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» How should the doors to the room open? Where should interior doors open in an apartment? Interior swing doors. Types of doors by opening

How should the doors to the room open? Where should interior doors open in an apartment? Interior swing doors. Types of doors by opening

Frosted glass is often found in the interior: it is used to make kitchen tables, doors in cabinets or, for example, insert them in interior doors. Of course, sooner or later fingerprints will appear on them, which are not so easy to clean. Very often such contaminants are encountered in homes where there are small children.

Reasons why stains are difficult to remove

It is much more difficult to remove greasy handprints from such glass than from ordinary glass. The main difficulties are as follows:

  • they have roughness (unlike glossy ones), so they are more difficult to clean;
  • During manufacturing, they are coated with a special coating that gives them a matte finish, so if you clean the dirt that appears incorrectly, you can damage it.

Methods for cleaning frosted glass from greasy marks

Since such surfaces are very different from ordinary ones, it will not be possible to wash them using the usual methods used for washing glossy glass interior items. There are several methods for cleaning frosted glass from stains without streaks:

  • remove greasy stains using:
    • chalk mixture (mix a glass of water and 3 tablespoons of chalk);
    • ammonia(dissolve 1 spoon of ammonia in a liter of water);
    • acetic acid(add a spoonful of vinegar to a glass of water);
    • window cleaners (they are best used to wash fresh prints).

    In order to clean frosted glass from stains, you need to moisten a cloth in one of the above solutions and wipe it on both sides, then wipe it dry. Sebaceous stains need to be treated most carefully. You can wash glass in this way using a special rubber spatula or suede for cleaning;

  • Clean up greasy stains using dishwashing gel. These products work well with grease, and in addition, their composition does not spoil coated surfaces;
  • clean dirt with acetone, alcohol or ammonia (moisten a rag and remove greasy stains). This method is used if the stains are old. In addition, acetone and alcohol can deal with stains from tea, coffee and even office glue. After treatment with these products, it is necessary to properly ventilate the room. If ammonia, alcohol or acetone gets on other surfaces, it is necessary to clean them with a sponge or rag soaked in warm water;
  • Clean matte surfaces with a steam mop. Washing products this way is the most effective, but it is an expensive method. A steam mop can clean even stubborn greasy marks. In addition, exposure to steam is completely harmless to spraying. After using this mop, you just need to wipe the glass with a dry microfiber cloth.

Washing frosted glass with a window cleaning scraper will not work, since they are rough; wiping with newspaper will also not remove it. greasy stains.

Stubborn stains are the hardest to remove, so it’s best to wash fingerprints as soon as you notice them.

Before using any of the above cleaning methods, you should try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​frosted glass and, after making sure that it does not spoil the coating, you can wash it entirely.

Products that should not be used to clean frosted glass:

It is not allowed to clean glass with them, as they also erase the matte coating.

Frosted glass surfaces will always look like new if you clean them with a suede cloth a couple of times a week to remove greasy stains in a timely manner.

Frosted glass is a capricious material that is quite easy to spoil. If you need to wash off greasy stains from it, then you should adhere to several rules:

  • use for cleaning only suitable means, it is prohibited to use abrasive powders, alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia - all these substances destroy the texture of delicate material;
  • Before treatment, moisten the surface with warm water - this will make the dirt easier to clean;
  • at the end of processing, wipe the glass with a dry cloth, only in this case it will be streak-free;
  • To prevent the surface from becoming cloudy, you should rinse it cold water.

Step-by-step instruction

To clean frosted glass, just follow a few steps:

  1. Soak a sponge or soft cloth in warm, clean water.
  2. Apply cleanser to stained areas and scrub lightly.
  3. The final step is to remove the residue and polish with a dry cloth.

Be sure to take a soft material for cleaning and polishing cloths - it will better clean out the micro-depressions that form matte moiré and will not damage the structure.

Wash the frosted glass on the doors as carefully as possible: do not allow strong drips, do not press on the edge, trying to clean a thin strip along the strip. Otherwise, it is easy to damage the door, squeeze out or break the glass.

A fresh stain is easier to remove. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the matte surface immediately.

Folk remedies

Many housewives are looking for effective household chemicals to clean frosted glass. Quite a lot on store shelves big choice special cleaners for doors, mirrors, windows and delicate items. But why spend extra money if you can create an equally effective stain remover using improvised materials?

The following solutions will allow you to remove greasy stains from frosted glass:

  • chalk: stir 3 tbsp. spoons of powder in 1 glass of warm water;
  • ammonia: 2 tbsp. Dilute spoons of the substance in 1 liter of water;
  • vinegar: dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar 1 liter of water.

Do you want to not only clean frosted glass, but also give it an extra shine? After removing stains, treat the surface with starch solution: 1 tbsp. spoon of powder per 1 liter of water.

You can try to remove stubborn stains with a steam generator or steam mop. To do this, it is recommended to hold the steam jet on the dirt for a few seconds, and then treat it with a dry cloth.


In most cases it is enough soft fabric: rags or special napkins. If the stains do not want to disappear, you will need a suede or a plastic spatula for glass, which is used to wash car windows.

Household products

The best ready-made products for cleaning frosted glass are:

  • "Mister Muscle";
  • Ajax;
  • Pril.

Low-quality products lead to stains, which are quite difficult to get rid of, so it is not recommended to skimp on the cleaner.

Preventive measures

To keep the glass always clean:

  1. do not touch it with your hands, face, or body;
  2. try to convince children that glass is not a toy, they should not touch it or play with it;
  3. You should regularly wipe the glass with a dry cloth; it is better to give preference to suede;
  4. there is no need to wash or regularly wipe the glazing with a rag or sponge with plain water - this will only leave stains.

It is impossible to completely eliminate greasy stains on frosted glass, especially when it comes to inserts in kitchen set. However, if you clean the surface regularly, at least once a week or two, the marks will easily come off and cleaning will not take longer. Neat glass and mirrors are an important touch in the reputation of the owner of the house.

Frosted glass due to its external attractiveness widely used in modern interiors for decorating interior doors, wardrobes, tables.

However, this material is sensitive to various external contaminants, in particular grease stains. As soon as you touch the surface with your hand, unpleasant marks immediately remain on it. Let's consider how to clean frosted glass from unwanted dirt?

What is the difficulty of cleansing?

Removing stains from glass is difficult because it is treated with special products to produce a matte and uneven surface. The question that remains relevant is how to remove greasy stains from it, so as not to damage the top layer of glass.

The fact is that special means, the components of which are acid, silicone or alkali can dissolve not only stains, but also spraying. A newspaper and a glass scraper are also unable to cope with the task. Even though traditional cleaning methods are not suitable in this case, this problem can still be dealt with.

Methods and means for cleaning glass on doors

Try to get rid of fresh dirt. You will have to deal with old stains in stages.
1. You can wash frosted glass with the following compounds:

  • chalk mixture, which is prepared from 200 ml of water and 3 tbsp. l. chalk;
  • ammonia solution from 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. facilities;
  • dilute 1 tbsp with vinegar solution in 1 glass of water. l. vinegar.

Moisten a sponge or soft rag with the prepared mixture and treat the glass on both sides, paying more attention to contaminated areas. If you couldn't deal with them the first time, go through them again. A special suede for glass or a rubber spatula can help the process. Wipe clean surfaces dry.

If you prefer a chalk solution, then after processing, wait a little until it dries, and then rinse it off with warm water. It is best to wipe wet glass with microfiber. It removes water well and does not leave streaks.

2. A good remedy To treat matte surfaces, use dishwashing gel, which does an excellent job of removing grease. This gentle product does not contain components that can harm the glass.

However, it is unlikely to cope with old pollution. Acetone or alcohol will help solve the problem. To do this, moisten a soft cloth in the product and wash the dirty areas. Some housewives use ammonia, which copes with even the most complex stains.

When using these products to clean matte surfaces on doors, proceed with extreme caution. During operation, the products used should not come into contact with the moving elements and seals, and if this happens, rinse them with water and wipe with a dry cloth.

To prevent your household and animals from inhaling acetone or ammonia, send them to another room and work with the windows open.

  1. If the grease stains cannot be washed off, you will have to resort to heavy artillery. Use a steam generator or steam mop. Run the device over the entire surface of the glass, and then wipe it with microfiber.

To avoid having to resort to radical methods of removing stains from frosted glass surfaces, try to wipe them regularly with a suede cloth. This will help get rid of dirt in a timely manner, since old stains are much more difficult to deal with.

So that your doors are always open perfect condition, and the glass looked like new, use these tips for caring for them:
wash matte surfaces only with cold water, and remove moisture with microfiber or napkins;
Starch can be used to add shine and keep frosted glasses clean. Wipe them with a 1 liter solution. water and 1 tbsp. l. facilities;
To prevent frosted glass from fading under direct sunlight, it is recommended to carry out the water procedure in the evening.

Be careful with your household items and take preventive measures and follow simple recommendations for their care, then you won’t have to remove serious dirt. You will always be cozy and comfortable in your own home.

Glass is considered a popular material that is often used by designers in the manufacture of decorative items, furniture or doors. Often people have to clean glass surfaces from dirt on their own. Before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with how to wash frosted glass on doors and what products to use.

Before you start cleaning up contaminants, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons for their occurrence.


Most often, dirt on the glass door surface appears due to high dust levels in the room. If you do not clean your apartment for a long time, dust particles will begin to settle on the glass and gradually accumulate. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly do wet cleaning to keep the room dust-free. Each room must be cleaned at least once a week.


Some people touch the door glass with dirty hands, and because of this, hand marks remain on it. Regular glass coverings It’s easy to remove such prints, but matte surfaces are much more difficult to wipe off. Difficulties arise due to the following reasons:

  • unevenness and roughness that complicate the cleaning process;
  • matte coating that absorbs dirty stains.

Dried splashes and drips of water

Doors with opaque glass inserts often installed in bathrooms. After using the doors for a long time, dried splashes or even water stains appear on them. Such stains are considered the most harmless, since they are the easiest to wipe off. To do this, just wipe them with a cloth soaked in soapy water.

Stains from grease, soot and food

Such stains appear on structures that are installed in the kitchen. Main feature These contaminants are absorbed into the surface of the doors and into the frosted coating of the glass. Therefore, it is very difficult to clean products from traces of soot or grease. You will have to use special detergents, which contain substances to combat greasy stains.

Street dirt

Residents of private houses often encounter street dirt on their door coverings. Most often it appears on products that are installed in the loggia or veranda. It is easy to get rid of ordinary dirt, as it can be easily washed off with water.

Folk recipes

There are several folk remedies that will help clean the matte surface on glass.


Most popular means For cleaning coated glass, ammonia is considered. It is used to prepare a detergent that effectively fights almost any stain. To prepare the solution, add 10 milliliters of ammonia to a liter of water. The mixture is sprayed with a spray bottle and rubbed with a cloth. After this, the wiped coating is washed with cold water.

Vinegar 9%

Experts advise using vinegar liquid to clean glass. It will help get rid of ordinary dust and wipe away stubborn greasy stains. To prepare the solution, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Then soak a rag in the solution and wipe the door with it. To prevent the coating from smelling like vinegar, it is washed again with soapy water.

Baking and soda ash

Sometimes vinegar and ammonia do not help clean the surface of the glass from dirt and you have to use soda ash and baking soda. It is added to water in a ratio of one to five, after which the matte product is treated with the soda mixture. You can also not dissolve the soda, but simply rub it into the surface, rinse with water and wipe with a dry towel.

Powdered chalk or starch

If there is a lot of dirt on the glass surface, you can use starch or chalk powder from which a cleaning solution is prepared. To do this, add 45 grams of the substance to 500 milliliters of water, after which the liquid is thoroughly mixed. Then soak a cloth in a container with the mixture and wipe the glass with it. Remains of chalk are wiped off with a regular dry sponge or rag.

Denatured alcohol, vodka and cologne

An effective means for cleaning dirt can be prepared from cologne, regular vodka and denatured alcohol. All components are mixed in equal quantities. Then the liquid is evenly applied to the dirty surface and left for 10-15 minutes to soak in the dirt. After this, use a rag soaked in water to wipe off the remaining dirty marks.


Sometimes people don't want to use cleaning fluids, so they steam the frosted glass instead. For this, a special steam generator is used, which not only removes dirt, but also degreases the door. Steaming should last for five minutes. Then wipe the cleaned surface with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.

Chalk mixture and bleach solution

When cleaning matte surfaces, it is recommended to use a solution made from bleach. It is able to clean it of dirt and absorbed fat. To create the mixture, add 20 grams of lime and 25 grams of grated chalk to 800 milliliters of water.

The glass is sprayed with the prepared solution. After 15-20 minutes, wipe it dry with a towel or napkins.

Potassium permangantsovka

To combat old stains, you can use a manganese solution. When preparing such an effective manganese mixture, 55 grams of manganese are added to a liter of boiled water. The solution is stirred until it turns a dark reddish color. Moisten a sponge in the prepared liquid and wipe the surface of the door glass with it.

Industrial detergents

If folk remedies do not help get rid of dirt, you can use industrial cleaning compounds.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, which is found in almost every home, will help clean a door with frosted glass. To prepare a soap solution, grate a bar of soap, add it to a bowl and fill it with water. The mixture is then stirred until the soap is completely dissolved. The solution is applied to the dirty surface with a rag. in a circular motion. If solutions remain on the glass, wash it again and wipe it with dry cloths.

Dishwashing liquid

There are special products that are used for washing dirty dishes. They are also suitable for cleaning glass with a matte finish. They are applied to the door and rubbed with a sponge. After 5-10 minutes, the remaining cleaning solution is washed off with water.

Glass products

If the above cleaning methods do not help get rid of dirt, you will have to use glass cleaners.

"Mister Muscle"

This is a popular detergent used to clean dirty glass. It is easy to use “Mr. Muscle”; to do this, it is sprayed onto the product and rubbed in with a sponge. Then the treated surface is washed again with water and dried so that no traces of stains remain.


Most often this detergent composition is used for cleaning household appliances And kitchen furniture from stubborn grease stains. However, experts advise using Clin for cleaning door glass. The detergent composition is sprayed onto matte finish and after fifteen minutes wipe off with a dry or moistened cloth.


To clean doors, they often use Help detergent, which contains components that effectively fight even old grease stains. This liquid is stirred in warm water, after which the glass is washed with the mixture. Apply the product using a sponge.

Fratty Cleaner

To clean the surface of porcelain, crystal, silver, mirrors and regular glass, you can use Fratty Cleaner. The advantages of such a detergent include the fact that it not only removes dirt, but also gives the treated coating an antistatic effect.

This solution does not leave any traces after use and therefore there is no need to wipe the glass again after use.


This is an effective detergent composition, the production of which does not use toxic substances. The product has disinfection properties and therefore, during cleaning, all microbes are removed from the treated glass. During use, IKeep is applied evenly to the door. The liquid is rubbed with a sponge or napkins.


This effective remedy, which comes in the form of a liquid cream. Ecover is able to clean dirty surfaces from limescale, rust spots, greasy marks and dust. It is most often used when cleaning sinks or bathtubs. However, some housewives use it to treat dirty glass. The cream is applied to the surface and left on it for half an hour. Then the remaining liquid is washed off with water.

Ajax Super Effect

This composition is used if traces of grease are visible on the surface of the glass. When using Ajax Super Effect, apply the product to the contaminated area. After this, a dry rag is moistened in water to wash off any remaining detergent.

"Second" for window glass

To clean the tiles, glass table, mirror or crystal, you can use “Second”. This cleaner is popular among housewives as it leaves no residue after use. It removes fingerprints, dirt and grease from surfaces.


This is a universal product that is suitable for cleaning any surfaces. The liquid is sold in a container with a sprayer through which it must be sprayed. Cif is first applied to the surface and then wiped off with a paper towel.


This product is produced for washing dishes, but it contains components that can clean frosted glass from dirt. Pril is applied evenly to the dirty area with a sponge, after which the solution is removed with a dry cloth. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times until the surface is completely clean.

Remove stains or add shine

Some people want to not only clean glass and remove greasy marks from it, but also add shine to it. To do this, use a special cloth called microfiber. It is used to rub the glass after the dirty stains have been completely removed.

What not to clean at home

There are several products that are contraindicated to use when cleaning glass coverings.

Strong abrasive compounds and materials

Sometimes hard abrasive materials are used to clean products from dried dirt. You should not use them when cleaning glass, as their thick coating can damage the glass surface and leave scratches on it.

Products that contain silicone, any acids or alkalis

There are times when people try to clean door glass with products that contain silicone, alkalis and acids. However, such liquids cannot be used, since the components from their composition can corrode the matte finish.

Hard scrapers and spatulas

Spatulas and scrapers can be used to clean products with durable metal or concrete surfaces. It is prohibited to clean glass with such tools, as due to mechanical impact The matte finish will be damaged.

Strong solvents and detergents

Strong detergents containing solvents should not be used. They contain substances that will damage the surface of the glass.

There are several tips to help you properly care for doors with glass inserts:

  • dust and dirt should be removed from the door 2-3 times a month;
  • To ensure that no streaks remain after washing, wipe the coating with a dry cloth;
  • Do not use detergents that can damage the matte coating.


Over time, the glass inserts on the door become covered with dirty spots that need to be cleaned. Before cleaning, you need to familiarize yourself with effective detergent compositions and the features of their use.

Frosted glass looks elegant, original and beautiful; it is most often used to decorate furniture, interior doors, and shower cabins. But this decorative element pleases the eye only if it is contained in perfect order. How to clean frosted glass efficiently without harming it and making it look attractive again appearance?

Why do glasses get dirty?

The choice of cleaning agent for a matte surface depends on the type and degree of contamination. What most often spoils the appearance of opaque glass?

  • Dust is theirs main enemy. The rough texture literally attracts this type of pollution in any room.
  • Handprints. Like dust, they remain on the glass of interior doors, wherever they are.
  • Dried splashes and water drips are a “disease” of glass installed in the shower.
  • Stains from grease, soot and food appear on the matte parts of doors, tables and cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Street dirt stains the glass of the veranda and loggia.

WITH light and fresh Any dirt can be removed with a damp cloth. To remove old stains, you will need special cleaning products.

Folk recipes (checked by the editors)

The matte surface gets dirty regularly, so it makes sense to use inexpensive home remedies to care for it. Great for cleaning frosted glass:

  • Ammonia. To wash a matte surface, 1 tsp. alcohol is diluted in 5 liters of water. Use it in pure form This is not possible, as ammonia will damage the spraying.
  • Vinegar 9%. Mixed with water (1 tbsp per 200 ml) removes stains of various origins. To enhance the effect, add 3-4 drops of dishwashing liquid to the composition.
  • Soda. It removes grease well, but for opaque glass it is only suitable in dissolved form (1 tbsp per glass of water). The fact is that soda is a crystalline powder, and in its pure form it will scratch the canvas on the door or the matte surface of the table.
  • Crushed chalk or starch. Mixed with water (1-2 tbsp per 200 ml), both powders are used for routine cleaning. They also cope well with fresh greasy stains. To wash away more serious stains, the solution is supplemented with vinegar and alcohol.
  • Denatured alcohol, vodka, cologne. Liquids containing alcohol give good result, both in pure form and in combination with other detergents.

Juice will clean traces of flies or cockroaches onions. The head is cut in half and the dirty cloth is wiped.

Verified by the editors:

The task ahead was to clean the frosted glass on the door from old greasy stains. To begin with, the surface was washed with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water). Shine and cleanliness, but those same stains remain.

We continue the test and try the starch (1 tbsp per glass of water), pour it into a spray bottle (you can do without it). Apply to glass.

Let's evaluate the result: Not to say that the matte surface began to shine, but the stains were washed away.

Conclusion: The products work, just don’t forget to shake the starch solution before use.

Industrial detergents

No less effective at removing stains on frosted glass:

  • Laundry soap. A piece of the bar is grated on a coarse grater. The resulting shavings are mixed with warm water. The solution is suitable for current wet cleaning. Works well on dirt and fresh greasy stains.
  • Dishwashing liquid. Like soap, it is used to clean simple stains and pre-wash frosted glass. It is applied to a damp cloth or the soft side of a sponge, and then to the surface.
  • Glass products. Compositions containing ammonia or isopropyl alcohol, will also clean matte surfaces. For routine cleaning and removal of recently appeared stains, for example, “Mr. Muscle”, “Clin”, “Help” are suitable. A more serious problem will be solved by “Fratty Cleaner”, “IKeep!”.

Remove stains and add shine

Any cleaning product will show good results only if it is used correctly. Frosted glass should be washed in the following order:

  1. Moisten the glass sheet with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in warm water.
  2. Using top-down movements, clean the dirt with a solution of laundry soap or dishwashing gel. Then remove the remaining product with warm water. If an industrial glass cleaning liquid is used, wipe the surface with crumpled paper or a dry cloth.
  3. Using the selected solution, old stains are removed if previous formulations have not dealt with them.
  4. Using a spray bottle, spray the glass with a solution of chalk or starch and leave it until dry.
  5. Use a dry cloth or crumpled newspaper to clean off the powder and rub the surface until it shines.

If the glass requires cosmetic care, a solution of chalk or starch is sufficient to clean it. Then the treated surface is polished.

The matte surface must be brought into proper shape with great care so as not to spoil its texture. In this case, several rules should be followed:

  • Wash and clean any dirt only soft material. A spatula, metal sponge or scraper will leave scratches.
  • Use strictly permitted substances for washing in permissible concentrations. Gasoline, acetone (and solvents based on it), as well as compounds containing chlorine, will at best make the glass transparent.
  • Choose liquid cleaners. Powder crystals will damage the spray.
  • Do not leave the glass wet after cleaning. There will be streaks on it.

Thus, the matte surface will remain in good condition for a long time only with careful handling and proper care.