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» Why do you dream about a warning? The magic of numbers. What does Miller foreshadow?

Why do you dream about a warning? The magic of numbers. What does Miller foreshadow?

Hearing him in a dream means that you should listen to him. Remember the words that you hear in a dream or the objects that the one who will warn you will point to. Try to decipher the meaning of this message. Usually such a dream predicts that great danger awaits you. Try to be vigilant after such a dream. If you dream that a person points to some part of your body in a dream, then consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps in this way you can prevent the development of a dangerous disease.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Warning from a long-dead grandmother

The dreamer is tired of being surrounded by women, she needs male energy to balance her personal sphere, to take care of a man and at the same time bask in his “rays” (excess female energy is always anger and aggression, often hidden from others). The dream does not bring anything dangerous (but don’t forget about Mom in reality!), but only reminds the Dreamer that somewhere and once She missed, in the personal, which again and again returns her to that very time (Grandma-ghost disappears, Mom will also leave soon, there was a knock on the door a long time ago, a male colleague with a weak biofield, a draft, unfamiliar men - teenagers and a gray-haired old man, a saxophone-trumpet after a lightning strike). Mutual energy exchange does not always imply close relationships; more often, it is aromatic tea in the evening for the two of us and no one else. This is what the dream is about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Not all people believe that certain symbols carry some meaning. However, this is until we talk about various kinds of warnings.

When a person sees and hears words of warning in a dream, this plot will naturally become a reason for him to look into the dream book. The warning in it is a multifaceted symbol that must be considered in combination with other details of the dream in order to understand its meaning.

If you are interested in what a warning means in a dream, you should not ignore a single detail. It is important to pay attention not only to who tried to warn the dreamer in a dream, but also to what the message was dedicated to.

So, for example, if your mother appeared in a dream and tried to express her concerns about your future, then this can be perceived as her excessive participation in your life. However, if the parent strongly warned you against some event or phenomenon, it is quite possible that in reality she herself needs your help or care.

What could be the reason for the alarming night message?

As for the warning about war, according to Miller’s dream book, such a dream plot may symbolize the dreamer’s excessive talkativeness. Those who see such an episode in a dream should refrain from idle talk and chatter if they do not want to get into a conflict situation.

According to the same dream book, a dream with a warning about death threatening the dreamer is a real warning for the dreamer. In the near future, he should be as vigilant and attentive as possible in all areas of activity. And those who dreamed of hearing words of warning from a deceased person in reality need to be doubly careful.

The dream interpreter of the medium Hasse connects plots with a warning of danger with someone else's secret. Those who dream about such stories will very soon find out someone’s secret. But you shouldn’t talk about it, because you can greatly harm the person with whom this secret is directly connected.

But the Dream Interpretation from A to Z has slightly different explanations as to what a warning means in a dream. Based on what exactly this message concerned, he offers the following interpretations:

  • If an alert in a dream indicated an upcoming inspection, in reality the sleeper will have to sort things out with one of his colleagues at work.
  • If the warning contained news about approaching death, it means that the dreamer in the real world will be accompanied by good luck, he will be able to get out of any situation “dry”.
  • A hint of a bad event hidden in an alarming night message is a sign that soon the person will be lucky enough to participate in some important event.

If, according to the dream scenario, you had to hear words of warning about a possible danger, then listen to the version of the Esoteric Dream Book. He believes that such a dream occurs if some unexpected event actually awaits a person in reality. And since troubles can be hidden in small things, carefully check everything that your hand has touched recently.

Never ignore messages

Very often, dreams with messages about possible danger become prophetic. That is why you should not ignore the advice that symbols in your dreams and their interpretations give you.

For example, when in a night vision scene a person warning of an impending threat touches you, pay attention to this. The fact is that the part of the body that the messenger touches in a dream may suffer in the near future. To avoid adverse consequences, it really wouldn’t hurt you to seek professional advice. This way you can eliminate the danger that threatened your health.

The women's dream book, a warning about danger in which is considered a hint of favorable events, prophesies to the sleeper changes on the love front. According to the interpreter, personal life will improve very soon for those who dreamed of a signal about an impending dream.

People who are married and see in a dream a message about a possible threat to their lives can well count on the beginning of a new period in their life together. In the near future, you may be overwhelmed by a new wave of feelings, which will strengthen your connection with your partner and bring you closer.

When wondering what a warning about death or an extremely dangerous situation means in a dream, pay attention to your own behavior in the dream:

  • If, having received the message, you strive to avoid the prophecy in a dream, it means that in reality you will not only be able to solve the problem, but also earn universal respect.
  • If you cannot avoid the prediction and you see yourself in captivity of a dreamed danger, then in the real world you will be faced with minor everyday troubles.

A warning about death in a dream is viewed differently by the 20th century Dream Interpretation. If you dream about something like this, then you can count on a completely opposite forecast. That is, in the near future you will be healthy and live happily.

But to be in the face of danger and not suffer in any way in a dream is a dream of incredible success. However, you will only be able to achieve it if you completely trust your intuition.

As you can see, interpreters interpret in completely different ways what a warning about danger means in a dream. And if you had a similar dream, be sure to check out their versions to understand what you can expect in the near future. Author: Elena Suvorova

Almost all people have dreams, but we do not always think about their significance and the possibilities that they point out to us. It is known that Higher powers communicate with us exclusively at the level of the subconscious, which becomes vulnerable and malleable when we are in a state of sleep.

It is at such moments that our mind comes into open contact with the subtlest energy flows, picking up clues from the Universe and signals from Above.

What are dreams

Bioenergetics experts say that sleep is a state during which we find ourselves in parallel worlds. Dream research shows that dreams change our consciousness; we visit other realities that border us in everyday life only on an invisible and energetic level.
Dreams are filled with unrealistic images, actions and events, which is why they are most often incomprehensible to us. Sometimes dreams baffle us, especially if they have a repeating plot. But at the same time, they arouse interest, mystical fear and the desire to find answers to all questions of interest. While in a state of sleep, we can comprehend feelings that are many times stronger and brighter than those that we are accustomed to encounter in the process of ordinary life.
Sleep is inseparably connected with conscious life and conveys certain messages to our subconscious. While in a state of sleep, we distance ourselves from tension, anxiety and negative experiences. In other words, dreams help us “let off steam” - this is basically their sacred meaning. But that's not all. We reveal our energy potential in our dreams, filter information and create our future.
It turns out that dreams come in different colors. The dream indicates your temperament and character. The more impressionable a person is, the more vivid his dreams, say experts in the field of bioenergy. Muted or completely black and white dreams are observed by people who are accustomed to reckoning exclusively with reason. But in both cases, dreams come from our subconscious, hiding behind the personality, and help us understand and hear ourselves. The more detailed you remember a dream, the stronger its significance for the future. Yes, with the help of dreams you can find out what is hidden in the future, how to achieve it or how to avoid it. It is enough just to know about those dreams that warn of important events. There are only seven of them.

Seven Dreams That Signal Important Events

A dream is a reflection of a person, a mirror of his soul. In them we are able to feel, act, rejoice or experience pain, feel everything that we experience in life. The subconscious, working like clockwork, does not sleep and helps get rid of stress and overexertion. It is in our subconscious that the energy potential for improvement and improvement of the future is hidden, and many dreams point precisely to this. Dreams not only show our mental state - they reflect the future, which we can prepare for and, if desired, change. The influence of such dreams is much longer than others: it lasts about several months. This period of time is allotted to the Universe for you to make an important decision and improve your life. 1. Sleeping with closed objects. We often dream of closed objects that we are unable to open. It could be anything: a window, a box, a drawer or a door. If in a dream you are only concerned with opening something at any cost, you should pay attention to this. Higher powers are trying to inform you. You need to be more careful: they are hiding something important from you. Once you know this, you can get rid of many problems.
2. Dreaming of receiving a call or message. If in a dream someone urgently wants to contact you, remember: this is the Creator. If you dream of a ringing phone or flashing messages, it means that your life is about to change. But in order to achieve happiness, you need to be alert and pay attention to every detail so as not to miss good opportunities. The solution, as a rule, lies on the surface.
3. Flying in a dream. Such a dream means that you avoid responsibility, strong-willed decisions and initiative. Higher powers want you to cut this knot and stop running away from your obligations. Only by educating yourself will you be able to look at the world with completely different eyes.
4. Moon disk in a dream means that you are rapidly unleashing your creative potential, but are afraid of social condemnation and failure. The Universe is hinting to you that it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and change your life for the better, reveal yourself and free yourself from the imposed framework.
5. Dream about the road. Such dreams are very symbolic. It all depends on what emotions you experience when holding a direction in a dream. If there are no obstacles on your way, it means that you are going in the right direction in life; all you have to do is take one confident step towards your own happiness. It's another matter when on your journey you come across pitfalls. In this case, you are warned that you have lost your way, have lost your purpose. You need to reconsider your plans and be more vigilant in matters that indirectly concern you.
6. Dream about flowers. To see flowering plants in a dream means to encounter pleasant changes in the near future. This applies to all areas of life. But flowers that have wilted signal that you cannot let go of the past. Higher powers are sending you a hint that you are walking in circles. It's time to turn the page and start a new life.
7. Dream related to water. If in a dream you interact with water in one way or another, for example, drinking it, swimming, drowning or contemplating, you need to take a closer look at whether the water is seething or, on the contrary, whether it is calm. In the first case, you need to calm down and get through a difficult period. In the second, troubles await you, which can be solved through assertiveness and zeal.

As we have already said, during sleep we seem to rise above reality, soar upward and can easily move to any point in time and space that is inaccessible to us in ordinary life. That is why in dreams we can receive signals from both the past and the future. We seem to fly above our life and begin to see it all from above, having the opportunity, as if from a bird’s eye view, to perceive not only the present moment, but also the past and future.

Very often - perhaps most often - dreams send us information from a probable future: they warn, they inform us about something that awaits us. As for the past, it reminds us of itself, as a rule, with some problems inherited from previous years that need to be solved in order to normalize our life in the present. From the past we receive certain allegorical signals that hint at the causes of our problems in the present.

So, dreams are usually associated with the past or the future. But, besides this, they are divided into several more varieties: prophetic (prophetic) dreams, warning dreams, recurring dreams, nightmares and dreams about past lives.

Let's look at each of these varieties in more detail.

Prophetic (prophetic) dreams

This type of dream, as is easy to understand, relates directly to our future. These dreams warn us of events that are imminently about to happen, and we cannot undo the event itself, but we can do something to work around it or at least soften its impact on us. Sometimes such a dream can even save a person’s life. In this case, the dream will be very vivid, clear and unambiguous - with a minimum of hints and vague symbols, with a maximum of clear, clear, sometimes absolutely literal information. One man - fortunately, he lives quite well and is well - once dreamed that he was driving across a bridge in a car, the bridge collapsed and the car fell into the water. The next day, he changed his usual route and did not go across the bridge that he usually used. It was at the moment when he was supposed to pass there that the bridge actually collapsed.

So there are cases when dreams of this kind save a person’s life. But this happens when a person lives in harmony with his subconscious, when he pays attention to the voice of intuition and the clues sent in dreams. Then the subconscious is really ready to help him!

History knows many prophetic dreams that have become legends and myths. For example, the Roman Emperor Constantine, before the battle, after which he, in fact, became emperor, dreamed of a cross - a symbol of Christianity, and someone’s voice said: “You must win!” He made the cross his emblem, won the battle and not only became Emperor of Rome, but also converted to Christianity.

But even prophetic dreams are not always so clear and unambiguous. They are, as a rule, only when it is really a matter of life and death and the impending danger is really very great. Much more often, if we are not talking about such a serious danger, dreams convey information to us in a more familiar, encrypted form. If you dreamed of a war, this does not necessarily mean that a war will actually begin. This could, for example, be a signal of an upcoming conflict at home or at work. If you dream of a collapsing house, this does not mean that your house will definitely collapse. This may symbolize the destruction of something old and outdated or not strong enough in your life - for example, the collapse of a relationship with someone close to you or the collapse of your business.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary dream? This can be done based on several criteria. We must keep in mind that in a prophetic dream a certain plot appears before us, where events develop very logically and consistently. That is, these are not just some “snatches from excerpts”, where images, faces, figures that are in no way connected with each other are bizarrely mixed - this is precisely a plot developing over time. In addition, in such a dream we very often make some decisions, we act and can even influence the course of unfolding events, changing it at our discretion. And one more thing: a prophetic dream is always very vivid, everything in it is like in reality and even more clearly. And such dreams are remembered very well.

Warning dreams

These dreams also refer to the future. We usually have warning dreams more often than prophetic and prophetic dreams. Unlike a prophetic dream, a warning dream does not tell us about an upcoming event, which we cannot change, but that we are threatened with some unpleasant events, but we can prevent them or we can behave in such a way that the event turns the other way towards us - stopped being unpleasant. And if a prophetic dream can promise us both danger and success, triumph, happiness, then warning dreams much more often speak of possible troubles.

For example, such dreams often warn us of an impending illness. A man with a heart condition once had a dream that he could not escape from a burning house and was overcome by fever and suffocation. Seeing a doctor the next day made it possible to stop the developing pre-infarction condition. A dream may also warn about the undesirability of communicating with some person, and that we do not need to get involved in some unnecessary activities and activities. It may seem to us that we are dealing with a good person who is friendly to us, but at the level of the subtle worlds there is other, more complete information about this person. While awake, we do not have access to this information, but as soon as we fall asleep, we can see how this “kind” person is pushing us into the abyss. This is a warning dream: it means you need to think about whether you should be more careful with this person?

How to determine if you really had a warning dream? This is not so difficult to do: in such a dream some unpleasant images appear, and we wake up in a rather uncomfortable state. You especially need to pay attention to dreams in which something unpleasant appears to you - for example, some animals that dislike you, or other repulsive images and pictures. This often indicates the warning nature of the dream. If you have learned to live in peace with your subconscious, it will warn you even about minor negative events.

For example, one young woman once had a dream in which a whole flock of cats ran towards a tree on which some fluffy cute animal was sitting, and they ran with the clear intention of eating the animal. The next day at work, she was called “on the carpet” to her superiors, where now the administration was literally trying to “eat” her. But thanks to the warning received in a dream, she was ready for such an attack and defended herself.

Another time she had a dream that three cats entangled her in some kind of sheet, she fell to the floor, as if tied hand and foot by this sheet, and the cats began to bite her. But in her dream she was not afraid or in pain, but for some reason it was terribly funny. Then she untangled herself from this sheet, rose safely to her feet, escaping from the cat’s captivity, and (in her sleep) laughingly told her family about what the cats had just done to her.

The next day, the management again tried to make some kind of claims against her (or rather, sit on her neck, dump the hardest work on her without any payment). But she easily and laughingly dismissed these claims, not only not getting upset, but having plenty of fun at the greedy, but not so strong, “cats.” Another confirmation that victory in a dream is followed by victory in reality.


Nightmares most often tell us about problems in our past, but sometimes they can also be a warning. But if they warn, they always warn that it is necessary to solve a problem coming from the past in order to avoid future troubles. Many people are afraid of nightmares. Of course, who enjoys experiencing fear and horror in a dream! But if we treat such a dream correctly, it can bring us a lot of benefits. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of nightmares. You just need to learn how to work with them. Very often, having experienced a nightmare in a dream, we can thereby avoid it in reality.

Most often in a nightmare we are afraid of something, we are threatened by something frightening and not always understandable, we try to run away - but we cannot run, we try to scream - but we cannot scream, because the voice disappears somewhere. We wake up sweating, in fear, breathing heavily, with our hearts beating fast.

A nightmare tells us that we have some fears and anxieties that we need to get rid of. And if we have such a dream, it means that the time has come to solve these problems and we have enough strength for this.

When we have a nightmare, we, of course, want to forget it as quickly as possible and not think about it again. This is, in general, a natural desire. But if we want to turn a nightmare to our advantage, then we should not try to brush the dream aside and forget it. When we try to forget such a dream as quickly as possible, we do not solve the problems associated with it, but only “push” them further inside ourselves. This means that they will continue to torment us further, more and more.

Instead of brushing aside the dream, you must try, no matter how hard it may seem, to remember it in every detail and relive it again in your imagination. Try to turn your face to your fear: look at those monsters that tormented you in a dream, and understand what they want from you, what problems they indicate. This way you will simply deprive them of their power. You know, there is such a well-known trick: if you are being pursued and you feel that you cannot get away from your pursuer, you need to sharply and unexpectedly turn to face him. In most cases, this paralyzes the pursuer: after all, it is interesting to pursue only the one who is afraid, who is running away. If you turn to face fear, then you are no longer afraid. And fear loses its power. When we turn our faces to the “monsters” that torment us - the problems, and even more so when we enter into dialogue with them - they simply melt before our eyes and go away.

Here is an example of a nightmare: a young man dreamed that a giant octopus was wrapping its tentacles around him and trying to attach itself to his body. He tried to analyze his dream, once again experiencing it in reality and monitoring all the sensations and associations that arose during this experience. When he again fought with the octopus in his imagination, a picture suddenly appeared before his eyes: several women - his work colleagues - were saying something loudly to him, demanding something from him and literally “sucking” to him with their eyes, like an octopus with its tentacles ! This unexpected association arose. This again, the subconscious helped to find out the true cause of the nightmare, pushing such a picture to the surface of consciousness. So the reason for the nightmare became clear: his work colleagues and other people from his close circle literally sucked the energy out of him, being real energy vampires. What’s most interesting is that the young man, it turns out, himself, albeit unconsciously, allowed these vampires to feed on his energy, without even realizing it: he followed the lead of those around him, for their sake he sacrificed his personal interests, did not do what he wanted himself, but what was expected of him. When he realized his problems, began to learn to respect himself and defend his interests, the nightmare stopped tormenting him.

This is exactly how you need to approach working with nightmares. However, nightmares are also different, and you don’t always have to believe them. For example, you already know that nightmares seen on the ninth lunar day, on Satan’s day, are often empty: this is simply a provocation of dark forces, which you should not succumb to, and then in the morning everything will dissipate on its own.

Recurring dreams

These dreams also indicate problems lingering from the past that need to be resolved. These are dreams that require special attention from us. Recurring dreams are not just the voice of the subconscious, it is literally a cry for help with which our subconscious turns to us. Recurring dreams are trying to draw your attention to your own inner voice, which urgently asks you to finally address some pressing problems in your life.

In a book dedicated to the Moon and the secrets of our destiny, I talked about a painful recurring dream associated with a child’s fear of teachers - the fear that they will be punished for an unlearned lesson. I was surprised that many adults seem to have similar dreams. In letters of response to the book, a variety of people of various ages and social status confirmed: yes, and from time to time I dream the same thing - as if they are calling to the blackboard, but I don’t know the lesson, or as if I have to go to school, but I I didn’t prepare my homework in any subject... This is how we are all intimidated by our school in childhood, this is how we retain this fear throughout our lives - the fear of punishment, humiliation from a teacher, a stronger, adult who has power over us...

What to do with such a dream? After all, it’s clear that something needs to be done: in fact, don’t live your whole life with a childish fear of the teacher! After all, this fear of the teacher thoroughly spoils us even in our adult life: we subconsciously begin to fear everyone who is older than us in age or position, who is vested with more power, on whom something in our life depends. In each such person, our subconscious, crippled in childhood, feels the same strict, stern teacher from our childhood. That’s why we need to get rid of fear. How? Just like we did with the nightmare: turn to face the fear. Try to remember in reality that situation from childhood that frightened you and relive it again.

Yes, yes, regardless of the fact that you are many years old and you already have children yourself, you will find that somewhere deep inside you, in your soul, that little frightened child still lives, who makes you know about in your dreams, because in your everyday life, of course, you don’t let it come out, you hide it deep inside. Choose a time at least once when no one will disturb you, and remember your childhood fears, relive them again. Perhaps you will feel the same resentment that tormented you as a child, the same suffering because of the humiliation to which the teacher subjected you, making you a laughing stock in front of the whole class for an unlearned lesson. Allow yourself to experience these states again, but no longer “swallow” this resentment, but let it splash out. After all, we are tormented by emotions that we have not truly experienced, which we simply “swallowed” without allowing them to be fully expressed, in fact, without even realizing them. Realize your childhood fears, let them come out - and they will go away. And having realized your fears, you will feel that you are an adult, that you no longer need to be afraid of teachers and that in fact, as you can already understand from the height of your years, all these unlearned lessons and bad grades in your diary are not such a big deal. trouble. And your subconscious no longer needs to carry this fear of a deuce, considering it such a big tragedy. Having gotten rid of childhood fears, you can simply laugh at their frivolity - and they will stop tormenting you.

Dreams about past lives

These are very special dreams. We have already said that in our dreams we seem to fly above the Earth and get the opportunity to see both the past and the future from above. But sometimes we “soar” so high in our dreams that we can see not only the past that took place in our current life, but even past incarnations of our soul, that is, past lives.

We have such dreams quite rarely, but they are always very significant. If we had a dream about a past life, it means that we inherited some very serious problem from a past incarnation. And here we directly come to the topic of the relationship between our dreams and karma.

In dreams in which we see a past life, we usually travel to some places unfamiliar to us. But at the same time we have the feeling that we have already seen all this, all this has already happened to us!

If an unpleasant situation arises in such a dream, it means that upon awakening you need to analyze it and try to “rewrite” it in your imagination, drawing, of course, the necessary conclusions about how you should behave in that situation so that it does not leave you. such an unpleasant aftertaste.

However, here we are already touching on methods of working with karma using dreams. And this is worth talking about in more detail.

Modern dream book. The most accurate interpretations from A to Z Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Warning dreams

Warning dreams

These dreams also relate to the future, but they occur much more often than prophetic ones. A warning dream, like a prophetic dream, tells us about an upcoming event. The difference is that in this case we can prevent unpleasant events or we can behave in such a way that the event turns the other way towards us - it ceases to be unpleasant.

If a prophetic dream can prophesy to us both danger and happiness, then warning dreams most often speak of possible troubles. They let you know about an impending illness and warn against communicating with two-faced people. In any case, having seen such a dream, you should behave very carefully with the objects it points to.

How to distinguish a warning dream from others? In such a dream, we most often encounter unpleasant images or experience a feeling of discomfort and even disgust towards the dreamed images.