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» Characteristics of the name Iman. The meaning of the word iman in the dictionary of meanings of Muslim female names

Characteristics of the name Iman. The meaning of the word iman in the dictionary of meanings of Muslim female names

The fact that there is the Most High Lord and His prophets, and everything that was revealed by Him or told by God through His prophets. This term is used in the religion of Islam, which in turn means following the commandments of Allah with faith and obedience.

What is iman?

Iman is the basis of all Islam. This is the main mission of every Muslim and main science which every believer must comprehend.

What does iman mean? This is an irrefutable conviction that Allah exists, that He is the Lord and Master of everything, the Only Creator and Ruler of this universe. Allah is the only one who is worthy to be worshiped. No one can surpass Him or be equal to Him. These beliefs lay the foundation of Iman. Faith in Allah must be present in the heart of every person. The names and qualities of Allah are so beautiful that He has no imperfections or shortcomings.

Faith in God is the first pillar of iman

Iman (translation: “faith”) lives in the soul of every person. All of God's creations, especially humans, are created in such a way that their souls are filled with faith in the Lord. Instinctively everyone recognizes the greatness of the Creator. To believe in the Lord, a person does not need to work intellectually or ask to be taught to believe. The only thing that can affect a person’s faith is external circumstances (bad upbringing, social structure, public opinion). Allah Himself says in the Quran that iman is an innate quality with which He created all people.

Every child is born with faith in the Creator. That is, iman lives in every person from birth. Its significance is great, but not everyone can. Parents or society make a person an adherent of one or another religious movement. The Holy Books of Muslims say that no other religion except Islam gives a person a natural perception of the world. From birth, human consciousness is distorted by his parents and educators. The harmony of Faith in children is disrupted.

Creation Myths Destroy Faith

Reflecting on the creation of all things, a person can make several guesses that all this arose by chance, no one created anything. But common sense does not allow me to accept this nonsense. Every person knows that any thing cannot arise on its own.

There is another misconception that everything is created by itself. This idea is adhered to by those who deify nature, without fully realizing that it, too, is the creation of the Lord. From such people you can often hear “created by nature,” “that’s how nature works.”

Since both opinions are absurd, we can conclude that everything that exists has a creator, and this is Allah himself. He Himself has always existed, the Lord has no beginning and end, He is eternal.

The second pillar of iman is faith in angels

Iman is faith. You can believe not only in the existence of the Creator, but also in His helpers - angels. Angels are creations of Allah that are hidden from human eyes. They always serve the Lord and help Him. Despite this, angels do not have divine sovereignty and do not require worship. They themselves do not allow people to worship them.

By the grace of Allah, angels are endowed with the qualities of absolute devotion and submission to the Lord. They also have enormous power, which allows them to carry out all the instructions of the Almighty.

Iman (in Russian - faith) in angels consists of the following beliefs:

  1. The belief that they exist.
  2. Belief in Jibril, Malik, Mikail and other angels whose names can be found in the Koran.
  3. Belief in their qualities and power.
  4. Belief in the angelic deeds that they perform at the direction of Allah. For example, glorifying the names of the Almighty, worshiping Him throughout the day.

Belief in angels leads to the following results:

  1. The knowledge of the greatness of the Lord is transmitted to man. Realizing the greatness of His creation, one can imagine for a moment how great and powerful the Lord is.
  2. A person becomes grateful to the Lord for taking care of us. Angels always stand guard, protecting people from many dangers and making their life on earth better.
  3. Love for angels helps a person draw closer to the Lord.

Belief in Holy Books

Iman is not only faith in Allah. The third pillar of iman is faith in the Scriptures, which tell everything about the Lord. When we're talking about about faith in books, then this implies faith in those Scriptures that Allah left to His messengers as a special mercy for all mankind. This is a reliable guide for future generations to achieve true happiness in the kingdom of the Lord.

The main purpose of sending down the Books was to educate people about the correct worship of Allah. These Books should become law in the life of every person. Guided by them, everyone can receive great benefits in all worlds. The scriptures help people to purify themselves and fully realize their divine nature.


  1. The belief that the Books were sent down by Allah himself.
  2. Belief in their name, such as Quran, Injil, Taurat, Zabur.
  3. The books of Allah are the Truth.
  4. The Quran contains the eternal Laws of Allah, so all previous Scriptures can be rejected.

What fruits does faith in the Books bring?

  1. A person develops faith that Allah cares for all living beings. The fact that He sent down Books containing direct guidance to life is evidence of His boundless mercy.
  2. Allah's wisdom is unsurpassed. He gave people only those Laws that they needed most.
  3. Faith in the Books helps a person to get rid of attachment to personal passions.

The fourth pillar is faith in the messengers of God

Messengers of Allah are people sent to the earth with Sharia, calling to follow it. The first messenger is Noah, the last is Muhammad.

Messengers are people with a specific mission. But they should not be worshiped and considered divine personalities. They are no strangers to human conditioning. They are also mortal and susceptible to disease.

Rizal is only given to a select few. A person cannot acquire this degree on his own. No amount of personal effort will help.

Beliefs as a consequence of faith in messengers:

  1. The mission of the messengers is true. Whoever does not believe in at least one messenger will not be able to believe in the others. Whoever accuses one of the messengers accuses them all.
  2. One should believe in messengers whose names are known from the Scriptures.
  3. Unconditional faith in what the prophets told.
  4. The last prophet was Muhammad.

The fruits of faith in the Prophet:

  1. A person is given knowledge of the boundless mercy and care of Allah.
  2. People become grateful to the Lord for caring for them.
  3. Love and honor for messengers.

Day of Judgment - the fifth pillar of Iman

Every person must believe that sooner or later the Day of Judgment will come and everyone will have to appear before the Lord and answer for all their deeds. This day is also called the End of the World, as it is the last day on this planet. Then people will take their original eternal position, some in heaven and some in hell.

Belief in the End of the World implies the actions of a person who is convinced that this day will come and he will have to answer to the Lord.

When the Great Day comes, the resurrection of all the dead will take place and all humanity will appear before the face of the Lord. This indicates the special wisdom of Allah, who made it so that all people will return to life and receive reward for fulfilling their duties in accordance with divine Laws. Every person will have the opportunity to receive an account of their actions, and everyone on this day will receive what they have prepared for themselves.

Belief in predestination

Predestination is the measure established by Allah regarding the existence of everything in this world in accordance with the Laws of the Lord.

Predestination consists of Allah's knowledge of everything that was, is and will be. All information is recorded in the Stored Tablet. The book was compiled before this world was created. Everything that Allah wanted to bring into reality is written down here.

Creation itself is the crown of predestination, when the desires of Allah are realized in this world.

To believe in predestination means to realize that the Lord knows everything, that nothing is hidden from Him, and that everything is His will.

Every person needs to ask the question: “How to strengthen iman?” Knowledge of the pillars of the Faith will help with this. You should also communicate only with those who have a strong faith in Allah and are able to convey this faith.

Numerology of the name

Soul Number: 1.
Those to whom their parents gave a name with this number always occupy an active role. life position and they always know clearly what they want from life, what goals they are moving towards and what they want to achieve. They are well oriented in very complex and even extreme situations, it is almost impossible to confuse them and take them by surprise by dramatically changed circumstances or difficulties. But long-term projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let everything take its course, which automatically eliminates them from the ranks of business people. The strong point of the “units” is the execution of delegated tasks, moreover, than more difficult task, the more likely it is that these people will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in themselves and their abilities, they know how to earn money, but also spend it easily. Tend to make rash and impulsive decisions. They are usually reliable friends and the life of the party.

Independent, with an unquenchable thirst to become a leader in their field. They strive to completely control their destiny.

Destiny Number: 1.

Those with this number strive to be leaders. They are required to take the initiative and control everything. They think for themselves and will not follow others.

Personality Number: 9.

People with this number are natural, charming, graceful and idealistic. They can organize and lead a group of people, rather than just a few people, and can sometimes be convinced that they are better than others. Meanwhile, they are compassionate, sympathetic and kind-hearted.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth.
Zodiac: Leo.
Color: Gold, bright red, yellow.
Day: Sunday.
Mineral: Diamond, heliotrope, carbuncle, peridot.
Metal: Gold.
Plants: Heliotrope, ginger, cedar, laurel, lemon, mistletoe, peony, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Eagle, falcon, scarab, lion.

It is believed that the letters that make up a child's name have a certain meaning.

The name Iman is interpreted as:

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

“I was born on the coast of South Australia and grew up in a strict Catholic family. Coming from an Italian background, I had never been exposed to Islam or Muslims; I had no information about Islam at all. As I grew older, I asked my family questions about our Catholic identity, and the answer was always the same: “All Italians are Catholics, and we always have been.” I thought to myself, is this right, should we really believe in something just because our ancestors followed it?

Introduction to Islam

By the time I was 15, I had developed a strong faith in God. I attended Sunday Mass with my mother every week, but I still felt confused and embarrassed. I asked my mom about the difference between God and Jesus, but her answers didn't help me at all.

At the age of 16, I got married, had two boys, and then it turned out that at the age of 21 I got divorced. After that, by the will of Allah Almighty, I met Muslims. I started communicating with them, especially with one of the Muslim women who had recently converted to Islam and put on a hijab.

She introduced me to other Muslim women who regularly met at the Islamic youth center in Lakemba. They clearly explained to me what Islam is, and the missing fragments were filled in after reading the Koran. They lent me a book about prayer, and after a while I began to pray five times a day.

Several months passed like this. One day my mother found books about Islam in my room and was very upset. She said she felt devastated when she learned that her only daughter, whom she raised as a strict Catholic, had chosen Islam of all religions. My mother made it clear that if I changed my religion, she would want nothing to do with me - I would no longer be her daughter.

Despite this, my faith grew stronger. I sincerely wanted to live an Islamic lifestyle and the only way to do this was to start living separately with my two children. I had to make Islam become for me not just a religion, but a way of life.

As my knowledge of Islam increased, I realized that I had to either obey Allah Almighty or listen to my parents, who did not want me to accept Islam. I had a dilemma: pleasing my parents, or choosing what I believed was in the right way life. I chose the path of Islam, the path of Allah Almighty.

In order for my choice to become official for everyone, on March 29, 2000, I put on the hijab. From that day on, I didn't care what my environment said - I believed that I was doing the right thing. After I started wearing hijab, my life became easier with the help of Allah. One of my Muslim friends chose the name Iman for me, which means “faith.”

I decided to give Islamic names to my children: I named them Tariq and Bilal. Having become a Muslim, I overcame my fears about the opinions of others and tried to fear only Allah Almighty, and was guided only by this in my actions and decisions.

How Allah Almighty accepted my duas

I called my mom and told her the news about my choice, that I started wearing a hijab. At first she didn’t believe me - she said that if she saw me in a hijab, she would take it off me. A week passed, and my mother realized that I was serious. She told me that she no longer wanted me in her house and that she no longer considered me her daughter.

It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced in my life...

I knew that only Allah Almighty could reunite me with my mother. For several months, after every prayer, I cried, making dua" (asking) to Allah for my mother to call me. Soon Allah Almighty answered my dua," and my mother called me. All praise to Allah Almighty, Who answers our requests and helps us!

Later I started financial difficulties. And again I turned to Allah Almighty with a request to alleviate my situation. The next day I received a check in the mail. After that, I realized that I absolutely must not disobey Allah Almighty, I must try to do everything to follow His commands. I was determined to do good and avoid all that was evil.

Taking my son to kindergarten, I met other Muslim women. I especially became friends with two of them, they helped me and always made me feel supported, especially during the period when my mother did not talk to me.

I enrolled my five-year-old son in Arabic lessons and he has learned a lot since I converted to Islam. My children and I often read the Koran. In the future, insha Allah, my children will grow up learning about Islam and how to best lead their lives.

I thank Allah every day...

It's been almost two years since I became a Muslim, and now I'm able to tell other people about Islam.

One morning I went to the store and a young girl served me at the checkout. She asked me: "Are you a converted Muslim?" I said yes, and she told me that she also believed in Allah and was thinking about converting to Islam.

We began to communicate, I told her everything I knew, gave her books and CDs so that she could learn more about Islam. At the same time, I knew that I had to be there for her, give her advice and help as much as possible. The fact that I accepted Islam played a role and helped her become more harmoniously acquainted with Islam.

Six months passed, one day this girl called me and asked if I could take her to the mosque so that she could officially convert to Islam. I was so happy: after all, Allah Almighty chose me as the reason for guiding this girl on the true path. Alhamdulillah, she is now a Muslim!

Every day I thank Allah Almighty for guiding me to this wonderful religion. Islam is a religion of peace and goodwill and is for all humanity, regardless of color or ethnicity. And I'm honored to be part of this lifestyle.

The fact that I, by the grace of the Almighty, was able to bring someone to Islam, the fact that I became the reason for the implementation of this great task, became a great incentive for me to talk about Islam, to invite other people to get acquainted with this wonderful religion.

May Allah Almighty make us happy and give us guidance to always follow the path of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him!). Amine!"

From the translator

As part of my work, I often have to visit English-language Islamic websites and watch videos in which people share their stories about accepting Islam. Each of them has their own destiny, their own way of finding the truth. But they are all similar in one thing - these stories demonstrate the mercy of Allah Almighty, reveal the beauty of the Muslim faith and inspire other people to think about the eternal.

I usually don’t provide comments to my articles about converts, but Iman’s story is very touching, it left a response in the hearts of people, whose comments I bring to the attention of readers (translated from English).

Guest No. 1

“Allah Almighty gifted this girl with true religion. May Allah Almighty grant mercy to her and her friend, who also accepted Islam. It seems to me that those who accept Islam consciously are more inclined to follow all the requirements of the religion and are more reverent towards their faith.”

Guest No. 2

"Very interesting story, an impressive explanation of how Allah Almighty, by His mercy, led Iman to the true path. May He strengthen her faith! You have chosen a good path in life, you are a smart girl, and you are very lucky that Allah Almighty has guided you, that you have found the light in the darkness. Very few people can recognize the light of truth, and you are one of those people...”

Well, all we can do is join all the duas for the heroine of our story and turn to Allah Almighty with a request that He always guide us, Muslims all over the world, along the true path, and that we always remain in His pleasure! Amine!

  • I.p. Iman
  • R.p. Imana
  • D.p. Iman
  • V.p. Imana
  • etc. Iman
  • P.p. Imane

Iman - male name, Arabic in origin.
Option to spell the name in transliteration (Latin): Iman

Meaning of the name

Iman is Arabic. faith

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 4.
Those with name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2
Body number: 2


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: crimson, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: tin, electrum.
Mineral: sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

Origin of the name: Arabic

Iman is Arabic. faith

Numerology of the name Iman

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, “fours” are reliable and can be relied on in any life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 2


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Iman as a phrase

AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Iman

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”