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» Integrated lesson on cognitive development in the senior group on Cosmonautics Day. Lesson summary for Cosmonautics Day in the senior group

Integrated lesson on cognitive development in the senior group on Cosmonautics Day. Lesson summary for Cosmonautics Day in the senior group

Thematic conversation for Cosmonautics Day “Journey to the Blue Star”

Target : expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space.


Introduce children to the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the history of the creation of the first space rocket, the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin;

Expand children's horizons and develop their imagination;

To foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

Preliminary work:conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts, watching cartoons about space.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Ogr.moment.

Our home planet Earth. People, animals, birds, fish, insects, and plants live here. But people like to dream, they want to know if we have neighbors?

Now we too will dream... (Music sounds).

Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine a dark night sky with bright stars. Somewhere far away there is life too. We are setting off on an exciting journey to the mysterious Blue Star.

You are the crew of an interplanetary spaceship of earthlings. Everyone took their place. Now the ship will rise into the sky. Inhale - exhale. (3 times) Squeeze the steering wheels tightly in your fists and press firmly on the pedals with your feet. Hold it, hold it. Well done! Now release the steering wheels and pedals... Inhale - exhale. You feel how a pleasant heaviness spreads throughout the body, pressing us. The ship takes off. It becomes easy for us. It is important now to breathe evenly: inhale – exhale, 3 times. Fine! We hardly feel our body; it is light and weightless. Inhale-exhale, 2 times.

We are flying in space. The stars look at us warmly and invite us to visit them, but our goal is the Blue Star.

And now she is already close, bright, blue. Let's make a landing. Again, firmly grasp the steering wheels, press hard on the pedals, take a deep breath and exhale (2p), and then release the steering wheels and pedals. How smoothly we boarded!

Let's get out of the ship... In front of us is an ocean where there is no water. Flowers, flowers everywhere: white, orange, pink, with blue stems, which is why the planet seems completely blue to us.

Open your eyes. Look at the screen. Who is it that meets us? (slide2)

Yes, this is the alien Vanya from the cartoon we know. He is very glad to meet you, wants to get to know you and tell you about space.

Now everyone will say their name. And he will tell Vanya something good about himself.

2.1 People have long dreamed of flying to the stars, visiting space, but it is very far, dangerous, scary, and at the same time very interesting. At first they made up fairy tales about it.

Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. Whatever they flew on fairy-tale heroes! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and beards of wizards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows...).

Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise into outer space.

Just a few centuries ago, it would never have occurred to anyone that the most convenient “transport” for moving was a rocket. Mini-powder rockets have long been used to create fireworks or send signals in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, artillery general K.I. gave the rocket its combat function. Konstantinov. Its missiles could cover a distance of up to three kilometers.

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky (slide 3). He said this about this: “The earth is our cradle, but you cannot live forever in a cradle.” The rocket does not need air, which means it can fly in the void, in space, and reach enormous speed there.
The fate and life of Tsiolkovsky are unusual and interesting. The first half of Kostya Tsiolkovsky’s childhood was ordinary, like all children. Already in old age, Konstantin Eduardovich recalled how he liked to climb trees, climb onto the roofs of houses, jump from high altitude to experience the feeling of free fall. My second childhood began when, having contracted scarlet fever, I almost completely lost my hearing. Deafness caused the boy not only everyday inconvenience and moral suffering. She threatened to slow down his physical and mental development.
He dreams of space travel. He voraciously reads books on physics, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics. Realizing that his capable but deaf son will not be accepted into any educational institution, his father decides to send sixteen-year-old Kostya to Moscow for self-education. Kostya rents a corner in Moscow and sits in free libraries from morning to evening. His father sends him 15–20 rubles a month, but Kostya, eating black bread and drinking tea, spends 90 kopecks a month on food! With the rest of the money he buys retorts, books, and reagents. The following years were also difficult. He suffered a lot from bureaucratic indifference to his works and projects. I was sick and discouraged, but I got myself together again, made calculations, and wrote books.
Now we already know that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist. And with surprise, many of us learn that the great scientist did not go to school, did not have any scientific degrees, in recent years he lived in Kaluga in an ordinary wooden house and no longer heard anything, but throughout the world the one who first drew for humanity's path to other worlds and stars

It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, and engineers. (slides 4-5)

It was in our country that the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. (slide6)

October 4, 1957 became a significant date. On this day the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun. The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of 83.6 kg. The device had a two-meter mustache antenna, and two radio transmitters were placed inside. The satellite's speed was 28,800 km/h. In an hour and a half, the satellite circled the entire globe, and during the 24-hour flight it completed 15 revolutions. Nowadays there are many satellites in earth's orbit. Some are used for television and radio communications, others are scientific laboratories.

Dogs paved the way to space for humans.(slides 7-8)

Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways. A total of 32 dogs were caught.

The first dog sent into space was Laika. On November 3, 1957, a special spacesuit was put on Laika, a special rocket was built for her, which contained a supply of food, water and air. It was calculated that the dog would live on board for a week. It was for this period that supplies of food and oxygen were provided. And so that the animal does not suffer after the air runs out, the designers came up with a syringe with which a soporific injection will be given. But the dogs lived in zero gravity for only a few hours, the ship became very hot, and Laika died from the heat.

On August 19, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka flew into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The dogs passed all types of tests. They can remain in the cabin for quite a long time without moving, and can endure large overloads and vibrations. Animals are not afraid of rumors, they know how to sit in their experimental equipment, making it possible to record the biocurrents of the heart, muscles, brain, blood pressure, breathing patterns, etc.

Footage of the flight of Belka and Strelka was shown on television. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And, if Strelka was wary of everything, Belka was joyfully furious and even barked.

Belka and Strelka became everyone's favorites. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, and orphanages. Journalists were given the opportunity to pet the dogs, but were warned not to accidentally nip them.

On August 20, it was announced that the descent module had made a soft landing and the dogs Belka and Strelka had returned safely to the ground.

Guys, do you know who the first astronaut was? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight made? (slide9)

The adult listens to the children’s answers and asks clarifying questions.

Sunny morning on April 12, 1961. The rocket quickly rushed into the sky, leaving behind a fiery trail of burning fuel. Thus, the first in history launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome spaceship with a person on board. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut of the Earth.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. At first there was nothing unusual in the fate of this young man. He dreamed of heaven since childhood. But which boy didn’t want to fly airplanes back then? And Yuri became a fighter pilot. And when in 1959 I learned about the recruitment of new equipment testers into the detachment, I immediately submitted an enrollment report. The selection for cosmonauts was tough: out of 3,000 volunteers, only 20 were accepted. Everything was taken into account: good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology... Preparation began. The pressure chamber created the conditions that a person had to endure when launching a rocket. In a furiously rotating centrifuge they simulated “cosmic” overloads, testing the body’s strength... The training was very difficult. But Yuri Gagarin endured everything and even joked at the same time, encouraging his comrades. The chief designer of all the first space rockets, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, took a closer look at Gagarin and decided: “This calm, cheerful guy will be the first cosmonaut.” And so it happened. (video about Gagarin)

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign “Cedar” was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one revolution around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. (slide 10-11)

The first human flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to explore the planets closest to Earth - Mars and Venus. Listen to how the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks about the day of the first flight into space in his poems.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,

How he swept through people's hearts.

It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,

I was shocked by my victory.

What kind of universal music he thundered,

That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners,

When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk. Was adopted by the Earth-planet. Inhabitant of the Earth, this heroic fellow,

In his space vessel

In a circular pattern, forever unprecedented,

In the depths of the sky he waved over her...

  1. And now the alien Vanyusha offers to watch a film about space and the starry sky

Questions after watching:

What is a constellation? (drawing of stars)

What is the name of the science that studies celestial bodies? (astronomy)

Who are astronauts? How do they get to space stations?

What are their clothes called?

(An astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works on it in space.

An astronaut is a researcher. Every day in orbit is experimental work in a space laboratory.

The astronaut plays the role of a biologist, conducting observations of living organisms.)

3.Why do people fly into space? (slide 12)

It is no longer possible to imagine our life without satellite television, satellite Internet, mobile communications are also provided by artificial satellites, they serve meteorology, geodesy, and military intelligence. Space probes and robots sent to other planets brought a lot of new data about their structure, conditions on their surface and other characteristics - this made it possible to shed light on the emergence and history of the Solar system, and to some extent predict its future (including future of the Earth). Telescopes installed in orbit earth's atmosphere does not interfere with looking into the depths of space - unlike their “brothers” located in observatories on Earth...

  1. Summing up the lesson

Guys, our lesson is ending. Let's say goodbye to Vanyusha.

Sit back comfortably, close your eyes, take your seats on our interplanetary spacecraft. Now the ship will rise into the sky. Inhale - exhale. (3 times) Squeeze the steering wheels tightly in your fists and press firmly on the pedals with your feet. Hold it, hold it. Well done! Now release the steering wheels and pedals... Inhale - exhale. You feel how a pleasant heaviness spreads throughout the body, pressing us. The ship takes off. It becomes easy for us. It is important now to breathe evenly: inhale – exhale, 3 times. Fine! We hardly feel our body; it is light and weightless. Inhale-exhale, 2 times.

We are flying in space.

And now she is already close to our home Earth. Let's make a landing. Again, firmly grasp the steering wheels, press hard on the pedals, take a deep breath and exhale (2p), and then release the steering wheels and pedals. How smoothly we boarded! We open our eyes.

Did you enjoy our trip?

What new did you learn?

Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts”

The teacher demonstrates some physical exercises, involving children in his actions.

To become an astronaut, children.

Needed from a very young age

Accustom yourself to order:

Make your bed

Do physical exercises.

Let's stand straight, shoulders wider,

Hands up, stay straight.

From such exercises

You will become stronger and stronger.

Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

To add variety to the conversation, didactic game"Pick up a rhyme."

* * *

Among the blue field -

The bright shine of a large fire.

The fire moves slowly here,

It goes around Mother Earth,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window.

Well, of course, it's... (the sun).

* * *

On clear nights

A mother and her daughters are walking.

She doesn’t tell her daughters:

Go to bed, it's late! -

Because mother is the moon,

And the daughters... (stars).

* * *

Letter A, letter A -

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, Sveta knows,

“A” looks like... (a rocket).


Today, space flights have become completely commonplace for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. It is believed that the exploration of other planets is not far off. But the beginning of this was laid by our Russian cosmonaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first earthling to walk on the Moon, said this about Yuri Gagarin’s flight: “He called us all into space.”

The teacher offers the following questions for discussion: What do you guys think was difficult about the first space flights? What qualities do you think an astronaut should have? Do you want to become an astronaut yourself?

The song performed by Yu. Gulyaev “Do you know what kind of guy he was...” (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov), during which children look at photographs of Yu. Gagarin in albums dedicated to the exploration of outer space.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who discovered the star trail?

There was fire and thunder

Freezing cosmodrome,

And he said quietly.

He said: "Let's go!"

He waved his hand

As if along Piterskaya, Piterskaya,

Swept over the Earth.

Video. "You know what kind of guy he was"


systematize and expand children’s understanding of what space is;

help consolidate acquired knowledge and broaden children’s horizons;

develop memory, attention, desire to learn new things.

Methods used in the lesson:

video method (during the entire event);



problem-search (collection of material);

self-control and mutual control (consolidation of what has been learned).

Forms of work:







Student reports.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Work on the topic

1st student.

Again the star lit up in the distance.
Our new satellite is flying nearby
With a rough bulk
Earth floating in space.
And the fact that it burns in the darkness,
And sends cheerful signals,
About interplanetary, unprecedented,
He speaks of the coming era.
The path to the future has opened
And over these years we were able
Build happiness on the planet
And further step into the heavens.

Teacher: Guys, guess the riddle: “The peas scattered on a thousand roads.” (Starry sky.)

Every time we go out in the evening, we fix our eyes on the stars. How many interesting things they store. How you want to get up from the earth and embark on a journey to distant planets and maybe even meet the inhabitants of other planets.

2nd student.


The Universe is an immense world beyond the Earth.

The universe was formed as a result of the so-called Big Bang 15 billion years ago.

From matter that gradually cooled, planets, stars, galaxies, comets and other celestial bodies were formed.

3rd student.


Galaxies are giant collections of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.

Galaxies revolve around a central point.

There are billions of galaxies in the universe and each contains from one to tens of billions of stars.

Galaxies are located in groups, forming clusters of hundreds and thousands of galaxies.

4th student.


The stars shining in the night sky are bodies of hot gas.

Stars study with bright light because their temperatures reach 10 million degrees.

The color of stars depends on their size and temperature. The largest and hottest ones emit a bluish light, while the smallest ones are white, yellow, orange or reddish.

The brightness of a star depends on its distance from the Earth; the closer a star is to us, the brighter it appears.

5th student.


Comets are small cosmic bodies consisting of ice, dust and rocks.

They revolve around the Sun in highly elongated elliptical orbits.

Passing near the Sun, a comet loses one cm of the thickness of its shell per day.

Any comet is destined to disappear over time.

6th student.


The Sun is the star closest to Earth.

The sun is a giant ball of hot gases.

The sun is the center of the solar system, of which the Earth is a part.

The sun was formed about 5 billion years ago. And it will shine for the same number of years.

The sun rotates around its axis.

7th student.


There are 9 planets with 68 satellites, billions of asteroids, meteorites and comets, as well as a huge amount of dust and gas moving around the Sun.

Nine large planets move around the Sun.

Each planet moves along its own path - orbit, around the Sun.

The sun, together with the large and small planets, makes up the solar system.

People live only on Earth; there are no living beings on other planets.

Astronauts did not fly to other planets. They are studied using automatic interplanetary stations.

8th student.


The Moon is not a star or a planet, but a large stone ball, several times smaller than the Earth.

She is a satellite of the Earth, the celestial body closest to Earth.

There is no water or air on the moon. You can't live on the moon.

On the surface of the Moon during the day it can be hot up to 130 degrees, and at night it can be cold up to 170 degrees.

The Moon moves around the Earth and goes around it in a month.

Interest in space.


1st student.

2nd student. Tsiolkovsky’s ideas were developed by Friedrich Arturovich Zander, a Soviet scientist and inventor in the field of the theory of interplanetary flights and jet engines.

3rd student. Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk - proposed that when flying to other planets, the ship should be placed in orbit of its artificial satellite. To land a person on another planet and return to the ship, use a small take-off and landing ship

4th student. All the most cherished dreams of the founders of astronautics were realized by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Russian scientist and designer, academician, twice Hero Socialist Labor. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial Earth satellites, and the spaceships “Vostok” and “Voskhod” were created, which were used for the first time in history in human space flight and human spacewalk.

5th student.

6th student.

The scientist continued research and observations of dogs on Earth. It was necessary to find out whether space flight affected the genetics of the animal. Strelka twice gave birth to healthy offspring, cute puppies that everyone would dream of purchasing. But all the puppies were registered, and they were personally responsible for each one.

On March 9, 1961, Chernushka went into space. The dog had to make one revolution around the Earth and return - an exact model of human flight. Everything went smoothly.

On March 25, 1961, Zvezdochka launched. And she had to complete one revolution and land. The flight ended successfully. The dogs have done their job. They were never destined to go into space again.

Monkeys in space.

8th student. In 1969, the Americans launched their first biological satellite with Boni the monkey. But unfortunately, on the fifth day of the flight, the instruments recorded a sharp drop in Bonya’s temperature. The animal was returned to Earth, but it was not possible to save her.
On January 7, 1997, the flight of the Bion-11 satellite ended. For 14 days, two monkeys Krosh and Multik were in space. According to experts, all experiments were successful.
Bio-objects have returned to earth and today scientists are processing the information received.

Yuri Gagarin.

9th student. Born in the small town of Gzhatsk in 1934. He grew up as an active, inquisitive boy; he made airplanes from childhood.
His passion for the sky led him to the Military Aviation School in Orinburg.
In 1960 he began preparing for a flight into space.
On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
Flew around the Earth once in 108 minutes.
This flight proved that a person can fly into space and return to Earth unharmed.

Conquest of space.

10th student. After Gagarin, hundreds of people flew into space.
In 1965, Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first to go into outer space.
In 1969, American Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time.
The Americans landed on the Moon five more times and made many valuable observations.
German Titov spent 24 hours in orbit.
The first female cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.

11th student. Titov German Stepanovich born September 11, 1935, Russian cosmonaut. USSR pilot-cosmonaut, aviation colonel general, Hero Soviet Union (1961).
In the first group of cosmonauts of the USSR, German Titov was one of the best and was appointed Yu. A. Gagarin’s backup during preparation for the first space flight in history on April 12, 1961. In August 1961, German Titov made a space flight on Vostok-2, which lasted 25 hours. Later he left the cosmonaut corps and worked as a test pilot. Tragically died in 2000.

12th student. Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich born May 30, 1934, Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, major general of aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Flight on Voskhod 2 with the first spacewalk in history (March 1965).

13th student. Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna was born. 1937, Russian cosmonaut. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, the world's first female cosmonaut, candidate of technical sciences, colonel, public figure, Hero of the Soviet Union. Flight on Vostok-6 (June 1963). Chairman of the Committee Soviet women. Since 1994, head of the Russian Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation.

14th student. Nikolaev Andrian Grigorievich (1929–2004), Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, major general of aviation, candidate of technical sciences, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Flights on Vostok-3 and Soyuz-9.

15th student. Soloviev Vladimir Alekseevich (born 1946), Russian cosmonaut. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Flights on the Soyuz T-10, -11 and the Salyut-7 orbital station, Soyuz T-15, the Salyut-7 orbital station and the Mir orbital complex.

Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna (born in 1948), Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Master of Sports. In the 60–70s. world champion and record holder in airplane and parachute sports. Flight on the Soyuz T-5, T-7 and the Salyut-7 orbital station.

16th student.

A special profession is astronaut.

An astronaut is a physician when they participate in medical research into the health of crew members.

An astronaut is a builder, an installer.

3. Summary of the lesson.

– What did we talk about today?
– What new did you hear and learn?

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds.

The heroes of fairy tales and ancient legends rode to the skies on everything: golden chariots, fast arrows, even bats!

♦ Remember what the heroes of your favorite fairy tales flew on.

Right! Aladdin flew on a magic carpet, Baba Yaga flew over the earth in a mortar, Ivanushka was carried on the wings of swan geese.

Centuries passed, and people managed to conquer the airspace of the Earth. First they rose into the sky on balloons and airships, later they began to plow the ocean of air on airplanes and helicopters.

But humanity dreamed of flights not only in the air, but also in outer space, about which the great Russian scientist and poet Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov said this:

An abyss has opened

Full of stars

The stars have no number,

The bottom of the abyss!

The mysterious starry abyss of space attracted people, calling them to look into it and solve its mysteries!

Once upon a time, the great scientist, founder of the science of astronautics, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, said: “Humanity will not remain on Earth, it will conquer the circumsolar space.”

“But a person will fly relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind,” the scientist added to what was said.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky began to study astronautics in those distant times when people had not even properly mastered the Earth’s airspace: there were no powerful airplanes, no helicopters, no rockets. He was ahead of his time by many decades!

The fate of this remarkable Russian scientist is unusual.

He was born on September 5, 1857 into a poor family in Izhevsk. Kostya grew up as a cheerful, cheerful, mischievous boy. He loved to climb fences with his friends, play blind man's buff and hide and seek, and fly a paper kite into the sky.

One day my mother gave Kostya balloon filled with light gas. The boy attached a box to it, put a beetle in it and sent the ballooning beetle flying.

Kostya loved to fantasize and come up with amazing stories: either he imagined himself as an extraordinary strongman capable of lifting the Earth, or as a tiny midget man.

When the boy was 11 years old, he became seriously ill and lost his hearing. After his illness, Kostya was no longer able to study at regular school, and his mother began to work with him.

A few years later, the boy found textbooks in his father’s library and began to study on his own.

Then his father sent him to Moscow. In the capital, young Tsiolkovsky spent hours in libraries, studying physics, mathematics, chemistry and other sciences. In those years, his ability to invent and inclination towards exact sciences clearly manifested itself.

From his early youth, the future scientist was interested in space flights. And he devoted the rest of his life to creating the theory of astronautics.

Dear Guys! Let's think together about what we can use to fly into space? Neither an airplane nor a helicopter are suitable for such flights! After all, planes and helicopters need to rely on air to fly. But in space, as you know, there is no air!

Tsiolkovsky proved that space exploration can only be done with the help of a rocket! He developed the theory of the rocket apparatus, proposed using liquid fuel for it, thought through the structure of the structure and derived the basic formula for its movement.

This remarkable scientist vividly painted in his imagination the whole picture of space flight. He suggested that people would soon launch Earth satellites into space, and spaceships would fly to other planets in the solar system.

In addition, he predicted that there would be a real space home permanently located in outer space, where astronauts would live for a long time, doing research.

All the scientist’s ideas came to life!

Artificial satellites revolve around the Earth, orbital space stations have been created where astronauts live and work, people study other planets: the Moon, Mars, Venus...

Listen to how Tsiolkovsky imagined the state of weightlessness in the cabin of a spaceship:

“All objects not attached to the rocket have come out of their places and are hanging in the air, not touching anything. We ourselves also do not touch the floor and accept any position: we stand on the floor, on the ceiling, and on the wall.

The oil, shaken out of the bottle, takes the shape of a ball; we break it into parts and get a group of small balls.”

When you read these terms, it seems that the scientist himself has been in space and experienced a state of weightlessness!

Here's how he describes the orbital space station:

“We need special housing - safe, bright, with the desired temperature, with oxygen, a supply of food, with amenities for living and working.”

The last years of his life, the founder of astronautics lived in the city of Kaluga.

One day, the future famous designer of interplanetary spacecraft, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, came to see the scientist.

Korolev read Tsiolkovsky’s works with enthusiasm and dreamed of creating an interplanetary rocket. Sergei was still very young, he was only twenty-four years old.

Tsiolkovsky warmly received the young man. Sergei Pavlovich said that the goal of his life is to “break through to the stars.” Tsiolkovsky smiled and answered: “This is a very difficult matter, young man, believe me, an old man. It will require knowledge, perseverance and many years, maybe a lifetime...”

Korolev later wrote: “I left him with one thought - to build rockets and fly them. The whole meaning of my life has become one thing - to break through to the stars.”

And he succeeded brilliantly!

Korolev created the Jet Research Institute, in which projects of interplanetary aircraft were created. Under his leadership, powerful rockets for launching artificial satellites were built here.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, who for many years was simply called the Chief Designer, managed to bring Tsiolkovsky’s ideas to life.

In 1957, on October 4, an event occurred that shocked the whole world - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched.

It was the first man-made object that did not fall to the Earth, but began to revolve around it.

What was the Earth's satellite?

It was a small ball with a diameter of about 60 cm, equipped with a radio transmitter and four antennas.

All radio and television companies in the world interrupted their broadcasts to hear his signals coming from deep space to Earth!

Since then, the Russian word “sputnik” has entered the dictionaries of many peoples.

Scientists dreamed of human flight into space. But first, they decided to test the safety of flights on our faithful four-legged helpers - dogs.

For test flights, they chose not purebred dogs, but ordinary mongrels - after all, they are hardy, unpretentious, and very smart.

At first, future four-legged astronauts were trained for a long time. For this, engineers designed a special camera.

The very first dogs to rise in a rocket to a height of 110 km were named Gypsy and Desik. Both “cosmonauts” landed safely. Korolev was very happy about his luck, caressed the dogs, and treated them to delicious food.

Many dogs have flown into space more than once. They got used to being dressed in overalls and being attached to the cabin with belts.

Most dogs were brave, but one day a cowardly dog ​​rose into outer space, but he just had a nickname - Brave!

Bold was afraid to go into space the second time. In the evening before the flight, the dogs were taken out for a walk, as always. As soon as the laboratory assistant unfastened the leash, Bold rushed away. He ran far into the steppe and did not respond to the call, as if he felt that he would have to fly tomorrow morning.

What was to be done?

I had to choose one small dog from the dogs that always walked near the dining room. They fed him, washed him, trimmed his fur and dressed him in overalls.

The launch went smoothly and the dog returned safely to Earth.

But the Chief Designer nevertheless noticed the substitution and asked what the name of this dog was.

The employees answered him: “Zib!”

- What a strange nickname! - Korolev was surprised.

Then they explained to him that it stands for: “Spare for the missing bobby.”

When the flight was over, the cunning dog Bold returned to the squad as if nothing had happened!

The tests continued. Special spacesuits made of rubberized fabric and helmets made of transparent plastic were made for the dogs.

They began to prepare dogs for a long flight into outer space. It was necessary to create a nutritional mixture for the four-legged astronauts and provide the cabin with air.

“Once a day, from under the tray in which the dog lay, a box filled with a specially prepared dough-like mixture was pulled out: this is both food and drink. The dogs were trained in advance to eat such foods and quench their thirst” (A. Dobrovolsky).

In 1960, on August 19, the Vostok spacecraft was launched with two four-legged cosmonauts - Belka and Strelka. These cute little dogs spent 22 hours in space. During this time, the spacecraft orbited the Earth 18 times.

In addition to dogs, there were mice and rats and plant seeds on board the ship.

Everyone returned safely to Earth.

And in March 1961, other travelers went on a space flight - the dogs Chernushka and Zvezdochka.

Photos of all these brave dogs spread all over the world.

Finally everything was ready for human spaceflight.

In 1961, on April 12, the Vostok spacecraft was launched into low-Earth orbit. It was piloted by the world's first astronaut.

♦ Do you know his name?

Right! The very first cosmonaut of the Earth is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

This brave young man was the first of all people living on the planet to see the Earth from space.

And she seemed beautiful to him!

First cosmonaut

On a spaceship

He flew in interplanetary darkness,

Having made a revolution around the Earth.

And the ship was called “Vostok”.

Everyone knows and loves him,

He was young, strong, brave.

We remember his kind look, with a squint,

His name was Gagarin Yura.

How did a simple Russian boy become an astronaut?

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the Smolensk region. In 1941, the boy went to school, but the war interrupted his studies. Listen to writer Yuri Nagibin's story about Yura Gagarin's first day of school.

After the war, the Gagarins settled in the city of Gzhatsk. The family was friendly and hardworking.

Yura studied well, was a capable, diligent and efficient boy.

In his youth, he became interested in sports, attended a flying club, studied the design of airplanes, and jumped with a parachute.

The sky attracted the talented young man! He graduated from aviation school and became a military pilot. Already at this time, Yuri dreamed of flying into space. When he learned that a cosmonaut corps was being created, he wrote an application asking to be accepted into this corps.

Soon Yuri Gagarin was accepted into the cosmonaut corps. Long and difficult training began.

♦ What qualities do you think an astronaut should have?

Right! He must be brave, trained, have good health and strong will, be distinguished by intelligence and hard work.

Yuri Gagarin had all these qualities!

Eyewitnesses recall that “when the first cosmonaut, after the flight, was driving through the streets of Moscow in an open car, thousands and thousands of people came out to meet him. Everywhere there was joy and rejoicing, shouts of joy and heartfelt hugs.”

People recalled that Yuri Gagarin “emanated some waves of cheerfulness and creative optimism.”

How was Yuri Gagarin's flight?

The weight of the Vostok ship on which the flight took place was 4730 kg. The flight began in the morning - at 9:00 am and took place at an altitude of about 200 km above the Earth.

The future cosmonaut was escorted to the launch pad by engineers, designers, doctors, and friends.

The Chief Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was very worried. After all, he loved Yuri like his own son!

Before stepping towards the rocket, Yuri exclaimed: “Guys! One for all and all for one!"

And when the rocket rushed into the sky, Yuri Gagarin shouted the word that became famous: “Po-e-ha-li!”

“He saw through the window the blue Earth and a completely black sky. Bright unblinking stars looked at him. No inhabitant of the Earth has ever seen this,” journalist Yaroslav Golovanov wrote about Gagarin’s flight.

This is how Yuri Alekseevich himself described his flight: “The rocket engines were turned on at 9:07 am. I was literally pushed into the chair. As soon as Vostok broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, I saw the Earth. The ship was flying over a wide Siberian river. The islands on it and the wooded shores illuminated by the sun were clearly visible. He looked first at the sky, then at the Earth. Mountain ranges and large lakes were clearly visible. The most beautiful sight was the horizon - a stripe painted with all the colors of the rainbow, dividing the Earth in light sun rays from the black sky.

The convexity and roundness of the Earth was noticeable. It seemed that she was all surrounded by a halo of soft blue color, which through turquoise, blue and violet turns to blue-black...”

Yuri Gagarin brought glory to our Motherland. You and I, dear guys, can be proud of him.

Cities, streets, squares and even flowers were named in honor of the first cosmonaut of the Earth! A variety of tulips was developed in Holland and named “Yuri Gagarin”.

There was not a single newspaper or magazine in the world that would not have published a portrait of the first cosmonaut on the planet. Everyone remembers his charming face, open smile, clear gaze.

Since then, many astronauts have been in space.

In 1963, on June 16, the Vostok-6 spacecraft was launched into Earth satellite orbit. It was piloted by the world's first female cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova.

She was born in Yaroslavl region, graduated from technical school and worked as a weaver at a textile mill in the city of Yaroslavl.

Valya became an astronaut thanks to parachuting, which she became interested in in her youth, practicing at the Yaroslavl flying club.

Then Valya was accepted into the cosmonaut corps, and was prepared for a long time and seriously for a responsible flight.

Her ship Vostok-6 made 48 orbits around the Earth and landed successfully.

Valentina Tereshkova is an extraordinary, brave, determined woman! She can jump with a parachute and fly a jet plane and a spaceship.

For the duration of the flight she was given the call sign “Chaika”. Swift, brave, she really looks like a seagull.

The first cosmonaut to walk into outer space was Alexei Leonov. Impressed by his flight, he painted wonderful paintings in which he depicted the Earth and outer space.

For long-term work in space, scientists created space orbital stations where several astronauts could work at once.

Artificial satellites of the Earth still keep their watch in space day after day. They are equipped with many complex instruments and monitor the Sun, stars, and atmosphere.

With the help of satellites, you can predict the weather, provide television and telephone communications.

Over the 50 years of the space age, more than 3,000 artificial Earth satellites were launched.

Scientists have also created spacecraft that make long-distance flights without human participation. They are usually called automatic stations. Such stations explored the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and other planets.

Tsiolkovsky once called the Earth the “cradle” of reason, but added that “... you cannot live forever in a cradle.”

Man strives to leave the “cradle” in order to explore the endless space of space!

Questions for consolidation

♦ Who is considered the founder of astronautics?

♦ Tell us about Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Who is called the Chief Designer of spacecraft?

♦ Tell us about Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

♦ Tell us about the dogs that have been in space.

♦ What was the name of the world's first astronaut?

♦ Tell us about Yuri Gagarin.

♦ What was the name of the world's first female astronaut? Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space?

♦ How do artificial satellites help people?

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

Author: Bondarenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna, teacher.
Place of work: MBU kindergarten No. 49 "Merry notes", Tolyatti

The theme of space is always interesting for children. Therefore, on April 12, Cosmonautics Day, educators hold holidays, competitions, and educational classes on the topic: Cosmonautics.
We invite you to conduct for preschoolers educational activity in the form of a thematic conversation.

Thematic conversation for Cosmonautics Day “Man rose to the sky”

1. Generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the Universe.
2. Give an idea about the first cosmonaut, about the significance of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin’s first flight into space, about the inventor of the space rocket, about the Cosmonautics Day holiday.
3. Form cognitive interests; the concept of oneself as an inhabitant of planet Earth.
4. Activate the vocabulary: sky, stars, planets, satellites, astronaut, Sun, Earth, Moon.
5. Enrich the vocabulary: Galaxy, Universe, Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, weightlessness, orbit, meteorite, spacesuit, lunar rover, orbital station.
6. Develop experimental activities and experimentation.
7. Foster respect and a sense of pride for the achievements of your people, based on specific historical facts.

Equipment: paintings depicting the starry sky, outer space, portraits of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev and Yu. A. Gagarin, photographs of rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome, photo albums about space explorers.

Preliminary work: conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts.

Educator: - Many centuries passed before humanity found a way to overcome gravity and rise into outer space. Guys, remember the fairy tales and legends. What fairy-tale heroes didn't fly on! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards' beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows...).

Just a few centuries ago, it would never have occurred to anyone that the most convenient “transport” for moving was a rocket. Mini-powder rockets have long been used to create fireworks or send signals in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, artillery general K.I. Konstantinov gave the rocket its combat function. Its missiles could cover a distance of up to three kilometers.

The first who saw in a rocket a projectile capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K. E. Tsiolkovsky. He said this about this: “The earth is our cradle, but you cannot live forever in a cradle.” The rocket does not need air, which means it can fly in the void, in space, and reach enormous speed there. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, and engineers. It was in our country that the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. Guys, do you know who the first astronaut was? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight made?

(The adult listens to the children’s answers and asks clarifying questions).

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His call sign “Cedar” was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, making only one revolution around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have been in space. The first human flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to explore the planets closest to Earth - Mars and Venus.
Listen to how the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks about the day of the first flight into space in his poems.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
How he swept through people's hearts.
It seemed as if the world had involuntarily become kinder,
I was shocked by my victory.

What kind of universal music he thundered,
That holiday, in the colorful flames of banners
When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk.
Was adopted by the Earth-planet.

Inhabitant of the Earth, this heroic fellow,
In his space vessel
In a circular pattern, forever unprecedented,
In the depths of the sky he waved over her...

Dynamic pause “Cosmonauts”

(Demonstration of physical exercises, involving children in their actions).

To become an astronaut, children.
Needed from a very young age
Accustom yourself to order:
Make your bed
Do physical exercises.
Let's stand straight, shoulders wider,
Hands up, stay straight.
From such exercises
You will become stronger and stronger.

Today, space flights have become completely commonplace for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. It is believed that the exploration of other planets is not far off. But the beginning of this was laid by our Russian cosmonaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first earthling to walk on the Moon, said this about Yuri Gagarin’s flight: “He called us all into space.”

April 12th is celebrated in our country Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space!” People's dream of flying into space has come true. On an April morning, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. The flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes.

The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its uncertainty. People dreamed of learning as much as possible about space. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, lunar rovers...

Let's tell children about space and astronauts so they have an idea

It’s good if parents read books about space with their children, show pictures, and look at the starry globe. You can play space-themed games with your children, read and learn poems about space, and guess interesting

Telling children about space

Planets and stars

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. And also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge balls of light. - also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we see it and feel its heat.

We see stars only at night, and during the day the Sun eclipses them. There are stars even bigger than the sun

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

Let's remember the planets:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Jupiter is the most big planet. If you imagine it in the form of a watermelon, then in comparison with it Pluto will look like a pea.

To help children remember all the planets better, read the poem and let them remember it. You can sculpt planets from plasticine, draw them, or cut them out of paper and attach them to a lamp at home, for example.

You can see our space crafts made from plasticine

Children about space


Scientists who observe and study stars are called astronomers.

Previously, people did not know anything about space, about the stars and believed that the sky was a cap that covered the Earth, and the stars were attached to it. Ancient people thought that the Earth was motionless, and the Sun and Moon revolved around it.

Many years later, astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proved that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Newton understood why the planets revolve around the Sun and do not fall. They all fly around the Sun in their own way.

This is how scientists discovered the secrets of space. In the Middle Ages, a telescope was invented, with which scientists observed the stars.

There are still many mysteries in space, so astronomers will have enough work to do for a long time.

Animal astronauts

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for “reconnaissance”. There were dogs, rabbits, mice, even microbes.

Dogs are smarter animals than mice, but not all dogs were suitable for testing. Purebred dogs are very gentle, they were not suitable for space. The dogs were selected by size, trained with them, accustomed to noise and shaking. Ordinary mongrels came closest.

The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. She was observed, but she did not return to Earth.

Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft. They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.

So scientists proved that space flight is possible.

About astronauts for children

An astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.

The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Came back alive and healthy.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky district, Smolensk region in ordinary family collective farmer I grew up as an ordinary child. In his youth, he was interested in classes at the flying club. After college he became a pilot. In 1959, he was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates. And for his first flight into space he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Order of Lenin.

Yuri Gagarin will always remain in our memory as the first cosmonaut. Cities, streets, and avenues are named after him. There is a crater on the Moon named after him, as well as a minor planet.

Cosmonauts are courageous people, they train a lot, they must know and be able to do a lot in order to control a spaceship.

The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965. And the first female cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963. She withstood 48 revolutions around the Earth, spent almost three days in space, and took photographs that were used to study the aerosol layers of the atmosphere.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and study well, be persistent, patient, and enduring.


Children always look at the Moon in the sky with interest. It is so different: sometimes it is sickle-shaped, sometimes it is large and round.

The child will be interested to know what is on the Moon. You can say that the Moon is covered with crater craters that arise due to collisions with asteroids. If you look at the Moon through binoculars, you can see the unevenness of its relief.

Stargazing with kids

You should watch the starry sky with your children. Take the time to go outside in the evening and admire the stars. Show your child some constellations, try to find the Big Dipper together. Tell us that ancient people peered into the night sky, mentally connected the stars, drew animals, people, objects, and mythological heroes. Find a star chart and show your child what the constellations look like, and then together find them in the sky. This develops observation and memory.

In general, it would be great to take your child to a planetarium if you have one in your city. The child will learn a lot of interesting things from the story about stars and planets.

We don’t have a planetarium in the city, you just need to go to another city.

The space theme contains a lot of ideas for drawings and crafts. You can draw, sculpt astronauts, aliens, the Moon. Come up with new names for stars and planets. In general, use your imagination, the theme of space is limitless and interesting for children.

Here are Yulina's drawings on a space theme.

Games on the theme "Space" for children

You can play games with children. I suggest some games that you can play.

Game "What will we take with us into space."

Lay out the drawings in front of the children and ask them to choose what they can take with them on the spaceship. These can be the following pictures: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

Game "Space Dictionary" will help children replenish their lexicon words related to the theme of space. You can play with several children and arrange a competition to see who can name the most words related to space. For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, spacesuit, etc.

Game "Say the opposite".

Teach children to choose words with opposite meanings. Yulia and I played these games, she was pretty good at naming antonyms correctly.

Distant -…

cramped -…

big -…

get up -…

fly away -...

high -…

famous -…

include -…

dark -…

Tell your children about space, astronauts, learn the names of the planets, look at the starry sky. Let the child grow up curious, and what if he also later becomes a scientist or astronaut and you will be proud of him.

Write your comments, share information with friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Project development:

Cognitive development: Conversation “The first attempts to conquer space?”, “From the history of the rocket,” lesson “Solar System,” “What do we know about space?”

Artistic and productive activity: Drawing classes: " Mysterious world space", appliqués "Cosmonaut", "Rocket", modeling according to the "Conquerors of Space" patterns, designing origami "Rocket" from paper.

Introduction to fiction: reading poems about space, solving riddles, mini quiz, N.A. Andreev “How man learned to fly”; G.T. Chernenko “How did a man fly into space?”, A. Leonov “I’m going into space”, quiz game “Guessing”.

Musical and rhythmic activity: listening to songs about space by the group “Fidgets”, A. Pakhmutova “You know, what kind of guy he was...”, learning the song “Our Starship”, author of music and lyrics Olesya Emelyanova.

Mathematical activities: Lesson "Travel to Space"

Physical activity: physical education sessions, space-themed relay races, physical education lesson “If you want to be healthy!”

Game activity: didactic game “Folding boxes”, “Make a rocket”, game “Flying”, game “Unknown Planet”, game exercise “Overload and weightlessness”, experiments: “Solar system”, “Meteorites and meteorite craters”

Working with parents: familiarizing parents with the history of the development of astronautics in Russia under the heading “It’s Interesting!”; creating, together with children, crafts, applications, drawings for the exhibition “Space Fantasies”, selecting the necessary children’s literature, illustrations, postcards, making a folding folder, wall newspapers on a given topic .

History of the development of astronautics

Cosmonautics as a science, and then as a practical branch, was formed in the middle of the 20th century. But this was preceded by a fascinating history of the birth and development of the idea of ​​​​flying into space, which began with fantasy, and only then did the first theoretical works and experiments appear. Thus, initially in human dreams, flight into outer space was carried out with the help of fabulous means or forces of nature (tornadoes, hurricanes). Closer to the 20th century, for these purposes, the descriptions of science fiction writers were already present technical means- balloons, super-powerful guns and, finally, rocket engines and the rockets themselves. More than one generation of young romantics grew up on the works of J. Verne, G. Wells, A. Tolstoy, A. Kazantsev, the basis of which was a description of space travel.

It must be said that the idea to connect the cosmic and terrestrial directions of human activity belongs to the founder of theoretical cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

The beginning in the USSR practical work in space programs is associated with the names of S.P. Koroleva and M.K. Tikhonravova. At the beginning of 1945 M.K. Tikhonravov organized a group of RNII specialists to develop a project for a manned high-altitude rocket vehicle (a cabin with two cosmonauts) to study the upper layers of the atmosphere. It was decided to create the project on the basis of a single-stage liquid rocket, designed for vertical flight to an altitude of up to 200 km.

Work began to prepare for the launch of the first satellite PS-1. The first Council of Chief Designers was created, headed by S.P. Korolev, who later provided leadership space program The USSR, which became the world leader in space exploration.

Cosmonautics is unique in that much that was predicted first by science fiction writers and then by scientists has truly come true at cosmic speed. Only 56 years have passed since the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, October 4, 1957, and the history of astronautics already contains a series of remarkable achievements achieved initially by the USSR and the USA, and then by other space powers.

Already many thousands of satellites are flying in orbit around the Earth, the devices have reached the surface of the Moon, Venus, Mars; scientific equipment was sent to Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn to obtain knowledge about these distant planets of the solar system.

The triumph of astronautics was the launch of the first man into space on April 12, 1961 - Yu.A. Gagarin. Then - a group flight, manned spacewalk, the creation of the Salyut and Mir orbital stations... The USSR for a long time became the leading country in the world in manned programs.

Indicative is the trend of transition from the launch of single spacecraft to solve primarily military problems to the creation of large-scale space systems in the interests of solving wide range tasks (including socio-economic and scientific) and to the integration of space industries of various countries.

The problems that arose during the preparation and implementation of space flights served as an impetus for the intensive development of such general scientific disciplines as celestial and theoretical mechanics. Widespread use of new mathematical methods and creation of perfect computers made it possible to solve the most complex problems of designing spacecraft orbits and controlling them during flight, and as a result a new scientific discipline arose - space flight dynamics.

Much work on the creation of launch vehicles based on ballistic missiles was carried out at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, headed by M.K. Yangel. The reliability of these light-class launch vehicles has no analogues in the world astronautics. In the same design bureau under the leadership of V.F. Utkin created the Zenit medium-class launch vehicle - a representative of the second generation of launch vehicles.

Satellite communication systems are being created that cover almost all countries of the world and provide two-way operational communication with any subscribers. This type of communication has proven to be the most reliable and is becoming increasingly profitable. Relay systems make it possible to control space groups from one point on Earth. Satellite navigation systems have been created and are being operated. Without these systems, it is no longer conceivable today to use modern vehicles - merchant ships, civil aviation aircraft, military equipment, etc.

Qualitative changes have also occurred in the field of manned flights. The ability to successfully operate outside a spacecraft was first proven by Soviet cosmonauts in the 1960s-1970s, and in the 1980s-1990s. the ability of a person to live and work in conditions of weightlessness for a year was demonstrated. During the flights, a large number of experiments were also carried out - technical, geophysical and astronomical.

The most important are research in the field of space medicine and life support systems. It is necessary to deeply study man and life support systems in order to determine what can be entrusted to a person in space, especially during long-term space flight.

One of the first space experiments was to photograph the Earth, showing how much observations from space could provide for the discovery and wise use of natural resources.

In 1967, during the automatic docking of two unmanned artificial Earth satellites “Cosmos-186” and “Cosmos-188”, the largest scientific and technical problem of meeting and docking spacecraft in space was solved, which made it possible to create the first orbital station (USSR) in a relatively short time. and choose the most rational scheme for the flight of spacecraft to the Moon with the landing of earthlings on its surface (USA). In 1981, the first flight of a reusable transport vehicle was made. space system Space Shuttle (USA), and in 1991 the domestic Energia - Buran system was launched.

In general, solving various problems of space exploration - from launching artificial Earth satellites to launching interplanetary spacecraft and manned spacecraft and stations - has provided a lot of invaluable scientific information about the Universe and the planets of the Solar System and has significantly contributed to the technological progress of mankind. Earth satellites, together with sounding rockets, have made it possible to obtain detailed data about near-Earth space. Thus, with the help of the first artificial satellites, radiation belts were discovered; during their research, the interaction of the Earth with charged particles emitted by the Sun was further studied. Interplanetary space flights have helped us to better understand the nature of many planetary phenomena - solar wind, solar storms, meteor showers, etc.

Spacecraft launched to the Moon transmitted images of its surface, including photographing its side invisible from Earth with a resolution significantly superior to the capabilities of terrestrial means. Samples of lunar soil were taken and also delivered to lunar surface automatic self-propelled vehicles "Lunokhod-1" and "Lunokhod-2".

Automatic spacecraft have made it possible to obtain Additional information about the shape and gravitational field of the Earth, clarify the fine details of the shape of the Earth and its magnetic field. Artificial satellites have helped to obtain more accurate data about the mass, shape and orbit of the Moon. The masses of Venus and Mars were also refined using observations of spacecraft flight trajectories.

The requirements of astronautics necessitated the design of complex automatic devices under severe restrictions caused by the carrying capacity of launch vehicles and space conditions, which was an additional incentive for the rapid improvement of automation and microelectronics.

The results obtained in the field of satellite geodesy are especially important for solving military problems, mapping natural resources, increasing the accuracy of trajectory measurements, and also for studying the Earth. With the use of space assets, a unique opportunity arises to solve the problems of environmental monitoring of the Earth and global control of natural resources. The results of space surveys turned out to be an effective means of monitoring the development of agricultural crops, identifying vegetation diseases, measuring some soil factors, the state of the aquatic environment, etc. The combination of various satellite imaging methods provides practically reliable, complete and detailed information about natural resources and the state of the environment.

In addition to the already defined directions, new directions for the use of space technology will obviously develop, for example, the organization of technological production that is impossible under terrestrial conditions. Thus, weightlessness can be used to obtain crystals of semiconductor compounds. Such crystals will find application in the electronics industry to create a new class of semiconductor devices. In conditions of weightlessness, freely floating liquid metal and other materials are easily deformed by weak magnetic fields. This opens the way to obtaining ingots of any predetermined shape without crystallizing them in molds, as is done on Earth. The peculiarity of such ingots is the almost complete absence of internal stresses and high purity.

The possibility of implementing such plans is inextricably linked with solving the problems of creating new engines for flights in outer space that do not require significant reserves of fuel, for example, ion, photon, and also using natural forces - gravity, torsion fields, etc.

The creation of new unique samples of rocket and space technology, as well as space research methods, conducting space experiments on automatic and manned spacecraft and stations in near-Earth space, as well as in the orbits of the planets of the Solar System, is fertile ground for combining the efforts of scientists and designers from different countries.

At the beginning of the 21st century, tens of thousands of objects of artificial origin are in space flight. These include spacecraft and fragments (last stages of launch vehicles, fairings, adapters and separable parts).

Therefore, along with the urgent problem of combating pollution of our planet, the issue of combating the pollution of near-Earth space will arise. Already at the present time, one of the problems is the distribution of the frequency resource of the geostationary orbit due to its saturation with spacecraft for various purposes.

The undoubted success of the world cosmonautics was the implementation of the ASTP program, the final stage of which - the launch and docking in orbit of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft - was carried out in July 1975. This flight marked the beginning of international programs that successfully developed in the last quarter of the 20th century. century and the undoubted success of which was the manufacture, launch and assembly in orbit of the International Space Station.

The most important stages of space exploration

In 1957, under the leadership of Korolev, the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was created, which in the same year was used to launch the world's first artificial Earth satellite.

On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik-1 (USSR), was launched.

On November 3, 1957, the second artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 2, was launched into space for the first time. Living being- the dog Laika (USSR).

On January 4, 1959, the Luna-1 station passed at a distance of 6,000 kilometers from the surface of the Moon and entered a heliocentric orbit. It became the world's first artificial satellite of the Sun (USSR).

On September 14, 1959, the Luna-2 station for the first time in the world reached the surface of the Moon in the region of the Mare Serenity near the craters Aristides, Archimedes and Autolycus, delivering a pennant with the coat of arms of the USSR (USSR).

On October 4, 1959, the Luna-3 spacecraft was launched, which for the first time in the world photographed the side of the Moon invisible from Earth. Also during the flight, for the first time in the world, a gravity maneuver was carried out in practice (USSR).

On August 19, 1960, the first ever orbital flight into space of living beings was made with a successful return to Earth. The dogs Belka and Strelka (USSR) made an orbital flight on the Sputnik 5 spacecraft.

On April 12, 1961, the first manned flight into space (Yu. Gagarin) was made on the Vostok-1 spacecraft (USSR).

On August 12, 1962, the world's first group space flight was carried out on the Vostok-3 and Vostok-4 spacecraft. The maximum approach of the ships was about 6.5 km (USSR).

On June 16, 1963, the world's first flight into space by a female cosmonaut (Valentina Tereshkova) was made on the Vostok-6 spacecraft (USSR).

On October 12, 1964, the world's first multi-seat spacecraft, Voskhod-1 (USSR), flew.

On March 18, 1965, the first human spacewalk in history took place. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov performed a spacewalk from the Voskhod-2 spacecraft (USSR).

On February 3, 1966, the Luna-9 spacecraft made the world's first soft landing on the surface of the Moon, and panoramic images of the Moon were transmitted (USSR).

On March 1, 1966, the Venera 3 station reached the surface of Venus for the first time, delivering the USSR pennant. This was the world's first flight of a spacecraft from Earth to another planet (USSR).

On April 3, 1966, the Luna-10 station became the first artificial satellite of the Moon (USSR).

On October 30, 1967, the first docking of two unmanned spacecraft “Cosmos-186” and “Cosmos-188” (USSR) was made.

On September 15, 1968, the first return of the spacecraft (Zond-5) to Earth after orbiting the Moon. There were living creatures on board: turtles, fruit flies, worms, plants, seeds, bacteria. (THE USSR).

On January 16, 1969, the first docking of two manned spacecraft Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 took place. (THE USSR).

July 21, 1969 - the first landing of a man on the Moon (N. Armstrong) as part of the lunar expedition of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, which delivered to Earth, including the first samples of lunar soil. (USA).

On September 24, 1970, the Luna-16 station collected and subsequently delivered to Earth (by the Luna-16 station) samples of lunar soil. (THE USSR). It is also the first unmanned spacecraft to deliver rock samples to Earth from another cosmic body (that is, in in this case, from the Moon).

November 17, 1970 - soft landing and start of operation of the world's first semi-automatic remotely controlled self-propelled vehicle controlled from the Earth: Lunokhod-1. (THE USSR).

December 15, 1970 - the world's first soft landing on the surface of Venus: Venera 7. (THE USSR).

On November 13, 1971, Mariner 9 became the first artificial satellite of Mars. (USA).

On November 27, 1971, the Mars 2 station reached the surface of Mars for the first time. (THE USSR).

March 3, 1972 - launch of the first device that subsequently left the solar system: Pioneer 10. (USA).

On October 20, 1975, the Venera 9 station became the first artificial satellite of Venus. (THE USSR).

October 1975 - soft landing of two spacecraft "Venera-9" and "Venera-10" and the world's first photographs of the surface of Venus. (THE USSR).

April 12, 1981 - the first flight of the first reusable transport spacecraft Columbia. (USA).

On December 7, 1995, the Galileo station became the first artificial satellite of Jupiter. (USA).

November 20, 1998 - launch of the first block of the International Space Station. Production and launch (Russia). Owner (USA).

On June 24, 2000, the NEAR Shoemaker station became the first artificial satellite of the asteroid (433 Eros). (USA).

On June 30, 2004, the Cassini station became the first artificial satellite of Saturn. (USA).

On January 15, 2006, the Stardust station delivered samples of comet Wild 2 (USA) to earth.

Conversation “First attempts to conquer space”

Target: Explain to children in an accessible form the stages of man’s conquest of the Earth’s airspace and space.

Progress of the conversation:

The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. But it became closer and more accessible only with the penetration of man into outer space.

In 1961, the heroic cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to fly into space. People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about building a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records. We needed eyes that could see across thousands of kilometers, we needed ears that could hear in the Universe, we needed hands that could control a point - a ship, lost in the infinity of world space.

The eyes were created by “locator specialists”.

Ears are “radio constructors.”

Hands are “automation specialists.”

One of the first to think about flying into space was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

The fate and life of Tsiolkovsky are unusual and interesting.

The first half of Kostya Tsiolkovsky’s childhood was ordinary, like all children. Already in old age, Konstantin Eduardovich recalled how he liked to climb trees, climb onto the roofs of houses, jump from great heights to experience the feeling of free fall. My second childhood began when, having contracted scarlet fever, I almost completely lost my hearing. Deafness caused the boy not only everyday inconvenience and moral suffering. She threatened to slow down his physical and mental development.

Kostya suffered another grief: his mother died. The family was left with a father, a younger brother and an illiterate aunt. The boy was left to his own devices.

Deprived of many joys and impressions due to illness, Kostya reads a lot, constantly comprehending what he read. He invents something that was invented a long time ago. But he invents himself. Eg, lathe. In the courtyard of the house, the windmills he built spin in the wind, and self-propelled sailing carts run against the wind.

He dreams of space travel. He voraciously reads books on physics, chemistry, astronomy, and mathematics. Realizing that his capable but deaf son will not be accepted into any educational institution, his father decides to send sixteen-year-old Kostya to Moscow for self-education. Kostya rents a corner in Moscow and sits in free libraries from morning to evening. His father sends him 15 - 20 rubles a month, but Kostya, eating black bread and drinking tea, spends 90 kopecks a month on food! With the rest of the money he buys retorts, books, and reagents. The following years were also difficult. He suffered a lot from bureaucratic indifference to his works and projects. I was sick and discouraged, but I got myself together again, made calculations, and wrote books.

Now we already know that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist. And with surprise, many of us learn that the great scientist did not go to school, did not have any scientific degrees, in recent years he lived in Kaluga in an ordinary wooden house and no longer heard anything, but throughout the world the one who first drew for humanity's path to other worlds and stars.

October 4, 1957 became a significant date. On this day the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun. The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of 83.6 kg. The device had a two-meter mustache antenna, and two radio transmitters were placed inside. In an hour and a half, the satellite circled the entire globe, and during the 24-hour flight it completed 15 revolutions. Nowadays there are many satellites in earth's orbit. Some are used for television and radio communications, others are scientific laboratories.

Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit.

And dogs paved the way to space for humans. Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways - the first squad of dogs. A total of 32 dogs were captured.

They decided to take dogs as test subjects because scientists knew how they behave and understood the structural features of the body. In addition, dogs are not capricious and are easy to train. And the mongrels were chosen because the doctors believed that from the first day they were forced to fight for survival, moreover, they were unpretentious and very quickly got used to the staff. The dogs had to meet specified standards: no heavier than 6 kilograms and no higher than 35 cm in height. Remembering that the dogs would have to “show off” on the pages of newspapers, they selected “objects” that were more beautiful, slimmer and with smart faces. They were trained on a vibration stand, a centrifuge, and a pressure chamber: For space travel, a hermetic cabin was made, which was attached to the nose of the rocket.

The first dog race took place on July 22, 1951 - the mongrels Dezik and Tsygan successfully completed it! Gypsy and Desik rose to 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell to a height of 7 km. At this mark the parachute opened, and both “cosmonauts” landed safely. On that day, the fate of the manned astronaut was decided - living beings can fly on rockets! The second launch ended in failure: during the second test, Desik and his partner Lisa died - the parachute did not open. Over the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961 - 29 rockets with animals were launched. In this case, 10 dogs died. The dogs died from depressurization of the cabin, failure of the parachute system, and problems in the life support system.

But there were also funny cases. One evening, on the eve of the flight, the laboratory assistant took the mongrels who were supposed to fly for a walk. One of the dogs, Brave, has already been in space. As soon as the laboratory assistant unfastened the leash, Smely ran away - apparently, he felt that he was about to fly again. No matter how they lured him, he did not go back. And then, instead of Smely, they sent a mongrel of suitable size into the flight, washed him, trimmed the fur in the places where sensors needed to be applied, and dressed him in overalls. The launch went well, the animals returned alive and healthy.

Since 1952, they began to practice animal flights in spacesuits.

At the beginning of 1956, a new task was set: to prepare a 30-day flight for two dogs. There were many problems: creating a new pressurized cabin, developing an air regeneration system, coming up with a nutritional mixture and an automatic device for regular feeding of four-legged astronauts, developing a “space toilet” for dogs. A special automatic conveyor was created for feeding. Once a day, from under the tray in which the dog lay, it pulled out on a tape new box, filled with a dough-like mixture, it was both food and drink.

Belka and Strelka were already real cosmonauts. What were the astronauts trained for?

The dogs passed all types of tests. They can remain in the cabin for quite a long time without moving, and can endure large overloads and vibrations. Animals are not afraid of rumors, they know how to sit in their experimental equipment, making it possible to record the biocurrents of the heart, muscles, brain, blood pressure, breathing patterns, etc.

Footage of the flight of Belka and Strelka was shown on television. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And, if Strelka was wary of everything, Belka was joyfully furious and even barked.

Belka and Strelka became everyone's favorites. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, and orphanages. Journalists were given the opportunity to pet the dogs, but were warned not to accidentally nip them.

In memory of the deceased Laika, a granite column was erected in front of the Paris Society for the Protection of Dogs in honor of all the animals who gave their lives in the name of science. Its top was crowned by a skyward satellite, from which Laika looked out.

Conversation “From the history of the rocket”

Target: introduce children to the history of the development of aviation and space rockets.

The dream of humanity to gain wings is lost in the depths of centuries. How long did it take for this great dream to become a reality? We are witnessing the rapid development of aviation. Unfortunately, man is not destined to become like a bird. Man began to fly only nearly a century ago, but he managed to take to the air much earlier.

Hanging in the air is not flying. The first flights were made on balloons, filled with smoke from fires. In principle, any gas that is lighter than the surrounding air can be inside the ball. Balloons– balloons – adapted for travel, transportation of goods, scientific research. Over time, the idea was born to make the frame of this vehicle rigid - this is how airship. Engines began to be installed on this type of device, which made it possible to move vast distances.

Real aircraft, that is, controlled vehicles heavier than air, equipped with an engine, capable of changing altitude and flying horizontally, appeared only at the turn of the two last centuries. The first airplanes were propelled by a propeller.

But to achieve high speeds and altitudes, other engines are needed. If you burn fuel in a chamber and release the combustion products - gases - in one direction, perhaps this will make the plane move. And in 1910, an aircraft of a new design was taken into the air in Paris. This was the beginning of the creation jet plane.

It was the jet engine that made it possible for the first time to exceed the speed of sound and rise to a height of 20 kilometers. New engines increased the power and carrying capacity of flying machines so much that it became possible to transport 200-300 passengers thousands of kilometers and deliver them to various points globe hundreds of tons of cargo. The jet aircraft has become the fastest modern mode of transport.

Man has always strived to escape the boundaries of earthly gravity, but for many years only poets and science fiction writers dreamed of this. The use of missiles. They themselves have been known for a long time, historical sources note their use several centuries ago in China and India. But these were small devices, and hardly anyone saw in them the possibility of transatmospheric travel. Astronautics began to find its feet when the first scientific calculations appeared. They proved the feasibility of flight in orbit around the Earth and even far beyond it using jet technology, but its creation required innovative design and engineering solutions. Work on space devices was carried out in an atmosphere of deep secrecy. And an amazingly short time passed from the beginning of the construction of the first, still largely imperfect, often exploding rockets before man managed to escape into space, that is, to reach a speed of about 8 kilometers per second! All this became possible thanks to the jet engine invented by aviation.

Lesson on cognitive development “Solar system”. The script was published in No. 14 of the Teacher's Newspaper on April 2, 2013.

Cognitive development lesson “What do we know about space?”

Program content:

Reinforce in children the concepts of “space”, “outer space”. Talk about how people used to imagine our planet – Earth. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the solar system and cosmic phenomena. Reinforce the concepts of “stars”, “planets”, “comets”, “satellites”. Strengthen children's ability to tell stories using cards - supports using the technology of a collective method of learning. Develop creative storytelling skills. Continue to teach children to answer questions posed full sentence. To instill in children respect for the work of people whose work is related to space exploration.

Equipment: support cards, illustrations of the planets of the solar system, pointer, stand, encryption, pencils, flour, tray, educational games “Folding boxes”, “Collect a constellation”.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, do you know what city we live in? Where is the city of Galich located, in what country?

The country of Russia is one of many countries on our planet Earth. Do you know how in ancient times people imagined our planet Earth?

Children's answers.

In ancient times, people believed that the Earth was huge and flat, like a plate, and that it was possible to reach the edge of the Earth. There were even daredevils who dreamed of getting to this edge and seeing what was there at the edge of the Earth and whether it was possible to fall from it. They set off on foot or on horseback or by ship. Those people who traveled on foot or on horseback sooner or later reached the big water and believed that this was the end of the Earth, and their journey ended. But there were also those who, having reached the shore, boarded a ship and continued their journey; they were convinced that when you set off from some place and always move in the same direction, you return to where you started your journey. Then they realized that the Earth is not flat like a pancake, it is round like a ball.

See what our planet looks like in outer space.

Guys, I suggest you fold our planet - Earth.

Didactic game “Folds”. The colorful image of the Earth is cut into fragments in different ways. Children form groups and post a picture. Each group of children is given a picture of different hemispheres to put together.

Scientists have found that our planet is not alone in the solar system. What other planets do you know?

Children list.

Are there any other objects in outer space besides the planets of the solar system?

Comets, meteorites, asteroids, stars, satellites, rockets, constellations.

Are stars in outer space located separately or forming some kind of groups? What are their names?


What constellations do you know?

Children's answers.

Each of you was born under some constellation.

Children name what constellation they were born under.

I suggest you play the game “Collect a constellation”.

Children use small stars to create their own constellation.

But people have not yet reached the stars, but they have already studied the planets. As you have already said, the surface of the planets consists of craters. Want to see how they are formed?

Experience “Meteorites and meteorite craters”

Imagine that the flour is the surface of the planet, and the ball is a meteorite. A meteorite flies through space at tremendous speed and hits the surface of the planet. Look at what has formed on the surface of the planet - depressions, holes, craters. Guys, why did the crater form?

The meteorite is heavy, and the surface of the planet is soft, covered with a thick layer of dust, so a crater was formed.

And now I invite you to sit down at the tables. Now you will tell each other about what you know about space and cosmic phenomena. Let's remember the rules for working in pairs:

Place the card in the middle of the table.

Agree on who will start first.

Sit half-turned.

If you want to say or ask your interlocutor something, you need to touch his hand.

At the end of the story, thank your interlocutor for an interesting story.

Mathematics lesson “Journey into space”.

Software content:

Reinforce knowledge of the composition of the number 5 from two smaller numbers;

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes ah, practice identifying them by touch;

Practice counting forward and backward within 10;

Reinforce the concepts: “previous”, “next”, “neighbors” of the named number;

Practice the ability to distinguish and name numbers in order;

Practice comparing two groups of objects;

Develop attention logical thinking, memory, general and fine motor skills, independence.

Material:“rocket” stencil; geometric shapes: squares, rectangles, circles, triangles; cards depicting objects, a picture depicting orbits, satellites; a cube with numbers on the sides; cards with “+” and “-” signs, asterisks - handouts; path with the image of geometric shapes; "flying saucers"; chest with a combination lock; painting “The Universe”; stars.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Guys, do you like to travel? Why do you love to travel? Now I propose to go on a space journey. What can you use to fly into space?

On the easel there is a “rocket” stencil.

But the rocket is not ready to fly. We must assemble it from geometric shapes. The teacher distributes geometric shapes.

With your eyes closed, determine what geometric figure you have in your hands and name it. Stand in order according to the number on your geometric figure.

Assemble a rocket from geometric shapes, starting with number 1.

The rocket is ready to fly. All that remains is to give the command. Count backwards from 10. Start!

2. Planet “Digital”

Guys, look, we have arrived on an unusual planet. This is the “Digital” planet. Satellites fly around this planet. Each satellite has its own serial number.

Place satellites into orbit according to their serial number.

To fly to the next planet, answer the following questions:

Name the neighbors of the number 5. Name the number following the number 3. Name the number preceding the number 2. Name the fifth day of the week. Name four days in a row without using the names of the days of the week or numbers.

3. Here is the planet of “Mathematical Signs”

What are these signs called? Count the objects shown on the card. Choose the sign you need and place it between the objects. Why did you choose the “+” sign? Why did you choose the “-” sign?

4. Physical education minute. Walking along a “magnetic path.”

To go to another planet, we must follow a “magnetic path”

(Children imitate walking on a “magnetic track”, having difficulty lifting their feet off the floor).

5. Planet “Game”

The teacher shows the number on the edge of the cube.

Clap your hands as many times as you need to 5. Do as many jumps as you need to 4. Do as many squats as you need to 3.

6. Working with handouts

Here is the "Star" planet. This is where real magic happens. Multi-colored stars light up differently each time. Count how many stars are on your card. Add enough stars to make it 5. How did you get the number 5?

7. Finger gymnastics

Fingers fell asleep, curled into a fist

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, wanted to play

We woke up the neighbors' house, 6 and 7 woke up there

8, 9, 10 - Everyone is having fun.

But it's time to go back everyone: 10, 9, 8, 7

6 curled up,

5 yawned and turned away,

4, 3, 2, 1

We sleep in the houses again.

8. Game "Flying Saucers"

Look how unusual the “flying saucers” are. Shade two circles so that the sum of the numbers in them equals the number 5. What numbers does the number 5 consist of?

9. Game "Figure track"

We will get to the next planet when we walk along the path, stepping only on the pentagons.

10. Planet “Surprise”

Look at the chest, but at the non-coded lock. Match the correct card to the lock to open the chest.

The chest opens. Children are given stars to remember the flight.

11. Game “Correct the artist’s mistakes”

What mistakes did the artist make when depicting the Universe in the picture? Where can we see birds, insects, trees? So it’s time for us to return to planet Earth.

Prepare the rocket for flight. We give the command to launch. Start!

Classes on artistic and productive activities.

Drawing lesson: "The mysterious world of space"

Software tasks: To clarify children's knowledge about space: the planets of the solar system, modern aircraft, the first astronauts.

Continue to teach how to create a multifaceted plot composition, first draw with a simple pencil and then paint with paints, highlighting the main thing with size and color. Develop children's imagination and creativity. Develop fine motor skills.

Activate children's vocabulary: astronauts, spaceship,

Equipment: illustrations about space, simple pencil, watercolor paints.

Musical series: musical composition "Space".

Progress of the lesson:

Cosmic music sounds in the studio. The teacher suggests listening to a musical composition and imagining what a long journey this music invites us on (space travel).

Why do you think so?

The music is mysterious, mysterious, unusual, just like space.

Teacher's story: In ancient times, when our ancestors still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless points sparkled above their heads in the bottomless heights. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the huge disk of the Sun sparkled during the day, at night, dispelling the darkness, the Moon shone, which periodically changed its shape. Our ancestors did not understand and could not explain why this was happening. But millennia have passed and people have found answers to many questions.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space.

Questions for children: What is space? What is in outer space? Why is Earth the most unusual planet? How did you start exploring space? Who was the first astronaut? Which aircraft was used to explore the surface of the Moon? Where do spaceships launch from? How are astronauts dressed?

Teacher: So we have traveled a little, and now I invite you to sketch your journey. The topic of drawing is the same for everyone: “The mysterious world of space.”

The children begin to do the work.

At the end of the work, the children arrange an exhibition and talk about their travels.

Physical education lesson “If you want to be healthy!”

Program tasks: consolidate exercises related to communicative actions and movements; promote the development of children's motor abilities. Promote the activation of speech and cognitive activity (about space, sports games). Using modeling to explain surrounding processes and natural phenomena.

Equipment: sports equipment: hoops, bench, headbands with antenna, beam; markers, sheets of paper.

Progress of the lesson

Cosmic music sounds.

Attention! Attention! People of the Earth, we, the inhabitants of the planet “Healthy”, turn to you for help. An evil sorcerer has brought fear, despondency, laziness and sadness to our planet. We stopped smiling and being healthy. We want to bring laughter, joy and happiness back to our planet. If you can hear us, show us how to act to be like you. Your signal will pass through Rainbow Bay, the Sea of ​​Plenty, the Road of Tranquility, and the Pass of Dreams.

Guys, they also sent this signal ( show symbol) - "request". Do you think you can help the inhabitants of the planet? What helps a person in life to remain cheerful, strong, beautiful? (Use questions to lead the children into a conversation about space.)

We are people of planet Earth, we have everything necessary for life (availability of air and water, sunlight and warmth), we play sports. Can we fly to another planet? (no, we don't have spacesuits). Who else has been in space besides people? (dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).

Cosmonauts are brave, knowledgeable people who can do everything. You are still just learning to be like this. Now you will show what you can do. If we received a signal, it means that another planet can also receive a signal from Earth.

Find your heart, press both hands to your chest, listen to how it beats. This is how your mother's heart beats (knock-knock). Imagine that in your chest instead of a heart there is a piece of gentle sunshine. Bright light spreads over the body and legs. There is so much of it that it no longer fits in you. Let's send some light and warmth to this planet, and maybe they will start smiling. (Arms brought forward, hands vertical).

1. Introductory part: we will hit the road early, let’s not forget about posture.

Walking on toes, squatting, “arrows”, “bun rolls along the path” (additional step with clapping overhead).

You decided to become healthy

So, do...( mode).

Both in frost and in heat,

Play in the street … ( I love).

Ball, jump rope and rocket,

Skis, sleds and skates,

Best friends …( my).

Let them fly into the room

White snowflakes are coming to us,

We're not cold at all

That's why we run.

“Clown Run” (funny clown). Children run, holding their ears with their hands; releasing your fingers to your head, put on “horns”; grab the nose alternately with the right and left hand.

Step march!

2. General developmental exercises: “We are strong, we are friendly.”

"We're getting higher"

I.p. stand with your back to each other, hold hands,

1-3 stand on your toes, arms out to your sides,

4-p. 6-8 times.

“Together we draw the sun”

I.p. standing facing each other, legs wide apart, hold hands.

1-4 tilts of clasped hands to the right side,

5-8 to the left.

9-p. 6-8 times.


I.p. standing, hands on the belt, backs to each other.

1-3 half squat with a half turn to the right (left), look into each other’s eyes with a smile.

4 i.p.

"We're dancing merrily"

I.p. standing shoulder to shoulder, one hand on the waist, feet together.

Right (left) foot on the toe, forward.

To the side,

Back, i.p.


I.p. standing facing each other, place your hands on your partner’s shoulders.

1-3 bend the right (left) leg at the knee

4 i.p.

"Let's have fun from the heart"

Jumping alternating with walking.

Jumping, hands to shoulders,

Hands behind your back are “dummy”.

Forming a column, walking around the hall.

They are going to open a school for young cosmonauts, isn’t it time for you guys to enroll in this school?

3. Children are divided into two teams. The following tasks are performed:

Put on the headband with the “antenna”;

Crawling on a bench: boys on their stomachs, girls on all fours;

-- “put on” a hoop;

Jumping over a log, shifting your legs.

4. There are many types of sports,

You can’t even count them all,

Let's play now

Types of sports, name them.

Game in a circle with a ball “Hot Potato” (called sports game, the ball is thrown to the driver).

Running in ranks from different starting positions.

Attention game "Four Elements".

Guys, can you depict with symbols what lifts our spirits and makes us healthy?

Children are asked to complete this task using markers on sheets of paper.

Forming in a column, walking around the hall.

Sports, guys, are very necessary!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is a helper!

Sport is a game!

Physical training!

Physical education lessons, finger games, space quizzes

Warm-up "Preparing for flight"

The suit check begins. Does the helmet fit comfortably on your head? (Turns, head tilts to the right, left, forward, backward, circular rotations of the head.) An astronaut can move through space using a device placed in a backpack on his back. We check how tightly the backpack is held behind your back. (Circular movements, raising and lowering the shoulders.) Are the numerous zippers and buckles fastened well? (Turns and tilts of the body to the right, left, forward, backward, circular movements of the body, bends towards the feet.) Do the gloves fit snugly on your hands? (Rotational movements with the hands extended forward at chest level, alternating and simultaneous swings of the arms, raising the arms up in front of oneself with alternate bending and extension of the hands, lowering them down through the sides, also alternately bending and straightening the hands.) How does the radio work? Doesn't it act up? (Half squats, jumping on two legs in place.) Are your boots too tight? (Walking in a circle on toes, heels, outer and inner feet, toe-off, side gallop to the right, left, single file step.)"Are you okay" heating system"spacesuit? Is it easy to breathe in it? (Inhale - arms up, exhale - arms down).

Space physical education minute

Musical accompaniment: music by the band Space

The sun is shining in the clear sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

(Stretch - arms up).

And below are forests and fields -

(Bend over).

The ground is spreading.

(Spread your arms to the sides).

Then the child depicts how they walk on the Moon, i.e. feet shoulder-width apart and slowly jumps to the side.

The Legend of the Milky Way.

A long time ago, at the edge of the world off the coast of the Atlantic, the Selutres lived. They were beautiful, tall people and very kind. The Selutres studied starry sky, compiled a calendar and built megaliths (structures made of large stones).

The Selutras never fought, they did not know what war was. Their life flowed peacefully and calmly.

But one day a proud eagle brought the bad news that a warlike tribe was moving against the Selutres.” These people are armed,” said the eagle. But it must be said that the Selutres understood the language of birds.

The Selutres had no choice but to pack up their things and go to the mountains or move to the island.

They left their native lands, leaving behind megaliths and enormous knowledge encrypted in symbols and drawings.

The Selutras left, and a warlike tribe settled on their lands. The number of the tribe grew rapidly, and soon these people became crowded in the land of the Selutres. Then the warriors gathered and decided to drive out the kind and peaceful people even from the mountains and islands.

...The warriors surrounded the mountain and climbed to the last village of the Selutres.

Imagine the surprise of the soldiers when they saw the empty village; there was not a single person there.

Where could these tall ones go? good people? Down? Impossible, they would have been noticed. Maybe the Selutres rose even higher? The warriors climbed to the very top of the mountain, but there was no one there either. Where did the Selutres go? Where can you climb from the top of the mountain? Only to the sky... The warriors looked up, and from end to end of the sky they saw a shining road of sand, pearls and tears. The Selutres were residents of the coast, so when they went to the mountains, they took sand and pearls with them. Now, going into infinity, they dropped sand, pearls... and tears.

Finger gymnastics

We put our palms together to make a rocket.

Blow harder on the rocket so that it takes off.

Here's a rocket flying to the left - the stars are shining brightly there,

The eyes are also not lazy - they see off the rocket on its way.

There is a month ahead, we are going there.

There are eyes following the rocket, it’s not difficult for us, nonsense.

On the right we see a rocket, our friends are flying in it.

We fly after them. And back to kindergarten

Astronauts, come out, stretch your arms and legs.

One - they stood up and stretched, two - they bent down and straightened up.

Three claps above the top of the head, and then two jumps.

Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale - breathe deeply,

They sat down quietly and easily.

Finger gymnastics "Lunokhod"

Look, lunar rover

It's easy to walk on the moon.

He walks very importantly

A brave hero sits inside him.

Children place the fingertips of both hands on the table, transfer part of the weight to their hands, and then, as it were, walk in turn with their right and left hands. Repeat the quatrain several times.

Our starship(song about space)

1. Here our spaceship is flying forward

Towards the stars.

Goodbye home!

Let his tail wag at us

Comet and then


We are through the deepest space

We, before it's too late,

We want to see everything in space!

2.Yes! Let's fly wherever we set our feet

It's not easy to set foot!

We will open everything, we will remove all barriers,

Let's save everyone from monsters


3. Everyone there is happy to see us! Space

Invites us to visit!

Thousands of planets tell us: “Hello!

Stay here! But no -


(Sheet music for the song in the attached file)

Games and experiments on space themes

Game "Unknown Planet".

Guys, let's fly with you on the Spaceship. Let's fly, Let's fly!

We've arrived! They turned off all their engines!

Here we are on the first planet. No one has ever been on this planet before us. Not once has a human foot stepped on it. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name for the planet). Martians live here. But you need to learn to talk to Martians. They don't understand either Russian or in English. But since we flew to visit them, we should learn to greet them.

I will ask 5 people to come to me. (They go out to the middle of the hall). Guys, you should greet each other with gestures, but these gestures should not be repeated. And so they began! (Children greet each other with gestures). Well done! Flying to the next planet? (Children agree).

Game "Flying"

If I say a word that flies, you raise your hands. What doesn't fly, you don't raise your hands. But be very careful, because I will confuse you.

Is the plane flying? ...Flies.

Does the table fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the goat fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the eagle fly? ...Flies.

Does the machine gun fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the helicopter fly? ...Flies.

Is the swallow flying? ...Flies.

Does the rocket fly? ...Flies.

Does a sparrow fly? ...Flies.

Does the chicken fly? ... Doesn't fly, etc.

Game "Collect the constellation"

Children use small stars to create their own constellation.

Game exercise “Overload and weightlessness” to the music of "Space" (music of an excited, restless nature sounds)

Educator: What are your arms and legs like?

Children: Heavy.

Educator: And the head?

Children: Heavy.

Educator: It's an overload.

(The music changes to calm).

Educator: And now it becomes easier for you, easier. How are you feeling?

Children: Easily.

Educator: This is weightlessness.


We soar in the air like swallows.

We fly from compartment to compartment.

Look out the window, friend,

Miracles are all around!

Didactic game "Folds".

Offer to fold our planet - Earth. Colorful image of the Earth cut into fragments different ways. Children form groups and post a picture. Each group of children is offered to fold a picture with cuts of varying degrees of complexity, depending on the individual characteristics of the children and the different hemispheres of the Earth.

Game "Meteor Shower"

The teacher turns on the music. Children randomly walk around the “Moon”, “studying” it. The music stops, the children run to their places - to the ships - and wait for the meteor shower to end. The teacher turns on the music again and the game resumes.

Solar System Experience

Let's conduct an experiment, imagine that the yellow stick is the Sun, and 9 balls on strings are the planets. We rotate the stick, all the planets fly in a circle, if you stop it, then the planets will stop. What helps the Sun hold up the entire solar system?..

The sun is helped by perpetual motion.

That's right, if the Sun doesn't move, the whole system will fall apart, and this eternal motion won't work.

Experience: “Meteorites and meteorite craters”

Imagine that the flour is the surface of the planet, and the ball is a meteorite. A meteorite flies through space at tremendous speed and hits the surface of the planet. Look at what has formed on the surface of the planet - depressions, holes, craters. Guys, why did the crater form? (The meteorite is heavy, and the surface of the planet is soft, covered with a thick layer of dust, so the crater was formed).

Project presentation

Holiday activity “Children reach for the stars”

Children from the senior group take part in the celebration kindergarten.

Goals: development of cognitive activity, creation of opportunities for self-realization of children.


Introduce children to Cosmonautics Day and the pioneers who conquered airspace;

To reinforce the concept of “space” in children;

Expand children's knowledge about the structure of the solar system;

Develop communication skills through group work;

Promote the development of children's motor abilities;

Promote the activation of speech and cognitive activity;

Develop expressive reading and artistic skills in children;

To instill in children respect for the work of people whose work is related to space exploration, a sense of patriotism, pride in the country that was the first to overcome the force of gravity;

Bring joy to children, lift their spirits;

Equipment: exhibition of books about “space”, photographs, postcards, posters, exhibition of creative works of children and parents “Space Fantasies”, portraits of Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V. Tereshkova, A.A. Leonov, illustration - outer space, images of planets Solar system, magnetic board, didactic game “Folds”, balls, hoops, cones, tables, juice boxes, cardboard rockets, recorded words by Yu.A. Gagarin, song by A. Pakhmutova “You know what kind of guy he was...”, song “Earth in the Porthole”, music by the group “Space”.

Preliminary work: learning poems about space with children, skits, making crafts and drawing pictures at home, with their parents.

Hod holiday

Children walk into the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

HOST: Hello guys! You probably already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Do you want to know why April 12 and not some other day? The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our cosmonaut made the world's first space flight. Do you know who was the first person to go into space?

Children's answers.

HOST: And Yegor can also tell us about this.


I asked my dad one day:

“Who is Yuri Gagarin?

He's probably very important

But I don’t know much about him...”

And dad then answered me:

“I'm glad you asked me about this,

He is a brave and courageous pilot,

He glorified the country throughout the world.

Gagarin was the first in the world

Who once flew into space?

To the boys on our planet

He gave me the dream of becoming an astronaut.”

Now I'm proud to know

Who was Yuri Gagarin?

Ask me, I will answer you proudly:

He is the astronaut who was the first to reach the stars!

HOST: Thank you! The first person in the world to fly into space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. Now listen to the words of Yuri Gagarin himself when he flew into space (recording sounds).

The song “You know what kind of guy he was...” plays.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who discovered the star trail?

There was fire and thunder, the cosmodrome froze

And he said quietly...


He said: “Let's go!”

He waved his hand

As if along Piterskaya, Piterskaya

Swept over the Earth.

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The whole world carried him in their arms...

The son of the earth and stars was gentle and simple,

Like Danko, he brought light to people.


Do you know what kind of guy he was?

How he went out onto the ice with a stick,

How he sang songs

He was cheerful and brave,

How passionately I wanted to live!


Do you know what kind of guy he was?

No wasn `t"! After all, he conquered death!

Can you hear distant thunder?

You see, it’s him

Goes to the cosmodrome again.


He said: “Let’s go!”

And a living star

As if along Piterskaya, Piterskaya,

Rushing over the Earth!

HOST: Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. What does it take to become an astronaut?

Children's answers.

HOST: Of course, all boys dream of seeing at least once what is there, beyond our planet, and even girls. There are also women among the astronauts. The world's first female space flight was carried out by Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova from June 16 to 19, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft.

Yes, girls can be brave and dexterous too. And I invite the girls to play fun game, and at the same time we will test their dexterity.

Game "Pass it to someone else."

Game with balls. Two teams of 4 people. At a signal accompanied by music, children throw the ball back over their heads, starting with the first participant. The last participant with the ball runs forward of the column and also passes the ball back. The game continues until the first participant returns to his place.

HOST: Guys, to fly into space, you need to prepare for a very long time. Do you know what a future astronaut should be able to do?

Children's answers.

HOST: But look at the sketch about a boy who dreamed of flying into space. And it’s called “I want to be an astronaut.”

Two boys perform a mini-skit “I want to be an astronaut.”

Dad is sitting at the table (the role is played by a boy). There is a second chair nearby.


Every boy dreams, of course,

That someday he will fly into space.

And the boy Arseny was no exception,

I decided to be an astronaut when I grew up.

The boy Arseny comes out into the middle of the hall.


The astronauts are lucky

They fly into space every day

They count the stars, walk on the moon...

How I want it the same way.

I want to become an astronaut

When I grow up and fly into space!


But first you need to find out

What does it take to become an astronaut?

Arseny approaches dad.


I'll ask dad. Dad, tell me

What does it take to become an astronaut?


Astronauts have their own special regime.

Exercise every day and they go to bed on time.

It's very important for health

Follow this special regime.

Jogging, push-ups, squats,

Douse with cold water.

At least start with this.


Well, that's a couple of trifles.

I’m already ready to do exercises.

And go to bed by the hour.

I can do all this myself.


Well, son, since you're ready,

Let's get started today.


He studied with dad all day,

And he did squats and push-ups,

I wiped myself with cold water,

And he even lifted the barbell.

He jumped, ran and skipped.

And by the evening I was terribly tired.

Dad and Arseny pantomime depict exercises, running, wiping with water, etc.

At the last words of the presenter, Arseny sits down tiredly on a chair.


What are you, son, so gloomy?

Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?


Now I understand - this is not easy work

Space flights.

I haven’t changed my mind about becoming an astronaut,

But I'm not ready yet

Being an astronaut is not easy!

Of course I won't be sad

I will develop strength in myself,

Do exercises in the morning

And go to bed on time.


All boys dream about space,

They read books about space.

They study the stars in the sky,

They dream of becoming astronauts.

TEACHER: Guys, an astronaut must have perfect health and enormous physical endurance. An astronaut's training always begins with a warm-up. Our tests will also begin with a small game - warm-up.

Warm-up game


But to control the rocket,

You need to become brave and strong.

They don't take the weak into space

After all, flying is not easy work!

Don't yawn around

Today you are an astronaut!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile,

Turned their faces in a circle,

Let's start the exercises!

We do squats, side bends, arm rotations, etc.


We board a starship

Let's take off.

We fastened ourselves deftly, together,

Let's start our engine


Our propeller spun.

Miracles, miracles,

We're taking off into the skies!

HOST: Guys, today I suggest you take a test of strength, endurance, and ingenuity. Cosmonauts are brave, knowledgeable people who can do everything. You are still just learning to be like this.

But there is one secret in the game: there is no room for latecomers!

The crews are in place. And at the command “Start” the rockets are sent into space.

Relay race "Space flight".

The presenter counts down the time: “4, 3, 2, 1...Start!” The first participant starts with a toy rocket in his hands, “flies” to the moon (hoop), and returns to the team to replenish the crew with a 2nd participant. They go on a flight together, then return for the 3rd participant, etc., gathering the entire crew during the relay. At the end, the crews leave their team flags on the moon.

HOST: Guys, you all passed the tests well, proved during the flight that you can do a lot, and most importantly, you acted together and helped each other.

Sports are great, but to be healthy you also need to eat well. Do you know what real astronauts eat?

Children: Porridge, soups, vegetables, fruits. Borscht, compote...

HOST: Okay, I’ll ask differently, how do astronauts eat in outer space? Do they place plates and pour some tea?

Children's answers.

HOST: In outer space, people really don’t eat from plates, but not because they aren’t there. The fact is that in outer space there is no gravity of the Earth, everything seems to float in the air, as in water. This is called weightlessness, that is, everything becomes as light as feathers. And therefore it is impossible to eat from the plates; all the food will simply float away. And all the astronauts’ products are in the form of purees in tubes, like toothpaste. They drink water, compotes and tea through a straw. Let's pretend we're in outer space and play the game "Cosmonaut's Breakfast." Get ready to eat in zero gravity!

Game "Cosmonaut's Breakfast".

Two teams. Along the way there are cones that you need to pass through, and at the end of the path there is a table. There are juice bags on the table. Each participant is given a cocktail straw. At the signal, the first team member runs between the cones to the table where the bags are, drinks the juice through a straw, then runs back, passing the baton to the next participant. Participants run to the table until the juice in the bags runs out. The team whose bags become empty the fastest wins.

HOST: And also guys, the first human spacewalk in history was carried out by Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov during the expedition on March 18-19, 1965 (the Voskhod-2 spacecraft, crewed by Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev). Alexey Leonov moved away from the ship to a distance of 5 meters and spent 12 minutes 9 seconds in outer space outside the airlock. What did the man, the cosmonaut, who was the first to go into outer space and into the Universe, see?

Children: Stars, our planet Earth.

HOST: See what our planet looks like in outer space. (Show illustration).

Guys, I suggest you fold our planet - Earth.

Didactic game "Folds". (A colorful image of the Earth is cut into fragments in different ways. Children form teams and post the picture.)

HOST: Guys, when Yu.A. Gagarin first saw the Earth through the window, he said the following words: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”


There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

(author of the poem - Y. Akim)

HOST: And now I propose to test your knowledge. Our cosmonauts are smart people, we don’t take stupid people into space.

Let's do a mini-quiz. I will ask questions about space, and you will try to guess.

Quiz game "Guessing".

(You can run it between teams)

The biggest and hottest star in the universe ( Sun).

Natural satellite of the earth ( Moon).

The man who flies into space ( astronaut).

What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? ( Spaceship).

What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? ( Ursa).

Why is there day and night on earth? ( The planet revolves around itself)

Who was the first astronaut to fly into space? ( Yuri Gagarin).

Who else has been in space besides people? ( Dogs Belka and Strelka, mice, rats, rabbits and even chimpanzees).

What was the name of the spaceship on which Gagarin made his first flight? ("East")

What holiday does our country celebrate every year on April 12? ( Cosmonautics Day).

HOST: Well done, guys! Some people know more, some less, but now you and I know much more about space and the fact that there are thousands of stars in the sky.

Do you know that our planet is not the only one in the Universe? There are so many planets. There are many galaxies in outer space. And our solar system is located in one of these galaxies. And our planet is the third in a row. And how many planets are in the solar system, Lada will tell us.

CHILD: (Lays out the planets on a magnetic board around the sun)

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

(author of the poem - A. Khait)

HOST: That's it, guys, there are nine planets in our solar system. True, recently some scientists do not consider Pluto a planet.

And I suggest we also listen to the poems that the guys have prepared for us.

The band's melody sounds "Space».


"Yuri Gagarin"

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

(author of the poem - V. Stepanov)


"The ship is flying"

Flying in space

steel ship

Around the Earth.

And even though its windows are small,

Everything is visible in them

Like on the palm of your hand:

Steppe space,

Tidal bore,


and you and me!

(author of the poem - V. Orlov)


Astronauts, thank you.

Our contemporaries, thank you!

I'm in a rush of excited feelings

Thank you again and again:

You opened to earthlings

Pages of heavenly beauties,

Showed us the Earth

From unprecedented heights,

They showed her in a blue halo.

Humanity now knows:

Space will serve people

They will be obedient.

Thank you from the heart, heroes.

HOST: Well, guys, today we learned a lot of interesting and new things about space and astronauts, and tried ourselves in the role of astronauts themselves. Did you like our holiday?

Children's answers.

HOST: Now you and I know that an astronaut must be strong, healthy, fit, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

Marina Pavlova, Irina Simonova , teachers of kindergarten No. 10 of general developmental type in the city of Galich, Kostroma region

In the attached files: a modeling lesson, a paper construction lesson, space coloring pages, games, puzzles, poems, riddles about space, notes for a song about space, a diploma.