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» Characteristics of the most promising drugs for controlling pests and plant diseases in garden plots. The drug Nitrafen: use in gardening Practical application in gardening

Characteristics of the most promising drugs for controlling pests and plant diseases in garden plots. The drug Nitrafen: use in gardening Practical application in gardening

Currently drug Nitrafen It is rarely used, since after autumn treatment of plants, it remains in the ground throughout the winter. However, in Soviet times, such resistance of Nitrafen was considered an advantage, so the chemical was used by all plant growing complexes.

Today, summer residents also spend treatment with Nitrafen. It is used against diseases such as apple scab and frost-resistant pest larvae. Apple, pear and plum trees are processed. Use a drug against leaf spot berry bushes(infectious, fungal), anthracnose and powdery mildew. Plants are treated until leaves appear. They fight gray rot and weevils on berry bushes.

Scope of application

On fruit trees

The drug Nitrafen is used for treatment and prevention fruit trees from:

  • Scab;
  • Leaf spotting;
  • Mosses and lichens.

The product also combats:

  • Aphids;
  • Ticks;
  • Shchitovka;
  • Caterpillars;
  • Leaf rollers;
  • Other sucking-gnawing pests.

The solution for treating trees is prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of the drug;
  • dissolve in 10 liters of water.
  • For 1 adult fruit tree and the soil around it, 10-30 liters of solution are used.

Important! To disinfect soil, take 300 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.

On berry bushes

Chemical drug used for processing berry bushes such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, as well as for grapes to get rid of such diseases:

  • Anthracnose;
  • Powdery mildew.

And also to combat aphids and other harmful insects.

Treatment of bushes and the soil around them is carried out after the leaves fall. The solution is prepared at the rate of 150 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.

On strawberries

Nitrafen effectively fights leaf spot and gray mold, as well as weevils on strawberries. To do this, the bushes and the soil around them are sprayed with a solution of the drug, which is prepared in the same proportion as for berry crops. The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the leaves appear.

Watch the video! Treatment of trees and bushes in spring with NITRAFEN

Weed control

Nitrafen effectively fights weeds such as:

  • woodlouse;
  • Crescent;
  • Other weeds.

To ensure that there are no weeds on the site, the soil is treated in early spring. To prepare a solution, dilute 300 g of the product in 10 liters of water.

For preventive purposes and to eliminate infection, general spraying of the garden is carried out. To do this, treat the soil under bushes and trees with a working solution, which is prepared from 300 g of Nitrafen and 10 liters of water.

How it works

The drug acts as an enteric contact poison and has a fumigation effect. After spraying, the product remains on any surface (organic matter, soil), protecting garden crops for a long time.

Nitrophen, after being absorbed into the soil, inhibits the growth of weeds in this place (non-selective effect), however, it is not used as a herbicide, since according to reviews the drug salifies the soil.

How to use

Nitrofen working solution is prepared from paste or powder. It is added to water and stirred thoroughly.

Usually for 10 liters of water take:

  • For spraying garden crops 150-200 g of the drug;
  • For soil treatment - 300 g of product.

Important! The product should not be used on greenery. It is best to apply the treatment in early spring or late autumn when there is no foliage.

The drug Nitrafen can be classified as a prophylactic multi-purpose protection of areas. Treatment of plants with this product must be carried out in dry, windless weather early in the morning or after sunset. The drug must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, observing the dosage.

Watch the video! Spraying and treating trees and gardens in spring with Nitrafen

Safety precautions when working with Nitrafen

Nitrafen in diluted form is moderately dangerous for humans, but in pure form it is extremely toxic.

The insecticide is toxic to people, animals and bees. When working with this product, you need a respirator, glasses, gloves, and special closed clothing. After spraying, wash your hands and face thoroughly. Remember that Nitrafen is a flammable substance that can catch fire.

Reading time: 6 minutes. Published 11/07/2018

Fungal diseases can become widespread; Nitrafen can be used
used for both treatment and prevention

In this article:

Description of the drug

Insectofungicide Nitrafen is a paste that has a dark brown color and a sharp bad smell carboxylic acid. The active ingredients are sodium salts of acylphenols. The paste is highly soluble in water and has insecticidal, herbicidal and fungicidal effects. It is sold in iron or glass jars, but most often found in polymer bottles. The shelf life of this substance is three years.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use. Since Nitrafen is a strong chemical

Despite high efficiency drug, we should not forget that it's very strong chemical agent , which burns young shoots of plants and irritates human skin. Therefore, the use of Nitrofen in gardening should be carried out strictly according to the instructions. It is important to remember that plants can be treated with it only in early spring, before the leaves begin to appear, or in late autumn.

Use in gardening

It is advisable to spray plants with Nitrafen at the end of March or beginning of April. To combat diseases and pests, just one application is enough, since this substance provides long-term protection and, after spraying, is well preserved on any organic surfaces and soils.

Nitrafen is poorly washed off from treated surfaces, which provides long-term protection to plants

The drug is effective against the following pests:

  • mites;
  • caterpillars;
  • mole;
  • scale insect;
  • leaf roller;
  • slowpoke.

In gardening, this substance can also be used to disinfect soil near trees or shrubs. Some gardeners treat fallen leaves with it. But it is undesirable to use the drug as a herbicide, since it creates unstable soil salinization.

But Nitrofen successfully fights the following diseases:

  • rust;
  • septoria;
  • scab;
  • powdery mildew;
  • coccomycosis, etc.

It can be used to treat apple trees, pears, cherries, currants, grapes, gooseberries, strawberries, as well as other fruit trees and berry bushes. Insectofungicide works great against weeds, for example, woodlice and rapeseed. It is also used to disinfect wounds on trees and shrubs. To do this, the damaged areas should be coated with Nitrafen solution.

The instructions for use of this drug provide for its use only in the form of an aqueous solution, which can be prepared differently depending on the purpose.

Instructions for use and price

Nitrafen - very effective drug to combat larvae and eggs on fruit trees. To prepare a working solution for spraying, you need to take 200 g of paste and dilute it in 10 liters of water. To treat one mature tree, as well as the soil under it, approximately 30 liters of the finished substance will be required.

To spray berry bushes against aphids, scab, powdery mildew and other pests, you should take 300 g of the drug and dilute it in 20 liters of water. For 10 sq. meters of plantings, approximately 2 liters of solution are consumed.

Spraying with Nitrafen should be carried out before the start of the season and after

Experienced gardeners use liquid Nitrophen to treat grapes to get rid of aphids, scale insects, moths and mites. To do this, the drug is diluted in exactly the same proportion as for fruit trees. Thus, you need to prepare a 2% solution and treat all the grapes, soil and vegetation under it in the spring. If it was not possible to complete this procedure on time, then it is advisable to carry out spraying in the fall, when the crop is harvested and green leaves will fall off.

In this video you will learn about the grape processing scheme:

Against leaf spot and gray rot of berries on garden strawberries, you can also use a 2% solution of Nitrafen. The instructions for spraying the garden to kill infections are the same as for treating berry bushes. Only in this case, a 3% solution should be used to treat the soil not only under the bushes, but also around them, as well as on the tree trunks of fruit trees.

The insectofungicide is inexpensive; 300 ml of this substance will cost about 120 rubles. You can purchase it in special gardening stores or order it online.

Analogues and precautions

Now there are several analogues for almost every drug, and Nitrafen is no exception. Therefore, if you wish, you can replace such a product with Bordeaux mixture, concentrated solution of urea or copper and iron sulfate.

While working with Nitrofen precautions must be taken, since in its pure form this powder is highly poisonous. It may cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, and prolonged contact with this substance may lead to dermatitis.

Before applying the solution, be sure to take care of personal protective equipment. It is advisable to carry out spraying with gloves, a respirator, goggles and closed clothing. After working with the substance, you should wash your hands and face well.

Plants should be treated with the drug in dry and windless weather. Morning or evening time is good for this. When preparing the working solution, you must strictly adhere to the instructions; you must not exceed the concentration of the substance recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended to spray plants with Nitrofen no more than once every three years. It is important to remember that this substance is flammable.

Now more and more gardeners are interested in how to replace Nitrafen. This drug was previously sprayed crowns of trees and shrubs in the pre-winter period, but some time ago it was banned from being used for pest control in personal plots x and discontinued.

After the ban on Nitrafen, gardeners began to use the so-called. Preparation No. 30. Unlike Nitrafen, which is highly toxic to humans and animals, this solution is safe for both humans and plants. It only affects egg-laying insects and the pests themselves. Over time Drug No. 30 was also banned.

Then gardeners began to use a homemade analogue of Preparation No. 30 to replace Nitrafen: in 10 liters hot water diluted 0.5 liters of diesel fuel, mixed thoroughly and sprayed the plants, stirring constantly while spraying. The therapeutic effect can be enhanced if 50 and sometimes 100 grams of copper sulfate are added to the solution.

The most expensive replacement for Nitrafen is 3% Bordeaux mixture. It damages plants less and is used in the treatment and treatment of wounds after pruning.

Not as effective in terms of antiseptic treatment, but, one might say, an environmentally friendly replacement for Nitrafen - popularly loved, proven and recognized means Urea And inkstone.

Nitrafen is also replaced with an emulsion that is low-toxic to humans, but dangerous to pest eggs. KZM. It contains more than half petroleum (green) oil, hence its full name - green oil concentrate.

When choosing a replacement for Nitrafen, do not forget that all these drugs are used on dormant buds, when the leaves from the trees have completely fallen off. And also remember the need to carry out spraying in a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

The manufacturer gives the following description in the specification.

  1. Nitrophen is a paste-like substance of thick brown color.
  2. A distinctive feature is good solubility in water.
  3. Toxicity: toxic components have no effect on humans, animals and birds.
  4. It is recommended to use in advance, before the leaves appear. It is forbidden to apply on foliage.
  5. Recommended application time: early spring or late autumn (after leaves fall)
  6. Used against: scab different types, moss, lichens
  7. It has been shown to be effective in killing ticks, scale insects, leaf rollers and other garden pests.

Nitrophen is used in the form of a solution. 200 g of paste is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to treat the trunks and branches of shrubs and trees.

For tillage and tree trunk circles a solution of higher concentration is created: 300 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Practical application in gardening

For high-quality processing of a fruit tree you will need 10...25 liters ready solution. Adjust the sprayer to obtain a dense mist from the nozzle. Each branch is processed twice, allowing the first portion to be absorbed.

Treatment of a tree trunk circle with a radius of 3...4 m will require 10...20 liters of dissolved preparation. It is advisable to treat each area twice, changing the direction of spray from the sprayer.

When processing bushes (concentration: 150 g of Nitrophen per 10 liters of water) of currants, raspberries and gooseberries, the consumption is 3...5 liters. It is also necessary to apply the insecticide to the soil within a radius of 1.5...2.0 m from the bush. It effectively fights powdery mildew, aphids, scab, anthracnose and other berry pests.

Many vegetable growers note the effectiveness of use on garden strawberries. A solution of 150 ml of the drug dissolved in 10 liters of water is used. Positive results have been obtained against gray rot, powdery mildew, and leaf spot.

Treatment is carried out in the spring, approximately in early April, after the snow melts. Plants and the soil around them are processed.

Interesting video on the topic:

Use in the garden

Interesting results were obtained by gardeners. While processing strawberries, part of the drug got on woodlice and colza. At first there were no manifestations. But two days later, the sight of weeds caught my attention. They suddenly withered and began to turn yellow, although similar weeds located five meters away were brightly green.

It was decided to test the effect of Nitrofen against weeds. A 1.5% solution was prepared in an amount of 20 liters. They treated an area of ​​18x36 m.

The snow that fell did not allow us to see the result after two days, but after the snow melted four days later, it turned out that all the weeds were dying out. One of the worst weeds, woodlice, was defeated quite easily.

That same spring, the entire plot (6.5 acres) was processed until leaves appeared on the bushes and trees. The woodlouse disappeared for three years. She was later brought back onto the property with shoes while visiting neighbors.

Important! The insecticide "Nitrophen" should be used only before leaves appear on fruit and berry plants.

Safety rules for using the insecticide "Nitrophen"

When working with pesticides, it is necessary to follow a number of certain rules so as not to get poisoned yourself, and also not to expose harmful effects surrounding:

  1. The treatment should be carried out only in dry, windless weather, since the flying product can be harmful to others.
  2. When working, use a disposable polyethylene raincoat with a hood (sold in the Sadovod and Semena retail chains). After completing the procedure, it must be rolled up, placed in a plastic bag and disposed of.
  3. The respirator will protect the respiratory system, so use it during the entire period of use of the toxic substance.
  4. Rubber boots and gloves will protect the gardener's feet and hands.
  5. Be sure to use safety glasses to prevent the sprayed product from getting into your eyes.
  6. NO SMOKING! While doing the work!
  7. After completing the treatment, rinse the garden sprayer; it is advisable for the gardener to take a shower.

Reviews about the use of the insecticide "Nitrophen"

A lot of feedback on the use of this drug was received by the editorial office of “Homestead Farming”

Viktor Smetanin (retired, Ryazan region)

I purchased a plot of land near the regional center. A large garden in which no agricultural activities have been carried out over the past ten years.

After clearing the area, it turned out that the berry bushes and fruit trees were affected by a whole range of infections. There were scale insects, scab, powdery mildew and a dozen other different types of damage.

There was even a desire to completely cut down old trees and plant new garden. But the hand did not rise, since several valuable bushes and fruit plants were of particular value. It was impossible to find analogues.

It was decided to carry out a complete treatment of the entire garden. Work began in mid-October 2016. We prepared a solution based on Nitrophen and carried out a complete treatment of all the plants on a plot of 15 acres.

In the spring, at the beginning of April, we decided to repeat the treatment. Only apple, cherry and sweet cherry trees were sprayed. We sprayed it again because we noticed a continuous covering of scale insects on the bark, and the vegetation developed as expected.

We noticed that currants, gooseberries and raspberries showed no signs of infection. Apples, cherries and cherries provided excellent color. Some of the solution got on the grass. It withered in the spring. It was dug up.

At the end of summer and beginning of spring, we received an average of 45...55 kg of apples from each apple tree. A bucket of berries was collected from each cherry tree. Two cherry trees gave almost three buckets of cherries. The yield of currants and gooseberries was high.

Only the raspberries were disappointing, they degenerated, and only 7 kg of berries were harvested. We decided to replace the raspberry bushes with new plantings in another place.

Overall, Nitrofen provided excellent assistance. But according to the instructions, it is recommended to re-use it once every three years. We will repeat the processing in 2019.

Olga Ivanovna Alekseeva (retired, Borisov)

I have been involved in gardening and horticulture almost all my life. With retirement, I had more time to work on my plot. Now I live on the ground all year.

My grandfather started growing the garden, planting the first trees in the early fifties of the last century. We have already replaced some of the plantings. But there are especially valuable varieties that we continue to cultivate.

My husband and son carry out anti-aging pruning; apple trees (my peers) continue to please almost every year a bountiful harvest fruits (Simirenko, Antonovka, Zolotoye Graimo, Parmen Letniy).

During recent years Insecticides provide us with great help; we use them strictly according to the instructions. Last year in the fall we treated the garden with Nitrophen.

A year has passed, and I can sum it up.

I forgot what a leaf roller is. Scab avoids my garden. Powdery mildew did not appear either in the garden or in the vegetable garden. I am satisfied with the results of using Nitrofen.

Pripishnyuk Pavel Petrovich (engineer, Penza region)

More than twenty years have passed since I received a plot for construction. I grew my own garden, which I dreamed of since childhood. Eat beautiful apple trees, cherries, cherries grow, even a pear has found a place in my garden.

My wife's pride is garden strawberries. Each she gives several buckets of amazing sweet berries. sandy soil in our area it is best suited for this berry.

The main concern is to regularly move the beds to a new place, otherwise the strawberries begin to degenerate. Appear small pests, ready to enjoy our delicious berries.

Three years ago there was a lot of dampness, the summer turned out to be cool. Scab has clung to the trees. Leaf rollers have damaged several bushes and trees. Even in the garden beds it became uncomfortable. There, powdery mildew began to look for its prey. It was urgently necessary to find a means to combat such a scourge.

On the advice of a friend, I treated all the trees and shrubs with Nitrophen in the fall. We've been waiting for spring for a long time. I decided to re-use Nitrofen in the garden, they recommended treating strawberries, so I decided to experiment. My wife was against it (this happens to women, they don’t believe modern science).

In the spring, before processing, I walked with a wire brush. I cleaned the lichens and moss that I didn’t like in the fall. I decided to give the drug the opportunity to penetrate where it did not reach during autumn processing. At the same time, I cut down dry branches and rejuvenated the crowns of several trees.

But in the summer we noticed that strawberries were growing better than in previous years. She is not bothered by the regular illnesses that she encountered before. There was no need to use Bordeaux mixture to keep the bushes in proper shape.

The garden bloomed as if it had forgotten about all diseases. Each tree bore large, beautiful fruits. I took a special look, looking for where the lichens could be hiding, but I couldn’t find them.

We were unable to consume the entire harvest ourselves. Wholesalers arrived and bought almost half a ton of apples. Unfortunately, they did not pay generously - the tight-fisted modern nouveau riche.

One thing must be said for sure. Nitrophen is a salvation for the garden.

Nitrafen is a 60% pasty mass obtained by filtering shale phenols dark brown with a pungent odor of carbolic acid, which dissolves well in water.

The product is sold packaged in glass or iron jars, in polymer bottles. The drug is developed to combat plant diseases and harmful insects. The protective effect of Nitrafen complements the stimulating effect on plant growth and development.

How does Nitrafen work?

Nitrafen is recommended for use in early spring, before the buds swell, or in late autumn, when the leaves have fallen. The substance has a pronounced fungicidal, insecticidal and herbicidal effect. Nitrafen provides fruit-bearing trees and cultivated plants long-lasting protection, remaining well after spraying on all soils and organic surfaces.

When Nitrafen penetrates into the soil, it has a non-selective effect, significantly inhibiting the growth of weeds. The drug is not used as a herbicide in private farms due to the unstable salinization of the soil it creates.

Instructions for use in gardening

On fruit trees, Nitrafen is used against lichens, mosses, scab, and leaf spots of various origins.

The drug effectively destroys sucking and gnawing pests: caterpillars, ticks, moths, copperheads, scale insects, aphids, winter moths, leaf rollers and others. The working solution is prepared from 200 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water. Wounds formed on fruit trees are also treated with a solution of this concentration.

For general spraying of the garden in order to destroy the infection, the soil around the trunks of fruit trees, under the bushes and around the berry fields is sprayed with a working solution of 300 grams of Nitrafen per 10 liters of water. Before this, it is necessary to collect and burn all the fallen foliage. To spray 1 adult tree and the soil underneath it, you will need from 10 to 30 liters of solution.

On berry bushes (raspberries, currants, gooseberries) the drug is used against powdery mildew, scab, septoria, anthracnose, to control aphids and other pests. To prepare a working solution, 150 grams of Nitrafen are diluted in 10 liters of water. After the leaves fall, the bushes and the soil under them are treated. For 10 m2 of plantings, 1.5-2 liters of solution is enough.

On grapes, Nitrafen is used to combat mites, aphids, scale insects, moths, and when infected with anthracnose, mildew, and iodium. The entire surface of the grapes, soil and vegetation under the bush are treated with a solution of 200 grams of Nitrafen per 10 liters of water. The drug has a burning effect on young greenery, so it is recommended to carry out all work in the spring, before the leaves bloom, or in the fall, when the green mass falls off.

On strawberries, nitrafen is used against gray rot of berries and leaf spot. To prepare the solution, take 150 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. For spraying 10 square meters strawberry plantings will require 1.5-2 liters of solution. Treatment of strawberry bushes and the soil under them is carried out in the spring, until the leaves begin to grow. The air temperature should not be lower than 4°C. Only one treatment is allowed.

Nitrafen effectively fights weeds: rapeseed, woodlice and others. The soil must be treated in early spring by dissolving 300 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water.

Precautionary measures

Early spring and late autumn use - safe way application of Nitrafen, proven in practice. The drug can be considered a preventive rather than symptomatic weapon for gardeners for multi-purpose support of plots. It is recommended to spray plots in light winds, in dry weather, choosing evening or morning hours.

Working with Nitrafen requires caution and compliance with all personal safety measures. This drug in its pure form is poisonous and can cause irritation to the respiratory tract, skin, and eye mucosa.

Prolonged contact with the product can lead to the development of severe dermatitis. When preparing the working solution, it is prohibited to exceed the concentrations of the substance recommended by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to use Nitrafen more than once every 3 years. The drug should not be used during pregnancy.

Nitrafen remains in the soil for a long time (with autumn preventive spraying throughout the winter), so it is currently not used so actively. The chemical resistance of the product was considered an advantage in Soviet years, when Nitrafen was widely used in crop production complexes.

Nitrafen analogues

Instead of Nitrafen, its analogues can be used in gardens before buds open:

  1. Oleocuprite is a drug consisting of petroleum oil and copper naphthenate to combat the eggs of mites, copperheads, aphids, as well as against various spots and scabs; For spraying fruit trees and berry bushes, a solution of 400 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water is used.
  2. Copper sulfate is effective against the pathogens of scab, clasterosporiasis, anthracnose, septoria, various spots, a working solution of 1% concentration is used: 100 grams per 10 liters of water.
  3. Iron sulfate - a working solution of 2-3% concentration (200-300 grams per 10 liters of water) is used before the start of the growing season to spray fruit trees and the soil underneath them; effective against lichens and mosses, inhibits the development of spots, scab, moniliosis, fights diseases of trunks and uterine branches.