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» Using infrared lamps to heat rooms. Effective and simple ways to heat rooms: infrared emitters Calculation of heating animals with infrared lamps

Using infrared lamps to heat rooms. Effective and simple ways to heat rooms: infrared emitters Calculation of heating animals with infrared lamps

Staying at a dacha or in a country house in winter should be comfortable and convenient. Therefore, you should take care of high-quality heating. Among other heating devices available to modern consumers, infrared heating lamps are especially worth highlighting. They will be discussed further in the material.

Although infrared heaters were developed and began to be used at the end of the 20th century, they were only recently appreciated. Currently, heating lamps are actively used for heating small rooms, although they are not suitable for heating the entire house.

What are space heating lamps?

Infrared lamps for heating rooms are in great demand both for use in commercial premises and in private residential buildings. They can replace traditional, bulky and immobile devices running on solid fuel or gas. In appearance, infrared heaters resemble ordinary light bulbs, the only difference being their high thermal power and color - white or red.

Essentially, this is a lamp with a bulb filled with a mixture of argon and nitrogen, in which a tungsten filament is placed. The cartridge for it is installed in standard size E27, but only made of ceramic - plastic will not withstand high temperatures.

You can purchase such heating lamps either assembled inside a finished device or separately. The inside of the lampshade in the heater is usually made mirrored to reflect heat waves toward the room.


The main characteristics of infrared lamps are:

  • incandescent temperature – 600 ℃;
  • maximum operating power – 500 W;
  • mains voltage – 220 V;
  • infrared wave range – up to 5 microns;
  • service life – up to 6000 hours.

When choosing IKZK lamps for heating in your home, you should calculate their number based on the power standard of 1 kW per 10 m2. This standard applies to insulated rooms with plastic double-glazed windows, as well as with insulation laid on the floor, ceiling and doorway. If there are uninsulated places in the room through which the cold can penetrate into the room, you will have to increase the number of heating devices or their power.

Pros and cons of red heat lamps

Heating devices with infrared lamps are quite in demand among consumers, especially if there is no opportunity, time or desire to build something larger and permanent. Therefore, such heating lamps are very often purchased by owners of dachas and country houses.

Let's consider the main advantages of this type of heating devices:

  • heat lamps for heating do not burn oxygen during operation and do not evaporate moisture from the air, unlike other portable devices;
  • During the operation of infrared heaters, no convective air flows occur, which provides residents with a comfortable microclimate;
  • the use of ceiling lamps for heating of the PLEN type can significantly save the usable space of the room and ensure sufficient efficiency;
  • heating devices do not create any noise and are absolutely non-toxic;
  • installation of such equipment is profitable from a financial point of view and allows you to effectively heat a certain area of ​​the room;
  • there are no additional costs for the purchase of fuel materials, so heating costs are reduced by approximately 60%;
  • the service life of film-type infrared heaters is about 30 years or even more;
  • since the operation of a lamp for heating rooms is not associated with the combustion of fuel materials, they do not emit any combustion products, therefore, additional ventilation in the room is not required;
  • heaters with infrared lamps are not afraid of power surges or power outages, they still remain operational;
  • to avoid breakdowns due to overloads or overheating (the body of the device does not heat up more than 38 ℃), heaters are usually equipped with a protective mechanism;
  • such lamps do not cause fires, and the possibility of electric shock is excluded;
  • the use of equipment from this group is very convenient because they can be left turned on even if no one is in the house, while the necessary microclimate will be maintained in the room and there is no fear of fires or accidents;
  • The power of infrared lamps is quite enough to efficiently heat even fairly large rooms, providing optimal living conditions. The only thing is to select the required number of lamps based on the size of the room.

It is noteworthy that, according to medical research, infrared radiation has a general strengthening effect on a person, so the presence of such devices in an apartment to some extent contributes to the health of the body.

Like any other electrical device, an infrared heating lamp creates an electromagnetic field, but it is so insignificant that it is not worth attention. But the ease of installation of such equipment can easily be considered a plus.

Models of infrared heaters are available for sale that can operate autonomously and are easily programmed. For example, if you want an infrared light lamp to heat a room to a certain temperature, and only while you are in it, you just need to install the appropriate program, and the equipment will turn off at a specified time. In addition, such devices are able to remember the entered parameters, so you do not have to set them again.

Among the disadvantages, there is only one circumstance that can become an obstacle to the use of infrared lamps for heating rooms. We are talking about the availability and consistency of electricity supply in the house. However, there is always a way out of the situation - the devices can be connected to a charged battery or uninterruptible power supply, which will ensure the operation of the equipment for the required time. True, in order to avoid surprises, it is worth monitoring the charge level and operating condition of the equipment.

Operating principle of heaters with IR radiation

The peculiarity of equipment with IR lamps is that the thermal energy emitted by them is transferred to the surfaces of objects or people in the room, and is not absorbed by the air. This is the main difference between such devices and conventional electric heaters. Heating of objects is carried out only in the field of exposure to lamps. Thus, heat accumulates in solid objects, such as walls, pieces of furniture, and is then transferred into the room and warms the air.

As already mentioned, a red heat lamp emits heat waves only in the area at which it is directed. In this regard, only local heating occurs.

Some consumers mistakenly believe that heating with infrared lamps is only advisable in industrial premises or office buildings, while their home use is not so effective and therefore not justified. However, it turns out that compared to traditional radiator batteries, convectors or oil heaters, heating with incandescent lamps is more efficient and economical. They do not require a supply of fuel to operate, and they consume much less electricity.

A variety of models of heaters with infrared light lamps allows you to conveniently place them in any room. Such devices are compact and do not take up much space. A very convenient option for placing IR heaters would be installation under the ceiling - this way they can cover a larger area. Thanks to modern technologies, manufacturers produce devices that can be easily built into the ceiling - this approach not only allows you to effectively heat the room, but also fits harmoniously into the interior design.

Film-type infrared heating (PLEN)

Another type of heaters with infrared radiation is resistive foil film. Many consumers know it as infrared heated floors. Although in most cases such film is laid under the finishing floor covering, as an option, it can be laid over the entire ceiling or on the walls.

Film-type heating systems have one installation feature - they should not be placed on top of the walls or ceiling, but between the finishing cladding material and the thermal insulation layer.

Thanks to this approach, the use of film heating will be as efficient as possible and will reduce heat loss to a minimum. At the same time, the heating elements of the heating system will not be visible on the surface, so the consumer can implement even the most daring design projects in his home, in which there is no place for traditional floor or hanging heaters.

Practice shows that equipping a residential building with infrared film heating devices helps save energy and financial resources for the consumer by up to 40%.

We hope that the information provided about infrared light lamps for heating will be useful to the consumer, so that he can independently decide on the type and number of heating devices for his home.

An infrared lamp and lamp are light sources that emit heat in the direction they are pointed at. Operating principle: when connected to the electrical network, the lamp filament is instantly heated and, due to the special design of the bulb, infrared radiation is generated, the temperature of which can reach 75 0 C.

Infrared lamps are classified according to the following criteria:

  • application (medical, heating, drying);
  • depending on the wavelength of light (short-wave, medium-wave and long-wave);
  • designs (incandescent, halogen);
  • shape (regular, in the form of tubes);
  • light (red, white, blue);
  • power (from 50 to 500 W).

The scope of application of such lamps is extensive. They can be used to heat small areas (kiosks, balconies, winter gardens, living spaces, offices, etc.). They are also used for medical purposes. An infrared lamp for treatment has found application for colds, pain in joints and muscles, and lowering blood pressure. Such lamps can be bought at a pharmacy. In paint shops, repair shops, and auto repair shops, infrared radiation lamps are sources that speed up the drying of paints, enamels and varnishes and make coatings of higher quality.

Agriculture is an industry that cannot do without infrared lamps. In livestock and poultry farming they are used for heating and raising young animals. Infrared illumination not only heats, but also increases appetite in calves, piglets, foals, and chicks, which increases weight gain. In addition, the young body of animals and birds is better able to resist disease. In a brooder where chickens or other poultry are raised, infrared radiation also dries the hay, which improves hygiene. Directed heat provides the required temperature conditions. Installing such heat and lighting sources in greenhouses and winter gardens promotes crop growth, because allows you to adjust the heating height of seedlings and seedlings.


A regular incandescent lamp and an infrared lamp have much in common. Structurally, the IR light source is a flask with a mirror amalgam applied to its inner surface. Inside the red, blue or white glass body there is a tungsten filament. The hermetic housing is filled with gas (a mixture of nitrogen and argon in various proportions). For connection to a power source, the heat and light emitter is equipped with an E27 ceramic socket.

Powerful products have protective fittings that protect the source of heat and light from moisture and overheating and can be used in dusty and damp rooms.

Low-temperature models, which include long-wave products, are ideal for use in private homes and apartments, medium-wave models heat the areas of kiosks, shops, stalls and other medium-sized premises, and short-wave models warm up production workshops, warehouses and large premises.


The main advantages of IR radiation sources include:

  • small dimensions;
  • possibility of use for different purposes;
  • high efficiency;
  • instant warm-up;
  • noiselessness;
  • they do not burn oxygen;
  • quick installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety.

Main settings

When choosing a lamp, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • lamp type;
  • power;
  • cartridge type.

Infrared lamps will replace expensive equipment for drying, treatment and heating. You just need to choose the right source of light and heat. The best products are considered to be from General Electric (USA), Philips (Netherlands), Osram and Sylvania (Germany), which are world leaders in the production of lighting equipment. These companies produce their lamps using high-tech equipment from high-quality materials in compliance with production technology. Therefore, their products can last 6,000 hours or more. Customer reviews indicate that the most popular models are: Rubystar, Thera Red and Halotherm from the German company Osram, Ir from Sylvania.

Video about infrared lamps

Chicken coops, as a rule, do not have central heating and many poultry farmers are faced with the fact that in winter their pets freeze their combs or paws or do not survive the winter at all.

For winter poultry farming, it is very important to have a well-insulated, windproof chicken coop, but with prolonged subzero temperatures outside, even in very well-insulated chicken coops, the temperature still drops to sub-zero, which is unacceptable.
An electric heater can help in this situation.
Almost the best option for a chicken coop are ceiling-mounted infrared heaters.

We list the main advantages:
. The heater located in the middle of the ceiling heats all surfaces evenly.
. Unlike convectors, oil and fan heaters, it does not create air circulation and, therefore, does not raise dust and hay.
. Since a ceiling infrared heater first heats the surfaces, the floor temperature will be about a degree higher than the air temperature. That is, the water in the drinking bowl will not freeze and the chickens will not freeze their paws. When using convective heaters, hot air will accumulate near the ceiling, and the floor temperature will be significantly lower and may be sub-zero.
. The likelihood of feathers, hay and bird waste products getting on the heater located on the ceiling is minimal. Therefore, they will not stain the heater, impairing its efficiency, and will not emit unpleasant odors when heated.
. The surface temperature of the ceiling infrared heater is 200-250 degrees. This is significantly lower than the temperature at which hay or fluff can ignite. They require a temperature of about 400 degrees to ignite.
. When placing the heater on the ceiling, it is easier to place the power wires in such a way as to prevent them from being accidentally damaged by birds.
. The offered ceiling infrared heaters are designed for a long service life. Working unattended throughout the winter is a normal and safe mode for them.
. Ceiling infrared heaters are economical.

Model selection. A chicken coop rarely requires the sophisticated appearance of a heater. The main characteristics are usually reliability and low cost. These requirements are met by Ecoline, Loriot, Almak heaters. They are reliable, have a service life of 25 years and are the most popular among our poultry customers. You can also use more expensive ceiling heaters designed for heating residential premises, but you will not get much benefit.

For a good insulated chicken coop, you should select heaters at the rate of 100 W per 1 square meter. In addition to the heater, you should purchase a thermostat. The heater itself does not have any adjustments; the temperature is set on a thermostat, which should be placed on the wall at a height of half a meter to one and a half meters in a place inaccessible to birds. The thermostat should be set to the required temperature (for a chicken coop, usually about 10 degrees) and it will automatically maintain it by periodically turning the heater on and off. You will also need electrical wires to install the heater. A wire should be drawn from the heater to the thermostat, and from the thermostat either to the input circuit breaker or to the nearest outlet.
You can use any thermostat that is used for heaters (that is, with a built-in temperature sensor).

Such a system can operate all winter in automatic mode without supervision. If you turn it off briefly and then turn it back on, the heater will continue to operate in automatic mode.

Alternative option. Panels. In addition to high-temperature heaters, lower-temperature STEP panels can be used to heat chicken coops. They have several advantages:
. STEP panels have a larger area, therefore heating the chicken coop will be more uniform.
. The surface temperature of STEP panels is about 70 degrees. If you accidentally touch it, you will not get burned.
. STEP heaters are only 2 cm thick and are mounted close to the ceiling. They can also be mounted on the wall, but ceiling placement is more effective.
. STEP panels have a high degree of dust and moisture protection (IP66), which allows direct ingress of water and operation in very dusty rooms.

Alternative option. Infrared film. Also a good option is heating the chicken coop using infrared film. The main disadvantage of infrared film is that it must be installed during the construction of the chicken coop and it is highly advisable to then cover it with a decorative coating, for example, hardboard. The best placement of the film is on the ceiling, but it can be on the floor, or you can combine both the floor and the ceiling. The total power of the infrared film is selected in the same way as the power of the heaters - at least 1 kW per 10 square meters.
Among the advantages of film are the invisibility of this type of heating and greater uniformity of heating, since almost the entire ceiling will have to be covered with film. The downside is that installation is much more labor-intensive and it is especially difficult to install it in an already built and used chicken coop.

Consumption. The consumption of a heating system for a chicken coop will primarily depend on the quality of the thermal insulation (insulation) of the chicken coop, secondly on the outside air temperature and only a third on the power of the heater. The reason is that a heater with the correct power does not work all the time. Depending on the air temperature in the chicken coop, the thermostat periodically turns the heater on and off and thus maintains the set temperature. If the outside air temperature drops, the heater is on for more time and off for less time, and, conversely, when the outside temperature rises, the heater is on for less time and off more.
On average, we can assume that consumption in central Russia in winter will be 20-30% of the rated power consumption of a properly selected heater.
For example, if you have a high-quality chicken coop with an area of ​​6 square meters, then a 600 W heater will suit you. Average consumption in winter will be approximately 150 Wh/hour or 3600 Wh/day or about 100 kWh per month. If the cost of electricity is 5 rubles per 1 kW, we get 500 rubles per month. On warmer spring and autumn days the amount will decrease. You also need to understand that the better you insulate your chicken coop, the less you will pay for electricity.

Infrared lamps. Infrared lamps refer to lamps that screw into a standard lamp socket and glow red or warm white when operating. Such lamps are quite popular in poultry farming, but we do not recommend using them for heating a chicken coop in winter.
Firstly, such lamps have a rather short resource. By design, these are ordinary incandescent lamps with only increased power. If such a lamp suddenly burns out, the chickens may freeze. And secondly, infrared lamps heat up to high temperatures (above 500 degrees) and hay or feathers caught on them can catch fire.
Such lamps are more suitable for heating chicks; they emit very intense heat, which can replace the warmth of a hen for the chicks.

Other heaters. We do not recommend using other heaters to heat chicken coops. In particular, we do not recommend medium and short-wave infrared (these are those that glow red during operation), convective-infrared, convectors, oil heaters, fan heaters, heat guns, most baseboards, as well as all kinds of ceramic, quartz and others.
Most of these heaters are less effective or do not provide any advantages compared to long-wave ceiling heaters or infrared film at a comparable price, and some can be simply dangerous in a chicken coop and cause injury to birds or a fire.

Review of the heater in the chicken coop

Heaters for dog houses and enclosures

There are 3 options for placing dogs and animals of similar sizes in rooms that require heating. It can be:
. Street booths
. Outdoor enclosures
. Aviaries in rooms that require additional heating.

Street booths. The most optimal option for heating a dog house is heating with infrared film. In this case, the film is installed on the ceiling or floor. For greater heating, it can be installed on all surfaces: floor, ceiling and walls. First, foil insulation is fixed to these surfaces, an infrared film is placed on it, and a decorative coating is placed on top (hardboard, plywood, lining). The big advantage of this option for heating the booth is that the dog cannot accidentally damage it with its claws or teeth. You can turn on such heating either manually before severe frosts, or install a thermostat. It makes sense to use a thermostat with a remote temperature sensor (usually these are used for heated floors). The thermostat is installed outside the booth in a sealed box or in a place inaccessible to precipitation, and the sensor is installed inside the booth and is protected from accidental damage by the dog. In this case, the system becomes automated and autonomous. All you have to do is choose the temperature that will be most comfortable for your dog.
You can also use STEP panels, fixing them on the wall or ceiling, or a STEP heating rug, placing it on the floor. The main thing is to take care of the mechanical protection of the supply wires. Just as in the case of infrared film, it is possible, and in some cases desirable, to install a thermostat.
It is impossible to say exactly how much power will be needed to heat the booth, since, in fact, the booth is not a completely insulated room. It has an open entrance that is directly connected to the surrounding air. Therefore, in the case of heating with film or panels, you can install as many as fit in the geometric dimensions. In severe frost, it’s still impossible to achieve heat in the booth. And the thermostat will save you from overheating during warming periods.
Conventional (non-panel) ceiling heaters are not suitable for heating the booth due to the high temperature of their surface. The dog may get burned. Other types of heaters are also not particularly applicable.

Outdoor enclosures. It is impossible to fully heat outdoor enclosures. Using waterproof panels or warm STEP rugs, you can only create local zones to which the dog can lean and better survive cold periods.
Outdoor heaters can be used for short periods of time. . We recommend using Heliosa models without a remote control. They are able to operate at high sub-zero temperatures and have a high degree of moisture protection. Such heaters should be installed at such a height that the dog cannot reach it. The heat from it will be like the warmth of the sun or a fire. It is not recommended to use such heaters for constant heating, since they are not designed for autonomous operation and have a lamp life of about 5000 hours.

Indoor enclosures. Indoor enclosures are characterized by the fact that they have a positive temperature and have a common roof. However, sometimes the temperature is still insufficient and additional heating is required. For this, as in the case of outdoor enclosures, STEP panels and rugs may be suitable, or you can, by analogy with a chicken coop, install a ceiling infrared heater. You should use a heater with a power of about 1 kW and install it at a height of 2-2.5 meters. Such a heater, of course, will not raise the temperature in the entire room, but it will create a local heating effect. The heat from it will not be as intense as from an outdoor heater, but it will be comfortable and not excessive.

Heaters for horses and cattle

In Russia, as a rule, horses are kept in stalls with a common corridor and roof, and cows and other cattle are kept in covered barns. Such premises are similar in structure to the version of indoor dog enclosures described above. The only difference is that horses and cows have tremendous strength and can damage any heater within reach, causing damage and possibly starting a fire.
Therefore, the heater should be placed beyond the reach of animals, and ceiling heaters are best suited for this.
For local heating, 2 kW heaters should be used, installed at a height of 3-4 meters directly above the animal. But ceiling heaters can also be used to heat an entire stable or barn. The total power of the heaters is selected based on the area and thermal insulation of the room. On average, this is usually about 1 kW per 10 square meters. In this case, the heaters are placed evenly over the entire ceiling area. For ceilings higher than 4 meters, 3 or 4 kilowatt heaters can be used.

Another problem horse owners face is drying their animals after washing. In stable conditions, horses can get colds after washing. To prevent this, a blanket is put on the horse, but it will be much better if an additional warming procedure is carried out using outdoor short-wave infrared heaters.
To do this, outdoor heaters are installed in the stall or in some place in the stable in such a way as to warm the horse from the sides. Usually 2-4 heaters with a power of 2 kW are used.

This heating dries the hair and increases blood circulation in the skin, which significantly reduces the likelihood of catching a cold and, like the effects of an infrared sauna, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

An infrared heating lamp is especially valuable on farms and farmsteads. In order to ensure maximum growth and development for pets, optimal conditions are needed to facilitate this. This is most important during the period of maturation of young animals.

One of these conditions is the correct temperature. After all, the premises where animals are kept are not always equipped with heaters. This is precisely the question that is solved.

1 What are infrared heating lamps?

An infrared heating lamp is used in the same way as standard light bulbs. It screws into a regular E27 type socket. The lamp consists of a glass bulb, which is filled with a gaseous mixture of argon and nitrogen.. Inside this composition there is a tungsten filament, which ignites the mixture and thereby distributes mid-wave IR rays.

Most lamp models are a regular light bulb with glass painted on the inside with a special dye. Some models are also complemented by mirrors that direct the rays. They are made in the form of a lamp.

An IR lamp that heats a room has high performance characteristics:

  • device power in the range from 50 to 500 W;
  • service life is about 5-6 thousand hours without replacement;
  • temperature during operation can reach 600 degrees;
  • the red heating lamp operates at a voltage of 220 volts;
  • The range of infrared radiation in which the device operates is from 3.5 to 5 microns.

Despite the high functionality and solid performance characteristics, such a device in Russia costs on average only 250 rubles.

Infrared lamps are most often supplied to the market in two versions: with a white surface and with a red surface. The first option is more often used as a lighting device in residential premises. The second option is a pet heater. The IR rays emitted by such a lamp are practically no different from the sun. The only difference is the complete absence of ultraviolet radiation.

The surface of the socket with which the IR lamp is used must necessarily be ceramic. During operation, the lighting device gets very hot and a standard plastic socket will not be able to withstand it.

1.1 Advantages of using infrared lamps

Such illuminators are completely harmless to living organisms and highly economical to use. In addition, the IR lamp has the following advantages:

  • unlike large infrared and radiator-type heaters, the lamp does not require a separate free corner in the room;
  • when the device is operating, oxygen is not burned, even despite the high temperature;
  • the light from such a lamp reaches objects with virtually no loss;
  • the temperature in the room rises faster than when large heaters operate;
  • suitable for working in small spaces;
  • does not create noise during operation;
  • does not raise dust in the room.

In addition, the lamp is easy to install. It is enough to screw it into the socket in the selected room and the lamp is ready for use.

1.2 Using a pet heat lamp

Infrared light is effective not only for heating residential premises, but also for warming livestock buildings. It is especially useful for newborn pets. This light allows you to maintain a stable temperature, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes. This ensures normal growth and development of young animals.

There are certain standards that make it possible to create an optimal temperature regime for newborns using an infrared lamp. For piglets and small goats from birth to one week of age, the device is installed at a height of 50 cm from the floor level. As you grow older, your temperature can gradually decrease.

For animals at 2 and 3 weeks of age, this figure is 75 cm. For the age group of 4 weeks and above, the lamp is permanently installed at a height of 100 cm. This mode allows you to create a comfortable temperature for animals in an area of ​​1 square meter.

For young horses, it is better to install a lamp with IR radiation at an angle of 40-45 degrees. This installation method provides the best development indicators.

As for heating time for newborn animals, the lighting should be constant for the first couple of weeks of development. Then you can gradually increase the pause time and reduce the duration of the lighting period. In winter, the lamp for young animals is constantly on. In summer and spring, the heater heats up for 3-5 hours, after which there is a pause for 15-30 minutes.

An IR heating lamp will be no less useful. In this case, the operating mode will be slightly different:

  • Before the chick reaches 20 days of age, red infrared light is used;
  • after 20 days of life, the color of the lamp must be changed to white;
  • it is very important to maintain a stable operating mode of the heater, otherwise the chickens’ body biorhythms associated with the time of day will be disrupted;
  • The IR lamp is wiped free of dust and dirt when installed in a cage and when turned off;
  • The temperature in the first days of the chickens’ life should be maintained at 35-37 degrees, constantly measuring it with a thermostat.

In order to set the desired temperature, the lamp is installed at different heights. At the same time, the temperature is constantly recorded with a thermometer or. The point at which the light bulb creates the indicators specified by the standards is fixed for the entire period of maturation of the young animals.

If an inexpensive lamp is chosen for heating, it is better to protect it with a mesh frame. Such models do not provide protection from mechanical damage and moisture, and the body is quite fragile. Chickens can easily pierce it with their beak. The fragments can cause serious damage to them.

Based on the results of many studies, scientists have concluded that the red light of IR lamps has a very beneficial effect on the development of birds. Growth accelerates by 10-15%. At the same time, the level of stress and aggressiveness in chickens is significantly reduced.

1.3 Infrared lamp for heating animals (video)

1.4 Using infrared light to heat seedlings

Such heaters are also great for caring for seedlings in winter. They will be a good alternative to sunlight and will effectively influence development.

The lamps are installed on movable pendants, at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from one another. In this case, the movable suspension should provide the ability to freely lower and raise the lamp. This measure is necessary due to the fact that for normal plant growth, the distance from the light source to its above-ground organs must be constantly stable. Therefore, the lamps constantly rise as the crops grow.

2 How to choose a high-quality IR lamp on the domestic market?

The most popular manufacturers of infrared lamps today are Philips, Osram, InterHeat. Their products are valued for their high quality and stable performance.

When buying IR lamps, it is better not to chase low prices. This cost will be commensurate with the quality. You should also not buy products without license marks from the manufacturer. Such light bulbs often turn out to be fake and can fire at the slightest change in the voltage in the network. This in turn poses a risk of injury to poultry chicks and young animals.

Many lamps are characterized by increased protection of the housing from chemical, thermal and mechanical influences. This type of lamp is most optimal for installation in livestock buildings.