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» How to cook homemade chips. How to make chips at home: in the oven and microwave. How to cook delicious chips in a frying pan

How to cook homemade chips. How to make chips at home: in the oven and microwave. How to cook delicious chips in a frying pan

Flavor and aroma enhancers, genetically modified products, nutritional supplements, starch... It’s scary to continue the list, but this is exactly what is included in the popular potato chips. But everyone loves to crunch golden potatoes, regardless of their useful composition. The rich taste simply clouds our minds when another slice of crispy potato hits our tongue. But the most difficult thing is not to give in to temptation when passing by a counter covered with multi-colored packs. It’s better to look into the vegetable department and pick up some regular potatoes in order to make homemade chips that you can safely treat your children to.

Let's look at four recipes for making chips at home.

  1. Chips in the microwave. This method is the fastest and easiest. To make homemade chips in the microwave, you need:
    • Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into thin slices (you can use a vegetable peeler);
    • Place all the slices in a colander and rinse to remove excess starch;
    • let the water drain from the potatoes;
    • cover a flat microwave dish with parchment (you can do without it);
    • place potato slices on it;
    • Turn on the microwave at full power and wait 5 to 10 minutes.
    While cooking chips, it is better not to leave the microwave so as not to miss the moment of readiness. Microwave chips are cooked without oil, but you can grease them with vegetable oil directly in a colander and stir the potatoes, then place them on a microwave dish. The chips are dried, crispy, and the color can range from golden to light brown.
  2. Chips in a frying pan. Place the pan on the stove in advance so that it heats up properly. While it is heating up, start cooking:
    • Peel and rinse potatoes;
    • cut into slices, the thickness of which depends on preference;
    • pour vegetable oil into the frying pan so that its depth is 2-3 cm;
    • As soon as the oil is thoroughly heated (you can test it on one slice), you can place the potato slices in the frying pan;
    • fry them in hot vegetable oil until golden brown;
    • turn over if necessary.
    Chips should not lie on the bottom during cooking and stick to the pan. Making homemade chips in a frying pan is not difficult, but you need to take into account the thickness of the chips: thin ones are fried over high heat, and thick ones over medium heat, so that they are fried and not burnt. Place the finished chips on paper towels to absorb excess fat. If desired, they can be seasoned with salt and paprika.
  3. Chips in the oven. If you use an oven to prepare chips, you will get significantly more of them in one go:
    • potatoes must also be peeled and washed;
    • make thin slices using a vegetable peeler;
    • mix potatoes with vegetable oil and salt;
    • you can add paprika or a mixture of peppers;
    • place the slices in a single layer on a baking sheet;
      put it in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for about 15 minutes.
    In the oven, the chips turn out fragrant and golden, but you need to eat them immediately after cooking, as they may lose their crunch.
  4. Nacho chips. Corn chips nachos industrial production less harmful than potato ones. In order to make homemade nacho chips faster, bypassing the preparation of dough, you can use ready-made corn tortilla:
    • cut the tortilla into triangles or squares;
    • heat the vegetable oil in a deep fryer or saucepan;
    • put triangles of flatbread there;
    • fry until golden brown for about a minute;
    • Place the finished nachos on a paper towel.
    The chips are ready, but you can also place them on a baking sheet, pour sour cream over each, put olive slices on them and sprinkle with grated cheese. This work of art needs to be cooked for about five minutes at 180°C.
Chips homemade much tastier than their factory-made brothers and safer. Making homemade chips is quick and easy, and most importantly, you don’t have to worry about them harming your children’s health.

Many people love chips in different forms, and it’s also a great snack to go with beer. Fried potatoes have taken over the whole world. There are various legends about store-bought chips: artificial additives, GMO potatoes, harmful preservatives. Therefore, it is better to cook chips at home and enjoy their taste.

Preparing chips is very simple; you don’t need any special devices. You can cook them in the oven, microwave and in a frying pan. In this article you will learn all these recipes.

Homemade chips (original)


  • Sunflower oil;
  • Salt;
  • Several large potatoes.

Peel and wash the potatoes thoroughly. Then cut into thin circles; for this it is recommended to use a vegetable peeler, because with a regular knife you will not be able to cut such thin slices. Then place these slices on a plate so that it is convenient to take individually. Pour oil (2-3 cm) into a deep saucepan or frying pan and bring to a boil. Place potatoes into the oil, one slice at a time, so that they do not touch.

They will brown very quickly, and it is necessary to immediately pull out the finished slices, otherwise they will not be tasty. When you take it out, let the oil drain and place it on a plate that has been covered with a paper towel in advance. This is done so that the remaining oil is absorbed. While hot, add salt to taste. There you go!

How to make chips in the oven

If you prefer not to bother with boiling oil, you can make the chips in the oven; they also turn out very tasty. The only thing you will need to do is wash the oven and baking tray after yourself.


  • Salt;
  • Ground black or white pepper;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • A couple of potatoes.

Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into thin slices. Place the resulting pieces in a soup plate or salad bowl so that the potatoes are thoroughly soaked. You can also add pepper, salt and stir gently so as not to break it.

Place everything on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other and place in the oven, which you have pre-heated to 180 degrees. The chips take about 15 minutes to bake, but be careful not to burn them. When you remove the chips, place them on a plate covered with a paper towel.

Chips in the microwave at home

Yes, you can even make chips in the microwave and it’s even more convenient than boiling oil and then washing the dishes. This is a great recipe for beer lovers. These chips are prepared without oil.


  • Salt;
  • Pepper and spices;
  • Potato;

Peel the potatoes because there is little to no heat treatment, such as in oil or oven. Then cut it into circles, similar to the previous recipes. Place the finished pieces on special baking paper. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings.

What power to set on the microwave is up to you, because the volume may be different for everyone. Usually it's 750 watts, if you put more, it's okay. There is also no specific waiting time, everything is prepared quickly, about 5 minutes. You will have to monitor the process, as soon as they are browned, turn them off and put them on a plate. The taste of chips prepared in this way is no worse than those cooked in oil or oven.

To make potato chips at home, of course, you need to spend time and know how to do it correctly. But you will be sure that there are no impurities harmful to health.

After all, everyone has long known that food industry today we can safely rename it chemical.

And potato chips sold in stores often don't even contain potatoes! And it’s also good if corn or wheat flour is used instead. What if it is soy starch from modified soybeans?

So this crap is formed into chips and fried in cheap fat, because it’s profitable. This fat is changed extremely rarely, again for reasons of economy. And the taste is added with the help of special, harmful additives. For example, monosodium glutamate, which turns any nasty thing into amazingly tasty and attractive food.

That’s why if you want chips, we’d better make them ourselves. Moreover, it is not at all difficult. Every person has a grater at home, one edge of which can cut potatoes into thin circles.

There are also special graters or vegetable cutters that produce very beautiful potato slices. I want to warn you right away that they will not be as beautiful as in the store. But we will not make the sacrifices that chip beauty requires, because this is our health!

We make chips at home in a frying pan.

The chips turn out very tasty, and due to the flour, a golden crust easily forms on them. And what’s important is that they cook much faster.

To prepare we need to take:

  • Potatoes – 3-5 pieces depending on size
  • Flour – 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater in the form of chips. The thickness should be no more than 2 millimeters.

Soak in salt water for 30 minutes. This way the potatoes will be salted and get rid of excess starch. Place on a towel to dry.

While they are drying, take a plastic bag and add flour, salt and spices to taste. We put the future chips there, tie the bag and shake it properly several times. Place in boiling oil in a frying pan. And fry until golden brown. This crust is easily formed due to the fact that we rolled the potatoes in flour.

Place it on a plate and eat.

Watch a short video tutorial.

Homemade chips.

How to make chips in the microwave in 5 minutes with your own hands at home

We prepare potatoes for chips, I wrote about this above. And we also need:

  • Sleeve for baking
  • 2 plates

You can soak the prepared potatoes in salt water, as in the recipe above. Or you can wash it first, and then add salt and spices. After that, fill it with vegetable oil, a little oil is needed. Stir until the future chips are thoroughly coated with oil and salt.

We cut off the baking sleeve to the size of the plate, and also cut off all the corners so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the plate. microwave oven.

Place future chips there in one layer. And put it in the oven, first set the time for 5 minutes. And since microwave ovens have different powers, you need to make sure that the chips don’t burn. Or maybe you will need not five minutes, but more, it depends on your stove.

When they turn brown, take them out and turn them over. Fry on the other side.

Now watch the video recipe

How to cook homemade chips in the oven.

We do everything exactly the same as in the previous recipe. But before putting in the oven, place the potato circles on a baking sheet, not on a plate!

Everyone loves crispy fried chips: children love to crunch on potato deliciousness in front of the TV, adults adore them as an excellent snack with beer.

Store-bought chips, as a rule, contain various harmful additives, flavors, GMOs, preservatives, etc. Homemade chips consist only of natural ingredients: potatoes, salt and vegetable oil, and therefore are absolutely harmless to the body.

Making chips at home is not difficult and the whole process only takes a few minutes. simple steps. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to have any special devices, such as a deep fryer. Homemade chips can be cooked in the oven, in the microwave, or in a regular frying pan.

Homemade chips recipes

One serving of potato chips, equal to about a small bag of store-bought chips, requires one medium-sized potato. The amount of oil is determined depending on the size of the container in which the chips will be prepared (its level should not exceed 2-3 cm). Add salt to chips to taste.


  • Medium sized potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

Homemade chips recipe in a frying pan

  1. Peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly. Cut into thin circles. It’s better if you use a vegetable cutter for this - it’s more convenient, and the circles for the chips turn out more or less the same.
  2. Place the slices on a towel to dry a little.
  3. Pour oil into a deep frying pan (cauldron, thick-walled pan) and bring it to a boil.
  4. Throw the dried slices one at a time into the boiling oil so that they do not come into contact with each other. Stir the chips slightly using a wooden spatula.
  5. We determine the readiness of the chips by their color (they should be golden, not brown) and by the characteristic tapping sound of the chips when stirred.
  6. Remove the chips to a plate covered with a napkin or paper towel to drain off excess vegetable oil.
  7. Then, while the chips are still hot, add salt to taste.

Classic natural potato chips are ready. However, if you don't want to deal with boiling oil, you can cook the chips in the oven.

Homemade Oven Chips Recipe

  1. Dry the washed and thinly sliced ​​potatoes on a paper towel.
  2. Place the resulting circles in a deep plate or salad bowl and sprinkle with about 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  3. Add a little salt and gently mix the chips so that the oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface, but without breaking the slices.
  4. Line a baking tray with baking paper and grease with vegetable oil.
  5. Place the potato wedges in one layer on the surface of the baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.
  6. Place in an oven heated to 180-200 degrees and bake until golden brown.
  7. Place the finished chips on a paper towel. If necessary, sprinkle with more spices and salt.

This recipe uses less vegetable oil than when cooking chips in a frying pan. If you want to completely avoid adding oil to chips (for example, if you are making chips for children), cook them in the microwave.

Homemade chips recipe in the microwave

  1. Dry the peeled and thinly sliced ​​potatoes a little on a paper napkin.
  2. Place the prepared potato slices on special baking paper, making sure that they do not touch each other.
  3. We set the power on the microwave to about 600-750 W (we can’t exactly recommend it, it all depends on the type of microwave), and cook for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. When the chips are browned, immediately take them out and place them on a wide plate.
  5. Add salt and spices to taste to the still hot chips.

Chips cooked in a microwave oven will not be inferior in taste to those cooked in an oven or frying pan, but they are much healthier and safer for children. And they are made much faster and easier.

Homemade chips - cooking features

  • For homemade chips, choose only even and smooth “ideal” potatoes. If you cut out “eyes” and other defects, the chips will turn out uneven and ugly.
  • After cutting, it is best to rinse potato slices in cold water to get rid of excess starch. Then the chips will not stick to each other when frying.
  • To prevent the finished chips from sticking to the plate, I use baking paper as a “bedding” for the chips. As a last resort, sprinkle the plate with a thin layer of flour.
  • The taste of homemade chips is not pronounced compared to store-bought ones, since they do not contain flavorings. However, you can add spices to your taste: paprika, a mixture of spicy or Provençal herbs, etc. If you know others natural seasonings to homemade chips, share this discovery with us.

Making homemade chips is a rather lengthy process and therefore it is necessary to make them only when you have enough free time.

Hello, dear housewives, experienced chefs and novice cooks! In this article I will tell you how to cook chips at home in a frying pan, in the microwave and in the oven. If your household likes a treat, the recipes will serve you well.

Potato - healthy vegetable, rich in minerals and vitamins. But potato chips do not bring any benefit to the body, since industrial production natural product loses beneficial features, receiving in return artificial colors, flavors and taste-enhancing substances.

This does not mean that you won’t be able to taste your favorite delicacy without harm to your health. It's about about homemade potato chips that are not inferior to store-bought counterparts.

Potato chips - classic recipe


Servings: 10

  • potato 600 g
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • dill 1 bunch
  • garlic 2 pcs
  • salt, pepper to taste

Per serving

Calories: 283 kcal

Proteins: 7.6 g

Fats: 1.8 g

Carbohydrates: 61.4 g

40 min. Video recipe Print

    Wash the potatoes in warm water and clean. For new potatoes, leave the skins on. As a result, homemade chips will receive a beautiful frame. Place the potatoes on a paper towel to dry.

    Peel the garlic. Finely chop both slices. I do not recommend using a press, otherwise you will end up with garlic puree instead of tiny pieces.

    Rinse the greens, shake off the water, and cut off the bottom of the sprigs. Divide the dill into two parts, set one aside and chop the second.

    Place a shallow and wide container on the stove and pour in the oil. To get flavorful chips, I recommend using olive or sunflower oil unrefined type. Add chopped herbs and garlic to the oil.

    Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Makes the task easier food processor or a special vegetable cutter. I get by kitchen knife.

    Place the prepared potatoes in a container with spiced oil, cover with a lid and shake. As a result, each potato circle will be soaked in oil. Remove the lid and leave the potatoes for half an hour.

    Place paper on the bottom of the mold or baking sheet. It is important that the edges of the paper do not protrude, otherwise they will burn. Place potatoes on top in a single layer.

    Place the pan with potatoes in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees for about twenty minutes. If you want a crispier delicacy, increase the cooking time by one and a half times.

    All you have to do is take the appetizer out of the oven, wait until it cools down, put it in a beautiful bowl and sprinkle with dill. I recommend serving with sour cream.

Now you can prepare a delicacy that is absolutely harmless to your health and wallet, since the recipe does not include food additives, and the cost of the dish is scanty.

How to cook chips in a frying pan

An unimaginable number of recipes use potatoes, which rightfully occupy one of the leading positions in the list of the most popular ingredients. It is used to prepare casseroles, salads, soups and chips.

I think you understand that you cannot trust the quality of store-bought chips, especially if the conversation turns to children. Manufacturers add flavor to their products using chemical additives that negatively affect the human body.

Fortunately, cooking has not been canceled. Knowing step by step home recipe, protect yourself from the chemicals that store-bought treats contain.


  • Vegetable oil – 500 ml.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Salt, spices.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut out the eyes and rinse with water. Using a shredder or sharp knife, cut into 5mm thick slices.
  2. Place a deep frying pan on the stove and pour in oil. The thickness of the oil layer is three centimeters. Sprinkle the oil with spices and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat.
  3. I advise you to carefully place the potato slices in the frying pan, otherwise you will get burned. The slices should not touch. Fry the potatoes until golden brown.
  4. Remove the finished potato chips from the frying pan and place on paper napkin to drain excess oil. Prepare subsequent portions in the same way, occasionally adding oil to the pan.

Video cooking

To create a delicacy you will need a lot of oil. Do not forget that the cost of store-bought products is not affordable, and there is less harm from a home-made dish, especially if consumed with home-made beer. Health is more important.

How to cook in the microwave

Making chips at home is even easier if you have a microwave. Home option your favorite delicacy is tastier and healthier than the product sold in shops and supermarkets.

Try to find a child who doesn't like chips. Parents, trying to satisfy their child’s wishes, buy store-bought “poison”. Such sacrifices are not necessary. Homemade chips also cannot be called healthy, but they are less harmful to the body.


  • Potatoes – 300 g.
  • Olive oil– 30 ml.
  • Salt and spices.


  1. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into thin slices, pour cold water and wait about fifteen minutes for the starch to come out.
  2. After the procedure, dry the potatoes with a paper towel and sprinkle with spices. What seasonings to use is up to you, guided by taste.
  3. Cook your food in the microwave in small portions. At maximum temperature Cooking time for a serving of homemade potato chips is 5 minutes. After two minutes from the start of cooking, turn over and reduce the temperature by half.
  4. Also cook the remaining potatoes. As soon as the circles are covered with a crust brown tint, remove from the microwave, otherwise they will dry out and lose their taste.

Video cooking

We looked at the technologies for preparing chips in the oven and in a frying pan. They cannot be called a main dish, but they are an excellent side dish for meat or fish cutlets.

Cooking chips in the deep fryer

Potatoes have long won a place of honor on the table. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the second bread. She helps prepare a variety of dishes, including chips. Not a single person will refuse this crispy delicacy. Without it, even football is not interesting to watch. Any grocery store offers potato slices in an assortment of flavors. If the packaging shows a piece of cheese or mushrooms, this does not mean that the products are included. The variety of flavors in chips is due to additives and preservatives.

Every person strives to satisfy their gastronomy cravings without harming the body. Homemade chips, which are prepared quickly, simply and easily, help with this. Using your favorite seasonings, they can be given any taste.

There are many ways to cook chips, and some involve using a deep fryer. This kitchen appliances It is not present in every home, but if it is, pay attention to the following recipe.


  • Potatoes - any quantity.
  • Vegetable oil – depends on the fryer (1-2 liters).
  • Salt, parika, pepper, spices and favorite spices.


  1. First of all, prepare the potatoes. Peel, rinse and cut into thin slices. Next, place on a paper towel to release excess moisture.
  2. Open the fryer lid and fill the reservoir with oil. Find out the oil volume in the equipment operating instructions. Usually two liters is enough, although there are more compact models.
  3. Turn on the device and activate the program. The fryer will notify you when to add potatoes using a beep or indicator light. After the program, you will hear or see a similar notification.
  4. Remove the finished chips from the deep fryer using a slotted spoon and place on paper to drain excess oil. After this, place the potato slices in a suitable container, add salt and sprinkle with spices.

Video recipe in deep fryer

I don’t recommend overusing it; chips contribute to weight gain.

Skilled chefs prepare chips not only from potatoes. They use eggplant, pita bread, cheese, meat, bananas and other products. Depending on the ingredients, the taste varies, as does the number of calories.

Helpful information

Chips are about one hundred and fifty years old. They first appeared in an American restaurant in August 1853. The client did not like the thickness of the French fries, and he publicly expressed this to the chef. The angry cook cut the potatoes as thinly as possible and quickly fried them. The client liked the finished dish and took its rightful place on the menu.

You can make homemade chips different ways, and their taste is different from store-bought. Homemade snacks do not contain monosodium glutamate or other additives that make even tasteless and unattractive food attractive.

Once a person has tried the crunchy delicacy, he eats it regularly. What to say about children. This cannot be done; store-bought chips contain a lot of carbohydrates, fats and carcinogens. Unscrupulous manufacturers fry potatoes in old oil, adding chemical compounds.

Not all chips are made from real potatoes. For this purpose, corn or potato flour is used to prepare a product of uniform size.

An excellent substitute for store-bought treats are homemade chips. Their highlight is the absence of harmful impurities. A light snack with such a product will not harm the body, especially if it is made from vegetables or fruits.