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» Fortune telling with a needle over the stomach. Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children will tell you the gender and number of future children. Fortune telling with a needle and a magic circle

Fortune telling with a needle over the stomach. Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children will tell you the gender and number of future children. Fortune telling with a needle and a magic circle

Issues of motherhood concern almost every woman. Many representatives of the fair sex played with dolls in childhood, dressed, fed and took baby dolls for walks on the street, so similar to real children. And already in their youth they wondered how many children they themselves would one day have. Surprisingly, there is one very old and incredibly accurate fortune-telling with a needle and thread for children, which coincides one hundred percent with reality for almost every girl.

What can you learn from fortune telling with a needle and thread?

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children allows you to answer two exciting questions at once. The first is how many children will the girl have? Second - what gender will they be? Fortune telling is allowed to all beautiful ladies, without exception, and even those who are already pregnant. It is interesting that sometimes men also turn to this ancient prediction - and the result also turns out to be true.

But in the case of representatives of the stronger sex, there is one nuance that is worth mentioning in advance. Sometimes, a girl tells fortunes for the first time, and then wants to check the accuracy of the fortune-telling on her spouse. And here surprises may lie in wait, for example, a difference in the number of children. The point here is that in our time, unfortunately, not every couple is able to carry their love throughout their lives and maintain a strong relationship.

It also happens that people meet, fall in love, get married, have children, and then get divorced and find new life partners. And this, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Naturally, after a divorce, former spouses may have children from subsequent partners - then the difference in the number of children during fortune telling will be obvious. Another question: do we want to know about this in advance? This is why we do not recommend performing fortune telling twice. It is better to resort to the old method for yourself personally and only once. And then let fate itself decide.

Rules for fortune telling

There is nothing complicated in this technique. All the items necessary for manipulation can be found in every home - this is an ordinary sewing needle and thread. It is believed that it is better to take a new needle that has never been sewn before. Although, many do not think about it at all and take the first one they come across - this does not affect the result of the prediction. But there are strict requirements for the thread - it must be white.

Now about how to guess correctly. You need to choose a time when nothing and no one can distract you - this is important. Cut a piece of medium length from the prepared thread so that after folding it in half you get a kind of pendulum 15-20 centimeters long. Focus on your feelings: how comfortable the chosen length is for your work.

We thread the cut thread into a needle and tie its ends with a regular sewing knot. We take the resulting pendulum in our right hand by the knot, allowing the needle to dangle freely. Now we open our left palm so that the thumb sticks out to the side, and we begin to lower our needle into the space formed between the thumb and index finger. We lower and raise it. We repeat the procedure three times.

Immediately after you have raised the pendulum for the last time, bring the needle to the center of your palm and observe its rotation. She will either begin to sway from side to side, or will make circular movements, or will simply freeze. The meaning of fortune telling the gender of a child using a needle will be as follows. If the pendulum moves from side to side, then the first child will be a boy, if it is all around, then a girl, if there is no movement, you will not have children.

Wait about half a minute, and then repeat lowering and raising the needle again and again remember the pattern of its movement over the center of the palm. Now we are looking at what gender the second child will be. If the needle stops immediately, you will only have one baby. If it moves again, repeat the fortune telling procedure until the needle freezes over your palm. This way we find out the number of children and their gender.

Important note: if the needle first went in a circle, and then changed its movement and began to swing horizontally, or vice versa, congratulations, you will have twins. If the pendulum swayed, stopped for a few seconds, and then swayed again, this also indicates twins, but the children will be of the same sex. The pendulum does not show miscarriages and abortions - it only takes into account those who are definitely born.

Is it possible to tell fortunes for those who have children and pregnant women?

As we have already mentioned, fortune-telling with a needle and thread for children can be performed by those who have already become a parent, as well as during pregnancy - the result will still be reliable. In this case, the first child to be shown by the needle will be considered the one who has already been born, or is awaiting birth, sitting in the mother’s tummy (for pregnant women with their first child).

How reliable is fortune telling?

Many, wanting to verify the veracity of the results, ask reasonable questions about fortune telling with a needle and thread for children: is it true or not, why does this happen? How is all this known, why does the same person always have the same result when trying again? We cannot answer these questions, but we know for sure that thousands of people conducted experiments on themselves - and almost everyone’s prediction came true exactly.

It is enough to go to thematic forums on the Internet, which are replete with numerous positive reviews about this method of fortune telling. Apparently, it is not without reason that it has been popular for many years. If suddenly you have 11 or more of them, just add up the components of this number and look at the corresponding value. 11 is 1 + 1 = 2, 12 is 1 + 2 = 3 and so on.

As you can see, fortune telling by electronic watches, regular ones and their number is a very exciting activity. Be sure to try it!

Fortune telling and fortune telling have been incredibly popular for many centuries. Centuries, views on life, fashion change, but the desire to know their future unites people of all eras and will never disappear.

Today there are virtual fortune-telling, online, but only a real ritual will help you not only feel the mysticism of the process, but also get a more tangible result.

No online fortune telling will give you such energy, a feeling of magic and enchantment, unity with something mystical. Moreover, it is not necessary to have skills and knowledge to try to look into your future.

Ancient fortune-telling, based on an ordinary needle, will help you learn about the future, predict the birth, number and gender of children, find out whether a wish will come true or not, and much more. Fortune telling on a regular needle with a silk or simple thread is good because it is suitable for everyone, there are no restrictions for it, and nothing special is required.

A little preparation

Any fortune-telling, be it with a needle or with cards, requires adherence to certain rules. So all the “props” for fortune telling must be new. If you mean fortune telling specifically on a needle, then it must be new, purchased for this purpose. A regular needle that you sew with will not work.

  1. You need to buy a needle and thread for prediction without haggling and without change.
  2. Before you start fortune telling on a sewing needle, you need to “bless it” - hold it over the flame of a church candle or fumigate it with incense.
  3. Any fortune-telling, including using a needle and thread, should be done in the evening, after sunset, or even better, at midnight. There is nothing strange - solar energy does not contribute to mysticism, but lunar energy does.
  4. Any fortune-telling, whether on a needle or not, must take place alone. There should be no distracting noise, switched on equipment, electrical appliances or lights. Only candlelight and complete silence.
  5. A fortune-telling girl should be without jewelry, cosmetics, accessories, belts and hairpins. Unwind and comb your hair, put on a loose shirt, remove all jewelry, including the cross.

Needle, tell me...

Ancient fortune telling with a sewing needle, in some cases with thread, has ancient origins and many variations. Fortune telling yourself, and not online - fortune telling online will not give real effect and truthful answers.

In addition, fortune telling online will not give the same sensations that live, real fortune telling with your own hands on a real needle, by candlelight, will give.

1. For women, the desire to find out how many children they will have and their gender is very important. Nothing could be easier! Take a new needle and insert a new medium-length white thread into it, as for sewing. Take the ends of the thread with the fingers of your right hand, open your left palm.

Dip the needle three times into the space between your left palm and open thumb, and then place the needle directly above the center of your left palm. Place your right elbow on the table to keep your hand steady.

It is easy to find out the gender of children - if the needle begins to make circular movements, then the gender of the child will be male. If the movements are straight, from side to side, then a girl will be born.

This fortune telling with a new needle allows you to find out the gender of the nearest child, the one who will be born to you first. This prediction is considered reliable among expectant young mothers.

2. You can also find out the number of children. The principle is the same, only breaks are taken between approaches. For example, the needle “showed” you a boy. Lower it three times again near your thumb, and continue - now it will indicate the gender of the next child.

When the needle freezes, it means that there will be no more children. If a woman already has children, the needle shows the existing child first, and so on.

3. In addition to children, women and girls are concerned with issues of love and fate. There is a beautiful ritual to find out the name of your future husband.

In the evening, the girl takes a basin of water and attaches a lot of pieces of paper with men’s names along the edge of the basin. The basin is placed under the bed. Then a needle is taken and placed on the windowsill, with the eye in the north direction.

In the morning, the girl gets up at dawn, immediately takes the needle and throws it into the basin. The needle with its ear will point to the name of the future spouse!

4. There is nothing easier than telling your wish. Take a glass of clean water, transparent and smooth, a needle and black thread. First wet the thread and then thread it through the eyelet. Place four church candles around the glass and turn off the electric light.

Tie five knots on a thread, thinking about your deepest desire. Grasp the first knot and lift the needle above the water. How will she behave?

  • Circular movements clockwise mean - yes, the wish will come true.
  • Counterclockwise - no.
  • Direct movements from you and to you - yes, too, wait for your dreams to come true.
  • But from side to side – it’s hardly worth the wait.
  • If the needle hangs without moving, it is obvious that nothing is clear yet - it depends only on you whether, yes or no, what you want will come true, or nothing will happen.

5. An interesting and simple fortune telling using two needles will help you find out your prospects in love and relationships with a specific man. Take two needles - one smaller, it symbolizes your person. The second one is larger - make a wish for a specific person who interests you.

Lubricate both needles with vegetable oil and throw them into a glass of clean water. And watch! The needles themselves will show how your relationship with a person will proceed. Yes, it's that simple!

  • If their heads touch, partnership, mutual understanding, and friendship await you.
  • Points meeting? Passion and strong sexual attraction are possible, and mutual.
  • If you meet at different ends, you have different desires towards each other.
  • If they stick together completely, love cannot be avoided!
  • And if they “spread” in different directions, alas, there will be no close relationships.

6. An ancient, simple and beautiful fortune telling will help you get answers to questions tormenting your soul. True, the questions are only “yes” and “no”.

Draw a circle on paper - you can trace a simple plate with a pencil. Find the center and place a point at it. You have to make something like a watch dial, a kind of mystical code with answers.

At the top, where “12” is, write “yes”. At the level of the number “6” – “no”. You can limit yourself, or you can write “maybe”, “later” and so on on the right and left.

Light four candles on the sides and begin the prediction. Insert thread into a new large needle and grasp the tip. Place your elbow well on the table so that your hand is secure and motionless.

Place the point of the needle on the central point and ask an exciting question. The eye of the needle will point to the answer - but make sure that your hand does not “accidentally” point the needle in the direction you need.

Such a simple and necessary item in everyday life - a needle - it turns out, can become a powerful magical tool in the hands of a person who can’t wait to predict the near future.

Guess wisely, do not play with mysticism and remember that fortune telling can give possible answers, but in the end everything always and only depends on you.
Author: Vasilina Serova

In ancient times, a needle was considered a symbol of feminine power and magical energy, and a thread, according to beliefs, was able to pave the way from the other world to the real one. Fortune telling with a needle and thread is one of the most accessible, simple and does not require special occult knowledge. There are several ways to carry it out. You need to choose the right one depending on the question to which the fortuneteller wants to receive an answer.

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    Above the palm

    This is the easiest way to predict fate. All you need is a thread of a certain color, a needle, your own hands and faith in fortune telling.

    There are several options for divination.

    "Yes or no"

    You need to thread the needle while mentally asking your question. Then, holding the end of the thread with one hand, raise the resulting pendulum above your open palm and freeze.

    You should carefully observe the movements of the needle:

    • if they are circular, the answer is “Yes”;
    • cruciform – “No”;
    • the needle does not move - the answer is unknown.

    Before the next question, you need to give your hand a rest.

    For future children

    By looking at a medium-length white thread threaded into a needle, you can find out information about future children. This requires:

    1. 1. Take the tip of the thread in your right hand.
    2. 2. Turn your left hand palm up, extend it in front of you and move your thumb to the side.
    3. 3. Place the needle above the palm and lower it three times into the space between the thumb and index finger.
    4. 4. Ask the question out loud, while using the tip of the needle to draw a circle along the contour of the palm, starting from the wrist.
    5. 5. Place the needle over the center of the palm and carefully monitor the product.

    The interpretation of the results obtained is presented in the table:

    Question of interest Decoding the result
    Has pregnancy occurred?
    • The needle does not move - there is no pregnancy;
    • moves - yes
    Gender of the unborn child

    You need to carefully monitor the type of movement of the product:

    • if the needle makes circles, there will be a girl;
    • if it sways from side to side, it’s a boy

    The needle recognizes the gender of the child starting from the firstborn, so if there is already a baby in the family, you can check how accurate the fortune-telling is. To determine who will be second, you need to give your hand a little rest and repeat everything over again

    Amount of childrenIf, after determining the sex of the child, you continue to hold the thread evenly and do not move your hand, the number of vibrations will indicate the number of children
    When does pregnancy occur?If the needle did not want to move immediately, then after a while it will definitely happen. In this case, you need to slowly pronounce the numbers out loud, starting from your current age. As soon as the count reaches a certain value, the tip of the needle will begin to move. This number will be the answer to the question

    With a magic circle

    This is a complex ritual, comparable in power to a seance, but with its help you can obtain the most detailed prophecy.

    For fortune telling you will need:

    • needle;
    • red silk thread;
    • whatman;
    • candle;
    • a table with a flat horizontal surface, installed in a place where there are no drafts.

    The process consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. The thread should be threaded into a needle, the ends should be aligned, twisted together and tied in a knot.
    2. 2. On whatman paper you need to draw a circle for fortune telling, along the outer edge of which write the letters of the alphabet. Indicate numbers inside the circle and place the words “Yes” and “No” in the center, which are useful for short answers.
    3. 3. Sit at the table, put in front of you a sheet of paper with a drawn circle. Light a candle.
    4. 4. To communicate with an otherworldly entity, you need to lower the needle so that its tip rests on the center of the sheet, and the needle itself is slightly tilted.
    5. 5. Call the spirit, saying: “Come and help me find out the answers to my questions.”

    In the old days, it was believed that it was necessary to name the ghost with whom you wanted to talk, otherwise some evil entity or brownie might respond to the call, capable of harming the inhabitants of the house.

    It is necessary to carefully observe where the needle turns, write down the letters (numbers) in order to later compose a word from them. First, it is better to ask the simplest questions that already have an answer: this will give you the opportunity to tune in to the right mood and check whether the spirit is ready to give truthful information. If not, you need to politely thank him, offer to return to the other world, and blow out the candle. In this case, you can repeat the ritual after some time has passed.

    An unusual option - with a chimney and a devil

    Believers in otherworldly forces and spirits can use the following option:

    1. 1. Draw a line with a navel on a piece of paper, and the alphabet and numbers around it.
    2. 2. Take a thread and a needle and tie it to the chimney.
    3. 3. Invite the devil and ask about the most secret things. This could be the groom's name, his age, or the name and gender of the unborn child.

    To fulfill a wish

    You can find out whether your dream will come true using several options for fortune telling.

    With a glass

    You will need:

    • needle;
    • long black thread;
    • a glass of clean water.

    The ritual itself is performed at midnight, and preparation for it takes place during the day.

    Sequence of steps:

    1. 1. In the morning, you should fill a glass, hold a thread in your hand and mentally say your desire.
    2. 2. Dip the thread into a glass and place it in the most visible place.
    3. 3. During the day, every time your gaze falls on the workpiece, repeat the desire to yourself.
    4. 4. A few minutes before midnight, three candles should be lit and placed in a circle, at the same distance from the bottom of the glass, so that they form an equilateral triangle.
    5. 5. Take out the thread, insert it into the eye, connect the ends and tie in a knot.
    6. 6. Make 4 more knots, each subsequent one closer to the needle than the previous one. When tying them, you need to mentally repeat the desire.
    7. 7. Exactly at midnight, take the thread by the last knot and hold it at arm's length so that the needle hangs above the center of the glass, above its edges.
    8. 8. Observe the movement of the needle.

    The behavior of the product is interpreted as follows:

    • if the needle swings, sometimes approaching, sometimes moving away from the fortuneteller, the wish will come true;
    • movements take place in a plane perpendicular to the gaze - the dream will not come true;
    • a needle swinging in any other direction or in a circle indicates that the wish will be fulfilled, but not in the way imagined;
    • a needle hanging motionless in the air indicates that the dream will come true, but you will have to wait for a very long time.

    With fabric

    You can use a needle, a long red thread and a piece of fabric.

    The ritual will take 40 days, during which you will need to do one stitch every day. When threading a needle and sewing, you should only think about desire.

    It will come true if there is enough thread for 40 stitches. There are several interpretations of the result. You can choose any one, just before the fortune telling begins:

    • the dream will come true regardless of whether there is extra left or not;
    • if there is not enough or there is extra length left, it will not come true;
    • if the thread is not over, the wish will not come true soon; The longer the balance, the longer you will have to wait.

    You should make the stitches even and the same length: the neater the seam, the easier it will be to complete your plan.

    In the name of the husband and a happy marriage

    You can find out the name of your betrothed using a needle, red thread and a basin of water.

    Fortune telling is performed in the morning, before the sun rises, and consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. In the evening, the basin should be filled with clean water, and pieces of paper with men’s names written on them should be secured to its edges.
    2. 2. Place the container under the bed.
    3. 3. Place the needle on the windowsill, with the eye facing north.
    4. 4. Before going to bed, tie a thread around your wrist.
    5. 5. At dawn, get up without changing clothes and without talking to anyone, take out a basin, light 4 candles around it.
    6. 6. Break the thread, thread it into a needle, close your eyes and throw the needle into the basin: the eye will indicate the name of your future husband.

    The question of whether the marriage will be happy can be answered with a needle, red thread and a piece of fabric. For fortune telling, you must perform the following steps:

    1. 1. Thread the thread into the eye of the needle, do not tie a knot.
    2. 2. Make a few stitches without looking at the fabric, thinking only about your future husband, trying to remember every feature of his face.
    3. 3. Pull sharply on the tip of the thread.

    To decipher the result, you need to analyze the behavior of the thread:

    • came out freely - a happy marriage awaits;
    • it’s going hard - life with your future husband will be far from cloudless;
    • breaks - young people are not destined to be together.

    How to do fortune telling correctly

    It is necessary to prepare for fortune telling in advance, trying to protect yourself from the influence of the other world:

    1. 1. In the previous 2-3 days, you need to fast and ask God for forgiveness for your future fortune telling.
    2. 2. Just before fortune-telling, you need to remove your pectoral cross, put away all the jewelry, and let your hair down.
    3. 3. The needle should be cleaned by holding it over the fire.

    The ritual is usually carried out with open doors and chimneys, and the place where it will be performed is outlined with a holy circle.

    You cannot perform the ritual if a person does not get enough sleep, feels unwell, tired or upset.

    The best time for divination is the full moon, when otherworldly forces are especially strong. The likelihood that it will be successful is higher on “special” days, namely:

    • birthday;
    • Christmas Eve;
    • on the night of Ivan Kupala;
    • before Epiphany.

    The best, “magical” time, when prophecies have special power, is considered to be the period from Christmas to the old New Year (Christmastide).

    Our ancestors believed that on these days God, in honor of the birth of the Son, unlocks the gates of hell, giving its inhabitants the opportunity to celebrate a significant event, so evil spirits will be favorably disposed towards the fortuneteller.

    The choice of location is also important. It was believed that the relationship with the other world is strongest in a wooden bathhouse, since it is here that all five magical elements are present: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Wood.

    To ensure that fortune telling is truthful and does not harm the fortuneteller, you can use the advice of great-grandmothers:

    1. 1. Never repeat your question, trying to wait for a favorable answer.
    2. 2. Formulate requests very clearly, avoiding ambiguity.
    3. 3. Do not bother the higher powers with too much dialogue: they may get angry.
    4. 4. After finishing the fortune telling, do not forget to say goodbye to the spirit and ask it to return to your world.
    5. 5. Do not tell anyone about the results of fortune telling.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

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Since childhood, every girl wonders how many children she will have in the future, what the gender of her first child will be. Fortune-telling will help lift the curtain on the future - simple rituals that do not require special training or specific ritual paraphernalia from the performer. One of the most accurate predictions is obtained by using a medium-sized sewing needle with strong thread for divination.

What questions will fortune telling answer?

Fortune telling with a needle and thread will help you find the answer to two questions that most often interest girls:

  1. . Shows all pregnancies, including those that ended in miscarriage or stillbirth.
  2. . Fortune telling will determine the gender predisposition of the twins. But it will define future same-sex twins as one baby.

If a girl meets a guy and wants to determine whether they are destined to be together, using divination on the number of children, the result sometimes does not match. This does not mean that partners are destined to separate before marriage. Perhaps a happy family life awaits them ahead, but the result of the predictions turned out to be false and inaccurate. Must try.

Fortune telling technology

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children is considered one of the youthful pastimes. However, the prediction result is true in 95% of cases.

To get a reliable answer, the witch needs:

  1. Choose the optimal time for the ceremony. There are no specific instructions. It is advisable to tell fortunes at night, closer to midnight. At this time, no one will be able to interfere with the ritual process.
  2. For the ritual, you need to prepare a piece of thread 20-30 cm long and a sewing needle for manual work. The color of the thread does not matter. Having threaded the thread through the needle, the edges of the rope are tied with a knot. The resulting magic pendulum is taken by the knot with the right hand and raised above the left palm at a distance of 5-10 cm.
  3. The palm of the left hand is fully opened. The thumb is moved to the side as far as possible. Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children involves lowering and raising a pendulum into the space between the thumb and index finger. The procedure is repeated three times.
  4. Then the needle is placed above the center of the palm and I observe it (its movements). If the metal rod swings from side to side, the baby's gender is male. The circular movements of the pendulum indicate a girl.

The number of babies is determined by how many times, after lowering between the thumb and forefinger, the needle in the middle of the palm begins to move. If the pendulum froze at one point, the fortuneteller will not have children.

Group fortune telling for children

Fortune telling with a needle and thread for children can be done in the second way. It is suitable for group divination. You must first prepare for the ritual:

  1. A white sheet (A4 format) is divided into 2 parts using a pen, pencil, or marker of the performer’s choice.
  2. On one half they write “Yes”, on the second - “No”. These are answers to questions that will be asked to the pendulum during divination.
  3. A fortune-telling device is made from a large sewing needle and strong thread.

The optimal time for the ritual is evening. The piece of paper is placed on the table, and the fortune tellers sit in a circle. If you like a mystical atmosphere, you can turn off the lights and light candles. Guessing this way is easy:

  1. One of the fortune tellers winds a thread with a needle around her index finger and hangs it over the center of the sheet.
  2. Those present take turns asking the needle questions related to future children - their number, gender, observing the behavior of the pendulum.
  3. If the device does not move, the girl who voiced her desire to know the future will not have children. The needle has started to move - you need to observe in which direction it is leaning more (toward an affirmative or negative answer).

This entertaining method of fortune telling can predict the sex of a child with a high probability if done alone.

In order for a magic pendulum to reliably answer a fortuneteller’s question, she must follow the rules:

  1. Fortune telling on a previously consecrated needle. You can consecrate a ritual attribute in the church along with the icon, placing it under the frame. If it is not possible to go to church, they use the express method - dip a needle in a container of holy water.
  2. They cast fortunes on the number of children completely alone - extraneous sounds, the presence of another person serve as a reason for excitement.
  3. Fortune telling with a needle for children is carried out after first removing jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets) from the body. In magic, rituals are based on energy exchange, a mental message. Metal products that form a vicious circle on the body constrain energy. Therefore, the result may be unreliable.

Pregnant women can also use this method to find out the gender of the baby in their tummy. They need to guess according to the same rules as unmarried girls.


Charming children with a needle and thread is an affordable way to find out the number and gender of future babies. This fortune telling appeared many decades ago. And its authenticity has been proven by many modern women, who at first considered it mere entertainment. But there are many.

A sewing needle and thread can be found in any home. Has it ever occurred to you to use these objects not for their intended purpose, but for real magic? Did you know that fortune telling with a needle and thread can give correct answers to questions regarding the number of children, personal life and the fulfillment of desires? Why not check it out? In order to look into the future, take a needle that was used by the one who is being told fortunes. If you had to buy a needle, at least symbolically make a few stitches with it before fortune telling.

Fortune telling using a needle and thread for the number of children

We insert a white thread into the needle, hold its end in the right hand and hold it above the left palm. We move the thumb to the side and circle it with the needle three times. Then carefully remove the needle and hold it like a pendulum over the center of the palm. If the needle begins to make circular movements across the arm, the baby will be female. If along the palm, a boy will be born. You need to repeat everything from the very beginning as many times as the needle swings. If the pendulum freezes, there will be no children. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, this fortune telling with a needle and thread very often gives the correct result.

She will call her husband's name

There is one very interesting way to find out the name of your future husband. To do this you will need a needle, red thread and a basin of water. In the evening, you need to write the men's full names on small pieces of paper. We attach the resulting notes to the edges of the basin, then put it under the bed. After this, you can’t talk to anyone, you need to tie a red thread on your hand, put the needle on the windowsill and go to bed. You need to wake up before sunrise. Without leaving the room, break the thread and insert it into the needle. Pull out the basin and throw the needle into it without looking. Whatever name the tip points to, that’s what the future husband will be called.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread to make a wish come true

With the help of a sewing needle you can find out whether your wish will come true or not. To ensure a reliable answer, it is recommended to hold this event at midnight with a full moon. In the morning you need to pour a glass of water, preferably spring water, but tap water will do. Sit near a glass and concentrate on your question. Close your eyes, think about what excites you, then take a piece of black thread and throw it into the water. Leave the glass until midnight. As soon as the clock strikes 12, surround a container of water with three candles and light them. Pull out the thread, insert it into the needle, tie 5 knots. Like fortune telling with a needle and a circle, this mystical rite requires maximum concentration. Think about what you have in mind, take the thread by the outermost knot, and then slowly extend your hand. Look at the needle: if it is motionless, your wish will come true, but not very soon. If, like a pendulum, it swings towards you, it will come true quickly enough. If the needle moves from side to side, the wish is not destined to come true. Fortune telling with a needle and thread is not the only way to find out what will happen tomorrow. If your questions concern relationships with a man, two needles will help. They must be different sizes. After rubbing with oil, they need to be lowered into a glass. The interpretations are intuitive: if the needles separate, it means you won’t be with your loved one, if they touched each other, the relationship will still bring happiness, if they united completely, it means long-term mutual love or sincere friendship.