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» Study German abroad. German language courses in Germany. Study in Germany for foreigners: main programs

Study German abroad. German language courses in Germany. Study in Germany for foreigners: main programs

  • Popularity. German is considered one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. It is native to more than 100 million people. Possession of it allows you to communicate not only in Germany, but also in other countries: Belgium, Denmark, Italy, France.
  • Availability. German courses in Germany are much cheaper than in other countries. In addition, the country has reasonable prices for food and accommodation.
  • World recognition. This country is a world leader in education, which guarantees you the acquisition of the best knowledge and the opportunity to subsequently receive a good European education in higher education institutions.
  • Chances for career growth. Large companies such as BMW, Siemens, Bosch are constantly in need of international partners. Knowledge of the German language opens up new opportunities for work in America and Russia. Many German companies operate successfully in our country and offer jobs to our fellow citizens.
  • Low crime rate. This country is quite calm with a high level of security. There are practically no internal conflicts here, and crime is reduced.
  • Mild climate. For heat-loving people, the weather conditions here are ideal - warm summers and mild winters.
  • Expanding your horizons. 1 out of 10 books in the world are published in German. Germany is a country of famous scientists, poets, authors, and thinkers. This is a unique opportunity to read works in original performance.
  • Tourism and recreation. Studying German in Germany will allow you to make new acquaintances, make good friends, and maybe even build your own family happiness. Are you interested in art? Then this is a chance to get acquainted with the rich collections of museums, explore castles, watch films, listen to music.

What kind of German language courses are there in Germany?

  • Standard classes. This is a group form for 8-12 people with the same level of knowledge. Here you will find 20 lessons per week. You will have enough time for both study and relaxation.
  • Intense. These classes are intended for those who plan to quickly gain language skills and are ready to work actively and hard for this. The duration of classes is from 25-30 hours per week, the number of people in the group is up to 6. The difference from the basic course is that knowledge is acquired in a more accelerated manner.
  • Super intensive. Time spent - 35-40 hours per week. The group is even smaller, about 4 people.
  • Academic. The program is intended for those who plan to further study at local universities. They allow you to gain basic knowledge of your chosen specialization and easily pass entrance tests. After completing these classes you have a 90% chance of getting into German universities.
  • Business. A program for students who need German to conduct business and communicate with business partners. Duration - from a week to a month. Having acquired new knowledge, you can easily conduct business negotiations and correspondence in German.
  • Individual. Your personal wishes and preferences are taken into account here. Classes are conducted individually according to a program designed in accordance with your wishes. This is a unique opportunity to combine study, hobbies and recreation.
  • Accommodation with a teacher's family. Such courses give the best results. Being constantly surrounded by native speakers, you effortlessly memorize speech, get acquainted with new words and fill gaps in knowledge in a matter of days.
  • Children's. Depending on your goals, the course can last a month, a year, or take up vacation time. The program is compiled based on the child’s knowledge, age and wishes. Children can live in a specialized camp, hotel or foster family. All questions are discussed individually.

How to enroll in a language school?

It is necessary to start preparing for the trip in advance, since it will take time to obtain a visa and complete other formalities. It is better to start collecting documents 3 months before departure. After you pay for your tuition, the school will send you a confirmation, which, along with a package of documents, should be submitted to the consulate. You will need:

  • application form;
  • insurance for the duration of your stay in the country;
  • confirmation of the availability of the required amount for expenses;
  • Russian and foreign passports;
  • document confirming payment of the visa fee;
  • 1 photo.

Where to live while studying?

When going to German courses in Germany from Moscow or the regions, you can choose a place to stay that is convenient for you at an affordable cost:

  • In the family. This option is convenient for those who want to practice the language outside of class. This solution is also attractive because of the opportunity to live in the comfort of home without much household hassle. After all, the host family not only provides students with a room, but also provides them with food - breakfast and dinner.
  • In the hostel. The room can be equipped with a bathroom, or the shower will be located in the common area. The second option will be cheaper. German hostels are modern and comfortable; living in them is very comfortable.
  • In the apartments. The most expensive option. You can choose an apartment to suit your taste and budget. This is where you will enjoy the most freedom.

4 interesting facts about the German language

  1. 90% of Germans call their lovers with the affectionate word Schatz, which means “treasure”.
  2. German is the fifth most popular language on the World Wide Web. On average, 7% of all Internet users of the Network are its carriers and about 12% of questions on it are asked to the Google search engine.
  3. Any noun in German has its own gender, and often it has a completely different meaning compared to the word. For example, the word “girl” (Mädchen) in German is neuter. In his book Walking Through Europe, Mark Twain wrote: “In German, girls don’t have a gender, but turnips do.” And the word Tor, used with a neuter article, is translated as “gate,” and with a masculine article it means “fool.”
  4. The German language is famous for its multi-letter words. As the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once suggested, this is to gain extra time to think during a conversation. So the longest officially used word in the German language is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz. It has 63 letters and stands for the name of the beef labeling law.

The most famous language schools in Germany

Carl Duisberg Centren is an educational institution with four buildings located in different parts of the country: Munich, Cologne, Berlin and Radolfzell. Courses run throughout the year.

DID Deutsch Institut is the largest language educational institution-institute, which is famous for its high quality of education and participation in leading language organizations. The abbreviation DID stands for "German in Germany".

Goethe-Institut - all national language programs are implemented through the Goethe-Institut. Training courses from the institution are located in different countries of the world, but it will be more effective to gain knowledge directly in the country.

1.Ancient teaching traditions

Just a hundred years ago, half of all students studying abroad studied in that country. For centuries, this country has been a magnet for those interested in first-class vocational training. Mikhail Lomonosov, Alexander Radishchev, Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Sechenov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Kliment Timiryazev, Mikhail Prishvin and many other prominent cultural and scientific figures studied here. The first German university, Heidelberg, was founded in 1386. At the same time, other local universities have centuries of glorious history.

In today's world, the Made in Germany label is a recognized standard of quality, no matter whether we are talking about cars or education.

2. Opportunity to master German perfectly

This language is one of the most popular in the international arena. Possession of it increases the chances of successful employment and career advancement.

Large national companies - BMW, Siemens, Lufthansa, Bosch and others - need partners who speak German. This is one of the official means of communication in the European Union and a number of international organizations. More than 100 million people speak German as their native language, and about 55 million Europeans speak it as an additional language.

3.Attractiveness of the country as a place for study and future life

According to the annual BBC survey, since 2008 the country has regularly topped the list of the most popular countries in the world. Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Nuremberg are among the best cities to live in (Mercer, Monocle's ratings).

The German economy is the largest in Europe. This country is one of the world leaders in the automotive industry, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, design, high technology, software and publishing. For centuries, Germans have distinguished themselves as innovators. It was they who invented the printing press and the globe, the car and radar, television and aspirin, the MP3 format and the theory of relativity, and much more. Eight of the twenty-two greatest discoveries of the twentieth century belong to the Germans. And today, according to a study by General Electric (Innovation Barometer 2014), this country ranks second among the most innovative in the world. More than 90 residents of Germany became Nobel Prize laureates. The country’s contribution to world culture and sports is equally great.

Studying here is also an opportunity for Russians to travel, see local attractions, and make useful acquaintances with new people.

4. Living and studying in German schools is cheaper than in many other countries of the world

Higher education in many regions is still free. Do you want to know how much it costs to study in Germany at other institutions? It does not exceed 500 euros per semester. Almost all German universities and colleges are funded by the state. The presence of a large number of benefits, scholarships and grants allows foreign students to significantly reduce living costs.

5. Convenient location in Europe

Austria, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland are border countries that can be reached by buses and trains in a couple of hours. And to Spain, Italy, Great Britain - only 1 hour by plane. By getting an education, you can travel throughout Europe without serious financial and time costs.

6.High level of security

This state ranks 7th in terms of safety among the OECD countries. In megacities and small towns it is calm even in the dark, drivers and pedestrians obey traffic rules, and the crime rate is steadily decreasing.

7.Multicultural state

The German population is very tolerant: representatives of various nationalities and cultures get along well in the country. Therefore, studying here is comfortable for foreigners, including students from Russia.

8.Fast paperwork

The country has a fairly flexible visa policy. To obtain it, you will need to collect a minimum of documents for your trip.

Study in Germany for foreigners: main programs

Language courses for children 5-17 years old

Children are taught in several areas. These include general and intensive German courses, individual training (including accommodation with the teacher’s family), “Intensive German + sports”. Their duration is from 1 to 9 or more weeks. Both summer and year-round courses are available. Level of training - from beginner to advanced. Accommodation is organized in host families, school residences or youth hotels. Classes are taught by qualified teachers from leading language schools. The most popular among them are DID Deutsch-Institut, Humboldt Institut, OISE.

Language courses for adults (from 17 years old)

They are organized for students with different levels of training: from zero to advanced. The duration of the programs ranges from 1 to 8 or more weeks. Classes run all year round. The start dates of training should be clarified further. Lessons are held at prestigious language schools - DID Deutsch-Institut and Humboldt Institut. Accommodation is organized in host families, hotels, apartments, and school residences.

Programs offered: standard and intensive German language courses, “Preparation for TestDAF”, “German for Business”, intensive course in a mini-group. Individual training is also available, including accommodation with the teacher’s family. The teaching load, depending on the program, ranges from 10 to 40 lessons per week.

Both children's and adult language courses involve not only German classes. An extensive sports, excursion and entertainment program awaits all listeners.

Secondary education

Schools are represented by public and private institutions. The latter can be designed specifically for girls or boys, and there are also mixed-type institutions. The system provides for teaching children in German and includes two stages:

  • initial Children begin to master knowledge at the age of 6 to 10-12 years. Primary school is attended for 4 years. The only exceptions are Berlin and Brandenburg educational institutions. They study for 6 years;
  • average After finishing primary school, children can continue their studies in a basic (Hauptschule), real (Realschule) or general (Gesamtschule) school. Another option is a gymnasium or a private educational institution.

It is worth noting that the church here is separated from the state. Most schools are secular.

Preparation for university (from 17 years old)

Such year-round courses are organized by the Did Deutsche Institut language centers in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. They represent long-term programs to improve the German language. Groups of 10-15 people are trained according to one of three models: “Standard”, “Intensive” and “Premium”. The first provides 20, the second - 24, and the third - 28 lessons per week. The initial level of language knowledge can be either zero or advanced. The duration of the courses is from 12 weeks. At the end, students take an exam developed by the German Language Society (GfdS) and receive a diploma.

Business courses (from 17 years old)

The language school Did Deutsche Institut provides an opportunity for business people to receive individual education. The standard program usually includes from 20 to 60 lessons per week. During the classes, much attention is paid to expanding professional vocabulary and mastering specific skills necessary for successful international business (basics of correspondence, negotiations, interviews, document management, etc.).

How much does training cost?

The cost of the course depends on many factors. These include the type of program chosen, the prestige of the school, the duration and intensity of classes, the number of cultural events and the type of accommodation.

In addition, students will face a number of additional costs. The biggest expense item is housing. The student has 3 accommodation options:

  • hotel or apartment;
  • residence;
  • Host Family.

The latter option is usually cheaper. The student can choose single or double accommodation. The host families' houses are located near the language school. The journey takes 10-20 minutes. All Host Family are carefully selected and regularly checked by language school staff. They are very hospitable, sociable and friendly. Breakfast or half board may be included in the price of accommodation with a host family. The student can also cook for himself. Living with native German speakers allows you not only to practice speaking in a relaxed atmosphere and learn to understand it better, but also to become better acquainted with the traditions, culture and way of life of the country.

Accommodation in a hotel or residence will cost a little more. The latter option involves accommodation in a room with all amenities, designed for 2 or 4 people, and meals on a half board basis. Students who wish to stay in a hotel are usually given 2 options - Youth Hotel Standard and Single Studio Standard. In the first case, breakfast is included in the price, in the second, meals are paid separately.

Daniz Alagsarova

12/15/2018 at 12:00

CERAN International Center

Mikhail Ovchinnikov

11/19/2018 at 12:00

Actilingua Academy

Daniz Alagsarova

12/15/2018 at 12:00

2 years ago, when I first arrived at Falcon in high school, I knew only a few phrases in French: “Bonjour” (“Hello”), “J'ai 14 ans” (“I am 14 years old”) and “J' habite á Chypre” (“I live in Cyprus”). I understood perfectly well that I would have to work seriously and hard to advance in my French language skills. This year I had the opportunity to go on an internship at a Belgian summer school, where I could practice the language that was so important to me on an international level. The school is called "CERAN" and is located in the small pretty town of Ferrieres. At first, I didn’t want to go anywhere at all; it seemed to me that summer was a time for relaxation, not study. I would call the first week “adaptation”, when I got used to a new place, new teachers and classmates. We all took a written and oral test, on the basis of which we were divided into eight groups, according to our language level. Sometimes in class it was difficult for me because my French-speaking classmates spoke with a strong accent, which made their speech even more difficult to understand! On the other hand, they were always ready and happy to help, which was very important to me. “Together” was practically our motto. I noticed progress already on the 5th day of training. I could ask teachers or school administrators anything and I could answer any question myself with complete confidence. At these moments I was truly proud of myself! Each week I moved up to a higher level group, but it was still a bit of a challenge and I needed to keep moving forward. We had 10 lessons every day. This sounds like a lot, and to be honest... it really is a lot! During the classes we practiced writing and speaking skills and learned to build communication. Experienced, highly qualified teachers helped each of us overcome any difficulties we encountered. There were breaks between classes where you could have a snack, relax, or chat with friends (or do homework!). In addition to lessons, after classes we had a large selection of activities and various sports, such as horse riding, swimming, tennis, etc. Since I went for a whole 4 weeks, I had time to try everything: from golf to kayaking. Every week we had full day excursions. For example, weekend bus trips were organized to various destinations outside Belgium, such as Luxembourg, Germany, France and other countries. It was a lot of fun and great. I will never forget how our driver and I sang in different languages! And on Wednesdays we went to science museums (which, I must admit, we liked a little less:) I want to say, this internship was full of adventures. Not only did I meet a lot of people from all different backgrounds and cultures, but I also gained confidence, gained valuable experience and knowledge, and most importantly, I felt like I was truly worth something. I definitely recommend everyone to go for these internships. They will undoubtedly benefit you and your capabilities. And I guarantee that the trip will bring only positive results. I wish you good luck!

CERAN International Center

Mikhail Ovchinnikov

11/19/2018 at 12:00

The training program was classic. We went through grammar, acted out constructive dialogues (getting a job, communication between a client and a consultant, renting a house) and discussed current topics (environmental protection, ecology, experiments on animals). It was at school that I noticed that people from all over the world were showing interest in the German language. The groups included students from Brazil, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, England, Denmark, Spain and Switzerland. This helped to understand people with different mentalities, broaden my horizons and find new friends. In Vienna, where I lived, many ancient buildings and palaces have been turned into museums. I particularly enjoyed the Belvedere Art Museum and the Military History Museum, which claims to be the oldest and greatest military history museum in the world. I also attended a classical music concert, and it made an indelible impression on me. I was also pleasantly surprised by public transport. The metro, high-speed trains, buses and trams operate until late at night, so I could calmly walk and not worry about how to get home. Plus, Vienna is considered a safe city, and at any time of the day you feel very comfortable in it (although the police are certainly present on the streets). The whole month that I spent in Vienna, it was hot - more than 30C. Therefore, I often visited the banks of the Danube River. It flows through the entire city and is perfectly suited for a beach holiday. My classmates and I sunbathed, swam, and played ball. We had a great time. The host family's house simply shocked me. This is a three-story building that is more than a hundred years old (according to the owner, her grandparents also lived in it), with a small garden where we went out in the evening to drink tea, have a hearty chat and look at the grapes and stars.

Actilingua Academy

Do you want to learn the German language in detail, understand foreign speech and speak it confidently? Then sign up for specialized courses in Germany with complete immersion in a new environment. This is an effective method, tested by many students. With the support of experienced teachers, language learning will proceed smoothly and gradually, with the foundation being consolidated.

Deep Immersion Courses in Germany

Many years of experience in learning a foreign language shows that new knowledge is acquired most effectively only during direct stay in the country. You are immersed in a foreign environment, communicate with native speakers, and see everyday life in which certain words are used. This result cannot be achieved even by dozens of hours of language courses with books and lectures at home.

If you want to speak a new language fluently and confidently and understand the peculiarities of the speech of the local population, then studying German in Germany is the best opportunity. Complete immersion in a new environment. And language schools are doing everything possible to make this immersion comfortable, rich and effective.

Benefits of immersion for students

Studying a language and a foreign environment with temporary residence in the country is an effective method, tested by more than one hundred students. It allows you not only to experience a different atmosphere, but also to regularly hear foreign speech, assimilating and perceiving it as your own. Such learning is similar to how young children learn their native language: by listening to friends and family, contacting their parents and the outside world. This greatly increases your level of language proficiency. The opportunity to break down the language barrier that makes learning difficult and holds students back deserves special attention.

This is a 100% guarantee of success!

Costs and average cost of language courses in Germany

Expenses Min. Euro Avg. Euro
Duration 2 weeks 2 weeks
Tuition fees 360 470
Cost of living 290 480
Consular fee of the embassy 35 35
Flight (Moscow - Berlin - Moscow) 140 220
Registration fee 0 75
Medical insurance 14 14

Visiting German language schools

Visiting specialized educational institutions in Germany, where German is taught as a foreign language, is a proven way to systematize knowledge, divide training into separate sections, and master new techniques together with qualified teachers. Experienced school staff work both with groups and individually, creating programs taking into account the current level of knowledge of students, the intensity of training and the assigned tasks. You can study standard courses in a small group or enroll in an intensive program with individual training.

Language classes are held according to different schedules depending on the workload and wishes of the students:

  • In the morning;
  • After lunch;

You can combine business with pleasure: after classes, visit sights, museums, study architectural monuments and communicate with local residents, immersing yourself in a new environment. This will make your German language courses even more effective.

Available language programs

The International Educational Club is pleased to offer students a wide selection of programs for various needs. You can sign up for a short course to learn the basics of the language, or a longer course to cover the ins and outs of the German language environment. Classes are held in all major cities of the country:

  • Munich;
  • Berlin;
  • Dusseldorf and others.

Specialized language courses are held in various modes depending on your skills and desired load: basic, mini-groups, individual training, intensive. Special attention should be paid to narrowly focused areas that are in demand in Germany almost everywhere: business, IT, service sector, etc. The cost of language programs presented on the website includes all necessary expenses:

  • Education;
  • Assistance in obtaining a visa;
  • Finding a place to live;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Registration fees.

Organizational issues The specialists of our language centers will take care of all the nuances of preparation. You will be required to pay for the selected course depending on the duration (one week or more) and provide the required documents. Together with the staff of the educational club, you will be able to select a training program, build a schedule that will include both classes and entertainment programs: visits to cultural places, participation in events, student gatherings. If necessary, a place of residence with specific requirements will be selected: furniture, distance from the metro, shops or hospitals. Sign up for German language courses in Germany today!