Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Horoscope for Virgo. The days of hair cutting have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - longevity, good luck and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on certain dates can damage a person’s vitality and nav.

Horoscope for Virgo. The days of hair cutting have both a beneficial effect on a person’s future destiny - longevity, good luck and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since cutting a haircut on certain dates can damage a person’s vitality and nav.

It has long been known that happiness and success are not a matter of luck, but the ability to keep the situation under control.

Since ancient times, rulers and nobles have listened to personal horoscopes, gaining even greater power. Today, forecasts of famous astrologers are published online. An example of this is the current review from Pavel Globa for April according to the signs of the Zodiac. Knowing in advance what will happen in the near future, it is not difficult to adjust your fate and spend 2018 “on horseback”.

April signs for fire zodiacs

Representatives of the most restless brethren are not destined for the adoration of the Earth Dog, but each of them has a chance for success in the middle of spring:

  • Aries will face global changes.
  • Leo will learn the treachery of his partners, but will gain invaluable experience.
  • Sagittarius will be in a whirlpool of positive events.

In exchange for resolving the current troubles, Fortune will turn away from Aries. No gambling in April, warns Globa! But there is a clear chance to receive the highest blessing for a happy marriage. You should also avoid financial adventures, including brokering loans and concluding important transactions.

Leos will have to be careful, but there is no reason to despair. The treachery of others will not affect your career and family, but it will teach you to understand people. You'll have to curb your bad temper. Balance will allow you to:

  • maintain image;
  • maintain authority;
  • come out dry from water

Otherwise, the enemies will win and all their strength will be needed for revenge.

For Sagittarius, the stars promise surprises. This zodiac sign does not even imagine what horizons are opening up before him. One condition is determination. Without showing character, there is a risk of being left broke.

Earth element at the peak of euphoria

The year 2018 is an ideal stage for people born under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, but they will also have to roll up their sleeves:

  • Capricorn simply must pay attention to the family, otherwise there will be trouble.
  • Taurus will experience many temptations, but must remember that his goals are not mercantile.
  • Virgo will know great love if she does not withdraw into herself.

Capricorns will have a lot of things to do in April. Work is important, but loved ones are more valuable. Allocate your time so that you have a minute to solve everyday issues.

Everything that Taurus strived for will begin to come true. The main thing is to clearly follow your dream without being distracted by trifles. Pavel Globa warns against thoughtless spending.

It's time for Virgos to start getting rid of loneliness. Spring is the time for love and a sign to begin new life. Feel free to go in search of your soulmate. This choice will bring happiness.

A warm welcome to the Zodiacs by air

There is nothing more optimistic than change for the better. They are the ones provided for in the April horoscope for the “ethereal” signs:

Libra will be able to count on long-awaited peace and fulfillment of desires
Aquarius will strengthen prestige and set a course for new horizons
Gemini will taste the agony of choice, but by showing wisdom, they will get what they were striving for
By the middle of the indicated calendar period, Libra will feel tired of the machinations of others. Be patient a little longer and breathe easy, advises Pavel Globa. Intrigues and gossip are shattered if they have no basis, and luck tends to the strong.

In April 2018, Aquarius will have a place to turn around. The universe is preparing tests that will give you an unforgettable experience. It's easy to get through them. It’s enough not to be shy:

  • pass exams with confidence;
  • are not afraid of new acquaintances;
  • accept any challenge

In a lucky month, everything is possible. Don't forget about it!

Gemini will have to plunge into troubles. The fuss shouldn't confuse you. Be prudent and reasonable. The peaceful path is optimal for solving all pressing matters.

The Water Trinity and the Spring Freemen

Zodiac signs of this trine will have to take themselves seriously. April will be a turning point for them:

  • Cancer simply has to change its usual lifestyle.
  • Scorpio will feel a craving for adventure.
  • Pisces, with their inherent patience, will take care of everyday worries.

The recipe for Cancers is simple: don’t be afraid to take on difficult things, learn and search. Improve yourself in the spring to reach the top in the future.

The April horoscope for Scorpios is full of possibilities. The question is, is it worth taking advantage of the perspectives given by the Universe or is it better to leave everything as it is? You decide!

Pisces will have a difficult period in life. Health problems, difficulties in the family and at work will unsettle you. Remember that all this is temporary. Take action, don’t let the decision take its course, advises the astrologer.

When is my luck: “lucky” calendar from Pavel Globa

Horoscope by zodiac sign


Aries may have a happy marriage in April, but this can only happen if you are really serious about your relationship and not pursuing any gain.


Those Taurus who have long dreamed of a good expensive car and have been striving for it for a long time will be able to get what they want. In general, it’s all about the patroness of the year - the Dog. If you persistently pursued your goal and did not change your dream, then most likely it will come true in the month of April, as a reward for your patience. The main thing is not to give in to temptation and not spend all your money until it runs out, otherwise you won’t have enough for a vacation in the summer.


Children will cause you a lot of trouble this month. Some of their antics will simply drive you crazy. But don’t go to extremes, talk to your child calmly, try to understand his problems, and you will be able to resolve the most difficult issues peacefully. But if the situation has long ago gotten out of control, then you need to turn all your attention to this problem.


Many Cancers will be very lucky in April with friends, especially new ones. Even though you met quite recently, these are the people who will be so responsible that they will not leave you in trouble. Only the situation will initially turn in such a way that you will suspect your friends of betrayal. There is no need to blame anyone for anything, first understand the situation properly.

a lion

Unforeseen difficulties and problems with foreign partners will appear. They will refuse to deal with you for no apparent reason and will leave your union. But there is no reason to be upset, as you will significantly expand your channels. You will have worthy partners who do not waste time on gossip and rumors, and will trust only the quality of the work performed.


During this period, those Virgos who are still single will receive strong feeling. True, they will fall in love unexpectedly, as they say, at first sight. Virgo finds out her love from friends: at a party or birthday.


Once you find the strength to put the people who bother you in their place, you can breathe freely. In addition, people will stop plotting against you behind your back, and your work will immediately become much easier. If there are still those who cannot stop in time and refrain from discussing your person, then it is better not to pay attention to them.


You may have to care for a sick person for some time during April. You will take this responsibly, but will be happy to remove this burden from your shoulders as soon as the opportunity arises. Don't worry, your good deeds will benefit you.


This month you will have an employee at work who, in principle, does not understand and does not know what work is. Not only will this person not run errands himself, but he will also make it a rule to regularly stop near your desk and distract you. Feel free to send it to him workplace, otherwise there will be problems.


Family issues this month simply cannot be ignored, even though you have other responsibilities besides family ones, but still, your loved ones should count on you to solve the most difficult issues.


According to Pavel Globa, young Aquarians in April 2018 will be very rich in new impressions. They will constantly find themselves in some kind of love adventure. And some of them will finally find true love.


Some representatives of this zodiac sign will suffer from colds, but some Pisces will have such a high workload that there will be almost no time left to prevent viruses. Be sure to take at least the simplest measures.

Spring is the time when new strength feelings and dreams blossom. The time of hope promises unprecedented prospects, but both ups and downs are likely. The main guideline for those who strive to know success and want to insure against failure will be the horoscope from Tamara Globa for 2018. The astrologer's predictions for April will guide representatives of all zodiac signs through the labyrinths of fate and help them navigate their living space.

Pragmatic redistribution in the horoscope for April

Despite the abundance of feelings that the thaw brings from year to year, people’s relationships will take on a calculated rather than a romantic character. The mercantile Mercury is to blame for it all. It is he who will make the earthly representatives of the zodiac signs think about the mortal:

  • material benefits;
  • career growth;
  • expenses and profits.

In general, the impact of the planet, named after the ancient Roman god of trade, will be beneficial. After all, its goal is to prevent a negligent attitude towards money and acquisitions. In April 2018, the chance to achieve financial well-being will increase for everyone who tries to show foresight and develop appropriate activities. Incredible luck is promised to the three Zodiacs of the fire element:

  1. Leos
  2. Sagittarius
  3. Aries

These signs will be under the protection of the Sun. Negative energy will bypass them. Only the lazy and apathetic are in danger, warns Tamara Globa.

Lunar petition for signs of intuition

The night star in mid-spring will also be at the epicenter of events, the astrologer promises. The moon is responsible for many factors in life. This time she will stimulate the subconscious. The decisions made in April will be:

  • rational;
  • wise;
  • far-sighted.

All that remains is to “turn on” common sense and think about current problems and future achievements. The recipe is vital for representatives of the air coalition:

  1. Gemini
  2. Libra
  3. Aquarius

They will have to rely only on themselves and their insight in everything. Gather your strength and go through all the obstacles. The reward for your perseverance will not be long in coming, and problems will only strengthen your spirit.

Creative impulse and inspiration call

In the coming calendar period, success awaits everyone involved in creativity. Creative thinking is not necessary in the arts. The patronage of Uranus promises rise to representatives different professions, including the economic sector, scientific and manufacturing sectors. Under the auspices of the celestial body, the most unrealizable dreams will come true. The main thing is to start implementing everything that has been collecting dust on the shelf or hovering in your thoughts.

Tamara Globa advises not to give up and boldly take on any difficult tasks:

  • launch interesting startups;
  • be inspired by new projects;
  • try out in unusual roles.

April is the ideal time for searching and self-improvement. Don’t keep yourself in check, because the month will fly by quickly and the chance will be missed.

Representatives of the earth and water elements will fall under the protectorate of the wise and hardworking Saturn, which means that the effectiveness of their efforts will increase significantly. In April, people born under the auspices will be at their peak:

  • Cancer and Capricorn
  • Scorpio and Virgo
  • Pisces and Taurus

Harmonious creation is the path to achievement and glory, but on it one must renounce pettiness and fussiness, forget about rest and entertainment, reject everyday life and completely immerse oneself in work.

Dangerous influence for the Zodiacs test

A place of honor in Tamara Globa’s horoscope for April 2018 is given to Mercury, the Moon and Uranus, but their positive influence will face opposition from powerful rivals who are tuned to imbalance. Sensual Venus will sow turmoil and lead astray, and Pluto will help her in this - an expert at confusing thoughts and instilling disappointment in people’s souls. Mostly love relationships will suffer from the activity of this pair of antagonists. The following will help you avoid troubles on the amorous path:

  • honesty;
  • optimism;
  • determination.

Success in business will depend on the character of each individual and the ability to find the strength in oneself not to follow the lead of the mischievous planets, succumbing to their machinations.

All April at your fingertips

12 Zodiac signs Predictions from Tamara Globa in apt sayings
Aries Global changes are entering the arena
Taurus Patience and hard work will attract good luck
Twins Success is near, but doubts will dissipate in the breeze
Cancer The usual way of life is broken by the whims of fate
a lion Tough temperament bad comrade for great deeds
Virgo Passion for work will lead someone to the goal
Scales Dreams will come true, worries will be forgotten
Scorpion Vanity of vanities promises the location of the planets
Sagittarius Many blessings under the Fortuna flag
Capricorn Search carefully for friends and wait for great news
Aquarius Career advancement is close, all that remains is to challenge
Fish Hold out for a short time and curb your fate


For some reason, many consider the period when the Rooster ascends the throne to be a time of loss of strength and the curtailment of all important matters.

Of course, 2016 was a busy year, because the nature itself is resourceful, energetic and enterprising. But the Rooster is also quite an interesting bird. To be convinced of this, just look Globa's horoscope for 2017, which vividly describes the main moments prepared by the owner of the year for all signs of the Zodiac.


In 2017, Aries will be full of unpredictability. A lot of amazing prospects will open up before you that you cannot refuse. Act decisively, and then any undertaking will be crowned with success. Try to always be on the alert, because luck loves the attentive and dexterous. If you make friends with her, then no obstacles will stand in your way.


Taurus will experience dramatic changes in their personal lives in 2017. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will definitely meet a dear and loved one who will stay with them for a long time. But family Taurus should be attentive to their loved one, otherwise, after all, divorce is not far away. IN professional activity everything will work out in the best way - a promotion or change of position is coming.


Representatives of this sign will act decisively in the new year and will stop at nothing. Every action you take will turn out to be right. So, if the decision to change your job, break off relationships with some people, or simply leave the city for a while has been brewing in your plans for a long time, then feel free to take on this idea. The only requirement is to think carefully about your actions. Do not get involved in various kinds of adventures and dubious activities, otherwise you risk getting into an awkward situation.


This year will be quite difficult for representatives of the Cancer sign. You will be overcome by depression, a loss of strength will occur, in general, you will feel complete disappointment in life. Fight such feelings throughout the year so as not to harm your body. Avoid conflict situations, relax more and experience beauty: go to exhibitions, theaters, museums. In the middle of the month, Cancers will meet a person who can lift them out of their sad state.

a lion

Everything you have dreamed about for so long can finally come true in 2017. Good luck will accompany you everywhere and everywhere. The main thing is that Leos skillfully distinguish between a truly worthwhile undertaking and one that can be abandoned. Free signs will find a reliable and worthy person. This means that closer to the end of the year a marriage union is possible that can last for more than one year. In the second half of the year, you may receive a travel offer. It would be better for Leos to refuse it.


From the first days of 2017, Virgos will feel a powerful surge of strength and energy. This time will be the ideal period to change priorities and life positions. Maybe you will find mistakes in your behavior and want to correct them in order to become better. This desire will allow Virgos to improve their professional, social and human qualities. In your personal life, everything will be emotional and stormy. Perhaps this fact will play a cruel joke with representatives of this sign and long-established relationships will be severed.


Libra will have a hard time in the coming year. Their inherent indecisiveness will cause many problematic situations. Despite all this, there will be no support from loved ones. That is why people of this sign must gather all their will into a fist and heroically withstand all the attacks of fate. And it doesn’t hurt to overcome indecision either. Despite all this, Pavel Globa predicts a rapid career for Libra, and the positions offered will be well paid.


This year will be smooth and prosperous. Scorpios will be able to realize the most extraordinary ideas that have long been hidden in the depths of their souls. Those who are not yet married will be able to find their soulmate and wear them as soon as possible wedding rings. The period under consideration is perfect timing to change your place of residence. It can be not only a city, but even a country. The rooster promises to accompany everyone important matters and give much needed luck.


With the advent of 2017, Sagittarius will awaken confidence and desire to change their lives. You will learn to enjoy small successes and simple things. By showing maximum persistence, representatives of this sign will be able to occupy leadership positions that will bring both material benefit and pleasure. True, you will have to give up long journeys, because they will not bring the expected result.


Virtually, Capricorns will spend the entire next year trying to establish a balance between their personal life and work. In order to quickly achieve harmony in these areas, it is necessary to rethink some values, define new goals for yourself and translate some long-standing ideas into reality. Despite the fact that 2017 will be difficult for Capricorns, they will be able to find positive aspects in it.


It will bring representatives of this sign many new discoveries. First of all, you will realize that you are capable of experiencing emotions that you never suspected before. We can say that Aquarius will have a reassessment of values ​​and priorities. Trust your intuition - it will not let you down. In addition, you should not listen to the opinions of others, because they are not always right, and their suggestions can negatively affect your life.


Pisces will be nowhere without energy and charisma in 2017. These two qualities will help you cope with the difficulties that have been hanging over you for a long time. Cardinal change life priorities very important for Pisces. This is exactly what needs to be done in the coming year. In addition, the owner of the year will definitely like this behavior, and he will give you generous gifts, not skimping on their quantity.

Pavel Globa is an expert in the field of financial forecasts based on the study of the behavior of stars and planets. Will help you attract luck in money financial horoscope for April. Stay true money signs, since they work regardless of what the mood of the stars is at the moment. Success may slip away, but you shouldn’t give it such opportunities.


Jupiter retrograde will explain your possible mistakes in financial matters and work, but will not justify them. Half the energy of this planet will not be enough for you to breathe easy. If problems keep piling up, then only your wisdom and intuition will help fix them, which, by the way, is expected to go wrong. The weakening of the sixth sense is due to constant changes on the part of Mercury, the ruler of financial affairs and numbers. Until April 8, he will be in Taurus, so at this time it is better to resolve all your main problems. On the 9th it will become retrograde, and on the 20th it will completely move into the constellation Aries. This situation suggests that complete chaos and confusion may occur in your head. From 20 to 30 the number will be the most hard time for you.


Mercury is your main assistant and financial mentor. Its strength will be average, so you will need to pay attention to the nature of the impact, and not to its strength. In the period from the 1st to the 8th, the planet will be in your Zodiac Sign, so you can be yourself, and without fear of losing money. From April 9 to April 19, the planet will turn back, so you will also need to find new ways to achieve financial success: plan your affairs correctly, try to absorb new information. From the 21st, Mercury will be in the constellation Aries, which can be regarded as a signal for the full mobilization of forces. Beware of periods of weakness of the Moon from April 7 to 9 in Virgo and from April 17 to 19 in Capricorn.


Intelligence and charisma are your main weapons. Venus is responsible for their disclosure. In April, its strength will be maximum from the 2nd to the 27th, so you will have these qualities in abundance. You just need to be able to guide them correctly. On April 1, energy problems await you. On the 2nd, Venus will move into Pisces, and on the 16th it will be freed from retrograde. This will mean the end of your internal conflicts, interfering with financial prosperity and good luck. Venus will begin to block monetary energy on April 28 due to its transition to the constellation Aries. As for problems, their number will decrease on April 19 along with the weakening of the Sun, which has moved into the Sign of Taurus.

Financial risks and adventures in April will be especially dangerous for you, because your main assistant, the Moon, will constantly change its activity. Of course, this always happens, but this month her weakness will be especially unpleasant. Such periods will be the days from 7 to 9, from 12 to 14 and from 17 to 19 April. In the first case, the Moon will be weakened by Virgo, then by Scorpio and then by Capricorn. The most successful day financially is April 27, when the Moon will be in Taurus. As for your problems with vital forces, there will be no one to take them away, because Mars will be very weak in Taurus until April 20. Then his strength will increase, but he still won’t be able to turn everything upside down.

Leos will enjoy financial success this month, despite the fact that the Sun will weaken slightly on the 19th, moving into the constellation Taurus. Warlike and defiant Mars will help you at the end of this month because its powers will increase, rising from zero to 50 percent. Your financial enemy Mercury will not show his strength, remaining just as vague. From April 9, it will go retrograde, which may cause you some problems, but they can be easily avoided. The main thing now is not to show all your trump cards and not to try to jump over your head. If you remain calm, you will win any financial or business battle.


From April 1 to April 6, the Moon will have average or above average strength. These days you will need to activate all your capabilities to achieve best results in financial matters. From April 7 to 9, the Moon in Virgo will be very weak, so try to avoid expensive purchases. Unplanned expenses are possible. On April 10 and 11, the neutral and strong Moon in Libra will give you a warm welcome. From the 12th to the 14th, Scorpio will take away your luck, weakening the Moon almost to a minimum. On April 15 and 16, things will be better, but from the 17th to the 19th the night star will again lose all its strength in Capricorn. The rest of the month will be quite favorable. On difficult days, turn to positive thinking for help.


Uranus and Neptune are your financial assistants. Now they are stable and strong. Uranus is only half in Aries, and Neptune is even more. Do not overindulge in pleasure this month if it costs you a large amount of money. Better concentrate on earning money, solving problems and tasks, as well as responsibilities. From April 21, your main rival, Mars, will become neutral in strength, moving into the Sign of Gemini, so try not to be overly decisive and overly self-confident. Your concentration and ability to quickly navigate difficult situations may fail at the end of the month, so there will be a high probability of large monetary losses.


Jupiter retrograde has a strong impact on your financial luck. This means that you shouldn’t change your goals, but you should pay attention to everything without exception. The power of this planet is not at its maximum now, since it is located in the constellation Libra. April will be similar to previous months in terms of energy background, so you should stick to the course taken earlier. From April 2 to April 27, you may be disturbed by a very strong Venus in Pisces, which will activate your emotions and try to make you distract from the most important financial matters and work. Advance by career ladder this month it can be very difficult, as well as finding your work or business partner.


The Sun will be in Aries until April 18th. This means that it will give you energy that will have a beneficial effect on your money luck. Then the Sun will move into Taurus, which will weaken the star, but will not make the situation critical. The special stability is due to Neptune in Pisces, which is also very strong. But Mercury will not have the warmest welcome, as it will go retrograde on the 9th. To prevent problems from arising, do not be petty in the second half of the month: avoid gossip and inattention towards those who help you.


Mars will help Capricorns become richer this month. Unfortunately, it will become active only on April 21, moving into the constellation Gemini. You are very lucky because the Moon, your main antagonist, activates its energy from the 20th, and Mars completely neutralizes it. At the beginning of the month, her weakness from April 7 to April 9 and April 12 to April 14 will help you breathe easy and spend some money earned. If you experience negative thoughts and dissatisfaction current affairs, just remember what you have already achieved before. Life is not all downhill but also uphill, especially in financial and business terms.


Mars and Jupiter are antagonistic planets for you. As for the first, it will become stronger at the end of the month, moving into Gemini. Not that it had any devastating consequences. No, the point here is the nature of the impact, which will not be the most pleasant. Due to the activation of Mars, you may have problems planning things, so it is better to do this before the beginning of the 20th. Jupiter will remain unchanged - Libra and retrograde movement will do their job - so receiving information will be a little difficult. Only strong Venus will help you find the strength to move on, which will move to Pisces on April 2 and remain there until April 27. On the 1st, 28th, 29th and 30th, financial problems will be very noticeable.


Venus will increase its positive influence on you as it moves into the constellation Pisces on April 2. To ensure that financial luck does not leave you until April 27, try not to forget what sincerity and the desire to win are. On other days, caution will not be superfluous, but the Moon will not leave you without its help. She gives you good luck. Mercury and Saturn - your main enemies - will be neutral, so they will not be able to seriously disturb your financial plans. Stick to the previously planned path and do not be afraid of new challenges, because everything this month will benefit you. Money loves action, so don't be lazy this April.

We can say that only in April spring comes into its own in full. April is a truly wonderful spring month. Sun rays much warmer than in March, the birds are becoming bolder, even in the very air there are imperceptible vibes of romance, goodness and happiness. At the same time, a lack of vitamins can do its job and lead to frequent colds and general fatigue.

Having become familiar with horoscope for April 2017 for all zodiac signs, You can easily adapt to the inconstancy of insidious fate and emerge victorious from any difficult situation.


Variability in the atmosphere. Each of the representatives of the Aries zodiac sign will come to a clear realization that something in their life needs to be changed, and to do it as soon as possible. Day after day, a variety of thoughts will creep into the head of a stubborn Aries - from the idea of ​​changing jobs to moving. The stars, in turn, recommend Aries not to rush. Bridges are more difficult to build and can be destroyed in one day.
The end of the month will bring with it an excellent opportunity to claim everything planned, while remaining on the same terms.


April will be a month for Taurus to test their gullibility and resistance to stress. During this difficult period, you should not open up to strangers again.

At the same time, in April, Taurus will feel incredible strength and emotional uplift, which will lead to the search for a partner ( we're talking about both about a business partner and about a significant other). But accuracy won’t hurt - it’s better to become more closed and not bare your soul to the first person you meet.


The problem of problems in April for all representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will be ambiguity in romantic relationships. Both Gemini women and men will begin to look for the most different ways determine whether the person next to them is “the one,” the real soulmate.

Almost at the very end of April, fate will give good sign and, thus, will help Gemini understand their feelings.


The beginning of April for Cancers will go hand in hand with the risk of catching a cold. Work moments, in the form of certain conflicts and even squabbles, cannot but affect the impressionable representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign.

It's probably time to take a short vacation for a couple of days in order to slightly restore your strength and clear your head.

a lion

A truly wonderful period will come for Leo in April, when they will feel like real kings and masters of the situation. Charming everyone and everything, Leos will be constantly noticed in the crowd, celebrated among friends or colleagues. Encouragements and compliments will continue to pour in from all sides, increasing the self-esteem of already proud Leos.

In fact, April is a good month for representatives of this zodiac sign.


So as not to feel on your own skin financial problems, Virgos in April need to more scrupulously draw up personal or family budget. You should not give in to momentary impulses, so as not to later regret the unnecessary purchase.

Mid-April is significant for Virgos as they meet a special person who will leave an indelible mark on their future life.


The fickle free Libra will have good chance meet your soulmate. If you try, the relationship will develop and eventually turn into something serious.

In general, representatives of the Libra zodiac sign will spend the entire month in active communication. Libra men and women will make new acquaintances, and, consequently, new interests will appear.


On the tenth day of the month, Scorpios will be overwhelmed by household chores that will not let go of the freedom-loving representatives of the sign until the very end of April. However, not only family matters will take all the attention of Scorpios, friends will also need the support and sensible advice of a fellow Scorpio.

That is why they need to be friendly and benevolent, and try their best not to alienate anyone from themselves.
By the end of the month, the participation of Scorpios and their kindness will return to them, and with interest!


A relatively calm and measured month awaits all Sagittarius, however, at work, as at home, small problems will still arise. The solution to all difficulties will come as simply as they actually arose.

Throughout April, Sagittarius will feel an unprecedented surge of strength, which will help them make far-reaching plans. All you need to succeed is to listen to your voice and shake all the ideas that come to mind.


In April, Capricorns will be entirely occupied with family relationships. Clashes with the older generation are likely. This applies not only to relatives. Even elderly neighbors will look askance at Capricorns.


In April, Aquarius will have a great opportunity to change their surroundings, go on a trip, and find a new hobby. Moreover, the soul of Aquarius will already crave change.

Also in April, representatives of their sign will have no problem making new useful acquaintances. It is quite possible that one of the new friends will call Aquarius, who is suffering from the adventures, to interesting trip. A little rest will do Aquarius good.


Furious pace Everyday life will lead to a slight loss of strength in persistent Pisces. You shouldn’t brush off alarming symptoms, even if it’s just ordinary fatigue. In April, Pisces should slow down the pace slightly and get creative.

Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will want to think about the future and be left alone with their thoughts. Unfortunately, the abundance of people around and the responsibilities imposed on Pisces can significantly ruin plans. Walking on fresh air, will undoubtedly help Pisces regain their strength.

He will tell us what the Fire Rooster will bring to us, what we should be afraid of and how to prepare for upcoming events, and there will undoubtedly be many of them.


For the stubborn and headstrong Aries, 2017 will be unpredictable. A dozen new, previously unknown prospects will open before him, however, fate will require decisive action. Now you have to run after luck, grab its tail, always stay on your guard, sensitive to changes. Aries should keep his stormy temperament in check, be self-possessed, and think through every decision and spoken word. But the Rooster will help you prove yourself in any new profession, successfully gain new knowledge. good time for knowledge.

Family Aries will have the opportunity to improve their living conditions; in the first months before autumn, problems may arise in the family and circle of friends. Self-control will allow Aries to maintain friendship and love, then autumn will bring a reward: feelings will sparkle with colors, a real honeymoon will begin. And the Rooster will give lonely Aries good opportunity find your soul mate in the first period of 2017.

In the monetary sphere, Aries will be fine, a calm lull. No big profits, but no unexpected expenses. It’s worth straining and closing your loans quickly and refraining from new ones. The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Glob advises you to spend your money more carefully; you may also have to pay off the debts of your relatives. Be patient with major acquisitions until the summer.


The rooster promises big changes first in on a personal level. However, the work environment will also not let you get bored - perhaps there will be a good chance to change your profession or place of work. The Rooster will expand the horizons of Taurus and show new roads. 2017 will give him several useful meetings and new acquaintances.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to children, but with their other halves everything is fine, calm and harmony. Single Taurus will have a good chance to meet their true soul mate and begin laying the foundation for a family fortress. In terms of health, Taurus is not expected to have any problems. Forget about chronic pain, sadness and depression. The rooster will give new energy, direct it into the working direction. It is advisable to deal with all debts before the beginning of 2017.


It's a good time to reckon with the past. Stop clinging to old, outdated relationships, then change your completely boring job, stop contacts with friends, especially if they are no longer friends. The Rooster asks the children of the wind to be careful and not get involved in adventures, to calculate their steps. Family Geminis should pay attention to their parents, listen to the advice of the older generation, even if at first they seem strange. Free Geminis can meet new people and have stormy, vibrant relationships.

The coming year will be difficult for Cancers. The main enemies will be loss of strength, growing depression, fueled by disappointment. Conflicts will only aggravate the situation, so you should avoid them and, in general, it is better, if possible, to go “underground” for now. If Cancers pass the dangerous period, the end of the year will bring them long-awaited harmony and prosperity in all important areas.

It is better to devote a year to finding yourself and self-education. Lonely Cancers will be able to find the desired couple, and more than one, although there is a small risk of falling deeply, unrequitedly in love and being tormented by choice. Family Cancers may suffer from their indecision. It’s better to immediately put your inner demons in their place, otherwise your spouse will suffer.

You should take care of your health and rest more often - overload and other emotional experiences will not be in vain. Cancers who are ready to answer for their actions and are brave enough to admit their own shortcomings will be successful.

The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Glob promises Leo a long-awaited approach to the realization of their main dream. Luck will be constant companion, constantly organizing a favorable combination of circumstances. Success will accompany you both in business and in studies, family life and creativity. It will be more difficult for single Leos, but families with families will rejoice at the new harmony in the house. It’s better to tune your inner philosopher in advance, then all the hardships of life will be perceived easier. Perhaps in August Leo will be able to meet his true half, but it is important not to miss the moment.

Energy and vigor will become for Leo best helpers. Your health won’t let you down either; any goals you set will become accessible. The main thing is to remember natural balance and not push yourself. Creatively, Leo will be a fountain of new ideas, an excellent opportunity to gather new team. Create a stable business, and almost without a penny in your pocket. In relations with colleagues and superiors, you should be careful.


The Rooster favors Virgos and will endow them with incredible powers. Perhaps this contributes to a radical change in established principles and prejudices. He will show new horizons, then Virgo will want to become better, to change. Your personal life will sparkle with bright colors; perhaps difficulties or conflicts will arise at work or study. It is important to maintain balance here, because the first months of 2017 will usher in global changes in the personal sense.

Family Capricorns will receive a new round in their relationships, and unprecedented mutual understanding will appear. Single Capricorns will be able to find their soulmate when a whirlwind romance can flow into a strong relationship.


A year of real discoveries awaits him under the auspices of the Rooster. A range of new, previously unfamiliar emotions will open up, perhaps globally reconsidering established views and principles. The Rooster advises Aquarius to listen only to their inner voice, without relying on others. The beginning of the year will provide an opportunity for great and passionate love, and this romance may be the one for life. Family Aquarians will experience difficulties at home, both with a partner and with children.

It’s better to be careful with your health, otherwise new emotions and whirlwind romances will lead to exhaustion nervous system. Periods of excitement will be followed by times of weakness and overwork. It is important to feel the body’s reserves and rest on time. Stability awaits Aquarius in his work, without major failures. Spring will bring difficulties and acceleration in business.


The horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs from Pavel Globa advises Pisces to forget about their indecision and absent-mindedness. To achieve the desired success, and not to get lost in the whirlpool of changes, they will have to become decisive, energetic and businesslike. However, the Rooster believes in the luck of Pisces and will give them chances to change their lives, and there will be many of them.

The opportunity to do what you love, open up new prospects in your work. The main enemy will be laziness. The beginning of the year promises a good mood on a personal level, you will want to flirt and get to know each other. Pisces will show favor to everyone, surrounding themselves with fans. Closer to summer, they themselves decide on a permanent partner.

In terms of health, Pisces need to forget about bad habits, otherwise by summer all the alcoholic libations or packs of smoked cigarettes will come back to haunt them. The Rooster promises an unprecedented career takeoff for all active and courageous Pisces.