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» Igor Prokopenko secrets of unknown civilizations. Books in the series the most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko Igor Prokopenko shocking hypotheses read

Igor Prokopenko secrets of unknown civilizations. Books in the series the most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko Igor Prokopenko shocking hypotheses read

Igor Prokopenko

Secrets of unknown civilizations

Decoration P. Petrova

Photos used in the collage on the cover:

R Gombarik, nudiblue, Ase /

The interior design uses photographs by tsuneomp, Claudio Divizia, Tomiflap, njene, TonelloPhotography, Tupungato, ujeena, Aleksandar Todorovic, Sergei Drozd /

Used under license from

KEYSTONE pictures USA / / Diomedia

Mary Evans/Diomedia

Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy / Diomedia


The book you are now holding in your hands is the third part of a large-scale educational project "The most shocking hypotheses" which is broadcast in television format on the Ren TV channel every day at 18.00.

The first book is called "Secrets of Man". The second is “Secrets of the Earth.” They are already on sale.

And today I present to you a new, third book in this series - “Secrets of Unknown Civilizations.”

The name speaks for itself. The book contains all the versions, hypotheses and the latest scientific information about the most diverse civilizations that have ever existed and exist next to us, which we sometimes do not even suspect.

For example, here is the latest confirmation of this. A sensational statement was recently made by Professor Nakagaki from the Japanese Hokkaido University.

Turns out , Mushrooms, what we fry with potatoes or snack on a glass of vodka is not a snack, but intelligent, highly developed beings. They know how to transmit thoughts over a distance, make decisions, like us - to love and hate. Moreover, they are very demanding in their food and - believe it or not - they feed not only on warm raindrops, but also on ants and bugs, and on occasion they can also feast on an ungainly mushroom picker. But that is not all! It's hard to believe, but the mushroom is the largest creature on the planet. And don’t be confused by the size of the hats that we put in baskets. These caps are nothing more than tiny pimples on the body of a giant monster, whose wise, shaggy head is hidden deep underground, and whose powerful tentacles are spread over tens of kilometers. So it is not humans at all, but mushrooms that are the real masters of the Earth.

But perhaps this is not the biggest sensation.

Jokes aside, the latest discoveries by scientists indicate that mushrooms are also the oldest intelligent civilization on a truly interplanetary scale. After all, it was mushrooms, judging by archaeological finds, that turned out to be the first living creatures on our planet four billion years ago. And they flew to Earth from space, covering millions of light years, without any ships or spacesuits. Speaking of ships... Few people know that shocking details of the hasty sinking of our famous Mir orbital station in 2001 were recently declassified. It is generally accepted that it was liquidated due to exhausted resources. However, in fact, one of the reasons that made scientists seriously alarmed was mushrooms unknown to science. Coming from nowhere in space, they settled on the outer skin of a space object. And then the unexpected happened - the life force of the space mushrooms turned out to be so great that they quickly began to eat the super-strong titanium plating of the ship, as if it were a crust of bread. This unexpected danger forced us to get rid of the uninvited guests urgently - along with the orbital station.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses.” This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Yours Igor Prokopenko

Rus' beyond

It is known that modern civilization originated in the 4th millennium BC. It is from this time that the first writings of the earliest civilizations - Egyptian and Sumerian - date back, as well as the first technical achievements, such as the invention of the wheel. However, not everything is as simple as they say in textbooks. Finds recently made by archaeologists on the territory of Russia indicate that, it turns out, long before the wheel, people were able to do things that are sometimes beyond the power of modern man.

Peter the Great is an impostor

Vitaly Sundakov,

President of the Russian Expeditions Foundation, believes:

“Peter the Great accepted the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but excluded the Slavic circle, the gift of carols, which was in the year 7,562. But Pushkin still signed his works with the old calendar, refusing to throw away five thousand years of the continuous calendar, culture and tradition of this territory, as Lomonosov spoke about.”.

Why did Peter need to change the calendar and impoverish Russian history?

Historians put forward a shocking hypothesis.

Decoration P. Petrova

Photos used in the collage on the cover: agsandrew / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /

The interior design of the book uses photographs from Odin-Media LLC, as well as: © Eraldo Peres, William C. Allen, Mark Keppler / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NEIL A. ARMSTRONG / NASA / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NASA /JPL–Caltech/Corbis//EAST NEWS; GEOFF TOMPKINSON / Science Photo Library RM / DIOMEDIA; Yuri Senkevich, Minkevich, Oleg Lastochkin / RIA Novosti, Archive / RIA Novosti; © Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA /Barcoft Media via Getty Images / Getty Simon Baylis, Mopic, HelenField, Alex Pix / Used under license from; Purestock / Thinkstock /, Dorling Kindersley / Thinkstock /, Digital Vision / Thinkstock /, Rastan, Esperanza33, Siempreverde22, estt / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /


Dear readers!

Now you are holding in your hands the first book in the “The Most Shocking Hypotheses” series.

The name is no coincidence! It is on the pages of this series that you and I, without looking back at authorities and conventional truths, without fear of accusations of anti-science, will look for answers to the most inconvenient, unexpected, and sometimes strange questions.

It must be said that this task will not be easy. In most cases - in textbooks or scientific works - there are no answers to our questions. Therefore, in search of truth, we will turn to a variety of hypotheses. From generally accepted ones, approved by official science, to the most unexpected, fantastic and incredible.

And let this not confuse anyone. After all, the hypothesis that “the Earth rotates!” also once seemed unscientific.

What topics will we talk about? Here's an example. For many years there has been a hypothesis that about fourteen thousand years ago representatives of an alien civilization could have landed on our ancient Earth. Our ancestors may have mistaken these “representatives” for gods who descended from heaven, and their spacecraft for “chariots of fire.” This hypothesis - the most consistent proponent of which is the famous translator of ancient texts, the Swiss writer Erich von Daniken - seems fantastic to many. Indeed, how can one take seriously a story about a visit from aliens? However, Daniken's conclusions, based on an analysis of Old Testament sources, sound quite convincing and much more interesting than the arrogant silence of official science. As you know, our historical science interprets ancient myths as a “fantastic reflection of reality,” that is, as a fairy tale. But Daniken, back in the early 70s, studying Old Testament texts, asked the question: what if these are not “fairy tales,” but a description of real events that ancient people witnessed? Indeed, why would the ancient Sumerians, for example, amuse themselves by writing fairy tales? And if all this is true, then, for example, the revelations of the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel sound completely different, who so reliably described how “the gods descended from heaven on a fiery chariot in clouds of smoke and soot”... And then quite serious questions arise: what kind of “fiery chariot"? Why smoke and soot? And why does God, who is omnipresent, in order to descend from heaven, need an aircraft that smokes and rumbles?..

Isn’t Ezekiel describing the arrival of aliens?..

Of course, we do not have the task of convincing you, dear readers and viewers, that everything in history was so. We just want to tell you that such an idea also exists. And she is not the only one.

No less interesting is the hypothesis of the Chinese historian Zhou Li. After analyzing ancient burials in Sichuan province, he came to the conclusion that once on our planet, along with Darwin’s monkeys, there were also populations of highly developed prehistoric people who were representatives of the previous earthly civilization that died as a result of a global cataclysm. It was they, and not “aliens from other planets,” as Däniken believes, who served as real prototypes for the divine biographies of powerful gods. And the fact that “our gods” persistently worked to improve the breed of anthropoids is a “scientific fact”. All ancient mythology consists of stories about the love of the gods for earthly girls. As a result of such love, the ancient Greek hero Perseus appeared. As you know, he was the son of the god Zeus and the earthly beauty Danae. Ancient papyri call all Egyptian pharaohs, without exception, children of the gods. Even Buddha, and he, according to myths, turned out to be the fruit of illegal intercourse with a local girl of a stranger, not very similar to the tribesman who caught up with her in the jungle.

Who to believe? And you don’t need to trust anyone. You just need to know that in science, as well as in life, there is no ultimate truth. And what we accept as the only true one is nothing more than our ideas about the truth, obtained by the “tools” of knowledge that humanity currently has at hand.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Best regards, Igor Prokopenko

Chapter 1
Don't joke with death

There is a hypothesis that a person can have a premonition of his death. Therefore, people with well-developed intuition can even, without suspecting it, avoid what is destined by fate. And vice versa, there are a huge number of examples, especially from the lives of actors, when he played a dead man, tried on the image of a hopelessly ill person - and a fatal illness comes to a person in real life. What facts does science have and what alternative versions do researchers put forward?

Unlucky passengers who escaped a plane crash because they were late or did not board the ill-fated flight... Actors who repeated the tragic fate of their heroes... People who, before their sudden death, seemed to be saying goodbye to their loved ones... They all have one thing in common - a premonition of death.

There is a hypothesis that everyone feels the approach of the “lady with a scythe”, and there is a lot of evidence for this.


Rehearsal for death

2015 can easily be called the year of the death of stars. We are simply overwhelmed by the shocking news that this or that celebrity has been diagnosed with cancer. At the beginning of the year, it became known about the illness of actors Alexei Buldakov and Philip Yankovsky, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Zurab Sotkilava. Actor Andrei Gaidulyan is being treated for cancer.

The deaths that shook the country say that even fame and money cannot solve everything. First, actor Gennady Vengerov, here is his post on Facebook:

“Dear colleagues and close friends. The countdown of my life began in the last months or maybe even weeks. The fact is that since the end of September 2014, my life has been divided into “before” and “after” the diagnosis of “Lung cancer with bone metastases.” Please, without lamentations and condolences - it’s too early... And without advice from the field of alternative medicine - it’s too late.”

Then, after a long struggle with a terrible disease, singer Zhanna Friske died. Why are stars devastated by oncology? Maybe the stars above the stars didn't align right?

Mikhail Vinogradov argues:

psychiatrist-criminologist, doctor of medical sciences:

“If there had not been a death like Zhanna Friske’s, they would not have paid attention to the deaths of others. Therefore, perhaps such a “bright” death of Zhanna Friske served as the reason for all other deaths to be united and tied together.”

The singer's sudden illness surprised many. People's rumors spread rumors - it's all because of her role as a witch in the film "Night Watch". And indeed, this picture about vampires, witches, sorcerers and other evil spirits reaped a truly bloody harvest.

The actors collected in this film, one way or another, almost simultaneously passed away or lost their loved ones. Why this happens, what kind of death energy watches over people is very difficult to say.

After filming this “damned” film, Rimma Markova and Nikolai Olyalin died. Konstantin Khabensky's father died during filming, and after filming, his wife fell ill with cancer and died. And finally, Valery Zolotukhin and Zhanna Friske died from glioblastoma, a fairly rare brain tumor.

Perhaps this is payback for participating in the “devilish” film. After all, something like this has already happened: the sudden death of the actors who played in “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko. Kirill Lavrov, Alexander Abdulov, Ilya Oleinikov, Vladislav Galkin passed away. The creators of the legendary film “Stalker” were killed by cancer one after another. Andrei Tarkovsky and actor Anatoly Solonitsyn died from lung cancer, actor Nikolai Grinko from leukemia, writer Arkady Strugatsky from liver cancer, Tarkovsky’s wife, who was the second director in the film, also died from cancer.

Actors and actresses paid for their participation in the play “Jesus Christ Superstar” with their health and lives.

There is a lot of evidence that a role in which the hero dies can become a scenario of imminent death for the actor himself. Thus, the hero of Leonid Bykov in the film “Aty-Bati, the Soldiers Came” dies under the tracks of a German tank, and then the actor almost repeats the fate of the hero of the film: Bykov dies in a car accident, colliding with an asphalt roller.

Alexander Dedyushko died in a terrible car accident along with his wife and little son. A few days before the tragedy, the actor seemed to feel the breath of death. He starred in the film "Albanian". In the last scene, everything spoke of impending death: the filming location was chosen next to a cemetery, and a stuntman dies during filming. There is another no less mystical opinion: Dedyushko’s death is connected with the film “Sarmat”, which was dubbed “cursed” among the actors. The editor and sound engineer died during filming. Immediately after the completion of the film, actor Ruslan Nurbi died, and then, like Dedyushko, director Igor Talpa died at the wheel of his car.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky is sure that the role can influence the artist’s life. Moreover, if the actor gets used to the role, he can take on the fate of his hero.

Some people apparently cannot let go of a certain role, and it remains a part of their life. It is quite possible that this somehow affects them. Several years ago, the French conducted a study that proved that an actor who has been in the profession for about twenty years ceases to be himself, he becomes a person of the roles he plays. That is, this is a different personality.

Alexander experienced first-hand how a role can have an impact on real life. During the filming of the film “At All Latitudes,” death reminded him of itself more than once.

After the end of the shooting day, the anxious feeling did not leave the actor. The filming base was located near the sea, and Alexander decided to go for a swim. The actor did not find the light storm to be an obstacle.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky shares his experiences:

“I starred in a film about submariners, there was a scene in the film where we were drowning. I played the commander of a submarine and, in general, I really felt a certain chill, fear... It would seem that before there were a lot of different scenes - they shot at me, and there were fights, but I treated it calmly, like work. There was some sense of the reality of what was happening here.

Well, I think, well, storm and storm. I'll go for a swim anyway. I made just a couple of strokes and suddenly realized that the sea had carried me quite far from the shore. I tried to get back, but the more I tried, the stronger the feeling that the sea would not let go.

Just a couple of days ago there was a scene where we were drowning, and here you are really being carried out to the open sea, and you can’t do anything about it.”

Alexander fell into the so-called “dead wave” - a natural phenomenon when a stream of water rushes not to the shore, but from it, taking a person with it into the open sea. For three hours the actor struggled with the elements until he finally managed to get out.

It would seem that this is it - a warning about possible death. But how often do we listen to these sensations? Alexander did not attach any importance to this “wake-up call” and a couple of days later, in the evening, he went swimming in the sea again.

“I turn around and suddenly see some lights approaching me from the darkness. I realized that it was a tourist boat that couldn’t see me, and it was coming straight towards me. Again, with some kind of fear, horror, I try to hide from this boat, I go to the side, but it continues to come towards me. There were rocks on the side, I even hit my head on them, for a second, I didn’t lose consciousness, but my vision became blurred. I also had the feeling that I was going to drown, that’s all. The boat, the night, the rock... In general, it was scary. Since then I started to be more careful about such things.”

There is another, non-mystical theory. It's not the role that kills the actor. The actor himself, anticipating death, chooses a tragic role - such roles become closer to his soul. The history of mankind knows a lot of evidence of how famous personalities, shortly before their death, seemed to be trying to rehearse their death. They were drawn to mentions of the afterlife and everything connected with it. Think about singers, musicians and rock stars; these things often happen to them. Listen, for example, to Tsoi’s later songs, where in his last albums he sings about death in virtually every song.

The tragic fates of actors who played roles in “cursed” films... Roles that became a rehearsal for imminent death... All this proves that premonitions of death are not an invention of mystics. There is other evidence.


Death as a premonition

There are many examples of people miraculously avoiding death. What is this? Just a coincidence? Extraordinary luck? Or did they simply sense the breath of approaching death in time?

A lot of people suddenly suddenly stop buying tickets for that plane that will crash tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And oddly enough, statistics show that on planes that have crashed, most of the seats are always unoccupied: for some reason they either bought it and then returned it, or simply did not want to board the plane.

We often talk about how people who survived or escaped a disaster were saved by some miracle. But what if they weren't supposed to be there where others gathered to die? Anticipating their imminent death on an intuitive level, people seem to be attracted to each other and gather together.

There is a theory that people who are destined to leave this world gather together and die, led by some amazing force. How and with what to explain this? Maybe this is some kind of special attractive energy of death: it repels some people, and attracts others?

Researchers have noticed a shocking pattern. If a person is destined to end his life on this day, his attempts to avoid death will be futile.

People who should die at this time will die, even if they do not fly on this flight. The plane will fly without this person, and death will overtake him somewhere. There are often cases when people choose a car instead of a plane, and the car crashes.

Stories like this are shocking. Italian Joana Gonthaler missed Air France flight 447, which killed all 228 people on board. But the woman managed to cheat death only for two weeks. She died in a car accident.

Brazilian Jessica de Lima Rol, who at the last moment decided not to go to a nightclub, miraculously escaped death. That night there was a terrible fire there, killing 238 people. But the “old woman with a scythe” did not let her victim go - a week later the girl crashed her car.

Air France Flight 447 crash

Chinese student Ye Meng Yuan, who survived the Boeing 777 crash in San Francisco, was killed by a fire truck during the rescue operation.

Scientists explain this phenomenon this way: there are two types of death warnings. The first is a premonition that the person himself feels. He seems to know in advance that he is destined to die, experiences inexplicable anxiety, and struggles with gloomy thoughts. Some people have a very precise feeling of their death, and literally within a few days they already know that death will come to them.

The second type of warning is the strange circumstances that surround people at the moment of danger. In this case, a person reads the information and sometimes even unconsciously changes his plans.

Alexander Tolmachev remembers,

coordinator of the All-Russian Commission on Cosmobiorhythmology, Doctor of Law, Professor:

“When I was a child, my father, mother and my sister and I were going to Tashkent airport. We had to cover 30 kilometers in order to board a plane and fly to Moscow. During these 30 kilometers, our tire exploded several times, the taxi driver changed it. Something broke in the brakes, something in the steering wheel. We jumped out onto the road, tried to get someone to give us a lift, but nothing worked. As a result, we were late to the airport, and my father - then he was serving abroad - was forced to run around the airport in a panic and shout: “I need to fly out urgently!” Then one of the senior officers came out and said: “Captain, pray that you missed this flight. The plane took off from Tashkent airport, crashed into a mountain and everyone died.”

Premonition of death is exacerbated in people involved in extreme sports and activities associated with increased risk. Sometimes even little things can alert extreme sports enthusiasts. Leader of the international Russian digger movement, head of the Digger-Spas detachment Vadim Mikhailov recalls how, before the group left for the research site, they received a strange warning:

“We look at maps and talk. At this time, the following happens: with absolute stability inside the room, a helmet placed in a row of other helmets falls. This happens sometimes: something takes her and throws her. This is a signal that we need to stop."

After the group received such a warning, they began to remember exactly what phrase was uttered at that moment. After all, practice shows that there are no accidents.

It turned out that this was in the words “the main thing is that we have nothing to do with the train or the plane.” The group left with great difficulty, because there was no transport, they had to rent cars, make room, and not everyone went. On the way, the diggers learned that a plane was crashing in the direction they were supposed to fly, and that there were no flights at all.

Vadim is sure that all people receive such warnings, but not everyone tries to decipher them. Cases where people miraculously avoided death or, conversely, as if hypnotized, went to the place of death are convincing evidence. We know in advance when our life will end.


Call of Death

Approaching death can not only be felt, but also seen. It was noticed that in zoos, before the death of their relative, animals seem to sense the approach of the “bony one” - they begin to rush about in their cages and howl. African wild dogs pose a huge mystery to scientists. Their hunting efficiency is 95%, this is the best percentage in the entire animal kingdom. During a hunt, a pack of predators disperses in a flock of antelopes and seems to turn on the locator. They listen to the call of death.

One individual can be located at a distance of 300 meters or more from another, where no auditory perception is possible with the clatter of hooves, and the wind can blow in the other direction. The smell won't help. Sounds won't help. And suddenly all the dogs suddenly finish the hunt and gather around one of the weakest animals. How do they know that this is where the weak animal is? Scientists cannot answer this question. One can only assume that animals have a “mobile phone” in their heads.

Biologists are sure that telepathy for our little brothers is an ordinary and familiar perception of the world.

If a person has 5 million olfactory cells per square centimeter, then a dog has 250 million, and, accordingly, their representation in the brain is the same number of times. It turns out that the dog is much smarter than us in this regard. And the eagle sees much better than us. And only the fact that man was able to create additional devices for himself (binoculars, echo sounders, etc.) puts us at some level of their perception. And if 200-300 years ago a person, just like an eagle, could see a mouse from a distance of one kilometer, they would say that he was a sorcerer.

At the Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology of the Scriabin Veterinary Academy, scientists study brain rhythms, biorhythms and the aura of the body. The main task is to put an end to the question: do animals have telepathic abilities?

Our great physiologist Bekhterev also studied telepathy. More than 1,400 experiments on mental suggestion in animals were performed on dogs from “Grandfather Durov’s Corner.” Commands were given not only directly, but also behind a screen, from another room, and the animals carried them out. But Bekhterev is a great figure, a scientist whom almost the whole world knows. Therefore, these are indisputable facts.

Special equipment helps to take an encephalogram of the animal’s brain. Thus, scientists receive evidence in real time - all living beings can influence each other and read information from a distance.

Scientists conducted an experiment that proved an absolutely fantastic thing: telepathy exists!

Konstantin Gauss says:

Decoration P. Petrova

Photos used in the collage on the cover:

R Gombarik, nudiblue, Ase /

The interior design uses photographs by tsuneomp, Claudio Divizia, Tomiflap, njene, TonelloPhotography, Tupungato, ujeena, Aleksandar Todorovic, Sergei Drozd /

Used under license from

KEYSTONE pictures USA / / Diomedia

Mary Evans/Diomedia

Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy / Diomedia


The book you are now holding in your hands is the third part of a large-scale educational project "The most shocking hypotheses" which is broadcast in television format on the Ren TV channel every day at 18.00.

The first book is called "Secrets of Man". The second is “Secrets of the Earth.” They are already on sale.

And today I present to you a new, third book in this series - “Secrets of Unknown Civilizations.”

The name speaks for itself. The book contains all the versions, hypotheses and the latest scientific information about the most diverse civilizations that have ever existed and exist next to us, which we sometimes do not even suspect.

For example, here is the latest confirmation of this. A sensational statement was recently made by Professor Nakagaki from the Japanese Hokkaido University.

Turns out , Mushrooms, what we fry with potatoes or snack on a glass of vodka is not a snack, but intelligent, highly developed beings. They know how to transmit thoughts over a distance, make decisions, like us - to love and hate. Moreover, they are very demanding in their food and - believe it or not - they feed not only on warm raindrops, but also on ants and bugs, and on occasion they can also feast on an ungainly mushroom picker. But that is not all! It's hard to believe, but the mushroom is the largest creature on the planet. And don’t be confused by the size of the hats that we put in baskets. These caps are nothing more than tiny pimples on the body of a giant monster, whose wise, shaggy head is hidden deep underground, and whose powerful tentacles are spread over tens of kilometers. So it is not humans at all, but mushrooms that are the real masters of the Earth.

But perhaps this is not the biggest sensation.

Jokes aside, the latest discoveries by scientists indicate that mushrooms are also the oldest intelligent civilization on a truly interplanetary scale. After all, it was mushrooms, judging by archaeological finds, that turned out to be the first living creatures on our planet four billion years ago. And they flew to Earth from space, covering millions of light years, without any ships or spacesuits. Speaking of ships... Few people know that shocking details of the hasty sinking of our famous Mir orbital station in 2001 were recently declassified. It is generally accepted that it was liquidated due to exhausted resources. However, in fact, one of the reasons that made scientists seriously alarmed was mushrooms unknown to science. Coming from nowhere in space, they settled on the outer skin of a space object. And then the unexpected happened - the life force of the space mushrooms turned out to be so great that they quickly began to eat the super-strong titanium plating of the ship, as if it were a crust of bread. This unexpected danger forced us to get rid of the uninvited guests urgently - along with the orbital station.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses.” This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Yours Igor Prokopenko

Chapter 1
Rus' beyond

It is known that modern civilization originated in the 4th millennium BC. It is from this time that the first writings of the earliest civilizations - Egyptian and Sumerian - date back, as well as the first technical achievements, such as the invention of the wheel. However, not everything is as simple as they say in textbooks. Finds recently made by archaeologists on the territory of Russia indicate that, it turns out, long before the wheel, people were able to do things that are sometimes beyond the power of modern man.

Peter the Great is an impostor

Vitaly Sundakov,

President of the Russian Expeditions Foundation, believes:

“Peter the Great accepted the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but excluded the Slavic circle, the gift of carols, which was in the year 7,562. But Pushkin still signed his works with the old calendar, refusing to throw away five thousand years of the continuous calendar, culture and tradition of this territory, as Lomonosov spoke about.”.

Why did Peter need to change the calendar and impoverish Russian history?

Historians put forward a shocking hypothesis.

It was not Peter Alekseevich Romanov who abolished the ancient chronology, but an impostor who arrived from Europe to take his place.

Here are just the facts.

At the beginning of March 1697, the Great Embassy left Russia for Western Europe, which included the Russian sovereign under the name of Peter Mikhailov. He wanted to see how Europe really lived and become more proficient in naval art. A delegation of twenty people left for two weeks, and returned two years later, and only Menshikov remained from the previous composition.

At the time of his departure, Peter was 26 years old, he had a mole on his left cheek, wavy hair, and was slightly above average height. This is clearly visible in the portraits of that time. The Emperor was well educated, loved everything Russian, knew the Bible and Old Slavonic texts by heart.

Two years later, a man returns who practically does not speak Russian, who hates everything Russian, who never learned to write in Russian until the end of his life, who forgot everything he knew before leaving for the Grand Embassy, ​​and miraculously acquired new skills and abilities, without moles on the left cheek, with straight hair, sickly, looking forty years old.

The man who returned from Europe, although he had an outward resemblance to Peter, immediately puzzled his subjects with strange habits. He ordered that beards be shaved and dressed in Western fashion, and he himself never put on his old clothes, including royal vestments. Probably because the size didn't fit him?

Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great, is the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first All-Russian Emperor

The new Peter was taller than two meters, which was very rare at that time. Until the end of his days, he suffered from tropical fever, which there was absolutely no place to catch in Europe - this is a disease of the southern seas.

During naval battles, he demonstrated extensive experience in boarding combat, which can only be obtained through experience. And Peter had never participated in any naval battles before.

Returning to the capital, Peter ordered his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina to be exiled to a remote monastery, without even seeing her.

But at the beginning of the journey, he often wrote tender letters to her, which have survived to this day, he consulted, swore love and fidelity.

It is clear that such an influential witness, who knew her husband, the real Peter the Great, like no one else, had to be urgently disposed of.

Another, albeit indirect, argument in favor of the hypothesis of an impostor: the sovereign had been gone for two years, and if Princess Sophia had plans to take the throne, she could not have had a more convenient moment. But she made no attempt to do so.

Only after seeing Peter return from Europe, Sophia raises a Streltsy revolt, the reason for which was simple - the tsar is not real!

Among the reforms of Peter who returned from Europe, historians see a number of measures that destroyed a number of the richest cultural Russian traditions.

Abolition of length and weight measures - fathoms, cubits, vershok. A ban on the cultivation of a number of agricultural crops such as amaranth, which was the basis of Russian bread. The ban on Russian writing, which consisted of 151 characters, and the introduction of 43 characters from the writing of Cyril and Methodius. Peter ordered all Russian chronicles to be taken to St. Petersburg and then burned. He also called on the German "professors" who wrote a completely different Russian history.

In the 18th century, all of Russia knew and said that Peter the Great was not a real tsar, but an impostor. And then the “great Russian historians” arrived from Germany to Russia: Miller, Bayer, Schlozer and Kunu. They completely distorted the history of Russia; it was no longer difficult to declare all the Dmitri kings False Dmitrys and impostors who had no right to the throne, and those who could not be denounced were changed by the royal surname, for example, the Ruyansk prince Rurik was replaced by the German Rurik.

What happened to the real Peter the Great? According to historians, he was captured by the Jesuits and placed in a Swedish fortress. He managed to deliver the letter to Charles XII, King of Sweden, and he rescued him from captivity. Together they organized a campaign against the impostor, but the entire Jesuit-Masonic brethren of Europe, called to fight, together with Russian troops, won a victory near Poltava. The real Russian Tsar Peter the Great was recaptured and placed away from Russia - in the Bastille, where he later died. An iron mask was placed over his face.

But why was such a complex and dangerous conspiracy to replace the sovereign necessary?

Why was it necessary to try to erase Russian history at any cost?

What was so dangerous for Western Europe?

Perhaps this can also be explained very simply. For many centuries, the Germans illegally occupied our lands and were very afraid that we would demand them back at any moment.

Prussia is Rus'

Venice, the pearl of the Adriatic, the dream city of all lovers.

Millions of tourists from all over the world come to admire the palaces and canals, admiring the architectural genius of the Italian Renaissance.

And all these enthusiastic people have no idea where and in what way they were monstrously deceived. This city has a very distant relationship with both the Roman Empire and Italian culture.

Venice was built by a mysterious people who lived here a thousand years ago; they called themselves “Venedi”. The works of ancient historians Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Tacitus and Ptolemy Claudius are devoted to this.

But who are the Wends or Veneti? Slavs who lived in Europe!

And this is written in large letters on signs in the city center: the main street in Venice is Riva Degli Schiavoni, or Slavyanskaya Embankment!

Some historians believe that ancient authors later called all Slavs in this way. After all, the designation Wends or Venets, known since ancient times, has been found since the 1st century AD.

In German, the medieval name for the Slavs is Wenden or Winden. In Germany today there is a whole region with this name.

Today it is not difficult to create a sensation on the Internet, although some materials truly shake the foundations of our worldview: an elderly man speaks an incomprehensible language, but there are also Russian words in it. If you listen, it becomes clear that the man speaks in a mixture of German and some Slavic dialect. And this man lives in Germany, in the village of Niederlusitz, or Lower Lusatia.

In Germany there is such a minority - the Lusatian Serbs. They still have schools where they speak Slavic, although the process of Germanization continues. It has especially intensified in the last century, but nevertheless, during the times of East Germany, there were people who supported Slavic culture.

Lusatian Serbs, or Luzhans, live in Germany, but their culture is very similar to the Slavic one.

Alexander Asov,

“The eastern part of Germany was Slavic until the conquest begun by Charlemagne, the emperor who created the Holy Roman Empire and modern Europe. The eastern part of Germany still preserves the memory of this in toponyms - the names of cities."

Many cities even have double names, in German and Old Church Slavonic. Old-timers call Leipzig Lipetsk, Dresden is Drezdzhany or Drozdyany (from blackbirds), Brandenburg is Branibor, and Zossen is actually Pines.

Dobrusha today became Doberschau, Zwerin - Schwerin, Breslau - Breslau, Prilebitsa - Prilwitz, Mezhibor - Merseburg. Slavic place names are distributed throughout the eastern part of Schleswig-Holstein, throughout Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony Anhalt, Thuringia, Bavaria and Berlin.

Even the capital of Germany - Berlin - is translated as “Bear's Lair”.

European sources contain evidence that the Slavs as a people existed already in the 1st century AD, but according to Russian textbooks, our history begins a thousand years later.

Much evidence suggests that the state of the Slavs did not arise at all in the 8th–9th centuries, but much earlier.

Slovenian historian Jozhko Šavli wrote that it was the Wends who tamed the horse a thousand years ago and invented the wheel to build carts, which later allowed them to make multi-kilometer hikes. Today these people are also called Polabian Slavs. Their lands covered at least a third of the modern German state!

They fought with almost all the peoples who met along the path of their migration: with the Goths, with the nomads who swept into Europe from the Asian steppes and caused the destruction of the Roman Empire. They fought with the Celts, although they united with them in tribal alliances.

The coincidence of names is not the only scientific argument that these lands previously belonged to the Russians. This is confirmed by a number of archaeological finds - unique ceramics and vessels that were painted and made by the Slavs.

Take, for example, a castle restored in northwestern Germany in Brandenburg, near the town of Freschau-Spreewald.

The Slavs began this construction in the middle of the 9th century. The restorers specifically left a part of the building showing the construction of a wooden grillage: the logs were stacked on top of each other like a lattice, the resulting voids were filled with sand, clay, earth - any material that was available.

Slavenburg Raddush is the current name of the fortress. It was built by people who came here from the regions of modern East Germany. Amazingly, the builders of this fortress were from Lower Lusatia, or Niederlausitz.

Why do we know so little about this today?

In the 9th century, the French Carolingian Empire tried to break through from west to east, ruining Slavic settlements. And in the 10th century, the German Empire, starting with Henry the First and ending with Otto the First, conquered Lower Lusatia for many years.

A lot of fortresses were destroyed and burned. Over time, the Slavs living here mixed with new settlers from the western regions of the German Empire. The people living here today - the Wends - are descendants of the very Slavs who lived here in the 10th century.

The seizures took place under a plausible pretext for that time: to eradicate the pagan infidels, who were the ancient Slavs, and to convert the survivors to the correct faith. In fact, the goal of the crusades, behind which stood the knightly order of the Templars, was the desire to seize territory and power. It’s curious, but the memory of the Slavic past could not be erased - it has firmly settled in the consciousness of Europeans. Thus, modern Germans, without noticing it themselves, observe the traditions that the Wends once brought here.

For example, there is a custom of coloring and painting Easter eggs, which dates back to Slavic culture; such a tradition still exists in Niederlausitz. From the images of Kievan Rus that have come down to us, we know that the painted egg was a symbol of fertility.

Slavenburg is not the only ancient Slavic fortress restored by the Germans. Thus, according to some sources, Buyan Island, glorified by Alexander Pushkin, actually existed and was located on German territory. It still exists today, its real name is Ruyan, in German – Rügen. Several centuries ago it was also inhabited by Slavic tribes.

Lomonosov wrote about the Slavs of the island of Rügen: “The Rugen Slavs were called for short the Ranas, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and the Rossans. This resettlement of them to the Varangian shores will, as follows, be more clearly indicated. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosovians, Alans, and Wends came from the east to Prussia.”

Excavations were carried out on the island and the remains of the city of Rügen were discovered, which made it possible to reconstruct the life of the then Slavic population. Scientists believe that “Rugi” is approximately the same ethnonym as “Rus”, belonging to the Baltic group. The island of Rügen was the center of the then Wendish population.

In the Danish chronicle of Saxo Grammar “The Acts of the Danes” there is a mention of the city of Arkona, a Wendish fortress, which was located on the island of Ruyan. The Slavic population of the city was at least 70,000 people. The Arkona Temple became the main religious center of Slavic Pomerania in the 9th–12th centuries. It was a center of high culture and learning; pilgrims came here to worship its main shrine, the four-headed idol of Svyatovit.

Some researchers believe that Jagiello Gan studied in the temples of Arkona when he began to comprehend the foundations of ancient Slavic wisdom; he often recalls this in the “Veles Book”. By the way, the singer Boyan also studied, if not in Arkona itself, then at least with those who studied there and who were associated with it. These were not just temples where the mysteries took place, they were centers of learning where runic grammar was developed.

The city of Arkona also had land that provided it with income; duties were collected in its favor from merchants who traded in Arkona and from industrialists who caught herring off the island of Ruyan. A third of the spoils of war were brought to him: jewelry, gold, silver and pearls obtained in the war. The principality of the Ruyan Slavs became so powerful and brave that the Ruyans became masters of the entire Baltic Sea. But in the course of constant wars, the Ruyans lost their independence, and in 1168 Arkona fell, the crusaders captured the island. According to legend, the sea immediately surrounded it, and the fortress went under water, which gave scientists reason to look for parallels between the legends of Atlantis and the legends about the Slavic island of Ruyan.

Princess for export

The cathedral in French Reims is not only a wonderful example of medieval architecture. Few people know the secret of the mysterious artifact stored here. This is the Reims Gospel, on which, since the 11th century, all French kings took an oath during their coronation.

It was always believed that it was written in the language of angels, and no one could read a single line. There is information that only Peter the Great succeeded in this, who, upon arriving at the cathedral, immediately read the holy book.

This is explained simply. The Reims Gospel was part of the dowry of Anna Yaroslavna, the daughter of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise, who became queen of France around 1048. Sources claim that when Anna married King Henry the First of France, she took with her to Paris as a dowry not only gold and diamonds, but also many ancient manuscripts, including runic books and scrolls.

Anna herself received a good education: already in her youth she knew Greek and Latin, as well as three European languages. The young queen immediately showed herself to be an energetic statesman. On French documents of that time, along with her husband’s signatures, there are also Slavic letters: “Anna Rina” (“Queen Anne”).

In general, this was unheard of for the 11th century. Few of the queens interfered in state affairs.

The other two daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, Elizabeth and Anastasia, were among the most educated princesses of their time - the mid-11th century. They were versed in literature and knew several European languages ​​well. Elizabeth became queen of Norway, Anastasia of Hungary. In the royal houses of Europe it was considered prestigious to become related to Russian princes!

Reims Gospel – Church Slavonic parchment manuscript

Moreover, this happened at a time when, as textbooks assure us, there was no state of the Slavs yet! But from irrefutable European documents we learn the opposite.

The Swan Princess, glorified by Pushkin and captured by Vrubel, is not at all a mythical character in Russian fairy tales or a poetic literary image, but a real historical figure! Moreover, this is evidenced by the facts of her biography.

The Scandinavian epic knows her as Svanhilda, the word "svan" is translated as "swan". European sources claim that she was a noble Slavic princess. She was married to the Ostrogothic king Germanaric, who died in 368. His possessions were located on the territory of modern Ukraine. Everywhere it is said that the princess cheated on her husband, for which he executed her. In general, according to the customs of that time, Swan was a good wife for Germanaric. Considering the fact that the marriage was purely political, she still gave birth to an heir to the elderly king, who was more than a hundred years old, and only then decided to run away, falling in love with Randver, her stepson.

For the brutal murder of the Swans, her brothers decided to take revenge on the Ostrogoth king. This significant event was included in many epics of European peoples and was recorded in historical chronicles.

Here is how the historian Jordan, and later Mikhail Lomonosov, wrote about this: “Germanarich ordered Svanhild, a noble Roxolan woman, to be torn to pieces by horses for running away from her husband. Her brothers Bus and Zlatogor, avenging the death of their sister, pierced Germanarich in the side; died of a wound at one hundred and ten years old.”

If Princess Swan, who lived in the 4th century AD, was considered a noble princess, then even then there should have been a full-fledged Slavic state, headed by a dynasty capable of waging large-scale wars and concluding diplomatic alliances. And even then, European kings considered it a blessing to become related to the Slavic princes.

Igor Prokopenko’s book “Secrets of Man” is quite ambiguous in content, as many readers believe. Its author is known as the host of a television program that reveals the misconceptions of humanity. In this book, Igor Prokopenko shares his thoughts about who this person is, how he came to be, and not everyone likes these ideas. However, the most important thing is that the questions raised by the author make you think.

This book covers everything that concerns a person. Not only the man of today, readers will have to go back many years into the past and trace the evolution. Where did people even come from? What if life really began on Mars, and only then were people “resettled” on Earth? What if our planet and we ourselves were created by aliens as an experiment? If so, what was the purpose of this experiment? How do you generally respond to statements from people who say they have seen aliens?

If an apocalypse happens on Earth, what is the most likely cause? Is it worth conducting experiments related to human genetics? How will further human development occur? What creatures live in the depths of the ocean and why do they contact people, what are they trying to say? Many of these questions may seem strange, even absurd, but, nevertheless, it would be very interesting to know the answers to them. And with this book there is such an opportunity.

The work belongs to the genre of Documentary Literature. It was published in 2016 by the publishing house: Eksmo. The book is part of the series “The most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko”. On our website you can download the book "Secrets of Man" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.76 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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The book you are now holding in your hands is the third part of a large-scale educational project "The most shocking hypotheses" which is broadcast in television format on the Ren TV channel every day at 18.00.

The first book is called "Secrets of Man". The second is “Secrets of the Earth.” They are already on sale.

And today I present to you a new, third book in this series - “Secrets of Unknown Civilizations.”

The name speaks for itself. The book contains all the versions, hypotheses and the latest scientific information about the most diverse civilizations that have ever existed and exist next to us, which we sometimes do not even suspect.

For example, here is the latest confirmation of this. A sensational statement was recently made by Professor Nakagaki from the Japanese Hokkaido University.

Turns out , Mushrooms, what we fry with potatoes or snack on a glass of vodka is not a snack, but intelligent, highly developed beings. They know how to transmit thoughts over a distance, make decisions, like us - to love and hate. Moreover, they are very demanding in their food and - believe it or not - they feed not only on warm raindrops, but also on ants and bugs, and on occasion they can also feast on an ungainly mushroom picker. But that is not all! It's hard to believe, but the mushroom is the largest creature on the planet. And don’t be confused by the size of the hats that we put in baskets. These caps are nothing more than tiny pimples on the body of a giant monster, whose wise, shaggy head is hidden deep underground, and whose powerful tentacles are spread over tens of kilometers. So it is not humans at all, but mushrooms that are the real masters of the Earth.

But perhaps this is not the biggest sensation.

Jokes aside, the latest discoveries by scientists indicate that mushrooms are also the oldest intelligent civilization on a truly interplanetary scale. After all, it was mushrooms, judging by archaeological finds, that turned out to be the first living creatures on our planet four billion years ago. And they flew to Earth from space, covering millions of light years, without any ships or spacesuits. Speaking of ships... Few people know that shocking details of the hasty sinking of our famous Mir orbital station in 2001 were recently declassified. It is generally accepted that it was liquidated due to exhausted resources. However, in fact, one of the reasons that made scientists seriously alarmed was mushrooms unknown to science. Coming from nowhere in space, they settled on the outer skin of a space object. And then the unexpected happened - the life force of the space mushrooms turned out to be so great that they quickly began to eat the super-strong titanium plating of the ship, as if it were a crust of bread. This unexpected danger forced us to get rid of the uninvited guests urgently - along with the orbital station.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses.” This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Yours Igor Prokopenko

Rus' beyond

It is known that modern civilization originated in the 4th millennium BC. It is from this time that the first writings of the earliest civilizations - Egyptian and Sumerian - date back, as well as the first technical achievements, such as the invention of the wheel. However, not everything is as simple as they say in textbooks. Finds recently made by archaeologists on the territory of Russia indicate that, it turns out, long before the wheel, people were able to do things that are sometimes beyond the power of modern man.

Peter the Great is an impostor

Vitaly Sundakov,

President of the Russian Expeditions Foundation, believes:

“Peter the Great accepted the Julian and Gregorian calendars, but excluded the Slavic circle, the gift of carols, which was in the year 7,562. But Pushkin still signed his works with the old calendar, refusing to throw away five thousand years of the continuous calendar, culture and tradition of this territory, as Lomonosov spoke about.”.

Why did Peter need to change the calendar and impoverish Russian history?

Historians put forward a shocking hypothesis.

It was not Peter Alekseevich Romanov who abolished the ancient chronology, but an impostor who arrived from Europe to take his place.

Here are just the facts.

At the beginning of March 1697, the Great Embassy left Russia for Western Europe, which included the Russian sovereign under the name of Peter Mikhailov. He wanted to see how Europe really lived and become more proficient in naval art. A delegation of twenty people left for two weeks, and returned two years later, and only Menshikov remained from the previous composition.

At the time of his departure, Peter was 26 years old, he had a mole on his left cheek, wavy hair, and was slightly above average height. This is clearly visible in the portraits of that time. The Emperor was well educated, loved everything Russian, knew the Bible and Old Slavonic texts by heart.

Two years later, a man returns who practically does not speak Russian, who hates everything Russian, who never learned to write in Russian until the end of his life, who forgot everything he knew before leaving for the Grand Embassy, ​​and miraculously acquired new skills and abilities, without moles on the left cheek, with straight hair, sickly, looking forty years old.

The man who returned from Europe, although he had an outward resemblance to Peter, immediately puzzled his subjects with strange habits. He ordered that beards be shaved and dressed in Western fashion, and he himself never put on his old clothes, including royal vestments. Probably because the size didn't fit him?

Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great, is the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first All-Russian Emperor

The new Peter was taller than two meters, which was very rare at that time. Until the end of his days, he suffered from tropical fever, which there was absolutely no place to catch in Europe - this is a disease of the southern seas.

During naval battles, he demonstrated extensive experience in boarding combat, which can only be obtained through experience. And Peter had never participated in any naval battles before.

Returning to the capital, Peter ordered his legal wife Evdokia Lopukhina to be exiled to a remote monastery, without even seeing her.

But at the beginning of the journey, he often wrote tender letters to her, which have survived to this day, he consulted, swore love and fidelity.

It is clear that such an influential witness, who knew her husband, the real Peter the Great, like no one else, had to be urgently disposed of.

Another, albeit indirect, argument in favor of the hypothesis of an impostor: the sovereign had been gone for two years, and if Princess Sophia had plans to take the throne, she could not have had a more convenient moment. But she made no attempt to do so.