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» How to prepare ranetka compote for the winter. Do-it-yourself aromatic compote from ranetki for the winter

How to prepare ranetka compote for the winter. Do-it-yourself aromatic compote from ranetki for the winter

If you want to enjoy a rich vitamin drink during the cold season, then you definitely need to close the ranetka compote for the winter. Canning such provisions takes up to an hour of free time without any physical effort. The process is fascinating, and the result is incredibly tasty.

Useful properties of ranetki

Mini-apples are filled with a lot of useful substances, regardless of their small size. They contain vitamins B, P, glucose, sucrose, fructose, essential oil, citric, ascorbic and malic acids, carotene, pectin, tannins. Microelements manganese, sodium, potassium and calcium, found in every cell of apples, have a beneficial effect on the removal of toxic substances from the body and help to avoid urolithiasis. Also, one eaten red apple fruit increases appetite and stabilizes the nervous system. By treating fruits with hot water during canning, a small part of the positive elements is lost. There is no need to be upset, apples are no less useful. Simple recipes for compote from ranetki for the winter will help preserve most of the vitamins in the apple and, above all, get a tasty result.

Ranetki in canning

Based on the above benefits of ranetki, they are often used in cooking. Processed fruits are great for baking, jam, preserves, and juice. Their small size fits perfectly into jars when canning ranetka compote for the winter. The taste of the finished ranetki food is regulated by the amount of added sugar and, if desired, herbs and spices. Miniature apples can be combined with other fruits or berries. Due to the presence of malic acid in ranetki, there will be no need to add citric acid to the ingredients to avoid food breakdown. You don’t need many kitchen utensils to make compote - just a bowl and a saucepan.

Compote of ranetki for the winter without sterilization

  1. It is not necessary to wash the ranetkas; it is not necessary to remove the tails.
  2. Sterilize glass containers. This process can be done using a kettle, oven or microwave.
  3. Place apples in a jar. The amount of fruit filled in the jar depends on the desired flavor result. If you want to get a very concentrated compote, then the jar can be filled 2/3 or half full. A mild, diluted flavor comes from 1/3 of the apples in a glass container.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan.
  5. Pour it into the jars with their contents, cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes so that the apple juice begins to release into the water.
  6. After the specified time has passed, pour the water back into the pan, add sugar to taste and boil the aromatic water for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup into jars and roll up the lids. It is not necessary to wrap and turn over.
    Bon appetit!

Compote of ranetki with grapes for the winter

A step-by-step recipe for compote from ranetki for the winter with the introduction of grape berries will result in an unusual drink. The sweetness of the ranetki is diluted with the sourness of Cabernet grapes.

Compote of ranetki and chokeberry - video

Compote of ranetki with a slice of lemon

This recipe can be used if you are going to fill the entire canning jar with ranettes. A piece of lemon will perfectly dilute the concentrated taste of the food.

To give the compote a dark red color, you need to add a few chokeberries.

And, finally, a few more recipes on how to cook ranetki compote in a slow cooker and bread maker. Quite popular methods for those who want to keep up with the times and want to forget about the old methods of cooking compote in a saucepan. With the help of modern kitchen appliances, preparing apples of paradise compote becomes a very quick process without much effort.

Ranetki compote in a slow cooker

Place the fruits in a special compartment of the multicooker.

Wrap herbs and spices in gauze and tie tightly in a knot.

Add sugar to taste, add hot water, close the lid. Select the “Stew” item in the multicooker menu.

Simmer the compote for 15 minutes, after finishing, wait another 20 minutes so that the ranetki are saturated with spices and soaked in sugar.

Then take out the spices and immediately pour them into pre-sterilized jars. Cork.

Compote of ranetki in a bread maker

Apples can be chopped, because this machine can hold only a small amount of fruit.

Boil water with sugar and pour into the ranetki.

On the bread machine, select the “Jam” option and cook the contents for 20 minutes.

Pour the finished drink into glass containers and screw on the lids.

To diversify the taste of apples that are familiar to us, you can add one of the following ingredients to the ranetki compote for the winter:

  • wine – 10 grams per liter,
  • peels of citrus fruits - quantity as desired (be sure to remove from the composition after cooking),
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon per liter, if the ranetki were frozen,
  • cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, ginger, zest - amount as desired,
  • semolina, rice, pearl barley - a couple of tablespoons for richness and nutrition,
  • honey – amount as desired (add just before rolling the compote so as not to lose its properties).

Aromatic compote preparations for you for the winter!

Compote from ranetki without sterilization - video

Compote from ranetki perfectly preserves all the beneficial properties of this fruit. It has a rich aroma and taste. You can add chokeberries or plums to it. Next, you will learn how to simply make a fragrant compote from ranetki for the winter.

Compote from ranetki

We need: jar, seamer, pan, lids, toothpick.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making compote from ranetki for the winter

This video will help you figure out how to cook almost the same compote from ranetki for the winter. You will see that there is nothing complicated in this process.

Compote of ranetka and chokeberry for the winter

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We need: Seaming machine, lid, pan, jar.
Number of servings: 3 liter jar.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making compote from ranetka and chokeberry for the winter

You can see the entire recipe described above in this video. It will definitely help you prepare healthy compote.

Compote of ranetki and plums for the winter

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
We need: 3 liter jar.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for making compote from ranetki and plums for the winter

You can clearly see the entire process described above in the following video. After watching it, you will understand that such a compote can be prepared very simply and quickly.

A very beautiful color comes from plum compote. If you like slightly sour drinks, I recommend brewing. For those who didn’t have time to prepare compotes over the summer, this is perfect. To surprise your loved ones with a drink with an unusual taste in winter, you can brew it.

I hope you have noticed that ranetka compote does not require complex ingredients or much effort. If you cook compote from ranetki for the winter without sterilization, be sure to store it in a cool place. Friends, do you have experience in making compote from ranetki? Share your recommendations in the comments.

In Russia, before the onset of cold weather, housewives are engaged in canning various vegetables and fruits for the winter, including making preparations from ranetki for the winter. What can be made from this wonderful gift of nature, what recipes for preparations exist? Let's try to answer this question.

Recipe for jam from ranetki

Ranetka jam for the winter

Another fragrant and delicious preparation for the winter maybe a recipe for jam from early apples. It is very easy to make and does not require exotic ingredients. You will only need apples, lemons and sugar, as well as a day for all the necessary manipulations.

Compote from ranetki

Another interesting recipe for the winter, which every housewife should write down and make, is ranetki compote. Its peculiarity is that to give the drink a variety of taste and aroma, you can add dogwood, pears or plums to it.

Making such a compote is very simple: first sterilized three-liter jar put finely chopped ingredients into 1/3 of the volume, add from three hundred to three hundred and fifty grams of sugar and pour boiling water. After this, the jar must be immediately rolled up with a lid, turned over and wrapped in a towel. So let the resulting compote stand for two hours and transfer it to a cold place.

Ranetki confiture recipe

If you don’t like jam, jam or compote, then excellent winter preparation option Confiture, which is a cross between jam and preserves, may be specially for you. Let's see how it can be done. Keep in mind that when preparing confiture, a large amount of sugar is used, so if you do not like sweet foods or have dental problems, then it will be better for you not to consume this product.

If you want to cook classic confiture without spices, for example, cinnamon, or in some other way change its taste, for example, using lemon, you will need the following ingredients: ranetki and sugar (no matter cane brown or white) at the rate of two to three, i.e. per 1 kg Ranetka needs 1.5 kg of sugar.

There is one a variation of the above method: You can make confiture from whole ranetki if you don't like the puree-like substance. The cooking technology is the same, except that you can skip step 2.

Wine from ranetki

No, you didn’t think so, and this is not a mistake or typo. In fact, ranetki are excellent material for wine. Homemade wine from them can become your special preparation for the winter, with which you can surprise your girlfriends, and they will still beg you to give them the recipe.

So, how can you make such wine? First, carry out preparatory activities:

  • As usual, wash your ranetkas well, tear off the tails and leaves, grind them to a puree and purchase yeast (always pressed live).
  • Prepare and filter water or use spring water.
  • You will need sugar in the following ratio with other products: if you plan to spend 3.5 kilograms of sugar on wine, then you will need at least 5 kilograms of ranetki and 4 liters of water.

If you're not going make a delicious drink for gourmets and add cinnamon, lemon balm, mint or viburnum to the wine, which allows you to get an unusual aroma and interesting taste, then you can completely limit yourself to a typical recipe for wine from ranetki. To prepare it, follow these steps:

The result of your efforts will be clean and clear wine with a distinct ranetki aroma.

Fruits and berries


Compote of ranetki for the winter- It seems like an ordinary apple preserve, but it still has its advantages. Firstly, the apples that are used to prepare a homemade drink are small in size, making the drink prepared from them not only tasty, but also elegant in appearance. Once you see such an amazing fruit drink in passing, you will have a tireless desire to try it. Secondly, homemade ranetka compote, for the preparation of which this step-by-step recipe with photos without sterilization was used, is very beneficial for the body.

Although the fruits used to create the apple drink are subjected to heat treatment, the minerals and vitamins they contain are still preserved. Such useful elements as potassium and magnesium contained in apple compote have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and the iron contained in it enriches the circulatory system. However, that's not all! Delicious compote from ranetki contains phosphorus and calcium. It is these two useful elements that can support metabolism in the body. Moreover, such a fruit drink, prepared from ranetki apples at home, has a beneficial effect on strengthening the human immune system. Considering all the beneficial properties of such a unique preparation, we recommend that every housewife cook the healthy ranetka compote we offer for the winter. Thus, we propose to make effective protection for the entire body with your own hands.

So, let's start cooking!



    First of all, let's prepare jars for the wonderful compote. They need to be washed very well and properly sterilized. To sterilize glass containers, it is best to use an oven preheated to one hundred and ten degrees. In this case, it will take no more than fifteen minutes to process the cans. Then you need to place the apples in sterilized jars. However, first they should be washed, but not separated from the tails or cut into slices. The jars should be filled with whole fruits to the middle.

    Now you need to pour boiling water over the apples in the jars, after which the preparations should be left covered with lids until they cool.

    After the liquid in the jars has cooled, it must be poured into a saucepan.

    Then pour hot sugar syrup over the fruits packaged in jars. The liquid in the preparations should be almost to the very top of the cans.

    Afterwards, we roll up the finished pieces with pre-processed lids. To sterilize the lids, simply pour boiling water over them.

    Before cooling, the workpieces should always be upside down and under a warm blanket. After this, the cooled compote from the ranetki can be moved to any place to store winter supplies until winter.

    Bon appetit!

Ranetki compote is the most popular in Siberia.

The variety of apples is quite large: they come in both red and yellow, and sometimes you come across them with a pattern. The trees are always full of fruit; exceptions occur only in lean years. The color of the finished drink directly depends on the shade of the fruit.

To prepare compote with whole fruits, you need to understand the varieties of apples. There are types that crack when exposed to boiling water. It is worth noting that the taste of the compote will not change in any way, only the appearance of the fruit will change. To avoid this, when purchasing, choose the hardest variety.

The taste of apples has a slight tartness; if preserved, it will be felt even more.

Compote can be cooked with the addition of other fruits: plums, apricots and others. They diversify the taste and aroma of the drink made from ranetki.

If you like apples, then the recipe.

Compote from ranetki without sterilization


  • Ranetki apples.
  • sugar approximately 250 g for 1st 3-liter jar.
  • water.

Preparation of compote:

1.Fill the pan with water and bring to a boil.

2. We wash the wounds and remove the spoiled parts. The tails do not need to be removed.

3. Place the fruit in jars. We put approximately 30% of the capacity into each. Less is not recommended, otherwise the taste of the compote will not be as rich.

4. Fill the fruits with boiling water to the very top of the jar. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

5. Drain everything from the jars into a saucepan. Add sugar (based on your number of cans). We wait until the syrup boils, then keep it on the fire for another couple of minutes.

6. Fill the glass container and roll up the compote.

Bon appetit!

Ranetki compote in a slow cooker


  • apples 1 kg.
  • allspice 2 pcs.
  • water 2 l.
  • anise and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.


1. Wash the apples of paradise and put them in a slow cooker. Place the seasonings in a cloth bag.

2.Pour boiling water into the device and set the “Quenching” option.

3. It will take less than 20 minutes to cook the compote, after which you need to open the device and let the compote brew for another 20 minutes.

4.Remove the spices, strain the drink into liter jars, add fruit.

5. We do not fill all containers at once. Pour juice into one, roll it up, etc. Wrap the jars of compote in a blanket until they cool completely.

It's very cold in winter, so warm yourself up with a cup of tea prepared at home.

Recipe for compote from ranetki with the addition of citric acid

We will need:

  • apples 0.5 kg.
  • sugar 0.5 kg.
  • vanillin, citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  • water 3 l.

Preservation of the drink:

1.Wash the fruit.

2. You need to boil the water, add sugar and the remaining ingredients.

3. Place apples of paradise in jars and fill with syrup.

4. Place the jars in a large saucepan and sterilize for about 20 minutes.

5. It’s time to roll up the compote and send it to a warm place; be sure to cover the drink in a blanket.

If you do not plan to prepare compote for the winter, but want to drink the drink at this time, then prepare it a little differently. The apples need to be divided into pieces, pour boiling water over them and add granulated sugar to taste. Bring the mixture to a boil, wait for it to cool. The ranetka compote is ready!

If you like to make twists for the winter, read how to make them from tomatoes.

Compote from ranetki

The drink made from ranetki turns out to be quite tasty; we often make it for the winter. We will introduce you to a unique recipe for which you can use absolutely any medium-sized apples. Large fruits are best divided into parts. For one 3-liter jar of compote you should take 250 g of sugar. If you come across a variety that is too sour, add more sugar.


  • ranetki 1 kg.
  • sugar 1 tbsp.
  • water.


The entire process will take approximately 50 minutes. The total amount of juice will be around 3 cans.

1. We wash the jars and sterilize them. This can be done in the usual way, as well as in the microwave and oven.

2. Fill each ranetka to about half.

3. Bring water to a boil, pour in apples, cover with lids.

4. As soon as they cool down, you need to drain the water into the pan.

5.Add sugar and boil again.

6.We have received syrup, which should be placed in jars.

7. Spin the compote. Be sure to boil the lids before doing this.

8. Turn the glass container with the ranetki upside down and let it cool.

9. We send the compote to a dark place.