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» Horoscope Taurus-Tiger. Taurus - Tiger: Characteristics of Taurus tiger description

Horoscope Taurus-Tiger. Taurus - Tiger: Characteristics of Taurus tiger description

Taurus, born in the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope, is a person whose character combines adventurism with reasonable caution. Taurus, one of the most reasonable and practical signs of the Zodiac, and the gambling Tiger with a burning fiery heart, merging in the character of Taurus-Tiger, give an amazing result! All too radical facets of the Tiger’s personality, which in the Chinese horoscope are his vulnerable side, are smoothed out in Taurus-Tiger and become his advantages.

Taurus-Tiger is energetic and assertive, no matter what he does, he always strives forward. Both literally and figuratively, he is bored of staying in one place. To feel the movement, the rhythm of the surrounding life, and at the same time to move with him - this is his life credo. Travel, trips, meeting new people are as necessary for Taurus-Tiger as air, but he is in no hurry to rush headlong into the whirlpool of communication, entertainment and adventure: Taurus-Tiger is well aware of a sense of proportion.

Thanks to the reasonable, stabilizing side of their personality, Taurus-Tiger usually manages to balance on the fine line of “life by rules” and “without”. He manages to alternate the daily routine with its inevitable responsibilities, everyday life and going to work, and regular forays into the blood-stirring unknown.

The most interesting thing is that in this regard, Taurus-Tiger usually forms two groups of acquaintances and friends. The first group is those who make up his social circle in everyday life. Well, together with the adventurous representatives of the second group, Taurus-Tiger goes in search of adventures (preferably carefully planned and in compliance with safety precautions).

Taurus-Tiger Love

Tiger-Taurus is an extremely romantic nature, but romanticism does not prevent him from approaching issues of marriage and love relationships with a clear head. Even the biggest detractor of the Tiger-Taurus will never accuse him of a relationship of convenience, but in the same way, the Tiger-Taurus will not allow momentary passion to cloud his mind if this violates some of his plans.

However, it must be said that, guided at the same time by both the heart and the mind, the Tiger-Taurus, as a rule, ends up winning: his romantic choice most often turns out to be very successful, providing the couple in love with a long and happy life together.

Sexuality of Taurus-Tiger

Taurus-Tiger rarely reveals his true nature; from the outside, you may well mistake him for a person indifferent to the intimate area of ​​​​life. In fact, this is a real pleasure fanatic! You can’t expect much originality from him, but what he does, he does excellently. From the Tiger he adopts passion, and from Taurus the ability to think not only about his own pleasure. For Tiger-Taurus, complete trust in a relationship with a partner is extremely important, so if he doesn’t “burn” with you yet, then you have something to work on.

Celebrities of the Taurus sign born in the year of the Tiger:

Alexander Dedyushko, Russian actor.
Andrey Gubin, Russian singer.
Valeria Novodvorskaya, Soviet and Russian human rights activist, public and political figure.
Maxim Shostakovich, Russian pianist, conductor, composer.
Megan Fox, American actress.
Penelope Cruz, Spanish actress.
Robert Pattinson, British actor, musician.
Sergius of Radonezh, Russian monk, church reformer, Orthodox saint.

This Tiger is significantly different from the Aries Tiger. He is calmer and more reasonable, balanced and businesslike. This combination of qualities is very useful for the Tiger, because this is exactly what he lacks! He is able to focus on the main goal and move towards it gradually, checking his plan. The performance that the Tiger-Taurus is capable of is amazing. With all his liveliness, he can work day and night if he needs it.

For all his balance, this Tiger can sometimes “kick.” Still, the Tiger is an aggressive and hot-tempered animal, so to speak. He will not allow anyone to control him and will violently express his dissatisfaction if someone tries to command the parade in the Tiger’s domain. And Tiger-Taurus is very dangerous in anger!

Tiger-Taurus character

It must be said that the character of the Tiger-Taurus cannot be called modest. He, of course, can remain in the shadows for a long time, but sooner or later he will want fame and honor. Most likely, he will get both if he sets such a goal for himself. A harmonious combination of practicality, conscientiousness, perseverance, extraordinary intelligence and ease of execution forms a completely independent person. He knows how to win people over thanks to his kind attitude and good sense of humor.

Tiger-Taurus can work alone or in a team - he is good both as a boss and as a performer. However, he still prefers to be the owner. He is calculating and tries to achieve success at all costs. Successful in this combination of signs is the efficiency and perseverance from Taurus, intelligence, the ability to see the big picture, wisdom and the ability to organize their actions with the obligatory happy ending from the Tiger. He has few doubts - first he thinks everything through and then carries it out with enthusiasm and faith in luck. At the same time, the person remains restrained and not demonstrative.

In love, this person is also very harmonious and strives to start a family. For the sake of the well-being of his loved ones, Tiger-Taurus will do everything in his power. However, one should also take into account the fact that only Tiger-Taurus will be the master of the house!

Tiger-Taurus Man

The Tiger-Taurus man is a talented, creatively gifted person. He will probably want to use his intellect for mental work. Hard physical labor most likely will not attract him. He has healthy ambitions and good abilities in the field of activity that he chooses. True, it can be difficult for him to make this choice, because he has too many interests and desires that require their implementation.

In love, the Tiger-Taurus man is quite lucky. Here feelings and earthly joys are in harmony with the needs of spiritual development. He is quite independent, but understands his responsibility for his family and will not contrast caring for loved ones with his professional and personal affairs.

Tiger-Taurus Woman

The Tiger-Taurus woman is also a more or less harmonious person, adapted to life’s difficulties and able to treat herself with humor. The Taurus nature of a rather heavy perception of life and the inability - reluctance to rebuild in changed conditions is diluted by the airiness and impetuosity of the Tiger. It turns out to be an excellent character for a normal life as a wife, mother and businesswoman.

She can combine completely different activities and bring any work to its logical conclusion. In the average version - without negative accents in character, the Tiger-Taurus woman can realize her maximum potential. In love, the Tiger-Taurus woman is sensual and playful, very sexy and active. Men like her and she knows it - the choice is always hers...

Compare: leader-politician, prime minister and president of communist Vietnam Ho Chi Minh; statesman and historian, manager of state-owned factories in the Urals, founder and governor of Yekaterinburg Vasily Tatishchev; hero of the Battle of Borodino, General Karl Bistrom; Marshal, Prince, Napoleon's Minister of War Louis Davout; Liberian dictator Samuel Doe; general, chief of staff of Hitler's army, Hitler's chief military adviser Alfred Jodl; US President James Monroe; Count, Vice-Chancellor, Head of the College of Foreign Affairs Nikita Panin; field marshal, prince, Caucasian governor, conqueror of Armenia Ivan Paskevich; Huguenot leader Louis Condé; dignitary, governor in Finland, Count Alexander Armfeld; dignitary, chief chamberlain, philanthropist Matvey Vielgorsky; Venezuelan President General Marcoe Jimenez; Bolivian President Hugo Suarez; Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato; political lawyer, speaker Fyodor Plevako; general, hero of the wars with the Chechens and Turks Fyodor Devel.

In music, Taurus-Tigers gravitate toward lighter genres. And there are plenty of celebrities, especially singers: composer Jules Massenet (“Manon”, “Werther”, “Thais”); composer Erik Satie; singer and actor Vladimir Troshin; operetta singer Sergei Zakharov; pop singer Andrey Gubin; composer-songwriter Mark Fradkin (“The Volga Flows”); musician Stevie Wonder; composer and conductor Maxim Shostakovich; film music composer Francis Ley.

The science. Here Taurus-Tigers are the founders: the microbiologist who deciphered the genetic code, Andre Lvov; atomic physicist Alfred Kastler; geographer, traveler, climatologist Alexander Voeikov; mathematician, founder of descriptive geometry Gaspard Monge; zoologist, popularizer of science, writer David Attenborough; microbiologist Johannes Fibiger; mathematician, founder of descriptive geometry Gaspard Monge; inventor, creator of the linotype Ottmar Mergenthaler; bicycle manufacturing founder James Starley.

Theater arts and cinema are not profitable for Taurus-Tigers. But they are masters in directing: film producer David Selznick (“Gone with the Wind”), film director Valery Todorovsky (“Land of the Deaf”); actors Igor Vasiliev (“Tavern on Pyatnitskaya”), Gabriel Byrne (“Nikita”), Emilio Estevez (“Young Guns”),

A few more Taurus-Tigers: portrait artist François Gerard (“Cupid and Psyche”, portraits of Napoleon); lawyer, pacifist Henri Lafontaine; couturier Christian Lacroix; writer Hector Malo (“Without a Family”); philologist, publisher of ancient manuscripts Fyodor Buslaev; showman Nikolai Fomenko (“Simply Simple,” “Empire of Passion”).

Taurus-Tiger woman horoscope

Singer Mary Hopkins attracted attention with her singing abilities at the age of 4. Soon she began taking music lessons and singing in the church choir. Further - more: Mary entered a music college, and replaced the church porch with good English pubs. In 1968, when she was 18 years old, the young talent performed on the BBC. It was then that the famous fashion model Twiggy noticed her. She introduced the singer to Paul McCartney, and the famous Beatle began to help her in word and deed. Hopkins soon sang the English version of the Russian folk song “The Long Road” and became famous.

A year later, the singer’s first album, which McCartney produced, was released. He also composed a new hit for Mary. Over time, Hopkins had more hits in her arsenal, but she became more interested in her career as an actress. But not for long. Mary met producer Tony Visconti, married him and decided to devote herself entirely to her family. Sometimes she appears on the theater stage and on the music stage, but only to then again plunge into family concerns.

Queen of Great Britain since 1952, Elizabeth II - the eldest daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York - is a bright, skillful, insightful lady. She established herself as a serious political and public figure, a responsible woman who, despite her aloofness and passion for horse racing, proved that she knew the problems of the monarch well. The Queen is a humble person, dedicated to her role and country. She has four children in her marriage. Three princes - Edward, Andrew, Charles and Princess Anne.

Actress Mireille Darc (“The Tall Blonde in a Black Shoe,” “The Return of the Tall Blonde”) was the wife of Alain Delon. They often acted together. They were called the most beautiful couple in France. When Dark fell ill with heart disease, Delon was there. But in 1982 their union ceased to exist. Alain wanted children, but Mireille could not have them. Immediately after the breakup, Dark was in a car accident and was close to death. Mireille got married, Delon got married, but they remained friends.

Actresses Eeve Kivi (“The Last Relic”), Ninel Myshkova (“Man Changes Skin”), Natalya Bondarchuk (“Star of Captivating Happiness”), actress and wife of Vysotsky Marina Vladi; track and field athlete Marina Stepanova; Queen Maria of Bourbon of Spain; nun, Catholic Saint Catherine de Ricci; "home" politician

Valeria Novodvorskaya (she was involved in politics - what to cook for dinner), pop singer Sandra - how bright and unconventional they are, Taurus-Tigers!

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Nata Karlin

People born in the Taurus-Tiger sign combination are self-confident, harmonious and balanced individuals. They have healthy practicality and high vitality. These people are naturally endowed with a healthy sense of humor, the ability to attract everyone's attention, captivate the masses and find a common language with any person.

A person of this combination of signs is very generous both emotionally and materially. He is friendly, affable, and gentle in communication. People want to talk to him on any topic, he helps many people without even waiting for a request. Taurus-Tiger is a combination of all the positive qualities of a person that evoke respect and admiration from people.

Usually the life of representatives of this combination of signs is full of events and adventures. These two signs completely complement each other

The unbalanced and aggressive Tiger lacks the calm confidence and prudence of Taurus. These people have a high level of efficiency, and if they are passionate about something, they can sometimes simply forget about the existence of food, loved ones, entertainment, etc.

Any work team for Taurus-Tigers is a comfortable place to demonstrate their best qualities of nature: goodwill and high intelligence. People of this sign completely absorbed in their work. They are very scrupulous in matters of punctuality and integrity, and are demanding of themselves and loved ones.

Taurus-Tiger is very good at hiding his emotions, he is calm in any situation, but it is better not to make him angry. With a sudden outburst of anger (the Tiger's leap) he will put everything in its place, but it is better not to fall into the epicenter of events in this case.

Taurus-Tiger is very good at hiding their emotions

The Taurus guy in the year of the Tiger is a talented person in everything and a naturally gifted person. He is attractive in appearance, physically strong and has an analytical mind. However, physical work does not attract him much. He is used to achieving his goals with his mind. However, the choice between areas of activity is always very difficult for him. After all, he can prove himself in any field, and his range of interests is quite wide. But in any work, the Taurus-Tiger man is extremely attentive, painstaking and responsible. He is an excellent performer and an excellent leader.

Never believe the image that he has chosen for himself in this situation: restraint and impulsiveness, emotionality and calmness, coldness and expression are closely intertwined in the character of this person. It is never possible to understand which of these identities he chose at that moment.

By and large, the Taurus-Tiger man is quite a scandalous person.

Although his serenity and calmness are misleading to many, given his scandalous nature. Those around you, rightly believing that this is the true face of a person, may simply not notice how they will provoke a person’s anger with their actions. And then little will seem to anyone who is nearby. But in a situation where a conflict needs to be resolved, the Taurus-Tiger man becomes a real diplomat and peacemaker.

With all the love for my work, men of this combination of signs try to develop spiritually. If he sees that he has achieved recognition, he will definitely move in this direction and very soon achieve great success. Finance interests him solely from the point of view of achieving his own goals. The material side of life is not so important for him that he devotes a large amount of time and a lot of his attention to it.

With all the love for their work, men of this combination of signs try to develop spiritually

The weakness of Taurus-Tiger men is that they are very selfish and are always in conflict, no matter with whom - with others or with themselves. You should never raise your voice or speak in a commanding tone with these people. However, they themselves they take great pleasure in commanding and demanding obedience. They prefer to communicate with those who listen to them and adapt to their orders.

Characteristics of Taurus-Tiger women

The Taurus girl, born in the year of the Tiger, is very attractive and charming. The main goal of her life is to look 100% in any situation, so that others will only admire her.

She is extremely pedantic and calculating, loves to be in the center of attention to the point that many consider her just an upstart

At the same time, girls of this sign have a rather harmonious character, in which the difficult perception of life of Taurus is balanced by the lightness and emotionality of the Tiger. In any area of ​​life, she is sure to achieve success, you just have to set a goal. An excellent character trait is to complete any task you start. Possessing an analytical mind, the lady of this combination of signs can foresee any situation several moves ahead. She is extremely hardworking, attentive to detail, calm, and tries to maximize her life potential.

Another important advantage is that she is not burdened by monotonous work or lifestyle if she is interested in it. But moving up the career ladder is difficult for these women. It is strange that, having such a significant number of positive traits, she has to make every effort to achieve even the slightest advancement up the career ladder.

The character of Taurus-Tiger women is somewhat softer than that of men of the same combination of signs. She is less impulsive, more calm, her outbursts of anger are not so bright, however she is extremely jealous and, if she realized that she doesn’t know something, she will sweep away all the obstacles on the way, but will find out the truth.

The Taurus girl, born in the year of the Tiger, is very attractive and charming.

The weak side of the character of Taurus-Tiger women is that by nature she's a terrible owner. Sometimes this feeling completely overshadows her mind, and she is no longer able to think about anything else. . If a soft and weak-willed man walks next to her through life, another disadvantage appears - she becomes despotic, nervous and domineering. If she feels financial instability, commercialism and greed for money awakens in her.

In love, the Taurus-Tiger man is truly lucky. He knows how to control feelings with his mind, and will always approach the choice of a partner with special care. With the woman he loves, this man is always extremely helpful, caring, and you can rely on him in any difficult situation. He does not need to be asked to take on a number of obligations in the family; he will do it himself and, without complaint, will devote a significant part of his time to these matters.

A man of this combination of signs is always looking for variety in routine family life, and not every companion may like the thirst for unexpected changes

Romantic relationships for a Taurus-Tiger woman are a field for the manifestation of her truly feminine nature. She is the personification of a bright and emotional young lady who knows how to create an aura of passion, mystery and sexuality around herself. She can do the impossible for her partner just to please and surprise her loved one.

She revels in her attractiveness and is well aware of what makes men admire her. The choice of partner will always be hers. Breaking up the relationship is her only decision., a man is unlikely to take such a step. This lady will never agree to a fleeting relationship; she is always interested exclusively in serious, long-term relationships.

With the woman he loves, this man is always extremely helpful and caring.

She needs a decent, calm and honest man, for whom she can give up many of the joys of her life. Her home is her refuge, one of the most important areas of her life and her favorite place in the world. She has mutual understanding with children, so conflicts are quite rare.

According to the Western horoscope, Capricorn and Sagittarius are excellent for love and family relationships; an alliance with Scorpio can turn out to be no less rosy. Taurus and Leo are ideal friends.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Pig, Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Rooster, HorseRat, Goat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, OxMonkey
According to the Western calendar Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo, GeminiCancer, Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, AriesVirgo, Pisces

Full characteristics of a Taurus child born in the year of the Tiger

A Taurus girl or boy in the year of the Tiger does not tolerate pressure over her own personality from a very early age. This child will always insist on his own in everything. He is always sure that he is doing everything right and he does not need instructions.

You can convince a Taurus-Tiger baby of something only with patient and unobtrusive instructions. Under no circumstances should you yell at a child or hurt his pride, as this will never achieve what you want, but will only antagonize you even more.

You can convince a Taurus-Tiger baby of something only with unobtrusive instructions

He must be assured that it was he and only he who decided to vacuum the floors or take out the trash, and did not do as his mother demands. At school, these children are distinguished by excellent academic performance; they are patient, scrupulous and assiduous. From primary school they show diligence and interest in a variety of sciences. If the teacher managed to interest the student in his subject, then he gets an excellent student and a knowledgeable student.

November 1, 2017, 01:39

(from 02/05/1962, from 01/23/1974, from 02/09/1986, from 01/28/1998)

He is a very extraordinary person who combines opposite qualities. He is both balanced and quick-tempered, distinguished by great patience and a good sense of humor. All these qualities are well balanced, and the result is an interesting personality with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Therefore, there are always a lot of people around him, with each of whom he establishes good relationships.

Characteristics of a Taurus - Tiger man in LOVE

Despite his bright appearance and character, he is wary of new women and relationships. He prefers them to develop slowly and smoothly. Therefore, he is unlikely to agree to a short-term romance that is not going to turn into a big and beautiful love. He often puts love at the main place in his life, so he is very careful when choosing a partner.

In love, he manifests himself as an impulsive and emotional partner, who will often arrange scenes of jealousy for his beloved. He is attentive and will be interested in everything that happens to his partner. He demands the same from her, since he needs constant attention. His beloved can calmly rely on him in any matter, as he can help find a way out of a problematic situation.

Taurus born in the year of the Tiger in BED

Passion, emotionality and high sensitivity are his main characteristics in intimate relationships. They are of great importance to him, because through them he can express his feelings and emotions. Despite the fact that in all respects he strives to take a leading position, in the intimate sphere he completely relies on his partner, who must lead the entire process.

He always tries to adhere to standards, so it will be quite difficult for him to decide on various experiments. He always shows great interest and attention to his mistress. At the same time, he tends to forget about his desires, which is why it is so important for him to find a person who would not concentrate only on his desires. He is also vulnerable, so any sarcastic remark can plunge him into depression for a long time.

Horoscope of a Taurus - Tiger man in MARRIAGE

He will definitely become a real storehouse of wisdom for his wife. He knows how to calmly assess a situation and find the most optimal way out of it. In view of this, not only his wife, but also other family members try to consult with him. He also manages family affairs well, devoting a lot of time, love and care to them. He loves to receive guests, where he shows exceptional cordiality and hospitality.

He has a fairly easy-going character, so getting along with him under the same roof will not be difficult. But from time to time he can become unbearably stubborn and during this period it will simply be impossible to convince him. A good way out of the situation will be a sense of humor. He also makes a loving father who will pay great attention to his children, devoting all his free time to them.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

Light, pleasant and balanced - he will become a good life partner for those who value sincere relationships. He is unlikely to seek benefits from their beloved, being content only with her love and attention. But in order to build a relationship, it is initially necessary to win his trust, since in terms of love he is very careful. This can be done simply by demonstrating reliability and stability.