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» Where should icons be in the room at home? Where to place icons in the house

Where should icons be in the room at home? Where to place icons in the house

When a person takes the path of Christian asceticism, new knowledge appears about faith and those subjects that are a necessary setting for the formation and strengthening of faith. They are a necessary component of the life of an Orthodox Christian. One of them is an icon. Over time, the question arises: where should icons be placed in the house?

Over time, the question arises: where should icons be located in the house?

Many new Christians go through a stage of collecting images. I would like to buy many icons at once. This often happens, and the believer, as a rule, does not know where the icons should be in the house. Over time, the understanding comes that it is not a matter of quantity, but of quality.

You can have one image and that will be enough, or you can hang the whole house with icons, but this will not have an impact on spiritual life.

Therefore, before purchasing icons, you need to have an idea of ​​what a home iconostasis is and where the icons should be located in the house.

Unfortunately, the living space does not always have the desired area, then in general there are some difficulties in how to correctly arrange icons in the apartment. And if there is still no understanding and support in the family regarding the topic of faith, then the situation can be completely sad.

In what corner are icons placed in the room?

According to the church, where the icons should be located in the house, the priest will answer - on the east or eastern wall. But the realities of housing conditions are such that the answer is: in an accessible and free place. This is important, because how to correctly arrange icons at home is an important point, but this is not the main thing.

Icons are not pictures for interior decoration. This is a serious tool for spiritual work.

Icons are not pictures for interior decoration

If, after all, the eastern corner is not filled with furniture, and you can approach it, then use this part of the home. In which corner in the house icons are hung has no meaning for the salvation of the soul, just as in which corner icons are hung in the apartment. But they can help a Christian systematize his spiritual life.

How to properly place icons in the house

Having decided on the place where the icons should stand in the apartment, you need to understand that they are a means of communication with God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints.

The believer must have the opportunity to be alone with the icons in order to complete the prayer rule. Therefore, the question of how to properly hang icons in an apartment is not decisive, but requires understanding from those around you.

The believer should have the opportunity to have privacy with icons

If earlier, the corner in which the icons were located was called red, and it corresponded to the church tradition - the eastern side, then in the conditions of modern construction this is not allowed. Therefore, how to properly place icons in the house is decided by taking into account the convenience of using them.

How to properly place icons in the house is decided by taking into account the ease of using them

Even if you still want to choose strict compliance with church custom, there is often a pipe in the eastern corner, for example. It is hardly worth starting a renovation just for the sake of it being the answer to the question: how to properly hang icons in the house.

How not to place images of saints

There are several recommendations on where to place icons in the house, and what images of saints should not be combined with. It is not allowed to arrange icons as interior decoration items, or to surround them with figurines of a secular nature, paintings, or panels.

Where there should be icons in the house, photographs or posters with images of an entertaining nature or socialites are also unacceptable. Moreover, such a combination can negatively affect the home environment, because such a combination is a confrontation with the spiritual world.

How many icons can you have and how to purchase them?

The quantity of icons should turn into quality over time. That is, your favorite icons of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, saints and church holidays will remain in the home iconostasis. The priest can tell you in which corner the icons should hang in the house; at the same time, if the home has not been consecrated, then this must be done.

The number of icons should turn into quality over time

The acquisition of icons is a personal matter and is associated with knowledge of who or what event is depicted on them. For example, the Mother of God image has more than 800 copies, which means the same number of stories of their manifestation. The heart and path of a Christian believer will tell you which images to pray in front of in your home iconostasis.

The priest’s answer, where icons should be located in the house, says that a house or apartment is a home temple, and in the temple there are icons everywhere. For example, if this is a kitchen, then it would be appropriate to place there the Last Supper icon with icons of saints who patronize hospitable prosperity in the house.

Love for icons should not be fanatical

After all, before and after meals, a Christian prays. But love for icons should not be fanatical; Orthodox Christians do not worship icons. An icon is a shrine that helps to maintain constant presence with the Lord.

How to maintain order among the holy faces?

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: in which corner the icons are hung is not an important question for a modern Christian. It is important to properly communicate with them. Icons are objects inspired by our sincere prayers before them. Therefore, shrines must be kept in order and clean.

Wipe off dust regularly with a dry cloth. Do not allow icons to be damaged; if such an incident occurs, be sure to confess it. If there are dilapidated icons, then they should not be thrown away, just like any spiritual image. Bring such an icon to the priest, he will tell you what to do with it.

Icons in the house must be placed in a specially designated place. There is a tradition of placing icons on a shelf on the eastern wall, however, if this is not possible, then it is not necessary to arrange a home iconostasis on the eastern side. Sometimes icons are placed in the so-called red corner. "Red" means "beautiful" - this is an indication that the place for the icons should be clean, neat and beautiful.

Holy images can be placed in all living rooms. There is a pious tradition of placing wedding images in the bedroom. If the family is large, then icons in each living room are necessary for cell prayer for all family members.

For pious believers, holy images (or at least one small icon) are located in the kitchen. This is explained by the practice of saying prayers before and after eating food.

Holy icons should not be placed on a shelf with books that have non-Christian content. It is not advisable to place them on TV or together with secular paintings - the place for icons should be specially designated for this shrine.

Some believers place an icon above the entrance to their house. Often at this place you can see the image of the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria the Guide, since it is useful for an Orthodox believer to pray for help in good endeavors before going out. Sometimes a cross is placed above the entrance to the house.

How to arrange icons in the house

The principle of arranging icons on a home iconostasis is based on hierarchy, similar to the arrangement of iconostases in a temple. If the icons are located on the wall, then in the center at the head of the iconostasis there should be an icon of the Holy Trinity or the Lord Jesus Christ. To the right of this image you can place an icon of the Mother of God, and to the left of St. John the Baptist or a particularly revered saint, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Below you can place other images - angels, saints, prophets, saints, righteous ones. A crucifix can crown a home iconostasis.

It cannot be said that there are any specific instructions on the order of placement of icons in the home iconostasis (except that the Lord is desirable in a central place).

If space allows, then under the main icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary you can place holy images of the twelve Christian holidays. In the case when the home iconostasis includes several dozen icons, then under the central images you can also place shrines with the faces of the Savior or revered icons of the Mother of God and saints.

Sometimes they are located on one small shelf. Then in the center you can place icons of the Lord and the Virgin Mary, and at the edges you can place icons of the angel and saints.

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In recent years, more and more people have come to the Lord. Unfortunately, long decades of atheism have left a big blank spot in the spiritual education of many generations. Therefore, our contemporaries often find it difficult to understand the simplest questions of faith, or, out of ignorance, make mistakes in the performance of spiritual rituals. This also applies to how many of us make up our home iconostasis.

You will need

  • In what place should the iconostasis be placed? Canonically - preferably in the east, and based on the real state of things in modern life - in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable for you to pray, that there is enough space and that it is calm.


Another “categorical” rule is that in no case should you place icons next to posters and photographs of idols of today - politicians, rock musicians, sex symbols. If you want to decorate your home iconostasis, do it with fresh, fresh flowers or towels.

There must be icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. Also, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is especially revered, and his image is very often found in Orthodox families. If you have enough space in your home, you can complement the iconostasis with a personal icon, icons of saints to whom you often turn in prayer, images of the great saints of the Russian land and saints revered in the area where you live.

For a home shrine, the rules for placing icons are not as strict as for ones, but they still exist.

First, look at the iconostasis: if you have a desire to change, rearrange, or rehang something, then you need to do it, otherwise this internal dissatisfaction will distract you during prayer.

When arranging icons in a home iconostasis, the same principles apply as in a church iconostasis.
The central place is occupied by the icon of the Savior, often the largest in size. Next to the image of Christ is placed the image of the Virgin Mary and Child.
If you are facing, then the icon of the Savior will be on your right, and the icon of the Mother of God on your left. These are the two main icons, they must be in every Orthodox home, and above them only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the Last Supper icon can be placed.

If you still have questions, you can always turn to the priest for clarification or advice, and the priest will always help you and resolve all your doubts.


Do not forget that when arranging icons, there is a principle of hierarchy: for example, you should not place an icon of a saint who is revered in your region above the icon of the Holy Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God, and the apostles.

Helpful advice

If for various reasons an icon has fallen into disrepair and cannot be restored, do not throw it away under any circumstances - take the icon to church. As a last resort, you can burn it and bury the ashes in a quiet place, such as a garden or cemetery.


  • Annunciation, Orthodox Christian Library

In order to do iconostasis, you will need icons illuminated in the church. Among the icons there must be an icon with the image of the Savior, the Mother of God, the Trinity and the Guardian Angel. You can also purchase personalized icons and icons with the face of Saints. In the center there should be an image of the Savior, and to the right of him the Mother of God.


The third row is “festive”. On it are icons depicting the Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ, the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, etc.

The fourth row is “prophetic”. Place the Mother of God and Child on the throne in the center, with prophets on either side.
The fifth row is “ancestral”. In the center is the “Old Testament Trinity”, on the sides are the forefathers. There may be more rows - everything is at your discretion.

Sooner or later, most Orthodox people have a desire to make their own small corner for prayer. To create a home iconostasis you have to approach it thoughtfully. You can’t just install icons randomly. You need to follow a few simple rules.

You will need

  • Icon of Jesus Christ
  • Icon of the Mother of God
  • Other icons, upon request.


The number of icons in a home iconostasis must be at least two. It is best if these are images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. These icons must be present in every home. In addition to these icons, it would be nice to keep the image of the saints after whom the residents of the house are named, as well as images of locally revered saints. It should be noted that the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered on a par with the face of the Savior and the Mother of God, and it is present in every Orthodox family. When placing, one should be guided by the principle of hierarchy. On top there should always be images of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, and the Mother of God. The icon of the Mother of God should stand to the left of the icon of the Lord.

If you have painted and printed icons, give preference to the former. Thanks to the spiritual connection of the icon painter, the icon he created is valued much higher than any factory-made one.

Decoration of icons with decorations. Often, icons are placed in so-called icon cases (they are decorated with basma, as is done in many churches). Trimming with chasuble is very common. Icons can also be decorated with fresh flowers. On the holidays of Pentecost and the Holy Trinity, the iconostasis is decorated with birch branches as a symbol of a prosperous Church. Large icons are framed with white or embroidered towels.

Choosing a place for icons in the house. The coming of Christ is expected from the east, therefore one should pray facing him. Accordingly, the iconostasis should be located on this side, preferably in the corner. If the house is located outside the eastern side, the red corner can be arranged, focusing on the nearest church. If there is a passage and windows in the east, then you can install the iconostasis on any wall of the home, because in the church there are icons on all walls. It is only necessary to maintain some distance in front of the icons in order to feel complete freedom and openness in prayer. You cannot place equipment or interior items that symbolize peace near icons.

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There should always be an icon of the Holy Trinity at the top. Quarrels, inappropriate behavior, and scandals are unacceptable in front of icons. It is advisable to crown a home iconostasis with a cross. Crosses are also placed on doorposts. If an icon or church utensil has become unusable, under no circumstances should they simply be thrown away.

Helpful advice

Among the images of the Savior, a half-length image of the Lord Almighty is usually chosen for home prayer. A characteristic feature of this iconographic type is the image of the blessing hand of the Lord and an open or closed book. For those who have the opportunity to place a larger number of icons in the house, you can supplement your iconostasis with images of revered local saints and, of course, the great saints of the Russian land.


  • Official website of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • iconostasis in the apartment

Every house is a small temple. And it must have its own iconostasis. But you can’t hang icons just to make them look beautiful. There are certain rules for placing shrines indoors.

You will need

  • - sheet of whatman paper;
  • - felt-tip pens;
  • - glue;
  • - icons.


Before hanging icons in your house, consecrate the room. The first time this should be done only by a church minister. The priest will go around all the rooms, reading prayers, and sprinkle the walls with holy water. After this Sacrament, no sinful acts should be performed in the house - drunkenness, smoking, foul language. Otherwise, the ceremony will have to be performed again.

Icons purchased in a souvenir shop must be consecrated in the church. Only after this can they be hung at home. Shrines purchased from an Orthodox church do not need to be re-consecrated.

Icons need to be mounted on a wall that faces east or southeast. This is due to the fact that the person praying should face the side of the world where the sun rises. On the same side, believers await the second coming of Jesus Christ. If there is no suitable surface in the house, orient the shrines to the nearest church.

For iconostasis but several shrines will be required. Two images of the Savior, two of the Most Holy Theotokos, an icon of the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos, icons of John the Baptist, revered saints and the twelve feasts.

Take a piece of whatman paper and draw the Royal Doors (the doors through which Jesus Christ invisibly passes in the Holy Gifts) in the center. Attach the icon of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary on them. Hang the face of the Savior to the right of the holy doors, and the Most Holy Theotokos to the left. This is the main, middle row iconostasis A.

The row of shrines located above the Royal Doors is called festive. Place icons of the twelve holidays there.

The Deesis rank is the topmost row of icons. Attach a large image of the Savior in the center. To the right and left of him are the faces of the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist.

At the very bottom iconostasis and depict the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. It can be cut out from a church calendar and glued on. Or draw it yourself with a felt-tip pen.

Video on the topic

Icons are works of art and more; through them you can turn to God with prayers, requests, and seek help and consolation. Therefore, it is very important to arrange them in the correct order, making your home iconostasis, who will become the protector of the house and its inhabitants.


Select for home iconostasis and the eastern wall of the house. If this is difficult, the icons can be placed in any easily accessible place where several people can gather for prayer.

Traditionally homemade iconostasis They are framed with hand-embroidered towels. You can hang images of temples, peaceful landscapes and views of the Holy Land nearby.

Please note that it is better to place icons on a hard surface rather than on a wall. Earlier iconostasis It was customary to place it in a special cabinet - an icon case. It can be replaced by a regular bookshelf. The main thing is that only theological books should be on it.

For home iconostasis and images of the Mother of God and the Savior are required. You should purchase icons of your saints (whose names are family members) and the especially revered Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is the patron of children, mothers, the undeservedly offended, as well as the sick, prisoners and travelers.

If you want to create a complete iconostasis, then it must be supplemented with images of the holy evangelists, the prophet Elijah, the Archangels Gabriel and Michael, St. John the Baptist, Panteleimon and icons dedicated to church holidays.

There are several strict rules for the arrangement of icons in the home iconostasis e that should be adhered to. Place the image of the Savior in the center (it should be the largest in size). On the left place the Virgin and Child, as is customary in the classical iconostasis e. Only the Crucifix or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above. Place the rest slightly below or on the sides of the main icons. All iconostasis It is customary to crown with a cross.


If any icon has become unusable, it must be taken to church, but under no circumstances should it be thrown away.

In every Orthodox home, a place of honor should be given to icons, regardless of the status and condition of the family. It could be a modest shelf or even an entire iconostasis. The location of icons in the room is not random; the red corner must be located in a certain place so that household members can turn their thoughts to God and direct good thoughts to heaven.


You should know in what place they should be located icons V apartment. When a person prays, he should face east. Following this custom, the eastern wall of the room is the correct place to place the icons. However, the layout of the apartment may not always allow this, since windows may be placed on the east side. Do not place the icon next to a window or radiator, this will lead to its damage due to heat and drafts.

There's nothing wrong if you arrange icons in another place in the room, since sincere prayer will still be heard, regardless of where the holy image hangs. There should be enough free space in front of the icon so that worshipers can immerse themselves in their thoughts and requests, without being distracted by cramped spaces and inconveniences.

There should be no secular books, television, posters, figurines, calendars or paintings near icons. Place or hang a lamp in front of the icons. The image of the Lord God should be in the material radiance of light and remind you of his light in heaven. Light a lamp during prayer and on the eve of holidays. On Sundays and divine holidays, leave it burning throughout the day.

Place the measuring icon at the head of the bed to preserve and protect the peace of the sleeping person, filling it with pure thoughts. The icon can be located in the hallway above the entrance to the house, in the living room, and even in the kitchen (so that you can pray before or after meals). Hang the Guardian Angel icon in the children's room, it will protect your beloved child.

Remember, you should not hang icons saints higher than the image of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the Savior. Above them only the Holy Trinity can be placed. The icon of the Savior should be located to the right of the person praying, respectively, the Mother of God to the left. The images of the remaining saints should be placed lower, while maintaining the hierarchy.

Christian icons are not ordinary relics. Orthodox shrines are now in every home. Some people buy them as a fashion statement; in some families they are passed down from one generation to the next. For a long time, Christians created an iconostasis, which was always in a prominent place. The rich had more shrines than the poor. But everyone observed Christian traditions and treated them with great reverence.

Orthodox shrines are not amulets; they should not be installed for decoration. Many people acquire icons simply out of ordinary superstition, believing that they are automatically included in the protection of the house and its inhabitants. Believers are guided by other things when choosing the faces of saints.

Orthodox images are often hang on the walls, at the head of the bed, above the front door, using them as a tool of protection from unkind people. The holy face fills the home with bright energy.

It is believed that the chosen image has a huge influence on those living in the house. The canopy of saints gives a special mood and tranquility.

Placement of house icons

Of course, there are no strict rules for placement. There are some recommendations from priests on this matter:

Hierarchy of icon placement

A prerequisite for an Orthodox home is to have faces Mother of God and Savior. They always had the main place. In Orthodox iconography there are a variety of options for the image of the Lord Jesus Christ, An icon of the Lord Pantocrator is preferred for prayer. And among the many faces of the Mother of God they choose Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Smolensk. Above these two icons, only one can be placed - the “Holy Trinity”.

Some people mistakenly believe that these shrines must be hung higher than others. It is not necessary to do this at all. They can be placed on the same level as the others, the main thing is not lower, which is considered indecent according to the canons of Christianity.

Personalized ones are placed on the sides of the main icons. If there are none, then place the images of saints who are respected in the family. Most often this is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the most revered saint in Rus'. People turn to him on all everyday issues, he is considered the intercessor of all those undeservedly offended.

Storage of icons

To store icons, special cabinets are purchased - icon cases, which protect them from damage, dust, temperature and humidity changes. It is a sin to mishandle relics. You should not varnish them, coat them with special solutions, or rub them with anything. With such inattention, the micropores through which icons breathe can become clogged. And the composition, which prevents air exchange, poisons the Orthodox shrine.

If, nevertheless, a misfortune happens to the consecrated icon, and it cannot be restored, throwing it away is strictly prohibited. You can take the shrine to the church, where it will find its final refuge among the icons that have served.

An icon is a conversation with God

Independent selection of icons should be based on pure thoughts and the desire to pray. The appearance of each shrine in the house will be determined by inner fears and faith that she will help and protect you from harm. Luxurious antique icons, bought to amuse one’s vanity and the desire to amaze others, will not help on a thorny path.

You should not rely on a large number of shrines. The person's attitude towards this is important. There may be only one revered face in the house, to which the hearts of the household are drawn. An icon is a conversation with God. It helps to perform prayers, giving a special enlightenment that cannot be achieved by simply choosing beautiful faces that you like. A haphazard approach will never be beneficial.

What icons hang above the front door

An icon is installed above the entrance to the home, which helps protect against the penetration of evil. Therefore, they carefully choose it, paying attention to the meaning. There are several options for how to hang the image.

  1. The shrine is hung immediately above the doorway. This is done to charge positive energy and neutralize negative energy.
  2. By hanging an icon opposite the door, the goal is to prevent negativity from coming into the house from the outside.

But there are no strict rules that must be followed blindly. Everything comes from the soul, sincerity in the heart.

"Seven-arrow" icon

On a popular icon called “Seven Shots” or “Softening Evil Hearts” The Mother of God is depicted alone, without Jesus. She holds with her hands seven or six arrows (depending on the spelling) that pierced her chest. The Mother of God grieves, her heart breaks with pain for us, and the arrows symbolize sins that people are in no hurry to get rid of.

There are legends about “Semistrelnaya” that she heals the terminally ill. She has very strong energy that allows her to cope with the biggest problems. The second title is “Softening Evil Hearts.” The icon gives a positive charge, defusing the heavy home atmosphere.

When there is discord within the family, anger at loved ones, you need to pray to the Mother of God with a request to soften negative emotions and calm the warring parties. It relieves people in a difficult emotional state from bad thoughts, helps from thieves and all unkind people. If important things are coming up, then they certainly take her with them. But the main task is protection from evil not only from the outside, but also from within. The Mother of God prays for the forgiveness of the sins of each of us.

Most often, “Seven Shot” is hung opposite the entrance to the room so that every guest meets its gaze. Moreover, the power of the Mother of God is so great that even an unconsecrated icon or an embroidered copy can be used in the house and work miracles.

"The Unbreakable Wall"

The mosaic icon itself, in which the Mother of God raises her hands to heaven in prayer, is located in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. This is the most revered relic in Christian Orthodoxy, ideal for entering and opposite a home.

It got its name due to the fact that it has remained intact for more than 800 years, despite the destruction of other parts of the cathedral.

The Mother of God stands as a wall between the one who prays and the evil coming at him. This is truly an unbreakable wall of protection for those who need it. The power of the face protects against curses enemies, evil intentions of opponents, black magic of sorcerers.

A person with unclean intentions will be able to enter the house, the entrance of which is guarded by the Mother of God, but will feel very bad and will leave forever. When leaving their native monastery, they prayed to the icon to protect them from troubles and provide patronage in every possible way in a foreign land.

Guardian Angel Icon

The most popular face is the image of the Guardian Angel, which is determined by date of birth. True, there are other options. For example, you can identify an angel by name which is given at baptism. In addition, if there is a desire, the custodian can be chosen independently, depending on the goal being pursued. One is trying to look for love in order to start a family, another is praying for a speedy recovery of the body, the third is crying for an end to family quarrels. For each case, a patron is identified who helps the prayers.

The image of an Angel in the house does not mean that all problems with his appearance will go away forever. But a positive attitude and hope that the request will be fulfilled will have a positive effect on the inner spirit.

The main thing is faith

There are clergy who say that the holy image does not correlate with the ritual of scaring away evil forces that came from the pagans. And they are negatively disposed towards those who treat icons only as amulets.

To summarize, I would like to say that the choice of shrines for the home is an individual decision. The grace of God is sent through the icon, which has nothing to do with their quantity. You need to listen to your heart, and not blindly rely on others.

One should seek protection only from God. You cannot hang Orthodox images because of fashion trends or some kind of superstition. It is not the icon itself that heals and protects; it all depends on faith. If it is not there, no manipulation will help or strengthen the spirit. Regular prayers and faith are what give balance. By looking inside yourself, you can get many answers. When you turn to God with repentance and hope, help will always come.

Is it possible to put icons in the bedroom? This is a question many people ask themselves. Each person's home iconostasis is individual.

A believer chooses icons for his home independently, listening only to the voice of his heart, only it decides to which Saint to direct daily prayers. But when choosing icons, you should ensure that they match the manner of execution and style of the room. The article will tell you how to do it yourself.

The veneration of icons represents the veneration of a prototype. Looking at the icon, a person sees in it the Savior Himself, the Mother of God or saints.

These sacred images should be given the veneration appropriate to the shrine. In the church, Orthodox people lay candles and lamps in front of the icons, and kiss the sacred images.

When worshiping in front of icons:

  • Incense or incense is burned.
  • They pray.
  • Prayers are sung.
  • Religious processions are performed with them.

In the home of an Orthodox Christian there should be an appropriate attitude towards icons.

The place where the images are placed is called:

  • Red corner.
  • Front corner.
  • Holy corner.
  • Kyoto.
  • Goddess.
  • Icon.

In the house, first of all, you should have such icons as:

  • Savior.
  • Mother of God.
  • Particularly revered shrines.
  • Personalized icons, which include the heavenly patron saints of all family members and holidays. The image of the Savior should be placed to the right of the one standing, and the face of the Virgin Mary should be placed to the left.

Icons should be placed in a place separate from other things.

You cannot install them:

  • In bookcases that house books of a secular nature that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths.
  • On the shelves where there are photographs of loved ones, especially the deceased.
  • Where toys and figurines are located, icons should not be mixed with decorative elements.
  • Next to posters of pop singers, athletes, politicians and other idols of the current century.
  • There should be no artistic paintings here, even those painted on biblical subjects, such as:
  1. “The Appearance of Christ to the People”;
  2. "Sistine Madonna".

Advice: It is not allowed to see photos of priests, monks, elders, or people who lead a righteous life among the icons.

How to choose the right place for icons

In the house, icons can be placed in any room, not excluding the bedroom.

In the nursery it is advisable to arrange:

  • A measured icon, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth.
  • Personal.
  • Image of the Savior.
  • Guardian Angel.

The icon must be present without fail. The price of the image is low, and the result is the spiritual education of the child.

Instructions for placing icons suggest:

  • Install them on the east side of the room. This could be a corner or a wall.

Advice: When praying, a person should face east, just like the altar in an Orthodox church. Icons should also be placed on the eastern wall of the room.

  • You can place the faces of saints on the right opposite the entrance to the room.
  • For a child’s bedroom, icons are placed in front of the child’s eyes when he wakes up or falls asleep, in front of the crib, which will become a reminder and call to pray, turn to the prototype, and give thanks.
  • In the corridor, the image is hung to the right of the front door or above it.

Images are appropriate here:

  • Intercession.
  • Seven-shot.
  • Oranta.

How are the holy scriptures placed?

After determining the location of the icons, you must:

  • Install a shelf-case there, which is a special cabinet or glass shelf designed to protect icons from accidental mechanical damage, dust or dirt. The icon case allows you to store the face of the saint in more gentle conditions, where the icons are less susceptible to the negative consequences of changes in temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.
  • It is better to place the shelf a little higher above eye level or directly at eye level.
  • Images of saints are placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are quite a lot of them.
  • It is better to cover the bottom of the shelf with embroidery or put a beautiful white canvas or shroud.
  • On the left there should be an Icon of the Mother of God, and on the right - the image of the Savior, which is provided for by the classical iconostasis.
  • The following options are also allowed:
  1. place the image of the Savior above all others in the center;
  2. on the left you can put the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of John the Baptist;
  3. on the right is the face of the Mother of God.

You can combine all these icons in one, which is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  • Only the Crucifix or the icon of the Holy Trinity can be placed above the composition of images.
  • Near the face of John the Baptist is the Archangel Gabriel. And near the image of the Mother of God is the Archangel Michael.

There may be other saints in the iconostasis:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Panteleimon.
  • Peter Pavel.

Advice: You should always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint should be placed above the icon of the Savior, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and the Apostles.

  • On the sides and slightly below you can place images related to personal, family or hereditary.
  • It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with an Orthodox cross.
  • Before starting the prayer, it is advisable to light a candle or lamp, and then hang it and place it in front of the faces of the saints. A burning candle symbolizes a person’s burning towards God, his prayer.
  • It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or place fresh flowers in it. You can do the embroidery for decoration yourself.

Many people believe that icons should not be placed in the bedchamber - this is the most intimate room in the home. But this is absolutely not true.

Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, so you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you should know that the images are placed only at the head of the bed. The video in this article will show you how to do this.

If the bedroom is of an unmarried couple, this is considered a sin that cannot be hidden from God even without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent, he sees everything always, and not through images. Feel free to place images of saints in your bedroom and pray!

In Orthodox families, the icon is especially revered. It is used to bless a long journey and a happy family life, successful work or study. Before her they pray to the Lord, the Mother of God and various saints for intercession and protection from illnesses and troubles. But only a few know how to properly place icons in an apartment. Well, it's time to fix this annoying situation. We'll tell you how to properly place icons in your apartment.

What icons should I hang in my house?

In a Christian's home there must be 2 icons (Jesus Christ and the Mother of God), as well as a prayer cross. In addition to them, in a specially designated place you can place the holy faces of the patrons and intercessors of the family: Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergius of Radonezh, Dmitry Donskoy, John of Kronstadt, Seraphim of Sarov, etc. But still there should not be too many icons. Those to whom you are accustomed to tirelessly pray are enough. And also, try not to place photographs of living or deceased loved ones and celebrities next to the icons, no matter how much you value them.

Where can I place the images?

The first thing you should think about before properly placing icons in your apartment is where it is best to do this. In fact, you can place holy images in any room. Naturally, apart from the bath and toilet, there should not be even a small image in these rooms - this is sacrilege. If you are used to praying to the Lord before meals, hang the icon above the dining table or behind the door of a glass cabinet. Then the whole family will be able to express gratitude to Him every day for their well-being and the gift of food. Just don’t forget that in this case there is no place for the TV and tape recorder in this room.

Icons would be useful in the bedroom, hall or guest rooms. In a nursery, an image of the Virgin Mary placed above the crib would be quite appropriate. The Patron Saint will protect your child from troubles, misfortunes, illnesses and bad thoughts. Grants him obedience. However, you can also place a personalized icon in a beautiful frame here. Just do not forget that the child should not reach Orthodox products. Hang them high (but not too high!).

People wondering where it is best to place icons in an apartment also sometimes ask: “Can they be placed on the desktop, next to the computer?” In fact, it is possible, but you shouldn’t do it. Instead, place the holy image somewhere nearby, such as on a window or wall. In this case, it will better help you in your work, and it won’t get in the way. If the window is occupied by flowers, and there is simply no convenient part of the wall, the icons can be placed on a bookshelf, next to theological literature, a chest of drawers or a low sideboard. But still, do not forget that the most suitable place for them is the red corner.

Is it possible to hang an icon above the door?

Yes, you can, there are no prohibitions here. But you need to understand that an icon is not a talisman that can protect a house from ill-wishers. It is necessary at the entrance to the house only so that the person who enters and sees it can remember the name of God, pray, thank the higher powers, and ask for their intercession in any endeavors. As for what kind of icon can be hung above the front door, these are: “Savior on Ubrus”, “Seven Shot” (helps to reject bad thoughts), “Impenetrable Door” (helps to quickly overcome troubles and troubles), “Guardian Angel” ( removes unclean forces from household members and the house) and others. In principle, there are no restrictions.

Where should images not be placed?

Before placing icons in your apartment, you must remember that it is prohibited to do this next to paintings, photographs, posters, souvenirs, wall or grandfather clocks, figurines and other household attributes. They should not be placed next to a TV or tape recorder. These devices should be in another room. And one more thing: there should be nothing above the icons or very close to them, except for the cross, lamps and some permitted decorations, for example lamps or beautiful napkins created by the hostess.

Where should I place the red corner?

For a long time, a red corner was created not far from the front door, in the eastern corner. It was believed that a person entering must first honor the Lord God, and then the owner of the home. Now in many apartments the layout does not allow placing icons in the right place. If you don’t have this option either, try placing them to the right of the entrance to the house. This is not forbidden by the Church. If this option does not suit you, make a red corner in the eastern corner of the largest and brightest room. Where you can place icons in an apartment has already been mentioned above. The only addition is that it is better to place the icons on the iconostasis. It can be purchased at any Orthodox store or made with your own hands.

How to position the iconostasis correctly?

The most important thing when choosing the place and location of this product is to make sure that, if necessary, 2 people can freely approach it. Other rules concern “neighborhood” with household objects. So, a prayer cross should be immediately placed next to the iconostasis or above it. But there should be no curtains or other flammable objects nearby, as fire from lamps or candles can spread to them. For the same reason, you should not install shelves for icons too close to the ceiling. It is enough to make sure that small children and pets cannot reach it, and that’s it.

How to arrange icons in the iconostasis?

According to Orthodox tradition, the images on the iconostasis should be in the following order: on the topmost shelf - the icon of the Holy Trinity, below it - the face of the Savior of mankind, below - the images of the Saints and Patrons of the family. To the right of the icon of Jesus Christ it is customary to place an icon of the Mother of God, to the left - any icon designed in the same style. It is also worth hanging a prayer cross above the holy images or on the side of them. However, many Orthodox people do everything according to their own understanding. You can do the same. But do not forget to do everything with a pure heart and sincere faith in the existence of God, because without this, the iconostasis located in the house will be useless.

How to decorate an iconostasis with your own hands?

Now you know how to properly place icons in your apartment. The photo on this page illustrates this process in detail. Therefore, let's talk about how and with what you can decorate. It is worth saying that Orthodox people use hand-embroidered hand-embroidered handles, lace flaps, and small flower branches (most often artificial) for this purpose.

But you can also hang a burning lamp in front of the shelves with holy images, put a shroud on them (a small napkin with frills or lace), and also place birch or linden branches nearby. There is no need to invent anything else. Remember that you place the iconostasis in the house for prayers, and not in order to transform the interior in any way.

How to keep the iconostasis clean?

Any product needs constant care, the iconostasis is no exception. So, the temperature in the room where it is located should be 18-20 degrees, humidity - no higher than 40%. If persistent dirt or stains appear on the images of saints, they should be wiped with a slightly damp cloth or soft brush. It is highly not recommended to use detergents. You should also remember to wipe the shelves themselves from dust and dirt, being careful not to get them too wet.

Napkins, towels and tablecloths need to be washed at least sometimes. And one more thing: in addition to external cleanliness, it is good to maintain spatial cleanliness near icons. Just don’t clutter the space around them even with “very necessary” things. And then you will no longer have to think about how to place the icons in the apartment if it has become impossible to keep them in the old place.

As a conclusion

The decision on how to properly place icons in a house or apartment must be approached with all responsibility, since this task is not the easiest. But if your faith is really strong and you are ready to do everything for your own spiritual development, then you will definitely cope with everything. We wish you prosperity, peace and family happiness.