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» Getting rid of parasites in the chicken coop. External parasites of poultry and how to deal with them

Getting rid of parasites in the chicken coop. External parasites of poultry and how to deal with them

The worst-case scenario is the death of the bird. However, this happens extremely rarely and only in the absence of proper care or if the disease is detected at a late stage.

Infestation of chickens with worms occurs due to poor hygiene

Chicken Treatment Methods

The main measure to combat worms is pharmaceutical preparations. They are effective, act quickly and help cure even the chronic form of the disease. In addition, they apply aids based folk recipes. They do not give results immediately.

Review of pharmaceutical drugs

If worms appear in chickens, the question of how to treat them is resolved quite simply. Popular drugs:

Used in the form of phosphate, adipate, sulfate or hexahydrate. Chickens should be given medicine in the morning, before their main meal. The dose for adults is 0.25 g once, for chickens up to 4 months of age - 0.1 g. Piperazine dithiocarbamate is injected with a syringe into the esophagus, the dosage is calculated based on the ratio: 0.2 g / 1 kg of weight.

Treatment is carried out for 2 days. Dosage: 0.005 g once per bird.

Available in powder form. It is given to the bird mixed with food. This remedy copes with worms on different stages development, including the incubation period. It is recommended to re-give the drug 3-4 weeks after the initial treatment.

Contains albendazole. This is an effective substance against helminths of various types. The drug at a concentration of 10% is sold in powder form. Recommended dosage: 1 g per kilogram of bird weight.


This is a remedy with a wide area of ​​influence, which means that it can be used to cure a chicken of various types of worms, including insects. Ivermectin-based products are not licensed for poultry, which means you need to consult a veterinarian. Only a doctor can prescribe the right dosage. Typically, ivermectin is used externally - the skin between the bird's shoulder blades is treated.


Effective against ascariasis. The product is given by mixing with food. After 5-6 days, the treatment is repeated.


Dosage: 0.3 g per 1 kg of weight. To enhance the effect of the drug, the chicken will be kept without food for some time (about 18 hours). Treatment for worms is repeated after 6 days.

Dissolves in water. It must be given to the bird in the form of a liquid to drink.

It must be remembered that while using pharmaceutical drugs, you cannot eat poultry meat and eggs. After completion of treatment, you should wait 2 weeks, only after this you are allowed to introduce eggs into your diet. Meat is not consumed for 2 months after the end of the medication course.

Folk remedies

Popular and effective method treatment of helminthiasis – pumpkin seeds. They are regularly added to poultry feed. It also has anthelmintic properties green onions. It is pre-crushed.

Other products that help remove worms:

  • Fresh yeast
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Garlic
  • Rose hip
  • Cowberry
  • Pumpkin pulp.

You can simultaneously introduce one or more products into the bird’s diet. It is necessary to grind them first so that the chicken can easily swallow the food.

They use certain types of herbs: wormwood, tansy. They are used to form litter on the floor of the chicken coop. Effective medicine for worms - a decoction of sorrel, chamomile, birch buds. You need to give this solution 3 times a month.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the bird's immunity. To do this, the diet is adjusted, rich nutrients products (lysine and calcium are especially important), and also add vitamins to the food (the complex must contain vitamin A).

Useful video: Worms in chickens, their treatment and prevention

How is prevention against worms carried out?

It is better to try to prevent helminthiasis than to treat it later. For this reason, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

Thus, birds are also susceptible to infection with worms, like animals, as well as humans. Timely detection of a parasitic disease can prevent its development.

Lice and mites

Mite larvae found on the feathers of chickens are easily transported by the wind to other surfaces. This could be the clothing of a farm worker, the fur of a pet, the body of cattle, etc.

In chickens, mites and lice do not appear immediately - usually from the moment of infection it takes from several weeks to one month (this is due to the characteristics of life cycle insects). The progression of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of irritation on the skin, constant itching, loss of appetite, and constant anxiety.

Only after taking such measures does the next stage begin - processing the chicken coop.

The chicken coop is treated with pesticides, for example: synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides.

Products that contain chlorinated hydrocarbons are prohibited for treating chicken coops, since they have a bad effect on chicken eggs.

Helminths in chickens

Treatment of laying hens involves the use of mainly two drugs. The first of them in popularity is flubenvet(Latin transcription Flubenvet). The powdered drug is mixed into the feed. Treatment lasts for seven days, during which the birds consume 3 grams of medicine per 1 kilogram of feed every day. Such measures should be applied at least once a month.

The basis of the action of ivermectin is the paralytic effect on the larvae and adults of helminths, due to which they lose orientation in space and are no longer able to move, reproduce and feed. Within one to two days, helminths are eliminated from the body along with feces.

And finally, the third option is drug treatment Harka-mectin. Its effect is similar to that of the previous medicine, since the drug consists of one third of ivermectin.

Birds show nervousness, often pick feathers with their beaks or paws, and do not lay eggs well. A chicken suffering from lice or fleas will quickly lose weight. If you begin to notice similar symptoms in your chicken family, then take the bird and take a closer look at it.

In order to be guaranteed to get rid of bedbugs, lice and fleas, it is not enough to use preparations for chickens, you will need a complete sanitary treatment of the chicken coop!

Folk remedies

Inside the chicken coop and in the nests of birds, you can lay out twigs of some plants. It has been noted that tansy, wild rosemary, rosemary, and wormwood help get rid of fleas.

Thanks to their pungent odor, they will be able to protect your chickens from blood-sucking insects. It is worth noting that it is best to lay out plants for preventive purposes. But even at the stage of infection of chickens, they will also perform an important function.

Vegetable oil helps get rid of ticks. There is no need to coat the whole chicken with this product. Usually they drop directly on the attached tick and it lags behind.

The question of how to remove bedbugs will be solved by a mixture of tar and vegetable oil . The resulting composition must be treated with everything inner space premises.

It must be recalled that bedbugs can exist for quite a long time without their host. Therefore, pay great attention to internal processing.

Used machine oil mixed with creolin helps get rid of ticks.. It is recommended to treat birds' legs and perches with the resulting composition.

It needs to be clarified that folk remedies It is good to use when there are no more than 20 laying hens in your coop. The fact is that almost everything people's councils, are built on individual processing of each bird. If your farm contains more than a hundred birds, then processing each chicken individually will be very problematic.

Chemical control methods

In order to get rid of lice, you can use medications designed to solve similar problems in cats and dogs. You can buy them at any pet store.

It is better to purchase drops; they are rubbed into the skin of the birds. Do not purchase products that contain chlorine.. This substance tends to accumulate in muscle tissue, which will negatively affect the quality of chicken meat.

Such products as “Bars”, “Neotomazan”, “Stomazon”, “Frontline”, “Perol-A” have proven themselves well. When using these products, do not overdo it. No matter how much you want to help your chickens get rid of bedbugs and ticks, you must strictly adhere to the dosage of the medications. Otherwise, you may harm the birds.

When working with dust, extreme caution must be taken. It is a very toxic substance and if used too much it can kill chickens. The same can be said about karbofos and chlorophos.

In large farms and in poultry farms, Butox is widely used. This product is usually produced in the form of an aqueous solution that must be applied to the feathers of chickens.

Deltamethrin powder has the same effect. This powder is also applied to the plumage of birds. When working with the drug, be careful, avoid getting the product into the respiratory tract.

Remember that a one-time treatment of the entire chicken population is recommended. Therefore, if you have a lot of poultry on your farm, it makes sense to call your neighbors for help. On large farms, the entire staff is usually involved in sanitizing the birds.

All traces of the birds’ vital activity are completely cleared from the premises, bedding and straw are removed from the nests. The chicken coop is thoroughly washed and scalded with hot water.

You can re-whiten the walls using a mixture of bleach and slaked lime. It is worth noting that it is also better to wash the room with bleach.

After the smell of chlorine has disappeared, the chickens can be returned to their usual habitat, having first covered the floor with fresh bedding.

  1. Try to protect the chicken coop from rats and mice. These rodents are the main carriers of lice and fleas.
  2. Clean regularly interior spaces chicken coop and the surrounding area.
  3. Visually inspect laying hens frequently. Infected individuals must be isolated from other birds.
  4. When buying a new laying hen, keep it in a separate room for some time. The new bird should be released to other birds only after preventative treatment.