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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

Three Peaks Card Game

"Three Peaks" is a simple but interesting solitaire game. The layout of the cards is made in the form of three pyramids or peaks, hence the name of solitaire. Solitaire uses a deck of 52 cards. Pyramids are made up of 28 cards, the remaining 24 cards are stacked sequentially in a row face down. The last card of the remaining ones is turned over, and the solitaire solution begins with it.

In order to play solitaire, you need to disassemble all three pyramids (peaks), putting the cards in a pile located in the lower right corner according to the following rules:

  • On any card you can put a card of any suit, differing in value by one up or down. For example, on a seven you can put a six or an eight, on a ten you can put a nine or a jack, and so on;
  • An ace can be placed on top of the king;
  • If there are no suitable cards in the layout, you should open one or more cards from the bottom row until there is a card at the top of the stack that will allow you to continue solving the layout.

Move backward, Move forward(also the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard) allow you to move forward and backward through your solution, all the way back to the beginning.

A new game- start a new game. By pressing the “New Game” key again, you can scroll through the games and select the layout you like. Using the “up arrow” and “down arrow” keys on the keyboard, you can move along the proposed layouts. The history of your games will only include those hands that you started playing (that is, you made at least one move).
you can return to the previous layout by clicking on the part of the button indicated by the symbol < .

Start over- start a new attempt.

Possible moves- turn on yellow illumination of cards that can be used to make a move. This does not mean that you should make this particular move, the decision is yours. When playing correctly, you do not make all your moves in a row, but follow your own strategy.

You can turn off this mode by pressing the “Possible moves” button again.

Information on the playing field

At the top is a list of your attempts, with the ability to return to each of them. The large number indicates the number of the current attempt. Solved ones are marked in red. To move on to another attempt, you can click on its number. When you return to an unresolved layout, you will see the last position of the cards. In the solved ones, you can view your solution using the “Move forward” and “Move backward” buttons.

Below the list of attempts there is information about the layout:

  • Layout number ( 999 ).
  • Layout rating ( rate 1:38) - the average time spent on solving this layout by all players, the number of solvers out of those who solved this layout.
  • Number of moves in the current attempt ( moves 51).
  • Current time of last attempt ( time 2:41). If within 15 seconds you have not made a single move (for example, you were distracted from the game), time stops. The stopped time is highlighted in blue. Any move made restarts the clock.
  • Total time of all attempts ( total time 4:30).

The green dot in the lower right corner means you have an Internet connection, the red dot means you don't. If there is no Internet, you will be able to finish the layout, but it will not be saved in your history and will not participate in the ranking if the Internet does not appear while you are deciding the layout.

Settings- opens a settings window in which you can:

  • Select the order of new layouts: “play in random order” - when you press the “New game” button, a random layout by number will be loaded, in the “play in a row” mode, the next layout by serial number will be loaded;
  • Enable the “only hands that I haven’t solved” mode. You will be given layouts in a row by number or in random order, taking into account this mode;
  • Go to a specific layout by entering its number in the “enter layout number” field.

A list of all layouts with statistics for each of them and sorting by several parameters.

The ability to see the entire history of your games.

About the layout- information about the open layout. Here you can view information about the layout, add the layout to your favorites and leave a comment (only for registered users).

A list of players ordered by the number of solved hands. For each player, the date of his registration, the total number of started hands and the number of solved hands, the percentage of solved hands and the number of first places by solution time are indicated.

In your personal account, you can provide additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, and also store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and/or authorization, you will have access to your personal account and will be able to send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another one.

"Three Spades" is a solitaire game in which you need to play with all suits, not just spades. Its name suggests that open and closed cards are made into shapes resembling mountains. They have peaks. This is exactly where players need to get to, open all the cards, and then clear the table completely.


We talked about the goal. In general, it is standard for solitaire. The means are also familiar. The player must look for cards on the piece that are one order of magnitude higher or lower in value than the individual card below. In this case, suits are not taken into account, for example, a ten of spades can be covered with a nine of hearts, etc. Everything is very simple.

But sometimes a situation arises when there are no combinations (or it seems that there are none). You will then have to pay attention to a number of cards (initially there are 23 of them) lying face down. You need to click on the last one, and it will open and become the new main map.

And in this game you can’t slow down too much. First, a five-minute timer is set. Secondly, every 3 seconds of inactivity, you lose 3 points. And this solitaire game is designed for everyone to break personal and other people's records.

  • You should not often use cards from the deck. It’s just that the more of them left at the end, the better, since it will probably take a long time to find a pair for the last card.

Why "Three Peaks"? According to the layout. The cards on the playing field form three triangles, superimposed on one another. Below them are the base card and the auxiliary deck, like the legs of the leaves of spades. Only the cards at the bases of the triangles and the base are open, the rest are turned face down and blocked by their neighbors lying on them. Clearing the playing field of all cards will be difficult, but doable. Another variant of the name of this solitaire game is “Three Mountains”.

How to play

You have to look for a card in the layout whose digital value is one more or less than the base card. There may be several of these even at the beginning of the game, or there may not be any at all.

If there is a suitable card, left-click to transfer it to the base, look for the next serial number for it. If there is no suitable card (hidden, blocked), click on the auxiliary deck and cover the base card with the auxiliary one. The search continues - look for a neighbor for the new card that fell on the base.

There is no timer in the game. Scoring depends on the value of the card placed on the base and its position in the layout. The higher you get to the top of the three card peaks, the more you get into your account.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

Three Spades Solitaire is not named after the suit of Spades. If you look at the layout of the cards at the very beginning of the game, you can see three peaks, similar to a trident, or these same three peaks. The layout rules are quite simple. We remove paired cards from the table; to do this, we find and click the pairs among the available open cards that are adjacent in value. The Queen, for example, is adjacent to the King and to the Jack, and the neighbors of the eight are seven and nine. An Ace “pairs” with a deuce or with a King. Suit is not taken into account. Hurry up, every three seconds of inactivity takes away three points from you!

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