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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Wood cutter for square holes. How to make a square hole. for metal products

Wood cutter for square holes. How to make a square hole. for metal products

The simplest figure of the hundred-yang shi-ri-na will help us in drilling square holes. If you move the center of this “triangle” along a certain trajectory, then its vertices are drawn almost like a square, and the he will sweep the entire area inside the radiant figure.

The edges of the best figure, except for small pieces in the corners, will be strictly straight ! And if you continue to live from the cutting, then you will see the corners, then the result will be exactly a square.

In order to be described above, the center of the triangular Re-lo needs to be moved along the trajectory, clearly la-yu-shchey-glue-coy from four one-to-one arcs of el-lip-owls. The centers of the el-lips are located at the tops of the square, and along the axis, at an angle of $45^\circ$ from-but-si-tel-but the sides of the square are equal to $k\cdot(1+1/\sqrt3)/2$ and $k\cdot(1-1/\sqrt3)/ 2$, where $k$ is the length of a hundred square meters.

Curved, rounded corners also appear as du-ga-mi el-lip-sovs with centers in the corners of squares , their half-axis is at an angle of $45^\circ$ from the sides of the square and is equal to $k\cdot(\sqrt3+ 1)/2$ and $k\cdot(1/\sqrt3-1)/2$.

The area of ​​the invisible corners is only about 2% of the area of ​​the entire square!

Now, if you make a drill in the form of a triangular Re-lo, then you can drill square holes with a little -go-round-the-corner-of-me, but ab-so-lyut-but straight-we-a-hundred-on-mi!

All that's left is to make that drill... Or rather, it's not difficult to make the drill itself, you just need it to fit in this is the triangle of Re-lo, and the cutting edges of the owls are with its tops.

The difficulty lies in the fact that, as already mentioned above, the tra-ek-to-ria of the center of the drill must be -one hundred of four arcs of el-lip-owls. Vi-zu-al-but this curve is very similar to a circle and even ma-te-ma-ti-che-ski close to it, but still it is not a circle ness. And all the ex-cen-tri-ki (a circle placed on a circle of another ra-di-u-sa with a shifted center), use-use- They are in tech, they move strictly in a circle.

In 1914, the English engineer Harry James Watts figured out how to arrange such a drilling. On the surface he places a right-handed template with a pro-cut in the form of a square, in which a drill moves, inserted into a socket with a “free-floating drill in it.” A patent for such a pa-tron was issued to a company that started manufacturing Watts drills in 1916.

Je-ro-la-mo CARDANO (1501 - 1576). When, in 1541, im-per-ra-tor Charles V tri-um-fal-no entered the Za-vo-e-van-ny Milan, rector of the College of Vra -whose Kar-da-no was walking next to the bal-da-khin. In response to the honor, he offered to equip the royal crew with the weight of two shafts, which were not you-ve-det ka-re-tu from go-ri-zon-tal-no-go po-lo-zhe-niya […]. Justice demands to note that the idea of ​​such a system goes back to antiquity and that at the very least in the “At-lan-ti-che-sky codex” Leo-nar-do da Vin-chi has a ri-su-nok su-do-vo-go com-pa-sa with kar -given under the weight. Such com-pa-sys in the first half of the 16th century, apparently, without influence -I-niya Kar-da-no.

S. G. Gin-di-kin. Talk about physics and ma-te-ma-ti-kah.

We are using another known structure. We attach the drill rigidly to the triangular re-lo, placing it in a square on the right-hand frame . Sam-ma ram-ka fi-si-ru-et-sya on the drill. All that remains now is to transfer the rotation of the drill to the tri-corner of Re-lo.

One of the main types machining cutting of various materials used in modern technology is drilling. It is carried out using special tool, called a drill, to which is communicated rotational movement(in some cases the workpiece rotates). By drilling you can get holes various depths and diameters.

In most cases holes, obtained by drilling, have a cylindrical shape. However, the use of special tools and special processing techniques makes it possible to give them an ellipsoidal, square, curvilinear, oblong, triangular and other shapes.

Oblong holes for fastening GOST 16030 – 70
1st row 2nd row 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 36 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 110 125
2 2.4 - × × × ×
2.5 2.9 - × × × ×
3 3.4 - × × × × ×
4 4.5 - × × × × × ×
5 5.5 - × × × × × ×
6 6.6 7 × × × × × ×
8 9 10 × × × × × × × × × × ×
10 11 12 × × × × × × × × × × ×
12 13 14 × × × × × × × × × × ×
14 15 16 × × × × × × × × × × ×
16 17 18 × × × × × × × × × × ×
18 19 20 × × × × × × × × × × ×
20 22 24 × × × × × × × × × × ×
22 24 26 × × × × × × × × × × ×
24 26 28 × × × × × × × × × × ×
27 30 32 × × × × × × × × × × ×
30 33 35 × × × × × × × × × × ×
36 39 42 × × × × × × × × × ×
42 45 48 × × × × × × × × ×
48 52 56 × × × × × × ×
Square holes for fastening GOST 16030 – 70
Square size
bolt headers
1st row 2nd row
5 5.5 - 0.5
6 6.6 7 0.5
8 9 - 0.8
10 11 12 0.8
12 13 14 1.0
14 15 16 1.0
16 17 18 1.2
20 22 24 1.2
22 24 26 1.6
24 26 28 1.6

Laser processing

In the conditions of modern engineering and any other production, there is often a need to obtain various materials holes having a very complex shape. A method often used for this is to use a laser beam operating in a controlled thermal splitting mode.

Today, laser processing is one of the most advanced methods of forming and processing square, oblong and others holes in a wide variety of materials. This technology allows for high-quality processing, which creates conditions for its larger-scale use.

The use of laser equipment with numerical control allows not only to manufacture or process holes a variety of shapes and configurations, but also to obtain completely finished products.

Electroerosive processing method

In technology, electrical erosion refers to the destruction of the surface of a product or workpiece, which occurs under the influence of electrical discharges.

This processing method is most often used to change, within certain limits, the size and shape of holes previously made in metal products and workpieces. Developers of mechanical engineering products that they design are often faced with the need to manufacture holes that may be different from cylindrical. It can be square, oblong, rectangular, curved and others holes.

It is especially difficult to process them when the material itself has characteristics such as increased hardness or high viscosity. It is in these cases that electrical discharge machining is usually used.

As practice shows, it is most effective for processing products of complex configurations made of hard materials. The fact is that the use of common mechanical methods often results in increased wear of the cutting tool.

Tapered drill bits for drilling sheet metal

In thin sheet metal Quite often you have to do various holes cylindrical shape. This happens, for example, when you need to produce electric installation work in steel boxes, and this is often not so easy to do.

Drilling holes in thin sheet metal using conventional twist drills is not an easy task, since the tool begins to, as they say, “pick up”. This can (and often does) lead to its breakdown, as well as to the fact that the holes are of an irregular, curved shape. Cone drills and step drills cope with this task much better.

The fact is that, thanks to their specific shape, the layer of processed material is cut evenly, without so-called “picking up” and jerking. Therefore, the drilled holes have a perfectly cylindrical shape.

Depending on what geometric characteristics it has cutting tool, the use of drills with a conical cutting edge allows you to obtain resulting diameters of various sizes. If drilling conditions are particularly difficult, then experienced craftsmen Step drills are used instead of conical ones. This cutting tool allows for very precise dimensions of the resulting holes.

Punching holes

One of the most common technologies for sheet metal stamping is punching. For example, in such high-precision production as instrument making, a very significant number of parts are manufactured using this method. For punching square and oblong holes special equipment is used, made of high-strength materials, resistant to long-term and constant mechanical loads and does not require frequent and thorough maintenance.

Punching holes can be done both on complex mechanized equipment and on simple hand presses. Its procedure is that a workpiece is placed between the punch and the matrix, in which a hole must be punched.

I think each of you made a case for your electronic craft. And when making a body, one nasty problem often arises - making a hole with a shape other than a circle. For example, square, under an LED indicator.

I used to suffer for a long time, drilling along the contour, then grinding these teeth, cursing about the fact that I sanded off too much or messed up the parallelism. In general, I have my hands full on everything related to the machining of materials. And there is nothing to be done about it. But where the hands cannot, the head must work. And we came up with a simple and effective solution.

So. You need to make a square hole in the plastic case.

First, let's mark the hole. It is better to do this using a paper template - you need to mark the corners as clearly as possible. We do this on the outside, front side! Then the corners are drilled through with a thin drill. Here it is important to take a thinner drill. The thinner the hole, the more accurate our hole will be.

Take a ruler and a sharp scalpel. Can stationery knife or whatever is at hand. The main requirement is that it must be very sharp, rigid and not loose. I do things like this with a cutter.

Using a ruler from hole to hole, exactly according to the size of our hole (no more, no less, exactly the same!) we make cuts. The deeper the better, but without fanaticism. Because the deeper you cut, the greater the chance that the blade will break off and we will kick outer surface, but this is not the same - it’s ugly. The holes here also rule because the tip of the scalpel falls into them and the edge of the cut does not go further than the hole. Markup here most important stage . It depends on him whether everything will turn out perfect the first time or whether it will have to be trimmed.

That's it, we got four pieces inside. Now we need to pick them up from the center and break inside!

The cut we made will give us a weak point at which the plastic will burst and break. And the holes at the edges will prevent the crack from going further than it should.

It took me no more than 10 minutes to pick this hole. This includes cleaning up trash and being distracted by taking photographs and searching for a scalpel or a drill.

Any hole, if it is made using a drill, has round shape and in order to make it square, you need to work hard with some filing tool. Let's look at how you can drill a square hole in metal with minimal use of a file using the example of making a convenient and reliable tap driver.

In order to make a driver with a square hole for a tap, having a side of 10mm, you will need:
1. Metal rectangular block-blank 13mm thick.
2. Electric drill.
3. Kerner.
4. Center drill.
5. Drills for drilling metal with a diameter of 4mm and 9mm.
6. Any coolant.
7. Small triangular file.

The production of the knob is as follows:
1. Make a square of paper with a side of 6mm, mark the center on it and glue it to the workpiece at the place where the hole is drilled.

2. Place the workpiece on a suitable anvil and mark the vertices and center of the glued square on it with a core.

When the paper is removed from the surface of the workpiece, five punched marks remain on it.

3. Fix the workpiece with clamps on the surface of the workbench, having previously placed a wooden plank under it.

4. Use a centering drill to drill all five holes marked on the workpiece.

5. Finally drill four holes in the vertices of the square with a drill having a diameter of 4 mm,

remembering to cool them from time to time a small amount coolant

6. Having reduced the speed of the drill, use a 9mm diameter drill to finally drill the last, fifth hole located in the center of the square, again not forgetting to cool it from time to time.

7. Disassemble the design of the clamps. The result is a crank blank with a drilled square hole.

However, the edges of the hole turn out to be uneven and the tail part of the tap does not “fit” into it.

8. In order for the tap shank to fit completely into the hole, its edges are additionally processed with a file. It is more convenient to do this, of course, by clamping the workpiece in a vice, and the whole work takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

After processing with a file, the square hole in the workpiece becomes smooth, neat, and the tail part of the tap fits completely into it.