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» Why does a girl dream about a mirror in a dream? Interpretation of dreams mirror, dream mirror, dreamed of a mirror. Seeing a large or small mirror in a dream: what does the size mean?

Why does a girl dream about a mirror in a dream? Interpretation of dreams mirror, dream mirror, dreamed of a mirror. Seeing a large or small mirror in a dream: what does the size mean?

Mirror in a dream- Big changes and significant events await the person who looked at his face in the mirror in a dream.
Seeing another person in the mirror- in real life, unfair acts will be committed against you.
Seeing an animal in the mirror means that disappointment and great losses await you in the near future.
Seeing the reflection of your emaciated lover in a dream means that your relationship with your loved one will soon end.
Seeing a broken mirror in a dream- to troubles, disappointments and tears.
Seeing a mirror with a reflection or silhouettes of animals in a dream means that in reality you can prepare for losses and disappointments.
Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream means that in reality you are worried about your future.
A girl or guy looks at themselves in a full-length mirror - it’s a wedding.
For a woman, such a dream foreshadows discord in the family.
If you dreamed of a mirror, then changes in life will certainly await you.
If it was given to you, it could be for a wedding. The mirror has long served people as a symbol with many meanings.
If you dreamed of a small mirror, then you need to pay attention to your family, especially children. Perhaps they miss you.
If you dreamed of a broken mirror, then when you wake up, you will need to draw a red circle on any mirror and then throw it away.
If you dreamed of a whole mirror, then it portends unforeseen expenses; in order not to spend a lot of money, eat half a tomato and throw the other half to the rats.
If you just dreamed of a mirror, then this dream promises obstacles and difficulties.
If you dreamed that you saw the image of another person on the mirror, it means that you may soon find out the truth that he has been hiding from you for a long time.
If you dream of his joyful and healthy reflection in the mirror, then your relationship, although it will become cold, in the end, you will find reconciliation and live happily.
If you dream that you are sitting in front of a mirror and smiling, be careful, perhaps you are too trusting and may fall under someone’s trick.
If in a dream you see the reflection of other people in the mirror, it means that in reality they will act unfairly towards you.
If in a dream you see your reflection in the mirror, it means that you are very worried about the opinions of others about you.
If in a dream you presented a mirror to someone as a gift, it means reconciliation.
If in a dream you find a mirror, then in reality beware of making hasty decisions, they can lead you to irreparable consequences.
If in a dream you look in the mirror, but see the image of another person, it means that in life you are afraid to be yourself, and a feeling of insecurity does not give you the opportunity to open up. Try to believe in yourself and see how the attitude of others towards you will change.
If in a dream you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection in it, expect a difficult life.
If in a dream you are given a mirror and you accept it with a smile, you will find a good wife for yourself.
If you deliberately break a mirror in a dream, you may accidentally set someone up or, unwillingly, betray people close to you.
If you dreamed that you took a mirror that belonged to someone, very soon you will have to prepare for a new addition to the family. Not very pleasant events can overtake you or your spouse in family life if in a dream you lost or gave your mirror to someone.
If the donor is unpleasant to you, then most likely the wife will be nasty.
If a young unmarried girl breaks a mirror in a dream, then she may soon lose her virginity and burden herself with unwanted ties of marriage.
If you look at your face, then life will soon take a sharp turn for the better and your life will change dramatically.
If it is dark, then misfortune will happen soon.
Pearl mirror- to a quarrel.
For a woman to see a mirror in a dream, it can be a harbinger of family conflicts or even divorce.
A mirror in a dream can mean that you are in the clouds instead of going towards your goals in real life. It is likely that you need to look at your life in a new way, see hidden perspectives and try yourself in some new business. It is quite possible that this way you will achieve greater success than before. You also need to analyze your life, your thoughts and actions in order to understand what you really need and what you want to strive for.
A mirror can also symbolize memories that you often return to in your thoughts. You need to relax and take your mind off what has already passed in order to move forward.
A mirror is a bright symbol that has many interpretations.
When you look in a mirror in a dream and see that it is bright, it means that a white streak has begun in your life.
When a person deliberately breaks a mirror in a dream, his desire to defeat his ill-wishers will end successfully.
For a young girl to see a broken mirror in a dream, it predicts a not very happy marriage.
A cloudy and dirty mirror symbolizes gossip and conspiracy around you.
A gift you dreamed of in the form of a mirror- hidden envy of others.
Use a mirror- to marriage.
Dreamed about a mirror- a symbol with many meanings. First of all, such a dream speaks of self-contemplation, that the time has come to evaluate your actions and thoughts from an outside observer.
A mirror seen in a dream is a harbinger of fate: you need to take a closer look at your life and understand what is wrong in it. A mirror in a dream the size of a person is a sign of personal growth.
Broken mirror in a dream- to trouble.
A broken mirror portends the opportunity to learn about things that have been hidden from you for a long time. Moreover, the news can be either good or just the opposite.
Rusty mirror- to sadness.
It is believed that a mirror in a dream is an expression of a person’s subconscious and is often associated with previously experienced feelings and emotions.
If you saw yourself in a dream in a full-length mirror, then get ready for an imminent wedding.
Seeing a mirror in a dream- you have evil, deceptive and fake friends.
To see yourself in a mirror in a dream is a sign that in reality you are quite interested in other people’s opinions about you. You, so to speak, look at your life from the outside, analyze all your deeds and actions.
See the mirror broken- great grief will happen, tears and suffering await you, perhaps even the sudden death of a loved one or relative.

A mirror is a rather ambiguous symbol, since it can either be a reflection of reality or be your guide to the other world. That is why, when you see a mirror in a dream, you need to remember all the details of the dream, because only in this case will you be able to most accurately understand what awaits you in the future and what to prepare for.

Dreaming of a mirror is a symbol of deception, you may soon face difficult obstacles to overcome. A woman who sees a mirror in a dream should show patience and restraint, because she will face disagreements in the family. At the same time, for a young girl, a mirror in a dream often promises a quick marriage. Several mirrors, as if at an exhibition, are dreamed of by someone who is currently in the center of everyone’s attention; a bold act is expected of you. Many mirrors in a dream indicate the complexity of the situation. It is considered a bad sign to see a broken mirror in a dream, since such a dream indicates that one of your loved ones is in danger of violent death. A large, cloudy mirror warns that you risk becoming a victim of gossip and intrigue.

See your reflection in the mirror indicates that interesting events await you; such a dream can promise the birth of a child and profit. Seeing yourself covered in soot in the mirror warns that you risk becoming a victim of intrigue; someone is currently spreading rumors about you. Often, by the reflection in the mirror in a dream, you can find out the real opinion of others about you. So if you see yourself beautiful, young, healthy, then this means you are like that in the eyes of other people, and vice versa - seeing yourself sick, unkempt in a mirror reflection warns that people have a bad opinion of you. You dream of seeing yourself in a full-length mirror on the eve of illness. If you look in the mirror but don’t see your reflection, this means that you will soon reconsider your views on life and change your attitude towards many things. Looking in the mirror but not seeing your face promises noisy fun in a cheerful company.

If you see someone you know in the mirror, then be careful, someone is trying to use you for their own selfish purposes. The fact that you often fall under the influence of others is indicated by a dream in which you looked in the mirror, but saw not your reflection, but an acquaintance. The reflection of an unfamiliar person in the mirror promises big changes. Disappointment and failure await those who saw animals in a mirror reflection in a dream. Seeing your lover tired or sick in the mirror promises separation and unhappiness; healthy and joyful, foreshadows a minor quarrel that will soon be forgotten. The reflection of a monster in the mirror indicates the insincerity of your promises, your inner emptiness. Looking into a broken mirror warns that you will find yourself in a difficult situation and risk making the wrong decision.

An omen of bad events is a dream in which you broke a mirror. Such a dream promises trouble; for a girl it may be a harbinger of insincere friendship and an unsuccessful marriage. Receiving a mirror as a gift warns that you are too gullible and a catch awaits you. Giving a mirror in a dream means that you yourself are giving up your happiness.

Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream indicates that you are experiencing fear, doubt, and cannot make a decision on your own. However, often such a dream indicates that you are simply obsessed with the idea of ​​finding out what awaits you in the future. We advise you not to turn to dark forces, because in this case you can bring trouble upon yourself.

A mirror surface from a dream can be either a positive or a negative symbol. It all depends on the details of the plot. Therefore, when figuring out why a mirror is dreamed of, you need to remember as many details of such a dream as possible.

World-famous psychotherapist G. Miller notes in his work that a person admiring himself in the mirror in a dream is doomed to misunderstanding on the part of family and friends. In the near future, major quarrels, scandals and omissions with them are possible. If the sleeper looks at himself crying, there is a possibility that a very dear friend to him will leave the world.

An unexpected death will cause the dreamer a lot of mental pain. After what happened, it will take a long time to come to your senses. Seeing other familiar people in a small mirror means unfair actions on their part towards the sleeping person. But animals seen in the reflection promise serious disappointment in reality.

Vanga is sure: carefully examining yourself in the mirror in a dream indicates indifference to the opinions of people around you about your own person.

Such a person looks at his own life from the position of an indifferent, calm observer. He never panics because of problems and is very reasonable in dealing with any troubles.

If, when looking in the mirror, you cannot see your own reflection, it means that an evil spirit is ruling over the sleeping person. All his negative actions are just the tricks of evil spirits. It's time to turn to God for help. To do this, you need to go to church or just sincerely pray in silence.

Did you have to guess in front of a mirror in a dream? A man or woman definitely cares about their own life. The main desire of the sleeper is to find out what will happen to him in the near future.

Freud explains that a dreamer who enjoys looking at himself in a mirror in a dream is a real “narcissist” in reality. He is overly self-confident and prone to narcissism. This feature prevents you from building normal relationships with people around you.

Do you dream of your own ugly and distorted reflection in the mirror? The dreams and desires of the sleeper will remain unfulfilled. The dreamer himself will be to blame for this, or rather, his indecision.

If a man or woman is actively washing a mirror in a dream, you should give vent to your sexual energy as soon as possible. Abstinence has recently been the main reason for a person’s bad mood and irritability.

It happens that in a dream a mirror surface appears turned towards the wall. This is a clear hint that the dreamer is worried about his inner fears. Most likely, they are associated with erotic fantasies.

In the Modern Dream Book, such a vision is considered a bad sign. Looking in the mirror means troubles, worries, quarrels. And the reflection of a mysterious creature or monster is dreamed of by people who like to make a lot of promises, but then categorically refuse to fulfill them.

Why do you dream about a broken mirror?

A broken mirror in a dream is always a bad sign. If recently the sleeper has been very passionate about some new activity, the dream suggests that efforts will not lead to anything good. All hopes will be shattered. It is better to listen to the hint from the dream and abandon the work you started as soon as possible. The sooner this can be done, the less disappointment a person can expect in the future.

A sharply and unexpectedly broken mirror foreshadows a serious long-term illness or sudden death of a relative. In this case, the size of the fragments will indicate the closeness of the relationship. The smaller they are, the closer the sick/dead person will be to the sleeping person.

If an unmarried young lady dreams of a broken mirror surface, it means that her lover will not live up to her hopes. The marriage with the chosen man will be unsuccessful. As soon as a woman takes off her “rose-colored glasses” and looks at her partner without embellishing reality, she will immediately be disappointed.

No reflection

A mirror without reflection is often a negative harbinger. If it is whole and pure, in reality the sleeper will encounter deception or obstacles on the way to his goals. Dealing with the latter will not be easy. You will even have to turn to influential friends for help.

If a married woman saw a mirror surface without reflection in her dream, in reality she should prepare for a divorce. Moreover, it will be she who initiates the separation from her significant other. If a representative of the stronger sex has the same dream, then he promises a single guy a quick marriage, and a married guy the appearance of a mistress.

Many mirrors in a dream

It happens that many mirrors appear in a man or woman’s dream. For example, they stand around the sleeping person on all sides. Such a plot is a clear sign that someone around him wants to impose their opinion on him. To prevent the dreamer from encountering serious problems in the future, he should continue to stand his ground and not give in to pressure.

A large number of curtained mirrors foreshadow the imminent death of a close relative or friend. But broken surfaces dream of life’s difficulties and numerous problems.

Admire yourself in front of the mirror

If in a dream you had to admire your reflection in the mirror, then to interpret such a plot, you first need to remember its circumstances and details:

  • Looking closely into your own eyes in the mirror is a sign of important, disturbing news.
  • Admiring yourself, observing a clear reflection, and at the same time experiencing satisfaction - leads to well-being and wealth. In reality, anxiety, worry and mental anguish are alien to a person.
  • Seeing your very beautiful reflection in the mirror means happiness, joy, and pleasant emotions.
  • An ugly own face in reflection is an important warning for the dreamer. There is a high probability that a person will find himself in an unpleasant situation.

Some of his actions will cause a strong negative reaction from others.
It happens that the sleeper does not admire his reflection in the mirror, but is frightened by it. This means that negative emotions overwhelm a person from the inside. They do not allow him to live in peace and be truly happy. To cope with the problem, you need to let go of all negativity and bad thoughts.

Combing hair

A dream in which a person had to comb his hair in front of a mirror is considered an extremely negative harbinger. If these are long curls that the sleeper takes a long time and carefully arranges, it means that due to his own gullibility and short-sightedness he will make a fatal mistake. It will take a very long time to deal with its consequences. To avoid a serious mistake, you need to be very careful about all decisions made in the near future.

Painful combing of very long, tangled hair in front of a mirror portends health problems. The disease has already begun to develop in the dreamer’s body, it’s just that its signs have not yet been noticed.

Clean, dirty mirror

Did you have to re-wash an already clean mirror in a dream? You will need to deal with all the problems that have arisen on your own, without anyone’s help.

A perfectly clean, shining mirror with a beautiful reflection of the sleeping person in it promises the end of a difficult period in life. Finally, you can take a break from your problems and relax.

If you dream of a very dirty mirror surface through which it is impossible to see yourself, it means that the sleeper is very dissatisfied with his own intimate life. He does not give an outlet to his sexual energy, his fantasies are not realized. This can have an extremely negative impact on the emotional state of a man or woman.

I dreamed of a mirror in my hands, on the wall

Did you have to hold a fragment of a mirror in your hands and look into it? Such a dream plot can be considered a harbinger of great misfortune. True, it is difficult to predict in advance in what particular sphere of life it will happen.

A small pocket mirror with a handle portends an improvement in the financial situation of the sleeper. The main thing is not to drop the object from your hands in a dream. Otherwise, a substantial fortune will literally float away from the man or woman in an unknown direction.

Holding a very large mirror in your hands means receiving news that can literally change the dreamer’s whole life. But letting out “sunbeams” with a very small object means you have to lie for your own benefit.

A whole and clean mirror on the wall is a symbol of peace of mind and peace in the family. If it is cracked, such “decoration” of the room promises a man or woman successful employment in the very near future. The sleeper will like the new job in all respects.

Is the mirror on the wall turned away from the dreamer? This means that in reality he is overcome by some fears in the area of ​​sexual relations. Most likely, he is embarrassed about his intimate desires and does not dare to tell his partner about them.

A room whose walls are completely covered with mirrors foreshadows a change in work to a more difficult and responsible one. But the sleeper will have the opportunity for rapid career growth.

What does a dream mean for a man or woman?

Sometimes the interpretation of a dream depends on the gender of the dreamer. If a woman dreams of a mirror and there is no reflection in it, it means that dramatic changes await her. First of all, they will touch upon the sleeping woman’s views on life. For a man, such a dream means that he is too lazy and does nothing to change his life for the better.

A stranger in the mirror portends a new love for a man, and a rival in a romantic relationship or at work for a woman. If you dream of the reflection of an old woman, it means that the girl will expect unpleasant gossip about her person, and the stronger sex will be forced to communicate with annoying advisers.

If it is difficult to independently interpret a dream, you should turn to dream books for help in this matter. The main thing is to choose the work of professionals with a good reputation.

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Seeing a Mirror in a dream

If in a dream you look in the mirror, in real life you will quarrel with your chosen one. A broken mirror is an ominous omen, signifying the death of a loved one. Such a dream also promises an unsuccessful marriage and quarrels.

If a girl sees her beloved in the mirror, who seems pale and sick, this means that she will soon experience his loss. This dream also means an unsuccessful engagement.

If the chosen one looks happy in the mirror, this means that a slight disagreement will arise between the lovers, which will soon be happily resolved.

If you dreamed of a simple mirror, it is very likely that there will be quarrels in your family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

To see yourself looking in a mirror in a dream means that you will encounter many discouraging disagreements; the cause of your suffering will be someone else's illness.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream foretells the sudden death of a relative.

Seeing others in the mirror foreshadows their unfair actions towards you.

Seeing animals in the mirror means disappointment and loss.

A broken mirror seen in a young woman's dream promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage.

Seeing a lover in the mirror, pale and emaciated, means his death or a failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will grow. But after some time, agreement will reign in your hearts again.

Just seeing a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible imminent deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Mirror

Mirror If in a dream you look in a mirror, the dream promises you some kind of insincere disposition, deceitful actions. Sometimes this dream foreshadows the birth of a child.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does Mirror mean in a dream?

Just a mirror in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood in relationships with others, obstacles in business.

Standing in front of a mirror means a wedding, the birth of children, profit, but for the patient it means aggravation of the disease.

If you look at your face in the mirror, the way you look indicates the attitude of those around you (young and beautiful - they treat you well.

Painful and pale - bad.

The face seems unfamiliar - the attitude is changeable, etc.)

Seeing your husband in the mirror means infidelity.

Lover - to separation.

A stranger - to a casual connection.

For a man to see a stranger in the mirror is a sign of a love affair that will be a trap for him.

Such a dream is a warning.

Breaking a mirror is bad luck.

Seeing an already broken mirror means the death of a relative.

Reflection of some people in the mirror means dishonest actions towards you.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does a Mirror mean in a dream?

A mirror in a dream is a symbol of change. Seeing him in a dream means that you are thinking about changing your life.

Seeing a dressing table is a sign of a secret being revealed, as a result of which you will have a scandal, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

In a dream, wanting to see yourself in the mirror, but not seeing it, means a desire for change. In this case, the mirror warns you of obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

Cracks in the mirror in this case mean that the bad feeling will come true and what you fear most will happen. If you are hoping for a happy marriage, then such a dream predicts that this marriage will not be successful or happy.

For lovers, such a dream foreshadows separation from a lover or divorce.

Seeing yourself in a full-length mirror means marriage or a big change in life.

A rich frame on a mirror predicts a prosperous married life and honor. The more modest the frame, the poorer you will live alone or with your spouse. Pay attention to how you are dressed in the mirror.

See interpretation: clothing. This will help you get a true picture of what awaits you in your family life.

Looking in the mirror in a dream, but not seeing your face, means illness. Seeing someone else's face instead of your own means big changes.

The changes will be the same as the face you see in the mirror. For those who cheat on their spouse, this dream predicts the birth of illegitimate children. For a patient to see himself in the mirror - a harbinger of imminent death.

Seeing others in the mirror in a dream is a sign that your opinion about this person will soon change. Seeing your beloved in the mirror means a quarrel with him.

A broken mirror in a dream predicts that your intentions and desires will not come true. Sometimes such a dream can predict the unexpected death of a relative or the betrayal of a friend.

Throwing away a mirror is a sign that you yourself will refuse to change something in your life.

Seeing yourself ugly in the mirror means grief, annoyance, illness and vice versa. If you dream that you have spots on your face (in the mirror), then expect grief because of your children.

Hearing a conversation about a mirror in a dream means quick changes. Good or bad - you will find out from the conversation.

Seeing a mirror is a sign of coquetry or a love affair. Breaking it in a dream means loss of virginity, a dangerous relationship, shame and gossip.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Mirror

Mirror - so as not to dream about anything, you don’t need to look at the sun in the mirror.

How to dream about a mirror: a girl’s betrothed; young women - a change in her life; for everyone to see themselves in the mirror so that their face is still covered in acne - a change in life towards prosperity, wealth.

Seeing a mirror in a dream means shame. If a married woman sees herself in a dream as a young girl standing in front of a mirror, then she will not escape the disease.

If you dream that you are looking in the mirror, you will love someone.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of the dream Mirror

In general, a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, such a dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

“Reflect as in a mirror”: objectivity, visibility, obviousness.

“At a broken mirror or trough” is a loss, a misfortune. "spend time in front of the mirror" is an aimless pastime.

“Through the Looking Glass” is otherworldly, inaccessible, secret. a parallel world.

"Mirror" reflect, copy.

"Curve mirror" distortion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Interpretation of sleep Mirror

Looking in the mirror means deception, lies and betrayal.

Your hopes will not come true.


Breaking a mirror is a great misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

What does the dream predict? Mirror

Soon you will have entertainment or a fun time. Such a dream could be a harbinger of your friend's deception.

For lovers, seeing a mirror is a harbinger of an imminent wedding.

For a girl, such a dream can promise an acquaintance with her future spouse, for a woman - changes in life.

A light mirror is fortunate.

Dark or broken - to trouble.

Looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing yourself as in life means profit.

Seeing yourself very beautiful in the mirror is a sign of well-being.

Seeing your red face in the mirror is a surprise.

Seeing an animal's muzzle instead of a face in the mirror means success.

A pockmarked face means trouble.

Acne on the face means a change in life for the better.

Giving a mirror in a dream means you have to make peace with your former enemy.

Receive a mirror as a gift - you will receive an interesting and profitable offer.

Losing a mirror in a dream means a decline in business, depression.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Dream meaning Mirror

Looking at yourself in the mirror is a dream that in reality you are not guided by common sense in your affairs and will soon fail if you do not organize them properly.

This dream also means that you are surrounded by treacherous people, whom you will soon successfully expose.

They will reveal their true colors, trying to daringly harm you. Don't be too gullible and don't give in to anyone's flattery.

Although you are not prone to suspicion, be cautious and insightful, trying to penetrate the essence of human motives.

Lovers should be wary of their rival: he is determined to oust you from the heart of his beloved and take your place.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

This is a bright symbol that has many meanings.

Mirror: Can mean your imagination or your consciousness reflecting the world around you.

It can also be a symbol of introspection, indicating to you that it is time to turn your thoughts inward.

Some psychologists associate mirrors with hidden subconscious memories.

In China, mirrors were used to reflect or dispel hostile influences: look closely at the accompanying signs to reveal the meaning of this image.

In folklore and fairy tales, mirrors are associated with magic.

This is a door leading from our world to other spheres.

Explore the magic of your life.

The mirror allows you to take a step away from reality and look at life in a new, more fulfilling perspective.

Do you need to see a reflection of what is really happening in your life and understand who you really are? This can be a sign to look into your own eyes and see yourself in full.

It allows you to see yourself as others see you.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream prediction Mirror

The images in the mirror are your fantasies, desires. In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be. You have manifestations of narcissism.

If you see a mirror in a dream, then you are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that you do not dare to commit in real life.

A dirty or foggy mirror symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Washing or wiping a mirror symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A broken mirror symbolizes your collapsed and unfulfilled dreams.

A mirror facing the wall symbolizes your sexual fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Mirror?

Mirror – self-identification; what you see in a dream means an attempt to look at yourself from the outside, to make sure that your image is correct. Confirm your "I". Talks about some lack of self-confidence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

Seeing your reflection is a sign of ill health; the sign intensifies if you look at yourself while naked.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does the dream Mirror mean?

To break - losses through betrayal, separation;

Seeing your face means leading from afar, personal profit, the birth of children;

No face - illness;

An unfamiliar face means big changes.

Also see Face, Break.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

The mirror gives you the opportunity to look at your behavior, attitude to life, and way of thinking from the outside. Symbolizes the deviation monitor and following other people's advice.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Mirror

If you dreamed of a broken mirror, then very soon you will find out what was hidden from you for a long time. To bring this good news, draw a red circle on the mirror and throw away the mirror.

If you dreamed of a whole mirror, then unexpected expenses await you in the near future. To reduce the number of them, eat half of the tomato and throw the other half outside for the rats to eat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Dream about the Mirror

A mirror in which a flame is reflected is harm from temperament.

A mirror, and in it an eerie face - initiation into a dangerous secret, the ability to occultism.

Mirrors - double standards.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Tarot

Dream meaning Mirror

In dreams, mirrors convey a clear reflection of something, display objects, introducing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland, they serve as a door to another reality. The mirror often causes anxiety because of its ability to show us unvarnished what lies ahead, forcing us to interpret what we see and think about whether we like it or not.

If a mirror inconsistently reflects objects - adding or removing details - then it represents a reflection of the perception of life against the backdrop of the real state of affairs. In this case, the dream indicates to you an incorrect interpretation of the motives driving others, which manifests itself in a reluctance to accept these motives “at face value.” (Who or what was added or removed from the mirror?)

Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually a fantasy generated by the subconscious. After passing through the mirror, Alice discovered that it was a metaphor indicating the presence of other worlds. Does your mirror serve as a GATE or a line for crossing the BORDER of another world?

What excites or frightens you most about this new world?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

What does a Mirror mean in a dream?

How we appear to others and thus our appearance.

The unconscious can use this image, pointing to the fundamental unity of two opposites, for example, good and evil, which the individual considered different in his thoughts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Mirror

Seeing a mirror in a dream is a harbinger of imminent marriage, and for married people such a dream means betrayal. Looking in the mirror means increased illness for the sick and illness for the healthy. Seeing how someone looks in the mirror foretells many doubts and a depressed mood due to unhappiness in the family.

Seeing yourself in the mirror is a harbinger that you will meet evil, deceptive and false friends. Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror portends dissatisfaction with yourself due to your inability to organize your affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result.

If in a dream you look at the freckles on your face in the mirror, in reality this foreshadows that your short-lived happiness will be overshadowed by a sad ending: you will lose your lover.

To see a bruise on your face in the mirror that you don’t actually have - such a dream means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will present itself to you in the very near future. Seeing yourself ugly and shaggy in the mirror means quick enrichment and fame.

Seeing other people in the mirror instead of yourself foreshadows their unfair actions towards you. If you saw some kind of animal in the mirror, looking into it, in reality this foreshadows disappointment and loss.

A mirror showing a pale and exhausted lover in a dream is a sign of his imminent death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful, it means that there will simply be a break in the relationship between you, but after a while you both will become happier than ever.

Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a sign of an unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Breaking a mirror in a dream means receiving news that your beloved relative is dying. Seeing someone breaking a mirror is a harbinger of imminent deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried people, and for married people - domestic battles that can lead to divorce.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of the dream Mirror

If you dreamed of a Mirror, then in reality marriage awaits you;

And for a girl, a Mirror in a dream foreshadows marriage in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chaldean dream book

What does it mean to see a Mirror in a dream?

Freedom, wedding, groom (for a girl), change in life (for a young man) // a friend will deceive, betrayal, bad, shame;

To look - to lead from afar // illness, death (to the patient);

Looking and not seeing the reflection is a disease;

Seeing yourself with acne means changes for the better, wealth;

Seeing yourself entirely is a disease;

To break - betrayal, separation;

Giving – reconciliation; will give - wedding (to a girl); to lose is sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does the dream predict? Mirror

Looking in a mirror in a dream: a sign that some important events have matured or are brewing in your life that require composure and concentration from you.

People usually have such dreams before major changes in life.

If you saw a mirror by chance in your dream, then such a dream foreshadows unexpected changes in your life.

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you are satisfied: such a dream means that your chances of success are very high and you can safely take on a new business.

Seeing something strange in the mirror instead of your reflection: a sign of confusion. You seem to have little control over the situation and events in your life may become unmanageable.

Seeing someone else's reflection in the mirror instead of your own: a sign of deception and empty illusions. Most likely, you are seriously mistaken in assessing your capabilities.

To be frightened by seeing a strange reflection in the mirror: means that an incorrect assessment of the situation can cause you serious harm.

A cracked or broken mirror: a sign of sudden changes that threaten to unsettle you.

Too narrow mirrors: a sign that you look at things too one-sidedly and therefore risk making serious mistakes.

Dressing table: indicates that you clearly lack concentration, and this may have a bad effect on your business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream meaning Mirror

The mirror you saw in a dream may be associated with the well-known moral of the fable: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if you have a crooked face” or with the sign that it is unfortunate for a mirror to break.

If you see several mirrors, as if at an exhibition, then this means that you are in the center of attention of others, and some action is expected of you.

Seeing your reflection in the mirror means you will take the wrong step, do something for which you will later be ashamed and embarrassed.

Breaking a mirror in a dream is a bad dream, foreshadowing an unpleasant event that you will be very worried about.

Looking in the mirror, but not seeing your reflection in it - this dream promises you changes that will affect, first of all, your inner world, your outlook on life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

Mirror - betrayal of a loved one awaits you.

If the mirror is broken, you yourself will betray someone.

Mirror - betrayal by a friend

broken - you yourself will become such a traitor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Dream prediction Mirror

Mirror - Looking without seeing your face is a sign of fun. To break is unfortunately a tragedy in love. To give is to give up your own happiness. Receive - expect a catch, gifts not from the heart. There are many mirrors - you will get confused, lost, and will not know who to believe.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing a Mirror in a dream

Seeing yourself beautiful in the mirror is a sign of profit; seeing yourself ugly is a sign of illness.

The placement of the mirror indicates your position at work. On the wall - you have little control over the situation and may find yourself on the sidelines. In the dressing table - expansion of powers will lead to additional obligations, which will seriously affect your relationships with colleagues. Narrow mirrors on columns - you look at events one-sidedly, which will lead to serious mistakes. In the bathroom - you will become a victim of intrigue and slander. In the corridor - you will be initiated into a dangerous secret. In someone else's house - sudden changes can unsettle you. Opposite the place where you were sitting, you will enter into confrontation with your superiors.

Performing any actions with a mirror is a warning about changes in relationships with loved ones. To break is a betrayal of a close friend. You give - loss of love. They give you separation and loneliness. Losing is sadness about an unrealistic relationship. Buy - disagreements and experiences await you.

Imagine that you look in the mirror and see yourself beautiful, blooming, cheerful. If you break a mirror, imagine that the shards turn into water and evaporate.

Seeing other people in the mirror means unpleasant changes in life await you. Your other half - a break in relations with your loved one. Reflecting people from the past whom you have not met for a long time is a disappointment. Seeing the reflection of the people who are walking through life next to you today - you will receive advice that is dangerous to neglect. An unfamiliar face - a forced lie torments you to the point of a nervous breakdown. Admiring someone else's reflection in the mirror - they are trying to manipulate you. Feel disgusted by the face you see - the chosen behavior to achieve your goal does not correspond to your capabilities. Looking at features reflected in a mirror covered with cracks will completely paralyze your will.

Imagine that you see people’s reflections not in a mirror, but in crystal clear water in which you splash and dive into (see Water). If this is difficult, then let people's reflections disappear. Focus your attention on the reflection of yourself - beautiful and joyful (beautiful and joyful).

Interpretation of dreams from
1. Mirror- (Modern dream book)
If you dreamed that you saw yourself in the mirror, then many stunning events will happen to you, and illness will become the cause of your failures and troubles. Seeing a broken mirror is a prediction of the unexpected or violent death of one of your friends or loved ones. Seeing others in the mirror foretells that some people will behave unfairly towards you to achieve their own benefit. Animals seen in the mirror are an omen of disappointment and failure. A dream in which a young woman breaks a mirror foreshadows insincere friendship and an unhappy marriage. If she sees her lover in the mirror pale and emaciated, then this predicts misfortune or separation. If he looks happy, then expect only a short spat. For a young woman to see a mirror in a dream, it prophesies that she will soon be faced with deception and disagreements, which will lead to tragic consequences and separation.
2. Mirror- (Miller's Dream Book)
To see yourself looking in a mirror in a dream means that you will encounter many discouraging disagreements; the cause of your suffering will be someone else's illness. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream foretells the sudden death of a relative. Seeing others in the mirror foreshadows their unfair actions towards you. Seeing animals in the mirror means disappointment and loss. A broken mirror seen in a young woman's dream promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage. Seeing a lover in the mirror, pale and emaciated, means his death or a failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will grow. But after some time, agreement will reign in your hearts again. Just seeing a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible imminent deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.
3. Mirror- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
To break - losses through betrayal, separation; to see your face - to lead from afar, personal profit, the birth of children; no face - illness; an unfamiliar face means big changes. Also see Face, Break.
4. Mirror- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The images in the mirror are your fantasies, desires. In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be. You have manifestations of narcissism. If you see a mirror in a dream, then you are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that you do not dare to commit in real life. A dirty or foggy mirror symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life. Washing or wiping a mirror symbolizes sexual intercourse. A broken mirror symbolizes your collapsed and unfulfilled dreams. A mirror facing the wall symbolizes your sexual fears. See Face.
5. Mirror- (Esoteric dream book)
Looking without seeing your face is a sign of fun. To break is unfortunately a tragedy in love. To give is to give up your own happiness. Receive - expect a catch, gifts not from the heart. There are many mirrors - you will get confused, lost, and will not know who to believe.
6. Mirror- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
A mirror is a symbol of duality and mystery. If you see your reflection in a mirror in a dream, you will receive unexpected news. If you broke a mirror in a dream, in reality you will worry about the treachery of a person close to you. A dream in which you saw a monster in a mirror image indicates the insincerity of your promises and inner emptiness. Seeing a huge mirror with a cloudy surface means becoming a victim of intrigue and slander. Not seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream is a bad sign. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream means fear, doubt, and inability to make decisions on your own.