primary sources of pain in the upper abdomen in expectant mothers.

  • Non-compliance with diet, improper diet (consumption of fatty, smoked, salty foods), overeating. In such cases, you should not massage the abdomen to avoid the risk of internal bleeding. After a couple of hours the pain subsides on its own
  • Pathologies associated with gastrointestinal disorders. If you have these diseases, you should not self-medicate
  • Pain in the left side may indicate the presence of intestinal diseases, pancreas and hernia
  • Painful sensations in the upper right part occur with inflammation of the ulcer, liver, gall, pancreatitis

IMPORTANT: If you experience acute, unbearable pain, do not hesitate, contact medical specialists. Self-medication in such cases is not effective.

Pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

With the birth of the fetus, pregnant women may experience a number of new, sometimes unpleasant, sensations. Some mothers worry about unusual feelings because they do not understand the nature of their origin.

Now you will find out why it occurs pulsation in the lower abdomen. There are several sources of pulsation:

  • embryo movements in the early stages, often perceived as a pulsation
  • on the twenty-eighth week, your baby is already making swallowing movements on his own; if he swallows amniotic fluid, then hiccups occur - this is the cause of the pulsation
  • at the beginning of the third trimester, the tummy already has a decent size, the baby is growing, and when the mother takes an uncomfortable position, sometimes the vena cava (inferior) is compressed, which causes pulsation
  • in very rare cases, the cause of pulsation is an aortic aneurysm, in such cases hospitalization is necessary

Drooping belly during pregnancy: causes

Typically, the expectant mother's tummy drops immediately two weeks before the previous birth. According to medical rules, this process should take place at the thirty-sixth week - no earlier.

However, there are some exceptions. Often the stomach drops down due to the individual body structure (in overweight mothers). This also happens in women who are giving birth more than once or have multiple pregnancies.

Drooping belly - 38th week of pregnancy

What should the abdominal temperature be during pregnancy?

During the normal course of pregnancy, body temperature, including the abdomen, can fluctuate from 36.5ºС to 37ºС. A drop in temperature may be accompanied by fainting. Increases negatively affect the development of the embryo in the first weeks (months) of pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers need to take care of their health, try not to get colds, take vitamins, eat right, and strengthen the immune system.

Why did the belly shrink during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's waist size should increase. Obstetricians monitor this carefully. However, there are times when the stomach decreases slightly in size.

This happens because the expectant mother has lost a little weight or the woman is preparing for childbirth. Before childbirth, the stomach drops and its volume decreases. If the tummy does not grow during pregnancy, then pathologies of the fetus are possible. In such cases, hospitalization cannot be avoided.

What does the shape of the abdomen indicate during pregnancy?

According to folk signs, the shape of the tummy can reveal who the mother is carrying under her heart - a girl or a boy. Doctors use the shape of the abdomen to determine the position of the embryo and make conclusions about its development. In addition, based on the excess body weight of a pregnant woman, doctors determine her health status, namely, the presence of kidney diseases and other organs.

IMPORTANT: A positive attitude is very important during pregnancy. Demand attention to yourself and your baby. Already from a small stage of pregnancy, communicate with the baby, sing songs, stroke the tummy.

Video: Why does my stomach hurt in the early stages?

An expanding belly appears. Why and how does it grow? It would seem that the answer is obvious: the belly grows because the child is growing in it, and this happens in the same way for all expectant mothers, because any normal pregnancy lasts 9 months. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and the characteristics of abdominal growth can tell a specialist a lot...

What causes the belly to grow during pregnancy? Due to the growth of the fetus, uterus and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid - the habitat of the unborn baby. Let's talk in more detail about each of the listed components.

Fruit size

The size of first the fertilized egg and then the fetus is determined by the results of an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). With the help of transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted into the vagina during this study), the fertilized egg can be detected after 2-3 weeks of its development; the gestational age, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, is 6-7 weeks at this time. The diameter of the fertilized egg at this stage is 2-4 mm.

Uterus dimensions

The uterus increases in size throughout pregnancy. For the first few weeks, the uterus is pear-shaped. At the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, its size approximately triples and it has a rounded shape. During the second half of pregnancy, the uterus retains its round shape, and at the beginning of the third trimester it acquires an ovoid shape. Before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus averages 50-100 g, and at the end of pregnancy - 1000 g. The volume of the uterine cavity at the end of pregnancy increases by more than 500 times. During pregnancy, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times and thickens approximately 5 times. The vascular network of the uterus increases significantly; in terms of its oxygen regime, the pregnant uterus approaches such vital organs as the heart, liver and brain.

These parameters can be determined by measuring the uterus using external obstetric examination techniques. To do this, the so-called value of the uterine fundus is measured, but at the beginning of pregnancy, until the uterus extends beyond the pelvic bones, an increase in the size of the uterus can be determined using a vaginal examination (it is carried out during a gynecological examination) or ultrasound.

The doctor determines the height of the fundus of the uterus at each regular examination using a centimeter tape: this helps to navigate the rate of growth of the abdomen. The doctor measures the distance from the upper edge of the symphysis pubis to the upper part of the uterus - its bottom. Approximately, the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds to the gestational age in weeks. For example, if the height of the uterine fundus is 22 cm, the gestational age is 22 weeks.

Amniotic fluid

The increase in the volume of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) occurs unevenly. So, their volume is on average 30 ml, in - 100 ml, in - 400 ml, etc. The maximum volume is observed at (on average - 1000-1500 ml). By the end of pregnancy, the amount of water may decrease to 800 ml. When pregnancy is carried beyond term (in), a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid is observed (less than 800 ml).

The size of the uterus reaches approximately the size of a chicken egg.
It already corresponds to the size of a goose egg.
The size of the uterus reaches the size of the head of a newborn, its bottom reaches the upper edge of the symphysis pubis.
Afterwards, the fundus of the uterus is palpated through the anterior abdominal wall.
It is located in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel.
In the fundus of the uterus two transverse fingers below the navel. At this time, the tummy is already noticeably enlarged; this is visible to the naked eye, even if the expectant mother is wearing clothes.
The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel.
The fundus of the uterus is determined 2-3 fingers above the navel.
The fundus of the uterus is located midway between the navel and the xiphoid process, the navel begins to flatten.
The fundus of the uterus rises to the xiphoid process and costal arches - this is the highest level of the fundus of the uterus.
It descends into the fundus of the uterus to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. At the end of pregnancy, the navel protrudes.

If your belly size is not normal...

The rate of enlargement of the uterus, and therefore the growth of the abdomen, must quite strictly correspond to the above parameters, since they are an important indicator of the normal course of pregnancy.

In the early stages, when the uterus is not yet palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, the discrepancy between its size and the expected gestational age may be a sign, while the fertilized egg most often develops in the fallopian tube.

Exceeding the expected size of pregnancy is typical for such pathology as chorionepithelioma- a tumor that develops from placental tissue and consists of a large number of small bubbles. With this tumor, the fetus dies, and timely treatment is necessary to preserve the health of the mother.

In later stages of pregnancy, a lag in the rate of increase in the uterine fundus most often occurs when fetal malnutrition, that is, when its growth is delayed. With this pathology, the baby is born even with timely birth with a weight of less than 2600 g, and its adaptation to extrauterine life is difficult.

The uterus can become enlarged with significant polyhydramnios- a condition when the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds the norm, reaching 2-5 liters, and sometimes 10-12. This pathology occurs in diabetes mellitus - impaired absorption of sugar, Rh-conflict pregnancy - when the body of a Rh-negative mother produces antibodies against Rh-positive erythrocytes of the fetus, in acute and chronic infections, and in fetal developmental anomalies. Of course, all these conditions require close attention from doctors.

The uterus may grow faster than usual when large fruit size. In turn, a large fetus may be a consequence of both genetic characteristics and diabetes in the expectant mother during this pregnancy. A large fetus increases the risk of complications during childbirth, and diabetes requires treatment.

Thus, changes in the rate of increase in the height of the uterine fundus can serve as an indicator of various pathologies of the mother and, more often, the fetus. Therefore, if at the next appointment the doctor discovers that the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to the gestational age, he prescribes additional studies to clarify the factors that caused the decrease or increase in the rate of abdominal growth.

Belly shape during pregnancy

The shape of the abdomen is of particular importance in the second half of pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy and the correct position of the fetus, the abdomen has an ovoid (ovoid) shape; with polyhydramnios, the abdomen becomes spherical, and with a transverse position of the fetus, it takes on the shape of a transverse oval. The belly has a special shape in the third trimester of pregnancy in women with a narrow pelvis: in primiparous women the belly is pointed, as if pointed upward, in multiparous women it is slightly saggy (see figure).

Thus, the shape of the abdomen is also important for determining the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, however, unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence that it can be used to determine the expected sex of the child.

The belly of the expectant mother will become noticeable to others only by the 4-5th month of pregnancy. But we now know that its growth begins much earlier. Therefore, from the very beginning of expecting a baby, a pregnant woman should treat herself carefully and carefully.

Valentina Remizova,
head Department of antenatal clinic No. 1, Moscow


Hello! I have this problem, according to the doctors, yesterday a brown spot appeared and in the morning I ran to the gynecologist for an ultrasound. According to obstetric terms, I have 8 weeks (counting from the first day of my last menstruation), but the menstrual cycle is not the same, maybe a week apart, especially since it was so hot then! So, the ultrasound showed that the ovum is 9 mm, the gynecologist determined that this is 3-4 weeks of development, i.e. 5-6 weeks of obstetrics. It turns out that the fetus is either lagging behind in development, or fertilization occurred later, or I have a frozen pregnancy. Doctors still hope that the fetus is alive, but they assume it is frozen. Tell me, do you think this is the normal size of the ovum?
Considering that it could develop either 6 weeks or 4-5.

I’m pregnant for the second time, 29 weeks, and those who don’t know my tummy won’t notice. The same thing happened during my first pregnancy. When I came for the birth, they said that at 3-4 months, you will give birth to 1 kg. But a boy was born, 3.5 kg and 52 cm. Now he is also a boy and everything is fine with weight (according to ultrasound). Weight gain of 5 kg, but this is not visible from the outside. And no worries. Therefore, most likely everything is individual and genetic. My mother gave birth to five children and never had a belly.

12/30/2008 13:33:05, Elena

I’m 90 cm at 28 weeks

I apologize! I wrote almost off-topic and confused the pages of the articles. But I think it will also be interesting for visitors to this article.

Hello everyone! I’ll tell you about myself. Before pregnancy I was 49 kg with a height of 158 cm. By 12 weeks I didn’t gain anything at all, then every 4 weeks I added 1.5-2 kg. Now at the end of the 36th week my weight is about 61 -th kg. As a result, the total gain at the moment is 12 kg. I think that by the end of pregnancy I will gain another 2-3 kg. You know, like any woman, I am worried about how I look and will look after giving birth, but I try not to focus on this. I know girls who have gained 30-35 kg during pregnancy, and now, in my opinion, they have become even thinner than they were. The only thing that worries me personally is that there are not too many stretch marks (you can’t remove them later! ) I live in Germany and here the doctors don’t look at this at all, in my opinion. By the way, from the very beginning of pregnancy I have had protein in my urine with every test - and nothing, not even once did my doctor mention any problems and I feel I felt great for the entire 36 weeks. Another example: my friend went through her entire pregnancy with terrible toxicosis. Until the last day of pregnancy, she was vomiting 3 times a day. But they didn’t even put her on preservation, she just went on IVs. Doctors they didn’t scare her with all sorts of threats of miscarriage and all that. By the end, despite everything, she somehow managed to gain 12 kg. and gave birth to a healthy baby! Just like that!

Hello, girls! I, of course, am not an expert, but I think, like many who have already said, that the size of the tummy depends on the woman and everything is individual. When I became pregnant, I immediately found out about the pregnancy of 2 of my friends. One of them they already had a huge belly at 4 months, but at that time, at 16 weeks, by the wedding day, nothing was visible at all, I even lost a little weight, the belly appeared only at the beginning of the 5th month. Now at the end of the 36th week the volume " waist" 92 cm (before pregnancy - 62-63 cm)

I’m in my 20th week, but I can’t see my belly... I’m worried... judging by the scales, I’ve gained 3 kg, although outwardly it’s not noticeable... and it’s somehow quiet... I’m thinking about good things, everything will be fine , but I wasn’t very lucky with the doctors; instead of calming me down (especially since the specialist is faced with different situations), the gynecologist breaks into a scream, scares me with pathology, etc. There is a desire not to visit the residential complex at all, but to listen to yourself.

12/10/2008 16:40:02, llulashka

Girls, I’m 18 weeks old, I measured my belly to be 80 cm... is this normal? There the girls above wrote that at 5 months such a belly and I only have 4..

03.12.2008 16:32:43, Likusya

Girls, I’m 17 weeks pregnant, my belly is visible when I wear something tight... but since it’s autumn, I wear a jacket and it’s not very noticeable. There are things that can hide your tummy well. and in some emphasize. I want to say that this is my first pregnancy and that my husband has been seeing my tummy like this for weeks since I was 10 (especially in the evening it gets very swollen and is clearly visible) and somewhere from this period I can no longer lie on my stomach.

11/10/2008 16:33:46, Anet

no, it’s so offensive that you can’t see your belly (((I’m 12 weeks, I think I understand that it’s early, but I still want everyone to see it, to show off)) and to make it clear that I didn’t just gain weight, but I’m PREGNANT!!)) )

The size of the abdomen during pregnancy largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body structure. For some expectant mothers, the tummy appears extremely late, while others notice the appearance of roundness in the initial stages - 15-17 weeks.

The tummy increases during gestation due to the systematic growth of the fetus in the womb and the increase in volume. Minor changes in the size of the abdomen can be noticeable to the mother herself already from the 20th week, while those around her can only guess about the position from the 20th week. At this moment, the belly becomes quite noticeable, but women with large figures can hide it much longer.

When carrying out measurements, specialists are guided by generally accepted standards, but at the same time take into account the fact that indicators may differ significantly in each case.

Among the list of factors influencing changes in abdominal circumference are the following:

  • the physique of the expectant mother;
  • speed of weight gain - many pregnant women have an increased appetite;
  • fruit size;
  • presentation;
  • amount of anatomical fluid.

In mothers who are prone to being overweight, roundness may not be noticeable until the very moment of childbirth, while girls with a narrow pelvis and a fragile physique are faced with a change in abdominal volume at the very beginning of the second trimester. The volume of the abdomen during multiple pregnancy increases quite quickly, so an interesting position can become noticeable to others much earlier.

The size of the abdomen may not increase systematically, but in leaps and bounds. Experts begin to monitor the dynamics of the increase in centimeters in the abdominal circumference not immediately, but, as a rule, from the 17th to 20th week of pregnancy.

The largest abdominal circumference is . By this moment, all the most important stages of fetal formation are completed, and the fundus of the uterus reaches its peak. You should not panic if your belly has become smaller at 38 weeks; most likely the baby has taken a different position, because he is preparing to meet his mother soon. Immediately before the date of birth, the height of the uterine fundus decreases and “prolapse of the abdomen” occurs.

How to measure your belly correctly?

It is important to measure your tummy correctly, because a significant error can be a serious reason for panic.

Women are especially sensitive during pregnancy, and this is natural. A deviation of a couple of centimeters may be a cause for concern. Of course, in this case you need to calm down. Because all indicators are individual.

Measurements are made using a centimeter tape as follows:

  1. The expectant mother needs to stand up straight.
  2. Place the tape at the navel level.
  3. It is better to take measurements at the same time.

You cannot measure the abdominal circumference using the most protruding points - this is incorrect.

If the values ​​obtained are slightly different from the norm, there is no reason to panic. This is due to the fact that changes in coolant are influenced by many factors, for example, the amount of anatomical fluid. This volume can vary significantly throughout the entire period of gestation.

Significant changes in parameters immediately before childbirth may be a cause for concern. Such deviations may indicate that something has changed, and difficulties may arise during labor. A gynecologist will be able to accurately determine the position of the baby, who, if there are contraindications to independent delivery, will be able to promptly determine the need.

In any case, serious deviations in abdominal girth from the norm are a reason to visit a gynecologist. After an examination, the doctor will be able to refute the presence of reasons for concern.

Belly growth

The question of what causes the growth of the belly of an expectant mother during pregnancy seems very simple. Of course, the systematic development of the fetus, but this is only one of the factors. The belly grows in all pregnant women, but not at the same rate. It is this factor that can tell the gynecologist a lot.

The volume of the abdomen during pregnancy begins to change at different stages. Such changes are associated with the structure of a woman’s body, the functioning of the intestines and the existing layer of subcutaneous fat. The change in abdominal circumference in the first trimester of pregnancy is not associated with a change in the size of the uterus; the fetus is still very small.

The following factors influence changes in the size of the tummy:

  • increased gas formation - the course of the food digestion process changes in pregnant women;
  • tendency to overeat;
  • formation of edema.

The change in the size of the uterus occurs in almost the same way in all pregnant women. The fetus begins to grow slowly a few weeks after conception. At the same time, the uterus itself increases, as well as the volume of amniotic fluid. The rate of change in these indicators is assessed by a gynecologist at each examination. Based on these data, the specialist gives a conclusion about the planned course of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the uterus is located inside the pelvis and does not rise above the pubic bone, which is why the stomach is not noticeable to others. Until the 12th week, the doctor assesses the size of the uterus during the examination, and after this period the organ crosses the border of the pubic bone and can be palpated through the abdominal wall.

The height of the uterine fundus in most cases is proportional to the gestational age according to obstetric weeks.

From about 12 weeks, the doctor will monitor the height of the uterine fundus using a special measuring tape. These are important indicators, since any deviations may indicate serious problems with the pregnancy.

The uterus begins to grow rapidly during pregnancy. At this stage, the mother’s belly becomes noticeable, and after 21-22 weeks it begins to protrude even more. The severity of the appearance of the tummy largely depends on the structural features of the pelvis, the distensibility of the abdominal walls and the presentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity.

Among the list of main factors influencing the growth rate are:

  • condition of the abdominal muscles;
  • structural features of the pelvic bones;
  • hereditary factor.

Strong and dense abdominal muscles are difficult to stretch, and therefore the tummy of mothers who are fond of sports appears much later. For the same reason, the stomach becomes noticeable earlier - the muscles are already stretched. The tummy may be less noticeable in women who are prone to obesity and have a wide pelvis.

The factor of genetic predisposition also affects the timing of the appearance of the tummy in the expectant mother during pregnancy. A later increase in life expectancy is often observed in succession in several generations, with women giving birth to healthy children.

Abdominal circumference

Abdominal circumference during pregnancy by week is one of the important and monitored indicators. It is calculated according to the gestational age and compared with tabular indicators. Abdominal circumference is measured starting at 20 weeks.

Such values ​​make it possible to estimate the rate of intrauterine development of the baby.

During each routine examination, the doctor determines the regularity of fetal development in the uterus. To do this, the woman must lie down on the couch. The gynecologist, using a measuring tape, determines the length from the edge of the symphysis pubis to the prominent area of ​​the uterine fundus. In this way, the height of the uterine fundus is measured.

Such manipulations allow you to control the increase in centimeters in the abdominal area. On average, starting from week 20, a pregnant woman’s belly increases by 1 centimeter per week. The abdominal circumference by week of pregnancy must be compared with the height of the uterine fundus. Normally, these indicators should correspond to the established deadline.

Fundal height of the uterus

An increase in the size of the uterus occurs throughout the entire gestation period:

  • In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, up to the 12th week inclusive, the entire uterus is located in the small pelvis, despite the fact that already at this stage its dimensions are proportional to the newborn’s head.
  • Starting from the 12th week, the uterus is palpated in the lower abdomen, a couple of centimeters above the pubic bone. As the period increases, it rises.
  • At week 16, the fundus of the uterus is localized in the middle part of the space between the pubic bone and the navel.
  • At week 20, the tummy often becomes noticeable to others, the bottom is 2 cm below the navel.
  • At 24 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel.
  • At week 28, the fundus of the uterus is 2 cm above the navel.
  • At 32 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is centered between the navel and the extreme part of the sternum.
  • The highest level of the uterine fundus is at 38 weeks of pregnancy. The uterus rises to the level of the costal arches. The navel protrudes.
  • By week 40, the height of the uterine fundus becomes smaller as the fetus turns over and prepares for the birth process. The uterus passes into the pelvic area and descends.

Belly shape

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy can be not only standard - round, but also asymmetrical.

When the child is in a transverse position, the shape of the abdomen becomes a transverse oval, and with polyhydramnios, it becomes spherical.

In any case, much depends on the pace of fetal development. As the child grows, he constantly makes movements in the uterine cavity, turns over, straightens his limbs, and accordingly, the shape of the tummy can change even throughout the day.

If you believe folk superstitions, the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl is different and helps determine the sex of the child. However, doctors do not confirm this. It is believed that the shape of the abdomen when carrying a boy is special. The tummy is collected and sticks out a little forward. When a woman stands with her back turned, it is difficult to suspect pregnancy even after 30 weeks.

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a girl is less neat, the tummy “spreads to the sides” and looks quite large. There is another belief that a daughter takes away her mother’s beauty; mothers often gain weight when carrying girls.

Deviation from the norm

An increase in the size of the abdomen occurs individually, in contrast to a change in the height of the uterine fundus. This value changes in almost all expectant mothers the same way. That is why doctors trust these indicators more.

Inconsistency between the parameters of the uterus and the gestational age may indicate serious deviations, such as

Pathological conditions are often detected in the early stages, so the need to register with a gynecologist as early as possible should not be neglected. In the early stages, indicators that do not meet the norms may indicate an ectopic or genetically inferior pregnancy.

A rapid change in the size of the uterus may indicate the presence. The discrepancy between indicators and norms in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy may be due to changes in the volume of amniotic fluid. Such a deviation also requires diagnosis and identification of causes.

The shape of the expectant mother's tummy may change throughout the entire pregnancy. The abdomen may be round, convex, or have an asymmetrical shape - these indicators do not indicate the presence of pathology. Doctors rarely attach importance to the lag in growth of centimeters in the abdominal area; they are concerned about another indicator - the height of the uterine fundus. These values ​​cannot be called individual; they change at the same rate in all pregnant women.

Useful video about belly size during pregnancy

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Calendar methods for calculating gestational age

If sexual intercourse in a woman’s life is irregular, then, most likely, she will be able to remember exactly that day (or night) when the most active sperm entered her body, which fertilized the just waiting egg. But not only rare sex life contributes to this. Systematic measurement of basal temperature and the ability to use the data obtained often give a woman the opportunity to determine the exact date of fertilization in her body. She announces this day in the gynecologist’s office after establishing the fact of her pregnancy . But, for some reason, the doctor, having found out the date of the woman’s last menstruation, sets a deadline of two weeks longer than the period assumed by her.
What is the reason for this difference? The answer here is simple:
Gynecologists determine the obstetric period depending on the first day of the last menstruation. It turns out that pregnancy begins on this day, although this is absolutely not the case. However, it is not possible to challenge the correctness of this method, since it is quite accurate. The same technique serves as the basis calculating possible due date . The formula is as follows: to the first day of the date of the last menstruation, add 280 days or subtract 3 months and add seven days (Naegele formula).

If they know exactly the day of ovulation, then they add not 280, but 264 days to the first day of their menstrual cycle. As a result, the expected date of delivery becomes known. Pregnancy in this case counted from the day of ovulation.

The role of ultrasound examination (ultrasound) in determining the duration of pregnancy

Calculate gestational age by week possible by resorting to ultrasound. After all, it’s no secret that today, with the help of ultrasound, it is possible not only to diagnose the development of the fetus in the mother’s womb, but also to accurately determine the gestational age. Research conducted before the eighth weeks of pregnancy , are very accurate in this regard. All healthy embryos at this stage have the same development and fetal size calculate pregnancy by week doesn't amount to much there. Over long periods of time, experts can already make mistakes, since even in such a tiny state, babies are already beginning to look different from each other - some are larger, some are smaller, and appearance of the fetus plays a role in the accuracy of determining the gestational age. Deviations within one week are not taken into account and are not considered pathology. The basis for setting the due date is the data obtained during the measurement of the coccyx and crown.

In case of delay in fetal development for two weeks or more it is necessary to exclude the possibility of error in the process of establishing the gestational age to avoid the diagnosis of “intrauterine growth retardation”. There is no cure for this diagnosis. Preventive inpatient measures provide only a moderate effect.

Examination by a gynecologist

Often women rush to the doctor on the first day of missed menstruation or even earlier, hoping for an accurate answer from the doctor as to whether she is pregnant. But, as a rule, they leave disappointed. A slight enlargement of the uterus is possible before the onset of menstruation. Calculate gestational age by week in short periods it is possible by comparing the volume of the uterus at 8 weeks with a goose egg, at 10 weeks - with the fist of a woman’s hand. We remind you that what shorter gestational age , the more accurate its determination during a gynecological examination.

A parameter such as the length of the uterus serves as an assessment of fetal development . Starting from the second trimester, it is measured with a measuring tape while the woman is lying on the couch. An increase of 1 cm every week is considered normal. Medical manuals for obstetricians and gynecologists contain special tables that doctors successfully use in their practice.

So, the following indicators will help you correctly calculate your pregnancy by week:

12 weeks - the uterine fundus is palpated on the upper edge of the female womb,

14 weeks – located two fingers above the pubis,

16 weeks – the uterine fundus can already be felt between the womb and the navel,

20 weeks – the fundus of the uterus is two fingers below the navel,

24 weeks – the uterine fundus reaches the level of the navel,

28 weeks – the uterine fundus exceeds the level of the navel by two fingers,

32 weeks – bottom in the middle of the navel and xiphoid process, length 28 – 30 cm,

36 weeks - the uterine fundus is palpable at the same level as the xiphoid process, the length reaches 32 - 34 cm,

40 weeks – on the eve of birth, the womb corresponds to the level of 32 weeks due to the fact that the baby’s head is preparing for birth, moving lower and lower into the pelvis.

An important criterion for determining the duration of pregnancy is the volume of the abdomen. , but these data are not always plausible. But knowing the exact length of the uterus allows you to detect oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios and other pathologies.

Baby's heart sounds

The baby’s heart is beating at 4.5 weeks, which is also visible during ultrasound examination and is a fact that the baby is alive and developing normally. A little later, during a routine examination, the gynecologist listens to heart sounds, making sure that the fetus is developing normally. . Difficulty hearing heart sounds may indicate pathologies.

The level of human chorionic gonadotropin is determined by a blood test from a vein. Its indicators are necessary at very early stages of pregnancy , when you are so impatient to find out about its presence, and calculate the pregnancy week by week, at least approximately based on the data received.


An ever-increasing belly indicates an increase in pregnancy. Understanding why this happens is not entirely easy, since the reason for the enlargement of the abdomen lies not only in the growth of the child.


Based on the results of ultrasound, the size of the fetal egg in the short term, and then the size of the fetus, is determined. Transvaginal ultrasound is effective for detecting the ovum even at such a short period as 2 - 3 weeks.

Belly by week of pregnancy has a different size, as the uterus gradually increases. When pregnancy begins, she looks like a pear. By the end of the second month, its size increases almost 3 times, and it acquires a rounded shape. By the end of pregnancy, the uterus already weighs almost 1 kg. You can monitor how your pregnancy progresses week by week using the photo of the abdomen below, from which you can clearly see the change in the size and shape of the pregnant woman’s abdomen.

The rate of abdominal growth is determined at each examination using a measuring tape. An approximate guideline is the height of the uterine fundus. Let’s say that if the height of the uterine fundus is 33 cm, then the gestational age is 33 weeks.

Amniotic fluid

The filling of the womb with amniotic fluid occurs unevenly. The maximum volume by week 38 is approximately 1500 ml. By the time of birth, the amount of water may decrease to 800 ml. In case of post-term pregnancy, the amount of water may be less than 800 ml.

If your belly size is not normal

According to the weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen must exactly correspond to all parameters characteristic of its period, since their presence in the norm indicates the normal course of pregnancy.

In the early stages, the uterus cannot be felt through the abdominal wall and therefore it is necessary to exclude the fact of an ectopic pregnancy.

Chorionepithelioma is a tumor caused by the pregnancy exceeding the expected size.

Fetal hypotrophy in later stages is the result of a lag in the rate of increase in the uterine fundus.

Oligohydramnios also results in a smaller uterus.

The transverse position of the fetus helps to reduce the height of the uterine fundus. In this case, a caesarean section is necessary.

Belly shape

Monitoring your pregnancy week by week using photos is necessary in cases where there are any pathologies.

The importance of a photo of the abdomen when recording pregnancy by week is important: the ovoid shape of the abdomen indicates a normal pregnancy and correct presentation of the fetus. A spherical belly indicates polyhydramnios.

Judging the pregnancy week by week using a photo, we can make an assumption about the transverse position of the fetus in the uterus. The transverse oval is the characteristic shape of the abdomen in this case.

From all of the above it follows that the size of the abdomen plays an important role in determining the characteristics of pregnancy.


All stages of pregnancy development by week with photos We examined the developing fetus in the womb of the expectant mother in detail in the previous material . The development of pregnancy week by week for up to four weeks begins with the birth of life in the middle of the female menstrual cycle. Around the end of the second week of the cycle, the egg matures and is transferred into the fallopian tube from the ovary. If you're lucky, fertilization will occur in the next 24 hours as a result of a meeting with a sperm. Next, the egg enters the uterine cavity and attaches to its walls. The placenta is delivered. An umbilical cord and amniotic sac are formed.

The gradual development of pregnancy week by week (photo below) indicates the growth of the unborn child and the correct formation of all internal organs and systems. So, approximately by the middle of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 600 g and is approximately 33 cm tall. Sweat glands appear in the thickened skin. Arms and legs become stronger. The baby is already actively pushing, turning over and even clenching his fists. Coughing, hiccups, and emotional expression are all normal symptoms at about 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The progress of pregnancy week by week suggests that it’s time to think about buying things necessary for the unborn baby and about a trip to the maternity hospital. By the time of birth, the baby’s weight is about 3 kg and his height is about 50 cm. This is considered normal.