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» Mushroom salad with potatoes and chicken. Potato salad with mushrooms Salad with boiled potatoes and mushrooms

Mushroom salad with potatoes and chicken. Potato salad with mushrooms Salad with boiled potatoes and mushrooms

  1. Let's prepare mushrooms for the salad. Wash them from dirt, then cut them into arbitrary medium pieces. Place the mushrooms in a heated frying pan. We will fry until all the moisture has left the mushrooms and they are ready. Add pepper and salt while frying. Then turn off the mushrooms. Let's prepare a dish containing layered salad. It is advisable that the dish has sides or use a serving ring. Place the mushrooms and butter in the first layer of salad. There is no need to lubricate with mayonnaise, the mushrooms are already quite juicy.
  2. Peel the onion and wash it. Then cut into quarters. The onion must be pickled. Prepare a vinegar solution, mix it with water in equal quantities, add pepper. The onions are marinated for about 15 minutes. Place the pickled onions in the second layer of salad. Grease with a small amount of mayonnaise. Onions are a feature of the salad and give it some zest.
  3. Boil the chicken eggs until tender, cool under cold water. Then peel off the shells and grate them on a coarse grater. Place boiled eggs in the third layer of salad, salt them and coat with mayonnaise. All layers must be thoroughly soaked.
  4. Potatoes and carrots should be boiled. Then cool the vegetables and remove the skins from them. Grate the potatoes and carrots separately on a coarse grater. Place the potatoes in the fourth layer of salad, grease with mayonnaise and salt. We place the carrots in the fifth tier, also add salt and coat with mayonnaise.
  5. Remove the film from the ham and cut it into thin strips. Use juicy ham for salad. Place it on the next tier of salad. Grease with mayonnaise and salt.
  6. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Generously cover the entire salad with it. This will be the final layer of the salad. We also decorate with sprigs of greenery. All is ready. Now you need to put the salad in the refrigerator. Let it soak and infuse, its taste will become juicy and rich. Then we serve the prepared dish to the table. You can also add a little garlic and chopped dill to mayonnaise. This will make the salad more savory. Instead of fried mushrooms, pickled ones are perfect; the taste will be slightly different and the salad will become less heavy.

Potatoes and mushrooms are, of course, culinary classics. And this applies not only to main courses, but also to all kinds of appetizers and salads. And these two products are a huge field for experimentation.

Today I propose to combine these popular ingredients to prepare a salad with potatoes and mushrooms in layers “Rustic”, adding other vegetables to your taste - and end up with a delicious dish that you can feed your family and even treat guests. It turns out quite satisfying, so you can easily serve it as an independent dish or side dish. The salad recipe is very similar to that which is also assembled in layers from potatoes, pickles and mushrooms.

And if you are preparing a salad with potatoes and mushrooms (marinated or fried) for a holiday table, be sure to lay it out in layers - it looks more interesting and appetizing. This can be done using a large springform pan - and then the multi-colored layers will be clearly visible. If there is no suitable shape, you can simply lay the layers in a deep salad bowl or wide bowl.

When you are cooking for a small number of people, you can use transparent glass bowls - and then the salad will be more convenient and beautiful to serve in portions. Another option is to use a small molding ring or square and place the salad on a flat plate. A cooking ring or similar shape can be purchased at any store that sells dishes and other kitchen utensils.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Potatoes – 2 small tubers
  • Fried mushrooms – 150 g
  • French mustard (beans) – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Pickled cucumber – 1 large
  • Carrots – 1 medium
  • Mayonnaise/sour cream – to taste
  • Canned peas – 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

By the time the salad is prepared, potatoes and carrots should already be boiled, and mushrooms should be fried. By the way, take any mushrooms - champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms... Any of them go well with potatoes and other ingredients.

Well, when the ingredients are prepared, you can assemble the salad. For this I used a small round mold (or rather, I don’t have a real molding ring, so I just cut a circle of suitable height from a plastic two-liter bottle).

The first layer was laid out with boiled potatoes in their jackets, which had previously been peeled and cut into cubes.

I added a little salt and put in some mustard grains.

Apply a layer of mayonnaise.

Next I cut the pickled cucumber into cubes. Lubricated with mayonnaise.

I chopped the boiled and peeled carrots into small cubes. I laid it out in the next layer.

Mayonnaise again.

And now fried mushrooms. I took oyster mushrooms.

Mayonnaise again.

And the last layer was canned peas.

I let the salad sit in the refrigerator for a while, then removed the forming ring. True, the naughty pea tried to escape 😉

So the layered salad with potatoes and fried mushrooms is ready! It turns out very tasty and satisfying, and this despite the simple ingredients.

Tips: how to make a delicious salad with potatoes and mushrooms

  • Buy waxy potatoes, this variety does not get soft, holds its shape very well in puff salads, is ideal for our dish, as well as for Olivier salad and other popular salads that contain potatoes. Check with the seller at the market or in the store whether the vegetable is well-cooked or ask for help in choosing a variety.
  • Boil vegetables in advance, preferably in the evening. But you need to peel the skins (“jackets”) only just before preparing the dish, best of all an hour or two before serving, so that the vegetables do not dry out.
  • For potato layer salad, choose seasonal mushrooms. If it’s summer or autumn, and your region is in the midst of a “silent hunt” collection, then give preference to forest mushrooms. Of course, provided that you are familiar with the types of edible mushrooms and know how to cook them correctly. In another situation, you can always buy fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms, and large stores always have pickled mushrooms in their assortment. It's a matter of taste here.
  • Try to dress the salad immediately before serving. So that white sauce (mayonnaise or sour cream) does not “run” when mixed with the juice of vegetables and mushrooms. This rule applies to any salads.

Bon appetit!

Mushroom salads can be very diverse, both truly festive and simply everyday, but they always have an amazing taste. They can be hot and piquant, spicy and tender. It all depends only on how this product was prepared, and what variety was chosen. Puff salad with chicken and mushrooms, potatoes with pickled mushrooms and fried ones turn out completely different. Naturally, if you add porcini mushrooms or champignons to the salad, the taste will also be radically different. Due to this, a unique opportunity arises from the same products to prepare completely different, but always aromatic and incredibly tasty salads with mushrooms and potatoes.

Try other salads that we have collected for you. , and, of course, .

This gastronomic composition is capable of winning the hearts of all gourmets. The dish turns out simply impeccable, quite satisfying and at the same time fabulously tender. Salad with chicken, potatoes and mushrooms is served not only as a cold appetizer, but also as a complete, self-sufficient dish that can quickly satisfy hunger, regardless of the portion size.

For the mushroom and potato salad you need:

  • 300 gr. potatoes;
  • 300 gr. chicken breast:
  • 3 onions;
  • 400 gr. mushrooms;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 20 gr. oils;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise.

Salad with mushrooms, chicken and potatoes:

  1. The potatoes are washed well with a brush, then they are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and boiled. Afterwards, it is cooled, immediately cleaned and grated.
  2. In a second saucepan, boil the chicken breast, then cool it without removing it from the broth and cut it into cubes with a knife.
  3. The onion is freed from the husk and chopped into thin slices with a knife.
  4. The mushrooms are washed, sorted, the film is removed from the caps, and cut into slices with a knife.
  5. Pour the onions and mushrooms into a frying pan, add oil to them and fry until all the liquid has evaporated.
  6. To grind cheese, use a small grater.
  7. Place potatoes at the bottom of the salad bowl and coat with mayonnaise. The same manipulation is subsequently performed with all other products.
  8. Then lay out the breast and mushrooms.
  9. Sprinkle everything with cheese, and if desired, additionally decorate with herbs and bell pepper.

Important! It is worth remembering that any of the layered salads must sit for some time so that all layers are evenly saturated. For this purpose, the dish is placed in the refrigerator for a while.

Salad with mushrooms and potatoes

This excellent dish is incredibly easy to prepare. The result of the efforts is simply incredible! The salad has a light spicy and piquant note, a little heat and amazing tenderness. Such a multifaceted range of flavors does not go unnoticed; the dish disappears from the table in a matter of minutes, it turns out so aromatic and tasty.

For potato salad with mushrooms you need:

  • 400 gr. potatoes;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 300 gr. pickled cucumbers;
  • 40 gr. green onions;
  • 250 gr. mushrooms;
  • 60 gr. sour cream;
  • 60 gr. yogurt;
  • 10 gr. wine vinegar;
  • 20 gr. butter;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 4 gr. pepper

Salad with potatoes and mushrooms:

  1. The potatoes are washed with a brush and boiled in a saucepan with water, then immediately cooled, peeled and cut into cubes.
  2. The chopped potatoes are poured into a frying pan, oil is added and fried a little, add salt and pepper, and put in a salad bowl.
  3. The mushrooms are washed, each specimen is cut into slices on a board, poured into a frying pan heated with oil and fried, and added to the potatoes.
  4. Boil the eggs in a small saucepan for about twelve minutes, then cool, peel off the shells and chop them on a board with a knife.
  5. Wash and chop the green onions.
  6. Cucumbers are cut into small cubes on a board, then they are squeezed out of the marinade and mixed with other products.
  7. Mix vinegar with sour cream and yogurt, add salt and pepper.
  8. The resulting dressing is poured over all the products and mixed with a spoon.

Important! Potatoes should not be crumbly, but dense. For salads, it is better to choose varieties that do not overcook.

Salad with champignons and potatoes

This is a real gastronomic miracle, and not a simple salad. Everything in it is chosen simply impeccably. Each product performs its intended role in the best possible way. The salad combines many flavors, without one overpowering the other. They merge together and yet each one stands out individually.

For mushroom and potato salad you need:

  • 400 gr. chicken breast;
  • 300 gr. mushrooms;
  • 150 gr. prunes;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 300 gr. potatoes;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 20 gr. butter;
  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise.

Salad with champignons and potatoes:

  1. The chicken breast is washed and placed in a saucepan already filled with water and boiled in it. Then cool in broth and cut into pieces.
  2. The eggs are boiled separately, forced to cool, then peeled and cut into small cubes.
  3. In the third saucepan, boil the potatoes, previously washed with a brush, cool them, peel them, and cut them according to the same principle as the eggs before.
  4. The mushrooms are washed and cut into slices, fried in a frying pan with oil.
  5. Prunes are poured into a bowl, poured with boiling water and steamed, squeezed and cut finely with a knife.
  6. Grate the cheese on a small grater.
  7. The cucumber is washed, peeled and cut into cubes, squeezed out of the juice that has separated.
  8. Prunes are placed at the bottom of the dish, and chicken breast is placed on it, coated with mayonnaise, like all other products, with the exception of mushrooms.
  9. Then lay out the potatoes and mushrooms.
  10. After that eggs and cheese.
  11. The cucumber is laid out last.

Tip: after chopping, be sure to squeeze the cucumber by hand. It will definitely release juice, which can spoil the salad and make it watery.

Salad with potatoes and mushrooms

This simple salad turns out a little spicy, piquant and rich thanks to the mushrooms. It is the pickled product that is used here, which has such amazing taste qualities that give the dish a special charm and deliciously appetizing aroma.

For potato salad with mushrooms you need:

  • 300 gr. potatoes;
  • 400 gr. pickled mushrooms;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 40 gr. green onions;
  • 2 gr. salt;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise.

Mushroom and potato salad:

  1. The potatoes are washed with a brush and, without peeling, boiled, cooled in the refrigerator and then peeled, cut into cubes with a knife.
  2. Separately boil the eggs, drain the boiling water and add cold water to them, let them cool in it, then peel and cut them with a knife in the same way as potatoes.
  3. Open the jar of mushrooms, place its contents in a colander, strain off the marinade and dry. Only after this they are chopped on a board with a knife.
  4. The onion is washed and finely chopped on a board.
  5. Pour all the products prepared for this moment into a salad bowl and pour over mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix everything with a spoon.

Salad with mushrooms and potatoes

An unusual combination for a salad. It’s not common practice in every family to add squash to these dishes. But that’s precisely why the salad deserves attention. It turns out to be especially refined, extraordinary, attracting the attention of everyone sitting at the table. And the most important thing is that such a delicious dish is prepared very simply and does not take long.

For potato and mushroom salad you need:

  • 300 gr. pickled mushrooms;
  • 350 gr. potatoes;
  • 1 onion head;
  • 1 medium squash;
  • 60 gr. sour cream;
  • 30 gr. green onions;
  • 2 gr. salt.

Potato salad with mushrooms:

  1. The potatoes must be washed with a brush and boiled in the so-called “uniform”, after which they are cooled and peeled, cut into small cubes.
  2. The squash is washed and freed from its thick skin, cut into strips on a board and kept for a while in boiling salted water so that the vegetable becomes soft. After a short cooking, place in a colander, where it is cooled and dried.
  3. The onion is cleaned and washed in water, placed on a board and chopped into thin half rings with a knife.
  4. Place the mushrooms in a colander, wash and cut into small pieces.
  5. Wash the green onion, shake off the remaining droplets, and chop it very finely.
  6. Place all prepared products in a salad bowl.
  7. The dish is mixed with sour cream and this mixture is added.
  8. Lay out a salad of potatoes and mushrooms in the form of a mound and sprinkle it with generously chopped green onions.

Potatoes, like mushrooms, are often a guest on the table. This product is used not only in salads. Simply amazing first and second courses are prepared from it, which can not only fully satisfy your hunger, but also bring a lot of pleasure. This is precisely the advantage of a simple and universally available root vegetable. Separately, it is worth mentioning potato salads. They always turn out nourishing and tasty, especially if mushrooms are also added to them. Marinated ones give the dish a pleasant spicy hue, fried ones add a special aroma and some piquancy, while boiled ones create incredible tenderness, which in itself can already be called a gastronomic miracle. Naturally, every housewife can experiment with these products and, as a result, create her own unique and ideal dish, satisfying and at the same time perfect, the way she wants it to be. Absolutely any of the above recipes is not afraid of experimentation; it can be modernized at your own discretion.


  • Pickled mushrooms - 1 jar (about 300 g)
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Jacket potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 200 g.
  • Salt, spices - to taste
  • Dill

Gone are the days when a salad was considered a dish of vegetables and herbs, seasoned with sunflower oil or mayonnaise.

If earlier the main dinner dish was prepared from mushrooms and potatoes, then in modern cooking you can simply find a salad with potatoes and mushrooms, to which various ingredients are added and dressed not with simple mayonnaise, but with a variety of sauces.

To be honest, it’s hard to imagine how hungry you need to be to order a main course with such a salad. Only if the portion is very small.


We suggest trying one of these salad recipes with fried mushrooms, potatoes and pickles.

  1. Wash the potatoes well with a brush and boil them in their skins.
  2. Cut the onion into small squares.
  3. Drain the mushroom marinade and cut the mushrooms into pieces.
  4. Fry the onion in vegetable oil for a few minutes.
  5. Add mushrooms to the onions and fry for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Cut the peeled potatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
  7. Finely chop the dill.
  8. Beat the sour cream until foam forms.
  9. Place all the ingredients prepared for the salad in one bowl and season with sour cream. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

If you do not plan to serve the entire salad, then it is better not to dress it right away. Place the required amount of salad in the salad bowl and season only that. This way, the products will not release their juice and your salad will not “float” the next day.

Instead of sour cream, you can use cream, then the taste of the salad will be softer and creamier. It is best if the ingredients are still warm when dressing, then the salad will soak in faster.

If you use no salt in this salad If you pickled cucumbers and don’t fry the mushrooms, then its taste will become sharper. This way the dish will turn into an excellent snack.

Mushroom salad with potatoes and chicken

Having prepared mushroom salad with potatoes and chicken according to the following recipe, you can confidently not think about what to cook as a first course. Thanks to its composition, it turns out to be more than satisfying, even if the portion is small.

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh mushrooms - 400 g.
  • Cheese - type and quantity according to your taste
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Wash the potatoes in their skins thoroughly with a brush and set to cook.
  2. Cool the boiled potatoes a little, peel them and immediately mash them.
  3. Let the breast cook. When the meat is almost ready, you can add a little salt. During cooking, add bay leaves and peppercorns to the water, preferably allspice.
  4. After the meat has cooked and cooled, cut it into small cubes.
  5. Fry the onion until golden brown, add mushrooms cut into large pieces and fry until all the water from the mushrooms has boiled away.
  6. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Having prepared all the ingredients, all that remains is to choose how to serve the salad. You can simply mix it in a salad bowl and season it with mayonnaise, or you can give it a festive look and make it flaky. If you chose the second option, then let's start laying out the rows in the following sequence:

  • the first layer is potatoes, smeared with mayonnaise;
  • the second layer is chicken fillet. We also grease it with mayonnaise, pepper and lightly salt;
  • third layer - mushrooms with onions and a small amount of mayonnaise, you can add a little salt;

Grated cheese will serve as a decoration and final layer. All that remains is to decorate the salad with herbs or bell pepper rings. But it’s better to do this when serving so that the greens don’t wilt. In the meantime, put the mushroom salad with potatoes and cheese in the refrigerator and let it soak.

As an experiment, you can try not chicken meat, but, for example, young beef. In this case, it is not recommended to eat such a salad for dinner - your stomach will not thank you. And in general, dishes with mushrooms should not be eaten before bed, they take too long to digest.

But if you make a salad with potatoes and mushrooms not with cheese, but with an egg, then its taste, on the contrary, will become lighter.

This recipe used champignons as a very affordable product both in price and quality. If you have the opportunity to buy other mushrooms, you may well do so. The main thing is to be confident in the quality of the purchased product.

Never buy mushrooms from strangers or pick them yourself if you only know mushrooms from books. The desire to taste real wild mushrooms is understandable, but health is more important.