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» Why do you dream that you are suffocating: the most accurate meaning! Why do I suffocate in my sleep?

Why do you dream that you are suffocating: the most accurate meaning! Why do I suffocate in my sleep?

Lack of oxygen in the body can be caused by various reasons. Pay attention to who lives next to you. And if a person says: “I’m suffocating in my sleep,” feels exhausted during the working day, even if the duration of night sleep is normal, you should try to refer him to a specialist for a diagnosis with a view to further treatment.

The main reason you may hear complaints such as “I feel out of breath at night” is because of snoring. At first glance, a completely harmless manifestation can arise as a result of shortness of breath, which subsequently leads to irreversible consequences in the form of asphyxia, that is, suffocation. In order to get rid of snoring, first of all, you need to change your lifestyle. If your partner complains that I feel out of breath in my sleep, try to convince him not to eat immediately before bed, reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, and also stop smoking. In addition, increasing overall activity also has a beneficial effect on overall sleep quality.

In addition to changing habits, a person who constantly snores in his sleep and says: “I’m suffocating at night” needs to check the functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure level, because snoring can be caused by

The cause of snoring can also be chronic rhinitis, in which case the snorer needs to consult an otolaryngologist.

Excess weight also contributes to increased snoring, so if attacks of shortness of breath bother you both day and night, you need to get rid of additional kilograms.

Suffering in in this case not only the snorer himself, but also the one who is nearby. Often, it is this reason that can indirectly affect the decrease in sexual desire between spouses.

The best solution for both a snorer and someone who constantly has to suffer from listening to sleep sounds is to see a doctor. After all, it is the specialist who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis of the disease and prescribe the right decision.

You should take your health even more seriously if, in the absence of snoring, you are bothered by suffocation at night. Night asphyxia, or shortness of breath, is dangerous when it occurs suddenly during sleep. Therefore, if you suffer from chronic obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma, if your constant complaints boil down to the fact that I’m suffocating in my sleep, and that’s it, try to constantly visit a therapist or pulmonologist to change your treatment and undergo a routine fluorographic examination. Also, use new medications with caution if you have a tendency to allergic reactions.

Those who live next to a person with chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi need to be able to provide first aid.

If your partner’s complaints about “choking in my sleep” become more frequent, be prepared to call an ambulance at any time of the day. This must be done, since with asphyxia every minute is precious. If, nevertheless, an attack occurs while you are waiting for doctors, try to unclench the person’s jaw and perform mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, free top part remove the patient's body from clothing and ensure a flow of oxygen into the room.

Emergency doctors can give an injection that improves heart function and hospitalize the patient, since these types of attacks are relieved in a hospital setting.

I would like to say that when living with a person, you should always pay attention to complaints like “I am suffocating in my sleep,” even if the person has not previously experienced shortness of breath, heart disease, or even snoring. Human body tends to wear out, and you should be more attentive to each other in order to avoid serious consequences and not lose someone dear and close to you.

The moment when you are sleeping and a strong feeling of suffocation and helplessness covers you is called sleep paralysis. To get rid of this syndrome, you need to take several actions:

1. Relax. Having succumbed to the influence of suffocation, you will be able to get out of this situation as quickly as possible; when you fight, the symptoms intensify, and it will become even more difficult to fight;

2. Focus. Paralysis affects the limbs, torso and throat, so try to turn your attention to your palms or feet and work with them;

3. Persuasion. If the previous methods did not work, turn to your ideal. Suggestion and calling on your love for help will shift your attention to this process, slowly leading you out of sleep paralysis.

I’m suffocating in my sleep, there’s not enough air, what’s the reason?

The main cause of lack of air during sleep may be cardiac asthma. Due to low blood pumping in the body, it can stagnate in the small or large circle in the heart, creating suffocation. Bronchial asthma is an allergic disease and is accompanied by a sharp cough with the inability to inhale air.

At overweight Fatty deposits affect the diaphragm, and the space for the lungs is reduced, and therefore suffocation may occur during sleep. Sleep apnea - the syndrome appears when the pharyngeal muscles relax. They block the respiratory channel and when there is not enough air in the body, it gives a signal, which leads to a sharp awakening and a feeling of suffocation.

I choke in my sleep from heartburn

Choking syndrome during sleep from heartburn occurs due to acid reflux. When lying down during heartburn, the stomach releases fluid that goes up to the throat, blocking the airways. In this regard, you feel as if you are suffocating, and the body gives a cough signal to free the respiratory channel.

I choke in my sleep from coughing: causes and treatment

When suffocation occurs in a dream due to intense coughing, you need to understand the reason for its origin. This may be low room temperature, uncomfortable body position with pressure on the diaphragm, dry indoor air or pathological diseases (bronchitis, allergies, adenoids, rhinitis, viral diseases).
To get rid of this disease, you need to periodically ventilate and humidify the bedroom, and also maintain room temperature. If the problem is a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

I choke in my sleep from smoking, phlegm in my throat, saliva

Smoking directly affects the quality of sleep. Due to the fact that cigarettes increase arterial pressure and palpitations, apnea syndrome may appear during sleep. At this moment, the person stops breathing for several seconds. This is harmless to health, but causes serious discomfort during sleep. To get rid of such consequences, you need to quit smoking. Blood pressure will begin to recover and the quality and duration of sleep will improve.

Phlegm in the throat or saliva can interfere with normal breathing during sleep. The reasons for this may be the following diseases: allergies, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis or problems of the cardiovascular system. Smoking may also affect this. Nicotine irritates the larynx and thickens the mucus produced by the lungs. If symptoms of choking occur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

I suffocate in my sleep when I sleep on my back or lying on my side, what could it be?

Brief suffocation while sleeping on your side or back is not associated with any heart disease or lung problems. Often the cause is a deviation in the rhythm of sleep. By contacting a neurologist, he will prescribe medications that normalize the process of falling asleep and normalizing the rhythm.

I suffocate in my sleep during pregnancy, how to treat the problem

During pregnancy, women tend to gain weight; fat deposits accumulate in the neck, narrowing the airways, and in the abdomen, pressing the diaphragm against the lungs. All this can provoke suffocation during sleep. Also, during pregnancy, increased blood pressure is observed, which is also accompanied by sleep apnea syndrome.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Choking and lack of air is an extremely unpleasant and frightening sensation, especially when it wakes you up in the middle of the night. In addition, night suffocation is always a sign of some serious disease that must be treated.

In this article we:

Let's name the possible reasons why a person suffocates in his sleep;

We'll tell you what to do when you suddenly wake up at night from lack of air;

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is the most common cause of shortness of breath at night.

This is how typical patients describe their condition. Compare the sensations with your own; perhaps you will recognize yourself immediately.


“I didn’t know that I was suffocating in my sleep,” my wife said. For many years I just snored, but Lately breathing is also interrupted. She often wakes me up, because sometimes I don’t breathe for a minute... In general, I sleep restlessly, I sweat a lot at night, and I often get up to go to the toilet. In general, I’m not happy with my sleep at all, or with my overall well-being. Drowsiness during the day, headache in the morning, high blood pressure...”


“A neighbor in a compartment on a train once told me that I suffocate in my sleep. Previously, I didn’t attach any importance to sleep at all, but after this incident I began to pay attention - and it’s true, there are problems. Sometimes I doze off in the evening and suddenly wake up abruptly, breathing quickly - as if there is not enough air. Or I wake up at night because I start snoring. Or I sleep restlessly, wake up and cough, and I also need to breathe before I fall asleep again. The Internet says it’s sleep apnea.”

So, the signs of obstructive sleep apnea:

  • The sleeping person snores.
  • In his sleep he suffocates. Stopping breathing occurs more than 5 times per hour and lasts 10 seconds or longer. The longest cessation of breathing recorded by the staff of our Sleep Medicine Center in a patient with apnea syndrome was 3.5 minutes.
  • Often such pauses in breathing are observed by relatives and others. The patient himself, even with severe breathing problems, may not remember anything about the attacks of suffocation!
  • In addition to snoring and respiratory arrest, there may be other symptoms: restless sleep, night sweats, heartburn (especially at night), frequent night urination, daytime sleepiness, involuntary falling asleep during the day, morning headache and etc.

Look at characteristic features breathing at night in a person with obstructive apnea in the presented video.

Typically, people who suffocate in their sleep due to obstructive sleep apnea are overweight men 40-60 years of age and older. Many have hypertension and heart disease. Apnea also occurs in other people (young people, women, children), but less frequently.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition. If left untreated, it can cause myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden death in sleep.

If you suspect you have sleep apnea, consult a sleep specialist. You will undergo a polysomnography (overnight sleep study), an accurate diagnosis will be made, and the cause (or causes) and severity of the disease will be determined. After this, effective treatment will be recommended. The CPAP therapy method allows you to quickly stop suffocation during sleep, eliminate symptoms and reduce risks.

Heart failure

Specific description of the complaint.


“I have had heart problems for a long time, hypertension, 10 years ago I had a heart attack. I take pills... A couple of weeks ago it got worse. I can’t walk as much as before – I’m out of breath. When I go to bed at night, I’m also out of breath! I noticed that if you sleep on a high pillow or even half-sitting, it’s easier to breathe.”


  • A person suffocates not only in his sleep, but also simply in a lying position with a low headboard;
  • Shortness of breath appears or worsens on exertion;
  • A patient is a person with heart disease.

Patients with heart failure (chronic circulatory failure) may experience breathing problems at night. This is a sign of deterioration (decompensation). If you have heart failure, shortness of breath appears or worsens, and you begin to choke while lying down, be sure (urgently!) to consult a cardiologist.

Bronchial asthma


“A week ago, I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night with tightness in my chest. I realized that I was suffocating. It was hard to breathe, harder when exhaling than when inhaling. I had to stand up and put my hands on the windowsill to feel at least a little easier. About 15 minutes passed. I was examined and was diagnosed with asthma.”

Choking in classic bronchial asthma is difficult to confuse with something else.

  • The attack develops quite quickly;
  • During suffocation, it is more difficult for a person to exhale than to inhale;
  • The body position with a forward bend and support of the hands (on the knees, window sill) helps to breathe;
  • The attack lasts up to 20 minutes;
  • Choking quickly resolves with the use of specific drugs (for example, salbutamol);
  • Not only nighttime, but also similar daytime attacks are possible.

If you find yourself short of breath in your sleep and have symptoms similar to asthma, contact your physician or pulmonologist.

A person suffocates in his sleep - other reasons

Perhaps the reasons why you suffocate in your sleep are still unclear to you. You may not have the combination of symptoms that we listed above when describing different diseases.

The feeling of suffocation can manifest not only physical, but also psychological problems - for example, nocturnal panic attacks. If you do not understand why you are suffocating in your sleep, contact a somnologist. A specialist will identify your problem and help you.

Some people experience unpleasant attacks of suffocation at night, which are expressed in an acute feeling of lack of oxygen. In most cases, attacks develop in a dream, unexpectedly, without any warning signs, therefore, a disoriented person who has just woken up, who is suffocating and cannot wake up, perceives them quite hard. Choking at night is a serious signal of problems in the body. What should be the first aid for apnea?

Night breathlessness may be caused by for various reasons

Causes of asthma attacks during sleep

In order to correctly provide first aid to a person who is suffocating in his sleep, you should know about the possible causes of this unpleasant symptom - treatment tactics directly depend on the provoking disease.

Numerous studies have identified several main diseases associated with suffocation at night:

  • Increased blood pressure in the venous system - in this case, attacks are accompanied by swelling of the neck veins.
  • Left ventricular failure - night suffocation is accompanied by coughing; in severe cases, there is a serious danger to the patient’s life.
  • Sleep apnea syndrome in severe cases is accompanied by shortness of breath and suffocation as a result of complete occlusion of the airways and the development of laryngospasm - a condition in which the walls of the larynx collapse as a result of compression of the muscles of its walls.
  • Spasm of the bronchial tree often occurs with bronchial asthma, while experts have long established that bronchospasm often develops at night. During an attack, the patient takes a characteristic position - sitting, leaning on his hands; a person's breathing is noisy, accompanied by wheezing and whistling. As a rule, an attack of suffocation ends safely, with the release of viscous sputum.

  • Diseases of the nervous system – neuroses, panic attacks. In people with unstable nervous system attacks of suffocation at night can develop after a nightmare or as a result of severe stress suffered the day before.

Differential diagnosis of the causes of attacks

In many ways, first aid for sleep apnea at night depends on the cause of the asthma attack, so it is important to correctly assess the situation. It is advisable to have a specialist handle the diagnosis, so it is important to seek help immediately after the first incident.

An attack of suffocation during sleep is in many ways similar to an exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis, however, this disease is characterized by a long course with a gradual increase in symptoms, while bronchial asthma is characterized by the reversibility of bronchial obstruction and the release large quantity sputum.

Pulmonary embolism is also accompanied by a sharp increase in symptoms; the patient, gasping for breath, complains of a feeling of chest pressure. The main difference is dry wheezing when listening.

Patients with neuroses often complain of a feeling of lack of oxygen, while attacks always occur after suffering stressful situations as a result of disruption of the nervous regulation of respiratory function. Choking in this case is not accompanied by wheezing in the lungs.

First aid during an attack

During an attack of bronchial asthma, the patient must be seated and given a special anti-asthmatic aerosol

What to do if an attack of suffocation suddenly develops, how to provide first aid? Most often, an acute lack of oxygen during sleep occurs outside the hospital, so it is important not to get confused and properly help the sick person.

In an upright position of the body with support on the hands, the discharge of sputum improves by facilitating the work of the muscles involved in breathing.

First of all, you should calm a panicking person, try to help him get out of bed - it will be easier for the patient if he leans his hands on something and breathes shallowly, lengthening the exhalation. Call an ambulance immediately medical care. It is advisable to provide oxygen or fresh air, to do this, you can open a window and bring a suffocating person to it. In most cases, the patient’s arms and legs are cold during an attack of suffocation, so it is important to try to warm them with warm water or heating pads. It is recommended to do distracting procedures - mustard plasters on the back or chest will help with this. A light massage has a good effect - stroking the back and chest from top to bottom will help remove mucus. Before the ambulance arrives, it is recommended to give the patient a bronchodilator drug, for example, Eufillin tablet. It is also advisable to take a Prednisolone tablet in the appropriate dosage.

People who periodically suffocate in their sleep should always have a thermos with hot water– hot drinks in combination with expectorant bronchodilators help speed up the end of an attack of suffocation. In severe situations where such measures are ineffective, it is necessary to use aerosols with by special means from the group of sympathomimetics (Salbutamol, Fenoterol). If you do not have the necessary medications, you can give the patient a sniff ammonia or press on the root of the tongue.

To relieve a severe attack of bronchial asthma during the provision of medical care, intravenous administration of aminophylline and glucocorticoids is indicated

In a hospital, treatment methods largely depend on the cause of suffocation. The main goals of drug therapy are to restore normal airway patency, eliminate spasm and swelling of the larynx, and facilitate the discharge of sputum. Main medicines for suffocation are:

  • Glucocorticosterols: Pulmicort, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone in tablets, ampoules and aerosols for attacks of bronchial asthma.
  • Antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Diazolin in tablets or solutions.
  • Inhalations with various solutions - with mineral water, expectorants, bronchodilators, antibiotics.

Attacks of suffocation at night can be very dangerous, and therefore require detailed diagnostics to identify the causes of their development.

Dream interpretation of suffocating in a dream

In dream interpreters you can find several explanations of why you dream of suffocating in your sleep. The problem of lack of air in night dream indicates a subconscious fear of losing something important.

The dreamer himself will be able to understand what to fear, based on his own values ​​and life priorities. In most cases, interpretations affect health, relationships with loved ones and the constant search for the meaning of life. However, it will be useful to expand the understanding of such a symbol.

general information

According to the dream book, suffocating under water is not only a scary, but also a dangerous symbol that hides a lot of interesting information. If the dreamer chokes in a dream, then his attention is drawn exclusively to solving a specific problem.

Thus, the focus on the current moment increases, and this is often lacking in the increasing rhythm of life.

I dreamed of suffocation

Who should I look to for help?

If you dream of an unusual vision, then you should not be content with the advice of your friends, but it is better to immediately turn to a dream book for help. The more difficult the dream turns out to be, the more effort you will have to expend, but it will be worth it.

In Gustav Miller’s dream book you can find an explanation of why I’m suffocating, which will affect my future fate:

  • dying in a dream means possible theft, and therefore try to pay more attention to the safety of your property;
  • successful salvation - to improve your financial situation due to your own determination and empathy.

Feeling short of air in a dream

If you dreamed about suffocating in a dream, you will not be able to accept the current circumstances, no matter how much you want to. The lack of air may be associated with physiological conditions that led to the occurrence of such an unpleasant plot. If someone begins to grab by the neck, trying to take life, this is a symbol reflecting dependence on some person or circumstances.

Choking for a short period of time means receiving a well-deserved reward for your labors. However, the interpreter of the dream is somewhat disappointed, since the reward will not be as great as planned.

You may dream about how you lose the remaining air in your lungs - in your social circle there are people who constantly remember you, not without emotion. Perhaps your action or inaction led to the loss of your reputation, and now you will have to make a lot of effort to restore it.

In what environment?

Choking is a problem that interferes with many people's sleep, but the environment in which this unpleasant sensation began to appear is equally important.


I dreamed of being unable to breathe underwater

Choking when you fall under water is a sign that bright moments and spontaneity have stopped appearing in your life. Dream books often describe a similar picture, and it indicates unnecessary practicality. In some cases, it is better to relax and surrender to momentary experiences.

Struggling with a lack of air in the water - you have every chance of ruining your business reputation, this is written about in the Gypsy Dream Interpreter. Italian psychologist Roberti, speaking about a lack of oxygen, implies certain difficulties in overcoming everyday adversity. The dreamer must learn to plan his actions and relate them to current needs.

Being in the water column is not a good sign, revealing insufficient fluid intake throughout the day. Dream books advise you to pay attention to this, otherwise the healthy balance will be shaken.


Suffocation caused by smoke in the room - environment negatively affects real life dreamer Obviously, such dreams should encourage moving and new achievements.

Dreaming of a suffocating smoke screen

Dreaming of people suffocating in a smoke screen - the beginning of risky love affairs. They can bring not only incredible happiness, but also disappointment. If you believe the dream books, then a sudden romantic wave towards your ill-wishers is not excluded. The panic that sets in in a night dream should make it clear to a person that a sudden connection will only bring suffering. After analyzing the entire situation, you can count on a favorable outcome.

Sometimes a person chokes on smoke in his night dreams, because he is visited by thoughts of his own weakness, which will lead to trouble and disappointment. According to popular dream books, it is difficult for the dreamer to pull himself together and start working on himself. Of course, the path will not be easy, but the support of loved ones will help you avoid many problems.

If water is not able to put out a serious fire, and there is less and less air around, then such a dream symbolizes the onset of changes that sober the sleeper. The veil of his illusions will finally fall, and real opportunities will appear before him.

Experiencing suffocation from gas in a dream


I dreamed that the room began to fill with gas and attacks of suffocation appeared - the dreamer was tired of constantly looking back at the achievements of his family and friends. People must build their own destiny themselves, without looking around.

I had a dream in which the sleeper was choking from unpleasant odor gas - to excessive demands on your soulmate. You must be aware that any expectations may be in vain, and therefore it is better not to be needlessly disappointed.

Choking from gas means problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the sleeper will not be able to buy expensive thing, which I have dreamed of for so long. The main thing is not to get upset ahead of time and continue on your way to the intended purchase.

For no apparent reason

I dreamed of suffocation for no apparent reason

Lack of air in a dream can be associated with various reasons, and therefore it makes sense to consider universal versions:

  • the young girl was short of breath - some person misses her;
  • someone else's hands or a noose - you will become a victim of psychological pressure;
  • shortness of breath while running - to the appearance of a strong opponent.

Sad interpretations

If a person breathes poorly in his sleep, then possible reason hidden in his backbreaking work. The lack of emotional release leads to a state of stress that is so difficult to get rid of.

A representative of the fair sex who suffocated in her sleep cannot open up to other people after bad experience. Dream interpreters advise discarding past experiences, since they interfere with enjoying the current moment.

The dream book considers suffocating in a dream an important warning. If the dream ends in death, then a serious disease has begun to develop in your body, which is beginning to progress. Dream interpreters advise seeking qualified help immediately after waking up.

It is impossible to breathe and the person dies - to receive unpleasant and shocking news. If the events occurring in a night dream are very frightening, then there is a high probability of a magical effect.