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» How workplace design affects the work process. Designer's Workplace: Lighting Corner desks create more workspace

How workplace design affects the work process. Designer's Workplace: Lighting Corner desks create more workspace

If you have a home office or need to organize your belongings into a storage unit, this article will give you helpful tips to make the job less difficult.

Post sponsor: Search for Bigfoot in China: An amazing story about a large-scale expedition to China

1. Store small items in a spice rack.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will forever smell like caraway seeds.

3. Keep papers and pens in a neat organizer made from old frames.

4. Turn the frame into a list of things to do.

5. Make These Colorful Tin Can Organizers

6. Stack them on top of each other to save space.

7. Coat them with chalkboard paint for easy marking.

8. Lucky enough to have an extra Slinky spring? Use it to store writing utensils.

9. Keep your cables organized with this desk-mountable organizer.

It costs only $9.99, and you will no longer have to crawl on the floor in search of a cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to keep cords out from under your feet.

11. Label the cords with bread tags. True, to begin with you will need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice something.

12. Using clips, you can make a large cord holder.

13. Cover the file cabinet with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or craft paper will also work.

14. Create a shelf with storage space for paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use your morning coffee wrapper to keep your headphones from getting tangled. And your mornings will become kinder.

16. Store papers on the wall using clipboards.

17. Use one for your to-do list. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Upgrade your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will know about it.

19. Make a compact charging station out of a lotion bottle. No one will know what it was before.

20. Never spill liquid using this drink holder. It attaches to the edge of your desk and prevents the dreaded soy-latte-meets-MacBook-Pro disaster.

21. Cover the inside panels of the shelves with craft paper to add some color.

22. Create your own bookshelf using drawers. You can make it larger or smaller depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf is made from Ikea drawers using clips. You can nail or screw it to the wall if you are concerned about its stability.

24. Pegboards save a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos you like at eye level.

25. Attach baskets to pegboard to store papers. They are easy to move.

The world of corporate design is changing rapidly

Even those who are far from money matters know that starting a business is not an easy task. When you live in tension every day, it is clear that you have no time to think about office design. Still, let’s look at how the corporate space affects business.

A lot depends on the choice of design: from error-free task completion to employee moral satisfaction.

Companies that stick to a traditional style may find this design too flamboyant.

Color choice affects performance

At first glance, it may seem that choosing a color for your workspace is a simple decision.

A National Institutes of Health study found that the colors around us have a profound effect on how quickly we work. Exposure to blue and green shades helps to increase the productivity of employees who generate new ideas. Red is needed for those who do painstaking work.

It's no coincidence that the combination of red, blue and green is familiar to us. Many large companies such as Google, Ebay and Microsoft have combined them in their branding and office design.

Green shades are often used in corporate design because... increase labor productivity

Round shapes encourage cooperation

When purchasing furniture, any employer will undoubtedly take into account the maximum price, style and even color. But for some reason, form is often overlooked. This shouldn't happen. Using round furniture in your workspace design can help employees think more creatively.

When it comes to creating a unified space for creative teams, a large round table will be more advantageous than several isolated ones.

Choose curved furniture for creative teams

Decorated items will attract highly qualified workers

In the past, neutral shades were preferred and clean tables were considered exemplary. But it seems that this movement towards minimalism has gone too far. Lack of personality in office design leads to employee dissatisfaction and high turnover.

The key to successful decorating lies in moderation. Too few things and furniture will seem unwelcoming, and too much will seem chaotic and disorganized.

Offices that pay attention to decor make employees happier

Correct temperature in the office

In any office, regardless of the type of activity, real battles are constantly being waged over the temperature in the room. There is always one group that complains about sweating in the middle of winter, and another that always demands a blanket even in the middle of summer. It may seem impossible to make everyone happy, but we will still try to help your employees work more efficiently.

Regulations state that office temperatures should be between 20 and 25°C - midway between hot and cold. You might consider incorporating a programmable thermostat into your workspace design to help keep the temperature constant.

Of course, we must not forget about employees who prefer cool weather. You can provide refrigerators or ice makers for them, this will show them how appreciated they are.

Individual visit to employees who love the cold

It is not surprising that most entrepreneurs, due to their workload, do not pay enough attention to detailed design. But the wrong design can cause significant damage to your business. Research shows that environment has a huge impact on how employees feel in the workplace and how well they perform tasks.

Take our suggestions to heart to achieve positive results on these fronts. This could be one of the smartest business decisions you ever make.

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Workplace organization

One of the main tasks of increasing labor productivity and the aesthetic level of production premises is the proper artistic and design solution for the elements of the workplace. This has a decisive influence on working conditions and the results of human production activities. All elements of the workplace must meet the necessary parameters, comply with the structure of the human body and sanitary and hygienic requirements, and have high aesthetic qualities.

Not only our mood, but also the work process itself depends on how correctly we are able to organize our workplace. In this matter, the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui comes to our aid.

One of the most important elements that you should first of all pay attention to when decorating a workplace is its color scheme. According to Feng Shui, each color is an expression of a certain type of energy. Color not only affects our mood, but also affects our health (this is studied by color therapy).

From this point of view, the white, black and gray offices that are fashionable today are completely inharmonious, since they contain only three colors, or rather, no colors. Gray is a variation of black, which in turn is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light.

White, as you know, is a neutral color, and therefore does not carry any energy. The variety of too bright tones also has an adverse effect on the state of the body. The motley color scheme attracts attention only at the first moment, but being in such an environment for a long time is quite tiring.

When designing your workplace, try to adhere to the principle of the “golden” mean in the literal sense. Golden tones - light orange, yellow, beige, coffee with milk, as well as warm red, the soothing color of young greenery, gentle marsh will create a feeling of security and joy. Well, you’ve decided on the color, now you need to choose a direction that’s favorable for you.

You belong to the eastern group, if the remainder is 1, 3, 4, 9 or there is no remainder - your lucky directions will be southeast, south, north, east. You belong to the western group, if the remainder is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8, your lucky directions will be northeast, northwest, west and southwest.

It is believed that if you are sitting in a direction favorable to you, then you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors. Whatever workplace you occupy, in a separate office or a common room, you need, first of all, to determine whether you are under pressure from negative energy from the outside. If “arrows” of negative energy are directed at the window from the roof of a neighboring house, place a plant on the window or hang blinds. Never sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves or air conditioners.

Any overhanging structure can become a source of failure and illness. Remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and racks. According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money. You should not place your workplace, even if it is oriented in a favorable direction, opposite the door (especially if it opens into the room). In this case, you are attacked by a strong flow of energy, which can have a bad effect on your health. There is no need to sit with your back to the door; this is a very uncomfortable and alarming position.

It is called a “knife in the back.” It is believed that with this arrangement you can be betrayed, set up, or passed over for promotion. If there is no other option, you need to put a mirror on the table so that you can see everyone entering the door.

You don’t need to sit with your back to the window, you will thereby deprive yourself of the support of influential people, your own employees, and all of your even the most ingenious projects will be doomed to failure. It's better if there is a wall behind you. If this is not possible, close the window with thick curtains. You need to sit facing the door, but not opposite it, but diagonally from the entrance.

Your desktop should be clearly visible from the front door; it should not be blocked by safes, cabinets, or massive chairs. It is believed that if you are not visible from the front door, then luck may pass you by. It is very important to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace. A well-equipped workplace is the key to health, emotional and spiritual balance. Don't squeeze your desk into a corner of the room, much less between cabinets.

Any physical inconvenience will affect the quality of work. You must be free to approach your desk; there should be free space in front of and behind the table, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. Otherwise, difficulties await you.

If you work in a cubicle or have a partition directly in front of you, hang a picture of a lake or a flowering valley, that is, visually expand the perspective in front of you. If there are a large number of people working in the room or a large number of visitors coming to you, you may become tired of the hustle and bustle. Place some bright or favorite object on your desktop. This could be a beautiful table lamp (not necessarily a purely work design), a photograph of children, a model of your favorite car. Find any way to protect your personal space.

The most unfavorable workplace is the one near the door. And no matter what position this employee holds, the attitude of strangers towards him is always less respectful than towards colleagues in the back of the room. He is always more tired of the hustle and bustle, as people constantly walk past him and distract him with inquiries. If you can’t move your work station from the aisle, also place a bright or some large object on the table that will make your place more visible and meaningful.

If your desk is located next to a large window, you may feel unsafe (especially if your office is located on the upper floors of a building). Here you also need to protect yourself by placing some large object near the window, for example, a plant in a tub, floor shelves with books. A large object will protect you, emotionally and physically distancing you from danger.

If you work in a room where there are a lot of shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw away what is outdated and unnecessary, and put it in the utility room. Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth. Good lighting is a great way to attract positive energy.

It is good when there is additional lighting on the desktop in the form of a table lamp. The light source should be directly above your head or on the side of your non-working hand. If the light shines on your working hand, it will cast a shadow on the surface of the table. If you are working on a computer, the light should be directed directly at the keyboard. Bright sunlight can interfere with work, so you should use blinds or curtains, but you should not completely switch to artificial lighting.

If you have to work in a room without windows, be sure to hang a photograph or reproduction of a natural landscape on the wall, or use any other element of nature (a small aquarium, a vase of flowers, place a plant on the corner of the table). According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desk “behind the boss,” but in no case facing him. It doesn’t matter that the boss’s office is in another room or even on another floor. The position “behind his back” means his support, “facing the boss” means confrontation. If you place a table lamp or metal object on the far left side of the table, financial success is attracted.

If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career. The area on the far right side of your table is responsible for intimate and family relationships, and if there are problems in this area, place a picture of a couple figure there. No matter how you arrange your offices, study rooms, common rooms, or private cubicles, it is important to avoid clutter and clutter.

On and in front of the office there should be no dirty areas, landfills, dead trees and carelessly trimmed bushes, peeling walls and creaking doors, clogged pipes, poorly cleaned halls and lobbies. A room cannot have good Feng Shui if the room has musty air, clouds of tobacco smoke, dirty curtains and glass, furniture arranged in a disorderly manner, and piles of business papers.

You should not allow clutter on your desktop; always keep your work area clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no circulation of positive Qi energy, and therefore there will be no luck and health.

The layout of workplaces should ensure a comfortable posture when working and the performance of economical, simple, smooth, rhythmic movements. Sitting comfort while working is ensured by the rational design of the furniture with back support. This design relieves the back muscles, ensuring uniform distribution of body weight over the seat surface with comfortable placement of the legs.

An uncomfortable working position causes physical fatigue, deforms the body and reduces performance. Consequently, for the convenience of work in the workshop, administrative, communal and other institutions, workplaces and their equipment must strictly comply with ergonomic requirements.

When choosing the size of a workplace in automated control systems, the specifics of the operator’s work are taken into account. The dimensions of the workplace are determined by the anthropometric and physiological data of the worker, the distance of the object being viewed and the angle of view. The workstation in the control system allows the choice of a “sitting” or “standing” position. In the “sitting” position, stationary workstations with height-adjustable chair seats are economical and convenient.

“The table and chair create comfort.” Maximum comfort and minimal fatigue can be achieved when the table and chair for the employee are correctly sized. The normal height of the working surface of the table when an employee is working, depending on his height, is 70-75 cm, respectively, the height of the chair is in the range from 40 to 45 cm. Given the different heights of employees, it is best to use office chairs with lift-up seats.

"Clean table." The desktop should contain only those items and tools that are often and constantly used to solve management problems. At the end of the working day, the desk must be absolutely clean in the interests of maintaining official confidentiality. The desk of a manager or specialist, littered with documents, books and newspapers, speaks of a sloppy and unbusinesslike person.

“Every thing has its place.” All documents (folders, papers) must be arranged in such a way that they have a permanent place and can be easily found. Folders with permanent documents must be included in the records management nomenclature of the enterprise (division) and stored in a specific cabinet with free access for employees. Folders that are frequently used during the workday are located within the employee's work area (one or two steps). At the end of the working day, documents must be placed in the appropriate folders. “What lies in order runs into your hands,” says the proverb.

“Use an organizer.” All technical equipment for manual and mechanized work (pens, paper clips, pencils, erasers, binders, rulers, scissors, etc.) is best stored in a specially designed place on the table or in a computer organizer. This saves a lot of time compared to traditional storage of tools in a drawer.

“It’s clean where they don’t litter.” The office must be kept perfectly clean and cleaned 2 times a day if there are many clients in the department, or once at the end of the working day. To maintain order, the administration must prohibit in the Internal Labor Regulations smoking in the office, consumption of food, drinking alcoholic beverages in the workplace and storage of food. Otherwise, you will face mice, cockroaches, flies, dirt and a decrease in employee productivity by 15-20%.

“Let there be light!” Proper lighting of premises is a factor in creating comfortable conditions, a favorable climate and the health of employees. Direct light without lampshades irritates the eyes, low light leads to rapid eye fatigue, and reflected light from polished table surfaces and cabinets is irritating. It is best to position desks so that normal daylight falls to the left of the desk or directly onto it. In the dark, properly selected lamps or table lamps help.

"Clean air - a healthy mind." Ventilation is important to keep employees in good physical condition and reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases. The best option is to equip each room with air conditioning or forced ventilation. If they are absent, it is necessary to ventilate the room every 2 hours.

The composition of the air environment of a home is determined by the chemical composition of the air, as well as the presence or absence of various gases, vapors, dust and microorganisms. The composition of the air environment of a home is greatly influenced by: the finishing of internal surfaces of the interior, the functional equipment of the apartment, and household emissions.

Various synthetic materials and products that are prohibited for use inside homes (certain types of linoleum, particle boards, mastics, paints, etc.) especially significantly worsen the gas composition of indoor air. When these materials are used, toxic elements are released into the air.

“Music volume is inversely proportional to intelligence.” Some employees, especially those whose work is monotonous, prefer to work to music, while others do not like it. What should I do? These issues must be agreed upon within the team and regulated. In any case, a loud radio or other source of music during the entire working time has a negative effect on the psyche of all workers.

Short description

One of the main tasks of increasing labor productivity and the aesthetic level of production premises is the proper artistic and design solution for the elements of the workplace. This has a decisive influence on working conditions and the results of human production activities. All elements of the workplace must meet the necessary parameters, comply with the structure of the human body and sanitary and hygienic requirements, and have high aesthetic qualities

Regardless of whether you'll be working on research or using your workspace to finish work at home, you should approach its design with the rules of office design in mind. The ideal workspace is functional and comfortable. In addition to creating a business environment, it must be beautiful, match the capabilities and taste of the owner, and be modern. Let's look at 20 options for organizing a workplace in a modern home style.

Neat, clean, even sterile

Despite the apparent simplicity of the decoration, the interior has pronounced characteristics of the Scandinavian style with a harmonious combination of elements and the use of natural materials. The snow-white color of the walls and furniture, the bright yellow details of the shelves, the ethnic pattern of the facades, the naturalness of the ceiling and floor complement and balance each other. A stylish solution made it possible to abandon the abundance of furniture and accessories, creating a minimalist design that has everything that is necessary for fruitful work.

How to organize a workspace at home. Photo

Unusual design of a familiar office

The photo of a modern-style workplace shows the familiar office style. The large, comfortable table is equipped with a spacious cabinet for papers and stationery. The unusual and original design is created using elements inherent in the loft style.

Photo of a modern workplace at home

The gray color of uneven concrete, ceilings, wall-to-wall cabinets, industrial clocks, elements made of chrome pipes, a stainless steel table lamp, a cabinet chest of drawers with small drawers, all these are characteristic features of the popular style. In such an office, work is completed faster, important decisions are made, because nothing distracts attention from the work process.

Nothing personal, just work

This design is usually used in open offices with a large number of workspaces, but it is also suitable for the home - only a working atmosphere, everything around that is most necessary and nothing unnecessary that distracts attention. For fruitful work there is everything you need - an ergonomic chair, a spacious cabinet, modern gadgets and a fairly spacious work desk space.

Organizing a home office. Photo

There is also room for work in the living room.

It is not always possible to allocate a separate room for an office. An original modern idea for a workspace at home will allow you to have a comfortable corner for productive work even in the living room.

A place to read books at home. Photo

The coldness of the black and white interior is neutralized by the warm shade of natural wood on the countertop and floor. Neat, clear lines of objects put you in a working mood, and upholstered furniture helps you relax at the right moment in order to find the right solution to a difficult issue.

Large office in the house? Nothing complicated

Those who prefer to have a spacious workspace at home can take as a basis a stylish black and white office with a spacious and decorative bookcase against a striped wall. The desk is equipped with an expensive glossy tabletop and is the full length of a soft sofa with comfortable armrests. To add stylish chic to an overly neat interior, accent spots of golden color are used in the form of expensive accessories, a floor vase, or a futuristic chair.

Study-living room in the apartment. Photo

The bedroom and the workplace are quite compatible things

Properly implemented in design, the modern idea of ​​a home workplace allows you to combine a chic office with a comfortable bedroom. The contrasting color concept of the interior includes combinations of white and black, the clear lines of which are diluted with details in shades of beige and dark chocolate. The absence of unnecessary items does not distract from work, and the presence of warm colors creates comfort and makes it possible to fully restore strength after a busy day of work.

Workplace for a schoolchild. photo

Office for extraordinary personalities

Artistic types should love an art cabinet with modular furniture. The photo of a workplace in a modern style shows an extraordinary project, which uses a minimalist black and white design, complemented by elements with a noble shade of dark chocolate.

Modern workplace at home. Photo

In it, the unusual shapes of a comfortable chair and a spacious table are continued in original sculptural compositions. A thoughtfully installed bar counter with high swivel stools provides an opportunity to relax in order to make the right decision while thinking.

Loft style is a good choice for a studio apartment

The huge space with high ceilings is perfect for finishing in the popular loft style. It’s quite easy to create a cozy workplace at home by arranging upholstered furniture on an island, using different materials, color and texture combinations. Unusual photos, paintings in simple black frames, a wall in the form of uneven brickwork will help create the right mood.

Workplace at home in loft style. Photo

Bright, stylish, comfortable - ideal for young people!

Young, extraordinary individuals will certainly like the bright, rich design shown in the photo of a workplace in a modern style, which allows you to use even a small space with maximum efficiency. The traditional desk has an updated shape and is paired with open shelving. A black and white workspace helps you concentrate, and a bright environment, if you want to take a break from hard work, gives you the opportunity to relax.

Photos of design workspaces

Work or study - it should still be convenient

A youth room must have a comfortable workplace. The fresh and cheerful design allows you to combine a large window, a sleeping area, open shelves with drawers and a desk in a single solution. All elements are interconnected by shape, color, and are a continuation of each other. The result is a light, sweet interior that makes efficient use of every centimeter of a small space.

Workplace for a schoolchild. Photo

Favorite loft even in a small room

Despite the fact that a loft-style interior requires spacious apartments, its individual elements can also be used in compact spaces. The proposed modern home workspace idea includes an unplastered concrete ceiling, simple shaped furniture, metal industrial handles for attaching shelves, and a chandelier with abstract lines. However, the simplicity and rough details of interior items do not prevent owners from having the necessary level of comfort thanks to a comfortable sofa, expensive appliances, and luxury accessories.

Photo of a workplace in a modern style

Everything you need is at hand

A no-frills room offers its owner a functional space for productive work. A corner table with a spacious cabinet of an unusual shape forms an ergonomic workplace, and open shelves on the wall and in the closet will accommodate a huge amount of reference and educational literature. The eye-catching Jielde table lamp is an iconic accessory and has remained relevant since its introduction in 1950.

Industrial style office

The cool black and white industrial interior is softened by areas of gray concrete on the walls and floors. The author's frame products with wood texture are made in a harmonious color combination - a desk top, a table with a cabinet, and drawer fronts. The design uses the theme of vintage aviation - in the photo, in the shape of the designer chair, the lines of the table lamp. Chromed metal parts highlight the chosen industrial direction.

Stylish interior is formed by details

A home studio cannot do without professional equipment and a translucent screen that lets in the required amount of light. But the central place in the interior rightfully belongs to the desktop. A little more and it would have seemed bulky, but the designer was able to catch the right edge in the combination of the contrasting smooth surface of the tabletop and rough legs made in the shape of scissors. The warm texture of wooden elements neutralizes the cold of the concrete walls and ceiling.

Simply chic minimalism

A distinctly minimalist design characterizes the home’s workspace, in which the impeccable finishing of a few elements testifies to the taste and wealth of the owner. Noteworthy are the white floor with the texture of high-quality natural wood, as well as another wonderful Jielde designer lamp, now in a floor-standing version. It not only decorates the office, but is always on hand to illuminate any task, be it working on a project until dawn or reading a magazine in the evening.

Small area? We'll still decorate it in style!

Using professional ideas, even a small workplace in the corner of the dining area can be decorated chicly. The document shelf allows you to neatly place all sets of documents for storage, but at the same time it does not take up space, as it is located in a niche. The work corner seems cozy and discreet thanks to the color scheme used - a combination of white with delicate shades of marble and concrete. An original chair made of transparent acrylic performs its functions without cluttering its compact volume.

Revitalizing ideas for a boring office

Even a faceless office space designed for productive work can be easily brought to life. In a strict minimalist office you can also relax and cheer yourself up. There are several useful ideas for this - place a flowerpot with pleasant greenery from a houseplant on the table, and a photograph of a loved one on the wall.

Bedroom and workspace? Quite compatible!

Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for work or privacy. If the overloaded living room no longer accommodates a desk, it can be placed in the bedroom. The mirrored front of the cabinet will visually double the length of the room, spacious shelves will be hidden behind sliding doors to match the color of the walls, and the neat surface of the countertop will not take up much space.

Unconventional interior for extraordinary personalities

To meet the needs of creative individuals, non-standard solutions are required. The design idea for a modern studio is based on the unusual arrangement of the desktop. Instead of being placed next to a wall, it is placed in the middle of the room. This allows you to observe your changing surroundings for inspiration, rather than constantly studying the section of wall in front of you.

Black and white interior can be boring

By choosing a black and white design for your workspace, you can make it joyful and energetic. An unusual chair with geometric lines is suitable for this, forming a wonderful tandem with a striped carpet. A bright photo in a large frame and an exclusive wall lamp will pleasantly dilute the austere interior, bring a piece of warmth, and fill you with positive emotions after a long day of work.

The modern pace of life is sometimes difficult for even the most progressive and hardy of us, which is why offices and mini-offices within the walls of one’s home are becoming a common occurrence. A workplace set up in an apartment or house makes it possible to organize an acceptable schedule and not waste time on the road under the motto “home-work-home”.

We’ll talk further about how to create the best conditions for freelancers to work at home or organize an office in the city center, pointing out common mistakes in the design of a work area.

Errors and ways to resolve them

  • Wrong landing

First of all, when arranging an office or workplace at home, you should not place the table in such a way that the window remains behind the back of the person sitting, especially if there is only one in the room. From time to time you will need to look at the view behind the glass to relieve eye strain and just take a little break.


It is better to install a full-fledged desk perpendicular to the window: this will provide you with a free view of the landscape outside the window, as well as observation of the entrance to the room in order to feel comfortable.


  • Enhanced Brightness

Quite often, an area near the window in the kitchen, living room or bedroom is allocated for a home office, placing the table close to the window sill. We have nothing against such a solution, but if you work with a computer, you should not place its monitor parallel to the window. Thus, intense daylight and the brightness of the screen on will inevitably lead to a feeling of heaviness and tension in the eyeball.


If it is not possible to allocate another, less lit area for a table with a monitor, simply rotate the latter perpendicular to the window. This simple action will significantly reduce eye strain; in addition, you can close the curtains or blinds while working with the computer during the day.


  • Snow-white interior

It is not advisable to use white color in large quantities in the design of the office, because it will create the same effect as in the case of a monitor opposite the window. The intense light that surrounds you throughout the working day is tiring; in addition, white has the ability to reflexively reflect other colors and sunlight. That is, if, for example, the sun is shining outside the window, then it will be very difficult to work in a white office, and when it rains outside, the space will seem cold and dull.


Use white, provided that the cabinet is made in a warm natural palette: wood, grass, black and brown, terracotta and sand colors. So, snow-white accents will not harm, but will only create a more solemn and lighter atmosphere.


  • Visual emptiness

Boring walls, dull colors, simple geometric shapes are the bane of most urban office spaces. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to work productively without falling into apathy and despondency.


Remote work today makes it possible to plan your schedule more flexibly and make adjustments to the established image of the average office. At home, it is possible to adapt the workplace to personal needs and habits, so you should not ignore such a privilege. For example, you can decorate the walls with paintings depicting landscapes in a natural range of colors (these will help your eyes relax during a break), black and white photographs (they do not distract from work and complement the interior well). We also recommend using lamps and decor of unusual shapes and textures that are pleasant to the touch.

  • Not an ergonomic chair

Poor perseverance can develop for a completely prosaic reason, for example, due to a hard, deep, too low or high seat.


The correct furniture for sitting at a desk is a chair with the back slightly tilted back. The feet of a seated person should be free to touch the floor, legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back should be leaning against the backrest.

Please note that a furniture store salesperson may not tell you this, but there are different types of chairs: some will be comfortable for men, others are suitable for women, due to differences in the location of the centers of gravity


  • Lack of local lighting

A workplace or table in a separate office cannot do without additional lighting, because quite often you have to work in the evening. So, the light from the monitor will clearly not be enough to see the symbols on the keyboard, or write down the necessary information in a notepad.


Getting to work in the twilight hours, or giving in to the creative impulse at dawn, is a little easier if your home office is equipped with a desk lamp or architect's lamp.

  • Lack of storage sections

It is difficult to maintain order in the workplace if the table is hidden under a pile of papers, and boxes with folders, office supplies and other supplies are scattered under your feet. A significant disadvantage in the design of the workplace is the lack of places to place the most necessary things for work.



If you don’t want to clutter up the space with cabinets, cabinets and other heavy furniture, you can attach several shelves along the wall above the table, on the sides of it, and even under the tabletop. This will help organize your work area and simply make it tidier.


  • Dilapidated furniture

When it comes to setting up a home workspace, many people make the same mistake: using furniture that was used and borrowed from neighbors, bought at a flea market or brought from a city office. It’s good if these items are vintage, in excellent condition, made of durable materials. It’s worse when an office is formed from a wobbly table and chair, broken drawers and pencil cases without handles, in the hope of soon replacing old items with new ones. As a rule, this “soon” does not come for a long time, and you suffer from your own short-sightedness.


You need to approach the choice of furniture for your home office carefully, and even if it is not new, it must be tested for strength and quality, so that later you do not regret the money spent and the time spent searching for items.

  • Excess colors

Beautiful, cheerful colors energize and inspire you to work harder and yet, the office does not need to be oversaturated with flashy colors. Some of them are too active (yellow, red, fuchsia) and make it difficult to concentrate on main tasks.


If you use bright combinations correctly, they will not only not harm you, but will help you restore your strength during your work break. So, you should not place bright color spots on the desktop and the wall in front of it: it will be difficult to focus attention on something else. It is better if the color is used in the upholstery of the chair you are sitting on, on the rug under your feet, on the wall behind you.

  • Cold floor

When we sit for a long time, we lose flexibility, quickly get cold and get tired. These unpleasant sensations may be aggravated if there is tile or other floor material that is cold to the touch underfoot.


It is possible that you are not ready to replace the covering or use a heated floor system, but laying a soft and warm rug, fur bedding or mat, after all, will not be amiss.