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Stairs. Entrance group. Materials. Doors. Castles Design

» Characteristics of a student from school to the military registration and enlistment office. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office (for a student from school, for a student - sample) Characteristics for military service sample

Characteristics of a student from school to the military registration and enlistment office. Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office (for a student from school, for a student - sample) Characteristics for military service sample

The conscript provides many documents to the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence. Among all the necessary documents there is a reference from the place of work. But how is such a document drawn up and why is it needed?

The reference letter from the place of work to the military registration and enlistment office is presented in order to get a general idea of ​​the conscript. In order to be able to assess his socio-psychological qualities, evaluate his behavior and draw a conclusion about his mental stability. Based on the characteristics, you can understand how easy or difficult it will be for a conscript to get used to the army team, what professional qualities he has. Such information will help in choosing a branch of the military, depending on its professional skills.

Who needs characteristics

First of all, such a document is needed by those who are subject to conscription in the near future. Employees of enterprises of conscription age undergoing commission at the military registration and enlistment office. When undergoing a medical examination, a specialist such as a psychiatrist may request a description in order to draw a conclusion about the mental stability of the conscript.

The characteristics are necessary to determine which units are best to send a conscript to serve. When selecting for certain units, special qualities of a person’s character are required, which can be reflected in this document; his resistance to stress and ability to endure difficulties are taken into account.

How is such a document filled out?

This description is compiled according to the conscript’s place of work. For its registration, letterheads of a certain sample are used. The document is drawn up by the employer or the HR employee responsible for personnel. There are certain rules for drawing up such documents that must be taken into account when submitting it to the commissariat:

  • The document is written in the 3rd person.
  • The time of the document must be current and current information must be indicated.
  • The document must be written in a business style, avoiding the use of colloquial words.

The specification must contain the following information:

  1. The title of the document is indicated at the beginning of the sheet. In this case, this will be a characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office.
  2. Indication of the conscript's full name.
  3. A list of all educational institutions in which he studied. What educational institutions have you graduated from or are continuing to study?
  4. Information about family members. If the conscript is not married, you can indicate this in the document. If necessary, provide information about parents.
  5. Describe your general health, without going into detail. You can indicate the presence or absence of bad habits.
  6. Description of the recruit's character. His relationships with employees, ability to establish relationships in the team. It would not be amiss to indicate the activities that he conducted at work. What successes did you achieve, what additional and social workload did you have?
  7. At the end of the document you need to indicate where the document is being provided. In this case, the characteristics are submitted to the military registration and enlistment office.
  8. The last item should be the signature of the responsible person and the date.

It is undesirable to indicate some facts regarding the conscript in the description. Such as family conflicts, misunderstandings in the life of the team, unpleasant situations. All this has nothing to do with such a document. Therefore, it is better not to mention facts that do not have official confirmation.

The characterization is a military document and must be drawn up in accordance with official formatting requirements.

An example of such a document is given below.

Sample filling

Characteristics from the military registration and enlistment office from the place of work, sample.

LLC "Strela"
159900 Voronezh, st. Stalevarov, 98
Tel/fax 8356-98-72

№ 01/01/05
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Voronezh Military Commissariat

To Vasiliev Ivan Dmitrievich

Vasiliev Ivan Dmitrievich, born in 1997, has been working at Strela LLC since June 18, 2015. Has a secondary specialized education. In 2014 he graduated from Voronezh Industrial College with a degree in software engineering. Not married, has no children.

Vasiliev I.D., has been on staff since 2014, as a system administrator, and from June 20015 to the present, is a senior programmer. His job responsibilities include creating applications in accordance with the requirements of the organization, as well as monitoring the proper operation of equipment.

For the entire time he worked at the enterprise, Vasiliev I.D. proved himself to be a good and competent specialist. He approaches his work responsibly and carries out all developments assigned to him. Takes part in events to improve his professional level. He is studying in his fifth year at the Higher Voronezh Engineering University at the Faculty of Engineering Programming.

He was not found violating labor regulations and has no other offenses. In our work team he showed himself at his best, capable of helping in any situation. Has high moral standards. He has a very negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. He rarely took sick leave and has no chronic diseases or work-related injuries.

During his time working at the company, he had no penalties. He was awarded prizes and valuable gifts.

Deputy General Director
Strela LLC
Chebotarev L.D.

A number of authorities, including the military registration and enlistment office, request a character reference, among other documents. The text briefly describes the health status, personal characteristics and other data of the conscript. If there are significant achievements, they are also worth celebrating. High performance increases the chances of enlistment in prestigious troops. At the end of the article you can download an example of a student’s characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office.

There is no single form for this document. As a rule, it is drawn up on a regular A4 sheet.

However, when writing, you should adhere to the generally accepted structure:

  1. Heading (optional, you can specify the same data at the end). Indicates to whom the document is sent. The full name of the authority and the full name of the employee should be entered.
  2. General information about the conscript. This paragraph reflects the young man’s full name, date and place of birth. If a reference to the military registration and enlistment office is drawn up for a student, the year of admission, group number, course, and faculty should be indicated. When a document is prepared for a working person, this section indicates the year of employment at the enterprise, place of work and position.
  3. Academic performance data. The young person’s academic performance, regularity of attending classes, and diligence in studying are reflected. It is indicated in which areas his abilities are manifested. With active participation in collective activities, victories at Olympiads or sports competitions, these facts are also included in the characteristics.
  4. Personal characteristics. A general portrait is given, both positive and negative qualities are listed. The culture of communication and relationships with the team is described.
  5. Conclusion. At the end, it is customary to indicate the date of preparation of the document and sign the responsible employees.

In general, the document is kept in a business style. Proposals are formulated concisely, without unnecessary details.

Important! Only current data should be used in the document. The conscript is described at the present moment in time.

When describing personal characteristics, the emphasis is on the positive aspects. Weaknesses should be mentioned neutrally and only in cases where they actually matter. A reference from the place of work (or study) remains a mandatory document to be provided by the conscript.

As already mentioned, the student’s characteristics do not have a set form. However, sometimes a ready-made template is sent to the educational institution from the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, you just need to fill out the form provided. Most often, educational institutions prepare the document on their own.

Important! The characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office should be prepared by a teacher who knows the student personally.

If a sample has not been sent from the military registration and enlistment office, it is worth taking a form from the educational institution (or an enterprise when a working person is called up) for the document. Then you will not need to indicate the data of the institution that prepared the characteristics.

Black/dark blue ink is used for design. The narration comes from a third person. Writing in the present tense is required (recent past tense is acceptable).

Where to get a testimonial

A conscript can apply for a reference from the institution where he studied/worked immediately before serving.

If a young man was enrolled in a high school before being drafted, a description from the place of study is prepared:

  • class teacher (preferred);
  • another teacher who is well acquainted with the conscript;
  • head teacher (rarely);
  • school principal (rarely).

For conscripts enrolled in a higher educational institution, a student profile is prepared:

  • group curator;
  • head of the department;
  • dean;
  • rector (in rare cases).

If immediately before service the young man worked at an enterprise, a reference from the place of work is drawn up by the director or an employee of the personnel department. At the end, the signature is placed by the head of the institution and the employee responsible for drawing up the document.


General information:

Full name conscript

Education – incomplete secondary

Ukrainian language proficiency - excellent

Father: Full name

Mother: Full name

Brother, sister: Full name

Family relations are good. Full name is studying at the EP NUB and P of Ukraine “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College” in the 3rd year of the department “Mechanization and electrification of the village. X." specialty – 5.10010201 “Operation and repair of machinery and equipment for agricultural production.”

Academic performance is good, the average grade for the 2nd year is 4.1 on a 5-point scale. Receives a state scholarship in the amount of 450 UAH. Hardworking, conscientious. In physical education and physical education, he is doing “excellent”.

He has authority in the group, stays on top, does not break away from the team, but on the contrary, is an example. Treats his comrades well. A cultured, tactful young man, self-confident. The voice and strength are good. The response to criticism is adequate.

The memory features are excellent. Easily establishes contacts with people. The handwriting is good. Coordination and restraint of movement is good. There are no bad habits. There is a desire to serve in the army.

Characteristics of a conscript sample


General information:

Full name conscript's full name

Information about parents, family composition:

Father: Full name

Mother: Full name

Brother, sister: Full name

Full name entered the 1st year of the department of mechanization with. X. in August 2008 (Order No. 181 of August 11, 2008).

Family relations are good. Full name is studying at the EP NUB and P of Ukraine “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College” in the 2nd year of the department “Mechanization and electrification of the village. X." specialty –5.10010201 “Operation and repair of machinery and equipment for agricultural production.”

In the first year of study, he held the position of trade unionist in the group. Academic performance is poor, the average grade for the 3rd year is 2.6 on a 5-point system. Does not receive a government scholarship. Hardworking, but not conscientious. In physical education for the 3rd year, the score is 5 (excellent) and in the DPY, the score is 5 (excellent) on a 5-point system.

A young man who is calm in a group, stays aloof in a group. Treats his comrades averagely. A cultured, but not tactful young man, self-confident. Voice and strength are average. The response to criticism is adequate.

Memory features are average. The handwriting is average. Coordination and restraint of movement is good.

Smokes. There is a desire to serve in the army. In general, FIO has withdrawn into himself with age, has generally satisfactory features, is socially mature, and ready for military service.

Director (EP NUB I P of Ukraine “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College”)______________


Military leader __________________


Class teacher __________________


Conclusion: The conscript _____________________ is assigned to ___________________ troops,

For training in the specialty ________________________________________________

Military Commissar __________________ (signature)

(The conclusion is made in writing by the military commissar).


10th grade student

MBOU Secondary School No.………… city………

Full name student

…………. born,

residing at: …………………………..

……… has been studying at our school since the fifth grade. He plays bandy in a hockey club and is a candidate for master of sports. Takes an active part in various competitions and competitions, defending the honor of the school. ………. physically developed, healthy.

Over the years of study he showed good diligence and behavior. The subjects of greatest interest are physical education and biology. There are no absences from classes without a good reason.

The student enjoys the respect of his friends. Relations with classmates and peers are smooth. Listens to the opinions of adults, is polite and balanced. He always reacts correctly to criticism.

The young man is good-natured, sympathetic, principled, and sometimes uncontrollable. Confident. Self-esteem is adequate. Features of the choleric type of temperament predominate.

During the educational process, the student is active and listens carefully to the teacher. He has a good memory and can easily switch from one type of activity to another. Speaks clearly, handwriting is legible.

Raised in a single-parent family. Lives with his mother. Maintains a relationship with his father, who controls his son’s studies and behavior.

During his studies he did not commit any crimes and leads a healthy lifestyle.


Director of MBOU secondary school ………………../ …………../

Class teacher………………./…………./

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Characteristics of the conscript

Ivanov Andrey Ivanovich.

Born _____________, nationality ________. Primary education, currently a student of class 9A.

He is a native speaker of Russian, so he speaks the spoken language, but he writes with errors, reads aloud slowly and inexpressively, sometimes without understanding what he read, his vocabulary is poor, and he does not know the meaning of many modern common literary words. The family is incomplete, my mother recently died, and my father is also gone. The younger brother Sergei, an 8th grade student, and Andrei are under the care of Aunt Gavrilova Valentina Vladimirovna. The relationships in this family are normal, the boys began to look much better in appearance.

Andrey does not show social activity, but does not refuse to participate in public events: tourist rallies, competitions, holidays. During class hours, he behaves differently: he can listen carefully to students’ speeches, watch videos, perform interactive tasks, but he can also get distracted and laugh at classmates’ speeches, images and texts of presentations. Doesn’t carry out social assignments, is not very responsible about being on duty at school, doesn’t want to attend classes and sports sections, has no deep interests, likes to play with the phone, often goes to the smoking room outside the school, visits stores without permission during breaks, often at This makes him late for classes. Interests related to the army and future profession are cars, tractors, and the ability to drive them.

Has no interest in studying and has difficulty mastering knowledge. Attention, memory, and logical thinking are poorly developed. I found myself in this class this academic year, remaining to repeat my studies in the 9th grade, since I failed to pass the exams not only in the form of the State Academic Examination, but also the re-examination in the traditional form. Before that, I was a weak student for several years and missed many lessons, often without a good reason. At the beginning of his studies this academic year, he showed some diligence, but already at the end of September, absenteeism, tardiness, violations of discipline, and failure to complete homework began again. Based on the results of the 1st quarter, he is not doing well in almost all the main subjects: Russian language, literature, algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, geography. During the holidays he came to school, managed to correct a lot of things, became interested, but in the new quarter, deficiencies in many subjects began again. Ignorant, may not obey the rules of behavior provided for by the school's Charter, often behaves in a childish, infantile manner, deliberately acting out disobedience to the requirements of the school, violating discipline, apparently feeling strong at the same time. In the summer and early autumn, he is accustomed to working in the forest, picking berries to sell; together with his brother, they have been forced to do this for many years in order to buy clothes for school, since their parents did not care about it.

The level of physical development is normal, but even seemingly there is a lack of strength, weakness, psychological and emotional weakness due to systematic malnutrition during drunken sprees of parents. He is not involved in sports and does not take physical education lessons seriously, although he could successfully achieve high athletic results. Movements are deft when necessary, coordination is normal. He took part in school Olympiads in physical education and sports competitions, took prizes, but did not travel to the region.

The level of observation is primitive, he cannot always concentrate, and sometimes he does not understand basic things. Not only does he not strive to achieve the goal, but he also does not set any goals for himself and easily changes behavior. The prevailing mood is carelessness, frivolity, avoidance of any effort. In difficult and conflict situations, he behaves depending on the environment in which he finds himself and how the leaders behave. So, at the school rally, he helped out the class, performed in the most difficult competition, helped classmates and elders, and there were situations when he supported violations of order during lessons, allowed grief to be addressed to peers and elders. Speech is quiet, but not always intelligible and grammatically correct.

In the current class team, which was new to him, he did not enjoy authority, since he was not independent, dependent on the opinion of his peer, a repeat student, who actively violated discipline and did not want to study. Fawning over him, he laughed unpleasantly, ingratiatingly, supported his antics, and treated his classmates and teachers with disrespect. After the “authority” leaves the class group, the behavior is quite even, although sometimes, especially in the mornings, there are bursts of depression. He is formally polite, greets his teachers, but in his environment and with strangers he is cheeky, rude, and allows obscene language. He reacts painfully to criticism from comrades and elders, gets offended, demands justice, and screams.

There are tendencies towards illegal actions; he had episodes of theft and smoking on school grounds. Internally cruel, laughs at weak people who find themselves in an unpleasant situation.

The main positive personality traits are physical development, optimism, and the potential for developing positive personality traits if given the appropriate conditions. Negative traits are irresponsibility, inability to obey any requirements, lack of consciousness, citizenship, patriotism, and respect for others.

Of course, one still has to prepare physically and morally for military service, but in general one treats the army as inevitable.

Head teacher / ./

Class teacher //