Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Where is the logic in the drawing with firewood. “Where is the logic?”: An intellectual game for young teachers and their mentors in the artistic and aesthetic direction. Greetings to the Molodist team

Where is the logic in the drawing with firewood. “Where is the logic?”: An intellectual game for young teachers and their mentors in the artistic and aesthetic direction. Greetings to the Molodist team

In this article I will talk about the game Where is the logic and its gameplay, and I will also share with readers the answers to rounds 1,2,3,4 of the game on Android.

Logic games are one of the most popular genres of computer games. They develop analytical abilities, develop skills in working with information, teach them to make decisions, think by analogy and highlight the general in the individual. One of these exciting games is the game “Where is the Logic” from the developer Open app holdings, which has already received wide recognition among hundreds of thousands of users on the Play Market.

Let me immediately note that there are two versions of the game with the identical name “Where is the Logic”. As I already indicated, I am analyzing the answers to the Where is the logic version from the creator of “Open app holdings”.

After launching the Where is the Logic application, the player is taken to the main screen, where indicators of the game level and the number of diamonds are located at the top, and at the bottom there are buttons for closing the application, launching the “What’s Missing” application, and turning sounds and music on and off.

By clicking on the large “Play” button, the user goes to the game page, on which three photographs are located. It is necessary to find something common in them, and then write this word down, using the letters scattered in a chaotic order below. The number of letters of a given word must correspond to the number of empty cells in the searched word.

There are three icons at the bottom. This is an icon for going to a game group on a social network, an icon for watching a commercial (you will be given 100 diamonds for this), and also a hint icon, which costs 20 diamonds.

When the answer word is entered correctly, the player moves to the next level of the game (the number of levels is constantly expanding by the developers).

List of answers to Where is the logic level 1

If you just can’t find the answer and are stuck on any of the levels, then I will try to help you with the answers. Here is a list of the first sixty answers, enjoy them for your health.

  • Level 1 - game
  • Level 2 - snowman
  • Level 3 – morning
  • Level 4 - help
  • Level 5 – scythe
  • Level 6 – oatmeal
  • Level 7 - arrow
  • Level 8 - camera
  • Level 9 - battery
  • Level 10 - tradition
  • Level 11 - counting
  • Level 12 - transfer
  • Level 13 - fur coat
  • Level 14 – needle
  • Level 15 - map
  • Level 16 – wheel
  • Level 17 - fish
  • Level 18 – sleeve
  • Level 19 - sink
  • Level 20 – nickel

In this article you will learn the answers to the popular game “Where is the logic?”

Answers to the game Where is the logic all levels

Find the common Level 1 Where is the logic answers

Football field, cards... Answer: Game.

Find the common Level 2 Where is the logic answers

Snow, carrot, bucket. Answer: Snowman.

Find the common Level 3 Where is the logic answers

Alarm clock, clock, coffee. Answer: Morning.

Find the common Level 4 Where is the logic answers

Monkey, tiger cub, hands, 03, ambulance. Answer: Help.

Find the common Level 5 Where is the logic answers

Warrior, girl in armor, sea, ocean, water, death with a scythe. Answer: Scythe.

Find the common Level 6 Where is the logic answers

Poultry, millet, ear, men at the table. Answer: Oatmeal.

Find the common Level 7 Where is the logic answers

Red shoes, legs, Arrow, warrior, crane. Answer: Arrow.

Find the common Level 8 Where is the logic answers

Bicycle, window, photographer. Answer: Camera.

Find the common Level 9 Where is the logic answers

Hare, ball, tank, room. Answer: Battery.

Find the common Level 10 Where is the logic answers

Indian, water, girl, loaf. Answer: Tradition.

Find the common Level 11 Where is the logic answers

Football, 1-0, keys, glass, score. Answer: Account.

Find the common Level 12 Where is the logic answers

Football player, round table, mechanism. Answer: Transfer.

Find the common Level 13 Where is the logic answers

white animal, girl in a fur coat, food. Answer: Fur coat.

Find the common Level 14 Where is the logic answers

Tsoi, Christmas tree, sewing machine. Answer: Needle.

Find the common Level 15 Where is the logic answers

Girl with map, poker, compass. Answer: Map.

Find the common Level 16 Where is the logic answers

A car, a damn Ferris wheel, a tablet. Answer: Wheel.

Find the common Level 17 Where is the logic answers

Shark, dominoes, night, stars, sky, forest. Answer: Fish.

Find the common Level 18 Where is the logic answers

Firefighter, tattoo, hand, canyon, mountains, water. Answer: Sleeve.

Find the common Level 19 Where is the logic answers

Sink, sink, knife, vegetables, grandfather with ear, shell. Answer: Sink.

Find the common Level 20 Where is the logic answers

Winnie the Pooh, bear, five kopecks, coin, charger. Answer: Pyatak.

Find the common Level 21 Where is the logic answers

Cars, traffic jam, taxi, wine, glasses, girl. Answer: Cork.

Find the common Level 22 Where is the logic answers

Locked heart, dress, map, time zone. Answer: Belt.

Find the common Level 23 Where is the logic answers

Tablet, game, dinner, table, candles. Answer: Post.

Find the common Level 24 Where is the logic answers

Indiana Jones, cucumbers, fish. Answer: Scourge.

Find the common Level 25 Where is the logic answers

Builder, gas station, thief. Answer: Pistol.

Find the common Level 26 Where is the logic answers

Money, dollars, ballet, cigarettes. Answer: Pack.

Find the common Level 27 Where is the logic answers

Light bulb, man with a cigar, with a gun, hunter. Answer: Patron.

Find the common Level 28 Where is the logic answers

Man with glasses, toilet, jury, KVN, sign 1. Answer: Glasses.

Find the common Level 29 Where is the logic answers

Don't get in, it'll kill you, jacket, zipper. Answer: Lightning.

Find the common Level 30 Where is the logic answers

Car, acrobats, swimming pool, hotel. Answer: Number.

What is missing Level 1 Where is the logic answers

What's missing from the camel picture? Answer: Hump.

Two in one Level 1 Where is the logic answers

In this part of the game you need to understand which two objects are depicted in one. For example, the first level shows the face of a man. It can be seen that in form and other features it is Putin, but if you look closely at the eyes, you can see Obama. Here's your answer: Putin Obama.

Goals of the game:

  • stimulating interest in physics, consolidating the skills to apply acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation, the ability to correctly explain phenomena and processes from the perspective of physics;
  • development of logical thinking, creative activity, attention, resourcefulness and intelligence, memory, and intellectual abilities of students;
  • fostering a friendly attitude towards each other, responsibility in decision making, and a spirit of healthy competition.

Participants of the game. Two or more teams can take part in the game, depending on the number of classes in the parallel. It is possible to play the game inside the classroom. The number of team members is two to three people. There is a presenter, who can be a high school student. The jury consists of teachers. Fans can help their team by participating in special competitions

Equipment: signal buttons, presentation (Application),interactive whiteboard, projector.

Progress of the event

Presenter: (Slide 1) Hello dear friends! I am glad to welcome you all to our show “Where is the logic?” The logical operations you know, such as classification, analysis and synthesis, proof or refutation, are used by people all the time, both when solving complex problems and in everyday life. The ability to reason correctly and draw correct conclusions is required by a person throughout his entire existence. It is logic that allows you to make the right decisions in a variety of situations. Today we will try to test your ability to think logically and make the right decisions while working on some physics questions. And we welcome our teams. (The name of each team and its participants are announced).

(Slide 2) And with us I round which is called "Find common ground". I explain the rules of the first round: three pictures are displayed on the screen, the task of the participants is to logically connect these pictures with each other. Whoever presses the button first and gives a signal gets the right to respond. The team earns 1 point per round won, not for each task. Are the rules clear? Then let's begin!

  1. (Slide 3) Water vapor, water, ice ( Answer: states of matter)
  2. (Slide 4) A jar of pickles, spraying perfume, a dog on the trail ( Answer: diffusion)
  3. (Slide 5) K.E. Tsiolkovsky, jellyfish, balloon ( Answer: jet propulsion)
  4. (Slide 6) Earth, Torricelli E., barometer ( Answer: Atmosphere pressure)
  5. (Slide 7) Speed, mass, time ( Answer: physical quantities)
  6. (Slide 8) Lemon, galvanic cell, electric ramp ( Answer: current source)
  7. (Slide 9) High jumper, football player, synchronized swimmer, at the moment of the jump ( Answer: weightlessness)

Leading: On this I round, is finished and the team wins it...(the name says).

(Slide 10) And we have Round II entitled “Who lives in the house?”

Explaining the rules II round: A picture of a room in the house is displayed on the screen. Based on the things there, you need to guess who this room might belong to. The first team to signal receives the rule to respond first, then the second team's response is listened to, etc. 1 point is awarded for the correct answer. Are the rules clear? Let's get started. (Slide 11).

Leading: The correct answer is Galileo Galilei. It is given by team... (team name) and is awarded 1 point.

Yes indeed. This is a picture of Galileo Galilei's room. Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician who had a significant influence on the science of his time. He was the first to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies and made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries. Galileo is the founder of experimental physics. With his experiments he laid the foundation of classical mechanics.

(Slide 12). And we move on to III round"Finish the Wise Man". Rules for the “Finish the Sage” round. A statement by a famous person is displayed on the screen, but the last word or phrase is missing. You need to continue the statement, for which you will be presented with three pictures, one of which will be a hint for you. The first team to signal gets the right to respond. 1 point is awarded for the round as a whole. So, here we go:

    (Slide 13)"Knowledge - force ».
    Francis Bacon
    English philosopher, founder experimental method in science

    (Slide 14)"Give me a point of support - and I will turn it over Earth
    ancient Greek mathematician physicist, engineer

    (Slide 15)"There is only what can be measure ».
    Max Planck
    German theoretical physicist, founder of quantum physics, Nobel Prize winner in physics (1918)

    (Slide 16)“Life is like driving a bicycle. To maintain balance you must move ».
    Albert Einstein
    theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate in physics (1921)

    (Slide 17)“Sciences are divided into two groups - physics and collecting stamps ».
    Ernest Rutherford
    British physicist "father" of nuclear physics, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1908)

    (Slide 18)“Everything that is scientific in chemistry is physics, and the rest is kitchen ».
    Lev Davidovich Landau

    Soviet theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner in physics (1962)

    (Slide 19)"Freedom of creativity - freedom to do errors » .
    Peter Kapitsa
    Soviet engineer, physicist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences,winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1978)

Leading: Our III round completed. The team that won this round was...(team name).

(Slide 20) We move on to IV round, which is called "Remove the unnecessary". The rules of the IV round are as follows: there are four pictures on the screen, one of which is redundant, you need to determine which one and logically explain it. The first team to press the button has the right to respond first. 1 point is awarded for a won round. Are the rules clear? Then, go ahead!

  1. (Slide 21) Thermal conductivity, convection, radiation, work done ( Answer: performing work, other types of heat transfer - energy transfer without performing mechanical work).
  2. (Slide 22) ICE, steam turbine, rocket engine, electric motor ( Answer: electric motor, the rest are thermal engines).
  3. (Slide 23) Fireflies, night glimmers, angler fish, a cat with eyes glowing in the dark ( Answer: a cat with eyes glowing in the dark is an example of fluorescence, i.e. glow under the influence of incident light, the rest are examples of chemiluminescence, i.e. glow as a result of chemical reactions).
  4. (Slide 24) G. Galileo, D. Fahrenheit, R. Reaumur, A Celsius ( Answer:Galileo created a thermoscope - a prototype of a thermometer, others proposed the design of thermometers).
  5. (Slide 25) Glass glass, porcelain cup, amber spoon, aluminum mug ( Answer: aluminum mug – aluminum is a conductor, other substances are dielectrics).
  6. (Slide 26) Bat, dolphin, dog, human ( Answer : a person does not perceive ultrasound, others do).
  7. (Slide 27) Lever, inclined plane, moving block, fixed block ( Answer: fixed block - does not provide any gain in work, but only allows you to change the direction of the force).

Leading: IN IV round The team won... (team name). It's time to announce the preliminary results. The score is as follows...(announces the score at this point in the game). Now let the teams have a rest, and the fans supporting their team will help them earn extra points by answering the proposed questions V round, which is called "Classics of the genre".

(Slide 28) The slide reflects in pictures well-known proverbs and sayings that have one or another relation to physics. Guess what is encrypted in these pictures. If you know the answer to the question, you need to raise your hand. If the first fan of one team to raise their hand answers incorrectly, the right to answer goes to the fan of the other team. The jury will observe the order in which hands are raised. The team whose fans win this round gets 1 point. Get ready, let's start!

  1. (Slide 29) If you don't butter it up, you won't go.
  2. (Slide 30) Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.
  3. (Slide 31) Murder will out.
  4. (Slide 32) All that glitters is not gold.
  5. (Slide 33) At night all cats are gray.
  6. (Slide 34) As it comes back, so will it respond.
  7. (Slide 35) I found a scythe on a stone.

Leading: Let's summarize the round for the fans. For the victory of fans in this round, team ... (team name) receives 1 point.

(Slide 36) And we continue the game. VI round- final round. It's called "What is missing?"

I explain the rules of round VI: a picture is displayed on the screen in which some element is missing. You find the missing element and name it. In this round, 1 point is awarded for each correct answer, not per round. Go!

  1. (Slide 37) Newton under the apple tree ( Answer: missing apple)
  2. (Slide 38) Communicating vessels (Answer: there is not enough water in the rightmost tube)
  3. (Slide 39) Barometer ( Answer: arrow is missing)
  4. (Slide 40) Electrical circuit ( Answer: there is not enough current source)
  5. (Slide 41) Glass with spoon in water ( Answer: the refraction of a spoon in water is not enough)
  6. (Slide 42) Range ( Answer: there is not enough yellow in the spectrum)
  7. (Slide 43) Scheme of Rutherford's experiment 1899 ( Answer: there is not enough β - radiation on the right)
  8. (Slide 44) Torricelli's experience ( Answer: the end of the tube is not sealed)
  9. (Slide 45) ICE model ( Answer: connecting rod is missing)
  10. (Slide 46) The phenomenon of shadow formation behind an opaque body ( Answer: there is no shadow).

Presenter: (Slide 47) This was the final round. Let's summarize. The jury gives the floor.

With the score..., team...(team name) wins.

Team(s) ... receive(s) a consolation prize.

Leading: (Slide 48) Dear Guys! I would like to thank you for your creative activity and wild imagination, for your support and ability to hear and listen. I hope that this game allowed you not only to look at “physics” differently, but also to develop your logic, adding to your life experience. See you again!

Level 31

We go into the room and look at three images. On the first one, physicists can easily find a famous scientist, then a woman with a pendant, on the last one the formulas of one law of the above-mentioned person are written down. The correct answer here is a pendant.

Level 32

We carefully study the source materials. The first picture shows kitchen materials, the second shows bulldozers standing in a row, then a constellation in the night sky. They all mean ladle.

Level 33

The situation is the same, we guess from the pictures. The first one shows notes along with a guitar, the second one shows a closed door, the third one shows water gushing from a cliff. The word key is hidden under all these messages.

Level 34

At this level, you can see in the photographs a pet enclosure, a house with a landing, and a writing pad. The word cage is simply asking at this stage.

Level 35

A very strange level. In the first image we see shoe mats, in the second there is firewood stacked in a row, in the third there is a woman with prominent curves. The key to the puzzle will be the word get drunk.

Level 36

Here the user is presented with very interesting photos. The first shows a head on wheels, the second an open book, the third the director of the company. The general key will be the word chapter.

Level 37

At this level it will not be difficult to guess. In the first image there will be a bunch of fruits, just look for the one that matches the letters and enter it. The remaining images show a boxing machine and an enema. The answer will be pear.

Level 38

Let's look at the pictures. On one there is brewed tea, on the second there is a bag with the wrong brand, on the third there is firewood. The answer is linden.

Level 41

We come to this stage and see three different drawings. The first depicts a mother with a child, the second a Cossack smoking, the third high-rise builders at work. The correct answer would be a cradle.

Level 42

At this stage, we continue to look for commonality between the three photos. The first depicts vessels with water, the second a woman in a fur coat, the third a mechanism in a forge. All this can be called in one word - fur.

Level 43

Let's look carefully at the three photographs. We see on the first a bronze statue of a man on a bicycle, on the second a yellow car, on the third German currency. The general key will be the word brand.

Level 44

We consider the tasks at this stage. The first of the drawings shows a hockey player in a game, the second shows his feet in socks with a pattern, and the third shows an inch of the roof of a house. The correct answer in this case would be a horse.

Level 45

From the background materials at this level, the answer can be easily understood. The first picture shows several rosettes, the second shows an exquisite dish with cutlery, and the third shows a knight moving on a chess board. The key will be the word fork.

Level 46

We go into the room and see images for the task. On the first one you can see a troop of drummers in uniform, on the second the bells in the church, on the third the division of the cake. The key to this is the word fraction.

Level 47

Standard photos will help you understand this level. The first shows two people in identical clothes, the second an old man, the third a fireman from a cartoon. They are united by the word zodiac.

Level 48

Let's go in and look at the drawings. We see black and white stripes, children running across the road at the crossing and the African steppes. The answer will be a zebra.