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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Characteristics, switching on MS lm317, circuit, current stabilizer. Linear voltage or current stabilizer LM317 Voltage stabilizer lm317t connection diagram

Characteristics, switching on MS lm317, circuit, current stabilizer. Linear voltage or current stabilizer LM317 Voltage stabilizer lm317t connection diagram

In amateur radio practice, adjustable stabilizer microcircuits are widely used. LM317 And LM337. They have earned their popularity due to their low cost, availability, easy-to-install design, and good parameters. With a minimum set of additional parts, these microcircuits allow you to build a stabilized power supply with an adjustable output voltage from 1.2 to 37 V with a maximum load current of up to 1.5A.

But! It often happens that with an illiterate or inept approach, radio amateurs fail to achieve high-quality operation of microcircuits and obtain the parameters declared by the manufacturer. Some manage to get microcircuits into generation.

How to get the most out of these microcircuits and avoid common mistakes?

About this in order:

Chip LM317 is an adjustable stabilizer POSITIVE voltage, and the microcircuit LM337- adjustable stabilizer NEGATIVE voltage.

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that the pinouts of these microcircuits are various!

Click to enlarge

The output voltage of the circuit depends on the value of resistor R1 and is calculated by the formula:


where Iadj is the current of the control output. According to the datasheet it is 100 µA, as practice shows, the real value is 500 µA.

For the LM337 chip, you need to change the polarity of the rectifier, capacitors and output connector.

But the meager datasheet description does not reveal all the subtleties of using these microcircuits.

So, what does a radio amateur need to know to get from these microcircuits? MAXIMUM!
1. To obtain maximum input voltage ripple suppression, you must:

  • Increase (within reasonable limits, but at least up to 1000 μF) the capacitance of the input capacitor C1. Having suppressed ripple at the input as much as possible, we will get a minimum of pulsation at the output.
  • Bypass the control pin of the microcircuit with a 10 µF capacitor. This increases ripple suppression by 15-20dB. Setting a capacity larger than the specified value does not produce a noticeable effect.

The diagram will look like:

2. At output voltage more than 25V to protect the chip , To quickly and safely discharge capacitors, it is necessary to connect protective diodes:

Important: for LM337 microcircuits, the polarity of the diodes should be changed!

3. To protect against high-frequency interference, the electrolytic capacitors in the circuit must be bypassed with small-capacity film capacitors.

We get the final version of the scheme:

Click to enlarge

4. If you look internal structure of the microcircuits, you can see that 6.3V zener diodes are used inside some nodes. So normal operation of the microcircuit is possible at the input voltage not lower than 8V!

Although the datasheet says that the difference between the input and output voltages should be at least 2.5-3 V, one can only guess how stabilization occurs when the input voltage is less than 8V.

5. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of the microcircuit. Below is a diagram taking into account the wiring:

Click to enlarge

Explanations for the diagram:

  1. length of conductors (wires) from input capacitor C1 to the input of the microcircuit (A-B) should not exceed 5-7 cm. If for some reason the capacitor is removed from the stabilizer board, it is recommended to install a 100 µF capacitor in the immediate vicinity of the microcircuit.
  2. to reduce the influence of the output current on the output voltage (increasing current stability), resistor R2 (point D) must be connected directly to the output pin of the microcircuit or separate track/conductor (section C-D). Connecting resistor R2 (point D) to the load (point E) reduces the stability of the output voltage.
  3. The conductors to the output capacitor (C-E) should also not be made too long. If the load is removed from the stabilizer, then a bypass capacitor (electrolyte 100-200 µF) must be connected on the load side.
  4. Also, in order to reduce the influence of the load current on the stability of the output voltage, the “ground” (common) wire must be separated "star" from the common terminal of the input capacitor (point F).

Happy creativity!

14 comments to “Adjustable stabilizers LM317 and LM337. Features of application"

  1. Chief Editor:
    August 19, 2012

    Domestic analogues of microcircuits:

    LM317 - 142EN12

    LM337 - 142EN18

    The 142EN12 chip was produced with different pinout options, so be careful when using them!

    Due to the wide availability and low cost of original chips

    It’s better not to waste time, money and nerves.

    Use LM317 and LM337.

  2. Sergey Khraban:
    March 9, 2017

    Hello, dear Editor-in-Chief! I am registered with you and I also really want to read the entire article and study your recommendations for using the LM317. But, unfortunately, I can’t view the entire article. What do I need to do? Please give me the full article.

    Sincerely, Sergey Khraban

  3. Chief Editor:
    March 10, 2017

    Are you happy now?

  4. Sergey Khraban:
    March 13, 2017

    I am very grateful to you, thank you very much! All the best!

  5. Oleg:
    July 21, 2017

    Dear Editor-in-Chief! I assembled two polar explorers on lm317 and lm337. Everything works great except for the difference in tension in the shoulders. The difference is not great, but there is a sediment. Could you tell me how to achieve equal voltages, and most importantly, what is the reason for such a imbalance? Thank you in advance for your answer. With wishes of creative success Oleg.

  6. Chief Editor:
    July 21, 2017

    Dear Oleg, the difference in tension in the shoulders is due to:

    2. deviation of the values ​​of the setting resistors. Remember that resistors have tolerances of 1%, 5%, 10% and even 20%. That is, if the resistor says 2kOhm, its actual resistance can be in the region of 1800-2200 Ohms (with a tolerance of 10%)

    Even if you install multi-turn resistors in the control circuit and use them to accurately set the required values, then... when the ambient temperature changes, the voltages will still float away. Since resistors are not guaranteed to warm up (cool down) the same way or change by the same amount.

    You can solve your problem by using circuits with operational amplifiers that monitor the error signal (difference in output voltages) and make the necessary adjustments.

    Consideration of such schemes is beyond the scope of this article. Google to the rescue.

  7. Oleg:
    July 27, 2017

    Dear editor! Thank you for your detailed answer, which prompted clarification - how critical is it for amplifier, preliminary stages, power supply with a difference in the arms of 0.5-1 volt? Regards, Oleg

  8. Chief Editor:
    July 27, 2017

    The voltage difference in the arms is fraught, first of all, with asymmetrical limitation of the signal (at high levels) and the appearance of a constant component at the output, etc.

    If the path does not have coupling capacitors, then even a small DC voltage that appears at the output of the first stages will be amplified many times over by subsequent stages and will become a significant value at the output.

    For power amplifiers with a power supply (usually) 33-55V, the voltage difference in the arms can be 0.5-1V; for preamplifiers it is better to keep within 0.2V.

  9. Oleg:
    August 7, 2017

    Dear editor! Thank you for your detailed, thorough answers. And, if you allow, another question: Without load, the voltage difference in the arms is 0.02-0.06 volts. When the load is connected, the positive arm is +12 volts, the negative arm is -10.5 volts. What is the reason for this imbalance? Is it possible to adjust the equality of output voltages not at idle, but under load? Regards, Oleg

  10. Chief Editor:
    August 7, 2017

    If you do everything correctly, then the stabilizers need to be adjusted under load. The MINIMUM load current is indicated in the datasheet. Although, as practice shows, it also works at idle.

    But the fact that the negative leverage sags by as much as 2B is wrong. Is the load the same?

    There are either errors in installation, or a left-handed (Chinese) microcircuit, or something else. No doctor will make a diagnosis over the phone or by correspondence. I also don’t know how to heal from a distance!

    Have you noticed that LM317 and LM337 have different pin locations! Maybe this is the problem?

  11. Oleg:
    August 8, 2017

    Thank you for your response and patience. I'm not asking for a detailed answer. We are talking about possible reasons, nothing more. Stabilizers need to be adjusted under load: that is, conditionally, I connect a circuit to the stabilizer that will be powered from it and set the voltages in the shoulders to be equal. Do I understand the process of setting up the stabilizer correctly? Regards, Oleg

  12. Chief Editor:
    August 8, 2017

    Oleg, not very much! This way you can burn the circuit. You need to attach resistors (of the required power and rating) to the output of the stabilizer, adjust the output voltages, and only then connect the powered circuit.

    According to the datasheet, LM317 has a minimum output current of 10mA. Then, with an output voltage of 12V, you need to attach a 1kOhm resistor to the output and adjust the voltage. At the input of the stabilizer there must be at least 15V!

    By the way, how are the stabilizers powered? From one transformer/winding or different? When a load is connected, the minus drops by 2V - but how are things at the input of this arm?

  13. Oleg:
    August 10, 2017

    Good health, dear editor! The trans wound itself, simultaneously two windings with two wires. The output on both windings is 15.2 volts. The filter capacitors are 19.8 volts. Today and tomorrow I will conduct an experiment and report back.

    By the way, I had an incident. I assembled a stabilizer for 7812 and 7912, powered them with tip35 and tip36 transistors. As a result, up to 10 volts, the voltage regulation in both arms proceeded smoothly, the voltage equality was ideal. But was something. The voltage was regulated intermittently. Moreover, while rising in one shoulder, it went down in the second. The reason turned out to be tip36, which I ordered in China. I replaced the transistor with another one, the stabilizer began to work perfectly. I often buy parts in China and have come to the following conclusion: You can buy, but you need to choose suppliers who sell radio components made in factories, and not in the workshops of some obscure individual entrepreneur. It turns out to be a little more expensive, but the quality is appropriate. Regards, Oleg.

  14. Oleg:
    August 22, 2017

    Good evening, dear editor! Only today there was time. Trans with a midpoint, the voltage on the windings is 17.7 volts. I hung 1 kohm 2 watt resistors at the output of the stabilizer. The voltage in both shoulders was set to 12.54 volts. I disconnected the resistors, the voltage remained the same - 12.54 volts. I connected the load (10 pieces ne5532) and the stabilizer works great.

    Thank you for your advice. Regards, Oleg.

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The LM317 is more suitable than ever for the design of simple, regulated sources and electronics with a variety of output characteristics, both variable output voltage and fixed voltage output. electric shock loads.

To facilitate the calculation of the required output parameters, there is a specialized LM317 calculator, which can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article along with the LM317 datasheet.

Technical characteristics of the stabilizer LM317:

  • Providing output voltage from 1.2 to 37 V.
  • Load current up to 1.5 A.
  • Availability of protection against possible short circuit.
  • Reliable protection of the microcircuit from overheating.
  • Output voltage error 0.1%.

This inexpensive integrated circuit is available in TO-220, ISOWATT220, TO-3, and also D2PAK packages.

Purpose of the microcircuit pins:

Online calculator LM317

Below is an online calculator for calculating a voltage stabilizer based on LM317. In the first case, based on the required output voltage and the resistance of resistor R1, resistor R2 is calculated. In the second case, knowing the resistances of both resistors (R1 and R2), you can calculate the voltage at the output of the stabilizer.

For a calculator for calculating the current stabilizer on LM317, see.

Examples of application of the LM317 stabilizer (connection circuits)

Current stabilizer

The current stabilizer can be used in circuits of various battery chargers or regulated power supplies. The standard charger circuit is shown below.

This connection circuit uses a direct current charging method. As can be seen from the diagram, the charge current depends on the resistance of resistor R1. The value of this resistance ranges from 0.8 Ohm to 120 Ohm, which corresponds to a charging current from 10 mA to 1.56 A:

5 Volt power supply with electronic switching

Below is a diagram of a 15 volt power supply with soft start. The required smoothness of switching on the stabilizer is set by the capacitance of capacitor C2:

Switching circuit with adjustable output voltage

Component reference books (or datasheets) are essential
when developing electronic circuits. However, they have one unpleasant feature.
The fact is that documentation for any electronic component (for example, a microcircuit)
should always be ready even before this chip starts being produced.
As a result, in reality we have a situation where the microcircuits are already on sale,
and not a single product based on them has yet been created.
This means that all recommendations and especially application diagrams given in datasheets,
are theoretical and advisory in nature.
These circuits mainly demonstrate the operating principles of electronic components,
but they have not been tested in practice and should therefore not be blindly taken into account
during development.
This is a normal and logical state of affairs, if only over time and as
As experience accumulates, changes and additions are made to the documentation.
Practice shows the opposite - in most cases, all circuit solutions
presented in the datasheet remain at the theoretical level.
And, unfortunately, often these are not just theories, but gross mistakes.
And even more regrettable is the discrepancy between the real (and most important)
microcircuit parameters stated in the documentation.

As a typical example of such datasheets, here is a reference book for LM317, -
three-terminal adjustable voltage stabilizer, which, by the way, is produced
for about 20 years now. But the diagrams and data in his datasheet are still the same...

So, the disadvantages of the LM317 as a microcircuit and errors in the recommendations for its use.

1. Protective diodes.
Diodes D1 and D2 serve to protect the regulator, -
D1 is for input short circuit protection and D2 is for discharge protection
capacitor C2 “through the low output resistance of the regulator” (quote).
In fact, diode D1 is not needed, since there is never a situation where
the voltage at the regulator input is less than the output voltage.
Therefore, diode D1 never opens, and therefore does not protect the regulator.
Except, of course, in the case of a short circuit at the input. But this is an unrealistic situation.
Diode D2 can open, of course, but capacitor C2 discharges perfectly
and without it, through resistors R2 and R1 and through the load resistance.
And there is no need to specially discharge it.
In addition, the mention in the Datasheet of “C2 discharge through the regulator output”
nothing more than an error, because the circuit of the output stage of the regulator is
This is an emitter follower.
And capacitor C2 simply cannot be discharged through the regulator output.

2. Now - about the most unpleasant thing, namely the discrepancy between the real
electrical characteristics declared.

Datasheets of all manufacturers have the Adjustment Pin Current parameter
(current at the trim input). The parameter is very interesting and important, determining
in particular, the maximum resistor value in the input circuit Adj.
And also the value of capacitor C2. The declared typical current value Adj is 50 µA.
Which is very impressive and would completely suit me as a circuit designer.
If in fact it were not 10 times larger, i.e. 500 µA.

This is a real discrepancy, tested on microcircuits from different manufacturers
and for many years.
It all started with bewilderment - why is there such a low-resistance divider at the output in all circuits?
But that’s why it’s low-resistance, because otherwise it’s impossible to get LM317 at the output
minimum voltage level.

The most interesting thing is that in the current measurement technique Adj the low-resistance divider
is also present at the output. What it actually means is that this divider is on
parallel with electrode Adj.
Only with such a cunning approach can you “fit” within the typical value of 50 μA.
But this is a rather elegant trick. "Special measurement conditions."

I understand that it is very difficult to achieve a stable current of the declared value of 50 μA.
So don't write a lie in the Datasheet. Otherwise, it is a deception of the buyer. And honesty is the best policy.

3. More about the most unpleasant thing.

Datasheets LM317 has a Line Regulation parameter that determines
operating voltage range. And the indicated range is not bad - from 3 to 40 Volts.
There's just one small BUT...
The internal part of the LM317 contains a current stabilizer that uses
Zener diode for voltage 6.3 V.
Therefore, effective regulation starts with an Input-Output voltage of 7 Volts.
In addition, the output stage of LM317 is an n-p-n transistor connected according to the circuit
emitter follower. And on the “boost” he has the same repeaters.
Therefore, effective operation of the LM317 at a voltage of 3 V is impossible.

4. About circuits that promise to obtain an adjustable voltage from zero volts at the output of LM317.

The minimum output voltage of LM317 is 1.25 V.
It would have been possible to get less if it were not for the built-in protection circuit against
short circuit at the output. Not the best scheme, to put it mildly...
In other microcircuits, the short circuit protection circuit is triggered when the load current is exceeded.
And in LM317 - when the output voltage drops below 1.25 V. Simple and tasteful -
The transistor shuts down when the base-emitter voltage is below 1.25 V and that’s it.
That's why all application schemes that are promised to be output
LM317 adjustable voltage, starting from zero volts - do not work.
All these circuits suggest connecting the Adj pin through a resistor to the source
negative voltage.
But already when the voltage between the output and the Adj contact is less than 1.25 V
the short circuit protection circuit will work.
All these schemes are pure theoretical fantasy. Their authors do not know how the LM317 works.

5. The output short circuit protection method used in LM317 also imposes
known restrictions on starting the regulator - in some cases starting will be difficult,
since it is impossible to distinguish between short-circuit mode and normal switching mode,
when the output capacitor is not yet charged.

6. Recommendations for capacitor values ​​​​at the output of LM317 are very impressive -
this range is from 10 to 1000 µF. What in combination with the value of the output resistance
a regulator of the order of one thousandth of an ohm is complete nonsense.
Even students know that the capacitor at the input of the stabilizer is essential
to put it mildly, more efficiently than the output.

7. About the principle of LM317 output voltage regulation.

LM317 is an operational amplifier in which the regulation
The output voltage is carried out via the NOT inverting input Adj.
In other words - along the Positive Feedback Circuit (POC).

Why is this bad? And the fact that all interference from the regulator output through the Adj input passes inside the LM317,
and then - again to the load. It’s good that the transmission coefficient along the PIC circuit is less than one...
Otherwise we would get a self-generator.
And it is not surprising in this regard that it is recommended to install capacitor C2 in the Adj circuit.
At least somehow filter out interference and increase resistance to self-excitation.

It is also very interesting that in the PIC circuit, inside LM317,
There is a 30 pF capacitor. Which increases the level of ripple on the load with increasing frequency.
True, this is honestly shown in the Ripple Rejection diagram. But what is this capacitor for?
It would be very useful if regulation was carried out along the circuit
Negative feedback. And in terms of PIC value, it only worsens stability.

By the way, with the concept of Ripple Rejection itself, not everything is “in terms of concepts”.
In the generally accepted understanding, this value means how well the regulator
filters ripples from the INPUT.
And for LM317 it actually means the degree of its own damage
and shows how well the LM317 fights ripples, which itself
takes it from the exit and again drives it inside itself.
In other regulators, regulation is carried out through a circuit
Negative feedback, which maximizes all parameters.

8. About the minimum load current for LM317.

The Datasheet specifies a minimum load current of 3.5 mA.
At lower current, LM317 is inoperative.
A very strange feature for a voltage stabilizer.
So, you need to monitor not only the maximum load current, but also the minimum one?
This also means that with a load current of 3.5 mA, the efficiency of the regulator does not exceed 50%.
Thank you very much, gentlemen, developers...

1. Recommendations for the use of protective diodes for LM317 are of a general theoretical nature and consider situations that do not occur in practice.
And, since it is proposed to use powerful Schottky diodes as protective diodes, we get a situation where the cost of (unnecessary) protection exceeds the price of the LM317 itself.

2. The Datasheets LM317 contains an incorrect parameter for the current at the Adj input.
It is measured under “special” conditions when connecting a low-impedance output divider.
This measurement technique does not correspond to the generally accepted concept of “input current” and shows the inability to achieve the specified parameters during the manufacture of LM317.
It also deceives the buyer.

3. The Line Regulation parameter is specified as a range from 3 to 40 Volts.
In some application circuits, the LM317 “operates” with an input-output voltage of as much as two volts.
In fact, the range of effective regulation is 7 - 40 Volts.

4. All circuits for obtaining regulated voltage at the output of LM317, starting from zero volts, are practically inoperable.

5. The LM317 short circuit protection method is sometimes used in practice.
It's simple, but not the best. In some cases, starting the regulator will not be possible at all.

7. LM317 implements a defective principle of output voltage regulation -
along the Positive Feedback circuit. It should be worse, but it couldn’t be worse.

8. The limitation on the minimum load current indicates poor circuit design of the LM317 and clearly limits its use.

Summarizing all the shortcomings of the LM317, we can give recommendations:

a) To stabilize constant “typical” voltages of 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 V, it is advisable to use three-terminal stabilizers of the 78xx series, and not LM317.

b) To build truly effective voltage stabilizers, you should use microcircuits like LP2950, ​​LP2951, capable of operating at an input-output voltage of less than 400 millivolts.
Combined with high-power transistors if necessary.
These same microcircuits also work effectively as current stabilizers.

c) In most cases, an operational amplifier, a zener diode and a powerful transistor (especially a field-effect transistor) will give much better parameters than the LM317.
And certainly - the best adjustment, as well as the widest range of types and values ​​of resistors and capacitors.

G). And, don't blindly trust Datasheets.
Any microcircuits are made and, which is typical, sold by people...

Hello. I bring to your attention a review of the integrated linear adjustable voltage (or current) stabilizer LM317 at a price of 18 cents apiece. In a local store, such a stabilizer costs an order of magnitude more, which is why I was interested in this lot. I decided to check what was being sold at that price and it turned out that the stabilizer was quite high quality, but more on that below.
The review includes testing in voltage and current stabilizer mode, as well as checking overheat protection.
For those interested, please...

A little theory:

There are stabilizers linear And pulse.
Linear stabilizer is a voltage divider, the input of which is supplied with an input (unstable) voltage, and the output (stabilized) voltage is removed from the lower arm of the divider. Stabilization is carried out by changing the resistance of one of the divider arms: the resistance is constantly maintained so that the voltage at the output of the stabilizer is within the established limits. With a large ratio of input/output voltages, the linear stabilizer has low efficiency, since most of the power Pdis = (Uin - Uout) * It is dissipated as heat on the control element. Therefore, the control element must be able to dissipate sufficient power, that is, it must be installed on a radiator of the required area.
Advantage linear stabilizer - simplicity, lack of interference and a small number of parts used.
Flaw- low efficiency, high heat generation.
Switching stabilizer voltage is a voltage stabilizer in which the regulating element operates in a switching mode, that is, most of the time it is either in a cutoff mode, when its resistance is maximum, or in a saturation mode - with minimal resistance, which means it can be considered as a switch. A smooth change in voltage occurs due to the presence of an integrating element: the voltage increases as it accumulates energy and decreases as it is released into the load. This operating mode can significantly reduce energy losses, as well as improve weight and size indicators, but it has its own characteristics.
Advantage pulse stabilizer - high efficiency, low heat generation.
Flaw- a larger number of elements, the presence of interference.

Hero of the review:

The lot consists of 10 microcircuits in a TO-220 package. The stabilizers came in a plastic bag wrapped in polyethylene foam.

Comparison with probably the most famous linear stabilizer 7805 for 5 volts in the same housing.

Similar stabilizers are produced by many manufacturers, here.
The position of the legs is as follows:
1 - adjustment;
2 - exit;
3 - entrance.
We assemble a simple voltage stabilizer according to the diagram from the manual:

Here's what we managed to get with 3 positions of the variable resistor:
The results, frankly speaking, are not very good. I wouldn't dare call it a stabilizer.
Next, I loaded the stabilizer with a 25 Ohm resistor and the picture completely changed:

Next, I decided to check the dependence of the output voltage on the load current, for which I set the input voltage to 15V, set the output voltage to about 5V using a trimmer resistor, and loaded the output with a variable 100 Ohm wirewound resistor. Here's what happened:
It was not possible to obtain a current of more than 0.8A, because The input voltage began to drop (the power supply is weak). As a result of this testing, the stabilizer with the radiator heated up to 65 degrees:

To check the operation of the current stabilizer, the following circuit was assembled:

Instead of a variable resistor, I used a constant one, here are the test results:
Current stabilization is also good.
Well, how can there be a review without burning the hero? To do this, I reassembled the voltage stabilizer, applied 15V to the input, set the output to 5V, i.e. 10V dropped on the stabilizer, and loaded it at 0.8A, i.e. 8W of power was released on the stabilizer. The radiator was removed.
The result was demonstrated in the following video:

Yes, overheating protection also works; the stabilizer did not burn out.


The stabilizer is fully operational and can be used as a voltage stabilizer (subject to the presence of a load) and a current stabilizer. There are also many different application schemes for increasing the output power, using it as a charger for batteries, etc. The cost of the subject is quite reasonable, considering that offline I can buy such a minimum for 30 rubles, and in for 19 rubles, which is significantly more expensive than the one being reviewed .

With that, let me take my leave, good luck!

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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Current stabilizers for lm317, lm338, lm350 and their use for LEDs. Connection diagrams lm317

connection circuit, characteristics and an adjustable stabilizer based on it

A high-quality power supply with adjustable output voltage is the dream of every beginning radio amateur. In everyday life, such devices are used everywhere. For example, take any charger for a phone or laptop, power supply for a children's toy, game console, landline phone, and many other household appliances.

As for circuit implementation, the design of sources can be different:

  • with power transformers, a full-fledged diode bridge;
  • pulse converters of mains voltage with adjustable output voltage.

But in order for the source to be reliable and durable, it is better to choose a reliable element base for it. This is where difficulties begin to arise. For example, choosing domestically produced components as regulating, stabilizing components, the lower voltage threshold is limited to 5 V. But what if 1.5 V is required? In this case, it is better to use imported analogues. Moreover, they are more stable and practically do not heat up during operation. One of the most widely used is the lm317t integrated stabilizer.

Main characteristics, chip topology

The lm317 chip is universal. It can be used as a stabilizer with a constant output voltage and as an adjustable stabilizer with high efficiency. MS has high practical characteristics that make it possible to use it in various charger circuits or laboratory power supplies. At the same time, you don’t even have to worry about reliable operation under critical loads, because the microcircuit is equipped with internal short circuit protection.

This is a very good addition, because the maximum output current of the stabilizer on the lm317 is no more than 1.5 A. But the presence of protection will prevent you from unintentionally burning it. To increase the stabilization current, it is necessary to use additional transistors. Thus, currents of up to 10 A or more can be regulated when using the appropriate components. But we’ll talk about this later, and in the table below we present the main characteristics of the component.

Microcircuit pinout

An integrated circuit was manufactured in a standard TO-220 package with a heat sink mounted on a radiator. As for the numbering of the pins, they are located according to GOST from left to right and have the following meaning:

Pin 2 is connected to a heat sink without an insulator, so in devices where the heat sink is in contact with the body, it is necessary to use insulators made of mica or any other heat-conducting material. This is an important point, because you can accidentally short-circuit the pins, and there will simply be nothing at the output of the microcircuit.

Analogs lm317

Sometimes it is not possible to find the specifically required microcircuit on the market, then you can use similar ones. Among the domestic components based on lm317, there is an analogue that is quite powerful and productive. It is the KR142EN12A microcircuit. But when using it, it is worth considering the fact that it is unable to provide a voltage less than 5 V at the output, so if this is important, you will again have to use an additional transistor or find exactly the required component.

As for the form factor, the KR has the same number of pins as the lm317 has. Therefore, you don’t even have to redo the circuit of the finished device in order to adjust the parameters of the voltage regulator or unchangeable stabilizer. When installing an integrated circuit, it is recommended to install it on a radiator with good heat dissipation and a cooling system. This is quite often observed in the manufacture of powerful LED lamps. But at rated load the device generates a little heat.

In addition to the domestic integrated circuit KR142EN12, more powerful imported analogues are produced, the output currents of which are 2-3 times higher. Such microcircuits include:

  • lm350at, lm350t - 3 A;
  • lm350k - 3 A, 30 W in another case;
  • lm338t, lm338k - 5 A.

Manufacturers of these components guarantee higher output voltage stability, low regulation current, increased power with the same minimum output voltage of no more than 1.3 V.

Connection features

On the lm317t, the switching circuit is quite simple and consists of a minimum number of components. However, their number depends on the purpose of the device. If a voltage stabilizer is being manufactured, it will require the following parts:

Rs is a shunt resistance, which also acts as a ballast. Select a value of about 0.2 Ohm if you want to provide a maximum output current of up to 1.5 A.

The resistive divides with R1, R2, connected to the output and the housing, and the regulating voltage comes from the middle point, forming deep feedback. Due to this, a minimum ripple coefficient and high stability of the output voltage are achieved. Their resistance is selected based on the ratio 1:10: R1=240 Ohm, R2=2.4 kOhm. This is a typical voltage regulator circuit with an output voltage of 12 V.

If you want to design a current stabilizer, you will need even fewer components:

R1, which is a shunt. They set the output current, which should not exceed 1.5 A.

To correctly calculate the circuit of a particular device, you can always use the lm317 calculator. As for the calculation of Rs, it can be determined using the usual formula: Iout. = Uop/R1. On lm317, the LED current stabilizer is of quite high quality, which can be made of several types depending on the power of the LED:

  • to connect a single-watt LED with a current consumption of 350mA, you must use Rs = 3.6 Ohm. Its power is selected to be at least 0.5 W;
  • To power three-watt LEDs, you will need a resistor with a resistance of 1.2 Ohm, the current will be 1 A, and the dissipation power will be at least 1.2 W.

With lm317, the LED current stabilizer is quite reliable, but it is important to correctly calculate the shunt resistance and select its power. A calculator will help in this matter. Also, various powerful lamps and homemade spotlights are made using LEDs and based on this MS.

Building powerful regulated power supplies

The internal transistor lm317 is not powerful enough; to increase it, you will have to use external additional transistors. In this case, components are selected without restrictions, because their control requires much lower currents, which the microcircuit is quite capable of providing.

The lm317 regulated power supply with an external transistor is not much different from the usual one. Instead of a constant R2, a variable resistor is installed, and the base of the transistor is connected to the input of the microcircuit through an additional limiting resistor that turns off the transistor. A bipolar switch with p-n-p conductivity is used as a controlled switch. In this design, the microcircuit operates with currents of about 10 mA.

When designing bipolar power supplies, you will need to use the complementary pair of this chip, which is lm337. And to increase the output current, a transistor with n-p-n conductivity is used. In the reverse arm of the stabilizer, the components are connected in the same way as in the upper arm. The primary circuit is a transformer or a pulse unit, which depends on the quality of the circuit and its efficiency.

Some features of working with the lm317 chip

When designing power supplies with a low output voltage, at which the difference between the input and output values ​​does not exceed 7 V, it is better to use other, more sensitive microcircuits with an output current of up to 100 mA - LP2950 and LP2951. At a low drop, lm317 is not able to provide the required stabilization coefficient, which can lead to unwanted ripples during operation.

Other practical circuits on lm317

In addition to conventional stabilizers and voltage regulators, a digital voltage regulator can also be manufactured based on this microcircuit. To do this, you will need the microcircuit itself, a set of transistors and several resistors. By turning on the transistors and upon receipt of a digital code from a PC or other device, the resistance R2 changes, which also leads to a change in the circuit current within the voltage range from 1.25 to 1.3 V.

Correct circuit and board for stabilizers on LM317, LM337, LM350 chips

While researching topics regarding the use of LM series 3-terminal voltage regulators, I couldn't find a recommended PCB design anywhere. Therefore, we will fill the gap and give several rules that allow us to achieve high parameters from the stabilizer. We present our design for the placement of elements, a prototype circuit assembled on a breadboard and measurement results. We are sure that this will be useful not only for beginners, since LM317, LM337, LM350 are very often used in different power supplies, both separately and as part of devices.

Stabilizer connection diagram

So, we needed a linear stabilizer of symmetrical voltage +/- 5 V at a current of about 2 A to power the analog circuit. A cheap 9 V, 3 A switching power supply is used at the stabilizer input.

LM3ХХ - wiring diagram

Unfortunately, the output voltages of switching power supplies contain significant ripple - for a 2 A load the ripple amplitude is about 0.1 V.

What to pay attention to

  1. Thanks to the use of SMD ceramic capacitors, they can be placed very close to the terminals of the LM3xx chip (capacitors C2 and C4 in 0805 packages can even be soldered directly on the stabilizer solder fields.
  2. Elements R2 and D2 should be placed in exactly this sequence (R2 is closer to U1).
  3. The lower terminal of resistor R1 is not connected directly to ground, only ends with a solder field. It is necessary to connect as close to ground as possible, then the voltage drop on the ground wires will be compensated.
  4. It may be worth using Schottky diodes as diodes D1 and D3.

After assembly according to this scheme, it was not possible to notice any pulsations at the output on the oscilloscope at a load current of up to 2.5 A, even in the range of 50 mV/cm. The voltage drop is not noticeable with or without load.

PSU on breadboard

Printed circuit board for LM3XX

Here is the recommended type of PCB for LM317 (LM350 is a higher current version of LM317).

Printed circuit board drawing for LM350

A capacitor at the output that is too large has a big impact on the possible excitation of the circuit. In some datasheet it was even written that the output could have a maximum of 10 µF low ESR, preferably tantalum. We once convinced ourselves of this when the LM317 worked as a current source. The output voltage jumped from zero to maximum. Reducing the output capacitance to 10 µF effectively eliminated this defect. Additionally, a large output capacitor can cause large current surges in the load when something goes wrong. On the other hand, the absence of a capacitor causes inertia when the load current changes.

Please note that for the LM350 chip the currents are quite high, which causes a noticeable voltage drop across the traces. Read more in the datasheet for LM350.

The job of diode D1 is to discharge the output capacitor in a situation where the voltage on LM3xx has become higher than before (for example, during adjustment).

PSU on LM350 chip

Another important point is that in the power supply, diodes D1 and D3 must be selected appropriately for the fuse so that it is the fuse that burns, and not them. The easiest way is to install them with the highest current available (according to the 6A6 circuit for 6 amperes).

Current stabilizer on lm317 - application, connection diagram, assembly, characteristics

Nowadays, when technological processes for the development of electrical appliances are rapidly improving, it is quite difficult to do without special equipment for connecting equipment at home. The power supply plays an important role in stabilizing the electric current supply. Every lover of modern electronic devices should learn how to assemble converters themselves.

We offer a detailed look at how to assemble a current stabilizer for lm317 with your own hands. The device has a wide range of applications, primarily with LEDs, so before the development process you should first study its features and operating principle.

Technical features

The converter for the lm 317 regulator acts as an important element for the correct operation of any technical equipment. The operating process is as follows: the device converts the supply of electricity coming from a centralized network into the voltage required by the user, which allows connecting one or another electrical appliance. With all this, the converter device additionally performs a protective function against the possibility of a short circuit.

Power supplies are divided into 2 types:

  • adjustable current stabilizer on lm317;
  • impulse.

In addition, the schematic data used to create a given unit can have significant differences, from the most elementary diagrams to complex ones.

If you have minimal experience and knowledge, you should start by making a voltage stabilizer for lm317 according to simple drawings. This will allow you to thoroughly study the functioning process and subsequently create a more complex design.

Approximate diagram

If you trust the reviews of “home” craftsmen, this device is several times superior in functionality to purchased modifications, both in functionality and service life.

VIDEO: LM317 current stabilizer LED DRIVER

Operating principle

In order for the device to correctly regulate the voltage and be able to correctly measure the power of the current emanating from the electrical network, you need to understand its operating principle.

The lm317t converter is characterized by actions such as normalizing the intensity of current flow to the output voltage, which helps reduce the power of electricity. The decrease in electric current occurs in the resistor itself, which has a value of 1.25V.

Working power supply

It is very important that the soldering areas are molded. If the connection is made incorrectly, there is a possibility of a short circuit. You should also use high-quality components only from well-known manufacturers.

Remember that the regulator assembly diagram, which contains the lm317 chip, has limiting frames. The lowest barrier is considered to be 0.8 Ohm, the highest is 120 Ohm. It turns out that in order for this system to work stably, it is necessary to apply the formula 0.8

Scope of application

A voltage stabilization unit on lm317, specializing in changing the power and intensity of electric current, is used in the following situations:

  1. If there is a need to connect various electrical equipment to a 220V power supply.
  2. Testing of devices in a personal technical laboratory.
  3. Design of a lighting system using LED lamps and strips.


The voltage stabilizer lm317, based on the operation of a microcircuit of this modification, has the following characteristics:

  • The product allows you to independently adjust the output voltage level within 1.2-28V.
  • The intensity of the electric current load can vary up to 3A.


You should pay attention to the load indicator; it is more than enough for testing electrical appliances of your own production. A current and voltage stabilizer manufactured according to the most elementary circuit can provide these parameters.

Preparatory work

To work, you will need a number of elements and parts that can be purchased at a specialized store or taken from another device:

  • Current stabilizer lm317;
  • R-3 – resistance 0.1 Ohm * 2 W;
  • TR-1 – power type transformer device;
  • T-1 – transistor type KT-81-9G;
  • R-2 – resistance action 220 Ohm;
  • F-1 – fuse element 0.5 A and 250V;
  • R-1 – resistance 18K;
  • D-1 – LED IN-54-00;
  • P-1 – resistance 4.7 K;
  • BR-1 – LED barrier;
  • LED-1 – color diode;
  • C-1 – modified capacitor device with parameters 3,300 µF*43V;
  • C-3 – capacitor device modification 1uF*43V;
  • C-2 – 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor element.

The list may vary depending on the type of connection scheme used.

Before assembling the lm317t converter, you must first purchase all the components from the above list.

Select high-quality, proven elements; the functioning of not only the unit of your own production, but also the equipment that is planned to be connected will depend on this.

The main part of the product is a transformer, which can be removed from any electrical device: a stereo system, a TV or a small radio. It can also be purchased; experts recommend giving preference to the TBK110 modification. However, the model can only produce an output voltage of 9V.

Assembling the apparatus

When the design scheme has been selected and all the necessary spare parts have been prepared, you can safely begin creating a current stabilizer for lm317. The production process, the connection diagram should be carried out as follows:

  1. The selected type of transformer unit is installed.
  2. The cascade circuit and rectifier equipment are being assembled.
  3. All semiconductor LEDs are soldered.

It is important to know! The type of rectifier element can be full-wave or single-wave equipment with double and triple bridges. To manufacture the device according to the standard design, a bridge straightening option should be used.

  1. The pins on the system are determined. There are only three of them: weight, output, input. In order not to get confused in the process, you need to designate the parameters on the elements with the corresponding numbers, from 1 to 3.
  2. Turn the unit over so that the numbering you indicate starts on the left side.
  3. Adjust the voltage to stabilize the parameters. To do this, apply a minus to pin “2” while simultaneously removing the configured current intensity value from the third element.
  4. Based on the scheme you have chosen, install the remaining spare parts and place them in a durable plastic or aluminum case.

The shape of the product can be different, it all depends on the user’s preferences and the dimensional parameters of the component parts.

If you choose the circuit correctly, follow the connection rules and carry out the process step by step, the result can be a high-quality current stabilizer on the lm317 microcircuit. This device will serve as an indispensable unit in every “home” laboratory specialized in the creation of electrical devices.

VIDEO: Homemade voltage stabilizer for LEDs

Integrated voltage stabilizer LM317. Description and Application

Quite often there is a need for a simple voltage stabilizer. This article provides a description and examples of the use of an inexpensive (price for LM317) integrated voltage stabilizer LM317.

The list of tasks solved by this stabilizer is quite extensive - this includes powering various electronic circuits, radio devices, fans, motors and other devices from the mains or other voltage sources, such as a car battery. The most common power supply circuits are based on LM317 with voltage regulation.

In practice, with the participation of LM317, you can build a voltage stabilizer for an arbitrary output voltage in the range of 3...38 volts.


  • Stabilizer output voltage: 1.2... 37 volts.
  • Load-bearing current up to 1.5 amperes.
  • Stabilization accuracy 0.1%.
  • There is internal protection against accidental short circuit.
  • Excellent protection of the integrated stabilizer from possible overheating.

Power dissipation and input voltage of the LM317 stabilizer

The voltage at the stabilizer input should not exceed 40 volts, and there is also one more condition - the minimum input voltage should exceed the desired output voltage by 2 volts.

The LM317 microcircuit in the TO-220 package is capable of stable operation at a maximum load current of up to 1.5 amperes. If you do not use a high-quality heat sink, this value will be lower. The power released by the microcircuit during its operation can be determined approximately by multiplying the output current and the difference between the input and output potential.

The maximum permissible power dissipation without a heat sink is approximately 1.5 W at an ambient temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or less. If good heat dissipation from the LM317 case is ensured (no more than 60 g), the power dissipation can be 20 watts.

When placing a microcircuit on a radiator, it is necessary to isolate the microcircuit body from the radiator, for example, with a mica gasket. It is also advisable to use heat-conducting paste for effective heat removal.

Selection of resistance for stabilizer LM317

For accurate operation of the microcircuit, the total value of resistances R1...R3 must create a current of approximately 8 mA at the required output voltage (Vo), that is:

R1 + R2 + R3 = Vo / 0.008

This value should be taken as ideal. In the process of selecting resistances, a slight deviation (8...10 mA) is allowed.

The resistance value of variable resistor R2 is directly related to the output voltage range. Typically, its resistance should be approximately 10...15% of the total resistance of the remaining resistors (R1 and R2), or you can select its resistance experimentally.

The location of the resistors on the board can be arbitrary, but for better stability it is advisable to place it away from the heatsink of the LM317 chip.

Circuit stabilization and protection

Capacitance C2 and diode D1 are optional. The diode protects the LM317 stabilizer from possible reverse voltage that appears in the designs of various electronic devices.

Capacitance C2 not only slightly reduces the response of the LM317 microcircuit to voltage changes, but also reduces the influence of electrical interference when the stabilizer board is placed near places with powerful electromagnetic radiation.

As mentioned above, the maximum possible load current limit for the LM317 is 1.5 amperes. There are types of stabilizers that are similar in operation to the LM317 stabilizer, but are designed for a higher load current. For example, the LM350 stabilizer can withstand current up to 3 amperes, and LM338 up to 5 amperes.

To facilitate the calculation of stabilizer parameters, there is a special calculator:

Download calculator for LM317 (downloads: 5,588)

Download datasheet LM317 (downloads: 1,795)

Adjustable power supply based on voltage regulator LM317 |

A novice radio amateur simply cannot do without at least a simple power supply. When developing or configuring a device, an adjustable power supply is an indispensable attribute. But if you are a beginner radio amateur and cannot afford an expensive fancy power supply, then this article will help you fill your need

Power supply on LM317T chip, diagram:

There are countless diagrams of various power supplies on the Internet. But even at first glance, simple schemes turn out to be not so easy during the setup process. I recommend that you consider a very easy to set up, cheap and reliable power supply circuit based on the LM317T stabilizer chip, which regulates voltage from 1.3 to 30 V and provides a current of 1A (usually this is enough for simple amateur radio circuits) Figure No. 1.

Figure No. 1 – Electrical circuit diagram of an regulated power supply.

R1 - about 18 KOhm (you need to select it for the LED current). R2 - You don’t have to solder it in - it is necessary if you need to obtain non-standard voltage regulation limits. You simply select it in such a way that the sum R2 + R3 = 5KOhm.

R3 - 5.6 Com. R4 – 240 Ohm. C1 – 2200 µF (electrolytic)

C2 - 0.1 µF C3 - 10 µF (electrolytic) C4 - 1 µF (electrolytic) DA1 – LM317T

The main element in the circuit is the LM317T microcircuit; you can easily look at all its characteristics in the manual for the microcircuit. The only thing that should be separately noted is that it must be attached to the radiator (Figure No. 2) so that the microcircuit does not fail.

Figure No. 2 - Example of a radiator.

According to the documentation, its maximum current is 1.5 A - but I do not recommend driving it into such extreme operating modes. I also recommend using the transformer with a current reserve (current 3A), so that in the event of a sudden surge of current it does not fail. Every radio amateur does printed circuit boards as he pleases - but if you are too lazy to trace it - you can use my version of the printed circuit board, figure No. 3, which is available at this link or at this link. The files can be opened using the Sprint-Layout 5 program.

Figure No. 3 - Printed circuit board and assembly drawing

Before you start making my version of the board layout, review and analyze it again!!! I traced the board for the photolithography method, so unfold it as needed. I tried to make the board the most universal for this circuit and made it to suit my needs. If you do not solder resistor R2, then you just need a jumper instead.

P.S.: I tried to clearly show and describe not tricky tips. I hope that at least something is useful to you. But this is not everything that can be imagined, so go ahead and study the site

How can I connect a voltmeter and ammeter to this circuit?

It is best to set all resistances in the circuit to half a watt, this is almost a guarantee of stable operation of the circuit, even under extreme operating conditions. Resistor R2 can be completely excluded from the circuit; I left a place for it for those cases when it is necessary to receive a non-standard voltage. And also, after digging around on the Internet, I found a special calculator for recalculating LM317, namely resistors in the voltage regulation control circuit.

Window of a special calculator for calculating LM317 Control voltage divider

Resistors R3 and R4 are an ordinary voltage divider, so we can match it to the resistors that we have at hand (within specified limits) - this is very convenient and allows us to easily adjust the operation of the LM317T to any voltage (upper limit can vary from 2 to 37 V). For example, you can choose resistors so that your power supply is regulated from 1.2 to 20V - it all depends on the recalculation of the divider R3 and R4. You can find out the formula by which the calculator works by reading the datasheet on the LM317T. Otherwise, if everything is assembled correctly, the power supply is immediately ready for use.

LM217, LM317 - Adjustable Voltage Stabilizers - DataSheet


LM217, LM317 - monolithic integrated circuits in TO-220, TO-220FP and D²PAK packages intended for use as voltage stabilizers. Can support a load current of more than 1.5 A and an adjustable voltage ranging from 1.2 V to 37 V. The rated output voltage is selected using a resistive divider, which makes the device very easy to use. The domestic analogue is the KR142EN12A microcircuit.


  • Output voltage from 1.2 V to 37 V
  • Output current 1.5 A
  • 0.1% adjustment deviation in line and load
  • Variable control for high voltages
  • Full set of protection: current limitation; overheat shutdown; SOA quality control


Pin layout

Rice. 1 Top view

You can buy LM317 here.

Maximum values


Rice. 2 Internal circuit

Electrical characteristics

Electrical characteristics of LM217

VI - VO = 5 V, IO = 500 mA, IMAX = 1.5 A and PMAX = 20 W, TJ = - 55 to 150 °C unless otherwise noted.

Designation Parameter Conditions Min. Type. Max. Unit change
ΔVO VI - VO = 3 - 40 V TJ = 25°C 0.01 0.02 %/IN
0.02 0.05
ΔVO VO ≤5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 5 15 mV
20 50
VO ≥5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 0.1 0.3 %
0.3 1
IADJ Current at the control terminal 50 100 µA
ΔIADJ VI - VO from 2.5 to 40 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX 0.2 5 µA
VREF VI - VO 2.5 to 40 V IO = 10 mA to IMAX, PD ≤ PMAX 1.2 1.25 1.3 IN
ΔVO/VO 1 %
IO(min) Minimum load current VI - VO = 40 V 3.5 5 mA
IO(max) Maximum load current VI - VO ≤ 15 V, PD< PMAX 1.5 2.2 A
VI - VO = 40 V, PD< PMAX, TJ = 25°C 0.4
eN 0.003 %
SVR TJ = 25°C, f = 120 Hz CADJ=0 65 dB
CADJ=10 µF 66 80

Electrical characteristics of LM317

VI - VO = 5 V, IO = 500 mA, IMAX = 1.5 A and PMAX = 20 W, TJ = 0 to 150 °C unless otherwise noted.

Designation Parameter Conditions Min. Type. Max. Unit change
ΔVO Instability of the output voltage in the line VI - VO = 3 - 40 V TJ = 25°C 0.01 0.04 %/IN
0.02 0.07
ΔVO Instability of output voltage at load VO ≤5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 5 25 mV
20 70
VO ≥5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 0.1 0.5 %
0.3 1.5
IADJ Current at the control terminal 50 100 µA
ΔIADJ Current change at the control terminal 0.2 5 µA
VREF 1.2 1.25 1.3 IN
ΔVO/VO Output voltage, temperature stability 1 %
IO(min) Minimum load current VI - VO = 40 V 3.5 10 mA
IO(max) Maximum load current VI - VO ≤ 15 V, PD< PMAX 1.5 2.2 A
VI - VO = 40 V, PD< PMAX, TJ = 25°C 0.4
eN Output noise voltage (percentage of VO) B = 10 Hz to 100 kHz, TJ = 25°C 0.003 %
SVR Supply voltage deviation (1) TJ = 25°C, f = 120 Hz CADJ=0 65 dB
CADJ=10 µF 66 80

1. CADJ is connected between the control pin and ground.

LM317B Electrical Specifications

VI - VO = 5 V, IO = 500 mA, IMAX = 1.5 A and PMAX = 20 W, TJ = -40 to 150 °C unless otherwise noted.

Designation Parameter Conditions Min. Type. Max. Unit change
ΔVO Instability of the output voltage in the line VI - VO = 3 - 40 V TJ = 25°C 0.01 0.04 %/IN
0.02 0.07
ΔVO Instability of output voltage at load VO ≤5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 5 25 mV
20 70
VO ≥5 V IO from 10 mA to IMAX TJ = 25°C 0.1 0.5 %
0.3 1.5
IADJ Current at the control terminal 50 100 µA
ΔIADJ Current change at the control terminal VI - VO from 2.5 to 40 V IO from 10 mA to 500 mA 0.2 5 µA
VREF VI - VO 2.5 to 40 V IO = 10 mA to 500 mA, PD ≤ PMAX 1.2 1.25 1.3 IN
ΔVO/VO Output voltage, temperature stability 1 %
IO(min) Minimum load current VI - VO = 40 V 3.5 10 mA
IO(max) Maximum load current VI - VO ≤ 15 V, PD< PMAX 1.5 2.2 A
VI - VO = 40 V, PD< PMAX, TJ = 25°C 0.4
eN Output noise voltage (percentage of VO) B = 10 Hz to 100 kHz, TJ = 25°C 0.003 %
SVR Supply voltage deviation (1) TJ = 25°C, f = 120 Hz CADJ=0 65 dB
CADJ=10 µF 66 80

1. CADJ is connected between the control pin and ground.

Typical characteristics

Rice. 3 Output current from input-output differential voltage Rice. 4 Voltage drop from p-n junction temperature Rice. 5 Reference voltage versus pn junction temperature
Rice. 6 Simplified diagram of a controlled stabilizer


Stabilizers of the LM217, LM317 series support a reference voltage of 1.25 V between the output and the control pin. It is used to maintain a constant current through a voltage divider (see Fig. 6), which gives an output voltage VO calculated by the formula:

VO = VREF (1 + R2/R1) + IADJ R2

Regulators were designed to reduce the IADJ current and keep it constant in the line as the load changes. Generally, the deviation IADJ × R2 can be neglected. To meet the above requirements, the stabilizer returns the quiescent current to the output pin to maintain the minimum load current. If the load is insufficient, the output voltage will rise. Since LM217, LM317 regulators have an ungrounded "floating" output and only see the difference between the input and output voltage, for sources with very high voltage relative to ground, it is possible to stabilize the voltage for as long as possible until the maximum difference between the input and output voltage is exceeded. In addition, you can easily assemble a programmable stabilizer. By connecting a constant resistor between the output and the control, the device can be used as a precision current stabilizer. Performance can be improved by adding containers as described below:

  • There is a 1 µF capacitor at the bypass input.
  • There is a 10 µF capacitor on the control pin to improve ripple suppression by 15 dB (CADJ).
  • Tantalum electrolytic capacitor at the output to improve transient response. In addition to capacitors, you can add protective diodes, as shown in Fig. 7. D1 is used to protect the stabilizer against input short circuit, D2 to protect against output short circuit and capacitance discharge.

Rice. 7 Voltage stabilizer with protective diodes
Rice. 8 15 V stabilizer with smooth switching
Rice. 9 Current stabilizer

IO = (VREF / R1) + IADJ = 1.25 V / R1

Rice. 10 5 V stabilizer with electronic shutdown
Rice. 11 Stabilizer with digital voltage regulation

R2 corresponds to the maximum output voltage value

Rice. 12 Charging for 12 V battery

RS sets the output charging resistance, calculated by the formula ZO = RS (1 + R2/R1). The use of RS makes it possible to reduce the charge level when the battery is fully charged.

Rice. 13 6 V charger, current limited

*R3 sets the maximum current (0.6 A for 1 Ohm).

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Current stabilizer for lm317, lm338, lm350 for LEDs

Recently, interest in current stabilizer circuits has grown significantly. And first of all, this is due to the emergence of artificial lighting sources based on LEDs as leading positions, for which a stable current supply is a vital point. The simplest, cheapest, but at the same time powerful and reliable current stabilizer can be built on the basis of one of the integrated circuits (IM): lm317, lm338 or lm350.

Datasheet for lm317, lm350, lm338

Before moving directly to the circuits, let's consider the features and technical characteristics of the above linear integrated stabilizers (LIS).

All three IMs have a similar architecture and are designed to build on their basis simple current or voltage stabilizer circuits, including those used with LEDs. The differences between the microcircuits lie in the technical parameters, which are presented in the comparison table below.

* - depends on the manufacturer of the IM.

All three microcircuits have built-in protection against overheating, overload and possible short circuit.

Integrated stabilizers (IS) are produced in a monolithic package of several variants, the most common being TO-220.
The microcircuit has three outputs:

  1. ADJUST. Pin for setting (adjusting) the output voltage. In current stabilization mode, it is connected to the positive of the output contact.
  2. OUTPUT. A pin with low internal resistance to generate output voltage.
  3. INPUT. Output for supply voltage.

Schemes and calculations

The greatest use of ICs is found in power supplies for LEDs. Let's consider the simplest current stabilizer (driver) circuit, consisting of only two components: a microcircuit and a resistor.
The voltage of the power source is supplied to the input of the MI, the control contact is connected to the output contact through a resistor (R), and the output contact of the microcircuit is connected to the anode of the LED.

If we consider the most popular IM, Lm317t, then the resistor resistance is calculated using the formula: R=1.25/I0 (1), where I0 is the output current of the stabilizer, the value of which is regulated by the passport data for LM317 and should be in the range of 0.01-1 .5 A. It follows that the resistor resistance can be in the range of 0.8-120 Ohms. The power dissipated by the resistor is calculated using the formula: PR=I02×R (2). Switching on and calculating IM lm350, lm338 are completely similar.

The resulting calculated data for the resistor is rounded up, according to the nominal series.

Fixed resistors are manufactured with a small variation in resistance value, so it is not always possible to obtain the desired output current value. For this purpose, an additional trimming resistor of appropriate power is installed in the circuit.
This slightly increases the cost of assembling the stabilizer, but ensures that the necessary current is obtained to power the LED. When the output current stabilizes at more than 20% of the maximum value, a lot of heat is generated on the microcircuit, so it must be equipped with a heatsink.

Online calculator lm317, lm350 and lm338

Let's say you need to connect a powerful LED with a current consumption of 700 milliamps. According to formula (1) R=1.25/0.7= 1.786 Ohm (the closest value from the series E2-1.8 Ohm). The dissipated power according to formula (2) will be: 0.7×0.7×1.8 = 0.882 Watt (the closest standard value is 1 Watt).

Phase control relay designation on the diagram

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