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» Tricky letters in Russian. An unstressed cunning vowel, we hear it perfectly. Vowels and sounds

Tricky letters in Russian. An unstressed cunning vowel, we hear it perfectly. Vowels and sounds

Petrova Larisa Nikolaevna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Sholokhov Gymnasium, Veshenskaya village"
Locality: Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Rostov region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Vowel letter Yoyo. What is the trick of this letter?
Publication date: 21.11.2016
Chapter: elementary education

1 Methodological development of a literature lesson using information and communication technologies (ICT) Literary reading lesson. (learning to read and write) 1st grade Lesson topic: The vowel letter Yoyo. What is the trick of this letter? TCU: familiarization with the letter Yoyo, development of the ability to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing; development of phonemic hearing, oral speech, interest in reading, spelling vigilance, expansion of the active, passive, potential vocabulary of children, using the correct letterforms, nurturing love for their native land, for their native nature. Equipment:  computer, starBoard;  musical arrangement (song about the Baby Mammoth)  cartoon “Mom for the Baby Mammoth”  cards with the letters Ee, Eyo  drawings of children  R.N. Buneev.ABC Software: Presentation: “The vowel letter Eyo. What is the trick of this letter? Lesson progress Slide 1. Organizational moment. Slide 2. Creating a situation of success - Hello, guys! Today we will go on an exciting journey together with Hedgehog and get acquainted with the wonderful world of letters. Slide 3. Lesson motto: Every day, always, everywhere, In class, in the game We speak boldly, clearly And sit quietly. Slide 4. Updating knowledge. -Which vowel letters are used to indicate the hardness of consonants? (a, o, u, s) -Which vowel letters from those studied are used to indicate the softness of consonants? (i, e.) -What is the trick of the letter e? (Sly little fox - the letter e denotes two sounds [y'e], when it is at the beginning of a word or after vowels. When it is after consonants, it denotes the softness of the preceding consonant and the sound [e]. Slide 5. Observation. What sounds does the letter E mean? . 1
2 Guess the riddle: What a dress: It’s all needles. It’s worn forever by… ……………….trees. -What sound do we hear at the beginning of the word Christmas tree? [й'о] -The sounds [й'о] in writing are indicated by the letter Ёё. Slide 6. Observation. What sounds does the letter E represent? -What does a bear love most in the world? Honey -What sounds do we hear in this word? [m’ o t] -Give a description of each sound. The sound [m’] is consonant, sonorous, soft. Is the sound [o] a vowel? shock. The sound [t] is consonant, dull, hard. Slide 7. Introducing the letter E. -Explain the design of the letter E. The sound [o] in the letter is indicated by the letter e and shows the softness of the preceding consonant. Dress up the letter man and explain. Working with the textbook (p. 105) 1.-Why do you think the vowels e and e are friends and stand together, holding hands? (Sly little fox - the letter e denotes two sounds [й'е], when it is at the beginning of a word or after vowels. When it is after consonants, it denotes the softness of the preceding consonant and the sound [e]. 2. Reading words and syllables with the letter e. Continuing to observe words with the letter е. - Compare the first sounds (nose - nes [n] - [n']) - What sounds do you hear after these consonant sounds? [o] - Why are the vowels in these words different? (Letter е denotes the sound [o] after consonants and shows that this consonant is soft. The letter o denotes the sound [o] and shows that the consonant is hard) - Read the words of the next column to yourself, put emphasis in the words. - What did you pay attention to? (On the letter e is stressed) - Knowing that the letter e is always stressed, we will not put an accent mark on the word where this letter is. 3. Now I will read you the fairy tale “Why is E always stressed” 2
3 One day the letter E ran into the forest. Suddenly a strong wind blew and the trees swayed. The letter E became scared and hid under a spruce tree. The spruce tree also swayed from the wind, and two cones fell on the letter E, from which two cones formed on E’s head. From this it turned into another letter - the letter E. This, it turns out, is why E is always stressed. - So why is the letter E always stressed? Slide 8. Game. My imagination. What do the letters e and e look like? E and E are sisters, It’s not easy to distinguish between sisters, But the letter E has two dots, Like nails in a ladder. Slide 9. Working with tongue twisters. By repeating them, you can learn to pronounce sounds correctly. They are even recommended for adult artists, as tongue twisters develop the speech organs, active articulation and clear diction. -What tongue twisters do you know? Three magpies were chattering on the hill. The gun at the edge of the forest is scary. Cuckoo bought a hood, how funny he looks in the hood. The little cat was eating porridge crumbs on the window. Tell me about the purchases, what kind of purchases, About the purchases, about the purchases, about my purchases. Margarita collected daisies on the mountain. -We will get acquainted with a new tongue twister. The crow missed the crow. Read it. -How do you understand this tongue twister? -What did you notice? (All these three words in the tongue twister are the same root words.) - Let's say it first slowly, then moderately quickly, and then quickly. Work in pairs. - Who wants to speak to the class? Slide 10. Game. What do you know about these letters? e sh r Make up a word. (ruff) - What does this word mean? (This is a fish) Slide 11. Ruff. (text) The Don River is rich in fish. There are also ruffs in the Don. Ruff is the last fish that a fisherman dreams of when going fishing. And in vain. The ruff gives the fish soup both a piquant taste and a delicate aroma (the ruff is not cleaned of scales and mucus for cooking, since it is in it that the secret of the aroma of this fish lies). --What is the affectionate name for this fish? (Yorshik). What other lexical meaning does this word have? 3
4 Slide 12. Brush.Plant. Yorshik is a plant that can be found on the Black Sea coast. Slide 13. Brush. A brush is an item used to wash bottles and dishes. Slide 14. Polysemy of words. This word is ambiguous, as it has several lexical meanings. Slide 15. The root of the word. ruff brush ruffy -Read, what did you notice? (Root) ruff ruff ruff -What is a root? (The same part of related words.) -What spelling patterns did you notice in these words? (Write SHI with the letter i.) Working with the textbook. (p. 106) -Read the words and explain, are these words considered related? -How do you understand the word cub? Slide 16. GAME: “Guess the baby” - I name the adult animal, and you name its baby. elephant-calf cow-calf whale-kitten cat-kitten mammoth-mammoth -Read the words denoting baby animals. Slide 17. Suffix. -What gives these words a diminutive meaning? (Suffix -yonok-) -Who is a baby mammoth? (Mammoth calf - baby mammoth) Slide 18. Physical exercise (musical) -What modern animal does a mammoth look like? -What is the difference? -Imagine that we have now been transported to the North Pole, it is cold and chilly. Let's rub our hands, nose, cheeks, ears, jump on one leg, then on the other. Are you warm? -Now let’s sit down on the snowball and watch and sing a song about a baby mammoth and watch an excerpt from the cartoon. -Did you like the hero of this cartoon? -What did you like about him? Children fell in love with this hero so much, they began to draw him and send their drawings to the Internet. 4
5 Slide 19. Exhibition of children's drawings. Slide 20. 1. Vocabulary work The Cenozoic era is an era in the geological history of the Earth with a length of 65.5 million years. Primitive people are people who lived on Earth many millions of years ago. A huge graceful animal is a large, beautiful animal. Stone caves are the first dwellings of primitive people. Rock paintings are drawings on the walls of stone caves. Internet international (worldwide) computer network. Yakutia-Far Eastern Federal District (one of the largest regions of the country). 2. Predicting the content of the text. -Read the title of the text, look at the illustration. Think about who this text is about? Slide 21.Text. S. Samsonova. Mammoths. Mammoths lived in the Cenozoic era, when primitive man appeared. Primitive people liked this huge graceful animal and they painted it on the walls of stone caves. Here is one of the cave paintings taken from the Internet. Slide 22. Working on the text. S. Samsonov “Mammoths” 1. Read the text to yourself. 2. Think about who this text is about? 3. What new things have you learned about mammoths? 4. Read the text out loud. 5. Find words with the letters e and ё. Slide 23. Lesson summary. We traveled with the Mouse, what do you think he learned? -Which letter did we meet? -Why is this letter tricky? -Give examples. Slide 24. Thanks for the lesson. 5

Vowels are sounds that, unlike consonants, arise when a tone is formed - without the participation of noise.

In addition, unlike consonants, vowel sounds are capable of forming a syllable and participating in the formation of stress.

Vowel sounds in the Russian language are very important: in addition to participating in the distinction of meaning, they are supporting for us in determining the rhythmic structure of a word and its boundaries.

In the Russian language, vowel sounds perform the following functions: they participate in the construction of words, they can distinguish words, create rhythm - form stress, participate in the formation of intonation (including emotional - “How she floats!” - we say when we want to express our especially warm attitude).

The basis of vowel sounds is tone. Therefore, vowel sounds are clearly audible and can be stretched out in duration (when lost in the forest, we call “au-au-au!”).

The sounds of speech in writing are square brackets. This is a transcription. In transcription, it is not customary to write capital letters and use punctuation marks.

10 letters are intended to indicate vowel sounds and are conventionally called vowels (a, u, o, s, e, i, yu, e, i, e).

There are six vowel sounds - [A] [O] [U] [Y] [I] [E].

In the Russian language there are more vowel letters than vowel sounds, which is due to the peculiarities of the use of the letters i, yu, e, ё (iotated or tricky vowel sounds).

The sound meaning of the letters e, ё, yu, ya.

1. The letters e, e, yu, i can represent two sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

at the beginning of a word: for example, spruce - [ye]l, hedgehog - [yo]zh, yula - [yu]la, pit - [ya]ma; after a vowel sound: washes - mo[ye]t, sings - po[yo]t, give - yes[y]t, bark - la[ya]t; after the dividing words ь,ъ: eat - eat[ye]m, drink - drink[yo]t, pour - l[yu]t, zealous - zealous.
In addition, after the separation b the letter will represent two sounds And: nightingales - nightingale [yi].

2. The letters e, e, yu, i indicate the softness of the preceding consonant in the position after consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m′eh], carried - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], kneaded - [m′al].

Reports and messages on the Russian language


Among all the numerous consonant sounds of the Russian language, one stands out, and it differs in that it does not have its own specific designation, its own letter. Sometimes it is denoted by the letter y, but most often it is hidden under other letters. What kind of tricky sound is this? It is found in many words, for example, in the words entrance, family, nut, sew, ad, spruce, apple, cabin boy, hedgehog and many others. Can you guess what sound we are talking about? Well, of course, about the sound yot [j]]. This sound is found in many European languages: German, English, French, Czech, Polish, but in these languages ​​it is always indicated by an independent letter. But in the Russian language there is no separate letter for it. How to find it? If words begin with the letters e, e, yu, i, then the initial sound in these words will be yot: fidget, nonsense, fir-tree, berry, tongue, south, yula.

Yot is a consonant sound, so it cannot appear after consonants. If yot appears after consonants, then a dividing sign appears: either hard, usually after prefixes (ate, volume, present), or soft - after consonants in other parts of the word (drink, sew, chairs).

Sometimes the cunning yot is indicated by the letter y (when it appears after vowels): seagull, sing, bolder, villain, short, museum, anniversary, kiss, planetarium.

When yot is hidden in other letters, related words will help you find it. For example, in the words: moya, howls, military, winnowing - one iota is hidden in other letters. But if you choose related words to these words, then it immediately becomes visible: mine, howl, war, howl.

Are you convinced that the cunning yot likes to hide? Then listen to one fairy tale - it will help you better remember the iota's tricks.

In the glorious city of Zvukobukvinsk there lived Letters and Sounds. We lived together. But everyone noticed that all the letters looked strong, rosy and cheerful, and the sounds were always sad and pale. And all because the letters were involved in sports, and the sounds were lazy and often got sick. The most common ailment in sounds was considered to be acute phonetic disorder. Either their softness in their voices disappeared, or, on the contrary, they lost firmness in their legs.

One day, the pale letter Y entered the chief physician’s office. She had never been sick before and was very frightened by her state of health.

What's wrong with you? - asked the excited V.

“I’m not feeling well... something is bothering me inside..,” answered the letter Y.

Need an x-ray! No sooner said than done. B looked at the picture, and there...

You have YOT inside you!

Is it dangerous? - I got worried.

No. This happens sometimes with some letters. For example, yesterday sisters E and E contacted, and last week - Yu. Their story is the same as yours. You see, YOT is playing hide and seek with you! You just can't see him like that. He is invisible and loves to fool everyone.

What medicine would you recommend for me?

As often as possible, do a phonetic analysis of the words you work with. This is the only way to detect IOT!

Yu, Ya, E, Yo got together, consulted with each other and decided to always be on guard if they stood up:

At the beginning of the word;

After a vowel;

After the dividing b and b.

They even soon issued a special law about this.

But those who have not heard anything about this law, and those who do not know how to do phonetic analysis, often find themselves fooled by the prankster IOT (who loves more than anything else to play... hide and seek!).

"Reports and messages on the Russian language" V.A. Krutetskaya. Additional materials, useful information, interesting facts. Elementary School.

An unstressed cunning vowel, We hear it perfectly. What letter is in the letter? Science will help us here: The vowel is stressed, To dispel all doubts.

Picture 9 from the presentation “Stressed and unstressed vowels” for Russian language lessons on the topic “Unstressed vowels”

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Unstressed vowels

“Vowels and consonants” - Etymology. N.F. Vinogradova’s program “21st century”. How to call it in one word? Vocabulary work. A, I, o, e, y, yu, and, s, e, e. Ask a question about the word PORTFOLIO. Name the consonant sounds. What is a briefcase? Name the vowel sounds in the word. What vowel sounds do you know? The fingers answer in unison, everyone nods their heads.

5. “Donkey Rules.” 1. Alternation of root vowels. Topic: “Roots with alternating vowels E/I.” 2. Alternation of vowels in the root. 4. 3. measures/worldA.

“Vowel sounds” - How do speech sounds differ from all other sounds? U a l g a e t m n e y z v z d. Experiment No. 1. Phoneme is a sound. Having inflated the ball, we put two thin rubber films on the tube. During the classes. Working with theoretical material from the textbook. Demonstration of experiments - Let's check how sounds are born. 2. It is written in two columns on the board.

“Stressed and unstressed vowels” - Copy it, changing the words according to the model. Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds. They rush with E if they know that it won’t be long before the deadline. Performed by Gorbunova R.G. primary school teacher. Goals. Choose test words. Rule. What? Add test words. Which? A kilogram of apples. Charades. Write down the four necessary words.

“Vowels and consonants” - T.V. Cherepanova, teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 21, Olenegorsk. Vowels and consonants. R. Dear guys! A. Yu. F. Sh. Technological technique: animated sorbont.

“Lesson Unstressed Vowels” - Repetition topic: Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of the word. Topic: Fluent vowels in the root of a word. Observation, conclusions; Compare your conclusions with those in the textbook. Explanation of missing spellings (exercise No. 85). Which task was the most difficult or interesting? Stump - stumps. Working with a rule on page 123.

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic