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» Izospan a is an under-roof wind and moisture protective membrane. Wind- and moisture-proof membrane "Izospan": technical characteristics, installation Moisture-proof membrane for roofing

Izospan a is an under-roof wind and moisture protective membrane. Wind- and moisture-proof membrane "Izospan": technical characteristics, installation Moisture-proof membrane for roofing


1. Wind and moisture protective film can cover the air gap, significantly reducing its thickness. As a result, air movement in the interlayer will not occur or will be very weak, and therefore the effect of removing water vapor from the structure, for which this interlayer is provided, will be absent. Moreover, it is characteristic that such a mistake is made not only through the fault of the installers. It is often included in the system at the design stage.

The load-bearing functions in hinged ventilated facades are performed by a metal frame (substructure) formed by horizontal and vertical guides. Very often in such systems the windproof film is installed not on top of the insulation, which would be logical, but between the guides. As a result, the thickness of the ventilated layer between the film and the cladding becomes equal to the thickness of the vertical layer on the guide and is no more than 25 mm, which contradicts the requirements of the standards, where the minimum thickness of the air layer is regulated by 40 or 60 mm. That is, in this case, two mistakes are made: firstly, the film is not mounted close to the insulation, and secondly, the thickness of the ventilated air layer decreases. Both noted circumstances reduce the efficiency of removing moisture from the surface of the insulation.

2. The use of windproof film can lead to waterlogging of the insulation of the façade structure. This happens in cases where, due to the lack of competence of façade manufacturers, films with increased vapor permeability resistance are used as wind protection. Many installers have no idea about the physical processes occurring in a ventilated facade, and do not even suspect that the structure is not moistened by the moisture of the outside air, but due to the transfer of steam from the internal air of the room through the structure to the outer layers of insulation. Therefore, instead of wind protection, all kinds of films are installed, sometimes with a high value of resistance to vapor permeation, even polyethylene film. For example, in the city of Yakutsk, many facades were built in which polyethylene film was used as wind and hydroprotection. When conducting field studies of these facades in winter, the presence of ice was established between the polyethylene film and the insulation. Moistening the outer layer of insulation in winter leads to a decrease in its durability.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that data on the vapor permeability resistance of some windproof materials are either simply absent or are given in units that cannot characterize the vapor permeability of materials at all (sometimes these values ​​are given, but in units of measurement that do not correspond to those specified parameters, for example: g/sq. m per day). This is especially true for materials of imported origin. The joint venture “Design of Thermal Protection of Buildings” presents a table of vapor permeability resistance of various sheet materials, including some films and coatings. However, there is no data on the vapor permeability of windproof films used in curtain wall systems in this table.

To be fair, it should be noted that the vapor permeability resistance of Tyvek film is known - it is about 0.1 square meters. m h Pa/mg (for example, according to our experimental data it is equal to 0.055 sq. m h Pa/mg). Thus, Tyvek film has a fairly low vapor permeability resistance value. Even with such a film, if it is not installed close to the surface of the insulation, and the steam flow from the structure is significant, condensation may form on the surface facing the insulation in winter, which freezes at subzero temperatures.

3. Windproof film can be used to deliberately hide defects in the thermal insulation layer. In this case, for example, there are gaps between the insulation boards or fragments of the insulation boards are not fastened. In the latter case, during the operation of the facade, the insulation layer may be damaged, and, accordingly, the thermal protection of the building will be significantly reduced. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon in construction practice.

4. Windproof films are polymer-based products and belong to materials of flammability group G2; when exposed to open fire, they ignite (with the ensuing consequences - if a fire occurs, they can contribute to its development). The dangers that flammable components of façade systems can pose have been shown by fires that have occurred recently. For example, the fire of Tyvek film during welding work on the 17th floor of a building with an installed facade led to the spread of fire to the first floor and to numerous damage to the facade. It is practically impossible to exclude the use of open fire when carrying out a number of works on a building with an already installed facade: this is roofing work on the roof, welding work on balconies and loggias, fusing waterproofing on the blind area of ​​the building, etc. Therefore, it is practically impossible to exclude the possibility of fire of the windproof film.

Windproof membrane is a fairly new material on the construction market. Its demand began to grow with the peak of popularity of the construction of frame houses. But besides this, such a membrane material is very important not only when insulating the walls of a house, but also when arranging the roof, where it has become an integral layer of the “pie”. This stage during construction work should be provided for at the design stage or at the very beginning of repairs. This article will discuss how to choose a windproof membrane for your home and install it correctly.

  1. Manufacturers of vapor-permeable windproof membranes
    • "Ondulin"
    • "Izospan"
  2. Installation of a windproof membrane. FAQ

The importance of a hydro and windproof membrane for the home

  • Regardless of what material the house is built from, when insulating it, it is imperative to provide a windproof layer. Its task is to protect the thermal insulation material from the effects of strong air currents, partially absorbing air pressure. But, at the same time, without in any way reducing the vapor-permeable characteristics of the material with which the facades of the house are lined. Therefore, we can conclude that it is the windproof membrane that guarantees the preservation of all the important characteristics of the insulation, allowing you to extend its service life.
  • But we must not forget that from the inside of the house you need to make a vapor barrier membrane film that will protect the insulation from water vapor. When wet, it immediately deteriorates its properties and high heat loss begins.

Tip: a windproof single-layer or double-layer membrane is used only on the outside on top of the insulation, and a vapor barrier membrane is used on the inside of the house, as a finishing layer before installing drywall.

  • The importance of using windproof membranes is due to several factors. First of all, this is infiltration, that is, when warm air from the house passes out through very small cracks in the structure of the wall material. This occurs especially often in wooden houses when the wood dries out. The second reason is the ventilation of the walls. Even dense materials such as brick or foam block have sufficient porosity to allow air to pass through. The presence of a windproof film helps to cope with these shortcomings, and, without affecting the vapor barrier qualities, stabilize the microclimate in the room.

  • In addition, the use of wind protection will protect the insulation from excess moisture due to condensation, which often causes mold to form.

Today there is a very wide variety of windproof membranes on sale, both foreign and domestic. They all vary greatly in price and features. According to their technical characteristics, windproof membranes for the home can be divided into:

  • vapor permeable film, promotes the penetration of excess steam from the room, while simultaneously protecting the insulation from rain and cold winds;
  • vapor barrier film, fastened from the side of the living room. Its function is only to remove steam; it cannot be mounted outside;
  • multifunctional membrane, its name speaks for itself. Despite its apparent convenience, it is used much less frequently.

Benefits of using a windproof membrane

  • Environmental friendliness of the material. It is absolutely harmless to both humans and the environment.
  • Fire resistance. It is achieved thanks to the special additives that it contains. They allow you to suppress combustion.
  • Ease of use, is easy to install at any time of the year and does not require personal protective equipment.

  • High technical characteristics. Thus, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture resistant, elastic, resistant to mechanical damage and strong temperature changes.
  • Duration of operation. Does not lose its properties for many decades.

Depending on what goals they want to achieve, windproof film is attached to the walls of houses, roofs or ceilings of attic floors.

A variety of windproof materials for the home

  • Not so long ago, it was not possible to find special windproof membranes on sale, but there was a need for additional material. Therefore, there are several alternative materials that are acceptable for use, although not recommended today. Although their cost is lower, their characteristics are significantly inferior to new high-tech materials.

  • Perhaps the cheapest of all possible materials for windproofing walls is glassine. But, despite its low price, its appearance is so unattractive that most often it is made as a temporary solution with further dismantling.
  • Until now, in the private construction of small houses, ordinary polyethylene film is used as wind protection. But, due to very low vapor permeability properties, excess moisture can accumulate in the thermal insulation material, leading to dire consequences. Vapor permeability is important not only for the insulation itself, but also for the structure of the walls, especially when it comes to a wooden house.

Manufacturers of vapor-permeable windproof membranes


This brand occupies one of the leading positions in the windproof membrane market. It has been known for more than 25 years, during which it has proven the high quality of its products. The hydro-windproof film is sold under the name “Ondutis” and, depending on the purpose and properties, is available in several names:

  • S.A. 115 - this insulating material is a vapor-permeable membrane that is capable of retaining moisture and gusts of wind, while not rotting and has high resistance to tearing and the effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is used to protect insulated structures, walls or roofs from the formation of condensation, atmospheric moisture and strong winds;
  • A 120- also suitable for use on wall and roof structures. A distinctive feature is a higher resistance to solar radiation. Typically sold in rolls 1.5 m wide and 50 m long.
  • A 100- essentially an analogue of the previous one, but cheaper. This is due to lower strength and operating temperature limitations.


This is an excellent combination of price and quality, so you can buy it at any hardware store. The isospan windproof membrane is quite versatile and suitable for use in insulated roofs covered with any roofing material: metal, natural tiles or bitumen tiles.

In addition to the most famous and popular models, there are products with increased fire-resistant qualities on sale. Special fire retardants in the fabric itself help achieve this; this can protect the structure from fire, both during construction work and during operation. Although its price is higher, in some cases fire requirements allow the use of only such a membrane.

Wind protection isospan was constantly improved, which made it possible to achieve a number of advantages over other analogues:

  • compactness and light weight. This is the presence of small rolls that are easy to transport even in public transport;
  • convenient sizes. They allow even one person to install the material, but will not create an unnecessarily large number of joints;
  • high strength characteristics. They make it possible to work even in unfavorable weather conditions, while the risk of tearing the material is minimized;
  • low price. Considering the high consumption of film, this is an important component when choosing;
  • elasticity, resistance to UV rays, temperature changes, etc.

Depending on the specific construction goals, you can also choose the most appropriate option from the line presented by the manufacturer:

  • Izospan A- This windproof is designed for outdoor use. Attached to the wall of the house under a ventilated facade or under the roofing. Its purpose is to protect structural elements and insulation from wind and water. Improved Izospan A with fire retardant properties is also sold;

  • Izospan AM is a two-layer membrane material with high vapor-permeable properties. It will perfectly protect the insulation from condensation, atmospheric humidity and weathering. This is achieved thanks to the special structure of the fabric, the creation of which became possible only with the use of modern technologies. This guarantees high water-resistant characteristics during long-term use in the most extreme weather conditions;

  • IzospanAS- although it is the most expensive in its line, since it is a three-layer material, but thanks to the installation method it can reduce costs. So, it can be mounted directly on top of the insulation, without lathing for the ventilation gap.

Windproof membranes "rockwool"

These are vapor-permeable, wind- and moisture-proof materials that are available in different brands. The choice depends on the specific conditions and goals to be achieved. They are all sold in standard rolls of 70 m2.

  • Rockwoolroof. This is a two-layer membrane that meets all basic requirements. Successfully removes condensation from the roof and protects the insulation from the wind. When using it, be sure to make a ventilation gap of up to 5 cm. The width of the roll is 1.6 m, so it should be placed on the roof in horizontal strips with a gap of at least 15 cm. The top strip of material is laid with a distance of 5-10 cm from the ridge.

  • Rockwoolpartitions. It is chosen if the facades of the house were insulated from the outside. It serves as a protective layer between the thermal insulation material and the outer cladding of siding or any other material. It is attached directly on top of the insulation, pressing it with slats, to which the decorative wall cladding is subsequently attached.
  • Rockwoolpartitions with fire retardant additives. It completely retains all the functions and purpose of the previous type, but it contains special flame retardant additives that help protect the structure from fire for some time.

Types of construction membrane films

All membrane materials for house construction can be divided into several main categories. So, depending on the structure of the material and its purpose, there are vapor-permeable and vapor barrier films.

Vapor barrier membrane

  • It is always installed only from the inside of the house, protecting the cotton insulation from the accumulation of moisture in it from condensation. For example, when installing an attic roof, the insulation from below is covered with just such a film. It can look different: in the form of a smooth paper film of high elasticity and strength with a glossy side or in the form of an aluminum film with a foil side.

Tip: the presence of a vapor barrier on the wall and roof structures of the house creates a “thermos” effect. This is good for saving energy when heating, but it also greatly increases the humidity in the room. Therefore, supply and exhaust ventilation systems must be installed in them.

  • To protect metal roofing materials, such as metal tiles or corrugated sheets, special membrane materials are produced. These films have an anti-condensation coating that protects the metal from corrosion. The principle of its operation lies in the structure of the coating on one of the sides - it is rough to the touch, since it is an adsorbent layer that absorbs condensate rising from the room. A ventilation gap of 2-5 cm is left between such a membrane and the insulation.

Vapor-permeable windproof membranes for walls and roofs

  • They are used outside buildings on top of insulation under cladding or roofing material. In addition to the fact that it successfully protects soft insulation from damage by the wind, it also provides an additional waterproofing layer. Since windproof membranes are a kind of buffer between thermal insulation and the external environment, it is important that they allow all possible moisture from the room to pass into the ventilation gap. This is possible due to the presence of very small perforations, which are invisible to the naked eye. It follows from this that the higher the vapor transmission capacity of a windproof membrane, the more efficiently it will work. According to this principle, it is divided into: diffusion, superdiffusion and pseudodiffusion.

  • Pseudo-diffusion materials in most cases are used in roof construction. This is due to their good waterproofing properties and successful operation with a properly organized ventilation gap. But it is not recommended to lay such a windproof membrane on facades due to its low vapor permeability characteristics. Its pores are so small that they can easily become clogged with dust during strong air currents and stop working.
  • The best windproof membranes for the walls of the house are diffusion and superdiffusion. Their vapor-permeable properties are so good that you don’t have to worry about clogging. Due to the large number of fairly large pores, manufacturers guarantee the correct operation of such materials even without installing lathing on top of them for ventilation.

  • It is worth mentioning separately about this type of windproof films, such as volumetric diffusion membranes. This is an excellent option for roofing work. They are quite dense mats up to 3 m in length and about 8 mm in thickness. Such volumetric polypropylene slabs are an independent layer that separates the insulation and roof covering without additional ventilation. This guarantees high-quality removal of condensate formed under the roof, extending its service life. To fasten it, ordinary nails are used, but the base for it can only be a solid covering, for example, made of plywood.

Wind protection functions

Wind protection for a frame house is a mandatory element that is used in this type of house construction. Such a layer can protect the entire house from blowing. It is worth noting that if this layer is neglected, then during strong winds the walls will let in cold from the outside and give off their heat from the inside. And this will lead to high costs for heating the room.

The wind protection layer has the following functions:

  • ensuring the most acceptable level of microclimate in the house;
  • preventing walls from freezing in winter;
  • protecting your home from moisture;
  • protection from strong winds;
  • ensuring steam escape.


Various materials can be used to create a windproof layer

Polyethylene membranes

Most often, when constructing frame buildings, special films called membranes are used to provide wind protection. Such materials do not let in cold and wind from the street, but at the same time freely release excess moisture from the insulation. Most often, such material is sold in the form of rolls about one and a half meters wide.

Such films can be installed not only during the construction process, but also during renovation work.

The main advantages of this material are:

  • ease of installation;
  • fire resistance;
  • non-toxic;
  • long service life.

When choosing a windproof film, you should pay attention to its vapor permeability properties. It is better to give preference to species with high rates.


Isoplat slabs can be used as wind protection. Such materials will not only provide protection from the wind, but also provide additional heat and waterproofing. Due to their plasticity and density, they are securely attached to the structure of the house, thereby providing reliable protection from wind, cold and moisture.

OSB boards

This option can also be used as a windbreak, but there is one point to consider. They have low vapor permeability. For this reason, when using them, it is worth installing high-quality vapor barrier indoors.

Facade plasterboard

This material is ideal for wind protection at home. At the same time, he will level the walls. Facade plasterboard is an environmentally friendly material, because it is made from natural ingredients.

The advantages of façade type plasterboard are:

  • ease of installation;
  • long service life;
  • fire safety;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

For wind protection of houses, you can use other materials, for example, fiberboard or EPS boards. Each of the materials has its own advantages and features.

Carrying out installation work

A frame wall most often has the following layers:

  • OSB boards;
  • frame racks;
  • insulation;
  • wind protection;
  • finishing.

The process of installing a windproof layer will be considered using a film windproof membrane.

First, thermal insulation of the walls is required. Most often, mineral wool is used for such purposes. Its installation must be done carefully, without the formation of voids or protrusions. The windproof membrane itself is attached to the insulation. The material should be fastened with the drawings facing up (most often, the specifics of the installation process are indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions).

Thanks to excellent transmission properties. The vapor membrane can be mounted tightly to the insulation layer using a construction stapler.

The film is laid horizontally. In this case, it is necessary to make an overlap, the width of which is indicated on the film by the manufacturer. Many manufacturers equip their membranes with an adhesive layer for better sealing. But if there is no such layer, then you can connect the layers using double-sided tape.

Then the membrane is secured with a counter-batten, which is pre-treated with an antiseptic.

After installing the slats, the wind barrier layer is considered complete and the outer walls are ready for finishing.

What is wind and moisture protective film and where is it used?

A moisture and windproof membrane is a fireproof construction fabric that protects insulation from moisture and heat loss during air movement.

In general, windproof film is used in various areas of construction: in roofs, ceilings, partitions, floors, and in finishing bath walls. But we, as professionals in the field of facade construction, are only interested in membranes laid on insulation in ventilated facades, frame walls, and in any wall cladding with external insulation, but without a ventilation gap.

Why do you need a windproof layer?

Moisture and windproof films protect the surface of the insulation from water and moisture, from mechanical damage, and also prevent heat loss due to longitudinal filtration of air in the insulation. Protection is especially important during slanting rain, then the insulation is abundantly wetted and, if there is no ventilated gap that quickly dries the surface, there is a risk of freezing of the walls. Wet insulation loses up to 90% of the energy saving characteristics declared by the manufacturer. The vapor barrier film must be laid with the smooth side facing out.

Does the wind membrane burn?

The windproof membrane for cladding the facades of expert buildings must correspond to the group of non-combustible materials - NG. All manufacturers declare compliance with the NG group. Has anyone tried to set fire to a piece of vapor barrier film with a lighter? Those involved in the construction of facades have probably tried everything. The film burns out, the flame dies out, it does not support combustion, but there is a certain emotional moment in the subjective assessment. Porcelain tiles, metal bracket - NG, which is logical. Set fire/don’t set fire, at most the element will become smoky. But the membrane behaves differently, it burns down to the base, but fades out. It turns out that the film itself does not burn, but with an external source of fire, the flame will spread across it. However, there are permits issued by competent and authoritative authorities.

The permitting documents for windproof membranes used in facades are:

  • Technical certificate of suitability for use in construction (specifically for the installation of a wind-waterproofing layer in the construction of suspended facade systems);
  • Certificate of compliance with the requirements of TU 8390-001-96837872-2008 as amended. No. 1
  • Fire test report for assigning a group and flammability class in the system
  • Durability test report
  • Test report for determining vapor and air permeability
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion

Based on an analysis of the permitting documentation from a number of manufacturers, it is possible to come to conclusions regarding the typical properties and characteristics of windproof membranes.

Characteristics and properties of building fabrics

The requirements for windproof membranes used in private and public buildings are different. At a minimum, because public buildings are subject to state construction expertise. The scale of the consequences of using low-quality film when cladding high-rise buildings is more extensive. By not very high-quality film, the editors first of all understand that it does not comply with the flammability group NG is a non-flammable material.

  • The ability to resist fire determines the material’s compliance with a certain flammability group. Films approved for use in ventilated facades have a flammability group of NG - non-flammable. Consequently, the fire hazard class of building materials is “KM-0”.
  • Vapor and air permeability is determined by the fabric’s properties to resist air penetration under wind loads and when warm steam escapes outside. A good vapor-permeable membrane corresponds to a vapor permeability value: 0.1 m2*h*Pa/mg. Air permeation resistance: 1500 m2*h*Pa/mg.
  • Windproof films for walls must have low water permeability to protect against rain and snow.
  • The fabric must have high tensile strength. This value affects the determination of the number of sheet attachment points. The number of attachment points will increase in proportion to the height of the building, this is due to an increase in wind load.
  • Each linear meter of fabric must be able to elongate by at least 6 cm both lengthwise and crosswise before breaking. Elasticity ensures the safety of the fabric when stretched.
  • Durability of at least fifty conventional years.

Let's consider the most common way of using windproof membranes in facades

The fabric is supplied in rolls, 1.2 m wide and 50 m long. Designed for installing a wind-hybrid barrier layer in enclosing structures, incl. in the designs of facade systems with an air gap, to increase their resistance to air permeation and protect the insulation from adverse atmospheric influences. The membrane can be used in all climatic regions, at temperatures from -60 to +60 degrees, in mildly and moderately aggressive environments.

  • Which side to lay the vapor barrier on - strictly, with the smooth surface facing outwards.
  • Which side to attach the vapor barrier - it is permissible to lay the membrane horizontally and vertically, but it is necessary to observe the direction: from top to bottom, with an overlap of at least fifty centimeters of the top layer on the bottom. The location of the panels should ensure the natural drainage of moisture penetrating under the cladding.
  • Use as many attachment points as are drawn in the design of the ventilation façade for the building. Remember, the taller the building, the more attachment points there are. A poorly secured section of the canvas in the place where it sag can “slap” under the influence of strong gusts of wind. Check the tight fit of the fabric to the insulation. In the worst case, the wind can tear off the film. How to attach a vapor barrier, what type and size of anchor - everything is in the project. Sometimes the use of plastic anchors is unacceptable.
  • Wrap the ends of the insulation around window and door openings so that the layer of fabric extends under the thermal insulation to a length of at least 25 cm to avoid wind blowing under the film.
  • Install fire cut-offs around window openings, in places of emergency exits, on the internal corners of the building, if the distance from the internal corner of the building to the window is less than 1200 mm. All fire protection measures are specified in the Album of technical solutions for the specific brand of facade subsystem you have chosen.

The need to use windproof film in ventilated facades when installing is highly controversial

The precedent of not using a windproof membrane was created by the manufacturer of a well-known brand of Chelyabinsk insulation. They received a new Technical Certificate for their own products, which contains a clause allowing the use of insulation with a cached layer without the use of a wind-hydroprotective membrane. The development contributed to the promotion of products to the market. This insulation itself is quite expensive, but when installing the “pie” of the facade system, the contractor saves due to the absence of a membrane. This idea was picked up by other insulation manufacturers, and away we go.

This state of affairs fundamentally does not suit membrane manufacturers, which is logical. Manufacturers conduct extensive educational activities aimed at disseminating information about the consequences of abandoning the hydro-wind barrier layer.

Let's consider the arguments of the parties

Arguments for the use of wind protection refer to:

The insulation is destroyed under the influence of high pressure and gusts of wind in the ventilated gap of the system.

Water and moisture get on the insulation, and in winter, without having time to dry, it turns into ice. By the way, there is a separate article about installing a façade in winter. This reduces the thermal protection properties.

In places where moisture penetrates strongly, the insulation may become overgrown with moss.

Arguments against wind protection:

Many people believe that windproof film burns. The spread of thrust in the gap from bottom to top contributes to the spread of the flame. Therefore, a horizontal fire cutoff is used on each floor. Which is also wrong, because... the principle of a ventilated facade is violated.

The rest of the arguments boil down to refuting the positions of defenders of the use of the system. They say that the insulation is not destroyed by the wind, because... it has a cached layer that is denser in relation to the underlying density of the mineral slab. And getting wet mineral wool in ventilated facades is not a problem, because... The wind flow in the air gap is such that it dries the water almost instantly.

The editors will leave their opinion on the need to use a windproof membrane with you, so as not to be torn apart by the warring parties.

But the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Wind and waterproof membrane Izospan: advantages

The peculiarity of this material is is that it has good thermal insulation characteristics, which make it possible to provide a high level of protection of any buildings from such negative factors as wind and moisture.

The windproof membrane eliminates the possibility of high humidity in attics. This is ensured due to the presence of high heat-reflecting properties in the Izospan material, which provide protection against condensation. When installing a vapor-permeable membrane, connecting tapes are used, which ensures high tightness of the fastening. In addition, the material provides a high degree of wind protection for the building.

Currently, windproof membranes are widely used. It is used when carrying out internal and external works on thermal insulation of floors and walls. A windproof membrane is also used when solving problems of insulating floors. The use of this material protects structures from condensation and prevents damage to the finish.

When working on flooring, the Izospan windproof membrane is often used as a floor substrate. The use of this material for this purpose provides good reflection of infrared rays, which direct the heat flow directly into the room. In addition, good wind protection is provided.

When using a moisture-proof membrane Izospan provides reliable protection against:

  • exposure to high humidity;
  • occurrence of condensation;
  • wind entering the premises.

Thanks to the functional aspects that are characteristic of the Izospan windproof membrane, it is possible to significantly reduce the temperature load affecting any building under conditions of temperature changes. Using a windproof membrane as a moisture-proof material provides protection:

  • roofs;
  • walls and interfloor ceilings;
  • floor.

The use of vapor-permeable material allows you to create favorable conditions for living in a house that has high-quality insulation. Note that windproof material is used to make special suits, which keep the person wearing such clothing dry in rainy weather and are well protected from the wind.

A membrane from well-known manufacturers that provides reliable wind protection, which is available in a large assortment on the market, characterized by:

  • good wind protection of roofing systems;
  • reliable vapor barrier for walls and ceilings;
  • connecting material joints using sealed tapes.

When using the windproof membrane for walls Izospan, its installation is carried out directly on insulated and ventilated facades. It is also used in the construction of houses built using frame technology. Unlike the roof here no horizontal sections where moisture could accumulate. For this reason, the requirements for the windproof material used are somewhat different.

If a conventional façade is facing and insulated, then in this case you can use absolutely any windproof material that has good permeability. The main purpose of using a windproof membrane is to prevent the penetration of moisture and prevent the accumulation of condensation in the insulation layer.

High-quality wind protection is especially necessary in ventilated facade systems. When installing them, it is an impossible task to ensure that the cladding elements are tightly connected to each other. For this reason, wind and moisture can penetrate through the joints into the ventilated façade. Strong wind currents may arise behind the cladding of a ventilated façade, which can destroy the unprotected insulation with their force.

Mineral wool is especially susceptible to this negative factor. The use of a windproof membrane ensures the fixation of the heat insulator and its reliable protection from destruction. As a result, the insulation structure is preserved in its original state and the microclimate in the premises of the building does not undergo major changes.

In all houses that are built of wood, a windproof membrane is installed on the floor. These buildings differ from buildings that have concrete floors in that they are able to allow wind to pass through the floor. For wind protection of wooden floors, the choice is usually made in favor of options based on polyethylene or propylene. This is due to the fact that the windproof membrane has good waterproofing properties. Good properties in terms of moisture protection are also characteristic of a suit made of membrane fabric.

When installing the floor, it is necessary to lay waterproofing and a layer of insulation on the joists, and then wind protection. When these operations are completed, you can begin laying the finished floor. If the installation of the windproof membrane was carried out correctly, then a favorable microclimate arises when living in the house, while the installed insulation does not lose its performance characteristics for a long time. When installing wind and water protection, preference should be given to the material that is most suitable for each area of ​​the house.

Windproof membrane: price

When building a house, many people take the choice of materials for building a house, insulating structures and insulating insulation very seriously. When choosing a windproof membrane, you need to pay attention to specifications, and do not forget about such a moment as price. Having data on the cost of a windproof membrane, you can make the right choice and calculate in advance the cost of insulation work. When choosing a suit made of membrane fabric, which perfectly protects against moisture, the cost of the product is also an important point.

When choosing a windproof material, you need to familiarize yourself with the assortment of several stores, and then decide on the place where the membrane with optimal technical characteristics is offered. You should do the same thing when you are looking for a suit made of membrane fabric. This approach makes it possible to avoid unnecessary expenses and get a product with high quality characteristics.

If we talk about the current market situation, the price for high-quality windproof material varies in the range from 1500 to 3000 rubles per roll. A suit made of membrane fabric will cost less. Of course, the price of a protective membrane may vary depending on the manufacturer, as well as its density and the material from which it is made. Products made from polyethylene and polypropylene are widely represented on the Russian market.


Each private developer, when constructing a house, naturally insulates it so that living in his own home is as comfortable as possible. To ensure that the thermal insulation layer retains its performance characteristics for a long period, the insulation is insulated using a windproof membrane. You can purchase it without any problems, since the market offers a large selection of products from various manufacturers.

Many people choose a windproof membrane from the Izospan company. She has proven herself to be manufacturer of quality materials, with which you can provide reliable protection from wind and moisture. This manufacturer produces a membrane that can be used to insulate walls and floors. By choosing the right material with the required characteristics, and then performing competent work on its installation, you can get a comfortable home that will always be warm.

Nanoizol A is a modern wind- and moisture-proof material that is used in the construction and reconstruction of walls and roofs of buildings for any purpose. It is a membrane with sides of different textures: the inner side is rough, and the outer side is smooth. The rough surface retains drops of condensation until they evaporate and thereby protects the insulation and other materials from being moistened by vapors coming from the premises. The outer (smooth) surface has water-repellent properties and prevents the penetration of moisture from the external environment into other structural elements. The Nanoizol A membrane is installed on the outside of the insulation, under the roofing or the external finishing material of the wall. Its use improves the thermal insulation properties of the insulation and helps extend the life of the building as a whole.

The vapor-permeable wind-moisture-proof membrane Nanoizol A is made from modern polymers. This material has a number of advantages compared to traditional analogues:

  • high reliability, tensile strength;
  • environmental friendliness - the membrane does not emit substances harmful to the body during operation;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • high resistance to chemical compounds and biological factors (bacteria, mold, etc.);
  • long service life.

Nanoizol A can be used as a wind- and moisture-proof material in the construction of insulated roofs with a slope of 35° or more. The membrane is suitable for roofs with any covering: soft roofing, corrugated sheets, etc. Installation is carried out on top of the rafters above the insulation, with a ventilation gap. A sheathing is installed on top of the membrane. In insulated roofs, Nanoizol A serves to protect the thermal insulation material and load-bearing elements from wind, dirt, dust, moisture from under-roof condensation and moisture from the external environment.

In the construction of low-rise buildings, the Nanoizol A membrane is used in the construction of walls with external insulation: timber, frame, panel, and combined. It serves to protect materials from wind and moisture. It is used for external insulation of walls with any external cladding: lining, clapboard, etc. Installation is carried out on the outside of the insulation, under the external finishing material of the wall.

Nanoizol A is used to protect insulation in the structures of ventilated facades of buildings with external insulation. Protecting the insulation from the effects of cold air, wind, moisture and snow penetrating into the ventilated gap under the outer cladding.

In ventilated facades:

When laying Nanoizol A on the roof, roll it out horizontally over the insulation and rafters, with the smooth side of the material facing outward. The membrane is cut directly onto the roof. The canvases are laid from bottom to top, overlapping. The width of the overlaps at horizontal joints should be at least 15 cm, at vertical joints - 20 cm. A ventilation gap of 7-8 cm wide should be left near the ridge between the panels. The membrane is secured with wooden counter-battens to the rafters; self-tapping screws or nails are used as fasteners. A continuous flooring or sheathing is mounted on the counter-battens (depending on the roofing used). To ensure the evaporation of condensate, a ventilation gap of 2-4 cm wide is left between the membrane and the heat-insulating material. A ventilation gap equal to the thickness of the sheathing is also provided between the roofing and the membrane.

Euromet specialists recommend securing the membrane in a tensioned position. It should not sag between the rafters by more than 2 cm and come into contact with insulation or other surfaces. This can lead to a deterioration in its waterproofing properties. Nanoizol A is placed so that moisture flows freely from the surface of the membrane along the lower edge into the gutter. To ensure the evaporation of condensate and weathering of water vapor, the under-roof space is made ventilated. Air circulation is carried out through ventilation holes in the ridge area and at the bottom of the roof.

The Euromet company would like to remind you that Nanoizol A is not intended for use as a roofing covering. For temporary covering of building structures, the Nanoizol D membrane can be used.

In the construction of walls with external insulation, Nanoizol A is mounted between the insulation and the outer cladding of the wall. The membrane is laid on the outside of the insulation on a wooden frame, with the smooth surface facing out. The canvases are placed horizontally, at the joints they must overlap each other by at least 10-15 cm. The material is fixed to the frame with galvanized nails or using a construction stapler. Wooden counter-battens are fixed on top of the membrane, which ensure the creation of a 4-5 cm wide ventilation gap between it and the outer cladding of the wall. External finishing material (siding, lining, etc.) is then attached to the counter-battens. Water should flow freely along the lower edge of the membrane into the drain.

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... cash technology. At the exhibition, it is located at the very entrance of House No. 4. To cover the outside of the house, windproof isoplat tongue-and-groove boards 1800*600*25 mm were used.

In this video, the work on covering a frame house with isoplat slabs is almost complete. Inspection of the house and work technology. Advantages and features of isoplat plates.

If you want to “live” see, touch, feel the material and get acquainted with the technology and stages of building a house, we invite you to visit the exhibition “Low-Rise Country” in Moscow, Mega Belaya Dacha. Waiting for you.


“Our regular partner, Inter City, builds houses. At the exhibition "Low-Rise Country", Moscow, Mega Belaya Dacha, the Inter City company is constructing an exhibition house according to the ... cash technology. At the exhibition, it is located at the very entrance of House No. 4. To cover the outside of the house, windproof isoplat tongue-and-groove boards 1800*600*25 mm were used. This video presents the technology for installing isoboards. If you want to “live” see, touch, feel the material and get acquainted with the technology and stages of building a house, we invite you to visit the exhibition “Low-Rise Country” in Moscow, Mega Belaya Dacha. Waiting for you.


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Izospan A is a vapor-permeable membrane, used for wind and moisture protection of insulation, internal elements of walls and roofs. The material ensures the removal of water vapor from the insulation and under-roof space in buildings of all types. The Izospan A membrane is laid on the outside of the insulation under the roofing or under the outer wall cladding. The use of wind and moisture protection Izospan A allows you to preserve the thermal insulation properties of the insulation, protect it from wind and moisture and increase the service life of the entire structure.

  • Width: 1.4 and 1.6 m
  • Size: 35 and 70 m2
  • Weight: 7.7 kg

Price: 1865 rub.



  • ventilated facades;
  • walls with external insulation;
  • frame walls;
  • attic floors;
  • insulated pitched roof.

Important! Izospan A is used in roofs only at roof angles greater than 35° and always with double sheathing (see installation instructions). Do not use as a temporary roof!

Technical characteristics of Izospan A:

The wind and moisture protective membrane ISOSPAN A is used to protect insulation and other parts of premises and roofs from the effects of winds and humidity. This material is installed on the outer side of the insulation under the outer surface cladding. On the outside, the material has a smooth surface that perfectly repels moisture, and on the inside a rough structure designed to retain condensation and evaporate it. Wind and moisture protective film ISOSPAN A, the price of which is quite low, helps protect against moisture penetration into structures and insulation, and removes water vapor from insulation. You can buy insulating film at a favorable price on the website of our online store, where you will find a large assortment of products for construction and repair at the most affordable prices.

We have the lowest price for a roll of ISOSPAN A!

The use of this material improves the quality of thermal insulation of insulation and extends the service life of the entire structure. The components of ISOSPAN A are modern technological polymers, thanks to which this material has significant advantages. It has high mechanical strength, which is an important point when using it with a roof; it is convenient to use, it is environmentally friendly, and does not have unpleasant odors or release of chemical components. Such material will perfectly withstand chemical influences and will not lose its technical characteristics even after a long period of use. The wind and waterproof membrane ISOSPAN A, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you, is very popular due to its quality properties and is actively used in construction around the world.

On our website you can buy wind and moisture protective membrane ISOSPAN A inexpensively!

In the catalog of our store you can order and buy ISOSPAN A in Moscow at a competitive price, as well as order fast and convenient delivery of your goods to your specified location.

Price: 1865 rub.

Building a house is a responsible process, so every developer makes sure that construction technology is not violated. After all, the durability of the future home and its comfort depend on this.

Currently, many materials have appeared for the outer cladding of a house, making it possible to protect the main supporting structures from adverse atmospheric influences. Their appearance made it possible to insulate houses from the outside using slab or roll insulating materials based on mineral wool.

But, as you know, the worst enemy of any insulation is moisture penetrating into it, which significantly reduces the thermal insulation characteristics of the material. Therefore, the insulation needs to be protected, not only from possible atmospheric influences, but also from moisture penetrating from inside the house. For these needs, special roll materials are used - vapor and wind insulation.

The vapor barrier is mounted directly on the wall of the building, prior to the installation of thermal insulation. And the wind protection should be tightly adjacent to the surface of the insulation from the outside.

Windproof films

Wind protection is used when it is planned to install a ventilated façade using external insulation.

Do not think that only new buildings are insulated in this way. This option can also be used to insulate an old building if necessary.

Moreover, this method is successfully used for insulating not only frame and wooden houses - it is suitable for concrete and brick walls.

Windproof films are also used to protect floors, ceilings, and roofs. The only condition is to use them only on the “cold” side: directly under the roofing, subfloor or on the street side of the external walls.

All windproof films are divided into two types:

  • Moisture and windproof films are materials that have high vapor permeability (≥ 3000 g/sq. m per day), but low water resistance (approximately 250 mm of water column). These are two-layer films, the smooth outer side of which protects the insulation from atmospheric moisture in the form of rain or sleet, and the internal porous side releases water vapor from the insulation, sending it into the ventilation gap between the wind barrier and the façade cladding. This film also protects the insulation from the effects of air pressure that occurs during strong winds.
  • Superdiffusion membranes - with a vapor permeability of 1000 g/sq.m per day, they have a water resistance of about 1000 mm of water column. They are more expensive than conventional windbreaks and are designed for use in areas with high rainfall and strong winds. In such conditions, if the tightness of the wall cladding is insufficient, the insulation can become heavily moistened, which significantly affects the energy efficiency of buildings. The three-layer structure of the membrane perfectly removes steam from the thickness of the insulation, reliably protecting it from snow and rain, which increases the service life of the thermal insulation several times.

The main condition for the functionality of wind protection is its correct installation. The technology itself is simple.

But the work must be carried out with the utmost conscientiousness:

  • Rolls of windproof film are mounted horizontally, starting from bottom to top. It is very important to sew the film on the correct side - usually the outer side is the side on which the manufacturer's logo is applied. In other cases, you just need to carefully read the instructions included with the material.
  • When installing the film, it is necessary to observe the amount of overlap between adjacent panels: horizontally - 100 mm, vertically - 150 mm.
  • The film should fit as tightly as possible to the surface of the insulation - this is an important condition for its proper operation. You can fix the windbreak to the insulation frame with galvanized nails or a construction stapler.
  • All film joints are taped with special tape so that there are no gaps.
  • The bottom of the film should not have contact with the ground. A drain must be provided there to remove condensate formed on the surface of the film.
  • Then the film is attached to the insulation frame with vertical bars at least 40-60 mm thick. This will ensure a snug fit of the windbreak and create the necessary ventilation gap between the insulation and the sheathing.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wind barrier

It would seem that using wind protection only has a positive effect. But its use has disadvantages that you also need to be aware of.

  • protection of insulation from penetration of atmospheric moisture;
  • preventing air filtration through the insulation;
  • the ability to protect the insulation during downtime during wall cladding work;
  • preventing the destruction of fibrous insulation when exposed to wind (emission of insulation fibers), as a result of which its thickness gradually decreases.

But there are also disadvantages, which mainly arise due to improper execution of work and errors in the design of a ventilated facade.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • Covering the ventilation gap with a windproof film is possible if the film does not adhere tightly to the insulation. The consequence of this is poor ventilation under the skin, which leads to poor removal of water vapor.
  • When using films with low vapor permeability, there is a high probability of the insulation becoming waterlogged and losing its heat-protective properties.
  • Careless builders often use windproof film to try to hide flaws made during the installation of thermal protection: insufficient thickness of mineral wool slabs, poor fit between them and other violations of technology.
  • High flammability of synthetic films and membranes. The latter drawback even caused bans on the use of these materials in some regions.

Despite criticism of windproof films and membranes, they are in demand among the population and the construction industry. Therefore, manufacturers tried to eliminate the shortcomings and released materials with new properties to the market.

Nowadays there are quite a lot of windproof materials on sale with low flammability and even completely non-flammable: non-flammable windproof membrane DELTA®-FAS NG; “Izospan AF”, “Izospan AF+” and others.

So if you want to improve the fire safety of your home, it is worth spending money on more expensive, but also more reliable materials.

A completely new product was Izoplat slabs, which are sheets of heat-insulating material with wind protection, sound insulation and insulation properties. They are made from softwood fibers without the use of any adhesive, so they are absolutely harmless.

Plates differ favorably from films in that they have stable geometric dimensions that do not change over time. Therefore, once correctly installed, they will serve for a long time: cold bridges do not form between them, they cannot be torn by the wind or destroyed by the touch of a sharp object. In this case, a slab with a thickness of 25 mm in terms of thermal insulation corresponds to a wooden wall with a thickness of 90 mm. The material is perfect for use in cold and humid climates.

When planning the construction of a frame house, where the comfort of living in it depends entirely on the insulation, it is worth making sure that it is reliably protected from any adverse influences that destroy its structure and reduce its thermal protection characteristics. Therefore, for wind protection, it is better to choose high-quality materials that are guaranteed to be worth the money spent.