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» How are orders divided by personnel? How to divide orders How to divide orders in an organization

How are orders divided by personnel? How to divide orders How to divide orders in an organization

When working with administrative documents (orders, instructions), questions often arise about how and by what principle to systematize them so that, firstly, it would be convenient for current work with documents and, secondly, would not violate the principles of their archival systematization of documents in for subsequent storage purposes. These points are important both for organizations that are sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives, and for organizations that are the owners of their documents and independently organize their storage.

In office work, the practice has developed of dividing administrative documents into orders (instructions) for the main (production) activities and orders (instructions) for personnel. The only regulatory document establishing the principles of systematization of administrative documents is the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000, as amended on October 27, 2003; hereinafter referred to as the List). The list (Article 6) introduces a slightly different division of orders (instructions):

Orders (instructions) for core activities (storage period - permanent);

Orders (instructions) for personnel (storage period - 75 years EPC);

Orders (instructions) on administrative and economic issues (storage period - 5 years).

In addition, the List explains that orders (instructions) on core activities sent for information have a shelf life of “until the need passes.” Consequently, if organizations receive administrative documents from higher organizations, they must separate them into a separate file (separate file) with an appropriate retention period.


Orders (instructions) for personnel, in turn, according to the List, are divided into two arrays: with a shelf life of 75 years and with a shelf life of 5 years. Thus, in accordance with the List, the second group includes orders (instructions) on the provision of regular and educational leaves, duty, penalties, short-term domestic business trips. All other orders (instructions) regarding personnel have a shelf life of 75 years EPC and, accordingly, must be separated into a separate group. But what specific documents refer to orders for personnel with a shelf life of 75 years is not stated in the regulatory documents. However, taking into account the shelf life of these documents - 75 years, it can be assumed that these are orders (instructions) that can later be used to satisfy the social and legal requests of citizens, that is, obtain information about the length of service of employees, wages, awards, etc. The subject matter of these orders (instructions) can be defined as follows:

  • hiring (conclusion of an employment contract);
  • dismissal (termination of employment contract);
  • transfer to another job;
  • employee incentives;
  • bonuses;
  • establishment of bonuses to the official salary (for combinations, special nature of work, length of service, etc.), additional payments;
  • provision of leaves without pay;
  • provision of parental leave;
  • change of surname (due to marriage, divorce, etc.);
  • assignment of class rank to state (municipal) employees;
  • increasing the class (grade) of an employee;
  • investigation of accidents involving workers;
  • sending on business trips abroad (going to work in another country);
  • sending on long-term business trips (over a month) within the country;
  • student internship (if during this period students are paid wages and they pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

Since orders (instructions) for personnel are divided into two arrays, personnel services must form these documents into different files and register them separately. When registering orders (instructions) for personnel with a shelf life of 75 years EPC (reception, transfer, dismissal, etc.), they are assigned serial numbers with the addition of the letter designations “k” or “l/s”, for example: order No. 1-k or No. 5-l/s. Orders (instructions) with a storage period of 5 years (regular and educational leaves, penalties, etc.) have registration numbers with a different letter, for example “o”: order No. 1-o. Within each case, orders are arranged by numbers and publication dates. If there is a large volume of documents (over 250 sheets), files with orders (instructions) are divided into volumes ( volume 1, volume 2 etc.) indicating on the cover of each volume the numbers and deadlines of the orders (instructions) included in it.


In one of the letters sent to the editor of the magazine, there was a question about which orders should be classified as orders (instructions) on the main (production) activities, and which should be classified as orders (instructions) on administrative and economic issues. This point is really important, since the shelf life depends on it: permanently or 5 years. Administrative documents related to administrative and economic activities are indicated in the List. Those readers who have used the List know that the documents (list articles) are systematized by management functions. In section 10 “Administrative and economic issues” of the List, 4 positions are highlighted that reveal the content of this function:

10.1. Compliance with internal business rules;

10.2. Operation of buildings and premises;

10.3. Transport services, internal communications;

10.4. Security.

It follows from this that orders (instructions) issued in the listed areas should be classified as administrative and economic issues and should be compiled into a separate file with a shelf life of 5 years. When registering such orders (instructions), the letter index “a”, “ah” or another should be added to the registration number, for example: order No. 1-ah, No. 18-a. The difficulty, however, lies in the fact that organizations often issue orders (instructions) on the main (production) activities, which, along with issues of the main activity, contain instructions of an administrative and economic nature. In this case, the order (instruction) must relate to the main activity and be stored permanently.

Consequently, orders (instructions) that do not belong to the group of orders (instructions) on personnel and on administrative and economic issues constitute an array of orders (instructions) on core activities. It is not possible to list all the issues that relate to the main activity and that can be subject to regulation through orders (instructions). We can only outline the main thematic groups of orders (instructions):

  • approval of the organization's structure and its changes;
  • approval (change) of local regulations of the organization (instructions, rules, regulations, regulations);
  • staff reduction;
  • approval (change) of the structure and staffing levels, staffing schedule;
  • creation of new structural divisions, collegial and advisory bodies, permanent or temporary commissions;
  • conducting personnel certification;
  • activity planning;
  • control over activities (reporting);
  • establishing an operating mode and making changes to it;
  • financing activities;
  • logistics;
  • information and documentation support, etc.

Let us emphasize once again that it is not possible to list not only all the issues on which orders (instructions) are issued, but also their thematic groups, if only because this is largely determined by the specifics of the organization’s activities, its organizational and legal form and other features. On whatever issues orders (instructions) are issued that are classified as administrative documents for the main activity, they are all compiled into one file with a shelf life of “Permanently”. It is not recommended to divide them into any groups and create several cases by topic. Registration numbers for orders (instructions) for core activities are assigned in the order of their receipt during the calendar year. As a rule, no additional letter indices are added to the serial number of the order (instruction) for the main activity.

Please note

The Instructions for using the List state that organizations that are not sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives store permanent documents according to the List (column No. 3) as follows:

state, municipal organizations - 10 years;

non-governmental organizations - at least 10 years; the further storage period of documents is determined by the organization in accordance with current legislation and/or the need for practical use of documents.

V.F. Yankovaya, Ph.D. ist. sciences, head Department of Documentation Support of VNIIDAD Management

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- used to register orders generated in the activities of the organization and of general significance for the organization as a whole.

An example of filling out the main section of the journal:

Orders on main activities prepared on behalf of the head of the organization by heads of departments with the involvement of specialists; in some cases, when it comes to solving complex, complex issues, the head of the organization may create a commission of representatives of several departments to prepare an order.

Unlike orders for personnel and personnel orders, the content of an order for core activities does not apply to a specific employee, but to the organization as a whole.

The following orders are the main activity orders:

  • Order on the appointment of the General Director
  • Order on the creation of a separate division
  • Order on approval of the staffing table
  • Order on approval of internal labor regulations
  • Order on the introduction of a non-cash form of remuneration
  • Order on ensuring the protection of trade secrets
  • Order on establishing full collective financial liability
  • Order on reduction of numbers and staff
  • Order on approval of the pay slip form
  • etc.
  • The storage period for Orders for core activities is constantly.

    It should also be noted that orders for the appointment of top officials of the enterprise, those officials who are mentioned in the charter (for example, general director, chief accountant, head of the internal control service), are orders by core activity, and not by personnel.

    Orders on core activities and on administrative-organizational or administrative-economic issues are subject to separate registration, formation into separate files and separate storage, because orders for core activities are stored constantly, and on administrative and economic issues - 5 years.

    Registration– confirmation of the fact of creation or receipt of a document at a certain time (day) by entering it into the registration form, assigning a number and recording basic data about the document. As follows from the definition, registration first of all gives legal force to a document, because records the fact of its creation or receipt. Until the document is registered, has not received its number, it is not formalized and does not seem to exist yet.

    The numbering order of orders for core activities is not regulated. The Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Order No. 68 of Rosarkhiv dated November 27, 2000, only note that orders are numbered sequentially within the calendar year; orders for core activities, personnel and instructions are numbered separately (clause 4.1.3).

    Please note that in accordance with Art. 358 List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved. Rosarkhiv 06.10.2000, for Logbooks for registering orders for core activities storage period is set constantly.

    Useful information:

    What are the requirements for personnel logbooks, and how the logbook should be designed in accordance with these requirements, see our video.

    IMPORTANT: Journal of registration of orders for main activities NOT laced, but only prepared for lacing: the magazine has through holes and a certification inscription on the last page of the magazine.

    Orders for personnel: division and accounting

    Personnel orders, without exaggeration, are the most important documents in personnel records management. It is these acts that consolidate and implement the employer’s decisions regarding individual employees.

    Based on the orders, entries are made in the work book; they confirm certain periods of activity and the conditions under which the employee worked. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation repeatedly refers to the order as one of the documents that formalizes the emergence, development and termination of labor relations.

    The main part of the personnel order, like any other personnel document, is its content, i.e. management information, for which the document is drawn up on a tangible medium. Each personnel order has individual content related to one or another personnel management function. But before considering specific types of this document, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

  • What orders (in content) relate to orders for personnel?
  • How can we single out from the total mass of orders created in an organization exactly the orders for personnel that are subject to registration and storage in the personnel service?
  • Is there a clear, normative division of orders into these groups, or does the employer independently determine who should draw up, execute, register and store a specific order: the personnel service, the management documentation support service (secretariat, office, etc.) or accounting?
  • Types of orders for personnel

    Note that HR specialists do not always ask themselves these questions, considering the division of orders to be a worthless undertaking and a waste of time. And in fact, is this classification really so important as to create additional hassle for yourself and conduct office work separately for main activities and personnel? What practical needs dictate these requirements?

    Separating orders is necessary for several reasons.

    Reason 1. Organization of subsequent storage of orders for personnel.

    The first and, perhaps, main reason is the need to build a correct system for storing personnel information reflected in personnel orders. It is no coincidence that most varieties of these orders are stored for 75 years: they may be needed when applying for a pension or in other situations that require documentary evidence of events and facts related to a citizen’s work activity.

    You can also hear the following opinion: they say, since orders for core activities are stored permanently, that is, they are not destroyed after 75 years, like personnel ones, it means that the storage conditions in this case are even better - all orders in the company can be combined and stored forever... But, First of all, it just doesn't make sense. And secondly, it is necessary to take into account the rules for searching documents in the archive: the archivist will not look for an employment order in a file with orders for the main activity. First, in the nomenclature of the organization’s affairs, and then in the inventories of affairs, these orders must be indicated in different structural divisions and, naturally, in different cases. Otherwise, the personnel order may not be found at all, although it was entered into the archive and lies there safe and sound.

    Reason 2. Distribution of job responsibilities for paperwork.

    In addition, we must not forget about the distribution of job responsibilities for record keeping. This is probably one of the most painful issues that companies have to resolve. It is unacceptable to mix the functions of a secretary and a personnel officer, illegally assigning to these specialists types of work unusual for them. We regularly have to answer questions and complaints from personnel officers about the performance of other people’s duties, for example: “Why should I issue orders for financial assistance to employees, this is not an anniversary bonus!” Secretaries are outraged that they are sometimes tasked with issuing orders to send workers on business trips, and not just stamping certificates. Drafts of some personnel orders (for example, on deductions from wages) are often prepared by accounting specialists, and after these orders are signed by the head of the organization, they are registered and stored in the personnel service, and not in the accounting department or the secretary.

    Pay attention!

    Each specialist in the company performs his or her job function and is responsible for his or her area of ​​work. Assigning functions unusual to them to employees is not permitted.

    What documents establish the distinction between orders for main activities and personnel?

    Despite the relevance of this topic, the issue of distinguishing orders by main activity and personnel is not regulated by regulatory legal acts and remains controversial, causing difficulties for practitioners and leading to errors in the formation of files with orders and to difficulties when searching for them in the archive. Of course, an important contribution to resolving this issue was made by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, which issued order No. 558 dated August 25, 2010 “On approval of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods.” In paragraph “b” of Art. 19 of the said List indicates the types of orders for personnel. But this listing is not exhaustive, since not all personnel orders are named here.

    Difficulties in dividing orders are associated with many specific situations that arise in working with personnel.

    Accounting for orders for personnel

    Practical question on the topic of orders for personnel

    I worked as a personnel inspector in a small company, where all orders were kept in two folders - with storage periods of 5 and 75 years. I recently moved to a large organization where it is necessary to put things in order in HR records. By the end of the year, it is planned to change the nomenclature of cases, and now we need to think about how to correctly divide cases with personnel orders. What criteria, besides shelf life, should be followed?

    This criterion should be the content of the order, namely, the reason for its creation. We can highlight the following areas in the work of the personnel service and accounting department, for which, in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to issue orders for personnel:

    1. Documenting the movement of personnel: hiring, transfer, relocation, dismissal.
    2. Changes in the terms of the employment contract (with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function): changes in wages, changes in working hours, etc.
    3. Assigning additional work to an employee: combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract.
    4. Involvement in work outside the established working hours: work on weekends and non-working holidays, overtime, as well as in conditions deviating from normal, for example at night.
    5. Release of an employee from work in cases provided for by law: referral for mandatory periodic medical examination (certification) or for training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection; release from work while performing state or public duties.
    6. Suspension of an employee from work in cases provided for by law.
    7. Providing leave: annual paid (basic and additional), without pay, educational, maternity, child care.
    8. Sent on a business trip.
    9. Encouragement and rewards for success in work.
    10. Bringing to disciplinary or financial liability.
    11. Changing biographical information.
    12. Remuneration, financial incentives, deductions from wages.
    13. Certification of workers.
    14. Training, additional professional education, etc.

    Depending on the number of orders created in a given situation, all of them can be formed into separate cases.

    Are the orders personnel or OD?

    Dear forum users! please tell me!

    Where would it be more correct to place the order assigning responsibility?

    The management insists that the order is personnel - I have two groups of orders - these are actually for personnel and the second group - related to personnel, but not related to orders for drugs - these are orders on encouragement, penalties, acts, etc. .

    But where should the order assigning responsibility be placed? Of course, it’s not a problem to create a third group, where exactly these orders will be, but wouldn’t it be more correct to classify them as OD.

    In my opinion, this way and that way is clumsy.

    Where do you receive such orders?

    The order on the appointment of those responsible applies to ML orders.

    In general, your very principle of separating orders is incorrect.

    Regarding the wrong principle - if you can be more detailed...

    There is a global division - according to drugs and others.

    Admission and dismissal from vacation separately.

    And the rest, since they are not global, are in one folder.

    All orders can be divided into two large groups: orders by core activity And By personnel.

    They should be stored in different folders. Orders for personnel include orders that document the movement of personnel - recruitment, transfer, relocation, dismissal (1 folder), vacation (1 folder), business trips (1 folder), etc. The rest refer to orders for core activities.

    Orders for general activities are stored separately in a special folder. An example of such an order is an Order to amend the staffing table.

    Orders for personnel are divided into:

    orders that are kept for 75 years - on admission, transfer, dismissal

    orders that are stored for 5 years - vacation, business trip, etc. (they are also stored separately from those that are 75 years old)

    (see List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by Rosarkhiv on October 6, 2000)

    The organization must have a list of cases

    Formation of administrative documentation for personnel

    Let us consider, as an example, the formation of administrative documentation for personnel - orders.

    Orders for personnel are formed into files depending on their storage period. It should be remembered that grouping documents with different retention periods into one file is not allowed.

    In accordance with the standard list, orders for personnel have two storage periods: 75 years and 5 years.

    Documents with a 75-year shelf life include orders:

    – long maternity leave;

    - unpaid leave

    Orders with a 5-year shelf life include:

    – on the provision of regular and educational leaves;

    The practice of using documents on personnel shows that with significant volumes of orders on personnel having a 75-year shelf life, it is more expedient to form them into files on operational issues.

    As far as I read carefully, the List contains documents on the LS, where there are no references to orders on duty, leaves without salary, etc.

    My orders are already divided into groups depending on the storage period. This is not the question. The question is where to correctly store the order appointing a person in charge. I did not find information about this order, as well as about duty duties, in the List.

    And that leaves without saving do not fit into the category of “vacations”?

    There are different vacations and, as far as Ethnika claims, their shelf life is different. I don’t presume to judge, but if I found information about the next vacations, then about vacations without storage. no salary

    And in general, I categorically disagree with such a division, because there are orders for OD, which are kept by the secretary, and there are Personnel orders, which I lead. So, personnel orders cannot be divided only into 75 years and 5. Where will you then determine the ShR and orders to change the ShR?

    I got the information from here, where the legal acts are referenced

    Please tell me what to do.

    We have a small organization (6 people), I have been working in it since May 2009, I am in charge of office work, before me, orders were divided into two folders: for personnel and general issues. In the folder for personnel, all orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, business trips and vacations with a single numbering, I have continued the “tradition”.

    What should I do now? leave everything as it is, and from the new year file all orders in different folders?

    There is no way to redo everything, because... two employees quit

    Of course, you don’t need to change anything in the middle of the year, start with the new year.

    I think that orders on the appointment of responsible persons can be classified as orders on administrative and economic issues. They are stored for 5 years, item 6c of the List

    Thank you very much everyone for the answers.

    Hello Yulia999, I agree with Ethnika that it is better to start doing all things as expected in the new year. But if you hand over files that were kept before you to the archives, then you will still have to rearrange them according to storage periods. But the orders themselves do not need to be redone and the numbers do not need to be changed either. When you create a case for filing in the archive, simply add up the orders by date and enter in the internal inventory of the case the order numbers under which they are registered with you now. It won't be in order, but that doesn't matter.

    Thanks everyone for the advice.

    I got even more confused with the division of orders.

    Where should I submit an order for additional payment for combining duties? and do you really keep your holidays numbered separately from the others? In our small organization, all orders are divided into

    - for personnel - hiring, dismissal, all vacations, transfers, establishment of working hours

    — general orders for bonuses, fuel, inventory.

    The first question is, is this way of doing things completely wrong?

    Question two: if the order to assign additional duties mistakenly adds to the general ones, how can this be changed? order from June. do not change the entire numbering of all orders from June.

    Orders for main activities, shelf life post.

    On improving the structure of the organization
    On the creation, merger, reorganization of organizational units
    About changing the operating mode of the organization
    On approval and entry into force of organizational and legal documents
    (including job descriptions)
    On amendments to organizational and administrative documents
    On the creation of expert commissions, working groups, advisory bodies
    On holding events (seminars, conferences, etc.)
    About delegation of powers
    About the rights to sign documents
    About the distribution of responsibilities
    On approval of the organization's accounting policy
    By accountable persons
    On conducting an inventory and creating an inventory commission
    On the reception, movement, write-off of fixed assets

    On approval of the organization's staffing table
    About changes to the staffing table
    About staff reductions in the organization
    On conducting certification of employees of the organization (including the creation of certification commissions)
    On improving the system of advanced training for employees of the organization

    For administrative and economic issues with a shelf life of 5 years (can also be named according to the main activity)

    About payment of benefits / financial assistance
    About the production of marketing materials (calendars, business cards, etc.)
    About the transfer of days off / About the work of the organization on holidays and weekends
    About carrying out repair work
    About sending employees to studies/seminars

    Orders for personnel with a shelf life of 75 years

    On hiring an employee (workers)
    On termination of an employment contract with an employee (employees)
    On the transfer of an employee (workers) to another job
    On granting employee(s) leave without pay
    On provision of parental leave for children up to 1.5, 3 years
    On early exit from parental leave for children up to 1.5, 3 years old
    On the cancellation of an order to grant an employee leave
    On sending an employee (workers) on a business trip (foreign)
    On incentives for employee(s)
    About changing your last name
    About appointment to a position
    About combining positions/professions
    On the performance of duties (during vacation, etc.)
    On establishing an increase to the official salary

    Personnel orders with a shelf life of 5 years
    On granting annual paid and educational leave to employee(s)
    About recall from annual paid leave
    On the transfer of annual paid leave
    On sending an employee (workers) on a business trip (short-term business trips within the country)
    About hiring on weekends and holidays
    About involvement in overtime work
    On bringing an employee to disciplinary liability
    On the removal of disciplinary liability from an employee
    About suspension from work
    On termination of suspension and permission to work
    On imposing a penalty on an employee for absenteeism / On issuing a reprimand

    Classification of orders

    An order is a local regulatory act of an organization. Its effect applies only to employees of this organization. All local regulations adopted by the employer must not contradict Russian federal legislation or the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    Orders formalize decisions of a regulatory nature, decisions on operational, organizational, personnel and other issues of the internal work of an enterprise (organization).
    A personnel order is a documented management decision of the employer (his authorized representative) on the main issues of personnel work. The authority to issue personnel orders is usually vested in the head of an enterprise (organization, institution). His powers also include the cancellation of previously issued orders, and, in necessary cases, previously issued personnel orders. A personnel order is a documented management decision of the employer (his authorized representative) on minor issues of personnel work. The authority to issue personnel orders is usually vested in deputy heads of an enterprise (organization, institution), as well as heads of separate structural divisions.
    Each organization issues orders on hiring and dismissal, granting leave, announcing incentives and penalties, changing working conditions, assigning ranks, grades, establishing wages, sending employees, etc.
    The personnel order is announced to the employee mentioned in it against signature. After reading the document, the employee signs on the original copy of the order next to the signatures of the managers who endorsed the draft order and puts the date. If the employee refuses to sign, the fact of familiarization is certified by the signature of the head of the personnel department and the employee’s immediate superior.
    Subject to the rules for working with documents, orders must be printed on special forms or on standard sheets of thick paper suitable for long-term storage. Personnel orders are numbered separately from orders for core activities.

    Classification of local regulations

    All orders (instructions) regarding personnel can be divided into two functional groups:

  • published to document management decisions directly related to the work activities of the enterprise’s employees;
  • published to document management decisions on other issues of personnel work not directly related to the work activities of the enterprise’s employees.
  • The forms of primary documents used in conducting personnel records are approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004. At the same time, later, after the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” came into force on January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation were recognized as not mandatory for use. Based on Part 1 of Article 7 and Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ, the head of the economic entity also determines the composition of the primary accounting documents used to document the facts of the economic life of the economic entity, and the list of persons who have the right to sign the primary accounting documents.
    Regarding documents used in personnel records management, the use of forms approved by the State Statistics Committee is more common for many business entities. Law No. 402-FZ does not contain a ban on the use of unified forms, so they can still be applied by approving such a decision in the accounting policy or by a separate order of the manager.
    In addition, refusing to use all unified forms is quite risky.
    In Information No. PZ-10/2012, the Ministry of Finance of Russia noted that the forms of primary accounting documents established by authorized bodies in accordance with other federal laws and on their basis remain mandatory for use (for example, forms of cash documents).
    For personnel records (in accordance with Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 N 1), the following forms are accepted:

  • N T-1 “Order (instruction) on hiring an employee”;
  • N T-1a “Order (instruction) on hiring workers”;
  • N T-2 “Employee’s personal card”;
  • N T-2GS (MS) “Personal card of a state (municipal) employee”;
  • N T-3 “Staffing table”;
  • N T-4 “Registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker”;
  • N T-5 “Order (instruction) to transfer an employee to another job”;
  • N T-5a “Order (instruction) on the transfer of workers to another job”;
  • N T-6 “Order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee”;
  • N T-6a “Order (instruction) on granting leave to employees”;
  • N T-7 “Vacation schedule”;
  • N T-8 “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)”;
  • N T-8a “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal)”;
  • N T-9 “Order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip”;
  • N T-9a “Order (instruction) on sending workers on a business trip”;
  • N T-10 “Travel certificate”;
  • N T-10a “Official assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation”;
  • N T-11 “Order (instruction) on employee incentives”;
  • N T-11a “Order (instruction) on incentives for employees.”
  • When conducting personnel records management, orders can be classified according to storage periods using the “List of standard administrative archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods” (hereinafter referred to as the List). In small organizations where there are few personnel orders, there is no need to divide orders by type. At the same time, it is not allowed to number all orders for personnel the same and file them in one file due to differences in the storage periods for orders of this type. Below is an example of dividing orders based on the List:

    Orders in 2017

    Articles on the topic

    The procedure for issuing and processing orders will undergo some changes in 2017. This material describes the basic requirements for the procedure for storing orders for personnel and orders for core activities, indicates the regulatory periods provided for storing orders, and the basic rules for maintaining a log of orders.

    From this article you will learn:

  • basic requirements for the procedure for storing orders for personnel and orders for core activities;
  • regulatory periods provided for storing orders;
  • key rules for keeping a log of orders.
  • Any order is a normative document that is initiated and agreed upon by the head of the organization to achieve specific company goals, be it solving production problems or controlling organizational processes. Orders - 2017, as a rule, are associated with two main aspects of the enterprise - its main activity or personnel management. Moreover, in most cases, it is the latter type of orders that makes up the majority of the company’s document flow.

    Don't miss: the main material of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

    Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Personnel System.

    Orders on personnel in 2017

    Orders for personnel in 2017, they will continue to be used by human resources services of organizations to record the various stages of the labor relationship in which the employee and the employer are involved, including their beginning, various changes and termination.

    Read more about orders here:

    In general, this type of orders can be divided into two large groups. The first of them includes personnel orders of 2017, which record serious changes in the process of labor relations between the parties, as well as the onset of new phases in the employee’s career at a particular enterprise. According to established rules, orders falling into this category must be kept for 75 years. For example, these include:

  • orders that formalize the beginning and end of an employee’s work in the company;
  • orders recording the fact of transfer to another position or job;
  • orders for awarding bonuses or allowances, issuing gratitude, paying bonuses and other types of incentives;
  • orders related to the need to go on a long business trip.
  • You may be interested in an article entirely dedicated to order to transfer an employee

    The second group of orders includes documents recording measures taken to achieve current goals. In general, they are considered less important for the enterprise, so their shelf life is only 5 years. Among the main types of orders in this group are:

  • orders related to the need to go on a short-term business trip;
  • orders to send an employee on basic leave or provide him with additional rest;
  • orders to apply disciplinary sanctions to the employee, including reprimand, warning and others;
  • orders to send for training or advanced training.
  • Sample orders in 2017

    For a long time, employees of personnel services used in their work unified samples of orders, recorded by the relevant resolutions of the State Statistics Committee. However, the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, which is currently in force, has established a greater degree of freedom for companies in this regard: now they have the right to independently develop and approve forms that best suit the nature of their activities.

    This fact, however, does not negate the possibility of using the standard forms developed by Goskomstat, and in addition, the institution may, at its discretion, supplement or shorten these forms if a particular column is not used in the work of a particular organization.

    However, despite the loyalty of the current legislation in relation to the form of personnel document flow in this part, the basic requirements for its content remain the same: the employer is obliged to properly record all stages of labor relations with its employees, issuing appropriate orders in each of the following cases:

  • hiring an employee- form No. T-1, T-1a or your own;
  • transfer of an employee to another position or job - form No. T-5, T-5a or your own;
  • sending an employee on vacation - form No. T-6, T-6a or your own;
  • termination of employment relations - form No. T-8, T-8a or your own;
  • employee leaving on a business trip- form No. T-9, T-9a or your own;
  • the need to stimulate an employee - form No. T-11 or your own.
  • Our database of sample documents contains all the necessary order forms for 2017.

    Orders related to the main activities of the enterprise usually contain two parts - preliminary, which is also called ascertaining, and the main one, also called administrative. The moment any type of order comes into effect is considered the moment it is signed by an authorized person, after which it must be registered in a special manner, assigning a number and index reflecting the subject of the document - for example, the designation “l/s” means that it concerns personnel issues, “ k" - personnel issues, etc. At the same time, orders on current events, which are stored for no more than five years, should be kept separately from documents on personnel with a permanent storage period.

    Order log in 2017

    Each order signed by an authorized person can be recorded in a special journal. Current legislation does not require its maintenance, but in a large company it serves as a convenient tool for streamlining document flow.

    A record about a specific document must contain information about the date of its creation and other accounting information. Experienced personnel service employees note that it is advisable to keep separate journals for different categories of orders, and each of them must be signed by the responsible person and have a title page drawn up in the prescribed manner. This is due, among other things, to the fact that current legislation provides for separate marking of orders for main activities and personnel, which must be numbered in the order of creation within one calendar year.

    In addition, different journals have different shelf life established by Art. 695 of the List of standard management archival documents, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. Thus, a journal intended for recording vacations should be kept for only three years, while journals that take into account the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees , stored for 75 years.

    Storing orders in 2017

    The main principle of storing orders in 2017 is their combination into cases according to the topic. At the same time, when creating cases, one should take into account the regulatory periods for storing documents: orders stored for 75 years, for example, on issues of hiring and dismissal of employees, should be stored separately from current orders, the storage period of which does not exceed 10 years - for example, those that set deadlines for granting vacations or sending for training.

    Specify retention periods for each type of document possible in Art. 19 List of standard management archival documents. Thus, documents on the main activity must be kept permanently, on personnel - 75 years, on current issues, including the imposition of penalties, short business trips or advanced training - for at least 5 years, on issues of an economic and administrative nature - 5 years.

    It is advisable to combine orders related by common content and a single shelf life into a common case. If there are too many such documents in the organization, they can be distributed into several folders according to the topic: for example, grouping orders for sending employees on basic paid leave. In any case, the formed case must be recorded in the general nomenclature of the enterprise’s affairs.

    Appendices drawn up to orders should be placed together with the main documents, while the grounds for issuing orders for personnel, such as statements, memos, etc., should be stored separately. Cases combining documents with a long storage period must be transferred to the archive, and orders for temporary storage should be destroyed after the expiration of the established period, accompanying this action with the issuance of a corresponding act.

    Storage periods for orders in the organization

    They are created by the manager and relate to certain aspects. Storage of orders is carried out in accordance with the norms of current legislation. There are certain deadlines that must be adhered to.

    Typically, all orders can be divided into three types:

    The same classification is present in the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating their storage period (hereinafter referred to as the List), approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 (section 1.1, line 19). At the same time, it is not customary to divide a group of orders for core activities into subgroups. It comes as a single block, which includes the entire array of documents.

    What orders relate to orders for core activities (examples)?

    Personnel employees often have problems classifying orders as core activities, and there are no recommendations on this matter at the legislative level. In this regard, in order to understand an order for the main activity - what is an order?, two methods are used at once:

    1. Firstly, orders directly designated as orders on personnel and on administrative and economic issues are immediately discarded (in the List, orders on personnel are listed in the same line 19, the list of issues classified as administrative and economic activities is enshrined in section 10 of the List - accordingly, orders assigned to this group are issued based on them).
    2. Secondly, the division of groups according to the meaning of the order is used. If the order issued concerns one or several specific employees, then this is an order regarding personnel (for example, that Ivanov and Petrov are involved in work on a day off), but if we are talking about a position or a team as a whole, then this is an order regarding the main activities (for example, when Saturday is declared a working day for the entire company).
    3. Among the common orders for core activities are the following orders:

    4. on approval of the staffing table and amendments to it;
    5. approving the vacation schedule and making changes to it;
    6. creation (reorganization, liquidation) of structural divisions;
    7. property inventory;
    8. organizing an accident investigation;
    9. establishing an operating mode;
    10. approval of local acts of the company.
    11. Please note: this is incomplete list of orders for core activities, it can be expanded or modified to suit the company's recordkeeping needs.

      Drawing up a list of orders used in the company for core activities

      To avoid confusion in office work and correctly structure the work of all structural units, many companies approve office work instructions at the local level, which define the division of orders into groups. This approach makes it possible to initially distribute responsibilities for drawing up various orders among structural units or individual staff units.

      If the instructions are not issued as a separate document, then the company can approve in the form of a separate local act a list of used orders with each of them assigned to a specific group. Most often, this happens as the company grows: as the staff increases, the volume of document flow increases, it becomes difficult for one person to be responsible for drawing up all the orders, as a result of which this function is divided between several employees.

      How to fill out an order for the main activity, sample

      Requirements for the preparation of a number of documents classified as organizational and administrative are enshrined in GOST R 6.30-2003. This document specifies the composition of the document details and requirements for the preparation of details. There are also diagrams of the location of the details on the form.

      The text of the order usually indicates the following:

    12. name of the organization;
    13. title of the document;
    14. date and registration number;
    15. document text;
    16. space for the signature of the official approving the order, indicating the position;
    17. mark about the performer;
    18. place for visa approval if necessary.
    19. The text of the order can be divided into a preamble, which sets out the grounds and prerequisites for issuing the order, and an administrative part, where specific instructions are given and the deadlines for their implementation are indicated.

      If separate documents, for example explanatory notes, are attached to the order, this is indicated in the text of the order. GOST R 6.30-2003 contains examples of placing details on a form, with the help of which you can create approximate samples of orders for further use by company employees if necessary. Sample order for main activities can also be downloaded from our website.

      It makes sense to indicate that the document belongs to a group of orders for core activities in the order number. To do this, you can use a method in which the “OD” mark is placed after the number itself, separated by a hyphen or a slash.

      Register of issued orders, maintaining a book (journal) of orders

      It is customary to register orders issued at the enterprise, since it is necessary to keep records of them. The order is not only approved by the head, but also receives its own number, under which information about it is entered into a register specially designed for these purposes. At the same time, if the company has introduced the division of orders into groups, they are registered in separate places.

      This approach is justified by the fact that different types of documents have different storage periods, as can be seen from the List. It stipulates that orders on main activities are stored permanently, while orders on personnel are stored for 75 years (with the exception of certain cases when they cannot be destroyed for only 5 years), and orders on administrative and economic issues - 5 years. Combining orders with different retention periods into files will cause certain difficulties.

      A journal or book is used to record orders. At the legislative level, there are no requirements for such a document, so there is not even a single name for it. The purpose of the order book (journal) is to enable the following information about orders to be recorded there:

    • serial (registration) number;
    • date of signing the document;
    • name of the document, its summary or description of the subject;
    • data of the person responsible for preparing the draft order (executor);
    • notes, if any.
    • The registration journal (book) is used throughout the calendar year. Every year a new magazine (book) begins and the numbering in it is carried out anew.

      Organization of order storage

      After the order has been issued and approved by the head of the company, it is brought to the attention of employees whose interests are affected by it. The next step is the distribution of orders in accordance with the organization’s established system for recording and storing administrative documentation. First, orders are sent to the person responsible for their execution or control over its implementation. When there is no longer a need to access the order, it is deposited.

      At the end of each calendar year, documents that will no longer be required for office work or that have expired in the department are usually grouped into files, described and transferred for storage. If the company has allocated a separate room for these purposes, files are prepared in each department for storage. If a special archive department is created to record and save documents, its employees participate in the formation of files for storage (or control the process) and, after receiving the documents, systematize them and assign them for storage according to the rules established within the company.

      Orders on core activities are issued in cases where decisions are made regarding the entire team or some positions without affecting specific employees. At the same time, in order to delineate the boundaries of the group of orders for core activities, it is necessary to exclude from this group all orders that are directly defined in regulations as orders for personnel and for administrative and economic activities. The remaining orders are entered into a separate list, which will be individual for each organization due to the specifics of its activities, and are enshrined in the appropriate local act to avoid confusion.

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    Personnel orders, without exaggeration, are the most important documents in personnel records management. It is these acts that consolidate and implement the employer’s decisions regarding individual employees.

    Based on the orders, entries are made in the work book; they confirm certain periods of activity and the conditions under which the employee worked. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation repeatedly refers to the order as one of the documents that formalizes the emergence, development and termination of labor relations.

    The main part of the personnel order, like any other personnel document, is its content, i.e. management information, for which the document is drawn up on a tangible medium. Each personnel order has individual content related to one or another personnel management function. But before considering specific types of this document, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

    1. What orders (in content) relate to orders for personnel?
    2. How can we single out from the total mass of orders created in an organization exactly the orders for personnel that are subject to registration and storage in the personnel service?
    3. Is there a clear, normative division of orders into these groups, or does the employer independently determine who should draw up, execute, register and store a specific order: the personnel service, the management documentation support service (secretariat, office, etc.) or accounting?

    Types of orders for personnel

    Note that HR specialists do not always ask themselves these questions, considering the division of orders to be a worthless undertaking and a waste of time. And in fact, is this classification really so important as to create additional hassle for yourself and conduct office work separately for main activities and personnel? What practical needs dictate these requirements?

    Separating orders is necessary for several reasons.

    Reason 1. Organization of subsequent storage of orders for personnel.

    The first and, perhaps, main reason is the need to build a correct system for storing personnel information reflected in personnel orders. It is no coincidence that most varieties of these orders are stored for 75 years: they may be needed when applying for a pension or in other situations that require documentary evidence of events and facts related to a citizen’s work activity.

    You can also hear the following opinion: they say, since orders for the main activity are stored permanently, that is, they are not destroyed after 75 years, like personnel ones, it means that the storage conditions in this case are even better - all the orders in the company can be combined and stored forever... But, First of all, it just doesn't make sense. And secondly, it is necessary to take into account the rules for searching documents in the archive: the archivist will not look for an employment order in a file with orders for the main activity. First, in the nomenclature of the organization’s affairs, and then in the inventories of affairs, these orders must be indicated in different structural divisions and, naturally, in different cases. Otherwise, the personnel order may not be found at all, although it was entered into the archive and lies there safe and sound.

    Reason 2. Distribution of job responsibilities for paperwork.

    In addition, we must not forget about the distribution of job responsibilities for record keeping. This is probably one of the most painful issues that companies have to resolve. It is unacceptable to mix the functions of a secretary and a personnel officer, illegally assigning to these specialists types of work unusual for them. We regularly have to answer questions and complaints from personnel officers about the performance of other people’s duties, for example: “Why should I issue orders for financial assistance to employees, this is not an anniversary bonus!” Secretaries are outraged that they are sometimes tasked with issuing orders to send workers on business trips, and not just stamping certificates. Drafts of some personnel orders (for example, on deductions from wages) are often prepared by accounting specialists, and after these orders are signed by the head of the organization, they are registered and stored in the personnel service, and not in the accounting department or the secretary.

    Pay attention!

    Each specialist in the company performs his or her job function and is responsible for his or her area of ​​work. Assigning functions unusual to them to employees is not permitted.

    What documents establish the distinction between orders for main activities and personnel?

    Despite the relevance of this topic, the issue of distinguishing orders by main activity and personnel is not regulated by regulatory legal acts and remains controversial, causing difficulties for practitioners and leading to errors in the formation of files with orders and to difficulties when searching for them in the archive. Of course, an important contribution to resolving this issue was made by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, which issued order No. 558 dated August 25, 2010 “On approval of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods.” In paragraph “b” of Art. 19 of the said List indicates the types of orders for personnel. But this listing is not exhaustive, since not all personnel orders are named here.

    Difficulties in dividing orders are associated with many specific situations that arise in working with personnel.

    Accounting for orders for personnel

    Practical question on the topic of orders for personnel

    I worked as a personnel inspector in a small company, where all orders were kept in two folders - with storage periods of 5 and 75 years. I recently moved to a large organization where it is necessary to put things in order in HR records. By the end of the year, it is planned to change the nomenclature of cases, and now we need to think about how to correctly divide cases with personnel orders. What criteria, besides shelf life, should be followed?

    This criterion should be the content of the order, namely, the reason for its creation. We can highlight the following areas in the work of the personnel service and accounting department, for which, in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to issue orders for personnel:

    1. Documenting the movement of personnel: hiring, transfer, relocation, dismissal.
    2. Changes in the terms of the employment contract (with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function): changes in wages, changes in working hours, etc.
    3. Assigning additional work to an employee: combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract.
    4. Involvement in work outside the established working hours: work on weekends and non-working holidays, overtime, as well as in conditions deviating from normal, for example at night.
    5. Release of an employee from work in cases provided for by law: referral for mandatory periodic medical examination (certification) or for training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection; release from work while performing state or public duties.
    6. Suspension of an employee from work in cases provided for by law.
    7. Providing leave: annual paid (basic and additional), without pay, educational, maternity, child care.
    8. Sent on a business trip.
    9. Encouragement and rewards for success in work.
    10. Bringing to disciplinary or financial liability.
    11. Changing biographical information.
    12. Remuneration, financial incentives, deductions from wages.
    13. Certification of workers.
    14. Training, additional professional education, etc.

    Depending on the number of orders created in a given situation, all of them can be formed into separate cases.

    According to Wikipedia:

    Prikah- in administrative law, a type of management act, a strong-willed official order of a manager, given within the limits of his official powers and mandatory for execution by subordinates.

    In state-owned companies, the correctness of documentation (including orders for personnel and core activities) is regulated by the following documents:

    GOST R 7.0.8.-2013 "Office work and archiving"
    - Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 N 65-st “On the adoption and implementation of the state standard of the Russian Federation” (together with “GOST R 6.30-2003. State standard of the Russian Federation. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements")
    - Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 N 558 “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods”
    - Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”

    In commercial organizations, everything is a little simpler. According to Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, starting from January 1, 2013, each company has the right to independently develop any documents. In this case, it does not matter at all whether they are included in the album of unified forms of documents or not. An important condition is the presence in the form of mandatory details, such as: the name of the document, the name of the company, the type of document, the date of its preparation, a description of the personnel operation being carried out indicating the value of its measurement (monetary or in kind). Also, according to clause 2 art. 9 of Law No. 402-FZ, it is mandatory to indicate the responsible persons, their place in the organization, signatures, accompanied by a decoding of initials and surnames. With the exception of clarifying the signature, the rules for drawing up primary documents have remained virtually unchanged.

    Each company has orders from the manager related to the company’s activities and requiring official registration. They are usually led by the company secretary. But when inspection authorities come to us, they request certain orders that are mandatory in the company. And here lies a big risk for the company. We all know that often a manager issues orders that are contrary to current legislation.
    For example: as a manager, I was obliged to go to work on holidays as scheduled and this was not paid. This was called "duty". But, as we know, these days should be paid double, which did not happen. Having seen such an order, the labor inspectorate officer will definitely check the accruals for these days in the accounting department.

    In addition, we sign an order from the manager to put the staffing table into effect, and a copy of this order must remain with the secretary (if the orders are in the secretariat). This is a direct violation of the Personal Data Law.
    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we carry orders for signature to the general director (manager) personally(or head of the HR department). Never leave a folder with orders at the secretariat “for signature.” Always wait until your supervisor has approved your documents and pick them up in person.
    I recommend creating separate folders in the personnel department (in the personnel department): for orders for personnel, for orders for vacations, for orders for business trips and orders for core activities. The last folder will contain the manager’s orders regarding employees and mandatory orders.

    What folders of orders will we create?

    1. Orders for personnel (personnel):
    - about hiring,
    - about transfer to another job (relocation)
    - about dismissal
    2. Orders on business trips.
    3. Leave orders
    4. Orders on the main activities of the company
    - about disciplinary sanctions,
    - about combination,
    - about encouragement,
    - on establishing a salary increase,
    - about changes in the employee’s personal data,
    - about the assignment of ranks, class,
    - about changes in working conditions,
    - mandatory orders.

    Orders are formed according to storage periods. HR orders (hiring, transfer, dismissal) are stored in the company 50 or 75 years, orders for vacations and business trips - 5 years. Then, an act is drawn up and the orders are destroyed.
    HR orders, as we said earlier, can be maintained in free form (taking into account the mandatory details) or in forms approved by the State Statistics Committee. In my opinion, these orders are quite convenient and do not require changes.
    I would like to consider the mandatory orders for core activities in more detail. By the way, these orders are requested during any inspections, therefore, I recommend publishing them and making a copy, putting them in a separate folder, so as not to request them from the archive if necessary.

    What are these orders?

    1. Order on approval of the document forms used. A sample of this order can be seen below.

    Even if you use unified forms of documents in your work, you need to record this in the order. Samples of all forms in question must be attached to this order. Or samples of forms developed by the company. By the way, the same order can also approve the form of the company’s employment contract.

    In our classes, students often ask the question: after studying the course material, they realized that the contract requires improvement. Is it possible to re-sign contracts with employees?

    No. The contract is concluded only once. We make the necessary additions by means of an additional agreement, but new forms of employment contracts, as amended and approved by order, can be concluded with newly hired employees.

    2. Order on the entry into force of Local Normative Acts.

    This order is issued on the first day of company formation. But there are still companies in which Local Regulations have not been developed.

    Then the algorithm of actions will be like this:

    1. An order that after 2 months (and if there is a trade union company, then after 3 months) the following Local Regulatory Acts will come into force:
    - Internal labor regulations
    - Regulations on the protection of personal data
    - Regulations on wages and bonuses.

    The list of acts can be continued, adding, if necessary, the Regulation on Business Travel (Regulation on Certification), i.e. those that are necessary for the normal activities of the company.
    2. We familiarize all employees of the company with this order against signature and provide the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Acts.
    3. After 2 months, we issue an order on the entry into force of these Local Normative Acts and again collect signatures to familiarize all employees with this order and separately with the Acts.

    If there is a need to make changes to these regulatory documents, then the procedure will be the same. Do not forget that if the Acts were put into effect by an Order, then the changes should be introduced by the Order, and not by the Order.
    Now small enterprises are given the right not to develop these Regulations, but to include their content in the Employment Agreement. In my opinion, it is more convenient to work with Acts, since the number of the company may change and you will still have to enter them.

    3. Order on the implementation (approval) of the Staffing Schedule.

    Everything is simple here. Most likely, you have already made this order. It is very short in content and many novice personnel officers begin to “for the sake of respectability” add clauses on the cancellation of the previous Staffing List, a clause on the validity period, and so on. As we already said in our classes on personnel records management, the employer does not have the obligation to enter the staffing table with any frequency. We approve as needed. Appendix to the Order - Staffing table.

    4. Order approving the vacation schedule.

    Let me remind you that the order is issued no later than 2 weeks before the new calendar year.

    If employees are employed by the company after the schedule is approved, then Orders can be periodically issued to approve additions to the vacation schedule. This document is of a planned nature, is not a Local Normative Act, and the employer has no obligation to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule.

    5. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for recording, maintaining and issuing work books.

    Often the company ignores this order and by default the general director is responsible. He also signs work books. When an employee is dismissed, an entry is made in the work book and it is certified by the responsible person appointed by the order. The most common mistake in this order: it does not specify who performs these functions in the absence of the HR manager in the office.

    6. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the processing and storage of personal data of employees.

    This order is necessary in the company, since, according to our legislation, all personal data of employees must be strictly taken into account and cannot be accessed by random persons.
    Remember the famous film “The meeting place cannot be changed”? There was a wonderful dialogue between Zhiglov and Sharapov, in which Zhiglov said that all the documents were upside down on his table. Alas, not everyone who comes to our personnel department comes for business. Some come “for news.”
    All documents in the HR department are kept in locked cabinets or safes.

    7. The following mandatory follows from the previous order: Order on organizing work to protect personal data of employees.

    It seemed, why issue a separate order when it is already clear that documents cannot be scattered? However, in my practice, I came across a case when a sales manager, walking around the office and talking on the phone, asked the secretary for a draft, on which he made the necessary notes. He then went to the CEO's office, where they continued to discuss the terms of the deal, and at one point the paper was turned over. It was a damaged photocopy of the general director's passport. As you understand, such negligence on the part of the secretary is simply unacceptable.

    8. Order appointing someone responsible for maintaining military records.

    According to our law, we are required to keep records of citizens liable for military service. This is a big and serious job. The records can be kept by an individual, or there may be an employee of the human resources department who is assigned these responsibilities. Hence the need for an order.

    Our legislation requires that all orders we handle must be recorded. The form of the logbook can be arbitrary. But you need to comply with the required sections, namely: the serial number, the number of the order itself, the date of publication, and the short name of the order. I would also include a “Note” section. In order to be able to clarify which person we are talking about (for a quick search). If we conduct office work in a program (for example, 1C), then all orders (except for the main activity) are numbered automatically and you can print the Order Log from the program.

    It happens that you come to a new job, and before you, personnel records were carried out from time to time, and you “inherit” orders with numbers 1,2,6,8,15 and so on. There are no missed orders and there is no way to restore them either. What should I do?

    In the order register we write “Orders with No. 3 to No. 5 - missing.”
    But what if two orders were issued with the same number? You can put a fraction with an additional number, but these situations really attract the attention of the inspection authorities.
    What other orders for core activities do we issue in the process of work?
    - If an employee is assigned additional obligations to combine professions or expand service areas, then this requires registration, indicating the reasons for this need, the employee’s consent and a list of tasks to be performed;
    - Orders on disciplinary sanctions. The most common mistake in these orders is a monetary fine imposed on the employee. This is strictly prohibited by law. How to do this correctly? Come to us - we’ll analyze it in detail;
    - Orders for awarding bonuses to employees;
    - Orders to work on weekends and holidays, and so on.

    There are mandatory orders for core activities that regulate labor protection, but this is the topic of a separate article.
    A general rule for all orders: the company’s internal documents are not stamped!
    Another very important point: the order is signed by the manager or a person authorized by a power of attorney. Facsimile signatures are not required for orders!

    You read the article and realized that the company does not have some orders. What to do? Issue and sign retroactively? There is no exact answer to this question.
    I would not prepare any documents retroactively with the company. You may miss minor (in your opinion) nuances that can develop into big problems. I believe that you need to make documents from the moment you discover their absence. In the event of an audit, you will say that indeed, the documents should have been made earlier, but we corrected ourselves and made them later. This is much better than not having them or having a fake signature of the employee come up during verification.

    Good luck and remember that every master was once an amateur!

    The numbering of orders in personnel records plays a significant role in the functioning of a company, regardless of its size, structure and field of activity.

    Personnel records management is a branch of an organization responsible for maintaining documents related to labor relations. Namely:

    • Making entries in work books;
    • Registration of personal files;
    • Creation of orders for personnel;
    • Preparation of vacation schedules and staffing;
    • Drawing up and transformation of job descriptions;
    • Storage and timely submission of documents to the archive;
    • Competently making changes to documents;

    Particular attention in the HR document management industry is paid to the creation of orders. Administrative documents are divided into 2 groups:

    By personnel. This type of orders is divided into 2 groups:

    • The retention period is 75 years for orders that form labor relations and significant changes in the lives of employees. (Hiring, dismissal, change of name);
    • The shelf life is 5 years for short-term orders. (Vacation, business trip, reprimand).

    By main activity:

    • General orders throughout the enterprise;
    • By department;
    • For administrative and economic activities;

    Note! When preparing orders, use unified documents approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. It is acceptable to issue orders in any form, since unified forms do not cover the entire range of personnel operations.

    Administrative documents without an approved form are drawn up in text form on the official letterhead of the organization.

    In order for orders to have legal force, they must contain the necessary details, signatures of responsible persons and document number.

    Important! In Federal Law No. 43 dated March 2, 2016. “On amendments to the Federal Law “On Archiving in the Russian Federation”, new shortened storage periods for documents on personnel have been introduced. Now they must be kept in the organization for 50 years, with the exception of those created before 2003. Their shelf life remains 75 years.

    A well-organized order registration system allows you to:

    • Speed ​​up the search for the required document;
    • Systematize administrative documents according to their intended purpose;
    • Strengthen control over the execution of orders from superiors.

    The specifics of using numbering are the following:

    • Separation of administrative documents with different storage periods;
    • Assigning complex numbers to orders with significant document flow.

    Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”

    Rules of conduct

    The registration number of the order consists of its serial number and index. The indexation of the order is determined by the individual nomenclature of cases and the rules for registering orders at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization prescribes its own numbering order for administrative documents, there is a certain number of general rules that firms try to adhere to. Namely:

    In companies with a small document flow, there is no need to separate orders into numerous types. But they cannot be combined due to different storage periods for documents. In this case, a letter index is added to the order number through a hyphen or slash:

    • “personnel” - personnel (Orders for personnel with a shelf life of 75 years);
    • “k” - frames (Orders for short-term storage periods).

    In organizations with a large staff of employees and administrative documents, a whole system of indexes has been developed for each type of order:

    • “p” - hiring;
    • “u” - dismissal;
    • “pr” - hiring workers;
    • “k” - business trips;
    • “vk” - internal business trips;
    • “zk” - business trips abroad;
    • “department” - leave without pay, for pregnancy and childbirth, for child care;
    • “otk” - regular vacations, study vacations;

    Note! For orders on core activities, personnel officers usually use a digital code. Some organizations add a letter index, for example, order No. 1-OD.

    There can be many options for numbering and index designations. Their diversity depends not only on the size of the organization, but also on the specifics of the activities of a particular company.

    Pay attention! The procedure for conducting personnel records management, including the numbering of orders, must be formalized in a local document of the company - the regulation on personnel records management.

    Every year new or not

    It is recommended that the numbering of orders be carried out with an annual update of the calculation order. From the first working day of the new calendar year, the order will be assigned No. 1. With the exception of cultural and educational institutions, where the office year begins on September 1.

    Such a system will help not only organize administrative documents, but also prepare them for further filing in the archive.

    Order log

    Personnel orders log page

    Since the procedure for assigning numbers to orders is not established at the legislative level, personnel officers keep journals for recording orders. The registration process involves copying details from a document and entering this data into a special registration form.

    Orders for core activities are maintained at the enterprise separately from orders for personnel. This is due to different areas of activity and shelf life. The numbering of these administrative documents must be kept separately. The order logs will be different.

    Pay attention! Registration of a document gives it legal force; it establishes the fact of its creation or receipt.

    Labor legislation does not oblige enterprises to keep order logs. Log books are developed by each company independently. But they must contain not only the numbering, but also the date of execution of the document, details, summary and signatures of the responsible persons.

    Note! When registering an order for personnel, you must indicate the surname and position of the employee. And to the order to pin the base - a statement from him.

    Thus, there are no strict guidelines for implementing an order numbering accounting system. Each company chooses its own scheme based on expediency and convenience.

    What to do if there is an error

    Amendments to a previously issued order are permitted subject to compelling necessity, primarily legal. Amendments to the order are required when circumstances arise that make the administrative document or its individual paragraph factually or legally inaccurate.

    The most common circumstances include:

    1. Changes in legislation, regulations or local acts of the organization itself
    2. Changes in personal data of employees in respect of whom administrative documents were created
    3. Changes in the circumstances of a particular time and place, if these points are significant to the previously issued order

    Important! Making changes to an administrative document by rewriting it in accordance with new circumstances is a legally illiterate action!

    It is required to draw up an order to amend a previously issued order. It includes:

    • Reasons for changes.
    • Reason for making changes.
    • Indicating actions to officials or a structural unit of the company that they must perform in connection with a change in the order.
    • A link to the amended order or position in it, its date, number and name.
    • Indication of the employee who is entrusted with control over the execution of the document.

    Advice! When making a large list of additions and changes, it is more convenient to form them into a separate application. And in the order, indicate a list of adjustments and a link to this appendix to the order.

    The execution of an order to amend a previously issued order is issued in paper form. Desirable details include:

    • Company name;
    • Name and date of the document;
    • Registration number;
    • Place of drawing up the order;
    • Document text;
    • Signatures of responsible persons;
    • Mark about the performer;
    • Visas for order approval (if necessary).

    Pay attention! The legislation does not stipulate how many changes can be made to the order. The management of the organization decides this issue itself. It should be approached from a rational perspective, since making changes to the order to change the order will entail confusion in the documents.

    Sample order for order numbering

    The enterprise independently develops an order on the order of numbering of orders, where it establishes a convenient order for putting numbers in orders, index values ​​and other provisions, based on the activities of the organization.

    Limited Liability Company "AST"

    INN/KPP 7804491337/780401001

    195198, St. Petersburg,
    Lenina Ave., 21, building 1, room. 309

    ORDER No. 1

    St. Petersburg

    01/01/2016 I ORDER:

    1. Introduce, starting from 2016, alphanumeric indexing of administrative documents for the personnel of AST LLC using the following registration letter indices: orders for hiring an employee - P (reception);
      2. orders to terminate the employment agreement (contract) with the employee - U (dismissal);
      3. orders to transfer an employee to another job - PR (transfer of an employee);
      4. orders for granting leave to an employee - O (vacation);
      5. orders on violation of labor and production discipline - N;
      6. other orders - K (cadres).
    2. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the Financial Director Oleg Dmitrievich Ivanov.

    General Director A.S. Shapkin