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» Why do you dream about a chapel - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. New family dream book. Dream - Chapel - what to expect

Why do you dream about a chapel - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. New family dream book. Dream - Chapel - what to expect

chapel according to the dream book

If you see in a dream how you pass by a chapel, it means expect changes for the better, but only if you went inside. But if you passed by, then all your plans will fly by. An old and abandoned chapel - a hopeless future. Only your decisive actions will help correct the situation.

chapel according to the dream book

If you dream of God’s abode, it’s time to forget about pride and repent. To come to the service - you are lucky with family and friends, you are loved very much. A boarded up chapel means you are closed.

dreamed of a chapel

Praying in the chapel means finding peace. Build - career growth. Seeing a chapel burning means disaster.

chapel in a dream what is it for

A chapel or small church in a dream represents a woman. The man dreamed that he was entering a chapel, which means he is not capable of cheating on his beloved. If he was unable to cross the threshold of the holy place, such a man is either inclined to frequently change partners by nature, or is still in search of his other half. The girl in the dream could not enter the chapel - she is cold towards her partner. I dreamed of a destroyed chapel - sexual dissatisfaction was evident.

Chapel- symbolizes the sacred part of the building where the soul is located. It contains secret beliefs and unrealistic hopes.

See the entire chapel- unhappiness, anxiety.

Be inside the chapel- unexpected help will come to you.

New family dream book

Chapel- dreams of discord and unresolved business problems.

If you dreamed that you were in a chapel- you may have disappointment and changes in business ahead.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Chapel- to repentance, a feeling of guilt before someone.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Chapel- a big joy.

Women's dream book

Seeing a chapel in a dream- means discord in secular circles and unresolved business problems.

Be in the chapel- to disappointment and change in business.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A church visible somewhere in the distance foreshadows disappointment in events expected for a long time.

If in a dream you entered a church immersed in darkness, you have vague prospects ahead. Apparently, you will have to wait quite a long time for better times.

According to Nostradamus, the church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. He interpreted dreams about the church as follows.

A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering.

If in a dream you are present at church service, then in real life you will feel remorse.

If you built a church in a dream, your desire for knowledge will be rewarded a hundredfold.

A church entwined with a snake is a bad sign.

If in a dream you saw a castle on a church, be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.

A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between relatives.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted such dreams about the church in her own way.

If you see a church in a dream, then this indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.

If you saw yourself entering a church - in real life, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.

If you were present at a church service in a dream - in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.

A dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.

In a dream, you stood in a destroyed church and tried to put a candle in a candlestick - in real life you will contribute to spiritual revival and renewal.

If you saw in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church, in reality all old grievances will be forgotten and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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    I went to the cemetery that we have in our village, but it was not at all the same as usual, there were renovation work, they were restoring the tombstones, there was a black fence and there were two gates, one leading to the chapel and the other to the cemetery, we went with someone to the cemetery, talked to someone and left.

    After visiting a well-kept cemetery, where there are a lot of graves, both new and old, I went into the chapel in the old cemetery, which is not very beautiful, there I put a candle on a candlestick and it burned out very quickly and I got burned.

    I dream that I’m in the village with my grandmother and I’m overcome with such nostalgia... (I spent my entire childhood there, but I haven’t been there for a long time)
    and so, I stand on the edge of the village and admire (for some reason) the cemetery, on the outskirts of which there is a very beautiful chapel (which is not really).
    And I am so fascinated by this view, the sunset, the frost, such beauty that I take pictures of it and admire it for a very long time.
    It’s been a long time since my dreams brought so many pleasant impressions, although what’s so beautiful about it, I still don’t understand why I liked this view so much.

    I am studying to be a cadastral engineer and looking for a job in my profession. I dreamed that I was doing documentation related to the construction of a chapel. The chapel is unusual. It consists of three towers located horizontally along the street. Whether they are connected or not is not visible, because blocks the view construction fencing. I am supported in my work at the institute. Everything is going well. But in this dream I meet my ex (an evil person by nature). He is trying to take me somewhere by force. Nothing works out for him. Self-confidence and self-confidence wins, and I calmly go about my business

    I dreamed of either a chapel or a church, but not a big one, like in an old hut. I saw an embittered woman in it. Then I walked along the road to what seemed like a mountain and saw a river on the right. (This is not the first time I have dreamed). Then I found myself in some kind of as if in a familiar village near a burnt house. People said that this was the house of a witch. I don’t know why, but I suddenly found myself inside, in the corner and I saw some man. I knew him, but I didn’t understand who. Coming out of this house, the witcher scared me, he said something (I don’t really remember) and a lot of it was incomprehensible. I tried to leave, but it didn’t work, and that was the end of the dream interrupted. Unfortunately, I don’t remember many small moments, or I remember, but I can’t describe it.

    I dreamed that near my entrance there was a small chapel with bells, and large turkeys were ringing the bells. I went into the chapel and climbed the stairs, one of the turkeys flew, but then I realized that it was a rooster. On each flight there was a new animal. After the rooster was little puppy husky, he was a little angry, but I played with him. Next there was a small brown bear cub, I didn’t go to him, I got scared and started going back down. After that I woke up

    My loved one and I are walking (it seems like some kind of holiday), turning the corner storey building, and towards him is his mother, in dark clothes, either sad or dissatisfied, behind her is either a chapel or something with a large cross, and the most interesting thing is that this structure is located practically on the road. And mom says, I love this place, I like it here (in the chapel), it’s calm and good.

    I dreamed that I was getting married to my work colleague (we are both girls). We go to a small wooden chapel, it seems to me that we won’t fit in it. But the inside is spacious and beautiful, like a temple.

    I have a newborn baby in my arms, my boyfriend and I are in church or chapel. there we meet my grandmother, who came to light a candle for her deceased grandfather. then we come home, only the situation is different and we see my mother, mother-in-law and her friend at home

    I walked through a park full of green trees and bushes, but there was not a single flower around. I came across a high black fence, behind which stood two brothers - priests in their twenties. I don't remember what they were wearing or how tall they were, only the face of one of them. He had brown hair, pale, almost white skin and clear light green eyes. In some way he reminded me of myself. At first they did not pay attention to me, but then the one whose face I remember smiled at me, came up and extended his hands. The fence has disappeared. He took me by both palms and led me along. I saw a wooden chapel with a high spire. The priest took me to the second floor, where he and his brother lived, and sat down next to chimney, and I sat down on a stool at his feet. Without letting go of my palms, he began to tell me something. He consoled me, said that everything would work out, convinced me of something, gave advice, looking at me affectionately, kindly, and then said something very important, about what should happen in the future, but I forgot it , What was it. I only remember that after our conversation it suddenly became dark around me and suddenly such surprise and admiration appeared in me from somewhere and I clearly remember the thought that I need to go to church and that now I will believe in God, although in reality In fact, I'm an atheist.

Chapel- symbolizes the sacred part of the building where the soul is located. It contains secret beliefs and unrealistic hopes.
See the entire chapel- unhappiness, anxiety.
Be inside the chapel- unexpected help will come to you.
ABC of dream interpretation

If you dreamed that you were in a chapel- disappointments and changes in business await you. For a couple in love, a dream in which they enter a chapel- means: they will have enemies, and their feelings will bring disappointment.
Eastern dream book

Chapel- dreams of discord and unresolved business problems.
If you dreamed that you were in a chapel- you may have disappointment and changes in business ahead.
For young people, a dream about a chapel
Family dream book

Dreamed Chapel- a sign of disagreement in secular society and unsettled commercial affairs.
Be in the chapel- predicts disappointments and changes in business.
If young people dream that they are entering a chapel- in real life they will have enemies, and love will upset them with treachery. In addition, they can get caught in a network of unhappy relationships.
Modern dream book

Chapel- Prepare to endure physical pain.
Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Chapel- there is poverty, need and quarrels ahead.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Chapel- to repentance, a feeling of guilt before someone.
Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Chapel- a big joy.
Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing a chapel in a dream- means discord in secular circles and unresolved business problems.
Be in the chapel- to disappointment and change in business.
For young people to see themselves entering the chapel- means false love and an unsuccessful marriage.
Dream Interpretation modern woman

I dreamed about a chapel- soon your affairs will go very badly.
Be in the chapel- to disappointment and loss of a large amount of money.
In your dream you saw the chapel burning- big troubles await your enemies and ill-wishers, but you will have nothing to do with it.
Did you participate in the construction or supervise the construction of the chapel?- know that you yourself are to blame for your failures.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Chapel- unexpected death.
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

see the chapel- to heart-warming conversations, frank conversation.
If the chapel is old- they will not bring you relief if the new one becomes easier.
Esoteric dream book

If you dreamed that you were entering a chapel- this means that your enemies will annoy you, and love will bring you many unpleasant moments.
Maly Velesov dream book

see the chapel- experience unhappiness/longing for peace.
Enter it- news.
Pray in it- help in need.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Chapel- It has same value with the church.
Dream Interpreter

Chapel, see it- hobby; enter her- news.
Explanatory dictionary of dreams

If you dreamed of a chapel- strong and long-lasting love awaits you.
French dream book

The chapel is a symbol of the fact that you will begin to conflict with your personal environment.
Were in it - you will be upset by the upcoming events.
The dream in which it was burning suggests that all your rivals will face trouble.
If they built it, it is a sign that you are to blame for your misfortune.
Online dream book