Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Game "nonsense on pieces of paper". Creative games for children and teenagers Variant of the previous competition

Game "nonsense on pieces of paper". Creative games for children and teenagers Variant of the previous competition

Number of players: 2 guys and 2 girls
Extras: 2 pairs of boxing gloves, 2 candies

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen put on boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring.

The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as don’t hit below the belt, don’t leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc.

Surprise - game (prank) for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: glasses of beer, condoms

Participants are given narrow glasses, half filled with beer, asked to take the glass in one hand and make rotational movements with the glass, supposedly to make the beer foam. At the same time, the participants are explained that they will now be blindfolded, and they must do the same, but carefully so as not to spill beer on their laps.

One, two, three - a game (prank) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

Game, for failure to follow the rules - some kind of fine, for example, a bottle of champagne. The Maker pronounces the conditions to the player:

I say one, two, three. You repeat “three” and remain silent for exactly a minute.

After this, as a rule, there follows a question like, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle me, they honestly say “no.” Maker:

One two Three.


Well, you lost, there was no need to repeat it.

Yes, you said it yourself (or something like that).

Banana competition - game (raffle) for adults

Number of players: 4
Optional: bananas

Four volunteers are selected. It is announced that there will now be a competition to eat bananas for a while with your eyes closed. Each person is given one banana. When one has already been blindfolded, the rest are quietly released. Those. he eats this banana alone. It is best to film this on a video camera.

Traffic police prank - game (prank) for adults

Number of players: three to four
Extras: basins, balloon, empty bottles

Three or four daredevils are invited to participate in the drawing and it is announced that they need to cover the distance in “state-of-the-art race cars.” Participants are given basins in which, on command, they must reach the finish line as quickly as possible. At the finish line there is a “traffic police inspector” (leader), who stops the fastest racer and asks him to present his documents. Naturally, there are no documents, then the inspector suggests breathing into a tube (balloon), and you have to breathe until the balloon bursts.

Main Ram - game (prank) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

To play the game, everyone needs to line up in a large circle. One person from the very beginning takes on the functions of the leader, he also becomes the main instigator of the “trouble” and decides to his own taste who will become the “sacrificial ram”.

The leader calls one person from the circle (the future “victim”), takes him to another room and asks him to wait there. Then the leader returns to the circle and explains to the rest of the conspirators what is about to happen.

A true gentleman - a game (prank) for adults

Number of players: any
Extras: 2 stools, blanket

A victim (guy) is voluntarily and forcibly selected from among the players. He is brought into a pre-prepared room, where he sees two girls sitting on the edges of an improvised bench, assembled from chairs or stools, completely covered with a blanket.

The presenter tells the guy that he must choose the one of these two girls that he likes the most and sit on the bench in such a way as to show that he likes his chosen one, but, like a true gentleman, not to offend the second girl. The presenter says that you need to use body language, remember etiquette, etc. nonsense. The guy is given 20 seconds to think about how to do this. 90% out of 100% that the guy will sit between the girls.

Black magic - game (prank) for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: any items

The main participants in this game are the “wizard” and his assistant, who can read minds (clairvoyant). The mind-reading trick is quite simple: the object that the “wizard” “guesses” will be named, say, after a black object. Here is an example of this game.

The “clairvoyant” closes his eyes, while the “wizard” silently shows others a given object. When the “clairvoyant” opens his eyes, the “wizard” asks him the following questions:

“Am I thinking about salt?”

The clairvoyant answers: “No.”

Welcome, dear guests!

I offer you a selection of games on paper with a pen or pencil. You yourself probably played such games as a child and perhaps you still play on warm summer evenings in the country with your children. Some of these games can be offered as entertainment for a small celebration of the occasion or just at a party of friends, and these games are also indispensable when traveling, relaxing in nature or on the beach. I’ll start with the most famous ones, which I myself played at school right in class with my classmates.

The most popular game for two is Tic-Tac-Toe, it is so popular that I won’t even write the rules, but I can’t help but mention it, out of respect.

The second most famous game for two is Battleship, I also mention it out of respect for its gray hairs.

The game Balda is also very popular. A square is drawn on paper, which is divided inside into equal squares, most often into 25, i.e. 5 squares in width and height. Any 5 letter word is written in the center. Players take turns coming up with words, adding one letter to the written letters. Words must be nouns in the nominative case, letters are added only horizontally or vertically in any direction. The player is awarded points based on the number of letters in the invented word. After filling all the cells, the points are counted, whoever has more is the winner, but the loser is a fool.

Game Gallows. The player thinks of a word, you can choose a specific topic, then writes dashes on a piece of paper according to the number of letters in the guessed word, for example, I thought of the word “friends”, I write - - - - - -. Other players must guess the letters, they take turns calling one letter at a time, if they guessed right, then I write the letter in the required line, if there is no such letter, I draw a gallows, but not all at once, but in parts, look at the drawing, the gallows consists of 9 elements. Whoever builds the gallows first loses and goes for ice cream.

A very interesting speed game. You need to write the names of different topics in columns starting with a certain letter. You can select a letter by simply pointing at any page of the book without looking, or someone says the alphabet to themselves, and another player stops him. Whichever letter you stop on is the one where the names are written. Whoever finished faster shouts STOP, all players in the columns where there are no names put dashes and count points, 1 point for each correct name. If the one who first shouted STOP made a mistake in his names, he will be fined minus 3 points. If players have the same names, they are not counted and are crossed out. You can also add columns - literary works, writers, also divided into Russian and foreign, i.e. There can be as many columns as you like.

Let's make up a story. Any phrase is written on the piece of paper at the very top, for example, One evening good friends gathered. Then the sheet of paper is folded so that this line is not visible, and a leading question is written on top of the fold: Where are you gathered? The second player sees only the question Where are you gathered? and writes at school at a parent-teacher meeting on the topic, then folds over and writes a leading question: What were they talking about?, the third player answers the question What were they talking about? and writes: about making high-quality moonshine. When the entire piece of paper is folded, the story is complete and can be read aloud. The stories we get are very awkward, but funny and amusing.

By analogy with the previous game, we compose poems, the last word for the rhyme is written on the back. Usually we change the rhyme after 3 lines. It turns out such tercets.

We are writing a story starting with a letter; all words must begin with the same letter, not counting prepositions. Polina went for a walk in the park and got into trouble, etc.

We make words from the letters of the given word. Identical words from players are crossed out, the one who made up more words wins, they must be in the nominative case and singular. APRICOT is a short word, but many words can be made from the letters of this word: braid, bar, slave, dew, etc.

The game “Who am I” is that players make a guess about a famous character, be it real or fairy-tale, or who lived many years ago, write the name of the hero on a piece of paper and attach it to the back or forehead (sticker) to the presenter, who does not know what They made a wish, he stepped aside for now so as not to hear. The presenter's task is to guess what the other players are up to; he can ask any questions, players can only answer Yes or No.

A funny game with guests at a holiday can be like this: choose, say, three participants, seat them with their backs to the others and attach pieces of paper with the names of places to their backs. All guests ask questions, the players answer them. Guests see what is written on the back, but participants do not, so it can be very funny. The places can be any: a museum, a sobering station, a library, a toilet, the president's office, a sewer, a spaceship, a chicken coop. The goal of the guests is to provoke a funny answer with tricky questions.

New Year is already very close. A time when you don't want to be bored. I suggest you play a few fun games for relaxed groups that value jokes and gags.

1. Competition “who has the longest.” Several teams are formed, and the participants make a chain of clothes. The one whose chain is longer wins. Naturally, the boundaries of what is permitted and the limits of decency in each company will be different.

Competition game for Medical Worker Day

Good afternoon, dear servants of the wonderful science of medicine!

We invite you to cheer yourself up and take part in a fun competition for honey. workers. The participants of the first team are representatives of medical professions, the participants of the second team are their potential patients.

Competition task

Game-competition “Guess the gift”

This competition is quite funny. The leader and several couples take part in it. The man speaks into the presenter’s ear what he is going to give to his half. In turn, the lady tells what she will do with the gift, not knowing at all what her man has prepared for her. If the answer is revealed, she is awarded the corresponding prize. Thus, it seems quite funny that a lady is “putting on a pot for work,” or “cooking a book.”


Using hair ties, you can hold a “Harem” competition. In it, the main roles belong to men. Each of the men receives rubber bands of a certain color (one gets red, the other gets green, and so on). In a few minutes, each participant must “ring” as many women as possible. A ring - an elastic band is put on the ladies' wrist. Then the number of rubber bands is counted and the most agile participant is determined.


Before starting the game, tell the participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each of the participants choose a partner for the game and make him the most ruffled one. To do this, give the ladies multi-colored hair bands. The participants’ task is to make the largest number of tufts on the men’s heads using rubber bands. The partner of the most ruffled one is awarded a prize.


Place a bottle on the table with a deck of cards on top. The task of the participants is to take turns blowing cards off the deck. Whoever blows away the remaining deck (the last cards) loses and is eliminated. The game is played until one winner is determined.


Guests should split into pairs. In each of the couples there is a woman and a man. Clothes pins are attached to the back of the partner's clothing. The partner’s task is to use his teeth and blindfolded to move the clothespins from the back of the clothes to the clothes on the partner’s chest. The pair that completes the task first wins.


For this game you need an empty matchbox, which is placed on the nose of the participant in the game. The box needs to be put on as tightly as possible. The participant must use facial expressions to remove the box from his nose.

The presenter or one of the players asks a question loudly:

- Who?

Each player writes what he comes up with at the top of his piece of paper, then wraps it up and the players exchange pieces of paper (to avoid confusion, they pass it around in a circle). Next comes the question:

- With whom?

They write, wrap it, pass it around, answering the question each time.

At the end of the game, everyone unfolds the piece of paper that they have, and everyone takes turns reading out what happened.

To play in class, since silence must be maintained, several pieces of paper with questions at the beginning of the line are prepared in advance. The only task is to write and silently pass it on to each other. And don't laugh too loud :)

Questions for the game "Nonsense"

- Who?
- With whom?
- Where?
- When?
- What they were doing?
- What did they say?
- How did it all end?

Here's the kind of nonsense that can come out:

Father Frost...
...with a crocodile...
... in an Aeroport...
... after the rain on Thursday...
...sang choral songs...
...they were told “it’s too late to drink Borjomi”...
... it all ended with a big bang!

At the end, you can have a competition for the most realistic or funniest story.

Word game rules for children over 8 years old

  1. You will need 1 piece of paper, which is passed around the circle.
  2. Each player's task is to come up with one sentence.
  3. The last word in a sentence is written on a new line.
  4. The next player must use the word of the previous one in his sentence.
  5. You can do several circles.
  6. At the end, the piece of paper is unfolded and the resulting story is read aloud.

For the proposed games you need: good company, pens, pencils, blank sheets of paper, other little things, and, of course, a comfortable location for the participants of the games.

On a large-format sheet, approximately 20 different categories are written ahead of time - car models, sports, musical instruments, animals, flowers, clothes, etc. Guests synchronously select categories (one or several depending on the number of participants), which they write down on their sheet. The players’ task is to write as many words as possible related to the selected categories, which begin with the letter specified by the presenter, within a certain period of time. After the time has elapsed, the participants in the game exchange sheets of paper and sum up the results. Identical words do not count; the player who writes the most words wins.

The hostess gives two teams a piece of paper on which the teams all draw a blindfolded elephant in a crowd: one player draws the body, another draws the legs, the third draws the head, etc. The team that draws an elephant faster and the image really resembles this animal is the winner.

On the eve of the party, you will have to “gut” several newspapers - cut out the titles of the articles and stick them on cards. Cards are given to players, and they must write a fascinating story using the suggested article titles.

The presenter writes a word of 4-6 letters on a piece of paper. The players (each of them) must come up with a telegram text, but each next word must begin with the next letter of the given word. For example, a given word: “post”, a text-telegram can sound like this: the first letter: “p” and the first word begins with it - beer, the second word with the letter “o” - sent, the third with “s” - dry, fourth with “t” - ram. In a telegram, the text must contain a complete thought. All participants read the telegrams according to their turn.

Who is this?
Each participant takes a piece of paper (it is advisable that the participants are quite far from each other) and first draws a head belonging to a person, animal, or bird. Then you need to bend the sheet so that the image is covered and only the tip of the neck is visible. Neighbors exchange drawings. So each player has a started drawing that he has not seen. Next, everyone draws the upper part of the body, again “hides” the drawn part and passes it to a neighbor for further drawing of the limbs. At the end of painting, all the leaves unfold and the resulting creatures are identified.

Many people are familiar with the expression “you write like a chicken with its paw” from school; this is an excellent opportunity to write legally in this way. Felt-tip pens are attached to the players' feet (adhesive tape is quite suitable for this mission). Next, the presenter asks the word, which the players must “scratch with their paws.” The one who wrote it more clearly wins.

For each participant, a sheet of whatman paper is prepared, in which slits for the hands are cut out. The players insert their hands into the prepared slots, they are given brushes (felt-tip pens) and, without looking at the sheet, they draw a portrait. The prize goes to the artist who created the most successful “masterpiece”.

The leader of the game gives the participants pieces of paper on which he asks them to write two columns of words, each with four. Words can be the names of people, the names of animals, any objects, any phenomena. Next, using four pairs of words (one word is taken from each column), you need to come up with associations connecting the pair. For each pair there are several associations, the more the players come up with, the better. The association options should be quite unexpected. So, for example: in one column – the word “Sundress”, in another column – “Traffic Light”, the associations are as follows:
- the sundress is as bright as a traffic light.
- a woman in a red sundress stands under a traffic light.
- the sight of a woman in an open sundress also stops men, just like the red color of a traffic light.
- the eyes of a woman in a beautiful sundress also glow like light bulbs at a traffic light.
- a woman in a sundress also directs the movement of men, just like a traffic light.
- the sundress can be seen from afar, just like the traffic light.
Five minutes are allotted to complete the task. After the allotted time has passed, the presenter summarizes the associations received (each pair separately). The most successful associations are brought up for discussion, and a wordsmith is identified - a master at inventing associations.

The players are given a piece of paper, on the left side of which the leading participants are asked to draw any simple object - a mug, spoon, pencil, etc. (let's say that we draw three objects each, although the number is not limited). On the other (right) side, three objects are also drawn, but different ones. The players' task is to connect simple objects from different sides into 3 complex figures in 3 minutes. At this stage, you can’t do without imagination. In addition to imagination, graphic skills are valued. After 3 minutes of hard work, the leaves with the newly appeared figures are launched in a circle. Players evaluate the originality of the solution using a 5-point system - they put points on the sheets of paper. After the leaves go around the entire circle and return to the owner, the winner is determined - the total score and the surprise of the decision in creating a complex figure.

Drawing a face
All participants are given blank pieces of paper on which they draw a portrait of any player sitting opposite them. Next, the finished portraits are passed around in a circle. On the back of the portraits, all participants write the name of the person who, in their opinion, is depicted. After the piece of paper with the portrait returns to the artist who depicted it, he begins counting the correct answers (the number of players who recognized the portrait).
The best artist wins.

A blank sheet of paper is passed around in a circle, on which players alternately draw straight and non-straight lines that intersect each other. After that, the participants sketch the resulting voids between the lines in various ways: with multi-colored paints in the form of solid strokes, dots, zigzags, checkers, circles, etc. A player who has nothing more to add to the “overall” masterpiece loses.

Each participant is given a piece of paper. Players write down answers to questions (on the top of the piece of paper) asked by the presenter, for example: When? Who? Where? What did they say? With whom? etc. Questions can be asked completely different, the dog is not buried in them, the player who answered the question passes the piece of paper to another participant, having previously wrapped up the written answer. After everyone has the leaves in their hands, they are all handed over to the presenter, who reads the resulting stories out loud.

What does it look like?
The participants of the game take their places at the table. The presenter declares that he will now wish for some object, which, while maintaining the secret of the wished object, he will write down on a piece of paper. Players take turns voicing the objects that the presenter's wish looks like. The players, naturally, have no idea what is planned, and randomly give out versions: scissors, fork, sparrow, frying pan, ball... After all the announced versions, the presenter reveals the cards - an egg! Now the interesting game begins. You need to “protect” your version. Here, depending on your luck, the defense can be easy: “The egg, like a ball, is round in shape and rolls.” And sometimes you need to ask the presenter to connect two objects, at least indirectly: “Soon a sparrow will hatch from an egg, similar, of course, to the father sparrow.”