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» Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam: a complete guide to Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam: a complete guide to Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

This material is dedicated to Ho Chi Minh City - a city that is definitely worth visiting if you have a couple of days left.
Photos from the editorial archive, as well as from Alexander Nefedov, Evgeny Rubanov and Anton Balashov

Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city in Vietnam; according to various sources, about 13 million people now live there. Many people mistakenly call it the capital of Vietnam, but this is not so - the capital is Hanoi. Ho Chi Minh City and Saigon are also often confused, not knowing what the difference is. In fact, these are the same city, just Ho Chi Minh City is the new name for Saigon. In 1975, it was renamed in honor of the communist leader of Vietnam, and as a warning to the rebellious south of the country, which supported the American occupation forces. But to this day, not only many residents of the city still call it Saigon - the word Saigon and the abbreviation SGN are used everywhere, in the designation of the airport and train station, in bus schedules and hotel names, in souvenir products. So beware, Ho Chi Minh City and Saigon are the same thing.

Anyone who has not yet been to other Asian cities will be amazed by the heat, the abundance of motorcyclists for whom no rules seem to be written, and the striking contrast between modern skyscrapers and shops - and street life right at their doorsteps. It is very interesting to wander around Ho Chi Minh City just like that, even without a specific goal - a huge number of shops, street food, and coffee shops will not let you get bored. Be sure to buy something from the cart vendors and check out the markets and pagodas if you come across them along the way.

The central 1st district (indicated on maps as District 1) is ideal for walking. Almost all the main attractions and museums are located there, as well as the lion's share of hotels, shops, spas, restaurants and cafes needed by tourists. Moreover, you can find accommodation for every taste - from a bed in a hostel for 5 dollars a day to a five-star hotel room for 200. If you want to live in the center, and at the same time have the opportunity to pay for European comfort, choose hotels in the area of ​​​​Dong Khoi Street and the Saigon River embankment. Although a half-hour walk from this area you can spend a decent night at a price of 20-30 dollars per night. We would like to recommend you a special “tourist” quarter that will remind seasoned travelers of Khaosan Street in Bangkok. In Ho Chi Minh City, for budget tourists there is Pham Ngu Lao Street. And right behind it there is a backup street called Bui Vien. And don’t think that this area is only for the most budget-conscious. There are also more expensive hotels there, but the main thing is that these few blocks are intended for tourists. Right there are the departure points for intercity slipper buses (sleeping places) to Mui Ne, Vung Tao, Nha Trang (and further all the way to Hanoi), as well as to Cambodia. It’s very convenient - I flew to Ho Chi Minh City in the morning, checked into Phamgulao, had a bite to eat at one of the many restaurants, wandered around the city center, and tomorrow morning I took a bus further along my route.


Getting to Phamgulao from the airport is very easy - a taxi will cost between 130-150 thousand dong, and bus No. 152 (goes directly to the airport, and you need to get off at the Ben Thanh Market stop and then walk 10 minutes) - generally only 6 thousand, and the same amount for luggage.

By the way, about the airport. It is called Tan Son Nhat (Tan Son Nhat) and consists of two terminals located 200 meters apart. The international terminal is referred to in flight documents as Terminal 2.
Domestic, respectively - Terminal 1. Domestic flights are not very expensive; three companies operate on the market - state-owned Vietnam Airlines, as well as low-cost airlines VietJetAir and JetStar. Prices need to be monitored - for example, tickets to Nha Trang and back from Vietnam Airlines cost $150, from VietJetAir almost 200, but JetStar pleased us with a promotional fare for $60. Those who have to transfer to a domestic flight just need to exit the building (there is only one exit), turn right and walk two hundred meters (you can continue walking, with your luggage on the trolley). Even at the airport there is a surprisingly favorable exchange rate - always higher than on the streets of the city, so you can safely change money; the first exchanger is located even before the baggage claim area. You will need Vietnamese dongs in a taxi or bus (by the way, you can pay with a card in a taxi), and in grocery stores. If you wish, in all other places (hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, souvenir shops) you can pay in dollars. But this is not very convenient, not very profitable, and yet not always possible, so for expenses in Ho Chi Minh City it is better to change the currency. If after Ho Chi Minh City you go to Mui Ne or Nha Trang, you can change the main amount there, if necessary - at street exchange offices, unlike Ho Chi Minh City, the rate is good.

Speaking about traveling around the country, we must also talk about the railway station. It's called Ga Saigon. Attention! Now, to purchase a train ticket, you need to provide passport data - first name, last name, document number. Usually it is enough to write out this information in advance; you don’t have to present the passport itself. The train is very convenient if you are going to Nha Trang - by bus such a journey (12 hours on the road) will be simply torture, and the plane is convenient only when you do not plan to see Ho Chi Minh City or take tickets in advance when they are available at a time convenient for you, and sold at minimum prices. By the way, a plane ticket to Nha Trang can cost around 50 dollars, the most expensive train ticket is about 27. The train (fast SE2, SE4, SE22) takes about 6 hours, and the most convenient option- take the 11-hour train (departs at 23-00) to be in Nha Trang at 5-30 am. When you pay for the most expensive ticket, you find yourself in a high-quality Soviet-style compartment. The air conditioning doesn't turn off, so the blanket you're provided will come in handy. The conductors will wake you up clearly; you will not pass your station.

In fairness, it is worth mentioning the train to Phan Thiet (a city 15 km from Mui Ne). But, although the train is more convenient than the bus, and goes faster and more comfortably, in reality everything is more complicated - on Pham Gulao you first take a taxi to the station, then wait for the train, ride on it, but since it does not stop in Phan Thiet itself, but outside the city , a taxi from the station to Mui Ne will cost you even more than a train ticket! And you make all these movements with luggage. Compare this to delivering directly from Pham Gulao to your hotel in Mui Ne, which is what slipper buses do! The fact is that all of Mui Ne, in fact, is one street along the sea, and some bus companies do not drop off passengers at one point in the center of Mui Ne, but simply stop at the necessary hotels.

In Ho Chi Minh City itself, it is better to travel by taxi. There are always a lot of them, they all work on a meter. There are few twisted meters; mostly such taxi drivers wait for clients at attractions. If the numbers on the meter are rushing like crazy, stop the taxi and get out, twenty dongs is enough for a scoundrel. However, we personally have never come across such cars in Ho Chi Minh City (it happened only once in Hanoi). You should know what smaller car taxi (subcompact car, sedan, minivan), the lower the fare, so save when possible. Make it a rule to show taxi drivers the address or name of the place you want to go to. printed form- from a phone screen or on a piece of paper, and not by ear - our pronunciation is too different, you may not be understood correctly. Be sure to have a few hotel business cards with you when you leave. If you are traveling alone, you can use the services of motorcycle taxis - these are Vietnamese people sitting/lying on their motorbikes on the sidewalks, especially near intersections. Prices for a quick ride are about half that of a taxi. And, importantly, they deliver faster. Don't be afraid, all motorcycle taxi drivers are excellent drivers. But don’t use the services of pedicabs - these are the first scammers in Ho Chi Minh City!

Security measures

But here's what you need to be wary of, and seriously - street thieves. They are almost always on motorcycles (or have a partner waiting with the motorcycle running) and act very boldly and quickly. Just in the area of ​​Famgulao Street, rich in tourists. Their prey is phones and bags, which they snatch from hands. So remember a few things. Do not carry your passport or large sums of money with you; keep it all at the hotel. Women - try to carry bags over your shoulder, not on your shoulder or in your hand, and definitely not from the side of the road. It's dangerous to walk around typing or reading something on your phone; snatching it is a couple of small things. Apart from these unpleasant moments, Ho Chi Minh City is a fairly safe city, there are no robberies or violence against tourists here, enjoy your walk. Reject offers from motorbikers about girls and marijuana, and ignore pedicabs (well, they always try to scam you out of money, it seems like you agreed on 200, not 20), and nothing will happen to you.


There is a standard list of attractions given in all guidebooks - Independence Palace, War Crimes Museum, Historical Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Museum, Ben Thanh Market, Notre Dame de Saigon, city post office. In our opinion, some of them can be excluded, especially if you are short on time. And some - on the contrary, add.

Palace of Independence (Reunification Palace)- the former residence of the President of South Vietnam, the capture of which marked the end of the war with the Americans and the unification of the country in 1975. The palace generally has a rich history; its first name was Norodom Palace (in honor of the Cambodian king who reigned in the 1870s). The fact is that both Cambodia and Vietnam at that time were French colonies, and were ruled from Saigon (which, by the way, was the Cambodian city of Prey Nokor many years ago). Since then, it has been used, one after another, by the rulers of South Vietnam. That is why for the Viet Cong army (the communist North of the country) the capture of this building was deeply symbolic, both for Soviet army- Reichstag. The tank that broke through the palace gates and the bomber that bombed it in April 1975 are on display in the open-air park. True, these are not historical combat vehicles, but simply equipment of the same models. In the Palace of Independence itself you will see conference halls and meeting rooms, a communications and troop control center, and workrooms of its former inhabitants. The building, both in terms of architecture and interiors, is a typical example of construction and life of the 60s, and frankly speaking, it does not evoke strong emotions. If you only have one day with Ho Chi Minh City, it makes sense not to waste time exploring the palace, but simply take a photo of it through the gate, on the way from Ben Thanh Market to the Catholic Cathedral.
Address of the Palace of Independence: Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, 135. Opening hours: daily from 7:30 to 11:00, from 13:00 to 16:00. The ticket costs 30 thousand dong. By the way, please note: the Independence Palace is depicted on the 200 thousand dong banknote!

War Crimes Museum (Museum of War Victims) It’s dedicated to what’s clear: the horrors of the war with the Americans. Initially, it was called directly - “Museum of War Crimes of the United States and its Puppets”, then, during the normalization of relations with America, the name gradually became more politically correct, until the current version. But this does not change the essence. The bulk of the exhibits are housed in the building that housed the US Information Agency during the war. Weapons from the war scary photos the consequences of the use of napalm and dioxin, the atrocities of the US military, including the world-famous massacre at My Lai. Preserved fruits, mutated under the influence of toxic substances. In short, the exhibition leaves a very difficult impression. There is also a prison where military and political prisoners were kept, with its own guillotine, which operated until 1960. Captured equipment is displayed on the street - two planes, a helicopter and a tank. The War Crimes Museum is located not far from the Independence Palace, but again, if you don’t have much time and don’t want to think about death, you can mentally honor the memory of the victims of this war and explore Ho Chi Minh City further.
Address of the War Crimes Museum: Vo Van Tan street, 28. Opening hours: daily from 07:30 to 12:00, and from 13:30 to 17:00. The ticket costs 15 thousand dong.

Historical Museum (Museum of Vietnamese History)- in fact, it is a local history museum. A large number of exhibits, artifacts of all eras - literally from the Stone Age to the twentieth century. Ancient works of art, collections of Cham sculpture, clothing, household items and weapons from all centuries are, of course, interesting to see. But again, it depends on how much free time you have in Ho Chi Minh City. The museum is located practically on the territory of the zoo, so it makes sense to combine a visit there with a trip to the zoo if you are with a child. From time to time, the museum hosts water puppet theater performances (additional 50 thousand VND), and although they cannot be compared with a full-fledged production organized by puppet theaters in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, general idea it is possible to compose.
Address of the Historical Museum: Nguyen Binh Khiem street, 2. Ticket costs 15 thousand dong. There is not a word in Russian in the museum, of course. And the most famous exhibit is a terrible mummy, a photo of which we did not present here. Unless you just get to see a performance of a water puppet theater - otherwise it’s not a fact that you will be satisfied with the visit.

Building Ho Chi Minh Museum, unlike most similar museums in other cities of Vietnam, is almost unrelated to who it is dedicated to - Ho Chi Minh himself never lived or worked here. But from about here he went into 30-year exile in 1911. The museum is located on the banks of the Saigon River (by the way, it gave the name to the city), and information about it is given rather so that, when you find yourself nearby, you know what kind of building it is - a short time, which you will have in Ho Chi Minh City, you will still not be able to get around all the sights.
Address of the Ho Chi Minh Museum: Nguyen Tat Thanh street, 1d. The ticket costs 10 thousand dong. To be honest, no one even gets to this museum - just know what it looks like - from the embankment of the Saigon River this building is quite visible.

Ben Thanh Market (Cho Benh Thanh) - the largest and most colorful market in the city center - can well be considered its landmark. The market building has long been the hallmark of the first central district (District 1) and helps tourists navigate, since next to it there is a large bus station and the tourist quarter of Famgulao. In the market itself, it is very difficult to get rid of annoying traders, as well as to understand what the real price of the goods is. Bargain, bargain, and bargain some more. I must say that the Vietnamese themselves do not really like to buy something here - prices are higher than in other places (for example, at the Cho Binh Tay Chinese market in another area of ​​the city). In addition to souvenirs and clothes, there are also fruits and vegetables, spices, and many household items. Around 6-7 pm the market closes, and the space around it is filled with portable cafes - there you can try seafood and national Vietnamese dishes, and quite inexpensively.

Biteksko Tower(Bitexco - after the name of the owner, a financial corporation) is the business card of all of Ho Chi Minh City, the tallest building in the city (262 meters), which lost its status as the tallest in Vietnam only in 2011, when an even taller skyscraper was built in Hanoi. The architect of the tower is said to have been inspired by the lotus flower (one of the symbols of Vietnam), but it is very difficult to understand where the high-rise looks like a lotus. The horizontal protrusion on the skyscraper is a helipad, and on the 49th floor there is a Saigon Skydeck with a full 360-degree panorama. Admission ticket costs $10 (200 dong), and it’s ideal to come at sunset so you can see Ho Chi Minh City both in the sun and in the evening lights. From the Ben Tan market to the tower, walk at a very calm pace for about twenty to twenty-five minutes.

Cathedral of Notre Dame de Saigon was built in the 1880s by the French so that its beauty and grandeur would help convert the Vietnamese to the Catholic faith. No expense was spared on it - many materials were brought directly from France. For example, the unique red brick has not faded in the more than 130 years that the cathedral has stood. In front of the building stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, who is said to have wept in 2005, which has attracted a large number of tourists. The cathedral is active, and you can not only admire the beautiful mosaic(national flavor has been added to classic religious scenes, for example, barefoot Vietnamese children are depicted next to the Mother of God), but also to see how services are conducted. A very popular and romantic place to make a date, because from here you can go for a walk in a variety of directions, and there are many cafes nearby.
Address: Look at the intersection of Dong Khoi and Nguyen Du streets. The visit is free.

Ho Chi Minh City Central Post Office is located to the right of Notre-Dame de Saigon, when viewed from the side of the Virgin Mary. This building was built several years later than the cathedral, and (attention!) by Eiffel himself (yes, the creator of the tower of the same name). In terms of architecture, by the way, the post office resembles the city hall, but Eiffel’s conscience is clear - they began to build it a few years later. This post office is the real thing, although it looks more like an old European station. Here you can send a letter or parcel to any part of the world, but colorful postcards are very popular among tourists. The huge portrait of Ho Chi Minh, which decorates the end of the hall, is not just a tribute to the love of the Vietnamese for the leader - he actually worked here, albeit for a very short time.

City Hall (City Hall) - a very beautiful building in the very center of the first district (next to the Opera), which is illuminated in the evenings. Once there was a hotel here, then a municipality, and now the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City (analogous to the Soviet Central Committee of the Communist Party). The building is not open to the public. The square in front of the town hall, together with the Ho Chi Minh statue, is a favorite place for photographs and romantic walks, and is a very recognizable symbol of the city.
Address: intersection of Nguyen Hue and Le Loi streets

Opera House(Opera theatre) It is also located in the very center of the city, and is used for its intended purpose - from time to time, concerts of symphony orchestras from all over the world or other musical performances take place here. From a tourist point of view, the opera house is interesting primarily for the new, interesting and very high-quality show AO Show Saigon, staged especially for foreign guests. Before this, from a cultural point of view, Ho Chi Minh City could only offer travelers a performance of the water puppet theater (Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street, 55 b) - and it, frankly speaking, is quite archaic, not for everybody. Needed a fresh look a foreign director to show Vietnamese culture, features of everyday life and life dynamically, interestingly, and with humor. We strongly recommend that you visit this show, even despite the rather expensive tickets (for more details, visit The performance takes place 3-4 times a week, at 6 and 8 pm; tickets can be bought not only at the opera house itself, but at almost all travel agencies and hotels in the city. Keep in mind that presenting your boarding pass for the international flight you're on to Ho Chi Minh City often offers a hefty 30% discount.
Address: Cong Truong Lam Son street, 07

Factory of varnish products undeservedly not mentioned by most guidebooks, whereas in fact this is one of those places that you will definitely remember visiting. By the way, many sightseeing tours of Ho Chi Minh City include a visit to the factory as part of their tour. compulsory program. Lacquer painting, the oldest Vietnamese art, has been technologically hampered for many centuries, since varnish is a very difficult material to use. In air it hardens, darkens, it is very difficult to give it the desired color, and working with it requires maximum concentration, accuracy and skill. It is interesting that initially only five colors were used (according to the number of natural dyes available at that time), and White color came up with a replacement for crushed eggshell or mother of pearl. Even in ancient times, dishes, household items, and horse harness were coated with varnish to ensure durability in tropical humidity conditions, but all these items had decorative rather than artistic value. But it was only in the 20th century, especially after World War II, that Vietnamese artists, in search of national identity, turned to lacquer painting as a business card of your country. Now, along with very inexpensive boxes and saucers costing a few dollars, craftsmen create real paintings and panels that have great artistic value. At the factory you will be able to see the entire process of making varnish products, and experience genuine respect for the people who do it.
Address: Nguyen Dinh Chieu street, 94-102

Saigon River embankment and the surrounding neighborhoods are a great place for walking; this is an area of ​​expensive colonial-style hotels and interesting restaurants different cuisines peace, respectable public. From a tourist point of view, a walk along the river on one of the many ships is interesting. It usually starts at 8 pm and includes dinner, entertainment program, and one of the most interesting things to do is watch other elegantly decorated ships. Such a trip costs from 20-25 dollars to 60-70, depending on the ship.

And now some good news for those who are already confused in all these attractions and sadly think that in the half day allotted for exploring the city, they won’t have time to really see anything. In fact, walk around Ho Chi Minh City can be organized in such a way that you can see quite a lot. The simplest thing is to take sightseeing tour around the city, including a tour of the main attractions (the cost of such a trip starts from $7 per person). True, such an excursion is not suitable for everyone - the groups are large, and the guide speaks only English. A Russian-speaking guide, although not a problem in Ho Chi Minh City, will cost you $50, which is quite acceptable for a family or small group. But you can walk around the city on your own, especially since almost all the attractions are located in the central first district.

For example, let's say you live in Famgulao District. Move towards the Ben Thanh market, and then rise higher and to the right - to the Palace of Independence. Whether you visit it and the War Crimes Museum or not is up to you. Literally ten minutes from the Palace of Independence is Notre-Dame de Saigon, right behind it is the post office. If the day is hot and stuffy, you can take a break in one of the coffee shops or take a cool taxi to get to the varnish factory in comfort.
If you're continuing your walk from the cathedral or post office, just walk down Dong Khoi Street (watched by the Virgin Mary). In ten to fifteen minutes you will find yourself in the area of ​​City Hall and the Opera House. You can walk even further, to the Bitexco tower, and climb to the observation deck. And if it’s close to 8 pm, then take a boat ride on the Saigon River. You do not want? Return to Phamgulao along chic Le Loi Street, where several shopping centers. If you find yourself on this street around 9 pm, be sure to stop by a well-known establishment in narrow circles - the Jazz Club at Le Loi, 28. This small jazz cafe will take you to another era, and it will be very difficult to imagine what is behind the door - the bustle of Vietnamese streets.

Finally, I would like to recommend a couple of places for families with children. If you are traveling around Asia and spend several days in Ho Chi Minh City, or are stopping here just for a day or two, but with a child - please him with new impressions! First of all, you can go with him to zoo- it's pretty good in Ho Chi Minh City. Don’t forget that the Museum of Vietnamese History is located practically on the territory of the zoo - take a look here if you want. The zoo also includes a botanical garden.
Address: Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, 2B. Opening hours - from 8-30 to 16-00. Instead of the address, you can simply write to the Saigon Zoo taxi driver, but don’t even try to get to the zoo on foot, especially with a child - it is located quite far away.

Amusement park and water parkDam Sen will not leave either an adult or a child indifferent. It is huge in area and includes not only all kinds of attractions (there are roller coasters), but also a water park, the entrance to which is located quite far from the main entrance. So, when driving up, tell the taxi driver which entrance to stop at. The water park here is reminiscent of Vinpearl in Nha Trang, so if you have other resorts on your travel program after Ho Chi Minh City (Mui Ne, Vung Tau), it makes sense to spend half a day and take your child here.
Address: 3 Hòa Bình, Phường 3. Entrance 150 thousand dong for adults, 120 thousand for children.

Vietopia- a new and very interesting option for children's recreation. An entire city for children was built on the territory of the large pavilion. Game element is that a child can try himself in different professions - here he is a fireman and extinguishes a burning house, here he is taught to tinker with a baby, here he is a dentist or a magician, and here he makes very tasty strawberry ice cream. At the entrance you are given a number of coupons with which you pay for “training,” but in some cases the game is designed in such a way that the child, on the contrary, is even paid for his “work.” Children take everything completely seriously and you can’t drag them away from the magical city by the ears. A place definitely worth a visit! Different professions have different age thresholds, so at the entrance, when they ask the child’s age, feel free to add a year so that more entertainment is available.
Address: Số 2-4 đường số 9, khu đô thị mới Him Lam, phường Tân Hưng.
Ticket price: for a child 190 (weekdays) or 280 (weekends) thousand dong, for an accompanying adult - 140 thousand. Adults are not allowed to participate in the games. There is, of course, a language barrier in the game, but a lot of it is explained through gestures, so don't worry. After visiting Vietopia, we recommend stopping by the nearest Lotte Mart (it’s a couple of blocks away, just write the name of the store to the taxi driver) and buy your child (and yourself) inexpensive and high-quality clothes.

And now we will talk about excursions, which makes sense to take while in Ho Chi Minh City. Most often, it’s easier, cheaper, and even more interesting to buy an excursion rather than get to the destination yourself.
First of all, we need to say about Mekong Delta. The Great Asian River flows here into hundreds of channels and feeds a huge number of people - the residential density in this area is one of the highest in the world. Excursions last one or two days (with an overnight stay and an early arrival at the colorful floating market) - but most travelers choose a one-day excursion. During it, you will see the life of Vietnamese peasants, which has probably remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Here it is, the real Vietnam, without skyscrapers, iPhones in the hands of young people and trendy coffee shops. Candies made from coconut and other fruits, rice paper, incense sticks for pagodas - everything is made here. An interesting trip, and not tiring.

Those who are interested in the war with the Americans should definitely go to Cu Chi tunnels- a whole underground labyrinth of partisans who caused the invaders a huge number of problems. No one will be indifferent to the patience, courage, everyday life and cunning tricks of the Vietnamese who lived and fought in the tunnels. Is it even possible to conquer such a nation? Those interested can shoot at a special range with pistols, machine guns or even a machine gun, for an additional fee. Sometimes an excursion to the Cu Chi tunnels is combined with a visit to the temple of the Cao Dai religion, which is interesting primarily because it was born in 1928 in Vietnam and, unlike all other teachings, is original.

Dong Tam Snake Farm First of all, it will be of interest to those who want to see the famous ritual with a cobra and taste its heart, blood and meat. There are about 20 species of snakes in the nursery, and there is a “snake” restaurant, so you can try a variety of dishes and wash them down with medicinal rice vodka infused with cobra. Or buy such a drink for home or as a gift, without the risk that they will slip you a decorative bottle of industrial alcohol.

And finally, we can’t help but mention trip to Cambodia, and more specifically - in Angkor Wat. If you decide to spend a few days in Ho Chi Minh City, the prospect of seeing the world-famous wonder of the world (and the live sets for the film “Lara Croft”) is unlikely to leave you indifferent. Cambodia is nearby! The city of Siem Reap, 5 kilometers from which Angkor Wat is located, is not as close to Ho Chi Minh City as, for example, to Bangkok, but still not far away. And, by the way, excursions are not needed here - it’s easy to do everything yourself. The most comfortable way to get to Siem Reap is by plane; round trip tickets cost around $300. For budget travelers, buses run from the already mentioned tourist street Pham Gulao in Ho Chi Minh City to Siem Reap every hour from 7 am to 3-4 pm (round trip ticket is about $25). But there is one catch - the bus is slow, in the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh - they change it for another, and in total the trip takes a long 12 hours. We recommend two other options. If there are several of you, it is much better to find a taxi. Most likely, the car will be replaced at the border, check this. The journey to Siem Reap will cost a total of 80-100 dollars for everyone. And the same amount - back. And if you are alone (as a couple), and in economy mode, make an overnight stop in Phnom Penh - and the journey will not be so difficult, and look at the Royal Palace in the capital, this is an ideal option if you have time. And the next morning, continue your journey to Siem Reap; all tickets can be purchased in advance in Ho Chi Minh City. A good guesthouse in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap costs about $25 per night. Visa - 20 dollars, but you will be offered it for 25, with help in registration, agree. A ticket to Angkor Wat costs 20 dollars, a rickshaw driver (gasoline taxis are prohibited on the territory of the temple complex) another 15. Siem Reap at night is similar to Pattaya, fun!

Excursions in Ho Chi Minh City from private guides and travel agencies.
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City Ho Chi Minh or (also known as Saigon) is the largest city in Vietnam, the most important industrial and commercial center in the country.

It can rightfully be called the soul of Vietnam, a real center of attraction for tourists who love shopping, which allows us to call Saigon the “Paris of the East” or the “Pearl of the Far East”.

Note that the history of Ho Chi Minh City began over 300 years ago, thanks to which today tourists can see a large number of magnificent historical buildings and other attractions of Ho Chi Minh City at the resort. In addition, Saigon offers tourists visiting upscale restaurants, accommodation in magnificent hotels, walks through evergreen flowering parks, as well as a unique hospitable atmosphere.

We draw the attention of tourists that in Ho Chi Minh City there are a large number of markets where a completely unique atmosphere reigns. You should come here to feel the truly Vietnamese atmosphere, as well as treat yourself to something delicious. In addition, Saigon also has a wonderful night market.

Video from Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City's attractions include wonderful historical and cultural monuments, colorful markets such as Binh Tay and Ben Thanh, as well as religious sites. First of all, tourists should visit the GiacLam Pagoda, one of the oldest and most beautiful pagodas in Saigon, where tourists can...

Ho Chi Minh City Tours and Activities

The most interesting excursions in Ho Chi Minh City are visits to Saigon museums - the Military Museum, the Museum of the Revolution, the Museum of the History of Vietnam, and the Art Museum.

Also to interesting excursions Ho Chi Minh City includes such programs for tourists as “Robinson Day”, during which tourists can visit an uninhabited island, fishing and viewing the corals of Ho Chi Minh City, as well as a romantic program called “Evening Fishing”.

Tourists who love natural attractions can be advised to visit Dam Shen Park, which is also called Lotus Lake Park. Besides beautiful nature Here you can find various entertainment venues and upscale restaurants.

History of Ho Chi Minh City

The history of Ho Chi Minh City began in 1698 - the first mention of Saigon dates back to this time. The founder of Ho Chi Minh City is a famous and respected ruler in Vietnam named Nguyen Guu Canh. In 1859, the colonial period began in the history of Saigon: in...

Climate in Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City Climate- a classic tropical type, but due to the proximity of the sea it can be called soft compared to other resorts in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City: entertainment and active recreation

Ho Chi Minh City hosts interesting festivals, in particular, one of the main holidays in Saigon is the Fruit Festival, which is traditionally held in Ho Chi Minh City from May to August.

Another interesting attraction in Ho Chi Minh City is the Sacred Whale Festival, which is celebrated on the seashore of the resort.

However, the most striking event in Ho Chi Minh City is the celebration of the New Year, which is called Tet in Vietnamese.

We draw the attention of music-loving tourists to the fact that in Saigon you can find many cafes where musical ensembles perform.

Transport features of Ho Chi Minh City

Transport in Ho Chi Minh City is extremely well developed. In particular, there are numerous buses that can take tourists almost anywhere in Vietnam. For example, tourists can get from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi for $30; the distance between the two cities is over 1.5 thousand km.

Ben Thanh is the main bus station in Ho Chi Minh City, where you can find out the schedule of all buses in the city and create a travel route around Ho Chi Minh City.

Let us add that you can also get to Hanoi by train, and the train also makes stops in other small cities of the country.

It is noteworthy that the most popular form of transport in Ho Chi Minh City is a motor scooter, which can be easily rented. However, you should drive with great caution as traffic in Vietnam is very busy. Motorcycle rental in Ho Chi Minh City costs about $10 per day.

Current time in Ho Chi Minh City:
(UTC +7)

In addition, from Ho Chi Minh City itself you can easily get to the neighboring province of Tay Ninh, where many beautiful Cao Dai temples are located, as well as the Mekong Delta region.

How to get there

From Domodedovo Airport, regular flights to Ho Chi Minh City are operated by Vietnam Airlines, the country's main air carrier. In Ho Chi Minh City, planes land at Tan Son Nhat Airport. Vietnam Airlines Boeings have all the conditions for a long, comfortable flight, including many technical aids such as screens mounted in the backs of seats, etc. During the flight, all passengers are offered hot meals twice, as well as a certain amount of alcohol. It is also worth noting that Vietnam Airlines has special rates for residents of other Russian cities, which can thanks to this make it much easier to get to Vietnam with a connection at Moscow Domodedovo Airport (if you fly from Vladivostok, the connection is in Seoul).

Representative office in Moscow: Moscow, Frunzenskaya 3rd street, 1, building 1, tel. 5892450, fax 5892552. Office at Domodedovo airport: room. 512, 5th floor, opening hours 14.00-20.00, tel. 9268661, fax 9268661, E-mail: [email protected].

Transaero also operates flights to Ho Chi Minh City, their frequency is determined primarily by the season, so you can fly with this airline to Vietnam from December to April. Departure from Domodedovo airport.

S7 airline (Siberia) also has regular flights to Ho Chi Minh City, but not from Moscow, but from Novosibirsk. Planes fly every two weeks.

Connecting flights

By Cathay Pacific airline from Moscow with a transfer in Hong Kong.

By Thai Airlines from Moscow with a transfer in Bangkok.

By Qatar Airways from Moscow with a transfer in Doha. Qatar Airlines often captivates with very favorable rates.

By Asiana Airlines from Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with a transfer in Seoul (Incheon Airport).

By Korean Air airline from Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg with a transfer in Seoul (Incheon Airport).

By Japan Airlines from Moscow with a transfer to Tokyo (Narita Airport).

There are more complex options - with two transfers. However, during airline sales periods it makes sense to take advantage of them due to attractive prices. For example, you can get to Ho Chi Minh City with Air France from Moscow and St. Petersburg with transfers in Paris and Bangkok.

It is worth remembering that long flights are associated with a certain risk to the health of passengers who do not tolerate such stress well.

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Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh Railway Station Saigon from 1196 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ben Nge from 1395 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City Tan Son Nhat Airport from 1395 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh City Port from 2524 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Kuti from 2923 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Mitho from 3321 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Thuzaumot from 4185 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Mytho Port from 4185 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Tan Uyen from 4185 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phu Mi Port from 4583 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Vung Tau from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Lags from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Vinh Long from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Mui Ne from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ham Tien from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phuoc Thuan from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phu Hai from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phan Thiet from 4982 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Long Hai from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Cape St Jacques from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ke Ga from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Tien Thanh from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phu Mi from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Kai Bae from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Binh Duong from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Binh Chau from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ho Kok from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Mok bai border from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Tay Ninh from 5447 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Vung Tau port from 5779 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Can Tho from 5845 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Can Tho from 5845 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Bung Rieng from 5845 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Bavet checkpoint Cambodia - Vietnam from 6244 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Benche from 6244 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Cat Tien from 6642 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Baolok from 7506 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Sok Trang from 9167 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Kamau from 9964 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Chaudok from 9964 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Phnom Penh from 10827 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Dalat from 10827 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ratsya from 11624 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Ratsya Port from 11624 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Kang Pha Winpearl Pier from 12488 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Nha Trang from 12488 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Cam Ranh from 12488 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Cam Ranh from 12488 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Nha Trang Railway Station from 12886 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Hatien Pierce from 13750 p.
Ho Chi Minh City Prekchak-Hatien border Cambodia-Vietnam from 16606 p.

“The Diamond of the Far East”, “Eastern Paris”, “Pearl of the East” - all these epithets refer to the same city in the south. Meet - Ho Chi Minh City, the second, unofficial, capital of Vietnam and its largest city.

Ho Chi Minh City - photo

A little history

The city was founded at the very end of the 17th century. It received its current name in 1976 after its first president, communist leader Ho Chi Minh. This part of the country once belonged to Cambodia, the city was then called Prey Nokor. Later, when the Vietnamese entered it, it became known as Saigon. The Vietnamese love this name more, use it among themselves in colloquial speech, and use the modern name on official occasions. The city was both the capital of French Indochina and the capital of South Vietnam. In the 20th century, Ho Chi Minh City survived a long war, was reborn almost from the ashes and became even more beautiful than it was.

Ho Chi Minh City - video


Ho Chi Minh City stands on the banks of the Saigon River, in the very south of the country. Nearby is the delta of another river - the Mekong, and the Nyabe River flows in the east. The country's capital is more than 1,700 kilometers away. Ho Chi Minh City is located at an altitude of 20 meters above sea level, on a fairly flat area. The area of ​​the city is about 2 thousand square kilometers.


The city has a distinct subequatorial climate. There are only two seasons - dry and rainy. It rains from May to October, mainly at night. If you happen to get caught in the rain during the day, it’s okay - it stops within 20-30 minutes. During the dry season, there is practically no rain. Holiday season continues all year long - the temperature rarely drops to +20, mostly always higher. But there is no desperate heat either.


The largest city has the most people - about 7 million people. Mostly, of course, they are Vietnamese. But besides them, many people from neighboring countries, mainly from China, live in the city. The main language of communication is Vietnamese. Chinese and some European ones are also common. In addition to Asian residents, Europeans and Americans also live in Ho Chi Minh City. The bulk of the population professes Buddhism. There are also Catholic churches.


All types of industrial production. Heavy industry is represented by mechanical engineering, industrial equipment. There is a shipyard and a thermal power plant. The light industry includes clothing and food industries. In addition, there are electronics and chemical industries. One of the largest jewelry factories in the country operates in Ho Chi Minh City.


In the city, motifs of antiquity and modern architecture. Here, no one will be surprised by high-rise buildings next to architectural monuments of the distant past. National traditions of different eras and civilizations are mixed together here. But it is precisely this flavor that makes the city unlike all the others. You can get acquainted with the main attractions of the city in the article “”.

1. Best time for visiting Ho Chi Minh City, the so-called “hot season”, is the period from March to May. At this time, the air temperature ranges from +26°C to +34°C. Also, the weather here is favorable in December-April - temperatures range from +22°C to +30°C.

2. Interesting fact— in Ho Chi Minh City the most large cluster restaurants, cafes and bars throughout Vietnam. The menu includes dishes not only of national cuisine, but also cuisines from all over the world. The eateries in Ho Chi Minh City are notable for the fact that the quality of the food they serve is not at all inferior to the dishes prepared in expensive restaurants.

3. Perhaps the most memorable and vibrant restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City is Chill sky bar. If you have the opportunity, it’s worth visiting, because the view from the restaurant is beyond words.

4. The best place For purchasing souvenirs and shopping, visit the Ben Thanh market, which is considered an important landmark of Ho Chi Minh City.

5. Tourists of the city should take a boat cruise on the river at night (duration approximately 2.5 hours, cost approximately $40). You will be treated to food on the ship the best dishes national cuisine, and will be entertained by dancing accompanied by live music.

6. Couples in love should know that the people of Vietnam do not welcome physical manifestations of love in public places. Holding hands and hugging is not prohibited, but it is better to avoid “French” kisses in crowded places.

7. Remember that when visiting Buddhist temples you must wear suitable clothing - trousers or a long skirt, a top with long sleeves.

8. When walking around the city, tourists should have a business card of the hotel where they are staying. She will help out if you suddenly get lost.

Ho Chi Minh City - map with attractions

Ho Chi Minh City on the map

I have to call this city Ho Chi Minh City, although I prefer the name Saigon. It sounds more beautiful, and many older people know the city by this name. My mother, when she heard the word Saigon, understood where it was, saying that she knew the city well. And if I had said that we were in Ho Chi Minh City, then perhaps she would not have immediately realized what kind of city it was in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City (Ho Chi Minh): reviews and impressions

The first thing that surprised me in Ho Chi Minh City was its civilization. After a month in Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh City seemed quite modern city, which has shops, decent restaurants, public transport and in general everything for life.

Buildings atypical for Asia

There are many cafes with European-style sweets in Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City has many modern buildings

In Vietnam you are not allowed to photograph government buildings and military installations, but we took a risk

Where to eat in Ho Chi Minh City and how much it costs

You won’t go hungry in Ho Chi Minh City; the city center is full of cafes. However, we had difficulty finding a cafe acceptable price category. We came across either expensive restaurants or completely dirty, dark cafes for locals with small children’s chairs and sticky tables. But we still found a couple of decent restaurants where you can eat within 200 thousand dong ($10) for two. We also got acquainted with McDonald's in Vietnamese - .

Features of Ho Chi Minh

On one of the streets we saw a Vietnamese man transporting puppies in a cramped cage on his moped. Hopefully for sale and not to be eaten. Yes, Vietnamese.

Where can I order a transfer from the airport?

We use the service - KiwiTaxi
We ordered a taxi online and paid by card. We were met at the airport with a sign with our name on it. We were taken to the hotel in a comfortable car. You've already talked about your experience In this article.

Speaking of megacities. Slava and I are impressed by large Asian cities with a population of over a million people. We are in love with, we are amazed. Only Colombo in Sri Lanka left us indifferent. Today, Ho Chi Minh City is added to the number of megacities in which we would not want to live.

Vietnamese flags on houses, there are so many of them here

Ho Chi Minh City seemed to us to be a rather noisy city, not particularly clean and not the most convenient. This may be a misleading impression, because we were there for only 2 days. But for some reason I don’t want to explore this city further. We had no desire to stay here for a couple more days. I even wanted to leave there as quickly as possible. Mainly because of the traffic.

An ordinary street in the center of Ho Chi Minh City

I can’t say specifically why he pushed us away, but the city is somehow uncomfortable and not warm for the heart. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, just like in Moscow, it seems that the main thing for local people is not to waste a minute of extra time. Especially motorbikers. This is where the real anthill is, and not at all in, as many say.

Traffic in Ho Chi Minh City

And the Vietnamese on mopeds resemble ants swarming and buzzing around Saigon on their bikes. Only then could we catch our breath and relax a little.

And when it gets dark, the city becomes even more more people and bikes. This is what the street where we rented a room looks like in the evening:

Ho Chi Minh City: photo of an evening street

We visited almost nothing of the attractions in Saigon, we just walked around the center freely. And the choice here is small - museums, again museums and markets.

Palace of Independence in Ho Chi Minh City

Captured American F-5 fighter

Soviet T-55 tanks

American CH-47. Photo from

Ho Chi Minh City left two impressions. There is civilization here, but we did not feel comfortable, and the crazy traffic on the roads and even sidewalks of Ho Chi Minh City is simply infuriating. The choice of attractions is so poor that even the financial tower skyscraper here is also a type of attraction, only expensive, since the entrance costs 200,000 dong ($10). A dismal situation reigns in such a developing and big city Saigon, as I prefer to call it in the old fashioned way.

Hotels in Ho Chi Minh City

Independent travelers can book their hotel using these links:

  • Blue River Hotel
  • Phan Lan 2 Hotel
  • Meraki Hotel
  • Dragon Palace II Hotel
  • Hong Vina Hotel
  • Platinum Hotel

If you stayed in Saigon and liked your hotel, write your review and recommend it to readers in the comments.