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» Where are the best beaches in Indonesia? Indonesia. The most beautiful beaches in Indonesia

Where are the best beaches in Indonesia? Indonesia. The most beautiful beaches in Indonesia

There are several dozen beaches in Bali. The most popular ones are located on the southern tip and the Bukit Peninsula. Eat Beautiful places on the eastern and northern coasts of the hedgehog. All beaches are very different, differing in the color of the sand, the height of the waves, and the development of infrastructure.

Below is a list of attractions where you can get acquainted with the beaches of the island in detail. Follow one of the links to read about each specific location. And on this page I will tell you about general features Bali beaches.

The island has many interesting attractions. All of them are divided into types, which can be found in the “Places by category” block. Now you are in the “Beaches” block, to go to another, you need to click on the corresponding link. Then you will be taken to a page where objects related to the category you are interested in are presented. To see full list attractions, you need to click on the “All places” button.

Dr imland beach in Bali is located in the southern part of the island - on the west coast of the Bukit peninsula. The beach is covered with golden light sand, its length is about 500 m. High waves made the beach one of the best surf spots on the island, but for swimming it is better to look for another place.

Balangan beach (or Pantai Balang an) is located on the Bukit Peninsula, in South Kuta - not far from the village of the same name. It is 25 kilometers from Denpasar. Balangan Beach is considered one of the best places for surfing due to its high waves. In addition, this is one of the most picturesque coasts of the island.

Padang Padang Beach is located in the southwest of the Bukit Peninsula, in the village of Unggasan Village, Pecatu district. It is 28 kilometers from Denpasar. It is surrounded by limestone cliffs, in which a cave has been carved out leading to the coast. This is one of the few beaches in the southern part of the island where you can swim, and it is also suitable for surfing.

Lembeng Beach is located in the south of Bali, near Sanur and a few kilometers from Denpasar. It is covered with black sand, with a palm grove growing nearby, which in contrast with the blue water creates an excellent panorama. People come to the beach to admire the sunset, take a walk or have a picnic. The waves here are high, making the area good for surfing.

One of the most popular places among tourists in northern Bali is Lovina beach. It is located in Buleleng Province, 9 km from Singaraja. The sand here is black, of volcanic origin, and the waves are small. The place is suitable for swimming, diving, snorkeling, fishing, and a quiet family holiday.

Legian is a small village 7 kilometers southwest of Denpasar. Like most resort areas, until the middle of the last century it was an ordinary fishing village, until tourists were attracted by its coast. Today, on the entire island of Bali, Legian Beach is considered one of the best. And now I will tell you why.

Whi te Sand beach (White Sand Beach), or Virgin Beach (Virgin Beach) in Bali is located near Candidasa, between the villages of Bug bug and Perasi. This is one of the few places in the east of the island where the coast is covered with white sand. Low waves allow swimming and snorkeling. There are few people here, since the beach is remote from popular tourist routes.

Keramas beach (or pantai Keramas) is located in the southeast of Bali, near Sanur, in the Gianyar regency, Sukawati region. It is considered one of the best for surfing. The infrastructure here is well developed: there is a bar, a club with a restaurant, several hotels and even a dolphinarium. The beach is surrounded by rural landscapes.

Nusa Dua is a luxury resort and beach in Bali. It is located in the southeastern part of the Bukit Peninsula, along the coast of the same name, 10 km from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport. This resort has it all: clean sandy beaches, cozy gazebos, protected areas, luxury hotels, and secluded villas.

Jimbaran (Djimbaran, Jimbaran) is a resort in the southwest of the Bukit Peninsula in Bali (Indonesia). It is located in Jimbaran Bay (Teluk Jimbaran, Jimbaran Bay) and is considered a popular place among travelers due to its successful geographical location and well developed infrastructure. In addition to the natural beauties, a feature of the resort is considered to be the widest selection of seafood and seafood dishes, since this place is the fishing center in Bali.

Pandawa beach (or Pantai Pandawa) is located in the southern part of Bali, on the Bukit Peninsula. The coast is lined with white sand and surrounded by high limestone cliffs. Until recently, this was a place unknown to tourists. Nowadays, a beautiful view of the azure ocean attracts both local residents and visitors. Unlike other beaches on the island, you can go kayaking in the Indian Ocean.

General description of the beaches

According to Indonesian laws, beaches in Bali cannot be purchased in private property, because most of them are public. Only a few prestigious first-line hotels have guarded coastal zones, where outsiders are not allowed. On the island you can find both crowded and secluded beaches. There are long strips of sand stretching for several kilometers, and very tiny sections of the coast, where you can only go at low tide. Some beaches are popular among locals, while others are visited mainly by tourists.

To choose the perfect beach for your vacation, you need to know the following:

  • What is his appearance
  • What is it suitable for?

Now let's look at each of these points.

What Balinese beaches look like

You can find very different coastlines on the island. I would recommend visiting a few beaches to better understand the diversity of the island.

But when choosing a specific vacation spot, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Sand color
  • Wave height
  • Cleanliness of the city
  • Infrastructure

So, here are the main differences between the beaches, in terms of their appearance.


The island's beaches do not always correspond to a tourist's idea of ​​a tropical paradise. The sand here comes in different colors:

  • White
  • Yellow or golden
  • Grey
  • Black

There are two active volcanoes on the island. The ash that is formed during their eruption ends up on the beaches. The eastern coast is closest to the volcanoes, so the sand here is black. In the north it has a grayer tint. In general, in Bali, white sand beaches can only be found on the Bukit Peninsula and small islands located nearby (Nusa Penida, Lembongan, Gili). On the southern coast - in Kuta and Seminyak - the sand is yellow-gray. In Sanur and Nusa Dua it is white and golden, but it is not natural, but imported.

The structure of sand also varies. Black volcanic - mostly fine, sticks to wet bodies and hands. Although there are beaches with fairly coarse black sand, reminiscent of very small pebbles. White sand on Bukit can be both large and small. Gray consists of different factions. Except sandy beaches, on the east coast of the island there are rocky ones. They are covered with black cobblestones of different sizes.


It’s not for nothing that the island is called a mecca for surfers. Due to the special structure of the bottom and coral reefs near the shore, quite high waves are formed on local coasts.

They are divided into three types:

  1. Close-outs - closed waves, suitable for riding in foam, quite dangerous when their height reaches two meters or more
  2. Flat waves (Spilling waves) – typical for the coast with a slight bottom slope, do not form pipes, suitable for beginner surfers
  3. Plunging waves - fast waves that break to form a pipe, suitable for advanced and professional surfers

The height and type of wave depend on the tides and wind direction. In the southwestern part of the island, the waves are higher in the dry season, as southeast winds blow here at this time. On the opposite coast, the ocean is more agitated during the rainy season due to southwest winds. High waves are more characteristic of the southern tip of the island. The best beaches in this sense are the beaches of the Bukit Peninsula, Kuta and Seminyak.

However, you can also find calm places with small waves. Most of them are located in the north of the island, near the resort of Lovina. There are good places on the east and southeast coasts - first of all, this is the resort of Sanur. There are low waves on some beaches of the Bukit Peninsula - Padang Padang, Jimbar an, Nusa Dua.


It’s interesting that you can find completely opposite reviews about the same beach. Some visitors write that it is almost perfectly clean, others talk about terrible dirt. In fact, it all depends on the location, infrastructure and season.

Conventionally, I would divide the beaches according to cleanliness into several categories:

  • Guarded beaches near hotels are the cleanest. Garbage is removed from the coast several times a day.
  • Public beaches with well-developed infrastructure are quite clean. Garbage is removed in the morning and evening.
  • Public beaches with poor infrastructure - cleanliness depends on the time of day and season. There is less garbage in the morning than in the evening; it can be very dirty during the rainy season.
  • Wild, secluded beaches can be either clean or dirty - it all depends on the location and season. But on such coasts, garbage left by tourists is less common. Most often it's just algae.

It is important to note that during the peak rainy season (from late January to early March) almost all beaches are dirty. The sea brings a lot of garbage, and even prestigious resorts do not have time to clean the coast. Of course, tourists who visited one of the beaches at this time will not leave the best reviews about it.

There is one more nuance - according to local religion, the ocean is considered a sacred place. People come here to make offerings to the gods. Fishermen do not go to sea without this ritual. On many beaches you can see small altars where locals bring their ritual gifts in the form of wreaths of flowers, herbs, twigs and fruits. Especially many offerings are brought during the Balinese New Year, when religious ceremonies are traditionally held by the sea. Over time, the wreaths dry up, are blown away by the wind, float out to sea, but then return back.

But the remains of ritual offerings cannot be compared with what vacationers leave on the shore. Bottles, bags, plastic dishes - all this again ends up on the coast during high tide. Some beaches have concrete piers. Garbage adjacent to these piers lingers for a long time, interfering with swimming.


The infrastructure of the beaches on the island is very different. In guarded areas near hotels, the all-inclusive principle applies; here you can find any services. There are many public beaches with fully or partially developed infrastructure. There are also completely wild places, where there is nothing but sea and sand.

Based on infrastructure development, beaches are conventionally divided into the following types:

  • Well developed infrastructure
    On these beaches you can rent sunbeds, umbrellas, surfboards, equipment for diving, snorkeling and other types of recreation. They offer a lot of interesting entertainment - beach volleyball, banana boat rides, jet skis and much more. The infrastructure also includes lifeguard stations, showers, and toilets. There are cafes and restaurants near the coast or on the beach itself. All places of this type are paid, prices fluctuate widely. A separate category includes guarded beaches near hotels, where outsiders are not allowed.
    Beaches with the best infrastructure are located in the resorts of Kuta, Seminyak, Nusa Dua and Sanur. In the east and north of the island, similar places can only be found near hotels.
  • Moderately developed infrastructure
    These beaches provide many of the services listed above. But there may be no lifeguard station, sun lounger rentals or recreational equipment, and sometimes no shower or toilet. Cafes can be represented by a small bar, a shop with local dishes or fast food.
    Beaches with moderately developed infrastructure can be found anywhere on the island. Most of them are in the east and north (in Lovina), there are such places on the Bukit Peninsula, the islands of Lembongan and Nusa Penida

What types of recreation are the local beaches suitable for?

In fact, you can do anything here. Bali's beaches are suitable for swimming, surfing, diving and snorkeling, various types sports, and just for walks along the coastline.

Here are the main types of recreation:

  • Surfing and its varieties (windsurfing, bodyboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing)
    Best places for surfing – South coast islands, including the Bukit Peninsula. At the same time, I recommend going to the southwestern beaches during the dry season, and to the southeastern beaches during the rainy season. This has to do with the direction of the wind.
    Kitesurfing (riding a board behind a boat) and windsurfing (swimming on a board with a sail) are more developed in the north, in Sanur, Tanjung Benoa and Nusa Dua. The waves here are small, so they are suitable for this type of beach entertainment.
  • Diving and snorkeling
    Best beaches for scuba diving are located in the north (Court Lovina) and east of the island (Amed, Candidasa, Tulamben). There are excellent places on the nearby islands.
  • Swimming
    Not all beaches are suitable for swimming due to high waves or rocky bottom. You can swim in some places on the Bukit Peninsula, on the Gili Islands. The most popular resorts in this regard are Sanur, Nusa Dua and Lovina.
  • Sports beach activities (volleyball, jet ski, flyboarding, etc.)
    Main centers sports entertainment The beaches of Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua and Sanur are considered. They have small waves and well-developed infrastructure. There are also many beach activities in Kuta and Seminyak.
  • Walks on the beach
    Almost any beach is suitable for walking. But the most beautiful places are on Bukit and the east coast of the island (in Candidas, Amed), as well as on the islands nearby.

The island of the Malay archipelago, Bali, a favorite among travelers, is washed by Indian Ocean. Most of the hotels are scattered around the southern part of the island, where, unfortunately, the ocean is often rough. The beaches of Bali regularly delight surfers with high and medium waves; those who want to relax on the shore and just swim have a more difficult time. Of the many beach areas, only a few are suitable for swimming. We invite you to find out which ones!

Beaches of Nusa Dua

Nusa Dua is a resort area located in the southern part of the island. In Nusa Dua, travelers will find several beach areas, all of which are suitable for swimming, including for the younger generation. The waves do not reach the coastline, so the beaches in this part of Bali are safe, and there are practically no undercurrents there.

It is worth noting that in winter period The beaches of Nusa Dua have good waves, so winter is the season for surfers.

Geger Beach

Geger is a well-kept public beach, regularly cleaned by employees of coastal hotels. There are many restaurants and bars here, and you can rent a sun lounger for a fee. You won’t be bored on the beach, as local residents actively offer to get acquainted with water activities: skiing, yachting, sailboats, etc.

More secluded beach area. Tourists do not appear on Niko very often, which is why the exotic nature of the beach is practically untouched. Although less popular among travelers, there are also places to grab a bite to eat.

Jimbaran is huge, five kilometers long, beach area. Travelers are attracted to the beach by its untouched wildlife and several fish restaurants (considered one of the best in Bali). There are rarely waves on the beach. Even when the ocean is stormy, they reach insignificant values, and the beach remains accessible for swimming.

The beach is located near the airport, perhaps one of its disadvantages. Tourists regularly hear the noise of planes taking off and landing. In addition, Jimbaran is a place for secluded relaxation. The infrastructure here is not very developed. Of course, there are bars and cafes in the surrounding areas, but active entertainment like on the beaches of Nusa Dua is difficult to find.

By the way, monsoons reign here in January and February, which is why a lot of garbage washes up on the coastline.

Another popular resort area among travelers is Bukit. The resort is located in the south of the island, behind Jimbaran beach. It is in the territories of Bouquet that tourists can get acquainted with the true nature of Bali. Wild and beautiful, the beaches attract many tourists, which is why in the last two years they have been “overgrown” with infrastructure at a decent level.

The best beaches of the island of Bali, located in the territory of Bouquet, have the following names:

The most famous among vacationers, as it is easy to get to. The ocean is almost always smooth, with only very small waves occasionally rising. Infrastructure includes sun loungers, umbrellas and kiosks with cold water, and there are small cafes for snacks.

Even more picturesque than Padang Padang. The area of ​​the beach itself is not too large, but very clean. It is better to stay in the extreme parts of Balagan, as there are large waves in the central zone. The beach is equipped; you can always rent sun loungers and sunshades.

There are still many wild beaches on the territory of Bouquet with beautiful view, but swimming there is dangerous because of the large waves. In general, before going to the beach while vacationing in Bali, we recommend asking the locals about the safest places to swim.

A paradise holiday on the islands is almost always associated with snow-white beaches and azure seas. The island of Bali is no exception. Hundreds of tourists come here every year to spend their vacation by the ocean. A significant part of Bali's beaches are unsuitable for swimming due to high waves and strong currents, but there are some whose beauty is breathtaking, and swimming in them is a pleasure.

It is one of the best beaches in Bali. Situated in a picturesque bay, it provides excellent conditions for comfortable rest. The length of the coastline is about 5 kilometers. The sand on the shore is white and soft, walking on it is a pleasure. The beach is wide enough to accommodate a large number of tourists.

Thanks to its shallow depth and smooth entry into the ocean, Jimbaran Beach is perfect for families, including those with small children. The bottom is sandy, so you don’t have to worry about getting hurt when entering the water. Another advantage is cleanliness; they carefully monitor order here.

Within Jimbaran, the infrastructure is well developed. Only modern hotels are available for accommodation. Meals are provided in cafes and restaurants, most of which are located near the shore. The basis of the diet is seafood dishes. Local fishermen supply fresh catch every day, so there is no doubt about the quality of the products.

Dreamland Beach

Dreamland Beach is especially popular among tourists. The light-colored sand, pleasant to the touch, allows you to enjoy evening walks along the coast. There is good infrastructure here, which is developing rapidly. For the convenience of tourists, there are umbrellas and sun loungers, which can be rented for a fee.

There are a sufficient number of cafes and restaurants on the beach, you can try different cuisines peace. Due to the large waves, the beach is not suitable for swimming. Mostly those who live by surfing relax here. The hotel stock is represented by a large hotel, several villas and bungalows.

Padang Padang Beach

It is located in the southwestern part of Bukit. The beach is located next to the rocks. This is a unique place, where you can swim in the ocean and ride a surfboard at the same time. The length of the beach is no more than 100 m. To get to the beach, you need to go down the cliff.

Padang Padang Beach is popular with filmmakers and photographers. Video clips were filmed here, as well as the famous film “Eat. Pray. Love." Therefore, the beach has become the most popular in Bali.

The first surfers appeared here long before Padang Padang was developed by tourists. In 2004, an international surfing competition was held here. A special type of wave called a “pipe” forms not far from the shore.

Bingin Beach

A small beach located almost in the southernmost part of Bali. It is not difficult to get to it from both Kuta and Denpasar. The beach is covered with light sand, onto which waves gently roll. turquoise color. Bingin is a great place for sunsets. Every evening hundreds of tourists come here to enjoy the most beautiful spectacle.

If you decide to swim here, it is better to come during high tide, then the waves are not so high, this allows you to swim at least a little from the shore. If there are no red flags near the shore, then you can swim even at low tide, but you need to be careful, as there may be some water in the water. a large number of stones.

Many surfers come to the beach. Accommodation is provided with the most various options. Cheaper accommodation is located down the beach.

Melasti Beach

Although this beach is little known, this does not prevent it from being one of the most beautiful on the island. It is located in the south of Bali and is considered good place for family holidays. In addition, lovers and elderly people come here. Thanks to beautiful scenery The beach is often visited by newlyweds to do a photo shoot.

Melasti Beach is unofficially divided into three parts. Thanks to the wide coastline, a fairly large number of tourists can settle here, and most importantly, each of them will feel as comfortable as possible.

There is one interesting attraction on the beach - the Kori Agung Gate. Due to the high waves, the beach is not suitable for swimming, but the water in the ocean is very clean. Most vacationers gather on the beach in the afternoon, so if you want a more secluded holiday, come here in the morning. The length of the coastline is about 1 kilometer, the coast is surrounded on all sides by rocks, which gives it some kind of peculiarity.

Pandawa Beach

This is another beautiful white sand beach in the southern part of Bali. Pandava is quite equipped, with sun loungers and umbrellas along the coastline. The coastal line is wide, but not the entire beach area can be used for swimming. In some places there are red flags that symbolize the prohibition of water procedures.

On the left side of Pandawa Beach there is a cozy gazebo; it can be used for beautiful photo shoots and friendly conversations, while simultaneously admiring the views of the ocean. There are not many tourists on the beach, which allows you to enjoy a more secluded pastime. It is best to come to the coast during low tide, this will allow you to fully enjoy water procedures, since the waves during this period become minimal.

Tourist infrastructure is located on the right. There are several cafes and shops there, and you can also rent a kayak there. Another advantage of Pandavas is the relatively low cost of food in the cafe, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the basis of the menu is National dishes.

Nikko Beach

The beach is located not far from Nusa Dua, despite this, not everyone has heard of it. There is a 5-star hotel of the same name located on it. On Nikko there are almost never ebbs and flows, which allows both adults and children to swim here. The infrastructure is poorly developed, since a small number of tourists vacation on the coast.

But if you decide to spend the day in this piece of paradise, rest assured that everything you need will be provided for your comfort. There are umbrellas and sun loungers for tourists, there are several cafes and shops, massage services are provided, and there is also a surf school. The shore is covered with white sand, the water in the ocean is clean.

Geger Beach

This is another great beach located near Nusa Dua. There is a coral reef not far from the coast, thanks to which the ocean remains quiet and calm at almost any time of the year. Due to the fact that Geger Beach faces east, there is always a light sea breeze blowing here, and the ocean water is slightly warmer than in other similar parts of Bali. The entrance to the water is smooth, the bottom is shallow, you can come here with children without fear. For the convenience of tourists, sun loungers are installed.

Along the shore there is a strip of cafes and restaurants serving local and international cuisine. Unlike other beaches on the island, topless sunbathing is allowed on Gegera. Tourist infrastructure is developed at high level, but it is not located along the entire coastline. But if you wish, you can always find a cozy cafe.

Nusa Dua Beach

It is the most prestigious beach in Bali. It has a length of about 3 kilometers, within which the best 5-star hotels of the island are concentrated. The coastline is formed by light sand; cleanliness is carefully monitored here, and even in the low season the coast remains clean.

Nusa Dua Beach has everything you need for a relaxing holiday. First-class restaurants open their doors here, where you can taste the dishes different nations peace. There are sun loungers with umbrellas along the shore. There is a huge amount of entertainment available throughout the day, including rental water skiing, wakeboard, surfing and more. You will never see annoying traders on the beach; any type of trade in this region is punishable by law.

Bias Tugal Beach

If you are a true romantic and want to enjoy the Balinese sunrise, then this beach is what you need. It is located in the southeast of the island. This beach is perfect place for diving and snorkeling. There are almost never high waves here, and the underwater world amazes with its beauty and diversity.

The beach has a calm, relaxing atmosphere, and all because there are never too many tourists in these places. Within Bias Tugal Beach there are several cozy hotels, which allows you to stay in these places for several days.

White sand beaches on the map

On this map I marked all the beaches that I talked about in this article.

We got to know the best beaches in Bali with sand light color. Some of them are suitable for swimming, while others are suitable for surfing. Everyone will find the perfect beach for themselves.

The island of Bali is famous for its beaches; there are several dozen of them. However, not everything can be considered for swimming. Most of the beaches are in demand among surfers and are absolutely not suitable for water procedures. Therefore, especially for you, I have made a selection of the best beaches on the island, which are relatively calm. Created here favorable conditions perfect for relaxing even with small children.

This is one of the most famous beaches in the southern part of the resort. It combines unique nature, warm ocean water and magnificent hotels. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. The name of the beach translates as “two islands”. Nearby are the islands of Peninsula and Nusa Dharma.

Tourism on the beach began to develop only in the 70s of the last century. This idea was achieved through the joint efforts of the local population and foreign investors. The resort began to develop at a rapid pace, deserted areas turned into closed sections of the beach, near which luxury hotels and shopping and entertainment centers began to be built.

Nusa Dua Beach is 3 kilometers long. It is famous for its clean yellow sand and gentle entrance to the ocean. The tourist infrastructure here is well developed, and the water in the ocean is a pleasing azure color. There is a coral reef near the shore, which serves as a barrier from strong waves.

The beach provides excellent conditions for families with children to relax. Hotel staff regularly monitor order on the coastline; a sufficient number of sun loungers and umbrellas are installed. In the central part of the beach there are many themed restaurants where you can taste real culinary masterpieces national cuisine. However, the prices are a little high.

To the number best hotels for recreation include:

Geger Beach

The beach is located on the Bukit Peninsula. Near the shore there is a coral reef that acts as a breakwater. It protects the coast from strong winds, which allows even small children to swim in the ocean. There are sometimes waves, but they gently roll onto the coast and do not bring any discomfort to vacationers.

The entrance to the water is gentle. The sand on the beach is light and consists of large grains of sand. The bottom of the shore is also sandy, there are no stones or shells. High water clarity and a rich underwater world make it possible to surf and explore the local beauty.

There are no large crowds of people on Geger, unlike Nusa Dua. The beach infrastructure is well developed. There are umbrellas and sun loungers along the coast, which can be rented for an additional fee.

Due to the fact that there is a fishing village nearby, boats and vessels are often visible on the horizon. The disadvantages also include a large amount of algae that is carried out from the ocean. Their numbers especially increase during the rainy season.

Most of the hotels are concentrated on the first coastline. Some of the best include:

Nikko Beach

The beach is located on the Bukit Peninsula, steps away from Geger and Nusa Dua. This is a classic beach in southern Bali. The coastal line is covered with snow-white sand, and the clearest water creates the most favorable conditions for water procedures. To get to the shore, you need to walk along a small cliff, at the top of which there is a parking lot.

Nikko Beach pleases with its picturesque landscapes. From the shore you can admire the views of the volcano, the main beauty of which opens in the morning. Newlyweds often have wedding photo sessions on the beach. The coastline is famous for its cleanliness; there are two piers.

The waves off the coast are almost imperceptible; in addition, the ebb and flow of the tides are imperceptible on Nikko. Local residents advise swimming during high water. There may be undercurrents further from the shore, so it is not recommended to leave your children unattended. There are no hotels on the beach, a good option can be booked in nearby Nusa Dua. Among them:

Padang Padang Beach

Another beach where you can safely go on vacation with children of any age. He is famous safe conditions for swimming and well-developed infrastructure. The entrance to the ocean is gentle, there are no sharp jumps or drops, which provides peace of mind for parents and opportunities for swimming for children.

The beach became especially popular after the famous film “Eat. Pray. Love”, since it was here that several beautiful episodes from the film were filmed. In this regard, every guest of the island tries to visit the coast.

The beach is also attractive for surfers. Both beginners and experienced athletes come here. Every year Padang Padang hosts the Rip Curl Padang Padang surfing competition.

To get to the shore, you need to walk through a picturesque gorge. The coast consists of light sand, the water in the ocean is azure in color, the entrance to the water is smooth and calm. Waves are observed only in July, but they do not reach the shore.

The beach is small, so sometimes it may seem as if it is crowded. There are no sun loungers, only umbrellas are installed on the shore, which can be rented for 100 thousand rupees per day. Therefore, to sit on the sand, do not forget to grab a mat or towel. Entrance to the beach is paid, the cost is 10,000 rupees per person.

Personally, I really liked the beach, despite the large number of vacationers and the entrance fee. It has become my favorite place to beach holiday.

Pandawa Beach

This is one of the youngest beaches, open to tourists for only a few years. It is surrounded on all sides by a canyon, inside of which a road to the coast has been cut. You can get to the shore either by car or by bike. At the entrances there is an observation deck from which a stunning view of the entire Pandawa beach opens.

The coastal strip is formed by light yellowish sand. There are not many plants, and those that exist are concentrated in oases.

The water here is clean and has a turquoise tint. The bottom is clearly visible even at depth, which creates favorable conditions for snorkeling. Along the shore, the bottom is covered with coarse sand, a little further there are small stones, algae and corals. There are strong ebbs and flows here. During high tide, the water can rise up to 1.5 meters.

The infrastructure is well developed. Umbrellas and sun loungers are installed (if desired, you can always sit right on the sand), there are bio-toilets and showers. A little further from the coast there are cafes offering both national and European cuisine.

There are no hotels on the beach itself; they are located 15-20 minutes drive from the coast. Among them:

Sanur Beach

The beach is located southeast of Denpasar and has a length of 5 kilometers. It is quite quiet, which is why retirees and couples with children come here. It was from here that the development of the tourism industry in Bali as a whole began.

Not far from the coast there is a coral reef and several breakwaters. Due to this, a water area is created that is reliably protected from strong waves. The sand along the shore is of artificial origin. It was specially brought here for tourist purposes.

The entrance to the ocean is gentle and there are noticeable ebbs and flows. The water is light green, with algae found in it a little further from the shore. Therefore, swimming is not very comfortable for an adult.

There are no hotels with private beaches in Sanur; all of them are public. The infrastructure includes sunbeds, umbrellas, toilets, changing rooms and showers. There are many restaurants and cafes along the shore. The number of visitors increases in the late afternoon when tourists come here to enjoy a romantic dinner.

Popular hotels include the following:

  • The Alantara Sanur;

Bias Tugal Beach

You can often hear that the beach is called secret. It got its name due to the fact that it is surrounded on all sides by rocks. If you look from above, you will have a view of the harbor and the cliffs, and if you don’t know that there is a coastal strip there, then driving through the beach will not be difficult.

The nature here is incredibly beautiful. Tropical vegetation reveals itself in all its glory against the backdrop of the turquoise ocean. Due to the fact that transport cannot drive up to the shore itself, silence and tranquility reign here. The infrastructure on the beach is poorly developed. There is a small shelter for vacationers, there are several cafes with light snacks and refreshments, and a toilet. But you have to pay 5,000 rupees for it.

The ocean at the beach is generally calm and safe for swimming. But sometimes big waves rise, water floods almost the entire beach area and swimming and sunbathing becomes difficult.

There are no hotels on the beach, the closest ones are located a 15-20 minute walk from it:

  • Villa Manouria-Marcel;
  • Villa Suari;

We got to know the best beaches for swimming in Bali. Most of them have well-developed infrastructure and attract travelers of all ages.

    Everyone who comes to Bali thinks through their route in advance so that the chosen beach or part of the island is suitable for their preferred type of vacation. For example, surf lovers will choose Jimbaran or Padang Padang. Beaches in Bali without waves (Geger, Nikko) are suitable for family swimming and sunbathing.

    In Bali, good places are located on the Bukit Peninsula. Not only does it have suitable terrain, but also clean, sparsely populated beaches. The southern part of the island is popular for its white sand and azure water. Other parts of the resort also have calm beaches without significant waves.


    Geger is one of the calmest beaches in Bukit. There are practically no waves here thanks to the coral reef separating the shore from the ocean. suitable for children with parents, as the water is hotter than on other beaches. The infrastructure here is well developed, there are cafes, sun loungers, a hotel is located nearby, and you can also sunbathe topless. All these factors are a good candidate for the title of the best place in Bali for a relaxing holiday without waves.


    Nikko is a quiet, uncrowded beach. Not only are there no high waves here, but the ebb and flow of the tides are practically not felt. The coastline is quite long and there are dangerous currents in some places. The coast is perfect for those who like to take pictures - a volcano can be seen in the distance, and a dried tree lies on the sand, which attracts locals and tourists with its appearance. The turquoise water, which is periodically cleaned by beach workers, is ideal for swimming for children and adults.


    The small Padang-Padang was recently a kind of “secret corner” of local residents. It gained popularity after the filming of the movie “Eat, Pray, Love” was filmed here. The main advantage of the beach is the almost complete absence of waves; surfers can be found only at a distance from the shore. At the height of the season, thanks to the calm waters, there are a lot of tourists here.

    The infrastructure of Padang Padang is poorly developed - on the shore there are only a couple of tents with food and swimwear, there is only rental of umbrellas without sunbeds. If you wish, you can leave the crowded part of the coast and retire to the rocks.


    – a great place where you can swim and relax with the whole family. Clear water and a safe bottom attract tourists who want to swim in a calm ocean without strong waves. Surfers will have to swim far from shore to catch the tube. The infrastructure is well developed - there is a whole strip of cafes and shops along the coast. You can rent a kayak on the shore - there are plenty of them here. Those who like to wander will be able to appreciate the local caves, as well as take pictures in the original gazebo on the shore.

    Nusa Dua

    The Nusa Dua area, located on Bukit, is a whole network of beaches that can be accessed by both ordinary tourists and exclusively guests of a particular hotel. There is a huge selection of 5-star hotels and a well-developed infrastructure. Tourists have the opportunity not only to swim in a relatively calm ocean without waves, but also to choose one of the many water sports offered - surfing, diving, windsurfing.

    Beaches belonging to hotels are always clean, well-groomed and landscaped. The public beach is more polluted, but entry is open to everyone. Tourists can visit the Galleria Shopping Centre, which has free transport from Nusa Dua.

    Tanjung Benoa

    Tanjung Benoa Spit is a pleasant place for a family holiday. There are mid-range hotels here price category. The beaches are clean and wide, without waves. In shallow water during such periods you can play without fear. funny Games with children, these places are protected from boats by buoys. Tidal-free shores can be found in the lagoons that form behind the breakwaters.

    In the northern part of the coast, tourists can easily find water activities to suit their taste, such as snorkeling or an underwater scooter. At the hotel, everyone can enjoy the cuisine of the restaurant or relax in the beach club.