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» Name day of Anatolia according to the church calendar. Personalized icons

Name day of Anatolia according to the church calendar. Personalized icons

Name day is a holiday popularly called Angel Day. It is a day of veneration of the saint, whose name is given to a person during the baptismal rite. Thus, one of the saints is approached with a request for protection and support in life. If the appeal goes to the saint whose name is repeated several times in the calendar, then the day of the Angel is considered to be the one that is closest to the calendar.

Origin and meaning of the name

The name Anatoly came into our language from Greece. Translated, it means “east”. The Greeks gave this name to people from Anatolia, that is, the part of Asia Minor located to the east of them.

Characteristics of the owner and fate

Anatoly falls under the influence of his mother as a child. A reserved boy, very often prone to shyness, but does not like noise and crowds. He is very inquisitive, dreams of adventures, immersing himself in them with the help of fantasy and books, imagining himself in the place of the main character. Over time, very impressionable and romantically inclined, Anatoly completely gets rid of his mother’s influence and, accordingly, no longer depends on him. Moreover, those romantic feelings remain with him until the end of his life.

When communicating with people, Anatoly is not particularly characterized by bright emotional outbursts. It's not hard for him to find mutual language with almost any person, while remaining completely calm. The named Anatoly is not one of those who follows society’s lead in everything. He can go against everyone if they arise critical situations. At the same time, he often becomes completely uncontrollable, which creates many difficulties for his close circle of people.

Anatoly values ​​justice. It is not in his nature to offend someone rashly. Having become the head of a group of people, he will carefully monitor the relationships in the team, while not allowing himself or those around him to allow human dignity to be humiliated.

Drinking is taboo for Anatoly. Communication with alcoholic beverages cannot end well. Being drunk, Anatoly becomes rude, loses control of himself and often gets into trouble.

Anatoly, born in winter or autumn, is very active. In addition, they have many abilities that need to be constantly developed. For those who were born during the hot summer or gentle spring, their hearts will be filled with goodwill and kindness. Those named after Anatoly are ready to come to the aid of their neighbors, they are very fond of traveling and relaxing outside civilization, in communication with living nature.

Career and profession

Anatoly’s profession should be chosen according to his calm character and love of communication. Best options will become a politician, psychologist or teacher. The choice is most often made on the side of practicality. Living on one salary is not for him. Additional part-time jobs are not uncommon for such a person. Hard work and perseverance will help you achieve success, but only in adulthood. Since Anatoly is not very insightful and does not have business acumen, he should start his business together with an intelligent and reliable partner.

Family and love

Anatoly has no problems winning women's hearts. His prudence and balance help to gain the trust of even obstinate beauties. Blonde girls are his ideal. Young Anatoly is bored with beauties of his age, so he is often the first love relationship he is building with an older woman. Before marriage, this person is a real temperamental macho who loves to achieve new affections.

Legal marriage is very important to him, so he chooses carefully. Everything is important to him: neatness, ability to cook, appearance and calm character. Having married once, Anatoly will strive with all his soul to live his whole life with the one who once won his heart. True, having lived for half a century, he may want to experience new sensations, but he will quickly return to his family.

The wife's parents receive their son-in-law very well. Anatoly can easily make friends with his father-in-law.

Family problems are not uncommon in Anatoly’s family. The wife of such a man, seeing his calm attitude towards everything, begins to take the reins of power in the house, trying to become a tough leader. She imposes her opinion on even small issues.

Warm relationships with children do not always develop.

A good worker, Anatoly is trying to create high level life for the family, but the earnings are not enough for this. As a result, misunderstood and loaded with problems, he may leave the family to deal with them. This outcome is a rare scenario, since in most cases Anatoly is in no hurry to bind himself to obligations without having formed a material base.

Having truly fallen in love, Anatoly strives to fully provide the future family with everything necessary, and only then makes an offer. In a happy family, complete patriarchy reigns, Anatoly is the head, and his word is law. This is precisely what becomes a stumbling block in the above situation: the wife should listen to her husband’s words. A wise woman will be able to get everything she needs from him. At the same time, a mess in the house can make him irritated and unpleasant in communication, so this must be taken into account.

Scandals are not about him. And yet, everyone in the house obeys him. Anatoly honors traditions. He likes to spend holidays with his family. He remembers his parents and the test with his mother-in-law. True, Anatoly does not consider his relatives to be his own, which often becomes a rock of contention.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

It is believed that a saint named Anatoly lived during the time of St. George the Victorious. Emperor Diocletian appointed the great martyr terrible execution. When he decided that George had died, everyone heard the Voice of God, telling that He would not leave George. Anatoly and another courtier from the retinue found true Faith at that moment. According to legend, they were later beheaded.

Name day dates in 2018

In fact, Anatoly is mentioned in various church legends. His name is revered more than once a year. In addition, various saints with this name have been recognized and mentioned in the calendar. And each of these days is a name day for many Christians.

16.06 - Anatoly of Constantinople, Patriarch

03.12 - Anatoly of Nicea, martyr

6.05 - Anatoly of Nicomedia, martyr

7.02, 24.10 - Anatoly I of Optina, reverend

12.08, 24.10 - Anatoly II of Optina, reverend

10.07, 10.09, 11.10 - Anthony Pechora, recluse

The name Anatoly is a name of Greek origin. Like many other names, the name Anatoly came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy. The name Anatoly comes from the Greek word “anatole” (ἀνατολή), which translates as “east”. It is believed that literary the meaning of the name Anatoly is “eastern” or even “sunrise”. But this is not the only version.

The second version of the meaning of the name Anatoly also dates back to ancient times. This version is associated with such a geographical area as Anatolia. This is the name of a peninsula in Asia Minor (the territory of modern Turkey). Anatolian is the self-name of a resident of Anatolia in a foreign land. It is believed that it was from this self-name that the name Anatoly appeared. There is a similar version about female name Elena . According to one version, it came from the self-name of the Greeks - Hellenes. This is exactly what the Greeks called themselves.

The meaning of the name Anatoly (Tolik) for a child

Little Tolik is a rather complex and stubborn child. This places a special responsibility on parents and teachers. He's easy enough to convince if your arguments are really important. However, if he feels an attempt to manipulate himself, then you will have a hard time. Anatoly is a cheerful and mischievous boy. He grows up as a fairly spoiled child, but with the necessary attention this problem solved. Of course this will take time. He has many friends, as he has been serious about friendship since childhood.

At school, his mischief interferes with his studies. Anatoly is endowed with fairly good inclinations for studying, but his lack of perseverance greatly hinders him. Sport helps a lot in coping with this problem. It is the positive direction of his irrepressible energy that will allow him to finish school with dignity. It is best for a boy to engage in sports that involve long-term functional loads.

Little Anatoly’s health cannot be called strong. He gets sick quite often, especially colds. It is also worth paying attention to it nervous system. If the boy has nowhere to spend his energy, this can lead to increased nervousness in the child. Swimming is the best way to deal with both problems at once. Swimming will provide sufficient exercise, and experts consider it useful for problems with the respiratory system. But of course, first you need to consult with specialists.

Short name Anatoly

Tolya, Tolka, Tolik, Tolyan, Tosha, Tokha.

Diminutive pet names

Anatolyushka, Anatolyushka, Tolenka, Tolechka, Tolyushka.

Children's middle names

Male patronymics are Anatolievich and Anatolyevich, and female patronymics are Anatolievna and Anatolyevna. The colloquial form of the male patronymic is also common - Anatolich.

Name Anatoly in English

IN English language the name Anatoly is spelled Anatoly.

Name Anatoly for international passport- ANATOLII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Anatoly into other languages

in Belarusian - Anatol
in Bulgarian - Anatoli
in Hungarian - Anatol
in Greek - Ανατόλιος
in Spanish - Anatolio
in Italian - Anatolio
in Latin - Anatolius
in German - Anatol
in Polish - Anatol
in Portuguese - Anatólio
in Romanian - Anatolie
in Serbian - Anatolije
in Ukrainian - Anatoly
in French - Anatole
in Czech - Anatol

Church name Anatoly(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Anatoly.

Characteristics of the name Anatoly (Tolik)

Adult Anatoly can be described as a strong-willed, complex and easily excitable person. His strong-willed qualities can also turn into stubbornness, which depends on his mood. The complexity of Anatoly lies in his changeable character. He is a cheerful and sociable person, but if his mood is low, he often begins to be rude and overly nervous. He knows how to get along well with people, especially if he needs it. However, one cannot call him an opportunist. It is also worth noting the owner of the name has a strong desire to win. Anatoly hates losing and fights to the end.

Anatoly knows how to work very well. He is a responsible worker, and his ingenuity often helps him and his colleagues out. He cannot be called a workaholic, since he works only for money, and he does not need much. Tolik loves life in all its manifestations and loves to relax. If work interferes with rest, he will want to change his job. Anatoly rarely achieves great success, although he is not at all worried about this. Anatoly knows very well the price that many have paid for success.

IN family relationships Anatoly is rarely happy. Usually he easily achieves reciprocity from representatives of the opposite sex, and this makes Anatoly self-confident and selfish. Often through beautiful women he satisfies his own ambitions. With such an initial approach it is difficult to build a strong family. Of course, among the owners of the name there are happy exceptions, but they rather confirm the rule.

The secret of the name Anatoly

The secret of Anatoly can be called his outbursts of unmotivated aggression. If Anatoly suddenly Bad mood, then he often looks for someone to take it out on. Surprisingly, Anatoly does not see the harmfulness of this character trait and rarely apologizes for his actions. You should beware of Anatoly in this state.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal- Jaguar.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- It sucks.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Agate.

The name Anatoly came to us from Greece, the words “anatolikos” and “anatole” that form it mean “eastern” and “sunrise”, respectively. Consequently, the name Anatoly is interpreted as “morning, clear.”

This name gained the greatest popularity after the 20s of the last century. They started calling boys Anatoly less often in the sixties.

How to choose a name day

Many people celebrate name days in addition to their birthdays. Anatoly celebrates when the day of veneration of one of the saints with this name comes. By the way, there are a lot of them. Therefore, Anatoly can celebrate this day several times a year.

Anatoly's Angel Day church calendar celebrates January 23, in February (7th and 19th), May 6th. Those born in summer can choose from the following dates: July 16 and 19 or August 6, 11, 12. And in the fall, Anatoly, who celebrates Angel Day, may prefer November days: the 3rd, 13th and 19th. Plus the 3rd and 23rd of the last month of the year.

Which saints are remembered these days?

Anatoly of Constantinople

He is considered the most revered patron born in Alexandria. He studied philosophy, took an active part in the construction and arrangement of churches, and after being ordained he served as a deacon during the time of Cyril of Alexandria.

During his lifetime, this saint zealously fought for the purity of Orthodoxy and tried to eradicate various false teachings. In books on worship you can find poems by this saint.

Anatoly Nikeisky

This great martyr, due to his merchant origin, is the patron saint of merchants. Prayers to this saint increase trade turnover, and the icon must be owned by those men who lack confidence and prudence - qualities so necessary for a successful career and creating a strong family.

Anatoly the warrior

The story of this holy martyr is connected with St. George the Victorious, whose torment he observed and was struck by the saint’s fortitude. Anatoly witnessed how God's grace can keep a person unharmed. What he saw made him believe in the Son of God, which he announced, for which he was immediately beheaded.

Anatoly Optinsky (senior)

This saint lived in the nineteenth century. Raised in ordinary family, Anatoly graduated from theological seminary and began working as a civil servant in the treasury chamber on the financial side. Layman Alexey Moiseevich accepted after the Lord saved him from consumption, which was incurable at that time. This is how the future venerable elder appeared in the Optina Desert.

He had an amazing ability to calm worries, relieve pain, and tune in to the upcoming trials. He could spiritually prepare a person for approaching death. The Lord gifted him with insight and the gift of healing.

The most difficult test for the saint himself was the death of his spiritual mentor, which he could not come to terms with.

Anatoly Optinsky (Potapov)

The monk was called a comforter for his sensitive heart. He was endowed with the gift of healing and insight.

In the post-revolutionary years, when persecution fell on the clergy, the disciples persuaded the elder to leave Optina Pustyn, but he did not agree to leave the holy monastery. When they were going to arrest him, he convinced the security officers to give him time to prepare. Early in the morning he said a prayer and even before they came for him, he died.

Characteristic features of Anatoliev

When exactly Anatoly celebrates Angel Day, on what date, is usually determined by the date of birth of a man with this name. The name days closest to this moment are selected.

But all Anatolias have common features. These are smart men who can easily find a common language with different people. They make good leaders, because thanks to their own, they will deservedly encourage and tactfully point out people’s shortcomings and mistakes.

Regardless of when Anatoly celebrates Angel Day, a man with this name is a creative person and knows how to make money, has an excellent imagination and developed intuition.

In marriage, Anatoly prefers his wife to dominate and experiences difficulties in raising children. Often the bearers of this name have a lot of sexual experience, but carefully hide their inner world from numerous partners. It is simply vital for them to feel wanted and needed.

Elder Anatoly (Zertsalov) ended up in Optina Pustyn in 1853. He became a disciple of St. Macarius and Ambrose of Optina. In holy baptism, the elder was named Alexei, in honor of Alexei, the man of God. Not only he himself dreamed of monasticism, but his parents also saw him as a monk, and therefore gave him spiritual education. After graduating from the seminary, Alexey fell ill with tuberculosis, knowing that the disease was incurable, he made a vow to the Lord, if he recovered, he would become a monk. And so it happened.
The young novice’s first mentor was Elder Macarius, who first of all began to teach him the Jesus Prayer. After the death of his spiritual leader, Alexei began to be cared for by Ambrose Optinsky. Alexey was given the name Anatoly only 10 years later when he was tonsured into the mantle. Despite his very poor health, the Monk Anatoly carried out difficult obedience in the kitchen. Then Elder Ambrose blessed the saint to visit the mourners in the monastery hotel. The monk was ordained to the rank of hieromonk only in 1870. At that time he was 46 years old. A year later, he was appointed head of the monastery, and with all his heart he began to take care of the brethren. Later the monk began to minister to Shamordino convent. The sisters of the monastery addressed him as a father. They walked with all the temptations and sorrows.
The death of St. Ambrose greatly affected the elder’s health. The Monk Anatoly’s legs began to swell, he could not walk, but this was necessary. In 1893, he accepted the schema, but only those closest to him knew about it. This was done in secret. He rested peacefully while reading the funeral. In 2000 he was canonized as a saint.