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» How to take tests for mycoplasma and ureaplasma: donate blood, explanation, results. Mycoplasma, determination of DNA (Mycoplasma genitalium, DNA) in scrapings of epithelial cells of the urogenital tract Who, first of all, should be examined for chlamydia

How to take tests for mycoplasma and ureaplasma: donate blood, explanation, results. Mycoplasma, determination of DNA (Mycoplasma genitalium, DNA) in scrapings of epithelial cells of the urogenital tract Who, first of all, should be examined for chlamydia

PCR diagnostics of scrapings for Mycoplasma spp.

Scraping analysis by method polymerase chain reaction (PCR)) is carried out as part of the examination of patients with suspected development infectious disease mycoplasmosis. This analysis is a qualitative molecular genetic method for studying biomaterial, during which it is possible to detect mycoplasma DNA, which makes it possible to confirm/refute the fact of infection.

Mycoplasma species (spp.) is the smallest bacterium of the family of intracellular prokaryotic microorganisms that affects the organs of the respiratory system and urogenital tract. Mycoplasmas do not have a peptidoglycan wall, so they are extremely resistant to the effects of β-lactam antibiotics and immune defense factors.

When is the analysis done?

Scraping analysis on mycoplasma by polymerase chain reaction prescribed by a specialist when symptoms increase, characteristic of:

  • mycoplasmosis with damage to the urogenital organs, which can manifest itself as inflammation of the prostate gland and testicles, non-gonococcal urethritis;
  • as part of a comprehensive examination for diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature;
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis to determine the causes of the disease;
  • to monitor the effectiveness of therapy for urogenital mycoplasmosis.

Analysis methodology

Biomaterial is taken by urogenital smear, scraping from the surface of the cervix, pharynx depending on the symptoms of the disease. Preparation for the study includes following the following requirements:

  • women should take a smear either before menstruation or 3 days after the end of the discharge;
  • It is not advisable for men to empty their bladder for 3 hours before scraping;
  • scraping from the throat is carried out before breakfast, you can first rinse your mouth with water.
Detection of mycoplasma genetic material is carried out polymerase chain reaction in real time. This method has a high sensitivity and specificity. During the study, DNA of different subspecies of the family can be detected Mycoplasma.

The resulting biomaterial is placed in amplifier. The DNA matrix is ​​heated to 95 degrees so that the DNA chains separate, that is, denaturation of hydrogen bonds occurs. After this, the temperature is reduced and appropriate primers are added, which bind to the 1-stranded DNA template. This stage is called annealing.

The DNA polymerase enzyme duplicates the template strand an infinite number of times using previously added primers. This elongation stage. After this, the presence of bacterial DNA of Mycoplasma spp.

Analysis transcript

Analysis of scrapings for Mycoplasma spp. by PCR method is qualitative, so the results are given in the form of “positive/negative”.

A negative result is considered normal. , which confirms the absence of infection mycoplasmosis.

Positive result observed during infection mycoplasma and detection of bacterial DNA in the studied biomaterial.

More detailed interpretation of the results obtained analysis of scrapings for Mycoplasma spp. will be carried out by a doctor. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Mycoplasmosis is one of those types of diseases, the progression of which can result in the development of a number of complications in the body. It is for this reason that when the first signs appear, it is necessary to conduct a study for the presence of this microorganism in the human body and, if the result is positive, begin treatment.

Analysis for mycoplasma is considered one of the best methods for stopping the disease. The entry of these bacteria into the human body can provoke the development of an inflammatory process in the vaginal area and appendages, and during pregnancy they can cause miscarriage and premature onset of labor.

The main causative agent of the disease is mycoplasma, and they can be in the body of completely healthy people and not manifest themselves in any way.

If the body’s protective functions are reduced or any complex gynecological surgery has been performed, then progression of mycoplasmosis is observed.

In addition, mycoplasmosis often occurs in parallel with such sexual diseases as:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Herpes

The penetration of microorganisms into the human body most often occurs through sexual contact, however, household infection through personal hygiene products cannot be ruled out.

When the pathology begins to develop, mild symptoms are observed, to which patients often do not even attach importance.

L Only a few weeks after the initial infection, the patient begins to complain of unpleasant symptoms.

The main signs of mycoplasmosis include:

  • The appearance of abundant or, conversely, scanty transparent vaginal discharge.
  • Urination is accompanied by a feeling of burning and itching.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of pain during sexual intercourse.

Diagnosing mycoplasmosis can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or cause premature onset of labor.

More information about mycoplasmosis can be found in the video.

If the disease affects the male body, the following symptoms are observed:

  • The appearance of transparent discharge from the urethral canal.
  • Unpleasant pain during urination.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.

When the prostate gland is affected, a man notices signs of prostatitis. If mycoplasmas penetrate the epididymis, the scrotum becomes red and their size increases significantly.

Indications for testing for mycoplasma

To carry it out, blood from a vein is used or scraping is performed from the mucous membrane of the urethra and genital organs. This type of research allows you to obtain information about whether the DNA of the desired mycoplasma is present in the human body or whether it is absent.

Preparing for the study

To obtain accurate and reliable test results for mycoplasmosis, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. A woman can be cultured on any day of the cycle, but the most reliable results will be if a smear is done a few days before the start of menstruation or after it ends.
  2. When performing scraping from the urethra using the PCR method, it is not recommended to urinate for 2-3 hours before the procedure.

Analysis transcript

Prescribing a blood test for mycoplasma involves, first of all, assessing the level of antibodies, that is, immunoglobulins.

In medical practice, several varieties of these antibodies are identified, and some of them can appear within a few weeks after the pathogen enters the body, while others persist for many years.

When deciphering the results, attention is paid to two important indicators:

  • The result, which is expressed in numbers.
  • , that is, norms and deviations from it.

The interpretation of the results of the analysis for mycoplasmosis may be as follows:

  1. A negative result means that the body has not been infected or it occurred very recently, 1-2 weeks ago.
  2. A questionable result means that there may be a sluggish infection or chronic mycoplasmosis in the body. In this case, the specialist recommends repeating the studies using the direct PCR method.
  3. A positive result diagnoses a current infection in the human body, and most often in such a situation it is recommended to confirm the result obtained by smear microscopy or PCR.

Features of treatment of mycoplasmosis

Diagnosing mycoplasma is an indicator that there is an active infectious-inflammatory process in the human body, which requires mandatory treatment. The main method of treatment in this situation is to take antibacterial drugs, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the growth of the pathogen.

The prescription of a particular drug is carried out taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of its course. It is important to understand that only antibiotics can help cure mycoplasmosis, so you should not rely too much on traditional treatment. The use of infusions of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort helps relieve muscle tension and eliminate initial symptoms, however, they are unable to completely eliminate the pathology.

It is important to begin treatment immediately after diagnosing mycoplasmosis and complete recovery can only be confirmed by a negative test result for the presence of the pathogen in the human body.

Mycoplasmosis is a dangerous pathology that can provoke the development of many complications. It is for this reason that it should definitely be treated, and not hope that everything will go away on its own.




Interpretation of results


Determination method PCR with real-time detection.

Material under study Urogenital epithelial cell scraping

Qualitative determination of mycoplasma DNA (Mycoplasma genitalium) in scrapings of epithelial cells of the urogenital tract using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with real-time detection. Mycoplasma genitalium is a pathogenic microorganism that causes diseases of the genitourinary tract. Mycoplasmas are transmitted through sexual contact and can cause nongonococcal urethritis and prostatitis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, pathologies of pregnancy and the fetus, and infertility in women and men.

Analytical indicators:

  • the determined fragment is a specific section of Mycoplasma genitalium DNA;
  • detection specificity - 100%;
  • sensitivity of the analysis - 100 copies of Mycoplasma genitalium DNA per sample.


It is advisable to conduct examinations of women in the first half of the menstrual cycle, not earlier than the 5th day. Examination in the second half of the cycle is acceptable, no later than 5 days before the expected start of menstruation. If there are severe symptoms of inflammation, the material is taken on the day of treatment. The day before and on the day of the examination, the patient is not recommended to douche the vagina. It is not recommended to take biomaterial during antibacterial therapy (general / local) and during menses, earlier than 24-48 hours after sexual intercourse, intravaginal ultrasound and colposcopy. It is recommended to take the material no earlier than 14 days after the use of antibacterial drugs and local antiseptics, and no earlier than 1 month after the use of oral antibiotics. If a scraping is taken from the urethra for research, the material is collected before or no earlier than 2 to 3 hours after urination.

Indications for use

  • Establishing the etiology of a chronic infectious process of the urogenital tract.
  • An erased picture of inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Infertility.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy (not earlier than a month after taking antibacterial drugs).
  • Preventive screening studies (to exclude the possibility of asymptomatic and latent infection).

Interpretation of results

Interpretation of research results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. The doctor makes an accurate diagnosis using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: medical history, results of other examinations, etc.

The test is qualitative. The result is given in terms of “detected” or “not detected”.

  • “detected”: a DNA fragment specific for Mycoplasma genitalium was found in the analyzed sample of biological material: infection with Mycoplasma genitalium;
  • “not detected”: no DNA fragments specific to Mycoplasma genitalium were found in the analyzed sample of biological material or the concentration of the pathogen in the sample is below the sensitivity limit of the test.
Please note that the turnaround time for PCR tests may be increased when confirmatory tests are carried out.

Currently, analysis for mycoplasma in women is considered the best diagnostic option for stopping the disease. Mycoplasma itself is the first cause of urogenital and respiratory diseases. The pathogen is considered one of the most aggressive intracellular organisms. The presence of this pathogen in the blood means problems are present. It is a provoking factor in the occurrence of diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis;
  • meningitis;
  • infertility;
  • encephalitis;
  • complete or partial hearing loss.

Due to the fact that it is very difficult to determine the infection in the early stages, since symptoms do not appear, the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis allows treatment to begin immediately. Provocative factors can be stressful situations that affect the state of the human body. That is why you should know about the causes of mycoplasma and how to get rid of it.

Mycoplasmosis occurs not only in women, but also in men and children. A woman can become infected with mycoplasmosis through unprotected sex. In medical practice, infection by airborne droplets is rare.

Since the incubation period of infection lasts from 5 days to several weeks, bacteria may not immediately appear during a blood test for mycoplasma. It depends on the characteristics of the human body and its immune barrier. Due to the instability of immunity to this pathogen, infection can occur again.

Mycoplasma can be transmitted to a child from the mother through the womb. Determining its location is a difficult task. However, due to the pathogen, a number of other diseases are detected in the child. The most common cause of mycoplasmosis is chlamydia cells, which are a provocative factor. A child may suffer from pneumonia, but without identifying the cause of the disease, treatment will be difficult.

Testing for mycoplasma is carried out no less frequently in men than in women. The disease is also considered a common occurrence among them. The presence of pathogenic cells in the blood indicates infection of the male genitourinary tract, respiratory systems and genital organs. That is why, without timely detection, the disease in men goes unnoticed. The cause of this pathogen can be an infectious disease that has not been fully cured, or severe stressful situations. Timely detection of mycoplasma cells in humans will help to avoid unpleasant situations and illness. This will prevent infection from developing in the body.

Types of pathogens

Using culture, several types of mycoplasmas can be isolated. The pathogens themselves are very small microorganisms that are considered to be the causative agents of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs of women and men. Due to the fact that mycoplasma was found in the analysis, doctors can also detect some other pathogens. They can also be detected during bacteriological examination.

The analysis reveals two types of mycoplasmas:

  • hominis;
  • Ureaplasma urealiticum.

They are considered to be the pathogenic microflora of a woman’s body located in her genitals. Together with the analysis, the susceptibility of microflora to antibiotics is also revealed.

A common type of pathogen is the genitalium. It also belongs to the opportunistic microflora of the genital organs. However, it is not detected by microflora examination. This is due to the fact that it develops for about 5 months in the body of women. To find it, other examination methods are used, which are much more complicated than simple sowing.

Culture for mycoplasma

Testing for mycoplasma is an important procedure. It allows not only to detect a pathogen in the blood and determine its type, but also to count the number of pathogens. The number of infectious agents is calculated per 1 ml of biological fluid selected for inoculation. This gives the doctor the opportunity to determine the treatment and decide whether it is worth it. Analysis for mycoplasma in children, men and women is called bacteriological testing. It is carried out when there is a suspicion of a genital infection, and also allows you to identify infertility. It is also carried out during pregnancy in women.

The research is quite simple. The subject of the study in women is a smear taken from the urethra. It can also be taken from the vagina or cervix. In men, a swab is taken from the urethra or a semen or urine test is done. If a certain disease is suspected, a smear for mycoplasma is first taken, and only then antibiotic treatment is prescribed. This is necessary to ensure that the crop is clean and free of impurities.

In women, the analysis is carried out only after the menstrual cycle or a week before its start.

Due to the fact that mycoplasma has the property of adhering to epithelial cells, a smear is taken with careful selection from the mucous membrane.

Mycoplasma is currently detected using special test systems. They act as a shortened version of detecting mycoplasma. Thanks to the examination, the number of cells in the liquid, their type and period of residence are determined. This test system is configured to detect a specific pathogen in the blood, identifying its viability, but thanks to it it is possible to predetermine sensitivity to various drugs. This simplifies the task for the doctor when prescribing a drug that will definitely kill the infection.

Diagnosis by blood

Diagnosing the infection at an early stage is quite difficult due to the lack of pronounced symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to donate blood for a pathogen immediately at the first suspicion of a certain disease. This can either confirm or refute speculation about infection.

Thanks to the analysis, some antibodies are identified that react specifically to mycoplasma in the blood. They form almost immediately (when an intracellular pathogen enters the body of a woman or man). These antibodies are present inside a person even after complete recovery, but they remain within normal limits and are not elevated, as in the presence of infection. The analysis is carried out twice in order to confirm the presence or absence of the disease, since increased production of antibodies occurs 10 days after infection. A repeated examination will accurately show the stage of the disease and some details that were not identified the first time.

The detection of mycoplasma in the body is evidence of the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process. Treatment of mycoplasmosis is prescribed depending on the sensitivity of the human body. A group of antibiotics is determined that can cope with this disease, certain doses, time and method of taking them orally. First of all, drugs are prescribed that suppress the growth of the pathogen. However, if intermittent side effects occur, the doctor may change the drug and prescribe a different treatment. It is determined depending on the symptoms and degree of complexity of the disease.

Do not forget that such an infection can only be cured with antibiotics. There is no traditional treatment for this disease. Home medicine will help cope with only some symptoms and complications in the body. Infusions of herbs such as chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort are usually used. When washed, they help relax muscles and relieve primary symptoms.

It should be remembered that treatment of mycoplasmosis must be carried out immediately so as not to aggravate the situation in the future. There are times when the symptoms of infection disappear unnoticed. This does not always mean that the disease has completely receded and will not return. Only tests can confirm a full recovery. In this regard, you need to regularly consult your doctor and listen to his recommendations.