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» Gas boilers that operate without electricity. Heating without electricity - is a non-volatile gas boiler suitable for you? Types of non-volatile gas boilers

Gas boilers that operate without electricity. Heating without electricity - is a non-volatile gas boiler suitable for you? Types of non-volatile gas boilers

All the main functions and devices that the floor-mounted non-volatile units have gas boilers, are carried out in a completely autonomous mode. No electricity is required to operate boiler equipment. Non-volatile boilers are the optimal solution for areas where there are frequent power outages.

How do non-volatile floor-mounted gas boilers work?

The operating principle of a non-volatile boiler has several distinctive features that affect fuel consumption, accuracy of adjustment settings, etc. All components of boiler equipment operate in a mode completely independent of electricity:
  • Automation - adjustments are made by thermomechanical devices. To start and open the gas valve, . When heated, a low-grade voltage is generated that is powerful enough to hold the valve stem in the open position.
    The heating temperature is controlled by a thermomechanical valve. Inside the regulator is a thin metal rod. When heated, the core heats up and the “needle” closes the gas nozzle.
  • Heating of the coolant - heat transfer from gas combustion to liquid circulating in the heating system occurs through a heat exchanger. If the boiler is heating and hot water, the device contains a DHW coil. The pipe is not large diameter, surrounds the primary heat exchanger. Water is heated using a flow method.
  • Security system - the design is equipped with all kinds of mechanical protection: gas pressure and exhaust smoke valves, various thermostatic controllers.
  • Burner device - in non-volatile boilers, an open type burner is traditionally installed. Due to this, boiler equipment called atmospheric, convection, etc.

Types of floor-standing energy-independent boilers

According to their own technical specifications, non-volatile floor-mounted boilers, are divided by power and number of heat exchangers or circuits. There is a classification according to the main purpose, depending on performance:
  1. Up to 30 kW – domestic boilers.
  2. Up to 100 kW – semi-industrial units.
  3. Over 100 kW – industrial boiler equipment.
Another difference between heat generators is the type of heat exchanger, or more precisely, the material from which it is made. Cast iron boilers are distinguished by their reliability, long service life, and heavy weight. Steel analogs are 1.5-2 times cheaper, but have worse thermal characteristics.

Double-circuit non-volatile

Floor-standing, double-circuit, energy-independent gas boiler, designed for heating and hot water supply. The primary heat exchanger is made of structural or of stainless steel. The coil is traditionally made of copper. The latest generation of energy-independent boilers began to use an aluminum alloy tube as a secondary heat exchanger.

Household non-volatile floor double-circuit boilers gas heating, simultaneously heat the water and coolant. At DHW heating, the temperature in the heating system decreases. To avoid similar situation, some models have a built-in buffer capacity.

Heated water for domestic purposes is stored in a storage tank, like in a thermos. After opening the tap, hot water is supplied to the consumer almost instantly. At the same time, there is no need for the boiler to work for heating.

Single-circuit non-volatile

A floor-standing, non-volatile single-circuit gas heating boiler, unlike analogues with two heat exchangers, is intended exclusively for heating residential premises. This type of heating equipment is characterized by maximum performance. If over time there is a need for hot water, turn to an indirect heating system.

Floor heating single-circuit gas boilers, independent of electricity, are often used to heat residential and industrial facilities. The advantage of the design is greater reliability (compared to double-circuit models), due to the absence of a DHW coil. As practice shows, due to hard water, they quickly fail and require replacement.

How to choose a non-volatile gas boiler

After determining which boiler is best, you will need to choose a heating equipment manufacturer. The reliability rating is topped by German technology, but its popularity is reduced by its prohibitively high cost.

Some consumers pay attention to the Italian Baxi SLIM and others. But the leadership in popularity among domestic consumers is occupied by models of boiler equipment produced in the Russian Federation.

It is difficult to list all boiler models. But the most popular (as sales statistics show) are the following nine types of heating equipment: Rostovgazoapparat AOGV, Mimax KSG, Siberia KCHGO, Protherm Volk, Borinskoye AOGV, Termotechnik AOGV and AKGV, Lemax Premium, ROSS AOGV.

Products manufactured in neighboring countries – Ukraine – deserve special attention. Atem Zhytomyr is in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages of a non-volatile gas boiler

Of course, like any other heating equipment, non-volatile models have their own positive sides and disadvantages. Taking into account the pros and cons, you can reduce mistakes when choosing a suitable boiler to a minimum.

When identifying weak points, it is better to focus not only on the characteristics of the manufacturer, but also on real reviews about energy-independent heating boilers.

Positive sides:

  • Stable operation regardless external factors.
  • Simple installation requirements.
  • Long service life.
  • The automation does not fail and costs less than a microprocessor controller (installed in volatile equipment).

Disadvantages of boilers are also present:

  • Higher gas consumption - heating intensity is controlled by measuring the temperature of the coolant. Thermostatic valve has a large error.
  • The boiler is not designed to operate in conditions low pressure gas Although there are “Kulibins” that offer to reconfigure the automation, in practice this is associated with significant risk.
  • Installation of a non-volatile boiler, without re-equipment (installation of a pump), is possible only in open systems with natural coolant circulation.
A non-volatile boiler is best option for heating large areas, especially in areas where there are problems with power supply. The equipment is easy to use, costs less, repairs and adjustments are practically not required. Often, this type equipment used for heating country houses, country houses.

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of heating boilers various types and countries of production - Russia, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, etc. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the desired model boiler

A heating boiler is a device that, using the combustion of fuel (or electricity), heats the coolant for water heating of premises through a system of batteries and radiators.
The boilers are designed for heating rooms with an area of ​​30 sq. m. m and up to several thousand. Household low-power heating boilers are used for heating and hot water supply of private and country houses, cottages, dachas, garages, workshops, cafes and restaurants, schools and other educational and children's institutions, as well as swimming pools, baths and saunas. In addition, they are used for individual apartment heating.
Production and industrial boilers designed for heating workshops, warehouses, hangars, enterprises, and other large buildings and premises. For very large objects in the heating system, it is allowed to combine boilers in a cascade of two or more devices.
Small and simple heating boilers can be placed in the basement, attic, garage, even in the kitchen and bathroom. Installation of high-power floor-standing boilers is recommended in a separate boiler room. Some boiler models have outdoor (outdoor) installation.

Modern new generation boilers are equipped with programmable control units with various automatic settings and functions (for example, a weather-compensating control system), as well as devices for remote control boiler - GSM module (control of device operation via SMS messages).

The selection of heating boilers is carried out according to the main parameters: required heating area and boiler power, type of energy carrier, number of heating circuits, type of combustion chamber, type of burner, type of installation, steel or cast iron heat exchanger, etc.

To determine the power of a heating boiler to heat a house or apartment, use simple formula- 1 kW of boiler power for heating 10 m 2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m. Accordingly, if heating is required basement, glazed winter garden, rooms with non-standard ceilings, etc. The boiler power must be increased. It is also recommended to increase the power (about 20-50%) when providing a boiler and hot water supply (especially if it is necessary to heat the water in the pool). Our consultants will help you accurately calculate the boiler power based on the heating area.

Comparison of heating boilers by type of fuel:

"Economy class"- inexpensive and simple boilers, service life is shorter than that of boilers longer high category. Some manufacturers have budget models boilers, for example

There are settlements where, for a number of reasons, there are power outages. Such situations arise especially often in holiday villages in winter time of the year. To heat your home, you have to look for models of devices that work without power that meet your requirements.

Modern manufacturers produce such devices - this is a double-circuit non-volatile gas boiler. It can not only heat the room, but also prepare hot water in the required quantity, and will also fit perfectly into any room interior.

What is this device?

A non-volatile boiler does not depend on the supply of electricity and can operate in its absence. Some consider it to be outdated equipment, although this is incorrect. Foreign manufacturers produce modern models of such devices, which are not inferior in efficiency to energy-dependent boilers.

Their feature is the ability to work only with heating systems in which the coolant moves by gravity.

When heated in the boiler, the water rises, enters the outlet pipe and further into the system. During circulation, it cools down and movement can be stopped. To prevent this from happening, large diameter pipes are used and placed at an angle.

To improve the operation of a non-volatile boiler, circulation pumps can be used, which, when installed in the system, move coolant through it. They operate only on electricity; when they are turned off, the system goes by gravity.

There are two types of non-volatile gas double-circuit boiler:

  • floor
  • wall

It performs the same functions as conventional devices and can be used for installation in small spaces.

Features of operation of non-volatile equipment

Such devices have two burners - pilot and main. Pressing the button activates the piezoelectric element. It ignites the pilot burner, and it ignites the main burner. The latter, when burning fuel, heats the heat exchanger and operates until the water reaches the set temperature.

Then the gas supply decreases and the burner goes out. When the heat exchanger cools down, the temperature sensor is triggered again and the process repeats. Modern models of energy-independent boilers have a valve that shuts off the gas supply in the event of a complete or partial absence of draft. It is designed to reduce the safety level of the devices.

Heating equipment manufacturers

are not in such great demand as conventional devices. But they are in demand in areas where there are frequent power outages.

Moreover, they are used not only for heating residential buildings, but also such objects where the presence of energy-dependent devices is undesirable, for example in saunas and baths.

The main manufacturers of such boilers today are:

  • Protherm (Czech Republic)
  • Alphatherm (Italy)
  • Attack (Slovakia)
  • Beretta (Italy)

They are also produced by local manufacturers, but their products are not in such demand as foreign models.

Distinctive features

The difference between normal gas apparatus and those that work without electricity is obvious. It lies in the complete absence of the need for it. This leads to the ability to work without additional devices, such as an uninterruptible power supply.

Such boilers have a small amount of components and assemblies are quite light, which allows them to be hung on a wall from any building material. Having small dimensions, they fit organically into the overall design of the room.

All non-volatile boilers have high efficiency. This made these devices more attractive to potential buyers. The advantages include their safety and simple installation, which distinguishes these models from volatile and steam boilers.

However this equipment is not without its shortcomings. These include:

  • specialized requirements for heating system
  • presence of a chimney with good draft
  • additional ventilation device in the room to remove combustion products
  • sufficient pressure level in the gas line

Which type is better to choose?

Like conventional boiler equipment, devices of this class are divided into:

  • double-circuit

The former only heat the premises, while the latter also provide residents with hot water. Its preparation can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • flow-through
  • cumulative

This is the first thing to consider when choosing. However, other characteristics, such as power, should not be neglected.

They also differ in cost. Models from foreign manufacturers made in a modern design and have advanced equipment, and, consequently, a high price. For those who purchase a non-volatile boiler for their dacha, it may be better to opt for products from local manufacturers; they are not inferior in quality to imported ones, but are cheaper.

And one more aspect that should not be underestimated. At the time of buying gas equipment you need to focus on the service base and the availability of spare parts.

Therefore, before you go to buy a boiler, find out if there are service centers for this model in your city.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of a non-volatile model of a gas heating device, we can say that it is simply irreplaceable in areas where there are problems with electricity. And also in those rooms where the presence of an electrical network and devices operating from it is undesirable. Such boilers are the most profitable equipment option for country house, saunas and other premises.

Autonomous heating systems based on gas boilers are considered the most convenient and efficient.

They require almost no constant attention, are able to maintain a constant temperature, and are protected from possible problems- overheating, flame extinction, other malfunctions.

However, most units are too dependent on the availability and quality of power supply.

Any voltage drops cause failure of the control board or other devices, and a power outage completely stops the operation of the heating system.

To solve these problems, energy-independent gas boilers are used.

Non-volatile gas boilers operate only with the help of mechanical components and parts. They do not require the use of electricity, which significantly increases their capabilities.

In Russian conditions, where in winter the temperature drops well below zero, it is important to ensure the continuity of operation of heating systems. At the same time, most power grids are overloaded, and in some villages there is no connection at all.

This makes non-volatile boilers popular and preferred units. All main components of the unit are controlled only by mechanical methods, but this does not impair the quality of heating the house.

Non-volatile boilers are devoid of many parts, which simplifies the design and makes operation more stable and reliable. Most users do not consider the lack of opportunity remote control and other additional functions are a significant drawback.

Everyone understands that many add-ons make the device more vulnerable and unreliable.


The design of non-volatile boilers arose much earlier than more modern dependent units. The long lifespan has allowed manufacturers to develop assembly technologies and achieve high performance indicators.

What is the difference from the usual?

The difference between a non-volatile boiler is the absence of all components that require power supply. No built-in circulation pump, turbofan.

Control is carried out using mechanical devices - valves, mechanical sensors, regulators. This makes the design very simple and reliable, but all processes occur naturally.

For example, smoke removal is carried out using a stove draft in the chimney. The air is taken directly from the room. These features make the operating mode dependent on a host of external factors.

For example, the draft in a chimney varies depending on the weather, direction and strength of the wind. Drafts can disrupt the flame. In addition, the room needs good ventilation, since the boiler actively burns oxygen.

Many users solve these problems by installing external devices- circulation pump and turbo nozzle to enhance and stabilize thrust. This makes the operating mode more intense and smooth.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of non-volatile boilers include:

  • there is no dependence on the availability and quality of power supply;
  • simplicity of design, absence of minor parts;
  • guaranteed continuity of the home heating process;
  • boiler cost and repair work significantly lower than that of volatile models;
  • You can do maintenance and cleaning yourself.
  • the protection system is limited to several sensors;
  • there is no possibility of remote control;
  • The operation of the boiler depends on external factors that cannot be adjusted.

Despite some disadvantages, non-volatile boilers are a practical and reliable solution. In some settlements they have no competitors due to power outages.


The main elements of non-volatile units are the primary (main) heat exchanger and gas burner. They enforce main function boiler

In addition, the design includes:

  • a three-way valve in which the coolant temperature is brought to a given value;
  • gas equipment providing control and fuel supply;
  • secondary heat exchanger (only for dual-circuit models);
  • temperature and pressure sensors.

The list of components is small, but this is the main advantage of non-volatile boilers. How less details, the higher the strength and load resistance of the structure as a whole.


There are not as many varieties of energy-independent boilers as there are more modern dependent models. For example, there are no turbocharged units (with mechanical air supply).

The following varieties exist:

  • single-circuit. They provide only heating of the coolant for the heating circuit;
  • double-circuit. They perform two functions - heating the coolant and preparing hot water.

By installation method:

  • wall-mounted Mounted in a hinged manner on load-bearing walls or durable vertical surfaces;
  • floor installed on the floor or a non-flammable stand. Most non-volatile units are manufactured in a floor-standing design;
  • parapet. These are units that have the characteristics of several groups of gas boilers. They have a lot of features that make them practical and user-friendly.


As a rule, non-volatile boilers have a floor-mounted single-circuit design. This is the simplest and reliable option. This approach allows us to guarantee an uninterrupted supply of coolant to the heating system in difficult conditions.

Principle of operation

The operation of a non-volatile boiler is based on flow-through heating of the coolant in a flame gas burner. The liquid enters the boiler, goes through the heating stage and enters the three-way valve.

There, colder “return” is mixed in in a certain ratio. This allows you to give the coolant the temperature specified by the mode. If the boiler is double-circuit, then a secondary heat exchanger is installed between the main heat exchanger and the three-way valve to prepare DHW.

Smoke removal occurs using natural draft, so a connection to a common house chimney of sufficient length is required.

Liquid circulation also occurs naturally, which requires compliance with the standard slope when installing the system.

Rating of TOP-5 energy-independent gas boilers

Let's look at the features of some models of non-volatile units:

Lemax Premium-12.5

Non-volatile floor-standing boiler of domestic production. The power of the unit is 12.5 kW, so the area of ​​the room should not exceed 125 square meters. m.

The model is equipped with a steel heat exchanger, overheating protection and a gas supply controller.

Main performance characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • natural gas consumption - 1.5 m3/hour;
  • dimensions (W-H-D) - 416x744x491 mm;
  • weight - 55 kg.

Lemax provides a long-term warranty on its boilers - the user receives technical support for 3 years.

Lemax Premium-20

Another floor-standing, non-volatile gas boiler, manufactured in Taganrog.

Its power is 20 kW, which is optimal for most private two-story houses. The maximum area for this unit is 200 sq. m.

Boiler parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • maximum heating water temperature - 90°;
  • pressure in the heating circuit (max) - up to 3 Bar;
  • natural gas consumption - 2.4 m3/hour;
  • dimensions (W-H-D) - 556x961x470 mm;
  • weight - 78 kg.

The single-circuit design is designed to heat the coolant, but if necessary, you can connect an external indirect heating boiler.

Lemax Patriot-12.5

Energy-independent parapet model from Taganrog. A boiler with specific capabilities.

Non-volatile unit, but combustion chamber closed type. Boiler power 12.5 kW, suitable for heating 125 sq. m.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 87%;
  • maximum heating water temperature - 80°;
  • pressure in the heating circuit (max) - up to 2 Bar;
  • natural gas consumption - 0.75 m3/hour;
  • dimensions (W-H-D) - 595x740x360 mm;
  • weight - 50 kg.

The main advantage of parapet boilers is their low fuel consumption - almost half that of conventional models.

Siberia 11

Products of Rostov manufacturers of heating equipment. A units are available in single- and double-circuit versions, which expands the choice options.

The power is 11.6 kW, allowing you to heat a house up to 125 square meters. m.

Main settings:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • maximum heating water temperature - 90°;
  • natural gas consumption - 1.18 m3/hour;
  • dimensions (W-H-D) - 280x850x560 mm;
  • weight - 56 kg.

Rostov units are positively assessed by specialists and ordinary users.


The Czech gas non-volatile boiler with a power of 35 kW is designed for use in rooms up to 350 sq. m. m. The massive structure is equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger.


  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • maximum heating water temperature - 85°;
  • pressure in the heating circuit (max) - up to Bar;
  • natural gas consumption - 3.9 m3/hour;
  • dimensions (W-H-D) - 630x845x525 mm;
  • weight - 151 kg.

The cast iron heat exchanger has a sectional design of 5 sections. There are pressure and temperature sensors.


To complete the information, you should consider reviews from users who operate non-volatile boilers in their homes:

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Alas, even in the Moscow region, not all cities and towns have high-quality and reliable electricity supply, let alone those remote from the center populated areas. Voltage in country houses often differs from the nominal value by tens of percent; emergency interruptions in energy supply can last for weeks. In such conditions, creating a heating system based on a volatile boiler is very reckless. It makes more sense to use a non-volatile methane boiler that does not consume electricity from the network. What are the features of this technique and what does the market offer?

Application area

Non-volatile boilers using gas fuel used in heating systems with natural or forced circulation coolant, as well as in hot water supply systems. Prepared water or, unless prohibited by the manufacturer, household antifreeze such as Hot Blood, Dixis, Warm House-65, Olga can be used as a coolant. Most often, non-volatile gas boilers are used in the residential sector - for heating apartments and country houses permanent residence. Less commonly, they are used for heating small commercial buildings.
All devices that have successfully passed certification in the Russian Federation operate on natural gas with a nominal pressure of 1274 Pa (130 mm water column) according to GOST 5542–87. When replacing nozzles (main burner and igniter), some models can operate on liquefied (cylinder) gas.

The most widespread in the Russian Federation are single-circuit non-volatile boilers designed for heating. Their heating circuit heat exchangers are made of cast iron or steel. Boiler models with cast iron heat exchangers are designed for 20–25 years of operation; the service life of more affordable boilers with steel heat exchangers usually does not exceed 10–15 years.

Dual-circuit models are also used - the presence of a second circuit allows them to be used simultaneously for both heat supply and domestic hot water supply (at a low intensity of water consumption). The secondary circuit coil is usually made of copper pipe, its heating occurs due to contact with the coolant.

Injection atmospheric burners are used as burner devices in non-volatile gas boilers.

Safety, reliability, simplicity and ease of operation of non-volatile boilers are largely ensured by the use of modern non-volatile automation units. In boilers with imported (primarily Italian and German) automation, the most significant savings in gas consumption are achieved due to the automatic burner power modulation mode. Boilers with automation made in Russia usually turn out to be the most attractive at the purchase price.

The user adjusts the temperature by setting the boiler water thermostat, based on personal feelings “hotter - colder”. But some models can also work in tandem with room thermostat, mounted in a control room, which monitors temperature fluctuations and issues commands to reduce or increase the gas supply to the main burner.

In areas where in winter the gas pressure at the entrance to the house decreases significantly, experts strongly recommend the use of non-volatile boilers that can operate stably when the pressure drops (down to 300 Pa and below), without turning off, but only proportionally reducing the heating output. It is unacceptable to leave the device running for a long time without supervision, since in the event of an emergency shutdown of the gas and the boiler stops, the heating system may defrost or other property may be damaged by the cold.

Placement and installation of a non-volatile boiler, as well as gas supply to it, is carried out by a specialized construction and installation organization according to a project agreed upon with the operating enterprise/gas industry trust. In this case, the equipment manufacturer’s requirements for air temperature and room ventilation, as well as the requirements for the characteristics of the enclosing structures next to which the boiler is installed, must be strictly observed. Amateur action here is unacceptable, as it is fraught with serious consequences, including the complete destruction of the heated house as a result of a gas explosion!

During the installation of a non-volatile boiler, the closest attention should be paid to chimney. The chimney device to which the device is connected must comply with SP 42-101–2003 " General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems", meet the requirements of the "Rules fire safety for residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, administrative buildings and individual garages. PPB-08–85" and the requirements of the "Rules for the performance of work and repair of stoves, chimneys and gas ducts."

The chimney, as a rule, should be located in the internal main wall of the building (although variations are possible). Its minimum open cross-section is determined by the boiler manufacturer and in most cases should not be less than ½ × ½ brick. Height chimney above the roof of the building depends on the horizontal distance from its axis to the ridge and should be:

♦ at least 0.5 m above the ridge, if the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the ridge;
♦ not lower than the ridge level, if the pipe is located at a distance from 1.5 to 3 meters from the ridge;
♦ not lower than a line drawn from the ridge downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizontal, if the pipe is located more than 3 meters from the ridge.

It is important that the smoke channel is strictly vertical, smooth, even, without turns or narrowings. Its height from the lower level of the apparatus must be at least 5 meters. Connecting others heating devices it is not allowed to the chimney of a non-volatile boiler.

Some models of non-volatile boilers, including parapet models, have a closed combustion chamber and communicate with environment using a horizontal coaxial chimney. It is mounted in a through hole in the outer wall and is equipped with a windproof cap. By coaxial chimney withdrawal is carried out at the same time flue gases, and combustion air supply.

Using a coaxial chimney allows you to install non-volatile boilers in rooms without a vertical chimney. This significantly expands the scope of application of energy-independent boilers. However, during operation, non-volatile boilers with a coaxial chimney are more often switched off than devices connected to vertical smoke ducts due to gusts of wind blowing out the burner flame or freezing of the gas duct (especially models without modulation operating in the “ON/OFF” and allowing condensation to appear in the chimney).

Problems often arise due to the destruction by condensation of the masonry of the wall through which the coaxial chimney passes.

When using a heating system with natural coolant circulation the heated coolant from the boiler supply pipe rises through pipes to the upper floor, where it passes through the heating radiators, then falls to the lower floors, where it also releases part of the thermal energy in the radiators, after which it enters the return pipe of the heat generator. Such heating systems are also called gravity.

Let us note that it is necessary to create a heating system with natural circulation of the coolant “with knowledge of the matter”, correctly selecting the diameters of the pipes, maintaining the required angles of inclination in the horizontal sections of their laying. When building a system with natural circulation, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and recommendations of the boiler manufacturer, since the warranty on the device depends on this.

When installing a non-volatile boiler in a heating system with forced circulation of coolant The system configuration, pipe diameters and their inclinations during installation are usually not so critical. But in this case, the pressure in the heating system in operating condition should not exceed the permissible value. To avoid destruction of the boiler heat exchanger, it is necessary to provide a safety valve in the system.

Without energy

The automatic operation of a non-volatile boiler does not require any externally supplied electricity. In the simplest case, the boiler gas valve is controlled by the voltage generated when the thermocouple is heated in the pilot burner flame, which, in turn, is ignited manually using a piezoelectric element. The voltage across the solenoid gas valve coil keeps it open, allowing gas to flow to the main and pilot burners. When the pilot burner goes out, the gas valve instantly stops the gas supply to the boiler, thus ensuring complete safety in operation.

What does the market offer?

When choosing equipment, the first thing logical to consider is the possibility of using a non-volatile boiler with cast iron heat exchanger. Unlike boilers with steel heat exchangers, where it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature of the heating water above the dew point, when operating cast iron boilers, even at a heating water temperature of about 30 °C, fatal damage to the heat exchangers by low-temperature corrosion does not occur.

Most models equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger are supplied to Russia from EU countries. European technology brands- these are Alphatherm Delta (Hungary), Alphatherm Beta (Slovakia), Attack (Slovakia), Beretta (Italy), Electrolux (Sweden), Protherm (Slovakia), Viadrus (Czech Republic), Fondital (Italy).

Thus, floor-standing energy-independent gas boilers Electrolux FSB-P are supplied in a power range from 14 to 60 kW. This is a fairly new range of highly efficient floor standing boilers with a high performance gray lamellar cast iron sectional heat exchanger.

Thanks to the application new technology DROP STOP heat exchanger of the Electrolux FSB-P boiler is resistant to hydraulic shocks and thermal deformations.

The use of NANO FLAME technology, even at a gas pressure of 350 Pa, ensures stable ignition and long-lasting trouble-free operation atmospheric gas burner. This technology allows the boiler to continue to operate even when the pressure in the main line drops to 220 Pa.

The burner of the Electrolux FSB-P boiler is protected from burnout by preventing the surface of its flame pipes from heating to critical temperatures.

Manufacturers of energy-independent gas boilers with cast iron heat exchangers From Russia and the CIS countries, devices are often created using imported components, which makes it possible to obtain equipment of fairly high quality, the price of which is approximately 10–15% lower than that of imported products with similar characteristics.

As an example, we can cite the line of cast iron non-volatile boilers “Titan N” from CJSC Gaztekhprom (Ryazan) with a nominal heating output of 25 to 60 kW, which are equipped with gas valves and SIT control units (Italy) with a full safety group that meets all domestic and European requirements.

Titan boilers are equipped atmospheric burners from POLIDORO (Italy) with stainless steel fire tubes.

Here we will mention the Taganrog boilers "Lemax Leader GGU-ch" with a power from 19 to 55 kW, equipped with a VIADRUS heat exchanger (Czech Republic) made of high-quality gray cast iron 4 mm thick, as well as Siberia KChGO gas boilers with an imported cast iron heat exchanger, burner and automation unit, manufactured in Russia at the enterprise of CJSC Rostovgazoapparat in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the KCHG cast iron floor-standing gas boilers from Servicegaz LLC, Ulyanovsk. These boilers use a highly efficient cast iron heat exchanger with a needle convective heating surface, main burners made of heat-resistant stainless steel with slotted grooves. Gas pressure stabilizer built into gas block, ensures uniform combustion gas-air mixture on the main burners with constant heating output, regardless of the gas pressure in the network, without requiring adjustment.

The KChM-5-k boilers from OJSC Kirov Plant, equipped with non-volatile automation SABC (execution 17; 23; 36). Their undeniable advantage is their versatility - a boiler, originally designed to operate on gaseous fuel, can subsequently be easily converted to operate on solid or diesel fuel and even used oil.

The main advantages of gas floor-standing energy-independent boilers with steel heat exchangers We can attribute their low mass, which is important when installing equipment in houses with “weak” walls and ceilings, increased resistance to water hammer and thermal loads, low inertia (devices quickly respond to changes in heat demand) and are even more affordable than boilers with cast iron heat exchangers, price.

Among the imported equipment, we note single-circuit energy-independent floor-standing gas boilers Dakon P lux series, the maximum power of which is in the range of 18–50 kW. The devices are designed for heating various rooms and can be integrated into both natural and forced circulation systems. The internal space of the steel heat exchanger of P lux boilers is formed by sections with nested economizers for the fullest use of the thermal energy of combustion products.

DAKON P lux boilers are equipped with HONEYWELL CVI automatic equipment and are manufactured in two modifications - “ON/OFF” (modification Z) and with two-stage power control “HIGH-LOW” (modification HL). One of the functions of the P lux boiler is quick stop of operation when used draft regulator, it significantly increases its safe operation.

Interesting models of non-volatile floor-standing boilers “Wolf KSO”, equipped with a steel heat exchanger, are presented in the Russian Federation by the company Protherm. The boilers are assembled at the plant in Taganrog under the close attention of employees Protherm company, which, according to the manufacturer, guarantees high quality and reliability. It is worth paying attention to AOGV - Beretta with a heating capacity of 11 and 17 kW, which were developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 20219 “Domestic gas heating devices with a water circuit.”

Russia has a traditionally strong position domestic producers non-volatile floor-standing boilers with steel heat exchangers.

For example, the Russian non-volatile heating devices of the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant are well known - single- and double-circuit heat generators of the Economy, Universal and Comfort series with a heating capacity of 11 to 63 kW. The devices are reliable and durable. The use of a steel heat exchanger with turbulators, a modern atmospheric slot burner and high-quality automation units in the devices, according to plant representatives, made it possible to improve environmental parameters and increase their real efficiency.

All non-volatile boilers of the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant are certified by the State Standard of Russia, have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion and a decision of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia for production and use.

In the city of Borino Lipetsk region Since 1997, the household gas equipment plant Borinskoye OJSC has been producing non-volatile boilers equipped with a steel heat exchanger with a capacity of 12.5, 25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63, 80 and 100 kW. The plant provides warranty and post-warranty service for its equipment, a “wide geography” of service centers and a completely reasonable price both for the boiler itself and for its maintenance and repair.

Siberia heating equipment produced by Rostovgazoapparat CJSC is in demand among buyers. In terms of thermal characteristics and design, these non-volatile boilers are not inferior to many foreign analogues. Siberia boilers use a heat exchanger made of carbon structural steel with a developed heat exchange area, Eurosit automation, and a WORGAS burner. The boilers are resistant to large differences in gas pressure and have high efficiency. Basalt fiber is used for thermal insulation of the boiler.

A variety of non-volatile boilers with a steel heat exchanger are considered to be single-circuit and double-circuit parapet boilers. They are equipped with a closed combustion chamber and connected to a horizontal coaxial chimney. The boiler is mounted on the floor, near the outer wall, in which a hole (about 300 mm in diameter) is previously made for the release of a coaxial chimney.

Large quantities of parapet boilers are supplied to the Russian Federation from Ukraine. As an example, we can mention DANI parapet AKGV 7.4-U-S (new) - a double-circuit parapet gas boiler with a sealed combustion chamber with exhaust of combustion products through horizontal chimney. This model is an updated series of Dani parapet boilers with the ability to connect to the heating system on both the right and left sides. Supplied with coaxial chimney kit.

We also note the Ukrainian parapet boilers “ThermoBar KS-GS-7.0 S” (JSC “Barsky Machinery Plant”), characterized by a long service life and an efficiency of at least 90%. Operating pressure boilers up to 2 kgf/cm² allows them to work with natural and forced coolant circulation. The boilers are equipped with a multi-section atmospheric stacked burner made of stainless steel.

Parapet boilers from the Impulse and BeleTo brands are free from many of the disadvantages of parapet boilers from other manufacturers. Their heat exchangers are made of anti-corrosion steel 3–4 mm thick, which significantly increases reliability and service life (in some other parapet boilers The heat exchanger is made of steel with a thickness of only 0.8–1.2 mm).

The BeleTo boiler can take combustion air from both outside and indoors. When taken from the room, air is sucked into the boiler body from above, and not from below, which prevents the burner from clogging. Thanks to the two-section burner, the Impulse boiler has a power control range from 20 to 100%, and the BeleTo 40 boiler -100%, which is important for the Russian winter with its wide range outside air temperatures during the heating season.

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