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» Why do you dream about water all around? I dreamed about water in a dream (dream book, meaning of sleep). Medieval dream book of Daniel

Why do you dream about water all around? I dreamed about water in a dream (dream book, meaning of sleep). Medieval dream book of Daniel

A natural disaster, such as a flood, is a very bad dream, as is an abundance of muddy water. But if you dreamed of absolutely clean water, and even in large quantities, then there is no reason to worry. On the contrary, you need to rejoice and try to correctly decipher such a dream, for which you need to remember all the nuances and its details.

Why do you dream about a lot of water according to Miller’s dream book?

If the water is clean, then the more it is, the better, since it is the “measure” of the dreamer’s success. Such dreams are experienced by people who have no problems in their personal lives and finances. But when a person becomes a victim of a flood, it is very bad, regardless of whether the water is clean or dirty. The owners of an inexhaustible source of clean water, even in dreams at night, are in their own way happy people who will soon have access to information or learn some important news. All this knowledge will benefit them.

Why do you dream of a lot of water according to Vanga’s dream book?

The Bulgarian soothsayer attached great importance to dreams in which a lot of water appears. If you dreamed of a lot of dirty and muddy water, then this only means that a person’s relationships with his immediate environment will deteriorate, and the reason for this needs to be looked for in oneself.

Clear water is always a dream of good luck, but if the dreamer drowns in it due to his inability to swim, then this means that in reality he is resisting the forces of the Universe and it is high time for him to listen to the voice of Fate. Getting caught in a heavy downpour in a dream means one thing: contact with the Cosmos has been established, and help will come from where a person is not expecting it.

Why do you dream of a lot of water according to Freud’s dream book?

If a person saw a lot of water in a dream, it means that he has a desire to pour out his sexual energy, which is seething in him.

If in a dream a woman absorbs water in large quantities, but cannot quench her thirst, this clearly indicates her persistent desire to become a mother.

Swimming in a relatively calm sea or ocean can speed up this process in reality. When a man sees such dreams, this indicates his unsatisfied sexual needs.

Why do you dream of drinking a lot of water?

  • Carbonated - new opportunities that should not be missed;
  • spring - excellent health;
  • bottled - all difficulties can be overcome;
  • well - an old dream will come true;
  • plumbing - attempts to improve your financial situation will not be successful;
  • saint - old age diseases do not threaten;
  • sea ​​- to disappointment.

Seeing a lot of water in a dream

  • Pure – prosperity and positive changes in life;
  • crystal - abundance and wealth;
  • dirty - warning;
  • muddy - difficult life situations.

Why do you dream of a flood on the street or in a house or apartment?

If a person sees a lot of water in his own house, then such a dream portends him empty conversations and empty time. When a person helps eliminate the consequences of a flood (runs, fusses, bails out water), then this is a clear sign: communication with this person will cause tears and disappointments.

Watching a large-scale flood in a dream while on a city street means troubles, losses and worries.

Covered by a tsunami wave in a dream? This is very bad, because in difficult times no one will come to help.

What does it mean if you dreamed about a lot of water:

Crocodiles. The abundance of these reptiles in the water symbolizes the immediate environment of a person who lives in a society where people prioritize strength and impudence.

Turtles. A woman’s dream about small turtles in the water are harbingers of an upcoming pregnancy. If the turtles are large and there are whole hordes of them, then this means that, despite the obstacles of the enemies, it will be possible to achieve the goal.

Serpent. A pond with snakes is a warning: the dreamer is in serious danger. If you happened to watch in a dream how vipers clashed in a fight with water snakes right in a reservoir, then this means that all attempts by enemies to harm the sleeping person will be in vain.

Frogs. Their abundance is a good sign, indicating that great success awaits the dreamer. By the way, a frog killed in a dream promises the death of a friend in reality.

Dream Variations

  • A lot of water in the river is a joyful event (provided that the water in the river is clean);
  • there is a lot of water on the floor in your home - troubles and misfortunes are coming, and you will have to fight them;
  • a lot of water on the floor in someone else’s home - receive an inheritance;
  • a lot of jellyfish in the water - there is a chance of falling into bad company;
  • there are a lot of snakes in the water - there is a possibility of finding yourself in an unfamiliar place against your will;
  • a giant ball of snakes floating in the water - a corporate party is coming up;
  • there are a lot of worms in the water - your favorite hobby can very soon turn into a source of permanent income;
  • there are a lot of leeches in the water - someone from the immediate environment wants to “stick” to the dreamer in order to receive some kind of benefit, not necessarily material;
  • a lot of water comes out of the toilet along with its contents - a major purchase is ahead;
  • eliminating the consequences of a flood at home - there is a chance to obtain important information;
  • carrying large quantities of water from a well means wealth;
  • a lot of clean water around a person (large body of water) - unheard of success in business;
  • watching the flood from the window of your house - there is a chance of becoming a witness to a crime or incident. In this case, you should remember the saying: two fight, the third - don’t interfere;
  • pouring a lot of water to put out a fire - there is a risk of losing a large sum of money (theft, loss, loss);
  • provide assistance to people affected by floods - help a relative or friend;
  • drown in a flood or tsunami - attempts to solve problems only aggravate the situation, you need to wait;
  • plenty of bottled water – no need to focus on details;
  • selling bottled water in large quantities - you have to fulfill the boss’s instructions;
  • a lot of dark water (clear and cold) - the trials you face will help you strengthen your character;
  • giant fountain - financial stability;
  • full-flowing river - change of activity, addition to the family, new apartment (any positive changes in life);
  • ocean - readiness for great love.

It is not always possible for people to independently understand the meaning of their night dreams. For example, men and women may see a lot of water in their dreams. Does it foretell good or bad events? Should we expect change? Dream books will help you get answers to all your questions; you just need to recall in your memory the details on which the interpretation depends.

Seeing a lot of water in a dream: sea

Each of us can dream about the sea. What does it mean to see a lot of water in a dream? Guides to the world of dreams inform that the sea symbolizes pleasant surprises; perhaps in the near future the dreamer may receive a gift that he has long dreamed of, but did not find the funds to buy.

It’s bad if the sea in your night dreams was stormy and noisy. This suggests that a person must work on himself: he is not always able to keep his emotions under control, which is why conflicts with others often occur. It's time to change for the better, learn to analyze your actions and not repeat mistakes.

Watching the calm sea from afar is a sign of good news. If it rages, then the news will upset the sleeping person.


Seeing a lot of water in a dream - what does it mean? If a man or woman dreams of the ocean, this may indicate internal anxiety. There is a high probability that there is no reason to worry. A person takes negative emotions too close to heart, which can lead to health problems.

The ocean can be seen in dreams by those who find themselves in a confusing situation in reality. If a person is unable to cope with problems alone, he should turn to loved ones for help. Friends and family will definitely give him the support he needs.


Dreamed of a lake? Seeing a lot of water in a dream in this case means leading a measured and quiet life. A person, albeit slowly, but confidently moves towards his goal. If obstacles arise on his way, he overcomes them. The dreamer knows how to keep his emotions under control, thanks to which he gets along well with others.

The lake can also symbolize the need for change. A person is tired of routine, he wants new impressions and emotions. It's the right time to take a break from work. It’s worth getting out into nature, attending a cultural event, and spending time with family and friends.

Some dream books warn that the lake symbolizes future disappointment in people. It cannot be ruled out that the sleeper allows those who are not worth trusting too close to him. Be sure to take a closer look at your surroundings, this will help identify false friends who do harm out of envy.


What other options are possible? Men and women can see water in a river in a dream, a lot of water. This speaks of the inner strength of the sleeper: a person will not be frightened by any difficulties, he is able to cope with all problems on his own. The dreamer is used to always relying solely on himself. This strategy will ultimately lead him to success.

Some dream books inform you that river water is a warning. A person refuses to learn from his own mistakes, because of this he gets into trouble again and again.

What does it mean to see dirty water in a river in a dream, a lot of water? Such night dreams warn of the need to take a closer look at your surroundings. A person is overly trusting, and this can harm him. You should not share your secrets with everyone - some people are able to use the information received for their own purposes.


Why The answer to this question directly depends on what emotions the sleeper experienced. Did the water in the pond scare you or make you wary? This plot indicates that a person needs to prepare for the onset of a dark streak. In the near future, failures will literally haunt him; he should not refuse the help that relatives and friends will offer.

Did a pond in a dream evoke positive emotions? The dream predicts pleasant surprises. An event may also occur that will force a person to change his views on the world around him.


Sometimes in our dreams we see a lot of water on the street. Such dreams have ambiguous interpretation. The dream can symbolize renewal, parting with the past. A new stage will soon begin in a person’s life, and wonderful prospects will open up before him. For example, the dreamer may be offered a new job, a higher position. There is a high probability that your financial situation will improve.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that all changes will be good, especially if there is a possibility that a person will lose something important.

What else could you dream of about a lot of water or a flood? Those who are mired in routine in reality see a flooded city in a dream. The life of a sleeper has become too monotonous; he needs new vivid impressions. Why not, for example, take a vacation from work and go on vacation to an exotic country? You should not do this alone; the company of pleasant people will be the key to a great time.

Flood in the apartment

Seeing a lot of water in your own home in a dream - what does it mean? Such a plot predicts problems and failures. Now is not the right time to make bold plans. Making your dreams come true should be postponed until better times. If a person understands that he cannot cope with the accumulated problems on his own, he needs to seek help.

Is water pouring from the ceiling? The time has come to seriously think about your behavior. If a person constantly conflicts with others, he should blame himself first of all. The sleeper needs to learn tolerance towards other people, and should look at himself more critically. There is no need to constantly try to be the center of attention. It is important to learn to listen to other people and not impose your own point of view on anyone. If the dreamer does not change his behavior, he risks being left alone.

Water on the floor is a plot that can predict serious health problems. Preventing a disease is easier than defeating it. First of all, the dreamer needs to give up bad habits, start eating right, and play sports. If you have alarming symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Is there a lot of water running down the walls? This warns that a person is surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers. He should not put too much trust in people who call themselves his friends. There will come a time when they will stab you in the back.

In his dreams, a person can not only see a flooded room, but also try to stop the flooding and get rid of the water. Such a plot informs the sleeper that he faces a struggle. The person will resist someone's negative influence. If the water suddenly begins to subside on its own, then this is a negative sign: the difficult circumstances in which a person finds himself will force him to give up. The sleeper will give up and surrender to the will of providence. Such a decision can have extremely unpleasant consequences that will deprive you of peace for a long time.

Clean, transparent

What details influence interpretation? A person must remember whether the water was clean or dirty in his dreams. Seeing a lot of clear water in a dream is a good sign. The sleeper will be successful in any business he undertakes; all he needs to do is put in a little effort towards his goal.

The main thing is not to share your plans with everyone. You should only tell your closest people about your intentions, who will definitely not use the information received for bad purposes. The actions of envious people and enemies can prevent your cherished dream from coming true.

Transparent water symbolizes the energy that fills a person and gives strength that allows him to move mountains. It is important to use the overflowing energy exclusively for good purposes. Otherwise, the sleeper’s actions will turn against him.

A person can not only see a lot of clean water in a dream, but also plunge headlong into it. Bathing predicts a successful combination of circumstances. A man or woman will be able to avoid the serious danger that threatens him.

Dirty, muddy

Seeing a lot of dirty water in a dream is a bad sign. A dark streak has come in the life of the sleeper. Troubles will literally rain down on him. Of course, you shouldn’t be discouraged and give up. A person needs to gather strength and survive this difficult period. If he is not able to do this on his own, you can always turn to family and friends for support.

Seeing a lot of muddy water in a dream - what does it mean? This plot also symbolizes future troubles. However, a person is strong enough to cope with all problems. A large amount of muddy water can also serve as a warning about someone’s insidious plans. Enemies are looking for the right moment to harm the dreamer, so you should not let your guard down in the near future.

Black, rusty

Seeing a lot of black water in a dream - what does it mean? Such dreams inform about health problems. You cannot put off visiting a doctor; timely treatment will help you easily overcome the disease. It is also recommended to give up bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

A lot of rusty water is a dream that warns that a man or woman is surrounded by false friends. These people flatter the sleeping person and shower him with compliments. Behind his back they say nasty things about him. You should not ignore their actions, since gossip spread can negatively affect your reputation.

Cold, icy

A man or woman may see a lot of water in a dream and feel that it is cold. This warns that in the near future the sleeper will have to work hard and hard. Vacation will have to be postponed until better times. Determination and perseverance will help a person make significant progress towards his goal.

Cold water is often dreamed of by those who are used to keeping their emotions under control. This allows you to avoid quarrels and conflicts with others, but close people need warmth, which they do not receive from the dreamer. If a person continues to move away from them, he risks one day being left alone.

A lot of ice water is a sign that symbolizes a calm and measured life. In the near future, you should not be afraid of quarrels, conflicts at work and in the family. However, it is important to give yourself an emotional shake-up from time to time. Otherwise, the sleeper risks getting bored.

Warm, hot, boiling

Sleepers can see a lot of water around in a dream for various reasons. If it is warm, then this is a good sign. A streak of luck will soon come in life. The person will become the favorite of fate and will receive gifts from her. Now is the right time to start planning your vacation. The dreamer can visit another country, go to the sea. However, if warm water in night dreams causes unpleasant sensations, then in reality you should consult a doctor. It cannot be ruled out that the man or woman has health problems.

A lot of hot water is a dream that warns that a person is in the grip of anxiety. Most likely there is no reason for fear. It’s time for the dreamer to stop taking everything to heart, otherwise he risks falling into a state of depression.

Boiling water in large quantities symbolizes a bad period. Problems will constantly haunt you, you won’t be able to brush them aside, you will have to concentrate on solving them.

Freud's interpretation

What interpretation does the famous psychologist offer? A lot of water can be a dream for someone who has an attractive appearance and enjoys success with the opposite sex. A person often allows himself fleeting romances and easily enters into sexual relations. The time has come to reconsider your outlook on life. Intimate contacts with people you don’t know well, frequent changes of partners - all this can lead to infection with a dangerous disease and irreparable consequences.

Miller's opinion

Does a person see a lot of water in a dream? Miller's Dream Book recommends paying attention to details. Dreams may contain a hint about what the sleeper should do in a difficult situation. If the dreamer correctly uses the information received, he will be able to avoid serious troubles.

In most cases, a large amount of water symbolizes good in night dreams: a person’s life changes its course for the better. It is important not to miss the opportunities that providence will throw at you. The more effort the sleeper puts in, the shorter his path to success will be.


A person can not only see a lot of water around in a dream, but also fall into it. This turn of events warns that the sleeper’s wishes will not come true. All his started projects will end in failure and will bring unnecessary troubles and problems. It is better to postpone the implementation of your plans until more appropriate times.

Falling in a dream is a warning that a person is preparing to make a fatal mistake in reality. In the coming days, it is important to refrain from rash actions. Otherwise, negative consequences will not be long in coming, which will deprive the dreamer of peace for a long time.

Falling from a ship into a body of water is also not a good dream. In the near future, a person risks being at the mercy of a dangerous disease. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chances of successful recovery.


A person may dream that he is drowning, choking in a large amount of water. Such a plot warns of impending misfortune. First of all, you should be careful of injuries. If someone saves a drowning person in a dream, then in reality he will have success in all his endeavors.

In their nightly dreams, a man or woman can watch someone else drown in a large amount of water. If this is a friend of the dreamer, then such a plot predicts good luck. If the enemy drowns, then all problems will resolve themselves. If a girl sees her lover in the water, then she should not rely on him. Soon the sleeping woman will be disappointed in her love relationship.


What other subjects are covered in guidebooks to the world of dreams? What does it mean when you see a lot of fish in the water in a dream? If the reservoir is clean and transparent, then generous gifts of fate await the person. If the water is dirty and cloudy, you should beware of monetary losses. the dreamer's condition may worsen significantly.

Fish swimming in the lake predict success in the professional sphere. Management will finally pay attention to the dreamer’s merits. Fish in the river promises changes in life, which can be both positive and negative. The interpretation also depends on the cleanliness of the reservoir - the cleaner it is, the better. Financial losses await those who dream of fish in the sea or ocean.

What other details are important? If the fish is actively splashing in the water, then happiness awaits the dreamer in reality. If she jumps out of the water, this prophesies fame and glory for the sleeper, and those around him will pay tribute to his merits.

Women often dream of fish to indicate pregnancy.

Various stories

Seeing a lot of snakes in the water in a dream - what does it mean? If a body of water is literally teeming with reptiles, then this predicts intrigue. Those whom the dreamer considered his devoted friends will soon turn away from him. Enemy machinations can destroy the life of a sleeper if he does not take care of self-defense.

Snakes swimming underwater are not a good dream. Enemies will deal a blow from which it will not be easy to recover. The person will be in big trouble and will not be able to cope with all the problems without outside help. Dead snakes in the water are a good sign. The sleeper will be able to defeat his enemies and leave his competitors behind. Ill-wishers will disappear from his life forever.

A man or a woman can see many turtles in the water in a dream for various reasons. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the reservoir. Big profits are predicted by turtles splashing in crystal clear water. the dreamer will finally stabilize, financial difficulties will be left behind. A person will be able to afford something that only recently he could only dream of. If the water in which turtles swim is cloudy and dirty, then you should not count on the successful implementation of your projects. All endeavors will end in failure. Attempts to change the situation for the better will only make the problem worse. It is better to refrain from any activity in the coming days.

Color matters

If a person sees a lot of water in a dream, then you should pay attention to its color.

  • Shades of green indicate that the sleeper strives for balance and harmony. However, this can also warn of internal immaturity, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s life, one’s actions and decisions.
  • Yellow water is a call to internal order. It's time to put your thoughts in order and relax. Things don't go wrong because a person doesn't have a source of inspiration. Be sure to find it, otherwise you can’t count on changes for the better.
  • Blue water is a sign that the dreamer is living in the past or trying to predict the future. A person needs to learn to focus on the present moment. Otherwise, he will not notice how his life will pass. However, there are dream books that promise the sleeping person prosperity and an improvement in his financial situation.
  • A lot of red water is a symbol of passion. A love adventure awaits a person that will capture all his thoughts. It is impossible to say how long the romance will last, but in any case it will leave pleasant memories.

Walking on the water surface

A person can not only see a lot of clean water in a dream, but also walk on it. Guides to the world of dreams are unanimous that this is a good sign. In the near future, the sleeper can count on the realization of his cherished dream. Everything may not happen at all as the dreamer imagined, but the result will bring him joy.

If it takes a long time to get to the goal, and there is a lot of water underfoot, then a person faces a thorny path to his dream. The crossing of an endless river prophesies a protracted solution to minor problems. If the body of water that a man or woman is trying to cross in their dreams is seething, then this predicts the successful overcoming of all obstacles, but the person will need patience and endurance in order not to deviate from the intended path and reach the goal.

Often water in a dream is interpreted as a symbol of cleansing, not only from worldly, but also from spiritual dirt. Many spiritual rites involve ablution, the most common being baptism. Moreover, water is a source of life, a source of information. The interpretation of the dream will depend on these meanings and understandings. It is dreams with water and about water that are the most informative, but at the same time, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

I dreamed about water in a dream: what would it be for?

Seeing water in a dream, for example, how it flows from a tap, or any body of water - a lake, sea, pool, especially if the dreamer has swam in this water, can be interpreted as the onset of a moment of purification. Purification can mean many things, for example, parting with something unnecessary, getting rid of an illness, unpleasant activities, or any burden.

It's no secret that the moon and water are inextricably linked, and it is the moon that controls water. In addition, the Moon also has an impact on a person’s psychological state. For these reasons, water in a dream also symbolizes our state of mind, and is able to reflect our experiences, what worries us. A simple example - simple, clean and transparent water will speak of mental balance, and the same thing lies ahead - harmony with oneself. Dirty water indicates constant stress, dissatisfaction and an imminent nervous breakdown. Often such dreams occur before the onset of prolonged depression.

When interpreting dreams, it is necessary to take into account the attitude towards water. So, if the sleeper is afraid of water, of swimming, and dreams of visiting various bodies of water, then this can be interpreted as overcoming difficulties in real life; in the future it will be necessary to experience fear, and proportional to the fear of water. If water is your favorite element, then the interpretation of the dream will be rosy.

What kind of water did you dream about?

Moving water is an omen of receiving some information. This could be an unexpected but pleasant call, or a letter. If the water is motionless in a dream, and you have to look at an absolutely calm sea, pool or even the ocean, even just a vessel with water, this also indicates receiving some information. But if with moving water this information will be from loved ones, dear ones, then still water is more related to some kind of knowledge, wisdom, information that will be useful for a long time.

Dirty, muddy water, or water with debris in it, can be interpreted as receiving information that may contain a lot of unnecessary, and even negative, information. It is worth carefully filtering the knowledge and information received.

A dream in which the sleeper swam in muddy and dirty water does not promise anything good. According to tradition, dirty water is associated with diseases and germs, and such a dream can be interpreted as a prediction of an imminent illness, or participation in some unpleasant business.

If in a dream you only saw dirty water or a pond, then this may mean that in your immediate environment there is a source of disease from which you can easily become infected, or there is a person who uses foul language and spreads gossip.

If we turn to legends and epics, bathing in icy streams and ponds has always symbolized good health and the return of youth. In the same way, you can interpret cold water in a dream, which will promise health and well-being. In this case, when interpreting the dream, there will be no fundamental difference in what exactly events happened to the water in the dream.

What bodies of water did you dream about?

When interpreting dreams, there is a fundamental difference between water of natural origin, i.e. those reservoirs that have natural sources of replenishment - a lake, pond, river, sea, etc. or are containers that are strictly limited by walls - a pool, bathtubs, a bucket, or even a simple glass of water.

How large the body of water is and whether it is limited by anything will determine how widespread the phenomenon or event will be. So, if you dreamed of a transparent, clean sea, then there is a significant event ahead or a series of them. If you dream of clean water in a closed, artificial reservoir, then the event will have the appropriate size and character.

Sometimes in a dream you may dream of a real disaster - a flood, which creates a feeling of panic. Such dreams can be interpreted as an omen of difficulties and troubles. These events will happen in any case and nothing can be done about it.

Flowing water that flows next to the house can be interpreted as an improvement in the financial situation; it is not for nothing that there is a saying: “money flows like a river” - this is exactly the case. Seeing standing water in a dream, for example in some container, and it is clean and transparent is a good sign. The meaning of such a dream can be twofold, either it is success in business, or on the personal front.

Dreams about water can concern not only the dreamer, but also his immediate environment. So, if in a dream a sleeping person treats someone with clean, well water, this may mean that soon the person who was treated to water will become rich, and it is the sleeping person who will help him in this. But if in a dream you give someone muddy, dirty water to drink, then such a dream says the opposite - the person will have problems and the dreamer will become the cause of them.

Finding yourself in the water element, among the waves and not being able to get out of there, may indicate that a difficult situation will soon arise, from which you will need all your courage and willpower to get out.

What did you do with water in your dream?

Water is a symbol of purity, and seeing yourself bathing or floating in water in a dream can be interpreted in various ways, but in any case the meaning will be positive. So, for a sick person, bathing or swimming in water promises a quick recovery, getting rid of problems, getting rid of depression and all sorts of negativity. Bathing promises relief, literally, washing away problems.

Stormy rivers with flows are not entirely safe; to see a stormy river with seething flows in a dream and be in the flow of this river - the dream warns of dangers that will come from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Drinking water in a dream speaks of imminent, interesting changes; plans may soon arise that will need to be implemented. According to another opinion, drinking water in a dream means trouble, especially if the water is dirty, cloudy or has some strange taste.

If in a dream you dreamed that water spilled on the dreamer, then soon there will be minor troubles. Not only spilling, but also jumping into the water is not a very good sign; there will soon be trouble. If you fall into water with your head in a dream, then you are in danger of danger and illness.

Often in a dream you can see yourself drowning; fear and panic are inseparable companions of such a dream. Often after such a dream you can wake up with fear, worries - your soul is not at peace. And the interpretation of such a dream will be appropriate; soon you will have to face difficulties and problems.

Pouring water into any containers in a dream foreshadows empty conversations that can revolve around the dreamer, they do not carry any consequences, but it is always not pleasant when one’s own personal life is discussed behind one’s back. In addition, when we spill water, we lose it, and the dream can be interpreted accordingly. Spilling water in a dream means losses, and the more water you had to pour, the greater the losses.

Clean water in a dream means joy, a successful outcome, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future.

Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. A clear river flowing into your bedroom foreshadows the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is agitated, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home.

A stream of clean water flowing near your home means that your financial situation will soon become stronger and you will receive a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need.

If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will have success in business or marriage, which will turn out to be happy.

If the glass is cracked and no water spills, then your wife may die during childbirth, but the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse.

For a priest to dream that he is distributing clean water to people is a sign that he is honestly fulfilling his duty and bringing goodness and comfort to people.

Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly keen on doctrines and heretical teachings.

If a young man dreams that he is drawing clean and clear water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him.

Drawing clean water from a well and treating someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will become rich. If the water is cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person.

Drawing water from a well portends success in business or purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings.

Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or in something else that is not entirely suitable for this means that you will face losses or deception of people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If no water spills, then you will miraculously avoid large losses and save your fortune.

Burying such water in the ground is a harbinger of big troubles, loss of a good name and a shameful death.

Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will be calm and happy.

A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you may lose your wife, children or money.

If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or face a quick death.

For a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream - a harbinger of the romantic love of a beautiful woman.

A seething stream is a harbinger of fire, litigation and the revenge of enemies.

Water flowing over stones means that your enemies or bosses will be unforgiving, and you will lose the lawsuit.

Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune.

Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you.

Troubled water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you emanating from an imperious and powerful enemy.

Sailing along a river with clear water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swimming along a large river is a warning of danger looming over you.

To be in a fast-flowing river in a dream and not be able to get out of it is a sign of a dangerous illness, danger, or a lengthy trial.

A waving stream means the danger of fire, litigation and the machinations of enemies.

Sailing a boat on a body of water with clean and clear water means a good name, wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts.

Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream foretells good news; such a dream predicts recovery for the sick.

Seeing your reflection in water means death for the sleeping person or one of his close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well.

Your life may be in danger; one of your close relatives or friends may die. The dream also predicts great financial difficulties.

If water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you.

Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop up, the worse the meaning this dream will have and the longer your misfortunes will last.

It’s good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or a stream of water, then soon a person whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought of seeing will return to you.

Drinking water in a dream means troubles, failures, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great worries or illness.

Spilling water at home means worries and troubles. How much water you spill, you will drink so much grief. It's even worse if it damages furniture or carpets.

Throwing yourself into water in a dream is a sign of danger; diving into water means trouble. Seeing yourself in water is a sign of ill health, colds, tumors, melancholy.

Swimming in the water means that you will be able to justify yourself and remove all suspicions. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies.

Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love.

Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, and frustration. Getting your feet wet in a dream means losses, illness and obstacles.

Cold and icy water in your dream is a sign of health; hot water means illness, muddy water means sadness and gossip, clean water promises prosperity and success in business, and dark water means insults, grievances, quarrels, failures.

Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for the sick. For the rest, the dream foretells that they will refuse to participate in some business.

Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in grief. Washing with water is good news.

Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes means news. Spraying someone with water means an unexpected turn in business. If water splashes on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes do not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected encounter or an unexpected turn of events awaits you.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means increasing your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you talk more than you do. Watering something with water means losses.

If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you.

To plunge into water up to your neck in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and you will become disgusted with your life.

Carrying water is useless work.

Walking on water without getting your feet wet means overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult task.

Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is being spread about you.

Being scalded by boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own carelessness.

Looking at water in a dream means that your bad premonitions will come true.

If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness awaits you, which you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time.

To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of soon receiving wealth or an inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and big profits.

A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and will not know how to get out of it.

Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving an inheritance, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dreams about water often reflect a person’s well-being; these visions are associated with thirst or general fatigue of the body. If the dreamer is thirsty, and upon waking up, the first thing he does is pour himself a glass of water, there is no point in interpreting what he saw. A tired person may dream of diving underwater, during which he will feel relaxation in his muscles. This dream also does not require interpretation unless it is accompanied by strange and unexpected additions. When what you see is alarming, causes negative or positive emotions, you need to remember the details of the dream and interpret its meaning.

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      General interpretation

      Water can appear in different ways:

      • rivers;
      • endless seas;
      • oceans;
      • rushing waterfalls;
      • heavy rains;
      • floods, storms, tsunamis and other disasters associated with water flows.
      • In many dream books, such a vision is interpreted as a symbol of imminent changes in life. Whether the changes will be favorable or negative depends on the amount and condition of the water:

        • pure - a harbinger of positive turns of fate;
        • cloudy - a warning about something bad, the dreamer is in danger;
        • dirty - a symbol of disease and illness;
        • cold – a reflection of the internal state, alienation and detachment in society;
        • hot is a sign of violent emotions and unexpected conflicts.

        Much water

        Seas, oceans and other huge bodies of water mean stable prosperity and peace, which will soon come in the dreamer’s life. When you dream of a lot of water, the vision predicts the end of a dark streak in a person’s fate; in the near future, all worries and sorrows will dissipate, and success and good luck will take their place.

        If the dreamer finds himself in a stormy stream and is carried away despite resistance, this is a sign of illness. This vision also indicates the occurrence of obstacles in important matters. When the stream carries away other people, this is a harbinger of heavy losses. Such a dream indicates the death of loved ones, situations in which it is impossible to change anything.

        Flooded cities or other populated areas are a sign of a terrible disaster that will entail many negative events and misfortunes. Floods and floods warn of the onset of an unfavorable period in life; such a vision predicts separation from loved ones or a deliberate change of partner.

        A lot of clear and clean water around a person means wealth and luxury. If streams approach the feet of the sleeper, and it is impossible to escape or hide, such a dream is a harbinger of real estate fraud. It is worth abandoning any transactions with the sale of houses and apartments in the near future, otherwise the dreamer will face major troubles, entailing losses and loss of invested funds.

        Falling into a pond means unfulfilled desires and hopes. Current affairs will end in failure, and all undertakings will only bring problems and unnecessary troubles, but the expected result is unlikely to be achieved. If you dreamed of falling into a cloudy, dirty liquid, such a vision warns of taking wrong steps. You should not commit rash actions in the near future, otherwise their negative consequences will seriously spoil the dreamer’s life for a long time. To dream of falling into a pond from a boat or other vessel is a warning about a long and serious illness that threatens the sleeping person. It cannot be avoided, but treatment must be started in a timely manner. An exception is falling into a well; this dream promises unexpected news that will pleasantly surprise and bring a lot of joy to the dreamer’s life.

        Drowning or choking in water is unlucky. Such a vision warns of possible injuries. If you managed to escape, then this dream predicts career growth and increased profits. Saving a drowning person - fortunately, this vision promises good luck in all matters. But when a girl dreamed of her lover floundering in the water, what she saw foreshadows troubles and disappointments in her love relationship with him. A drowning friend, oddly enough, is good luck. If the dreamer’s enemy is drowning, one should expect unprecedented joy that will unexpectedly burst into a person’s destiny.

        I dreamed of walking on the surface of water - this is a good sign. Such a dream predicts the fulfillment of cherished desires. Soon everything planned will come true in the best possible way. But if there is a lot of water under your feet, and it takes a long time to get to your goal, then the path to your dream will be thorny. Walking barefoot along a stream means quickly achieving results, while wading through an endless river promises a long-term solution to minor problems. Crossing a seething, noisy river means overcoming barriers and obstacles. When you manage to reach your goal, then everything will end well; if not, you should be patient and persevering.

        The dreamer's actions

        Often people's dreams contain the same visions of actions with water. The most popular ones are interpreted as follows:

        • Drawing water with a bucket means financial profit, which will be attracted with your own hands, with the help of personal efforts and diligence. The amount of liquid collected indicates the amount of cash receipts. The fuller the bucket, the higher the amount you can expect. The heaviness of the container indicates the effort that will have to be made.
        • Someone gives a vessel of water - unexpected help in business.
        • Swimming in a calm body of water means success and a favorable turn of events. The larger the body of water, the greater luck awaits the dreamer. Swimming in a raging sea or a raging river means troubles and insoluble problems. Sailing in a boat is a sign of a pleasant and cloudless life.
        • Watching the flow leads to a measured way of life.

        Water color

        Transparent water is a symbol of well-being, but liquids of various shades are interpreted in accordance with the color seen:

        • blue - to material wealth and well-being in life;
        • black is a harbinger of depression, negativity and gloomy thoughts;
        • red is a symbol of passionate desires that will soon fill the dreamer’s life;
        • green - to melancholy and sadness, the near future will be filled with troubles and disappointments;
        • yellow is the personification of the sun and light, fate is favorable to the sleeper, soon everything in his life will work out, sadness will go away, and joy and complete satisfaction will come in its place.

        In the dream books of various interpreters you can find detailed transcripts taking into account the details of the dream. Below are the most popular meanings for dreams about water.

        Miller's Dream Book

        Transparent and clean water is a dream of tempting prospects that will open to the dreamer in the near future. This is a symbol of increasing well-being and the appearance of happy moments along the path of life. Soon a person will receive a lot of pleasure from a pleasant pastime.

        Drinking clean water means positive changes and pleasant events. Such a sign predicts the speedy fulfillment of cherished desires. An old dream will finally come true, and the troubles of life will recede and will not overshadow the joy of what has happened.

        If you dreamed that someone splashed clean water on a sleeping person, or that random splashes from rain or sea surf hit a person, this is a harbinger of a new love affair. Soon the dreamer will begin a sensual affair with a like-minded person, and the relationship will develop in the best possible way. The same applies to sports exercises in a pool or pond.

        A puddle of muddy liquid on the street or on the floor, dirty streams or stagnant water with sediment warns of imminent troubles and a person is in danger. Falling into such water is a sign of mistakes that the dreamer will make himself, and then will be painfully worried about.

        If you dream of sailing on a ship that suddenly begins to fill with muddy slurry, according to Miller’s dream book, this means solving very difficult problems. A person faces a difficult choice, but he will definitely cope with all problems thanks to his ingenuity and prudence.

        Drinking a dirty, cloudy drink will make you feel worse. Such a vision can warn of a hidden disease, so it is recommended to pay special attention to your own health in order to prevent the development of the disease in time.

        If you dreamed of a flooded room where the dreamer lives, and the incoming streams are inexhaustible, this is a harbinger of unpleasant circumstances that are inevitably approaching. Attempts to get rid of water, to stop flooding are a symbol of the upcoming struggle with something, resistance to negative influences. If the water decreases, this means that the person will give up and stop fighting, surrendering to the will of fate.

        Interpretation of Vanga

        The famous soothsayer interpreted the water she saw as a radical change in fate, considering this vision a symbol of strength that helps to renew itself and get rid of sins.

        If in a dream a person gets caught in the rain or water jets fall on him, this is an indicator of the strongest influence from space, which does not need to be resisted. Such a vision foreshadows harmony with the Universe in reality; great achievements await a person. Streams of water falling on the head represent glory that will fall unexpectedly. Success awaits a person in all endeavors and accomplishments.

        Seeing turbidity and dirt in reservoirs means troubles and misfortunes awaiting the dreamer at every corner. A person’s relationships with others will deteriorate, and life situations will present more and more obstacles and failures. To mitigate the negative consequences of the upcoming period, you need to show angelic patience and be kinder to people, otherwise problems can unsettle you for a long time.

        A flooded house portends a huge amount of news. This vision warns the dreamer of the need to reconsider his views on life. Some news should become an impetus for changing your worldview and relationships with others.

        If in a dream a person drowns or chokes in streams of water, an unequal struggle awaits in real life. The dreamer will have to show all his strength and stamina in order to cope with the troubles that have befallen him. The next period of life will significantly undermine your health, so you need to be patient and try not to pay attention to troubles in order to avoid nervous breakdowns.

        Circles spreading across the water surface, small ripples and inclusions of drops foreshadow negative changes in life. If, seeing such signs, a person is in a pond, and streams of water knock him down, this symbolizes the bad influence of someone from his close circle. When you managed to resist, you don’t have to worry about the consequences of this dream. A person who remains on his feet symbolizes power and invincibility. Therefore, in real life he will cope with all problems. If the water knocked the dreamer off his feet, a difficult period in fate awaits; it is unlikely that anything will be changed, so you just need to wait until everything ends on its own.

        Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

        The famous predictor associated water in his interpretations with feelings, manifestations of mysterious elements and energies.

        Stormy streams personify explosions of emotions, sensual impulses and manifestations. If an obstacle arises on the path of the water element in a dream, this indicates that the person is hiding his feelings in vain. He needs to open up and let his emotions come out. This is especially true for the flow, which in a dream is dangerous. Such a dream warns the dreamer about possible diseases associated with the nervous system due to excessive restraint.

        A transparent and crystal clear spring indicates the truth of feelings. This vision reveals to a person his inner doubts, which are groundless. The dream shows that you can trust your own feelings. The dreamer's intuition works best during this period.

        Stale, stagnant liquid warns of the depravity of the sleeper. You need to change your line of behavior with others, limit communication with bad people, give up scams and unnecessary adventures, otherwise things could end very badly.

        A vision of a ball filled with water indicates the approach of good weather. If the dreamer was going to make a foray into nature, now is the most successful period for achieving this goal.

        If you dreamed of an insect floundering in a jug or glass of water, such a vision foreshadows a lengthy legal battle. The dreamer has been slandered, but one can prove one’s truth only with the participation of third parties.

        Boiling water symbolizes innovation in the field of science. Seething streams represent new ideas and discoveries.

        The meaning of sleep according to Freud

        Logical interpretations of dreams compiled by Freud very accurately show the internal state of a person, his hidden thoughts and feelings. The scientist interpreted dreams from the perspective of intimate relationships, considering various liquids a symbol of sexuality and the birth of a new life.

        A dream about bathing shows the passion of a person’s nature, his skill and burning desire to enjoy sexual intimacy. If the dreamer gets splashed while swimming, this is a sign of vicious fantasies.

        Diluting wine with water means disappointment, and drinking such a drink means betrayal of a loved one. This dream lifts the veil of secrecy over what a person tries not to notice in real life. The subconscious persistently tells you about deception in a relationship, so you should listen to such a dream.

        Swimming in clean and pleasant water is a sign of imminent motherhood for a woman, and for a man the dream speaks of his hidden desires. If you dream of swimming in dirty water, then this vision indicates a dream of pregnancy, procreation.

        A dream in which a person fills a vessel with liquid shows the desire to make someone fall in love with him or to fall in love himself. Admiring one's own reflection in water determines a high degree of egoism. A person does not take into account the opinion of his partner, ignores his wishes, but at the same time feels that the chosen one lacks love and affection. Therefore, it is worth distracting from personal interests and paying attention to the other half.