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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Vowels after sibilants and “ts.” Vowels after -ts- and sibilants: spelling Spelling after sibilants and ts table

Vowels after sibilants and “ts.” Vowels after -ts- and sibilants: spelling Spelling after sibilants and ts table

Spelling vowels after sibilants F, W, H, Sh And C.

1. Vowels Y, Yu, E, Ya after hissing words they are not written:h A sch A , and And know, sch at ka.

Exceptions: brooch Yu ra, f Yu ri, parash Yu T.

2. Spelling O–Yo after the hissing ones

1) B roots under stress, ifNo related words withE:

kryzh O got into it, w O in, obzh O ra, saddler , thicket, w O roh, prim , slum

1) B roots under stress, ifThere is cognate withE (alternation occurs, the emphasis shifts):

w e sweat - whisper, w e yellow - turn yellow,

sch e chka – cheek, h e rt - devils, w e rdochka - poles

2) In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs underaccent :

speech O nka, friend O k, hedgehog O nok, penny O vyy, brick O m, stranger O yay, hot O

2) In suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbswithout accents :

speech e nyka, nuts e k, orange e wow, comrade e m, senior e th, melodious e

3) Fluent vowel in suffixes of nouns and adjectives:

princesses - princes O n, funny - funny O n

3) In endings and suffixes of verbs, verb forms and words formed from verbs:

coast e sew, take care e ny, touch e ny, touch e nka, raskorch e howl, writhe e bathroom, cramp e vka

w O fur, sh O colada, w O ngler, w O sse, hood O n, f O kay

4) In the suffix -er- foreign words:

conductor e r, experience e r, courtship e R

BUT: major


evening O R , BUT evening e rka(newspaper)

cool O G (noun)hands


cool e G(verb) hand

3. Vowels O – E, Y – I after C

1) Under stress :

cluck O t, faces O Vka, dance O r, well done O m

2) B foreign language words without accents:

hertz O g, palazzo O

3) In a phrasefly-ts O cat

Without accent:

towels e m

dance e wat

mirror e

In suffixes and endings:

chickens s n

birds s

white-faced s th


gypsy, chick, tiptoe, chick, chick

In the roots of words and words on-tion:

ts And rkul

ts And rk

national And I

akats And I

about her

The bit..rt in clothes..was sitting on the..hard sofa and drinking, occasionally cha..repenting with his reflection in the heavy ..a scrap of glossy...twisted samovar standing on a brocade...coloured tablecloth. The devil was a big... glutton and, despite his emaciation and a sick liver, he ate gooseberries with condensed milk. After eating and shaking his finger at his reflection..m, damn, well done..shaking his forehead, he started to tap..weave. The clatter of his hooves was so strong that in the basement they thought that a horse was prancing upstairs. However, the devil was not a very skilled dancer and, having made one not entirely successful leap, crashed into a samovar and burned his patch, covered with soft fur. The burn..g was very severe..l. The distressed black sheep rushed to the barrel of wet apples and shoved the burnt patch into it.

It’s true what they say: God doesn’t take care of those who are careless,” - the damn proverb gulped.

In Old Russian, all hissing sounds were soft. Subsequently, in the literary language, [zh] and [sh] hardened, but [h’] and [sh’] remained soft. Therefore, no matter what vowel letter follows the letters zh, sh, ch, sch, the sounds [zh] and [sh] are pronounced firmly, and the sounds [ch’] and [sch’] are pronounced softly.

Wed: lived[zhyl], walked[shol] - beam[beam], Shchors[Sh'ors].

The variety of spellings of vowels after sibilants is explained by historical reasons.

1.12.1. Vowels I, Y, A, Z, U, Yu after the hissing ones F, W, H, Sh

After the hissing words zh, sh, ch, shch, the vowels s, ya, yu are not written, but i, a, u are written:

lived, shin, chi, pinch, reap, step, hour, sorrel, gurgles, rustles, miracle, I feel my fingers.

Exceptions: brochure, jury, parachute(and derivatives from them: parachute, drop etc.), as well as some foreign proper names, for example: Jules, Saint-Ju st, Chyu rlenis, Mkrtchyan, Longju mo, Shya ulyai and etc.

1.12.2. Vowels E, Yo, O after the hissing ones F, W, H, Sh

It is written E (Yo) It is written ABOUT
A) In the roots of words under stress
1. You can choose a word with the same root e, for example: she grows - she grows, she grows - she sings; she sings - she sings; yellow - to fly. 1. It is impossible to find a word with the same root e, for example: kryzho vnik, slum ba, rustle, blinkers, saddler, rustle, clink clink, prim, clink; Sholokhov, Shcho rs, Pechora, Pechorin, Izhora.
2. When changing a word or in words with the same root, there is fluency of vowels (for example: sho v - shv a, glutton ra - eat, zho m - press, press y).
3. In many borrowed words (both in stressed and unstressed syllables), for example: sho k, sho mpol, short mouths, artichoke, hood n, crucho n, shou, sho kolad, Scotland, sho sse, sho fer, sho vinist, borzho m, jo ​​nka, pizho n, major r, major rdom , crepe-jo neighs, jo ngler, ancho mustache and etc.
B) Words formed from a verb burn
Verbs and verbal adjectives, participles, for example: burnt hand, set fire to roof, burnt, burnt. Nouns, for example: burn on your hands, burn on your home, heartburn on your hands.
B) In endings and suffixes
1. In unstressed position at the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: from the landscape, from the dacha, red(kitten), good(friend). 1. Under stress at the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: under the beam, with a candle, big(success) from someone else's(shoulder).
2. In unstressed position in suffixes of nouns and adjectives not formed from verbs, for example: daughter, pea, shoulder howl, plush. 2. Under stress in the suffixes of nouns and adjectives not formed from verbs, for example: Cossack, girl, thicket, walrus, penny.
3. Without stress at the end of adverbs, for example: awkward, richer. 3. With stress at the end of adverbs, for example: fresh, general.
4. Without stress in nouns and adjectives with a fluent vowel, for example: sinful n - sinful, terrible n - terrible. 4. Under stress in nouns and adjectives with a fluent vowel, for example: prince - princess, funny - funny.
5. Under stress in the suffix of nouns -er, for example: conductor, trainee.
6. Under stress at the endings of verbs, for example: bakes, burns.
7. Under stress in the verbal suffix -yova-, for example: chew up, uproot.
8. Under stress in verbal nouns with a combination of suffixes -yovk-a, for example: Korchevk a(from uproot ), overnight stay(from spend the night).
9. Under the stress in the suffix of passive participles -yonn- (-yon-), as well as in nouns derived from them, for example: smoked - smoked awn, stewed - stewed, condensed - condensed ka.
10. In the prepositional case of the pronoun that: about what, as well as in words nothing to do with it, nothing to do with it.


1) Word shaggy is not perceived as cognate with the word sho rokh.

2) Word ratchet weave, although formed from a verb, there is no combination of suffixes -yovk-a, therefore it is written with the vowel o.

3) There is no suffix in the adverb yet, so е is written at the end.

4) In surnames and geographical names, under stress after hissing suffixes, both -ov and -ev can be written (depending on the tradition).

Wed: Likhachev, Pugachev, Sychevka, but: Romashov, Balashov, Mezhovsk.

After ts under stress if the sound is pronounced O , the letter is written O ; written without accent e , For example: ts ó kol, ts ó staked; finger ó , cucumber ó m(But dresses e , mountaineer e m); flatterer ó V(But adherent e V); dance ó r, faces ó vka, sample ó vyy(But gloss e vyy), faces ó howl(But faces e vát).


In an unstressed position O written after ts only in words ts O cat(from ts ó cat) and in some foreign words, for example: palace O (castle), skértz O (musical piece at a lively, fast tempo). Letter e after ts not written.

E after sibilants under stress

IN roots of words after sibilants under stress, if the sound is pronounced O , it is usually denoted by the letter her) . When forming related words or changing a word, in these cases there is an alternation e With e , For example: w e sweat - sh e pchet, h e mouth - h e mouths, w e little red face e hello, cat e lka - kosh e uh, uh e lka - sch e l.

Only in a small number of words in the root after sibilants is written in accordance with pronunciation O , For example: mazh ó ryny, obzh ó ra, prozh ó zealous, h ó repent, h ó porno, w ó h, w ó mpol, w ó mouths, w ó roh etc. In these cases there is no alternation O With e , For example: h ó porno - h ó porn, live ó zealous - prozh ó zealousness, sh ó roh - sh ó rohi.


1. You should remember the spelling of words with obscured composition or unproductive suffixes, where O or e written according to tradition, for example: 1) kryzh ó delve, slum ó bah, thicket ó bah, bang ó weave; 2) uch e ba(cf. uch é tion), decide e weave(cf. decide é woven), bech e vka(cf. bech e va), desh e vyy(cf. bech e va), desh e vyy(cf. desh é ow).

2. To distinguish the meaning of words in writing, letter O written in adverb evening ó R- “yesterday evening” (as opposed to V é black; evening e rka- “evening newspaper”); in nouns burn ó g, cool ó G- unlike verbs burn e G(straw) cool e G(hand): izzh ó ha.

3. In some foreign words the letter O after sibilants it is also written in an unstressed position, for example: and O kay, w O ngler, sh O kolad, sh O ssé, sh O fur, sh O Vinism.

ABOUT after sibilants under stress

After sibilants under stress, in accordance with pronunciation it is written O :

  1. in endings
    • nouns: candles ó th, cloak ó m, reins ó y, shower ó th;
    • adjectives: great ó wow, great ó mu;
  2. in suffixes
    • nouns: -OK- , -He to- , -onok- And -He- (with fluent O ): download ó k, cock ó k, hand ó nka, bear ó nok, prince ó n(princesses);
    • adjectives: -ov- And -He- (with fluent O ): canvas ó vyy, brocade ó howl, funny ó n;
    • adverb: hot ó , total ó (But: yet e ).

In other cases, under stress after sibilants it is written her) . These include:

  • verb endings: oven e sew, bake e t, oven e m;
  • suffixes of passive participles -yonn- , -yon- (and also the suffix -yon- in adjectives formed from verbs): armed e armed, armed e n; oven e ny;
  • suffixes of verbs (and nouns formed from these verbs): demarcation e howl (demarcation e vka), as well as the suffix -yor (experience e R).

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Spelling o and e after sibilants and c.

1. In many roots words under stress after sibilants are pronounced O, but it is written her), if this O alternates with e in related words: and e us(cf. and e on), h e lk(cf. h e lo), w e l(cf. come e best), sch e lk(cf. sch e l), and e people(cf. and e people), and e forehead(cf. and e forehead), h e rt(cf. h e RTI), w e sweat(cf. w e bird). Where there is no such alternation in related words, in the roots under stress it is written O: and O m, izzh O ha, obzh O ra, sh O in, h O repent, h O porno, w O rnik, sh O roh, and also in the words: evening O R(Unlike evening e R), cool O g and podge O G(nouns, but verbs: cool e g, podzh e G).

2. Under stress after sibilants is pronounced and written O:

A) at the endings of nouns, adjectives and at the end of adverbs: cloak O m, reins O th, Fomich O m, large O wow, hot O, total O, But yet e;

b) in noun suffixes -ok, -onk, -onk (bitch O k, hand O nka, boch O nok) And -He (Where O fluent: princesses - princes O n); in adjective suffixes - ov (canvas O howl, hedgehog O vyy) And -He (with fluent O : funny O n).

3. In other cases, under stress after sibilants if i is pronounced O, then it is written her). These include:

A) verb endings: oven e sew, bake e t, oven e m;

b) suffixes of passive participles -yonn-, -yon (and also the suffix -yon in adjectives formed from verbs): armed e armed, armed e n, oven e ny;

V) verb suffixes(and nouns formed from these verbs): demarcation e howl (demarcation e vka).

Note. 1. In some foreign words the letter O written after sibilants and not under stress, for example: w O fer, w O kay, sh o colada, sh O wineism, w O ngler, sh O sse.

Note. 2. You should remember the spelling of some words with obscured composition and unproductive suffixes: kryzh O delve, slum O ba, uch e ba (cf. uch e ting), crackling O tka, resh e weave (cf. solve e then), bake e nka (cf. stove e n), bech e Vka (cf. Bech e va), quiche O to (from the intestines A), desh e vyy (cf. desh e vle).

Note. 3. Stressed after ts if pronounced O, that's what it says O; written without accent e . Letter e after ts never written: ts O stake, finger O, But mirror e; father O V, But well e V; well done O m, But well e m; faces O vka, dance O r, pepper O vyy, But chintz e vyy; faces O howl, But faces e vat.

Note. 4. In an unstressed syllable O written after ts only in words ts O cat(from ts O cat) and in some foreign words, for example: palazzo O (castle), schertz O (musical piece at a lively, fast tempo).

check yourself

Exercise 1. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Parse the highlighted slashes according to their composition.

1) We throw a... acorn into the ground - grows up oak. ( Tim.) 2) In the taiga there is definitely a rustling... and a mysterious sh... sweat. ( Cor.) 3) Under Kondraty’s foot, a bitch crunched...knocked. ( A.N.T.) 4) The guard is knocking on his rattle. ( F. Sh.) 5) The doctor came and transferred my...o...g. ( M. G.) 6) In the large hall they danced the mazurka. ( BUT.) 7) St. Petersburg b...let nearby wonderful dancers and dancers. ( Yuryev.) 8) The windows from the outbuilding were blocked by a wooden lattice, the doors were locked with locks. ( P.) 9) We have been living on a nomad for about a month. ( ACT.) 10) Dam...tins on were almost brought to pro...kt height. already faced...faded stone slabs. ( Paust.)

Vowels O/E (Ё) after sibilants and Ts. To decide which vowel ( ABOUT or E) write after sibilants, you must ask yourself four questions: 1) in what part of the word is the vowel; 2) what part of speech the word is; 3) from what part of speech it is formed; 4) whether the vowel is stressed or not.

Vowels O/E (Ё) after sibilants

The algorithm for determining a vowel after a sibilant consists of a maximum of three steps:

1. After sibilants, O is written under stress:

  • at the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: ball, knife, page, rack, paralysis, hut, boundary, candle, stranger, big(cf. unstressed endings: red, good);
  • in suffixes of nouns and adjectives, adverbs: debt, little hand, reed, naked, generally.

2. After sibilants, under stress, e (е) is written, although it is pronounced [o], in the following cases:

  • at the endings of verbs, for example: burn, bake, flow;
  • in a verb suffix -yovyva-: to shade, to demarcate;
  • in the suffix of verbal nouns -evk-: demarcation;
  • in the suffix of nouns -er-: conductor, trainee;
  • in the suffix of passive participles -yonn-, -yon- (completed, abbreviated; completed, shortened), verbal adjectives -yon- (stewed, smoked), as well as in derivative words ( stew, smoked meats);
  • in the prepositional case of the pronoun What: about what, on what, as well as in words no matter what.

3. After sibilants under stress, the root is written e (e), if in related words or in another form of the same word there is an alternation e With e : yellow - turn yellow, silk - silk, liver - liver, lye - slit.

In words jockey, juggler, shock, chocolate, highway, Scottish, driver, shorts, ramrod, prim, gooseberry, major, glutton, seam, shock, thicket, rustle etc. at the root after the hissing ones it is written O according to pronunciation. In these cases there is no alternation O With e.

4. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of nouns burn, arson and verbs burned, set on fire.

Vowels O/E (Ё) after the letter C

After Ts under stress it is written ABOUT, without accent - E (fighters, finger ).

Additional material.

Vowels O/E (Ё) after sibilants and Ts. Table.