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» Individual treatment facilities for multi-storey buildings. High-performance septic tanks EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater) for apartment buildings, cottage communities and more. What it is

Individual treatment facilities for multi-storey buildings. High-performance septic tanks EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater) for apartment buildings, cottage communities and more. What it is

How is a septic tank different from a cesspool? What benefits does it provide? Which septic tank is better for a home in terms of minimizing costs? Let's figure it out.

What it is

It’s not hard to imagine how a cesspool works. It is a sealed container, concreted or otherwise isolated from the ground, which requires periodic pumping.

To dispose of the entire volume of household waste, you have to call a sewage disposal truck every time. The cost of pumping 4 cubic meters of wastewater is from 800 to 1200 rubles, which, in terms of monthly volumes, is a very significant expense item for the family budget.

Let's be realistic: cesspools are often intentionally made leaky.
This is a gross violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements; however, filtration of wastewater through the soil bed can significantly reduce waste disposal costs.

However, even the clearly illegal liquid waste disposal scheme has a clear drawback. Over time, the soil bottom inevitably silts up with a decrease in the absorbency of the surface.

The fact is that wastewater, despite its name, also contains solid fractions - feces, food waste, sand, detergents (they contain a large percentage of fats and turn into a viscous and fairly dense mass on the walls of the sewer and the bottom of the cesspool) and etc.

Septic tanks for the home allow you to divide the process of wastewater disposal into two sequential processes:

  1. First, the wastewater gets rid of most of the solid fractions. Organic and inorganic compounds accumulate in the septic tank in the form of sludge and are periodically (about once a year, or even less often) removed by vacuum cleaners.
  2. The remaining relatively clean water is safely absorbed into the soil, creating a minimum of problems with siltation.

How it works

Let's understand the general principles of wastewater treatment in a septic tank.

What happens to the wastewater?

  • From the house, they flow by gravity into the primary settling tank - a chamber where, under the influence of the difference in density, mechanical separation is carried out. Heavy fractions settle to the bottom, light fractions float to the surface and form a crust on the surface. The vital activity of anaerobic bacteria contributes to the processing of organic compounds into volatile hydrocarbons (primarily methane) and water.
  • The specially shaped overflow removes settled water just below the surface level. Neither heavy fractions nor crust fall outside the first chamber.
  • The overflowed wastewater ends up in soil filtration.
    How can it be done?
    • The most compact solution is a filter well. In essence, it is just a pit with perforated walls and a dirt bottom. The drainage layer at the bottom and outside the walls allows you to increase the absorbent surface area to the maximum; in addition, it significantly slows down siltation (yes, it is still possible, albeit over a much longer period).

The space behind the walls of the well is filled with drainage - brickwork.

    • Where soils have low absorption capacity, a filtration field is used. In an area free of buildings, several ditches or a pit of small depth but a significant area are dug.
      Drainage (perforated) pipes or infiltrators are laid on a backfill of crushed stone with a thickness of 10 centimeters or more - special simple devices for compensating for volley discharges, externally resembling inverted troughs. They are covered with crushed stone on top and covered with soil.
    • Finally, in the case where the soil practically does not absorb water, a slightly modified version of the filtration field is constructed. Drainage pipes are laid on two levels with a height difference of 30-70 centimeters. They are backfilled with sand.
      The wastewater is supplied through the upper level pipes; Through the lower drainage pipe system, filtered water is discharged into a ditch or a nearby body of water.

Additions and improvements

One of the main problems of the described septic tank operation scheme is the relatively low degree of wastewater treatment.

Are there ways to improve it?

  1. There may be several settling chambers. In fact, the more there are, the cleaner the water comes out.

However: the price of better cleaning is the need to remove sludge from the appropriate number of chambers.

  1. Aeration of one or more chambers is a method of increasing the degree of purification, used in factory-produced deep biological treatment stations. This is exactly how a typical septic tank for an apartment building works: disposing of partially treated wastewater with a daily volume of several tens of cubic meters without harming the environment is, to put it mildly, problematic.
    How does aeration improve cleaning?
    • When wastewater is saturated with oxygen, aerobic bacteria are sharply activated. They are much more voracious compared to anaerobic ones and are able to absorb larger amounts of organic matter in the same time. To provide them with maximum contact with contaminants and air, filling with a developed surface is usually used in the aeration chamber - brushes, complex-shaped plastic floats, etc.
    • Oxygen at the same time sharply accelerates the oxidation processes of surfactants included in detergents and products of partial processing of organic compounds by bacteria.
  2. The settling tanks of non-volatile (without forced aeration) septic tanks are often forcibly seeded with bacterial cultures that are more aggressive than those arising naturally. As a rule, after a single loading dose of a bacterial preparation, maintenance portions are added at intervals of 1 to 3 months.

Thanks to all the measures described, not only a higher (up to 98 percent) degree of wastewater treatment is achieved, but also a significant reduction in the amount of sludge.

Now that the general principles of designing a septic tank are clear, it will not be difficult for the reader to adapt existing materials and build a homemade structure at minimal cost.

However, before we give more specific advice, here are a few more general recommendations.

  • The volume of the septic tank must accommodate at least three days' worth of wastewater. Otherwise, continuous mixing by the incoming flow will interfere with separation.
  • On a horizontal section, the minimum distance from the filter well or filtration field to the house is 5 meters. What is the instruction related to? With the fact that with a closer location, water filtering through the ground will wash away the foundation.
  • If your site is located on a slope, the septic tank and filter well are built down the slope from the house. The reason is the same: otherwise, runoff through aquifers can reach the foundation.
  • The minimum distance from the water intake from the upper aquifer to the filter well or filtration field is 50 meters.

  • All pipes are laid with a constant slope along the water flow. For a pipe with a diameter of 110 millimeters it is 2 cm per linear meter.
  • The simplest way to build an overflow that takes water below the level of the crust floating on the surface is to put a sewer tee on the pipe between the chambers of the septic tank. It is oriented vertically, with an average outlet along the water flow. The lower outlet prevents crust from getting into the overflow, the upper one serves for cleaning.
  • Ventilation is necessary for all chambers - simply because fermentation will occur throughout the entire available volume of wastewater. It is better to bring it to a level of 1.5 - 2 meters from the ground surface.

Materials and diagrams

What and how exactly can a septic tank be built for your home with your own hands?

The cheapest scheme in terms of implementation is a monolithic reinforced concrete tank. It is poured directly into the pit; The walls of the pit, covered with waterproofing, serve as part of the formwork. The container is divided by internal partitions into an arbitrary number of chambers.

If not only costs, but also time are critical, septic tank chambers can be constructed from reinforced concrete rings. The ring with the bottom is laid down; the seams between adjacent rings are carefully waterproofed. The filter well can be made of rings with factory perforation.

An alternative to concrete is brick or ceramic blocks. In this case, you will be spared the need to construct formwork. The septic tank chambers are placed solid; In the filter well, gaps are left in the masonry.

The photo shows a brick filter well under construction.

Do you want to install a septic tank in your home? More precisely, in the underground? When using a large-volume polyethylene container, this is also possible. Already settled water is discharged beyond the foundation, which can be used for irrigation or sent to the filtration field under the beds.

A caveat: you still have to, so the container should be placed as close as possible to the door or hatch into the underground.


As you can see, a wide variety of materials and solutions can be used to build a home septic tank. Perhaps the video in this article will give you a couple of unusual ideas. Good luck!

"TOPAERO" is a new product line of the TOPOL-ECO group of companies, with a capacity from 3 to 32 m³/day, which corresponds to models from "Topas-15" and higher. Moreover, if we proceed from such an important parameter as salvo inflow, then for the Topaero line this figure starts from 1000 liters, which approximately corresponds to Topas-20.

The “Topaero” modification made it possible, without changing the volume of the installation, to achieve an increase in the possible burst inflow during the hours of greatest water consumption. This feature allows you to choose “Topaero” with a lower daily output than “Topas” where the selection is complicated by the presence of several large appliances (jacuzzi, font) and there is a high probability of their simultaneous use.

In “Topaero”, unlike “Topas”, when the receiving chamber overflows with incoming wastewater, an additional mode is activated. The top layer of water from the receiving chamber enters a corridor-type settling tank, clarified water is sent to the aeration tank. Unlike unclarified wastewater entering the aeration tank as usual, clarified (after preliminary settling) water has a lower BOD. At the same time, the quality indicators of purified wastewater do not deteriorate. The new electrical part in Topaero will save connection time and increase the reliability of the aeration station.

Internal structure of the Topaero treatment plant


  • A- Receiving chamber
  • B- Aerotank
  • B- Secondary damper
  • G- Sludge settling tank (stabilizer)
  • D- Corridor type sedimentation tank

internal organization

  • 1- Coarse filter
  • 2- Main pump
  • 3- Circulation pump
  • 4- Peak pump
  • 5- Aero tank pump
  • 6- Junction box
  • 7- Station connection box
  • 8- Moisture-proof sockets
  • 9- Power button
  • 10- Grease trap
  • 11- Insulated cover
  • 12- Air distributors
  • 13- Working float
  • 14- Peak float
  • 15- Compressor

Where is it advisable to use Topaero?

In low-rise construction, with a small number of apartments and a high degree of their improvement, the volume of volley influx in the morning and evening hours is high. For the most part, this is new construction and water meters are installed everywhere, which means that water consumption per resident is 120-160 liters per day. As a rule, each apartment has a bath or jacuzzi, in addition to which there is a shower. In the morning and evening hours, all residents actively use water, and a large volume of runoff enters the sewer system in a short time.

For example: in a 5-apartment townhouse there are (3.5*5=14) 14 residents. Each apartment has a bath, shower, washbasin, toilet, washing machine, sink and dishwasher. Total: 7 devices using cold water and 5 devices using hot water.

Calculating according to SNiP 2.04.01-85, we obtain a daily wastewater flow of 3.5 m³ and an hourly flow of 1.22 m³. We cannot use Topas-20, which is suitable for daily consumption, since its salvo productivity is 1 m³, and it is not economically feasible to use Topas-30.

Conclusion: Apply “Topaero-4” (4 m³ per day, 1.25 m³ per hour)

When using local treatment plants for dormitories and work camps, the problem of volley discharges in the evening hours is also acute. Added to this is the overcrowding of such wastewater disposal facilities and the lack of control over the condition of water distribution fittings.

In sanatoriums and holiday homes there are kitchens and dining rooms with high hourly water consumption. If previously it was necessary to use a homogenizer or select a unit with higher productivity, then with the advent of “Topaero” this problem has been solved.

Topaero wastewater treatment plant

sewerage for cottage villages

we will help you with your choice!

large construction site - large station - topaero your choice

The quality of life largely depends on the influence of the environment on us. There is a pattern that the worse the environmental situation, the more often we get sick, and our general well-being worsens. All over the world, activities related to environmental health are of primary importance. By developing and introducing new technologies, priority environmental issues are being resolved. Increasingly, the question arises about high-quality wastewater treatment not only of cities, regions, but also of individual buildings. Using new technologies in the manufacture of treatment facilities, septic tank for an apartment building will save you from the “bad” smell, the accumulation of dangerous “damp” sediment, which are the main problems of existing structures. It is impossible to solve this problem with traditional technologies.

The principle of wastewater treatment in septic tanks for apartment buildings and villages

The modern market offers septic tank for the village or an apartment building with biological wastewater treatment. Thanks to the work of microorganisms, the decomposition and oxidation of organic contaminants that inhabit wastewater occurs. In the process, microorganisms release energy and multiply. Biologically purifying contamination is a complex process. Enzymatic decomposition occurs until organic matter reaches simple carbon compounds or molecular carbon, which is the basis of organic contaminants. One of the representatives of such autonomous systems is EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater), which combine biological treatment and fine-bubble aeration for water oxidation.

Why do you need an EcoDyn septic tank (Topas, TopolWater)?

High-performance septic tanks EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater) are the basis of any autonomous sewage system for wastewater treatment of a cottage, recreation center, hotel. Septic tank for the village EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater) can serve from 5 to 150 people per day, processing wastewater volumes from 250 to 7500 liters.

Can be assembled on site from standard modules manufactured at the factory. The model range is represented by septic tanks for various functional purposes; the installation of technological equipment is carried out during production at the factory. Some models are equipped with a built-in pump, an extended neck, and have a reinforced body.

The main advantages of septic tanks EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater):

High, efficient extraction of pollutants;

There is no need for permanent buildings for maintenance.

Septic tanks EcoDin (Topas, TopolWater), which no one can do without autonomous sewage system for the village, are made of high-quality polypropylene material, which makes the product durable and resistant to aggressive environments.

Autonomous sewage system for apartment buildings

Septic tank for an apartment building, is an important cleaning system in a home, restaurant, hotel, etc. In a building where people are constantly present. All these points are especially important, since it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the sewerage system and for how many people it should be designed, it is necessary to think through to the smallest detail in order to ensure the coordinated operation of the sewerage system and water supply.

An autonomous sewer system for a cottage is quite suitable for a hotel, and this is obvious. The advantage of easy installation in any type of soil, at any depth. Along with the low cost of biological treatment systems, there is high operating efficiency. for the village - a system that purifies wastewater, while the work of the old version is to direct the waste to the cesspool.

Septic tank for the village, fully complies with all sanitary standards and legislation. They are safe for the environment, as they completely recycle contaminants to a harmless state. You do not need the help of a sewage service to clean the tank. Purified water is reused for technical purposes, irrigation, and sludge (sapropel) as fertilizer.

Autonomous sewerage system for the village

The problem of wastewater disposal in a country house is most acute if there is no sewer line nearby into which a connection could be made. If there is no central sewer system, then the most accessible way to dispose of wastewater is by discharging it into a cesspool. However, this method has a lot of significant disadvantages, the main ones of which include the presence of an unpleasant odor emanating from the pit, as well as the need for regular cleaning.

It is precisely because of these shortcomings that this method is becoming less and less popular, since at present it is being successfully replaced by another method, on the basis of which both individual and collective autonomous sewage systems can be installed in a cottage community. This method is called - autonomous sewage system for the village, and its undeniable advantages are the relative ease of wastewater disposal, as well as the ease of their further purification and disposal.

Installation of an autonomous sewer system for an apartment building or village

The design of an autonomous sewer system is quite simple and includes two main elements. The first element is a reservoir called a septic tank, and the wastewater treatment process is carried out in it, and the second element is a so-called filtration well, with the help of which purified wastewater is removed, which is subsequently absorbed into the ground.

The ease of use of this sewage system lies in the fact that the movement of wastewater in it occurs by gravity, without the use of pressure pumps, wastewater treatment occurs relatively quickly and very efficiently, and the system itself does not require frequent maintenance, which is recommended to be carried out no more than once every two years .

In addition to cleaning, septic tank for the village It also provides for the subsequent removal of water after its purification for its further disposal. For this, a so-called filtration well is used, into which water purified by active bacteria is forced out of the septic tank at the moment when a new portion of wastewater enters it. The filtration well is equipped with a system for settling purified water and its further disposal by resorption in the ground. The filtering and recycling systems are designed taking into account sanitary standards; during their installation, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil, as well as the existing groundwater level in the area.

It can also be successfully used for installing a collective sewage system in a cottage community. However, it should be noted that in this case it is necessary to take a more careful approach to the choice of the diameter of the sewer pipes, the volume of the septic tank and the size of the filtration well, and the best solution would be to entrust all the necessary calculations to specialists who are able to calculate all the parameters in order for the collective sewerage The village complied with all sanitary and epidemiological standards.

In any case, it is the autonomous sewerage system that will allow you to feel the comfort of a city apartment in a suburban village, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of a full-fledged sewerage system, which in turn will greatly improve your life.

According to the law, before installing a septic tank in a private home, you must obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor (SES). In practice, most homeowners neglect this requirement, but this can be fraught with problems in the future.

If, when installing a septic tank in a private house, construction and sanitary-epidemiological standards were violated, it is difficult to obtain a technical certificate for such a structure, fines may be imposed on the owner, and he may be required to eliminate the violations.

If contamination of water or soil by runoff from an improperly designed or installed sewerage system causes harm to the health and property of citizens, the victims may demand compensation for damage for 20 years.

The Russian manufacturer of local treatment plants "Biodeka" provides a full package of documents for solar power plants and a 3-year warranty for septic tanks when installed independently in accordance with the technical data sheet.

For those who organize local sewerage for their country house or dacha on their own, Biodeka specialists have formulated rules for installing a septic tank in a private house. They will allow you to design a reliable system that can be included in the house design and approved by the authorities.

Placing a septic tank for a house on a private plot

The main thing in organizing a septic sewer system on a private plot of land is from which drinking water is collected.

The Law “On Water Supply and Sanitation” of December 7, 2011 and SanPiN “Zones of Sanitary Protection of Water Supply Sources” define a sanitary protection zone around wells and wells: leaking treatment facilities of any type must be located outside its boundaries.

When installing a septic tank, a private house and adjacent land are subject to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85 for sanitary zones of buildings: the distance from the treatment plant to the boundaries of the residential building (perimeter of the house) must be 5 meters or more. The filter well is constructed at a distance of at least 8 m from residential buildings.

According to SNiP 2.04.04-84, water entering the house must be protected from ingress of wastewater. A spatial gap of at least 10 m must be created between the water supply pipes and the treatment plant.

The following additional requirements and recommendations should also be considered:

  • the distance between the treatment station and the boundaries of the land plot is at least 2 m
  • distance from the roadway (to protect against vibration) - 5-10 m
  • distance to garden trees (to protect roots from rotting) - at least 3 m

Placement of the filter well

Although today's local treatment plants provide wastewater treatment levels of over 95% and produce clear, odorless water, they are still subject to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85, developed for classic passive (gravity-flow) septic systems. According to them, after a septic tank, water must undergo soil purification.

Depending on the type of soil, the following arrangements are made for soil post-treatment of wastewater:

  • On sandy/sandy loam soils - filter wells with a bottom position at least 1 m above the groundwater level
  • On soils with a low degree of filtration/waterproof soils - sand and gravel filters or filter trenches

Disinfection of effluent from a septic tank before discharge into a reservoir

Local water disposal (sewage) systems are subject to

  • Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” dated January 10, 2002
  • Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” dated March 30, 1999
  • SanPiN 4630-88 “Water disposal of populated areas”

Regulatory acts establish permissible concentrations of toxic compounds and microorganisms in household and storm drains discharged into water bodies.

In small residential areas of large cities, functions such as collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater are carried out by centralized sewer systems. In microdistricts of small settlements, their construction is often unprofitable from either a technical or economic point of view, and they use local sewage systems and treatment facilities. The well-known Russian company Flotenk has been successfully engaged in their design, production of main components, installation, commissioning and commissioning for many years.

To order and calculate treatment facilities, send a request to E-mail: or call toll-free 8 800 700-48-87. Or fill out the questionnaire:

Development and arrangement of local treatment facilities by Flotenk company

The Flotenk company has already implemented a number of projects for autonomous sewerage systems and local treatment systems for microdistricts in various regions of our country. Almost all of them are developed and equipped on a turnkey basis, and their main components are produced at the company’s own production facilities. It should be noted that these complexes cost customers quite reasonable amounts, and they are very inexpensive to operate.

When does it make sense to design and build local treatment facilities and autonomous sewage systems for a microdistrict?

The practice of its activities shows that there are quite a lot of such cases when it is necessary to develop and build autonomous and local treatment plants for microdistricts, and in connection with the development of housing construction in small towns and even villages, the number is increasing every year. Most often, it makes sense to equip such systems when it is not possible to connect several objects located next to each other to a centralized sewer system, or this is fraught with unreasonably high material costs.

It is preferable to collect, purify and dispose of wastewater from areas using local structures even when new residential areas are located near environmentally protected areas. Such systems, designed and implemented in practice by Flotenk, make it possible not only to guarantee full compliance of the degree of wastewater treatment with the most stringent requirements, but also to constantly monitor their current condition. They make it possible to immediately make the necessary adjustments to the functioning of the complexes if any wastewater indicators are outside the norm.

Local sewerage and wastewater treatment of the neighborhood: main components of the systems

The collection and purification of wastewater from a microdistrict, as well as the disposal of wastewater to places of discharge by local sewer systems, is carried out according to a scheme built on almost the same principles on which the functioning of centralized systems is based. From buildings, wastewater flows by gravity or by force, with the help of sewage pumping stations, to a complex of treatment facilities. It consists of sand traps designed to clean wastewater from mechanical impurities; grease traps that separate fats and oils of plant and animal origin contained in wastewater; post-treatment and disinfection systems (produced by ultraviolet radiation). As a result of passing through treatment facilities, wastewater in its composition becomes suitable for discharge into the environment (ravines, reservoirs, etc.)

Thus, it can be stated that, structurally and in terms of the principle of operation, sewerage systems and treatment plants for districts and small residential areas are very similar to the local structures of individual buildings. In fact, the only difference is that sewage flows from several buildings and from storm sewers to treatment plants that have the appropriate capacity and throughput. When designing and constructing such systems, Flotenk specialists take into account many different factors (volume of wastewater, its nature, landscape features of the area, distance from places of wastewater generation from places of discharge, etc.).