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» Fortune telling on cards whether I will get married. Tell fortunes and find out when I'll get married? Fortune telling for future marriage

Fortune telling on cards whether I will get married. Tell fortunes and find out when I'll get married? Fortune telling for future marriage

At all times, people wanted to know what awaits them in the future. This is especially true for women who dream of a wedding with their beloved prince. It is for them that this small selection has been prepared, consisting of several methods of fortune telling for a wedding using cards.

Option 1

This is fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wedding wish. Take a deck of cards (36 cards) and make your wish. After this, immediately mix the cards well and lay them out on a flat surface into five piles (face down). The last card remaining in your hands is revealed and placed on the table. This map is the basic one.
Open the first pile on the left and remove cards from it of any suit, except the suit of the base card and cards of this suit with a value less than ten. Set this pile aside when you reach a card higher than the tenth suit of the base card.

The same must be done with each subsequent stack, then collect them into one large one, laying the stacks in order, on top of each other.

Next, you need to decompose this pile (without shuffling) into four piles, while removing cards of other suits and cards of the base suit under ten until you come across a card of the suit of the base card with a value higher than ten.
The next step is to divide the resulting pile into three piles. Do the same as you did the two previous times and the final action is to split the stack into two.
Result: if you end up with five cards of the base suit in your hands, then your wish will come true 100%, which means the wedding is just around the corner; if there are unwanted cards left, then something is definitely preventing the fulfillment of your desire, according to the designation of the dignity of each card. Those. if you still have a six, seven or eight, then the road (6), meeting (7) or conversation (8) is interfering. If you have a nine, ten or jack in your hands, then the wedding is being postponed due to: 9-lack of interest on your part, 10-inappropriate life circumstances and B-troubles. Well, if you hold a queen, king or ace, then you are disturbed by: D - another woman, K - another man, Ace - work or other responsibilities.

Option 2

Fortune telling for a wedding in French. Take a deck of cards (36 pieces) and remove sixes of all suits from it. Then mix the remaining cards well and arrange them into 5 piles of 6 cards each (face down). You should have 2 cards left in your hands, which you need to put 1 on top of the first pile, 2 on top of the fifth pile.
Take the first pile and remove all the cards from it until you get a queen or king - at this point the pile should be put aside. Do the same with the remaining piles, and then one by one, fold all the resulting piles into one large one.

Now the resulting stack must be again divided into five different ones (without mixing!) and remove all the cards from them according to the method described above. If the resulting deck contains only kings and queens, all the cards need to be opened and looked at: if the king and queen of the same suit are lying next to each other, then the wedding will take place in the near future and the marriage will be successful!

Option 3

This option involves fortune telling for a wedding using a deck consisting of 52 cards. Determine the card that will represent you in fortune telling: the queen of hearts is suitable for women, the queen of diamonds is suitable for young girls.

Now mix the cards well and select 20 cards, then check if your card (queen) is among these twenty cards. If the lady is among these cards, then rest assured that the wedding will take place soon. If she is not among them, then there will be no wedding in the coming year.

This fortune telling can be continued if desired. Choose any of the 20 cards and insert it back into the deck, take out your card from the remaining cards and mix it with the selected twenty. Then you need to lay out the letter “T” from the cards. There will be several such letters, since you need to lay out all 20 cards, and one letter consists of three cards laid out from the left hand in the upper horizontal part and two cards laid out vertically under the middle card.

Now you need to find your card. To do this, open each letter in turn. If it is in the first letter, then the wedding is just around the corner, if in the second, then there will be no wedding in the near future, in the third - the wedding is still far away, in the fourth - there will never be a wedding, but if in the fifth letter, then there will be a wedding it won't, but intimate relationships with a partner will be constant.

Option 4

You will need a deck of 36 cards. Make a wish and shuffle the entire deck well. Next, you need to put the top fifteen cards face down and take out all the aces that are among them. Shuffle the remaining cards with the rest of the deck. Then put fifteen cards face down again and take out the aces that are among them. Stir again. After the third layout, all aces must already be selected. In this case, the wedding will take place in the near future.

Option 4. Another way

Remove all sixes from the deck (36 cards), make a wish and thoroughly shuffle the remaining cards. Now lay out the cards as in the previous method, but not 15, but 13 cards face down. Lay out cards exactly as many times as necessary so that all the aces are selected from the deck. Analyze the result as follows: the wish will come true if the Ace of Hearts is found first; the wedding will take place, but it will not be so easy if the ace of diamonds was found first; the wish will come true only if you have to overcome a lot of obstacles - if the first to come across is the ace of clubs; the wish will not come true if the ace of spades comes first.

Option 5

This method of fortune telling is suitable for girls who want to marry a certain man.

So, you will need a deck of cards (36 pcs). Before you start guessing, you need to guess the name of the chosen one. Next, you need to remove all the sixes, and shuffle the remaining cards well. Then get the queen and king of hearts from them. The king must be placed at the bottom of the deck, the queen must be placed at the top. Now you need to turn the lady face down, put it on the table, and next to it open the card that was under it in the deck. After this, open the entire deck and remove cards that are combined as follows: the middle card of three cards of the same rank (three kings, for example) or the same suit (for example, three spades), if they come in a row; any one or two cards if they lie between cards of the same value or suit.

So you should get the whole deck laid out. If in the end only the queen and king you chose remain on the table, then there will be a wedding with your loved one!

Option 6

Take a deck of 36 cards and remove all sixes from it. Pull six cards from the remaining deck in random order and place them face down on the table. Now make a wish and take out any card from the remaining deck. After this, the remaining cards must be laid out face down in a pyramid. Pyramid: top row horizontally – 1 card, next row – 2 cards, next row – 3 cards, etc. The last (bottom) row should consist of six cards.

The result is interpreted as follows: the wish will not come true if the card you have chosen is in the first row, consisting of one card; the wish is unlikely to come true if she is in the second row; it will almost certainly come true if your card is in the third or fourth row; the wish will be fulfilled by 50% if she is in the fifth row; your wish will definitely come true if your card is in the sixth row.

This list of wedding fortune telling options is far from complete, but all of these options are very popular among girls dreaming of getting married. Therefore, we are sure that at least one of them will interest you and will give you only positive emotions! Good luck!

Since ancient times, girls have been worried about the question of when they will get married, since for every woman this is important stage her life, on which her fate largely depends. Below are traditional folk fortune telling on this topic.

Fortune telling for marriage (1)

Hang a white towel outside the window at night with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come and dry yourself!” If the towel turns out to be soaked in the morning, then you will be married in the coming year, but if the towel turns out to be dry, then no.

Fortune telling for marriage (2)

Break 20-30 small branches in advance. Then close your eyes and touch them (as many as you can) in one hand, without counting them, of course. If the number turns out to be an even number of branches, you will get married this year, if it is odd, you will remain a wench.

Fortune telling for marriage (3)

At night, place a plate with a pie near your bed and stick a knife into it. Before going to bed, say: “Groom friend, come for a pie.” If in the morning the knife stands as it did, marriage is approaching; if it looks sideways, they will propose to you, but, quite possibly, you will refuse it, and if the knife will fall- you will remain a girl until next year.

Fortune telling for marriage (4)

Take a hat, bread, spoon and glove. The girl is blindfolded and the listed items are placed on the table. The fortuneteller takes one of the objects lying on the table at random.

If she takes:

Headdress - she will get married and be happy;

Bread - will remain in the girls this year;

Spoon - she will quickly get married, but will soon get divorced due to the fact that her husband will cheat;

A glove - she will marry a rich husband, but she will not be happy.

Folk fortune-telling using a mirror for a betrothed

Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several spruce branches. Before going to bed, place a mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it.

On the mirror, write the name of the person you are thinking about, or your deepest desire. When you wake up in the morning, look at the mirror.

If the inscription on the mirror:

If it disappears, the wish will definitely come true, and if you wrote the name of the groom, then marriage awaits you soon;

If it stays, the wish will not come true, and the person you made a wish for will never be with you;

It will be half erased - you will get married very quickly, but you will get divorced just as quickly.

Funny folk fortune telling for marriage on New Year's Day (1)

Under New Year the girls go out into the yard and put a bucket on the head of one of them, then turn the girl several times different sides and tell her to go.

If the girl goes:

To the gate - she will get married this year;

Deep into the courtyard - will remain in the girls;

Left or right - the question remains unclear.

Funny folk fortune telling for marriage on New Year's Day (2)

They throw shoes through the gate into the street. In which direction the toe of the shoe lies, go in that direction and get married. If the toe of the shoe points to the gate, then you can wear girls for another year.

Folk fortune telling by candles for the groom

Take two thin church candles. One will represent you, and the other will represent the groom. Place the candles in glasses with salt and say three times: “Let my candle go out if the servant of God (name) has another. Wax, fire and treasured candles, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide anything.” Light the candles.

If the candle:

The first one to go out or burn out means the groom has another;

It will burn longer - the chosen one remains faithful;

Both candles will go out at the same time - the relationship will collapse due to mutual betrayal.

Folk fortune telling for marriage using nut shells

Take the shell walnuts, cut thin wax candles into several pieces, insert a piece of candle into the shell and let it float in a cup filled with water. Then each fortuneteller lights his own candle in a shell.

A shell with a candle will drown - destined to die unmarried;

The candle will burn out quickly - get married very soon;

The candle will burn for a long time - still go as a girl;

The shell with the candle constantly fluctuates from side to side - your future is not yet certain, everything depends on you;

The shell did not sink, but the candle immediately went out - soon to get married and just as quickly to become a widow.

Folk fortune telling for marriage “Rolling the Ring”

At least six people must take part in this fortune telling.

Take Golden ring and a large piece of black velvet material. Take turns launching the ring so that it rolls on the material, and say: “I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go after that ring and reach my dear one.” Place a mark where the ring stops.

Who has the ring:

If she stops and falls closest to everyone else, that girl will get married before the others;

Folk fortune telling for a quick marriage

Take an equal number of black, yellow and green beads. Mix them and put them in a box. Shake it several times, blindfold it and take out 5 beads one by one.

If you have more beads:

Green color - get ready for the wedding, you are destined to get married soon, but just don’t rush things, otherwise the wedding will end in scandal and inevitable divorce;

Black - it’s too early to think about marriage, your time has not come yet;

Yellow color - either separation from your loved one is expected soon, or a short-lived acquaintance that does not promise marriage, but do not despair - this will not last long.

Folk fortune telling for your future husband

First, mentally ask the question three times: “What kind of husband is waiting for me?”, and then go outside and listen to the first conversation strangers hear, then it will symbolize your future.

The interpretation of the overheard conversation means the following:

A cheerful conversation - you will get an affectionate and gentle husband;

Conversation of few words - the husband will be reserved and not talkative;

An unpleasant conversation - the husband will come across as grumpy and scandalous, he will swear all the time;

Children's conversation - the husband will be a good family man;

Children's laughter - the husband will love children very much;

Women's conversation - the husband will cheat;

Men's conversation - the husband will often be absent from home, he will spend a lot of time with friends, and not with you.

Folk fortune telling for the groom using a towel

Hang a white towel out of the window at night with the words: “Mummer, come and dry yourself.”

If the towel in the morning is:

Wet - this year the girl will get married;

Dry - the girl will not get married this year.

We love your LIKES!

Every person dreams of being happy and not lonely. And what could be better and more pleasant than the care and understanding of a person close to you? Finding love is the most important and exciting question for many people. Meet your soulmate, build a family life full of love and understanding. Create happy union two hearts. Are you already lucky enough to find a life partner? If you are still on the path to your personal happiness, then it will be interesting to find out how close you are to your soulmate and when that very cherished desire of marriage will come true.

Free online fortune telling for marriage using cards will help you answer the main question: "When I get married?" With the help of this online fortune telling you will find out how soon this fateful event will happen in your life, when you find your happiness and celebrate a significant date in your life.

Of course, you should not take this fortune-telling seriously, everything in our lives is very individual, and if you want to find out the exact wedding date and where you will meet your spouse, you should still apply for
. Well, for those who trust the computer more, this free one will give you the answer to your question and help you get a question about marriage.

Tell fortunes and find out when I'll get married?

To tell fortunes about your loved one or loved one, choose your card:

If a girl is guessing - Queen of Diamonds

If a woman is guessing - queen of hearts

A young man - king of diamonds

If you Old man or a widower - king of hearts

Predicting the future excites not only the mind, but also the soul. A person, no matter who he works or what gods he believes in, is drawn to everything unknown. Find out the future, prepare for its unexpected events and be ready for any challenges.

Every woman dreams of marriage. Fortune telling will help you find out exactly when this event will happen.

Forecasting the future is a weapon and reliable assistant. Fortune telling for marriage will calm the young lady or help in acceptance complex solution mature woman. What will you need to tell fortunes about your future marriage and how to do it at home?

Magic prediction of the future

Every little and young girl secretly dreams of meeting her betrothed and beloved man. Such a guy will appreciate her, become a reliable supporter and protect her from any life's troubles. Predicting the future in personal life is very popular among people of all ages. social status, position in society and gender. Men, women, teenagers - everyone without exception wants to know the future.

Fortune telling for a wedding refers to a magical effect that is safe for the physical shell of a person. If all recommendations are followed, no one will suffer from the actions taken. Fortune telling is dangerous for people who take everything too personally. They suffer from suspiciousness and are gullible. It is dangerous for such people to even think about fortune telling, because relying on magic alone is stupid and imprudent.

Whatever the forecast, its outcome depends only on the person, his actions and actions. You cannot rely only on ancient forces and not make any efforts for positive changes in your personal life.

Determine your chosen one using fortune telling

The path to happiness is not always easy for a person to follow. He has to overcome external obstacles, himself, his own ambition and fears. Fate raises the bar just as he, the fortuneteller, makes claims to the opposite sex. Even young girls modern world hard to find a pair.

Excessive demands and faith in the created illusion lead them to constant disappointment. Fortune telling helps you get out of the vicious circle and look at the current stagnation in your personal life from the other side. As soon as a person removes the burden from his own soul, he will get rid of the aggravating loneliness.

A wedding is just one happy day, and after it there is joy family life consists of daily painstaking work.

A wedding is a happy day. However, the success of family life depends on daily hard work

Cards and special magical attributes reveal not only the dry facts of the future, but the invisible part of a person’s life. His feelings, thoughts, psychological blocks. Thanks to simple fortune telling, a person can improve his personal life and finally become happy and fulfilled.

Help magic

How can magic help? You can believe in it or be skeptical about the ancient forces, but their power and influence on fate ordinary people hard to deny. Predicting the future has existed as long as people have been looking for answers to eternal questions. What does the future hold? What will tomorrow bring?

Predicting events destined by fate will help everyone who is ready to open their minds to new, incredible discoveries. What are the most effective predictions for love and marriage? Prediction should be easy even for a beginner and understandable to a person of any worldview.

Popular types of predictions that can be created at home:

  • fortune telling with Tarot cards;
  • schedule for playing cards;
  • predicting the future along the lines of the palm;
  • fortune telling for major church holidays;
  • prophetic dreams.

The human soul itself reaches out to the knowledge for which it is ready. If a prediction method seems dubious, then it should be abandoned. Magic must be respected, and this can only be done by a person who listens to his own intuition.

Carrying out, whatever it may be, requires faith, otherwise any rites or rituals are a waste of time.

When will the wedding take place? A question, the answer to which can bring a lot of joy or sadness. Creating layouts or composing astrological forecasts, a person must tune in to any results. How much he will achieve or lose depends only on his further actions.

Fortune telling for future marriage

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare. A non-serious attitude towards a future alignment or ritual will create corresponding results. The person already knows everything that is needed. All that remains is to release the skills. First of all, the fortuneteller tunes in to make a prediction:

  1. If a girl or woman is wondering about marriage, then she should think about the desired event. Imagine it down to the smallest detail.
  2. A positive thought has incredible power, and such preparation will also help you tune into a fortune-telling deck or magic ritual.
  3. When choosing special ancient decks, a person listens to his own heart. Cards can be capricious and useless.
  4. The accuracy of the future forecast depends on the choice of deck.
  5. Palm fortune telling or online predictions, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help determine the exact wedding date.

Palmistry (hand fortune telling) will help determine the exact wedding date

Having decided on a goal, the means to achieve them will be found quickly.

The second condition for correct fortune-telling will be the well-being of the fortune-telling girl:

  1. You should not give in to strong positive or negative emotions before a schedule or ritual.
  2. Attributes and cards sense a person’s worries, anxiety and fear.
  3. Such fortune-telling will be of no use to anyone.
  4. It is also not recommended to start magically predicting the future while weakened or sick.
  5. Any call on ancient forces requires the expenditure of strength and energy.

Manipulation weak person does not tolerate well, and over time complications may appear after the ritual.

Fortuneteller's safety important condition, therefore, you need to start fortune telling only with a calm soul and a healthy body. Before you begin, heavy thoughts and worries are released like a boat tied to the shore.

A person becomes a vessel, ready to perceive new information and use it correctly. For concrete results, effort and preparation are required.

Online fortune telling

The modern world does not stand still. As a person develops, the ways of his communication with environment and methods of obtaining information. Live card fortune telling is no longer the most popular. The rhythm of life does not allow you to waste time anywhere.

For a busy person, online fortune telling is the easiest, free and fastest option to find out the future. For such forecasts, you do not need to prepare for a long time or spend energy on long trips. A couple of mouse clicks will allow you to get a forecast in a matter of seconds. It is difficult to check the reliability of fortune telling online, but for those who are determined, there are no barriers.

Online predictions have several secrets. It is necessary to create layouts via the Internet consciously, having carefully considered the question. If we're talking about about the date of future marriage, then the phrase is spoken to oneself clearly and briefly. There is no point in piling up words and wishes in one sentence.

You must then follow the instructions that come with the online form. And then the person receives information. The information may be useful, but you should not rely solely on such fortune-telling. Girls are greedy for a good prediction, but nothing comes true out of the blue.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Drawing a fortune-telling and foundation card is not as easy as it might seem. Beginners in fortune telling using Tarot cards or the Thoth deck will need to find several ready-made patterns for the layout. These blanks consist of cards that are taken out of the deck one by one. There may be three, six, eight or nine.

Beginners who want to predict their wedding date using Tarot should use ready-made diagrams for the layout

Popular fortune telling covers all probabilities that can affect the outcome. Influence from the outside, fears and vices of the questioner. The senior Arcana - the fourth part of the fortune-telling deck - predicts marriage or other significant events.

The famous and very simple fortune telling using 9 ancient symbols will answer the following questions:

  • the fortune-telling girl’s opinion about herself;
  • men’s opinions about me (men, if the woman asking has someone in mind);
  • what kind of wife will the woman who draws the cards be (possible mistakes and mistakes in relationships are indicated);
  • the ideal man for a fortuneteller;
  • circumstances and conditions of the fateful meeting;
  • the efforts and sacrifices that the questioner must make;
  • there is damage, the evil eye and the crown of celibacy (a very important part of fortune telling, which indicates magical obstacles); board of cards;
  • What is the probability of getting married in the near future?

Gradually, the alignment reveals the entire path to future marriage. Possible circumstances that will prevent the fulfillment of dreams and dangerous situations. Advice from Tarot cards will allow you to tune in to the right mood and look at your current life, everyday life, and character from a different perspective. Decoding the layout begins with the first card. Strong Arcana even overcome the negative meanings of Cups, Wands or Coins.

Layouts can be supplemented or repeated if the first results are unclear or do not provide an accurate answer.

The main thing is not to get too carried away with predictions using Tarot. An exciting business can draw everyone in, but fate, personal and professional life happens far beyond the boundaries of the room in which the forecast is created.

Anyone can use tips, but not everyone should build a foundation with them. The future depends on the will of man and his decisions, and cards, no matter how powerful they have become over the last hundred years, are only effective assistants and advisers.

Prediction by hand

In the last 5-10 years, the mysterious science of palmistry has become increasingly popular. A teaching that points to the display of significant future events written on the palm of each person. Scientists have long proven that no two people on earth are identical in their fingerprints or palm prints.

7 billion souls and each of them has their own destiny drawn in their hands. It will only be possible to partially unravel the patterns of lines and bends without lengthy preparation. If a person is interested in only one question, then palmists will tell you where to look for the answer in the palm of your hand.

There are two things to remember about palmistry. The first concerns the location of the line on the hands. If you look closely, you will notice that the lines on the left and right hands are slightly different. Experts explain the differences by the fact that left palm carries information about what is destined for a person from birth. Achievements, trials, dangers.

The right hand is the working hand for most people; it displays the real picture, changed by the will human soul fate. If you need to analyze destined events such as marriage, then you should read left hand. But to find out why the girl is still not married, the pattern of her right hand will help.

The second aspect that a beginner needs to know is that there are only a few important lines in the palm that are responsible for matters of the heart:

  • Heart line;
  • line of children;
  • life line (auxiliary tool).

A small line extends from the Heart line - the marriage line. The intersection of the two lines is located on the so-called Hill of Mercury. There you can also find a line prophesying children. The closer all these lines are to the Heart line, the warmer the union of the questioner and her chosen one will be.

The branches indicate the number of marriages of the girl. For an accurate prediction, you need to check with right hand. Thin and short lines – bad sign. Such lines indicate bad unions in which there will never be fidelity and love.

Fortune telling with playing cards

36 playing cards will help you make a quick marriage prediction.

Playing cards will help you make a quick marriage prediction

The cards are laid out into 6 piles, the last card determines the pile that remains, and all remaining cards are set aside. Then the actions are repeated until a few symbols remain on the table.

The suits indicate the coloring of feelings; if Hearts appear, then love awaits the girl, and very soon. The tambourine symbolizes harmony, the Cross symbolizes confidence in one’s own choice, and the Pike carries sadness and grief. Queen, Jack and King are prototypes of male and female people. These cards symbolize lovers and rivals.

Sixes predict travel, sevens and eights predict important matters at work and in personal life. Nine and ten promise a meeting. A quick fortune telling with playing cards will only help answer superficial questions.

Each person has his own personal number. It depends on him what year you get married.

For example, you were born on January 19, 1987. Personal number – 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=3+6=9. Below is a key that will help you predict your marriage year.

  • A one indicates that the wedding will be celebrated in years ending with 1, 5 and 7.
  • Two is a sign that an important year for the family will end with the numbers 2, 4 and 8.
  • Three is a number that says that the ideal year in terms of starting a family will be the year with the last digit - 3, 6 or 9.
  • When you calculated it, did you get a four? Guide to numbers – 4, 6, 9.
  • The personal number “five” promises a wonderful year for marriage, which ends with either 5, or 8, or 0.
  • The number six means that only 6, 9 and 0 can be considered your numbers for marriage.
  • If your number is seven, then look forward to a wedding year ending in 1, 3 and 7.
  • Eight predicts the years of marriage with the last digit being 2, 5 and 8.
  • If a nine is rolled, then the wedding years will end with 3, 7 and 9.

What is the wedding number?

If you already have a loved one, then you can conduct fortune telling based on the birth dates of both. To do this, you need to calculate your personal number and your lover, the difference will be the answer to what date you are most likely to get married.

So, if you were born on January 19, 1987, then 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=9, he was born on April 15, 1985, his personal number is 1+5+4+1+9+8 +5=33=6. Find the difference: 9-6=3. Your wedding will take place on the 3rd or 13th, or 23rd, or 30th, or 31st.

What month is the wedding

This fortune telling will help you find out the month of your wedding. To do this, you need to add the number of letters in your full name to your personal number.

For example, your personal number is 9 (date of birth - January 19, 1987), and your name consists of 5 letters (Irina). We add the resulting numbers 9 and 5 - we get 14. We bring it to a single digit - 1 + 4 = 5, which means there is a great chance of getting married in May. If, when added, the result is 10, 11 or 12, then they do not need to be made simple, since these numbers mean October, November, December.

How soon will I get married?