The most dangerous city in the world

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

Interesting things in the world of science and technology. ‎21.

Interesting things in the world of science and technology. ‎21.

The most dangerous city in the world

From this article you will learn which country is the most prosperous, the most cat-loving, the most equipped with the Internet, as well as many other facts from the category of extremes and records.


The hottest place in the world

The highest air temperature on the planet in history, +56.6 °C, was recorded in Death Valley National Park on July 10, 1913.


The coldest place in the world

At the top of the Polar Plateau in Antarctica, temperatures can drop to a minimum of -‎‎92.7 °C, recorded in August 2010.‎


City with the largest population

Shanghai holds the title of the most populous city in the world thanks to its 24,150,000 permanent residents.‎


City with the smallest population

Home to just 842 citizens, Vatican City State is also recognized as the smallest city and smallest state in the world.

‎8. ‎5.

The wealthiest and most prosperous city ‎

This tower could well have been made of real gold, since Tokyo can afford it: the city's GDP is 1520 billion (New York, which occupies the second position in this ranking, has only $310 billion in GDP).



The wettest place on the planet

The Indian village of Mawsynram receives up to 11,900 mm of rainfall annually. The “wet” record for this place was 25,400 mm of rain that fell in 1985.‎


Driest place on the planet

The South American Atacama Desert is without a doubt the driest place on Earth. Its sands, stretching over 965 km, receive an average of 101 mm of precipitation per thousand years (that's right, you read that right!). ‎


The sunniest place on the planet

In Yuma, Arizona, the sun shines on average at least 11 hours a day. 90% of local forecasts call for clear weather, which means an average of 4015 hours of natural light per year.‎


The most expensive city to live in

Singapore in 2014 displaced Tokyo from the pedestal of “most expensive city”. Cars in the most expensive city can cost 4-6 times more than the same brands in the US or UK markets.‎


The cheapest city to live in

According to the World Cost of Living Index 2014, the Indian city of Mumbai is the cheapest place to live. To make the scale clearer, imagine an ordinary loaf of bread: in Singapore it will cost $3.36, and in Mumbai it will cost only 91 cents.


Country that consumes the most food

Perhaps the fact that the average US person consumes about 3,770 calories per day may go some way to explaining their reputation as the world's biggest gluttons.


The oldest city in the world

Determining the oldest city in the world is a topic that gives rise to a lot of controversy, since historians cannot agree on whether it is important to take into account the habitation of ancient settlements over the centuries. So far, as a compromise solution, Damascus in Syria, which has existed for more than 11 thousand years, is recognized as the main “long-liver”.


The most dangerous city in the world

In San Pedro Sula, Honduras, there are on average more than three murders per day. The high level of crime on the streets of this city is due to the fact that it has the status of a major drug and weapons trafficking center.


The most caffeinated country

Coffee lovers in Sweden consume an average of 388 mg of caffeine per person per day (the equivalent of almost five cans of energy drink).‎


The most bike-friendly city in the world

The city of Groningen in the Netherlands has the highest percentage of cyclists among its residents in the world. More than half of the population prefers two-wheeled transport as the optimal means of transportation: city dwellers use bicycles to get to work and go out into nature on bicycles.


Most energy efficient city

All of Reykjavík's energy and heat comes from geothermal and renewable hydropower, making Iceland's capital the most sustainable and energy-efficient city in the world. In an effort to make the region completely independent of fossil fuels by 2050, Reykjavik authorities have introduced buses that require only water to refuel.


The most cat-loving country

The number of cats living as pets in US homes currently stands at 76.43 million, making the United States the undisputed leader in keeping man's mustachioed and striped friends.


The most dog-loving country

A study of representatives from 150 countries showed that Filipinos' responses to simple questions are the most emotional among all other citizens of the world.‎


The most unemotional country

The same survey found that Singaporeans express the least amount of distress in their daily lives. Only 3 out of 10 Singaporeans report having noticeable emotional reactions to various everyday situations.‎


Country with the longest life expectancy ‎

According to the World Health Organization for 2013, the life expectancy of the average citizen of Monaco is 87.2 years. ‎Men, as a rule, live in this country up to 85.3 years, women - up to 89. ‎


Country with the shortest life expectancy ‎

The other side of the coin can be observed in Sierra Leone, where the average population lives no more than 47-48 years. ‎


The most tense country ‎

Looking at the statistics of homicides, GDP per capita, income inequality, corruption and unemployment, it is quite clear: Nigeria is the most dysfunctional and stressed state in the world.


The most prosperous country

According to the same indicators, Norway is recognized as the calmest and most prosperous country.‎


Country with the highest average IQ

It is assumed that the country with the highest IQ is Hong Kong, whose residents score an average of 107 points in intelligence tests.‎

Experienced travelers know very well that during one vacation it is impossible to get to know the whole country at once, of course, unless it is miniature Liechtenstein, which occupies only 160 square kilometers. Experts advise choosing one single region to visit, where you can leisurely and enjoy exploring literally every corner. Believe me, you will have enough impressions for another whole year, and then you can choose another, no less interesting corner of our planet.

There are interesting regions, distinguished by stunning nature or an abundance of attractions, in every country, without exception. If you have not yet decided where to go on vacation in 2014, be sure to study the corresponding rating, which was compiled by the Australian publishing house Lonely Planet.

This authoritative publishing house has been specializing in guidebooks and reference books for several decades, so it knows almost everything about travel. Lonely Planet creates its guides and ratings specifically for budget travelers, so with their help you can save money and choose not only the most interesting, but also a relatively inexpensive route. So, we present to you a list of regions that Lonely Planet strongly recommends visiting in 2014.

1. Sikkim, India

In 2012, this state of India was awarded the title of the cleanest state in the country. Sikkim managed to maintain this status in the coming year, in addition, it was recognized as the region of the country with the most innovative tourism project. Sikkim is worth visiting for those travelers who are attracted by green tourism. Organic farming is actively developing here, and markets sell exclusively locally produced products. In addition, in 2014, a new airport will open near the state capital, Gangtok, so this destination will become much more accessible to tourists.

2. Kimberley, Australia

The best way to get acquainted with the amazing nature of the distant Australian continent is in the Kimberley region, the most secluded, remote and amazingly beautiful corner of our planet. The coastline of this region of Australia is in no way inferior to the more famous areas of the East Coast, and the nature remains the same as it was many centuries ago. Visit the Kimberley now before the region becomes overrun with tourists. Just choose the dry season - from November to March there are heavy rains and some areas become practically inaccessible.

3. Yorkshire, England

This area of ​​England has produced more famous athletes than any other. Local gentlemen still adhere to the same traditions, nature is still beautiful, and more and more attractions appear. So, you should definitely visit the gallery in Wakefield, the city of Bradford, recognized as the world's first City of Cinema, the Harrogate spa resort, the moors, cozy pubs, as well as at least one restaurant that is the owner of a Michelin star. There are more such restaurants in Yorkshire than in London itself!

4. Hokuriku, Japan

This region is located on the western coast of the island of Honshu, literally sandwiched between the Japanese Alps and the Sea of ​​Japan. Hokuriku is steeped in ancient history, unique culture and stunning in its natural beauty. The capital of the region, the city of Kinazawa, will delight you with the country's most beautiful parks and original palaces. And by renting a car, you can see the picturesque landscapes of the Noto Peninsula, hot mineral springs and modern hotels in Kaga Province. Hokuriku is a very beautiful and unusual region of Japan, which is quite different from ultra-modern Tokyo.

5. Texas, USA

In 2014, the Lone Star State is ready to prove that cowboy hats and rodeos aren't all it has to offer. A new area of ​​the famous Buffalo Bayou Park will open in Houston this year, with cozy boardwalk areas and hiking trails. The park has grown by as much as 9.3 hectares! It is also worth seeing the historic center of Fort Worth with its new square, and also be sure to visit one of the restaurants offering not the usual fast food for America, but traditional Mexican cuisine.

6. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Zambia

On the border of two countries - Zambia and Zimbabwe - in one of the most picturesque corners of Africa, there is a real miracle of nature -. To visit this attraction, you can go to the city of Livingstone in Zambia, or the city of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. These cities are now experiencing a tourism boom; the authorities of these African countries have invested billions of dollars in infrastructure development. The economies of Zimbabwe and Zambia are gradually recovering, and 2014 will be the best year to visit Victoria Falls in the past 15 years.

The sapphire Mediterranean Sea, incredibly beautiful landscapes, well-developed tourist infrastructure make the island of Mallorca ideal for visiting in 2014. Little by little, from a place where you can just have a drink and walk at night, Mallorca is becoming a prestigious resort where whole families come. It is worth visiting Palma de Mallorca's many museums and excellent restaurants, olive groves and traditional cozy villages, as well as the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range. Believe me, the high culture and untouched nature of this Spanish island will not leave you indifferent!

You, of course, have watched the film “The Lord of the Rings”? Want to see equally stunning landscapes and untouched nature? Head to the West Coast of New Zealand! 90% of this territory is occupied by national parks and protected areas of land, through which tourist cycling and hiking trails are laid. Mirror Lake Matheson, the gorges of Hokitika, the cozy towns of Fox Glacier and Franz Josef, incredibly beautiful glaciers, ancient forests, a seal colony at Cape Foulwind - this region of New Zealand has many amazing places that every traveler should definitely see.

9. Hunan, China

This Chinese province is the birthplace of Mao Zedong, so the local Communist Party spares no expense in developing tourism infrastructure. Of course, Hunan province attracts tourists not only with the name of its famous native, but also with beautiful landscapes, an original combination of old and new, as well as numerous attractions. The Hunan region is connected to the center of the country by an extensive network of railway routes, flights and highways, so you will not have any problems with travel. And be sure to visit the tallest skyscraper on the planet - Sky City - the construction of which should be completed in 2014.

10. Haapai, Tonga

The 62 islands that make up Haapai County are located literally at the edge of the Earth - in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. The Kingdom of Tonga is an unknown universe for most travelers, so a trip here can be a real adventure, but believe me, it's worth it! Humpback whales jump out of the water literally next to the boat, the islands are surrounded by picturesque reefs, colorful fish circle underfoot on shallow beaches, the volcano lazily smokes on the horizon, and the locals firmly adhere to the principle - “don’t worry and be happy”!


The UN declared 2014 the year of crystallography, the year of family farming.
1st of January
- Russia chairs the G8.
- Greece will lead the European Union for a 6-month period.
- Latvia joins the Eurozone.
January 22-25 – World Economic Forum in Davos.
January 28 – 1200 years since the death of Charlemagne.
January 31 is the Year of the Horse according to the Chinese calendar.


February 7-23 - The XXII Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi.
February 15 is the 450th anniversary of the birth of Galileo Galilei, the great Italian philosopher, physicist and astronomer.
USA – Janet Yellen may become the first female chair of the Federal Reserve System (US central bank).
Beatles fans are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the band's first overseas success, when "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" first topped the American charts.
February 28 – Prize-awarding ceremony of the French National Film Academy.


March 2 – Oscar ceremony, American Film Academy Awards.
March 4 – Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the most colorful holiday in the world.
March 7-16 - XI Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi.
March 9 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko, a poet and thinker who is considered the founder of the Ukrainian literary language.
March 21 is Earth Day.
On March 23 and 30 – municipal elections will be held in France.
March 24-30 - World Figure Skating Championships in Saitama (Japan).


April 4 is the centenary of the birth of the French writer Marguerite Duras.
April 5 – Presidential elections in Afghanistan.
April 8 - Microsoft will no longer provide support software for Windows XP.
April 15 – Total lunar eclipse, which can be observed in Australia, the Pacific region and America.
April 21 – Boston Marathon. 36,000 participants will pay tribute to the victims of the 2013 bombing.
April 24 – 450 years since the birth of William Shakespeare.

Parliamentary elections in India.
May 3 is International Press Freedom Day.
May 6-10 - a song competition will be held in Copenhagen (Denmark).
May 8 is the centenary of the birth of Romain Gary, a French writer of Russian origin, the only one who managed to win the Goncourt Prize twice.
May 9-25 - the 78th Ice Hockey World Championship will be held in Minsk (Belarus).
May 11 - presidential elections in Lithuania.
May 11 is the centenary of the birth of the French volcanologist Garun Taziev (born in Russia).
May 14–25 – 66th Cannes Film Festival.
May 22-25 - Citizens of the 28 EU member states elect the European Parliament.
8 countries of the post-Soviet space are celebrating the 10th anniversary of joining the European Union.


June 4-5 - the G8 summit will be held in Sochi.
June 12 is Russia Day. In 1994, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, this day was declared a state holiday; since 1998 it has been called Russia Day.
June 13-July 13 - Brazil will host the XX FIFA World Cup.
June 19 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of Vasil Bykov, Belarusian writer.
June 23 – Scotland celebrates the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, which restored independence from England.
June 23 - 125 years since the birth of Anna Akhmatova (Gorenko) (1889-1966), Russian poetess.
June 28 - 100 years ago, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, which caused World War I.


Italy will lead the European Union for a six-month period.
July 5–27 – Tour de France cycling race (start in Yorkshire).
July 28 – one hundred years ago, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
July 31 is the centenary of the assassination of Jean Jaurès, a French politician and socialist, in Paris.
Presidential elections in Indonesia.


Walt Disney Studios (USA) celebrates the 50th anniversary of the film “Mary Poppins”.
On August 4, on the centenary of the declaration of war on Germany, a memorial is planned to be opened in Dover (Great Britain) in memory of the 1.7 million citizens of the British Commonwealth countries who died in the world wars.
August 15th is the centenary of the Panama Canal.


September 5 is the 100th anniversary of the death of the French poet Charles Peguy, killed in battle in the First World War.
September 12 - Americans celebrate the 200th anniversary of the US national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner, written by Francis Scott Key.
September 14 – parliamentary elections in Sweden.
September 16 - Leaders of all countries of the world gather at the UN General Assembly in New York.
September 18 - referendum on Scottish independence from Great Britain.
September 23 - 50 years ago, the inauguration of a new ceiling of the Paris Opera, painted by Marc Chagall, took place.


October 19 – the first ever Formula I Russian Grand Prix in Sochi.
October 26 – presidential elections in Brazil.
October 27 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dylan Thomas, the greatest Welsh poet and playwright.


November 4 - elections to the US Congress ("mid-mandate" elections).
November 9 – festivities will be held in Berlin to mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).
November 9 - A referendum on Catalan independence from Spain is expected to be held.
November 15-16 - G20 summit (Brisbane, Australia). Australia will hold the chairmanship of this organization from 1 December 2013.
November 30 - parliamentary elections in Moldova.


The beginning of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.
Peru – annual UN climate change summit.

Based on materials from Courrier International, publications of the National Archives of France, Agence France Presse and Reuters.

The No. 1 sporting event that needs no introduction. Starting from February 6, the attention of the whole world will be focused on the Krasnodar region, where the XX Winter Games will open. We smile, wave, dress in the colors of the national tricolor, get on skis, study the rules of curling and skeleton, create idols for ourselves and chant: “Russia - forward!” Know ours!

The draw for the group stage of the final part of the 20th FIFA World Cup has ended in Brazil. The national teams of Belgium, Algeria and South Korea have been announced as opponents of the Russian team. The opening match of the championship will take place in Sao Paulo, and the final will take place at the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro. We will find out whose team will receive the “golden” prize money of $35 million on July 13. We are cheering for ours!

Following the Winter Games, the second sports event in Sochi will take place in October. So don’t rush to pack your suitcases and bikinis when leaving the Black Sea shore. This time we are waiting for the greatest drivers of our time to visit us as part of the Formula 1 Grand Prix stage, many of whom have already tested their cars on the track in the Olympic Park. It looks like this time Sochi is seriously laying claim to the title of Russian Monte Carlo. The main print of autumn is a matryoshka doll wearing a racing helmet.

All flags are visiting us! In the summer of the coming year, Chelyabinsk will temporarily become the capital of judo. The Emirates, the USA and Korea fought for the right to host one of the most prestigious tournaments; in the end, Russia boldly knocked out its rivals, becoming the host of the Championship. In a country where the president is a black belt, it couldn’t be any other way.


Cross year of culture between Great Britain and Russia 2014

January - December 2014

Following the past year, the Netherlands are expecting eminent Britons in Russia. It was announced that in June, as part of an international project, the Multimedia Art Museum will show an exhibition dedicated to the design and style of the James Bond films, as well as an exhibition of the most expensive expressionist in history - Francis Bacon. In September, the Catherine Foundation will introduce everyone to the influential movement of contemporary British artists - a collection of works by Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Sam Taylor-Wood. Fashionistas will love the multimedia project The Rise of Fashion Film about the English brands Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Ossie Clarke and Hussein Chalayan. The start of the new cultural year will be informally given in London at the April opening of the exhibition “The Golden Age of the Russian Avant-Garde,” curated by director Peter Greenaway.

The main hero of the year is William Shakespeare. To be there or not to be a celebration in our country in honor of the best-selling playwright on the planet? Of course there will be! Two “Othellos” - in “Satyricon” from director Yuri Butusov and a dance performance at the Vakhtangov Theater, “The Taming of the Shrew” at the Theater of Nations with Chulpan Khamatova, a joint project of the Pushkin Theater and the English Cheek by Jowl - “Measure for Measure” from Declan Donnellan - Low bow to the birthday boy from Russian theaters. Plus, on February 18, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 23 other cities in Russia, as well as in 3 cities in Kazakhstan, as part of the @theatrehd (National Theater Live) project, screenings of the play “Coriolanus” with Tom Hiddleston in the title role will take place.

The Wind of Winter, the penultimate book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels from George R.R. Martin, was expected in 2013. No miracle happened. The timing of the book's release is still vague; in a recent interview, the writer threatened that it might happen in 2014. Where is the fantasy world going, filmed in the most popular TV series on the planet about the war and peace of the seven kingdoms? Wait and see.


We follow the outfits on the red carpet, the smiles of the losers and the tears of the winners. Let's keep our fingers crossed for Leonardo DiCaprio, vote for the Coen brothers, bet on record holder Meryl Streep and never cease to admire George Clooney - at the main "elephant giveaway" of world cinema - the Oscars.

The main gossip of the film industry in 2014 is the return to the screens of the deadliest bride, Tarantino’s lyrical heroine. The release date is not disclosed even in the circles closest to the director. It is only known that in the third part of the Black Mamba (Ume Thurman) two of the “88 Mad Ones”, who lost their eyes and hands through her fault (including Ellie Driver), will take revenge. Liters of blood, feelings on the verge of a nervous breakdown and, as always, an amazing soundtrack, where all the songs are only about love.

According to IMDB, the world's largest film database, this is the most anticipated film of the last three years. Russian critics confirm the excitement around the film in our country. Steven Spielberg's brilliant idea was brought to life by the Nolan brothers - director Christopher and screenwriter Jonathan. The science-fiction film starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway tells the story of the intergalactic travels of a group of researchers through a space-time tunnel. The premiere is scheduled for November 7.

And also Wes Anderson’s new masterpiece “The Grand Budapest Hotel”, Leonardo DiCaprio as “The Wolf of Wall Street”, Megan Fox as reporter April O’Neil in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, the film adaptation of the game Need for Speed, the two-part “Nymphomaniac” "Lars von Trier, a cartoon about airplanes from Hayao Miyazaki, a sequel to Sin City and Johnny Depp proving his computer superiority.


Sherlock is alive and will live! However, like Watson, Mrs. Hudson, Moriarty, sparkling remarks, cunning intrigues and soul-piercing eyes of the main character. Why list the details of the third season of the best detective series of our time - soon they will be obvious to everyone. We are rubbing our hands in anticipation of new evidence! There's not long to wait. The start of the third season is January 1.

One of the most anticipated television projects of 2014 is the fantasy thriller “Existing” by the American channel CBS. The 13-episode film about a female astronaut performed by Halle Berry, intergalactic odysseys and the fatal fate of all humanity from producer Steven Spielberg is another significant proof of the global trend for films on the theme of space.

And also the fourth season of “Game of Thrones”, “The Vatican” from Ridley Scott, the comedy “Together”, new series about secret agents “Intelligence” and “Spy”, Alfonso Cuaron’s drama “Believe”, horror films “The Strain” and “Spiral”.


Santa Claus has finally heeded our requests, which we have written with all passion in neat handwriting year after year - the most charming, attractive and successful pop singer in the galaxy, Justin Timberlake, will come to Moscow and St. Petersburg with concerts. It looks like May 15 and 17 in 2014 will become an alternative to Women's Day in our country.

Also on tour in Moscow and St. Petersburg will come: Backstreet Boys (February 26, 27), Depeche Mode (March 4, 7), 30 Seconds to Mars (March 15, 16 and 18), Aerosmith (May 24, 27), Nine Inch Nails (June 13, 15), Roxette (December 1).

Just two months after the release of the Artpop album, Lady Gaga is already promising to release a brand new disc of “classic jazz standards” - Cheek To Cheek, recorded together with the legend of American pop music, 87-year-old Tony Bennett. I wonder what outfit the pop diva plans to amaze the world with before the music premiere? Will he take the stage as a sexy saxophone? A Frank Sinatra mustache? Or will he try on a hat in the shape of a glass of whiskey with ice?

The restless producer, music video director and composer Pharrell Williams announced that he will release a new solo album in 2014. This is the artist’s first disc in the last eight years, and it will certainly include the song Happy, for which a 24-hour video of the same name was filmed. What happiness!

We also download new albums by Sophie Ellis-Bextor / Wanderlust in 2014 (January 20); Limp Bizkit / Stampede of the Disco Elephants (January); Lily Allen (March); Jay-Z and Kanye West / Watch the Throne II (April); Jennifer Lopez (April) and we are waiting for releases from Adele, Chris Brown, Garbage, Guns N’ Roses, Iron Maiden, Mariah Carey, No Doubt, Red Hot Chili Peppers.


Just to remember, after April 8, 2014, technical support for Windows XP will no longer be available, including automatic updates that make your computer more secure. You can continue to use Windows XP, but your computer may become vulnerable to attacks and viruses. A reason to hang a black ribbon on the monitor screen of an old PS. The future is Windows 8.1. A curtain.

The future that we have been waiting for since the premiere of the second “Terminator”, and then from the show of Diane Von Furstenberg’s collection, where models sported gadget accessories from Sergey Brin, is coming! The commercial launch of computer glasses was postponed several times. The final release date is May 2014. The lucky owner of Google Glass will be able to see reality through messages from friends, air temperature readings, a turn-by-turn navigator, a guide to an unfamiliar city, and much more. You won't believe it until you try it!

In 2014, Apple promises to present several must-have and must-touch products in the fall of 2014. The main sensations, according to analysts, will be: a budget version of the iMac desktop computer, a new screen for the iPad tablet and the first affordable 12-inch MacBook. There are also rumors that Apple is working on an iPhone with a larger screen size, a TV and a smartwatch.

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