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» Gdz Russian language Czech 11. Ready-made Homework in the Russian language - A manual for Russian language classes in high school. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

Gdz Russian language Czech 11. Ready-made Homework in the Russian language - A manual for Russian language classes in high school. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

Russian language is one of the most important subjects in school curriculum, which has a huge practical significance. Many children, not wanting to learn, argue this with the words: “this will not be useful to us in life.” IN in this case, all these excuses are inappropriate - a person who does not know how to write correctly and express his thoughts coherently will not be able to make a career or achieve significant success in life.

Therefore, the Russian language needs to be learned and it is advisable to do this not under pressure, but voluntarily. Good help in this case, they will become GDZ in the Russian language for grades 10-11 Grekov, which are very popular among many schoolchildren and teachers. At the same time, you need to remember that this manual should not be used to diligently and thoughtlessly copy off an assignment, but to check whether the new material is being mastered correctly.

In what cases should you use a Russian language workbook for grades 10-11 by Grekov

In high school, many students become motivated to learn. They understand that from Unified State Exam results A lot depends on the points on the certificate. Someone wants to go to study at a prestigious university or just get the opportunity free training at the budget department.

It should be noted that Russian is a compulsory subject for passing the Unified State Exam, so you need to study it especially diligently.

  • Pay great attention to the teacher's explanations. If something is not clear, ask to spend time on this issue.
  • Be responsible in completing your homework. Before starting an exercise or other work, study the topic on which the assignment was assigned.
  • Use ready-made answers only after completing your homework.
  • If you find errors, return to previously studied material to review it.
  • Feel free to show your teacher your interest in learning the subject.

On our website you can find a Russian language workbook for grades 10-11 Greeks

We have collected on our website all the options for ready-made answers for various academic disciplines, which are studied in Russian schools.

Among them is Grekov’s textbook on the Russian language for grades 10-11. It was created by a team of authors who have extensive experience in development various techniques teaching this subject at school.

All answers are available online. All features of the site are completely free for visitors. You can access it at any time using a PC or smartphone. Now the opportunity to test your knowledge is everywhere.

Russian language. 10-11 grades. Textbook. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

2nd ed. - M.: 2017 - 368 p. 4th ed. - M.: 2011 - 368 p.

The textbook will help students systematize and generalize their acquired knowledge of the Russian language.

The book devotes significant space to working with texts from works of art, which are currently studied in literature classes and are included in the school curriculum.

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Format: pdf(2011, 4th ed., 368 pp.)

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Preface 3
§ 1. Russian language in modern world 4
§ 2. Styles and types of speech 5
§ 3. The concept of norm literary language. Types of norms. 17
§ 4. The word and its lexical meaning. Accuracy of word usage 22
§ 5. Polysemantic words and their use 25
§ 6. Paths like means of expression languages ​​28
§ 7. Homonyms and their use 33
§ 8. Use of synonyms and antonyms 35
§ 9. Use of stylistically limited vocabulary. 42
§ 10. Borrowed words and their use 47
§ 11. Use outdated words and neologisms.... 52
§ 12. Use of phraseological units 57
§ 13. Figures of speech as expressive means of language. . 62
§ 14. Russian language dictionaries 67
§ 15. Orthoepic norms Russian language 74
§ 16. Principles of Russian spelling 79
§ 17. Use capital letters 82
§ 18. Use of ъ to indicate the softness of consonants in writing 85
§ 19. Use of ь to denote grammatical forms 86
§ 20. Composition of the word. Use of cognates 88
§ 21. Basic ways of forming words 93
§ 22. Spelling of vowels in the root of a word 97
§ 23. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and ts 105
§ 24. Spelling of consonants in the root of a word 110
§ 25. Double consonants 113
§ 26. International word-formation elements. . 115
§ 27. Spelling of prefixes that do not change and change in writing 118
§ 28. Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre- 120
§ 29. Combinations of consonants at the junction of prefix and root. 123
§ 30. Use of dividing words ъ and ь 124
§ 31. Letters ы and и after prefixes 126
§ 32. Letters e vt o after sibilants and c -
§ 33. General rules spelling difficult words.... 128
§ 34. Word hyphenation rules 130

Independent parts of speech
Noun 133
§ 35. Gender and number of nouns -
§ 36. Spelling and and e in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases singular 134
§ 37. Nominative plural some masculine nouns 137
§ 38. Spelling of nouns in genitive case plural 138
§ 39. Spelling of surnames and names settlements in the instrumental case 141
§ 40. Spelling of suffixes of nouns. . 142
§ 41. Spelling of compound nouns. . . 148
Adjective 152
§ 42. The use of some forms of adjectives... -
§ 43. Spelling of endings of adjectives. . . 153
§ 44. Spelling of suffixes of adjectives. . . 156
§ 45. Spelling of compound adjectives. . . 163
Noun numeral 168
§ 46. Spelling and use of numerals.... -
Pronoun 171
§ 47. Features of the use of pronouns -
§ 48. Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns 173
Verb 177
§ 49. Verb conjugation -
§ 50. Spelling of verbs 180
Communion 191
§ 51. Formation of participles -
§ 52. Spelling of suffixes of participles 195
§ 53. Brief and complete passive participles.... 199
§ 54. Spelling n and n in adjectives and participles 200
Participle 204
§ 55. Meaning and use of gerunds -
Adverb 209
§ 56. Spelling of adverbs -
§ 57. Spelling n and n in words different parts speech. 220
Functional parts of speech
Prepositions 223
§ 58. Features of the use of certain prepositions. . -
§ 59. Spelling of prepositions 226
Unions 227
§ 60. Spelling of conjunctions 228
Particles 231
§ 61. Separate and hyphenated spelling particles -
§ 62. Spelling not with words of different parts of speech. . 232
§ 63. Spelling of particle no 239
§ 64. Basic principles of Russian punctuation 246
Simple sentence
§ 65. Narrative, interrogative, incentive sentences. Exclamatory sentences. . . 249
§ 66. Two-part and one-part sentences. Incomplete sentences 250
§ 67. Dash between subject and predicate 254
§ 68. Some cases of agreement in the number of the predicate with the subject 255
Features of the use of minor members of sentence 258
§ 69. Addition in the form of the genitive case for verbs with negation -
§ 70. Management of words similar in meaning... -
§ 71. Case of definitions included in a combination consisting of the numeral two, three or four and a noun in the genitive case 261
Offers with homogeneous members 262
§ 72. Punctuation between homogeneous members. . -
§ 73. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions 268
§ 74. Agreement in sentences with homogeneous members 270
Sentences with isolated and clarifying members of the sentence 272
§ 75. Separation of definitions 273
§ 76. Construction of phrases with common definitions, expressed participles and adjectives 277
§ 77. Separate applications and additions 279
§ 78. Separation of circumstances 284
§ 79. Clarifying circumstances 290
§ 80. Comparative turnover 292
Introductory words, addresses and interjections. . . 295
§ 81. Introductory words, introductory sentences and plug-in constructions 296
§ 82. Appeal. Interjections as part of a sentence and word-sentence yes and no 301
Difficult sentence
Complex sentence 305
§ 83. Punctuation marks in compound sentence -
Complex sentence 311
§ 84. Complex sentences with one subordinate clause 312
§ 85. Synonymy complex sentences and sentences with involved and participial phrases 316
§ 86. Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses 318
§ 87. Some shortcomings and errors in the construction of complex sentences 324
Non-union complex sentence 326
§ 88. Punctuation marks in the non-union complex sentence -
Complex sentences with different types communications 330
§ 89. Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection -
Direct and indirect speech 334
§ 90. Direct speech -
§ 91. Replacement of direct speech with indirect speech 337
§ 92. Punctuation marks for quotations 341
Set of punctuation rules 345
Test and generalization exercises 358
List of conventional abbreviations 363

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  • Positive aspects of participating in school Olympiads
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  • Peculiarities of schoolchildren's nutrition
    Meals at school should be well organized. The student must be provided with lunch and a hot breakfast in the dining room. The interval between the first and second meals should not exceed four hours. Most the best option The child should have breakfast at home, but at school he eats second breakfast
  • Children's aggression at school and difficulties in the learning process
    A certain relationship has been established between children's aggression and difficulties in the learning process. Every student wants to have many friends at school, have good academic performance and good grades. When a child fails to do this, he does aggressive things. Every behavior is aimed at something and has a meaning.
  • Advice from psychologists to parents
    In any Olympiads and all kinds of competitions, a child, first of all, expresses himself and realizes himself. Parents should definitely support their child if he is passionate about intellectual competitions. It is important for a child to recognize himself as part of a society of intellectuals, in which competitive moods reign, and the child compares his achievements
  • A child refuses to eat in the school cafeteria
    A picky child may not like school food. Often, this is the most common reason for a schoolchild to refuse to eat. It all happens because the menu at school does not take into account the taste needs of each individual child. At school, no one will exclude any product from the diet of an individual child in order to
  • How do parents feel about school?
    In order to understand how parents feel about school, it is important to first characterize modern parents, whose age category is very diverse. Despite this, most of them are parents who belong to the generation of the nineties, which was a difficult time for the entire population.
  • School uniform
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Popular quests

Task No. 44
44. The truth contained in the poet’s poems is striking. Already early romantic works The writer made an indelible impression on his contemporaries. Plyushkin's peasants are dying like flies. Throughout the work, a red thread runs through the idea of ​​the future of Russia. Among artistic means, comparisons play a special role. Immediately after Bazarov’s arrival, life began to be in full swing on the Kirsanovs’ name day. Famusov doesn’t like to do things for a long time, he has this custom: It’s signed, and it’s a mountain off your shoulders. According to Chatsky, the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and respected by everyone.

Task No. 369
369. The gossamer pike was chasing the gossamer carp. The strength and charm of the taiga lies not only in the giant trees. A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. I have a story called Snow. He was invariably successful in all his undertakings. Ivan Ivanovich n Burkin was met at the house by the maid, a young woman. Most often we gathered with Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. Andrei's old uncle, Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. Nnkolushka walked along the soft, crunching pine forest carpet. Turgenev's peers, students of the great poet's school, nurtured by his poetry, we all retained within ourselves forever the charm of his genius. Pushkin, this father of Russian art, had two direct heirs in his word, Lermontov and Gogol, who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us, figures of the 40s and 60s... As a remarkably smart person, he did not meet his equal. As an artist of words. N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy and Gogol. Turgenev, Goncharov. A signal lieutenant sat with the driver. Nikolai Nikolaevich's wife, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. I saw Colonel Polyakov, the chief of the Cossack artillery, which played an important role that day, and together with him I arrived in the abandoned village. I slowly walked to the old tavern, an uninhabited, crumbling hut, and stood at the edge of the pine forest. The usual companions of my hunting excursions, foresters Zakhar and Maxim, live here. I am again a crockery worker on the Perm steamship... Now I am a black crockery worker or a kitchen man. The dear cook Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed the Little Bear, is in charge of the Kitchen. The girls, especially Katsnka, with joyful, enthusiastic faces, look out the window at the slender face of Volodya getting into the carriage. The driver sounded a siren, and a girl postman ran out of the hollow. Her father Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. We hunters find our happiness by the fire. My second Chaadaev, Evgeniy, fearing jealous condemnation, was a pedant in his clothes and what we called a fragg. This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived for the summer. Stars, harbingers of frost, appeared in the green sky.

Show rest

Name: A manual for Russian language classes in high school.

The manual contains theoretical information on spelling, punctuation, phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax, speech culture and stylistics.

The new edition of the manual has been significantly revised in accordance with the Russian language program in high school. The number of exercises of varying degrees of difficulty has been increased, which take into account common mistakes made by students.

The book is intended for high school students and applicants, teachers of the Russian language and teachers of preparatory courses at universities.

The tutorial is intended for self-study for entrance exams to universities. Its main goal is to help students master good writing skills. The main place in the book is occupied by material on spelling and punctuation, since the knowledge of preparatory department students in this regard leaves much to be desired. Spelling and punctuation rules are set out in sufficient detail and reinforced by a significant number of exercises of varying degrees of complexity. At the same time, the greatest attention is paid difficult cases spelling. The book also briefly describes the basic principles of Russian spelling and punctuation and explains the social significance of spelling norms. Information on phonetics, word formation, morphology and syntax is presented only to the extent that they may be necessary for students to more consciously master spelling skills.

Preface 3
§1. 0 Russian 4
Order and samples various types parsing 6
§ 2. The word and its lexical meaning. Accuracy of word usage 19
§ 3. Polysemantic words and their use 22
§ 4. Homonyms and their use 25
§ 5. Use of synonyms and antonyms 27
§ 6. Use of stylistically limited vocabulary 33
§ 7. Borrowed words and their use 39
§ 8. Use of obsolete words and neologisms 43
§ 9. Use of phraseological units 47
§ 10. Visual and expressive means of language 51
§ 11. Russian language dictionaries 54
§ 12. Text 59
§ 13. Essay-reasoning on this text 76
§ 14. Phonetics 82
§ 15. Pronunciation of some sounds and combinations of sounds 84
§ 16. Use of letters e and e 88
§ 17. Brief information about Russian spelling 89
§ 18. Use of capital letters 92
§ 19. Use of ь to indicate the softness of consonants in writing....95
§ 20. Use of ь to denote grammatical forms 96
§ 21. Composition of the word. The use of cognate words. Ways to form words 98
§ 22. Spelling of unstressed vowels of the root word 104
§ 23. Alternation of vowels in the roots of words 108
§ 24. Spelling of voiceless and voiced consonants. Unpronounceable consonants 114
§ 25. Double consonants 116
§ 26. Spelling of prefixes that do not change and change in writing 120
§ 27. Prefixes pre- and pre- 122
§ 28. Spelling at the junction of prefix and root. Combination of consonants 126
§ 29. International word-formation elements 129
§ 30. General rules for spelling complex words 131
§ 31. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and ts 133
§ 32. Word transfer 136
§ 33. Review of spelling of roots and prefixes 139
Parts of speech
Noun 161
§ 34. Gender and number of nouns 161
§ 35. Spelling in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular 163
§ 36. Nominative plural of some masculine nouns 166
§ 37. Spelling of nouns in the genitive plural 167
§ 38. Spelling of noun suffixes 171
§ 39. Spelling of compound nouns 177
Adjective 181
§40. Use of some forms of adjectives 181
§41. Spelling endings of adjectives 182
§ 42. Spelling of the instrumental case of some surnames and names of settlements 184
§ 43. Spelling of adjectives with suffixes 185
§ 44. Spelling compound adjectives 192
Numeral 196
§ 45. Meaning and use of numerals 196
§ 46. Spelling of numerals 197
Pronoun 200
§ 47. Meaning and use of pronouns 200
§ 48. Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns 202
§ 49. Review of spelling of nominal parts of speech 206
Verb 227
§ 50. Verb conjugation 227
§ 51. Spelling of verbs 229
Participle 239
§ 52. Changing participles 239
§ 53. Spelling of suffixes of participles 241
§ 54. Review of spelling of verbs and participles 245
§ 55. Short and full passive participles 258
§ 56. Spelling n and n in adjectives and participles 259
Participle 262
§ 57. Use of participles 262
Adverb 266
§ 58. Spelling of adverbs 267
§ 59. Review of spelling n - nn 279
Prepositions 291
§ 60. Use of some prepositions 291
§ 61. Spelling of prepositions 294
Unions 295
§ 62. Spelling of conjunctions 295
Particles 297
§ 63. Separate spellings particles and hyphenation 298
§ 64. Review of spelling of adverbs and functional parts of speech 299
§ 65. Spelling not with various parts speech 315
§ 66. Spelling of particle no 321
§ 67. Review of spelling not - nor 326
Simple sentence 343
§ 68. Narrative, interrogative, incentive sentences. Exclamatory sentences 343
§ 69. Some cases of agreement in the number of the predicate with the subject 344
§ 70. Nominative and instrumental cases in the predicate 346
§ 71. Dash between subject and predicate 347
§ 72. Genitive case for verbs with negation 349
§ 73. Management of words similar in meaning 349
§ 74. Case of definitions included in a combination consisting of the numeral two, three or four and a noun in the genitive case 351
§ 75. The difference between prepositions on - this - from when designating a place 352
§ 76. Two-part and one-part sentences. Incomplete sentences 353
Sentences with homogeneous members and 355
§ 77. Punctuation between homogeneous members 355
§ 78. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions 360
§ 79. Agreement in sentences with homogeneous members 361
§ 80. Review of the use of dividing punctuation marks in simple sentence 364
Sentences with isolated and qualifying members 375
§ 81. Separation of definitions 375
§ 82. Construction of phrases with common definitions, expressed participles and adjectives 379
§ 83. Separate applications and additions 381
§ 84. Separation of circumstances 386
§ 85. Clarifying circumstances 391
§ 86. Comparative turnover 394
Introductory words, addresses and interjections 396
§ 87. Introductory words and sentences 396
§ 88. Appeal. Interjections and sentence words yes and no 401
§ 89. Review of the use of punctuation marks in a simple sentence 404
Difficult sentence 426
Compound sentence 426
§ 90. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 426
Complex sentence 431
§ 91. Complex sentences with one subordinate clause 432
§ 92. Replacement subordinate clauses participial and participial phrases 435
§ 93. Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses 437
§ 94. Some shortcomings and errors in the construction of complex sentences 443
Non-union complex sentence 445
§ 95. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 445
Complex sentences with different types of connections 448
§ 96. Punctuation marks in complex sentences with different types of connection 448
§ 97. Review of punctuation in a complex sentence 453
Direct and indirect speech 481
§ 98. Direct speech 481
§ 99. Replacement of direct speech with indirect speech 484
§ 100. Punctuation marks for quotations 487
Use of punctuation marks (Code of rules) 489
Exercises for the set “Punctuation Marks” 496
Test exercises for everything passed 501
List of conditional abbreviations 506

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Download the book Manual for Russian language classes in high school - Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A. -