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» They cannot be repeated. The myth about the dangers of reheated food has been debunked. Green salads and spinach

They cannot be repeated. The myth about the dangers of reheated food has been debunked. Green salads and spinach

Helpful Hints

Many of us are accustomed to reheating our breakfast, lunch or dinner using a microwave oven. It's fast, convenient and doesn't require much effort.

However, is reheating food as safe for our body as we think?

Reheating has already become a way of life, and the microwave is our constant assistant in the kitchen.

Is reheating food bad?

Often sorting through the products in the refrigerator, we decide to reuse them. And then we turn the leftovers into a completely new food, and our microwave ovens help us with this.

However, is reheating food safe for our body?

Recent studies have confirmed that reheating some of our favorite foods can be hazardous to health, especially if those foods have not been stored properly.

According to experts, cooked and reheated food loses many useful properties.

The secondary heat destroys valuable trace elements, and also contributes to the production of harmful toxins in some products, which ultimately leads to the fact that food becomes a real poison for the human digestive system.

Doctors have identified the following eight foods that should never be reheated.

Foods that must not be reheated

Celery, spinach and beets:

Repeated heat treatment can cause the nitrates contained in these vegetables and herbs to turn into toxic substances and reveal their dangerous carcinogenic properties.

And this means that when the products are heated a second time, they will turn into a time bomb for our health.

Therefore, it is best not to reheat foods containing beets, spinach, or celery. Otherwise, you risk harming your own body.


Mushrooms should be eaten immediately after they are cooked. Reheating this product is not recommended.

The fact is that mushrooms are protein. During heat treatment, proteins tend to break down, as well as release harmful substances.

With repeated heat treatment of mushrooms, you risk getting serious stomach problems and even getting poisoned.

Therefore, even if you have some cooked mushrooms left, you should not heat them in the microwave to high temperatures, just eat them cold or slightly heated.


It is worth recalling that eggs are also protein.

Both boiled and fried eggs, as well as scrambled eggs, fall into the risk zone.

Why are potatoes dangerous?


This information may upset potato lovers, but it is necessary to know it.

Potato is a very complex product, the main element of which is starch.

During primary heat treatment, starch breaks down into several compounds that are absolutely safe for our health.

However, when the product is reheated, decomposed starch compounds can cause the growth of botulism, a rare and very unpleasant bacterium.

For this reason, experts strongly recommend eating stews, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes and any other potato dish immediately after cooking.

If the potato, nevertheless, remains, it should be cooled quickly, but in no case should it be allowed to cool slowly at room temperature. After all, a fairly high room temperature can also cause the development of botulism bacteria.

Unexpectedly, but true, potatoes completely lose their nutritional value if they are heated. And that's not all, potato dishes generally cannot be left at room temperature for a long time. Hazardous substances are formed in the product and cause nausea,


Mushrooms are a separate kingdom of plants. The product is valuable for its high concentration of protein. Scientists warn that the nutrient will be useful only in the case of primary preparation; when heated, all mushroom dishes turn into poison. Since proteins are converted into substances capable of


Eggs and scrambled eggs must be fresh. You can leave dishes for lunch, but you just have to eat without heating. Toxins formed in the egg white after being put in the microwave can cause stomach pain and disruption of the intestines.


Another product is rich in protein, which means that when reheated, your favorite dish can put a spoke in the wheels of the digestive system. Experts recommend warming the bird only at low temperatures.


Rice turned out to be a very insidious plant. It has spores that are easily converted into bacteria. Even with heat treatment, these microorganisms survive. When rice is reheated, bacteria multiply even faster and can provoke an attack of poisoning.

Recall that we wrote earlier

Most of us often reheat food several times. And there is nothing to worry about: it is not always convenient to cook every day and in small quantities. However, you need to be careful about those products that are not recommended to be re-heated after cooking, because they can simply be toxic to the body.

The interesting thing is that we have been reheating certain foods for years and did not even know about the danger that they carry. Let's find out which products are not recommended to be re-cooked.

1. Spinach

Spinach is rich in nitrates, which, upon repeated heat treatment, turn into nitrites, which have a carcinogenic effect on the body, or, in simple terms, contribute to the formation of malignant tumors.

2. Potato

Potatoes are a very valuable food product, but only when freshly cooked. Do not leave potato dishes for tomorrow, because they will lose all their useful properties.

3 eggs

Exposed to high temperatures repeatedly, eggs can become deadly. This does not apply to baking, i.e. to those dishes where eggs are mixed with other ingredients. We are talking about fried and boiled eggs.

4. Beets

Beetroot can also be harmful once reheated. Possessing many nutrients that are beneficial to our health, during repeated heat treatment, the nitrates contained in it turn into nitrates, which can provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors.

5. Celery

Fresh celery brings the greatest benefit. However, if you add it to hot dishes, you should remove it before recooking. It's all about the same nitrates and nitrites.

6. Chicken meat

After heating at high temperatures, the structure of the proteins rich in chicken meat changes and can harm the human digestive system. By the way, chicken meat contains more proteins than beef.

If you have leftover chicken meat already cooked, it is best to eat it cold. Or reheat at low temperature. This will take longer, but will help avoid problems with the digestive tract.

7. Mushrooms

It is worth remembering this small list to avoid additional risks to your health and the health of your loved ones. Of course, cooking in large quantities so that there is enough for several days saves a lot of time, but it is worth paying attention to whether such savings are harmful. After all, the main function of meals is to saturate the body with useful products. It's not enough to just fill your stomach.

Watch your diet and be healthy!

And the editors of Useful Advice will prepare more articles on how to maintain your health in excellent condition.

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No matter how tasty and healthy freshly cooked food is, it can lose its properties and even cause food poisoning if it is heated.

website offers to find out what foods are best to eat immediately after cooking.


Celery is a great ingredient for soup, but only until the bowl with it is in the microwave. Celery contains relatively harmless nitrates, but when reheated, they turn into toxic nitrites and carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Try making a creamy celery soup, it will be good cold as well.


It is unlikely that you often reheat scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, but just in case, we warn you: if you reheat eggs, they can also become toxic.

It is better to add them to salads or sandwiches, then you do not need to heat them up.


Spinach is loved by many of those who follow the diet - it contains many vitamins and minerals. But just like in celery, the nitrates in it, when reheated, turn into nitrites and nitrosamines.

Add spinach to smoothies, sandwiches, and salads for maximum benefits without any harm.


Everything is not easy with mushrooms anyway - despite the high content of protein, vitamins and amino acids, they are often poorly absorbed by the body. And if you also warm up yesterday's risotto, the problem is aggravated: the protein in the mushrooms changes its structure, and this can lead to stomach pains and bloating.

If you feel sorry for throwing away the leftover mushrooms, put them in the refrigerator and eat the next day, warming up to no more than 70 ° C. And it is better to use cold mushrooms in the form of spaghetti sauce or as an ingredient in a salad.


Unexpectedly, but he is also blacklisted. Heated potatoes lose both taste and healthiness, and can even cause botulism if stored in foil at room temperature.

Eat mashed potatoes, casseroles and fried potatoes right away. If you have leftover boiled potatoes, put them cold in the salad.


When chicken dishes are heated, the structure of the protein, which is so rich in chicken meat, is disrupted, and this can lead to digestive problems.

Therefore, it is better to put cold chicken fillet in a salad, and make sandwiches with cutlets.

Potatoes, beets, mushrooms, eggs, and chicken meat are all foods that cannot be reheated. Why? Read our article.

1. Potato

Boiled potatoes are a very healthy product that contains a lot of nutrients. Fiber, which is part of the potato, acts very gently and does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, so potatoes can be eaten with diseases of the digestive system. And starch, among other functions, reduces the level of bad cholesterol. However, potatoes are among those products that cannot be reheated. The fact is that when reheated, starch breaks down, and most of the nutrients die.

What to do? Use cold potatoes for salads - Olivier, mimosa. Or please your loved ones with a herring under a fur coat.

2. Beets

Beets are not afraid of heat treatment. Therefore, freshly prepared borscht or beetroot salad improves intestinal motility, regulates fat metabolism, maintains normal blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on most organs. But, like potatoes, beets are one of the foods that cannot be reheated. During the secondary heat treatment, the structure and nutritional properties of beets change.

What to do? When preparing borscht, calculate the number of servings. And with boiled beets, prepare a salad - with prunes or herring. Or just grate the beets and season with vegetable oil.

3. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are also called lean meat, as they contain a lot of protein - the main building material of our body. In addition, mushrooms are rich in minerals and fatty acids, which improve the functioning of many organs and systems. And if you want to preserve the useful substances of mushrooms (especially proteins), then by no means reheat the mushroom dish. This applies equally to mushroom soups, as well as to risotto, stews and other dishes that include mushrooms. Otherwise, the structure of the protein will change, and the taste of the dish will also suffer significantly. As a result, bloating and pain can occur.

What to do? Try not to overcook. And if you have already put the dish in the refrigerator and it is a pity to throw it away, then eat it cold. So you harm your body less.

4 eggs

Do you ever reheat boiled eggs or scrambled eggs? And you are right: reheating not only destroys most of the nutrients, but also promotes the release of toxins. If you eat like this for a long time, then poisoning is unlikely to be avoided.

What to do? Use boiled eggs in a salad, and share a half-eaten omelet with a cat.

5. Chicken meat

The list of foods that cannot be reheated is supplemented by chicken meat. During secondary heating, changes occur in the structure of easily digestible proteins that are part of chicken meat. After such processing, it will be very difficult for the body to pickle and absorb meat. Digestive disorders (diarrhea) are possible.

What to do? Prepare a salad if you have leftover boiled chicken. And use the fried cue ball for a cold sandwich.

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