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» How to quickly learn geographical objects. How to remember the sequence of playing cards. So as not to forget

How to quickly learn geographical objects. How to remember the sequence of playing cards. So as not to forget

Training with cards Melnikov Ilya

How to learn to memorize cards?

This question plagues many players. Luck is such a thing - today it is there, but tomorrow it is not. Sometimes it happens that you end up with very weak cards in your hands. This is where the card memorization technique comes in handy.

There are a lot of methods, but all methods can be divided into two large groups:

1. Memorizing cards using reference images.

2. Direct memorization of cards, using some technique that facilitates memorization, but without the use of support images.

Memorizing cards using reference images is not a difficult technique if you have experience in memorizing cards. Come up with images for the cards and remember them, for example, the nine of hearts is an orange, queen of spades- cypress, jack of diamonds - musketeer and so on. It will be much easier if the first letter of the name of the reference image matches the first letter of the suit of the card. For example, the queen of hearts is a cherry, the king of the cross is a pencil, the jack of diamonds is a drum, the six of hearts is a ball, the seven of diamonds is a sled, and so on. You should select key words that are easy to remember.

Using supporting images, you can associate a combination of any cards with a specific plot that is easy to remember.

For example, you “lost” three cards (nine of hearts - orange, queen of hearts - cherry, jack of diamonds - drum). You can imagine this “picture”: A cherry and an orange fell right onto the drum. Such a vivid plot is much easier to remember than cards that have “gone away”. The advantages of this method include:

1. When memorizing any combination of cards made up of reference images, you do not need to spend a lot of effort to remember them.

2. With good training, you can remember a large number of kart.

3. Disadvantages of the method:

4. You need to come up with vivid supporting images that will be well remembered.

5. You need to instantly come up with “plots” in your head from these supporting images.

6. Taking a long time to compile images will make other players nervous and rush you. As a result, you will simply stop remembering cards.

The second way is to memorize the cards themselves, as they are. By memorizing in this way, you train your memory and you can remember not only cards, but also any other information you need, any other data.

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Why do you need to memorize cards? With the help of modern mnemonics, you can memorize cards. This is perhaps the simplest and most interesting exercise. Using modern methods you can remember not only playing cards, it can be anything: the phone numbers of all your friends,

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Geography is a fascinating subject that is easy for many at school. But for some people it can be difficult, especially in remembering place names. Do not despair. You just need to want it.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

So as not to forget

Why study capitals?

The world is becoming more open, borders are being erased and distances are being shortened. Therefore, knowledge of countries and the names of their capitals goes from being a brilliant erudition to a vital necessity. Today, not understanding this issue means becoming a modern Mitrofanushka, who argued that geography is not needed, because there are cab drivers.

If you know the states and main cities, you will be able to:

  • easily solve crossword puzzles;
  • surprise the company with your knowledge by offering a game or competition;
  • easy to navigate the world of news;
  • get excellent grades in geography;
  • do not “blink” your eyes at the travel agency, and when your friend talks about a fun vacation.

And just be a modern, knowledgeable person.

How to quickly learn capitals?

There are several ways to quickly remember the countries of the world and their capitals. Some are more suitable for individual training, others will be effective if you team up with friends. We will tell you about the most popular, interesting and simple techniques.

c"> Engaging visual memory

If you have a good visual memory, use it to learn all the capitals and countries. To do this you will need:

  • geographical atlas;
  • contour maps;
  • colored pencils and pen.

Label the name of the state and its center on the outline map, and then carefully color in this territory with a colored pencil. Not only the names will remain in your memory, but even the outline of the border by association with the selected color. You can also finish drawing the national flag, it will also be fixed in your memory.

Do not try to quickly get around the whole Earth. Psychologists say that a person cannot remember more than nine positions at a time. Therefore, first select nine countries of the world on different continents, the next day add one neighbor to each independent territory and thus move forward. This method is also good because you will remember mutual arrangement states and forever understand that Austria lies between Germany and Italy, and Kenya is north of Tanzania.

d"> In a playful way

Now we’ll tell you how to learn the capitals of Europe and other continents while playing.

The simplest method involves the following steps.

  1. Prepare pieces of cardboard.
  2. Write the country on one side and its capital on the other side.
  3. For each continent, choose a different background or font color.
  4. Place the cards in a box or envelope.
  5. As you take them out one by one, try to remember what is written on the back.


This is a fun game to play with a group. The rules can be complicated: the one who answered incorrectly must tell something interesting about this state. If his knowledge is not enough, another player can replace his partner, earning additional points. A funny or interesting fact about the state will be remembered by you along with the geographical names.

There is another version of this game that will help you easily learn all the capitals. Prepare two sets of cards. On some, write the names of countries, on others, their main cities. Divide the prepared game cards into two groups. Taking out a card from the first group, look for a pair for it in the second.

In a similar way, you can play with a friend or a group of up to 5 people. In this case, the presenter selects a card from one box, then from another, and the players find pairs orally. Award points for each correct answer. The one who gives the most correct answers will win.

Mnemonics and associations

Associative thinking is one of the main advantages of a person. How to learn, for example, republics and their capitals quickly and easily? Several methods can be suggested:

  • break the list into several parts and for each part, compose a song or choose the motive of a famous hit;
  • for each pair, come up with or find a poem, a little rhyme, or a saying;
  • apply the mnemonic method.

You can find nursery rhymes that will help you learn the main European cities. For example, this one: “Ships of tall Norwegians are sailing to the city of Oslo.” If you can write poetry, try to come up with similar short couplets yourself. After such an exercise, you will never forget the capitals of the world.

A good trick is to choose words that rhyme and sound similar. Take Gabon and Liberville. Remember: Gabon - trombone Liberville - vaudeville. Can't rhyme? Then find a similar-sounding phrase: the country of Mali, the city of Bamako - a small shoe.

Mnemonics, as a way to quickly and permanently remember something, has been known since ancient times. It was also used by ancient Greek speakers so as not to forget a prepared speech. This method is based on phonetic associations.

Come up with a picture that is associated with a specific title. For example, you want to remember that the center of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. The word "Bosnia" is associated with the word "boss", "Herzegovina" - "duke", and "Sarajevo" - "barn". Now imagine a dilapidated barn in which a fat boss in an expensive suit and an arrogant aristocrat live. The brighter the picture you create in your imagination, the more reliable the association will be.

If you know how to draw, you will learn all the countries and all the capitals even faster. Draw pictures - illustrations of your associations. Just make them colorful and bright - it’s better absorbed.

Magic table

It has long been noted that information in table form is easier to remember. Make a table with the following columns:

  • a country;
  • capital;
  • interesting fact.

On the Internet and encyclopedia you can easily find an entertaining story or an interesting event related to this country. For example, the legend about the founding of the city or the history of its name. Enter in the column " Interesting fact» summary this information.

Here's a simple example. Asuncion is the capital of Paraguay, it has a very long name in Spanish: “the city of the Assumption of our Lady St. Mary the Virgin.” In everyday life this is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, from the seven words, only the ending remained over time - Asuncion, which means “dormition”. It is enough to write this word in a table so that the name of the metropolis is firmly ingrained in memory.

Almighty Internet

On the World Wide Web you can find many games and quizzes on this topic. Download the appropriate application to your smartphone and train in any free time. There are such programs for desktop computers.

Here are a few resources to choose from:



You can find many others, as new samples appear every day. Also on YouTube you will definitely find funny videos and cartoons, videos and trainings just for this purpose.

So as not to forget

Our brain is designed in such a way that unclaimed information is forgotten over time. If you do not want to forget what you have memorized so carefully, you need to periodically repeat the material. To do this, it is better to use a different method than you used to teach. Suppose you have learned all the states using mnemonics. Repeat with computer program or game cards.

The exciting game “Gallop across Europe” will help you. Use the same two sets of cards, choosing one from each box. Let's say we got enough of Spain and Minsk. All participants in the game, without looking at the map, must write a route from the capital city of Spain to main city Belarus. Indicate the country you need to travel through and its central city. Then check the routes on the map. The one who makes the shortest and most correct path wins.

Find a site on the Internet where you can take the appropriate test. Ask friends or family to give you an exam. Put in a little effort and everything will work out!

How to win at Fool (card game)

Fool for 2 players

Fool is intellectual game, and therefore you can learn to win at it. To do this, we will define 2 stages of creating a winning strategy: 1. determining the opponent’s playing style; 2. creating your own counter-style of play.

Determining your opponent's playing style

How to play this game:

In order to determine what style your opponent plays, you need to play several control games with him. Basically, there are 4 playing styles:

  • 1. player collecting trumps

A player who, during the game, never throws up trump cards, makes the first move with one card and throws up any cards, in order not to overwhelm the opponent, but to discard unnecessary cards in order to take trump cards from the deck.

  • 2. player collecting high cards (aces, kings, queens)

Typically, such a player throughout the game tries to collect 4 aces or 4 kings, provided that the aces are out of the game, or 4 queens, provided that the aces and kings are out of the game. Such a player is usually determined in the final stage of the game, when the cards in the deck have run out and it is necessary to force the opponent to take cards, or, on the contrary, 4 high cards are opposed to the opponent’s cards, with the help of which you can fight off any cards from which you entered. Typically, such a player tries to collect 4 aces and 2 more trump cards.

  • 3. a player throwing small cards at his opponent

Such a player forces his opponent to take all the cards from which he was approached. What does this give? Firstly, there is a greater chance of taking trump or necessary cards from the deck, and secondly, it deprives the opponent of the initiative in the game, comparing him with a baby who can play, but cannot control the game.

  • 4. a player collecting paired cards of different values

A player who, during the course of the game, always makes paired combinations of cards from his cards. Paired cards can give an advantage both when beating off the opponent's cards and an advantage during the first run.

These are the popular and most frequently used styles of playing the fool. To believe this, just register with our play area and play several hundred games there. All other styles, to one degree or another, combine all of the above styles.

Of course, within the framework of this article, the frankly weak game of fools by beginner players, which, as a rule, has no style at all, is not considered.

Creating your own counter-style of play

What can be contrasted with these styles?

  • 1. to the player collecting trumps

Let's divide this game into 2 stages, this is determining the player's weak suit and discarding trump cards in response to calls with cards of a weak suit. Therefore, before the middle of the game, you need to determine your opponent’s weak suit. During the game, try to enter with cards of different suits and as soon as a weak suit is determined, then methodically try to force your opponent to fight back with trump cards. An opponent's weak suit means that suit of cards that the opponent does not have.

  • 2. to the player who collects the highest cards

It is not difficult to play against such an opponent, knowing that he is not collecting trump and that at the end of the game he will use his advantage of four high cards. To do this, you can force such a player to fight back with these cards 2 or 3 hands before the end of the game, this is when there are about 6 cards left in the deck, maybe a little more.

  • 3. to a player throwing small cards at his opponent

The following can be done against such a player. Firstly, fight back at the beginning of the game only with high cards: aces, kings, queens. It is necessary to collect high cards at the beginning of the game in order to be able to fight back at least once or twice during the game. You can try to collect all the high cards before the middle of the game, and from the middle of the game start an attack with smaller cards, with each hand, moving to the high cards, thus, the player who throws his opponent with small cards (hereinafter larger) will end up in your own trap. In the middle of the game, he will not want to discard his trump cards, as a result of which he will take them.

  • 4. a player collecting paired cards of different values

It is difficult to play against such a player, since he will always have a couple of cards, both for moving and for clearing. You can only oppose such a player with the same game, that is, play with paired cards and fight back with paired cards.

"Take it all" game tactics

If at the beginning of the game you get 2-3 large trump cards (you can also use small trump cards), then during the game you do not beat off your opponent’s cards, but accept them until there are at least eight to ten of them left in the deck (you can find out how many cards are left , if you count them during the game), then you start playing with the smallest cards, of which there should be 3 or 4 of the same value. In this case, the opponent will have to either fight back (then in any case you will have cards that you can throw to the opponent) or accept cards.

If the opponent fights back, then when drawing cards from the deck, he will probably take non-trump cards, since he fought back with them; and then, having repelled his move, you will easily win.

But if your opponent accepts cards from you without fighting back, then he will have a chance to beat you using the same tactics (as you played) (the opponent will accept cards from you for the time being, after which he will fight back and overwhelm you with the same cards that I received from you).

Most often, few people know about this tactic of playing the fool and, after playing once, they lose, but an experienced player immediately understands what’s going on and will try to interrupt the game in the middle by changing their behavior tactics.

Fool for 3 players

In such a game you need to collect trump and pair cards. To do this you need to try to fight back. The most important thing in such a game is to never throw cards at the player you are following. This can only be done at the end of the game, when the cards in the deck have run out and you see that this player can be the first to leave the game. This is explained by the fact that if you throw cards at this player, then the next move will be made for you by the next player and you will not be able to discard unnecessary cards again and throw cards at a player who may come to you.

You can even cheat, take the card with which they came to you, and then the next player will go to the player who will have to come to you. You will have a chance to throw cards at this player.

Fool for 4 players

In this game you need to decide whether you are playing against everyone or against two, that is, pair against pair. If the player sitting opposite you plays at the same time with you, then the game will become much easier. This game is usually called pair-on-pair. The player to your left is paired with the player to your right, and you are paired with the player opposite you. In such a game it is necessary to throw players left and right. To do this, it is recommended to go to the player on the left at the beginning of the game with low paired cards. If there are none, then choose the lowest card of the suit that you have the most. If this is not the case, then you can make a pair of low cards, for example: a trump six of diamonds and a six of clubs.

If you managed to overwhelm the player to your right and the turn has passed to you, then it is advisable for you to play from those cards that the player to your left or right does not have. After the first round of the game, you can already guess what cards these are. For example, during the rebound, the player illuminated cards 8, 10, B, and the player on the left illuminated 7 and D, in in this case It is recommended to go with 6, 7, 9, since the chance that your partner has these cards is high.

If the player to your left or right takes cards and among these there is a card of higher value, for example, a queen or a king, then try to get rid of it, since you will not be able to fight back with it (since they will immediately throw the rest of the paired cards to you) and you will have a chance to draw a pair or trump card from the deck. If the player to your right couldn’t fight back and takes cards and you are sure that you can take down the player to your left, then you don’t have to throw in the highest card, since obviously the player to your right may be the one to fight back with when your partner moves and you can already throw it up.

When playing as a pair, you should never throw your player. You can only throw cards to him when he takes them, and then only of the highest value and so that they make up a combination of 3 or four cards for him, so that the likelihood that he will fight back next time is high.

If you are playing against everyone, and not pair against pair, then it is recommended to take the low card that they came to take you with, otherwise you risk taking a large number of low cards. For example, you hit a six with an eight, and accordingly all the sixes and eights will fly to you. Otherwise you will only take sixes.

Fool for 5 or more players

In such a game, of course, everyone plays for themselves, so try not to take away the low card they came to you with, just take it.

If they come to you with a higher card, and you see that you cannot fight back, then fight back with a higher card, so that these higher cards are thrown to you and you have best cards in relation to the cards of other players.

If the opponent fights back with trump cards at the beginning of the game, then we can definitely say that he plays cards poorly, since at the beginning of the game there is no point in discarding the trump card. It is recommended to take the bounce cards along with the trump cards, but next time it is better to try to fight back.

If you're going to fight back. In this case, your cards should not contain low cards and more than two cards of the same suit, with the exception of trump cards. Otherwise you risk drawing cards.

How to force your opponent to fight back with trump or high cards. If it is your turn and your cards contain several cards of the same non-trump suit, and if you hit one (lower) of these cards, then your opponent at the beginning or middle of the game will most likely take this card, and if it is at the end of the game, then the opponent will be forced to fight back with a trump card.

Bluff in the game

Don't forget to bluff. For example, a situation at the end of a game with several players, when you have 3 trump cards (king of clubs, 10 of clubs, 6 of clubs,). They made a move to you from the Ace of Diamonds, in this case you must fight back with 10 clubs, then they come to you from the Ace of Spades, here you must fight back with the King of Clubs. Why, you ask? Because players may think that your highest card is the king and will not throw you a trump ace, but will throw you an ace of diamonds, which you will beat off with 6 clubs. Do not overuse bluffing, otherwise you will always be thrown an ace of trumps.

Instead of aces, there may be lower cards, so bluffing often can lead to you losing.

Memorizing cards

Well, the most important thing you need to learn is to memorize cards. You must know which cards came out of the game and in what order.

Knowing which cards are coming out gives you information about what cards your opponent might have, and knowing what order the cards are coming out in gives you information about where the expected card is. For example, an opponent entered with a ten of hearts, so we can assume that the nine of hearts is still in the deck (store), but this statement can only be made with ordinary players, a professional can go with a ten, having a nine in his hands, since he has several tens , and nine is one.

Read various ways memorization playing cards to be knowledgeable on this issue.

Which card player wouldn't want to know what cards his opponent has left in his hand? But remembering all the cards outright is almost impossible. But mnemonics can do this.

Why are lost cards difficult to remember? Because it is meaningless, “unnamed” information. However, if we give each card a meaningful name and select a visible image for it, then it will be much easier to operate with this kind of information.

You can adopt this, for example, recoding method. Each suit will be designated by a letter: crosses - “K”, spades - “P”, diamonds - “B”, hearts - “H”. The “names” for each card of the corresponding suit will begin with these letters. We will encode cards that do not have numerical designations with numbers: let the ace be “1”, the jack “11”, the queen “12”, the king “13”. Then the nine of crosses, for example, will be encoded as K - 9 = KZ = KoZa. And the king of hearts will be the “devil” (H - 13 = CHRT). And so on.

If you want to try this system for strength, then, firstly, the “names” of each card need to be remembered. This is not difficult to do, since the “names” are derived from the digital designation. The main thing is that each card evokes the corresponding image in you VERY QUICKLY. Now you need to remember the outgoing cards during the game. Can be used different ways, but the next one is simpler.

Once a card leaves play, you CHANGE its image. What does it mean to change your image? It is best to break it, destroy it, drown it, set it on fire, etc. And immediately visualize it. By the end of the game, such an eidotechnique will change the images of all cards except those left in the opponent’s hands. Now the most important thing: you need to quickly “run” through all the “names” of the cards and see which images remained unchanged. With two weeks of training, you can bring this time for a full deck to a maximum of 1-2 minutes. Let's see how this method works.

For simplicity, let's take only one suit. Let it be baptisms. Let's say seven comes out first. You imagine how a long beautiful braid is cut off. Next comes five. The top bunk in the compartment falls on your head. Nine - the goat's horns break. Two - imagine torn sneakers. Troika - a huge whale lies on land and breathes heavily. Ten - your bathroom faucet has broken and water is flooding your apartment. Lady - you went into a bowling alley, and a bounced pin hits you in the head. Four - you stepped on some kind of pile in the dark. Valet - the courier lost his briefcase with documents and is now in prison. Eight - represents a slave breaking his shackles. The blind mole king crawled out of the hole and was immediately grabbed by the cat.

Your opponent now has two cards in his hand. Look at the table and run down the column of crosses. You can easily identify unchanging images. This is an ace and a six. The method works, but so far it’s slow. Its only inconvenience is that it cannot be abused. If you apply it 3-4 times in a row, the images can be layered on top of each other. Therefore, resort to this method only in the most critical cases, no more than 2-3 times in one game and not in a row.

However, a slight complication of the system avoids this drawback. To do this, you need to come up with several names for each card. For example, take spare letters to indicate suits. Then the crosses will begin, for example, with a “T” (i.e., “k” is a three, and a three is a “T”). Then you will have a spare row of names for the crosses.

Previously, at school they were forced to cram the names of capitals and called with a pointer to geographical map. There are now many more exciting and humane ways to gain insight into the world beyond Europe. A couple of years ago Edutainme was already done on geography. Since then, many more of them have appeared - we hasten to tell you about the best.

Level: 8-9 grades

The application will be especially useful in lessons devoted to the territorial division of Russia. However, you can use it at least all year round. The service offers two modes: self-study and verification. In the first case, students use the application to remember the location of regions, territories, republics and autonomies. After this, you can consolidate the acquired knowledge: for example, try to mark the subjects or, for example, their administrative centers on the map. There are two levels of difficulty - at the second level, already marked subjects are not painted over.

Political map

Level: 7, 10, 11 grades

The application was developed by the same team as the previous project - it takes into account not only Russia, but also all countries of the world. You can study countries, memorize the names of capitals, and then test yourself (for example, by coloring in the white spaces on separate continents). There are also two difficulty levels: countries with their capital or just capitals. The only problem is that the app hasn't been updated in a while.

Level: 8-9 grades

The Russian geography quiz game contains several types of questions. You can guess what kind of subject is shown on the map, what it borders on, what different cities were called before, or where this or that is located locality. Since the questions are without a specific topic, it is better to use the service so that the student receives additional marks, or simply for motivation and general development. This application also provides two difficulty levels and two modes - training and testing (10 questions, 20 questions or a game of up to three errors).

Level: 8-9 grades

“My Country” is a good reference application that will help when studying the regions of Russia. For each subject you can find information about geographical location, nature, population, economy. Various subjects are grouped into economic regions and federal districts. The application will allow students to independently characterize natural and economic areas.

Level: 10-11 grades

A service for preparing for the final exam in geography was developed in Kazakhstan, but it can be used in lessons in Russian schools. The application consists of three main sections: tutorial, testing and answer search. Of particular interest is the first section, which briefly outlines the main sections of geography: from general to economic and social geography of regions and countries. The testing section, in principle, will also be useful in the lesson, but some questions will most likely seem unusual to our students. The application can also be used as a reference when performing practical work.

Russian regions Subjects of the Russian Federation

Level: 8-9 grades

Another option for testing students’ knowledge of Russian regions. However, in this case you need to write the name of the region or its capital, and not just select from the proposed options or click on the map. Also in the application you can play against the clock, answer questions throughout Russia or guess a city by its coat of arms. The same author has applications for all regions of the world, made according to the same principle.

Level: 5-11 grades

A very interesting, although underrated, application allows you to test your knowledge of state capitals, their flags, and landmarks. The work with the map is well implemented: it is not static, but rotates like a globe. In the center of the screen there is a “sight” that can be aimed at the desired country by rotating the map. In my opinion, this application can be successfully used in almost any class - at least as an option for developing spatial thinking in schoolchildren.

Nikolay Zolotov