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» How to get rid of angry colleagues at work. Conspiracies against troubles and problems at work. Business and magic

How to get rid of angry colleagues at work. Conspiracies against troubles and problems at work. Business and magic

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert in ancient Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Few people think when entering a job that they will need protection from trouble. A person is confident in his strengths, knowledge, and capabilities. But he very quickly understands that career advancement, a well-deserved salary increase, excellent relationships between colleagues are just sound.

Why this happens is difficult to answer. But magic will always tell you what to do. A talisman against superiors at work does not exactly relate to any type of magical ritual. The amulet's abilities for humans are limitless.

The owner will receive all the necessary bonuses to feel like a necessary and valuable employee. In monetary terms there will also be only positive aspects.

Let's look in more detail at what benefits such an amulet can provide, how to make it, what its energy value is, and where it should be placed in the workplace to avoid bad things and attract good luck. Is it possible to use an icon for these purposes?

Why do you need a talisman at work?

Using protective magic, reading conspiracies or performing rituals to avoid being fired is not always considered useful and positive. This does not improve relations with management. They are simply in a state of suspended animation. Envy or negativity emanating from evil colleagues and superiors remains. And as soon as the ritual wears off, a new wave of negative energy begins.

35% of the total mass of people who believe in magic confidently declare that it is better to use amulets and talismans against negativity. There is no need to run around looking for a special sign in shops and paraphernalia shops. Everything is beautifully done with your own hands. It could be metal or fabric. With such devices, it is much easier to gain the respect of management. The main thing is to remember to wear it or attach it to your clothes every day before going to work.

Types of protection

Not everyone will be able to notice elements of enemy witchcraft in the workplace. With a large volume of documents, under heavy workload, it is difficult to see drops on the table or the absence of your favorite pen. Therefore, it is better to look for ways to solve problems that have arisen in advance than later. You can use already known methods. For example, holy water, which is used to irrigate a room or office. But bad luck! The action is short-term. What to do then and what to do? Use amulets. There are an unlimited number of them.

For protection from subordinates

It would seem, why does the director of a large or small enterprise need protection from his subordinates? Everyone fears and respects him anyway, including angry and disgruntled employees and outright enemies. But the catch is that it is the boss who receives more negative energy than others. Subordinate people are different, with different characters and interests. Therefore, to protect against employees, a talisman is mandatory. A bag of herbs will become such an amulet. It is strictly necessary to wear it either on the body or in a pocket that is adjacent to the skin.

To avoid losing your talisman, make a knotted bracelet. A text is read for each of the nodes. You don't have to shoot every day. The only thing you need to remember is to clean the amulet more often and, if possible, change it once a year.

This one is suitable for envy and damage and enemies. This kind of thing happens quite often at work. Especially if the boss has everything in abundance.

For promotion

In order for career growth to finally materialize, a wooden cross is attached to the desktop or under the lid. Moreover, such a talisman is made from two aspen sticks and tied with a red thread. Be sure to use wool thread. Such an amulet protects against ill-wishers at work, evil envious people and enemies and is used for success and career advancement.

In order to find a good job, there is a special amulet: a handkerchief. A spell is cast on him. Use for its intended purpose is prohibited. After employment, he will protect you from the anger and nagging of evil colleagues and superiors.

From an evil boss

It’s hard to earn the love of your boss anywhere. To do this, making protective amulets with your own hands is very simple. A charm from an evil boss is a charmed stone. Charged with the four elements, the talisman is placed on the desktop.

A white cotton bag with salt or herbs will save you from the evil boss. Moreover, such bulk ingredients will have to be renewed twice a month, and used only on Thursdays during breaks. This is either tea with the addition of a pinch of salt or herbs, or, for example, a boiled egg with salt. A talisman of this format is an excellent remedy against the tyranny of a director of any gender, not just female.

From dismissal

An amulet against dismissal or troubles, as well as evil colleagues and simply bad people should be placed in a prominent place. A wooden product made from aspen or oak is suitable. Even a well-processed die with a certain pattern will be an excellent salvation in case of mass layoffs. The amulet will prevent troubles from happening.

The symbolism of the Slavic gods becomes a talisman. Ensures peace and order at work, protects from evil people. You can print and charge both at work and at home. Carry with you or attach under the cover of a table or chair at your workplace.

To avoid being fired at work, choose a talisman against troubles based on the element to which you belong. Watermarks are sacred or enchanted water, fire is candles and wax, earth is salt. Literally anything is suitable for air signs.

From the inspectors

How to protect yourself from inspectors at work? Services come with one goal: to punish by finding errors in documents. To reduce the negative energy of people who come, treat them to tea with herbs. Prepare a bag of salt and place it on the table or in the safe where the documentation is located.

Don't know how to protect yourself from scrutiny or negativity at work? Use other means and amulets:

  • Arrange a flower garden at your workplace. A special plant is lemongrass;
  • create an ikebana on the edge of the table, the composition should include rowan, thistle, hawthorn;
  • install an aspen figurine or an unusual branch from this tree;
  • say a silver bust or other thing, but voluminous.

The help of prayer, amulet or other protection at work always bears fruit. He who prays sincerely will always get what he wants. But remember that texts such as a prayer for work or a protective spell are read at least once a week. The best option is to use a well-read talisman:

On a pin

A long-known protective amulet against troubles and problems is a pin. They glow over a church candle with a certain text. After which they immediately pin it with the head up. The amulet loses its power only after washing or after six months.

From boors

The ace of spades will help you escape from an uncultured or ill-mannered person. It should be placed at your workplace. Which one? Any, but not taken from a playing deck. You can even draw a talisman of this format yourself. The second option: to protect yourself from boors and envious people with an icon. The amulet at work is displayed on the table, but only from the direction of sunrise.

On the threshold of the office

Is it possible to create a talisman against enemies at work? Buy a black candle. On Tuesdays, before the start of the working day, light and read the protective plot on the threshold of the office. The result will not keep you waiting long. Evil and troubles will pass by.

In the modern world, no one can be 100% sure that he has no enemies and is everyone’s favorite. This does not depend on social status, much less on location. In the workplace, there are plenty of envious people, competitors, and simply people who don’t like their colleagues.

It’s worth thinking about, because negative thoughts tend to have a bad influence on the aura of the person to whom this anger or envy is directed. Of course, you can simply ignore all the ill-wishers and move up the career ladder with optimism. But insurance has never hurt anyone, so it’s worth thinking about such a thing as a talisman, especially for the workplace.

Why do you need a talisman at work?

The very concept of a talisman is hidden in the name. That is, a talisman protects. Various amulets and amulets have a very long history and have been known since ancient Rus'. Some people may confuse the amulet with a talisman or amulet, but this is not so. The amulet protects not only the person himself from troubles, but also his home or place of work.

A talisman for the workplace is necessary not only to prevent negative things from entering the protected workplace, it can also help against unwanted individuals who will not be able to stay in the amulet’s area of ​​effect for a long time. Such people will not be able to tolerate the presence of the amulet; this applies mainly to energy vampires.

The list of what it protects against includes groundless attacks and anger from superiors, someone else’s inattention, due to which you can suffer yourself, gossip and your own unpleasant mistakes. When the amulet begins to work, you can understand immediately; this can be noticed by the behavior of people who previously entered the work area.

Types of protection

Today, in narrow circles they call several types of amulets for work, a little about each of them:

    Conspiracies and prayers. One of the most famous, simple and common types of amulet at work is a conspiracy. These work during reading, but you need to read so that no one sees.

    You can also write a spell on a piece of paper that you need to carry with you, preferably in your breast pocket, and it’s good if you know the words by heart, repeating them during short breaks. Available prayers are described below in the appropriate section.

  1. Knot. Knots, also a common amulet, are made mainly from red wool or silk thread, which is tied into seven knots. At the workplace, the thread with a knot must be placed so that strangers do not see it, in addition, you can carry it with you, again, so that other people do not see it.
  2. Aspen. A lesser known, but at the same time active amulet made from aspen tree branches, or figurines made from it. Should be placed near the entrance. Among our ancestors, aspen was considered a powerful amulet against enemies and evil spirits. Double action brings a talisman with a prayer read over it.
  3. Aspen + thread. This amulet can be made with your own hands. By crossing two small branches crosswise and tying them with red thread, you can isolate your workspace from negativity. It is better to keep such a cross near you, the closer, the better.
  4. Thistle. Often, in houses you can find thistle branches in front of the front door. People of the old school know about the properties of this. But not everyone knows that thistle will also be a good idea for protecting the workspace from rumors, gossip of employees and ill-wishers.
  5. Holy water. Early in the morning, try to arrive before everyone else, and while no one is looking, sprinkle the space next to your work chair with holy water.
  6. Salt. If there is a threshold in front of the entrance to the office, pour a thin stream of salt under it so that no one accidentally brushes it away; this protection is known to many and has been used since ancient times. You can carry salt with you in a bag made of natural fabric.
  7. Stones. Having selected a personal stone according to the eastern calendar, you can take it to work and place it, for example, on your desk. Even more effective amulets will be stones hanging as decoration on the neck.
  8. Handkerchief. Yes, exactly, an ordinary handkerchief on which you need to whisper a prayer and embroider your name in red.
  9. Crosshair. During an important negotiation or reprimand from your boss, try to cross your arms, legs, or, if that doesn’t work, two fingers: the middle and index, as often as possible.

Conspiracy and prayer

To increase your salary, to money, it is useful for cases in paragraphs 6 and 9 of the previous section.

“As sweet is sugar, as sticky as honey is, so money would stick to my hands, but would not come off.”

From detractors:

Relevant for points 3,6 and 9.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with the holy angels and the prayer of our all-pure Lady Theotokos, by the power of your honorable and life-giving Cross, through the intercession of the heavenly forces of the disembodied honest prophet and Forerunner of the Lord John and all your saints, help us sinful, unworthy servants (name), deliver us from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, from evil crafty people. May they not be able to cause us any harm. Lord, by the power of Your Cross save us in the morning, in the evening, in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil impurities that act at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought or did, return their evil back to the underworld, for blessed are You forever and ever. Amen."

Professional failures cause a lot of trouble, take up time and spoil your mood. To get rid of them, they carry out a protective plot against problems at work. It helps a person avoid stressful situations, difficulties and protects him from the negative influence of colleagues.

Reasons for turning to magic

All people face problems in the workplace. Some are set up by colleagues. Such problems can be solved by conspiracies against troubles at work.

Almost everyone needs protection from disasters. A strong magical ritual creates an invisible wall between enemies and a person, opening new paths to success. It makes a person more successful in his career.

Conspiracy for professional problems

A spell against trouble at work is suitable for both men and women. It is carried out as problems arise. To stop the chain of failures, you need to adhere to the rules of the rituals and repeat the words exactly as they are written.

“The mother snake has many daughter snakes.

She called them, calling them each by name:

The ruler snake, the ruler snake,

Guardian Snake, Leader Snake,

Substitute snake, tormentor snake,

Snake-tamer, snake-seducer,

The avenger snake, the conniving snake,

Snake-devourer, snake-warrior,

Snake-stealer, snake-educator.

And her seventy-seven snakes,

Her cold-blooded daughters.

Lead, mother snake, to her daughters

To protect me (so-and-so) from the authorities,

No prince, tsar or princess

Don't let it ruin.

And who will offend me,

My word will get him.

Let the snakes be yours

Six hundred sixty-six times will curl up,

And all my enemies-enemies will turn away from me.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

The following conspiracy is also read against negativity at work:

“Which of the evil people will reproach me,

Let the holy meek David remember him.

The knife breaks off, the bullet has mercy,

The official will pass me from the court.

The poison will awaken

The flame will not flare up.

Let him who is angry with me not be angry!

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of conspiracies will not only change and improve a person’s life, but will also protect him from evil colleagues and their taunts. A strong conspiracy against troubles will stop failure and protect you from problems.

Protective spell against troubles

Problems at work may be caused by:

  • own mistakes;
  • hostility from colleagues;
  • negative boss.

Strong prayer will help protect yourself from any misfortunes that are provoked by colleagues or a person’s actions. It is read before Before you start praying, you need to bow to the icon 40 times and then say the words:

“Glorious George, Victorious George, you yourself conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy, the servant of God (name), now, forever and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

General prayer for problems in career and family

Daily prayer helps with conflicts with your superiors. To protect himself from troubles, a person turns to the Mother of God, the Angels and the Lord. With problems in your career come troubles at home. Before you start praying, you need to calm down and find harmony. A person must be calm, otherwise the force will turn against the person praying. For prayer to have a positive effect, you need to adhere to several rules.

  • A person praying at home must light a church candle.
  • The text must be known by heart; it is repeated three times.
  • The reader, while saying the prayer, must concentrate and imagine in front of him the image of the saint to whom he is addressing.

The best place for prayer is church. The most powerful text against troubles, after the “Our Father,” is a prayer service to Boris and Gleb. It sounds like this:

“O sacred duo, beautiful brethren, virtuous passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who from their youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and adorned themselves with their blood like scarlet, and now reign with Christ! Do not forget us who exist on earth, but, as warm intercessors, by your strong intercession before Christ God, preserve the young in the holy faith and purity, unharmed from every excuse of unbelief and uncleanness, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice, erected by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers. We pray to you, Christ-loving passion-bearers, ask the Great-Gift Master for forgiveness of our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, plagues and famine. Provide our country with your intercession, all who honor your holy memory forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer provides strong protection from misfortunes and troubles at work, problems with superiors. Helps and which are connected with all this.

Prayer to Archangel Michael against the evil boss

Prayer helps against unfair leadership. Conflicts with the director at work can occur for various reasons. He has power, so he can treat his subordinates inhumanely. To ensure protection from authorities, they recite a prayer to the Angels to gain strength. She will destroy all the evil that people bring. Text of an appeal from an evil boss to Archangel Michael:

“I pray to the powerful and formidable guardian Archangel Michael, that with his fiery sword he will cut off all the desires of my enemy and all those who want to destroy me. I pray to Archangel Michael that he will stand inviolably guard over my house, everyone living in it and all its property. I pray to Archangel Michael that for all those who are hostile against me and who are plotting to do dirty tricks on me, he will truly be a kind of barrier and an indestructible wall, protecting me from all evil and difficult circumstances. God bless! Amen"

Words protect against enemies and conflicts. They help and calm both the person praying and the boss.

Hex on the bottle

The conspiracy is carried out at the very beginning of problems so that it is more effective. Gossip heard about yourself is evidence of future disasters. To get rid of failures and not necessarily go to a magician or priest, you can carry out a conspiracy yourself.

One of the effective rituals is considered to be a bottle spell. To do this, place a container of water near the window when there is a full moon in the sky and leave it for 3 days. Then they go with her to the pond, where at dawn, turning their backs to the sun, they drink a sip of water and say:

“Just as I can’t see the dawn with my back, I can’t accept all the 33 disasters, misfortunes and turmoil in myself. Neither by my legs nor by my hair will he enter my home in a dashing manner; at work and on a long journey he will not notice me, he will not cling to me, he will not be in front of me. In one word, I say into the water, I plug the spring into the sun early. Be as stated. From the back and into the sun, away from me and into the airspace.”

The empty container is buried at the edge of the pond, despite the sun. At home, after the ritual, they wash themselves with clean water and wipe themselves with the hem of yesterday’s shirt.

Plot to get a new job

They carry out a Christmas conspiracy that will attract good luck and give you the desired position in the coming year. For the ritual, they buy a handkerchief on the new moon and in the evening, after sunset, they whisper:

“Wherever I go, I’m happy everywhere. Every merchant is my father. He offers me a job, but doesn’t bother me with pay. All roads where your feet lead lead to success and fame. This is my command. Amen!".

After the conspiracy, you carry the scarf with you, and within a month you can expect a new job. If the wish does not come true, the person is under the evil eye or damage, and it is recommended to repeat the ritual again after 30 days.

A ritual to be respected by colleagues at work

To make professional work enjoyable, you need a suitable work atmosphere and relationships between colleagues. In addition to internal qualities, a conspiracy will help you achieve the necessary respect in the team.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • cup or any container with a wide neck;
  • sugar.

Holy water is poured into a convenient container, 3 tablespoons of sugar are added. While mixing, say:

“Holy water will become my amulet, sugar will make my life sweeter. I want to achieve success at work so that everything goes smoothly for me. Let everyone appreciate me and treat me with respect. Let my word be undeniable. Let it be as I say."

Afterwards they drink the water and repeat the ritual after 9 days. The conspiracy is especially useful for joining a new team.

Protection from bad luck and enemies

The ritual is carried out on a sunny, bright day and any church holiday. To perform the ceremony, you will need an item that a person often carries with him. It can be:

  • Jewelry;
  • bag;
  • cloth;
  • shoes;
  • keychain.

This thing should be with a person at work. At dawn they place it in front of the icon of the Mother of God and pray for peace in the service, a good team, a good boss. Afterwards you need to read out the text of the conspiracy:

“Don’t hang around me with poisonous, evil, fertile snakes, don’t get caught up in trouble. Your arrows won't reach you! My name overflows with goodness in people’s hearts, life is filled with luck! In the name of the Holy Trinity, who is with me! Amen!"

Amulet from problems

There are conspiracies that help solve life's problems:

  • personal;
  • financial;
  • family;
  • career;
  • love.

To use them and resolve conflicts at midnight, light a church candle, take a sheet of paper and write down all the problems on it. They are visualized and presented in front of oneself as a door into which they mentally throw all troubles and close it. The sheet is burned with the words:

“Everything that I described goes away, a new place opens up. From now on they won’t bother me (list what you wrote). Where they went, there is no return for them. Let it be so".

The ashes are collected and thrown away along with the candle at the crossroads saying:

“As I said, so it will be.”

Everyone has had moments in their life when problems began at work. To ward off troubles from themselves, they read prayers and perform rituals. The best period for magic is Christmas Eve or Easter. For rituals to work well, you need to get rid of the habit of thinking negatively and believing in the power of words.

An all-Russian Internet survey of the job search portal showed that every fourth employee of the company became a victim of the evil eye at work, and most of them were women (39%). “Injured” employees note that the consequences of the evil eye were illness (58%), damaged relationships with colleagues (30%) and even dismissal (10%).

45% of workers believe that they were jinxed because they were successful on all fronts - both in their personal lives and at work, and 22% are sure that attractiveness and success with the opposite sex is to blame. In order to fight the evil eye, employees try to stay in a positive mood (45%), wear a talisman (35%) and say prayers (20%). Today we’ll talk about how to protect yourself from the evil eye, how to prevent other people’s negative influence from interfering with your life and work.

The ability not to make enemies

Often the cause of envy and, as a result, the evil eye is the behavior of the “victim” himself. He too actively demonstrates his superiority, boasts of his successes, talks vigorously about trusting relationships with management and victories on the personal front. And this causes irritation, that is, less fortunate colleagues do not want to be happy for such a person, but to annoy him. And since the evil eye is an involuntary action in most cases, unlike damage, a clot of subconscious negativity focuses on the “lucky one,” causing him inconvenience or even harm. Therefore, try not to cause envy, do not put yourself above your colleagues, and make it a rule not to talk about your own achievements in a derogatory manner for others. And it’s better not to talk about your personal life at work at all, especially if you work in a women’s team, the core of which is made up of ladies with a complete absence of lovers, husbands and admirers.

So that your relationship with your superiors and your successes do not cause toothache among your colleagues, ask their advice more often, let them understand that your successes are partly their successes and, of course, their merit. It's hard to jinx someone who is truly grateful for your involvement in their life or career. Be kind and generous. The more often you give your colleagues positive emotions, the lower the percentage of negativity directed at you will be.

Put protection

Unfortunately, in every team there will always be some kind of grump that will be irritated even by your sincere smiles. This could be, for example, a cleaning lady who is infuriated by the mere fact that you are merrily tapping on the computer keyboard, while she is huffing and puffing, washing the floors or pulling a heavy vacuum cleaner. There’s nothing you can do about it, no gifts, sweets or questions about health will help, it will all be perceived solely as a mockery. The best thing you can do is to identify this “walking negativity” and put protection between yourself and it.

To begin with, make it a rule, when coming to work, to massage the place of the “third eye” with the bone of the index finger of your right hand, and in the evening, at home, wash your face with holy water or at least water infused with silver. This way you neutralize the negativity received during the working day.

Protection "Brickwork"

Further. Sit at your workplace, close your eyes and imagine that a brick wall is growing between you and the person from whom the potential threat comes. “Lay” brick by brick, carefully fasten them with the mortar of your own will. Continue the thought process until the imaginary wall reaches the ceiling. If there is more than one person in your environment whom you suspect of having a “black eye,” then surround yourself with a wall on all sides. Perform this magical act every morning, and ill-wishers will have no chance to harm you.

Mirror protection

If you want the evil eye not only not to “stick” to you, but also to ricochet back, then also mentally imagine that there is a mirror between you and this person. In your direction - with a dull side, and in the direction of that person - with a mirror surface. Visualize the image, make the mirror completely block the envious person from you, and do not forget to “renew” the image of the mirror several times during the working day. This method of protection from the evil eye is recommended to be used only for those people who noticeably experience negative emotions towards you, and this begins to manifest itself in certain unpleasant events. As they say, an eye for an eye. In other cases, it is better to use “brick” protection. You don’t want to harm those around you, who are only to blame for the fact that everything is not as wonderful for them as it is for you.

Harness the power of nature

Since the times of the ancient Celts, it has been known that plants and cereals can protect against the evil eye. Among them there are donor plants that give us their strength, and vampire plants that draw negative energy out of us. Of course, you shouldn’t go to work with an aspen stake in your bosom, but you can easily pour grains of oats, rye, corn or pearl barley into a small bowl and sort through them two or three times a day for 3-4 minutes. This will remove the negative impact of others, since these cereals are vampires. They will simply “suck” the evil eye out of you. And if you want to feed yourself with positive energy, then get yourself a second bowl - with grains of wheat, buckwheat, rice or millet. You can use not a bowl, if this is inconvenient for you, but a canvas bag into which your hand can easily fit. Change beans once a week.

You can use the power of trees for the same purpose. If there is a park or square near your place of work, then walk there during your lunch break for at least 10 minutes. If you work in a concrete jungle, then have three branches of aspen, poplar, bird cherry, lilac or linden on your work table. These are vampire plants, they will take on the negativity. And aspen, among other things, helps protect against any forces of evil. In case of a particularly violent “attack”, hold on to the branches, but no more than 5 minutes, since, having sucked someone else’s energy out of you, they will take on your own.

If you don’t want to pluck tree branches, then place a pot of ivy at your workplace; it will also protect you from the evil eye, make you invulnerable to other people’s suggestions and keep your thoughts clear.

If you can’t even place a flower pot next to you at work, then sew dried periwinkle leaves into a small bag and put the amulet in your pocket or hang it around your neck. Periwinkle protects even babies (and they are the most vulnerable) from the evil eye and damage, so it will definitely help you.

Options for amulets against the evil eye

The simplest amulet against the evil eye is a pin pinned to clothing from the side of the heart so that it is not visible to others, but is in contact with the body. It is best if the pin is made of silver. And it must be pinned vertically.

Another amulet is the famous Turkish “blue eye”. True, it immediately attracts attention, and it is better not to show the amulet to anyone. Therefore, do not hang it on your computer, but carry it in your pocket, for example, on a key chain. These eyes are also available in the form of pendant jewelry. But if you wear a cross, then you should not hang a Muslim amulet nearby. By the way, the cross itself is a very powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage.

Protects against the evil eye and jade. It could be a ring made of this stone, or a figurine that you put on your desk, or a rosary that you can touch during breaks. Since not everyone knows the protective properties of jade, you don’t have to hide these objects, just don’t tell anyone what role they play.

But do not forget that in order for any amulet to work, you must believe in it. And, before relying on its protection, it is necessary to charge it for this protection. To do this, choose an item that you will feel comfortable paired with. Then mentally imagine that a radiance emanates from this object, which surrounds you, creates a kind of protective cocoon around you, through which no one else’s negative influence can break through. After visualizing the image, say: “A talisman, protect from the evil eye, from the evil eye, from envy and revenge in the workplace. Neither the evil eye, nor damage, nor blasphemy will touch me. I am protected now, no one will open this door. Amulet, protection give me and don't leave me. Thank you!"

Hold the image of the radiance in front of you for as long as you can. And then don’t part with your amulet, let it always be next to you, only then will it be able to protect you from the evil eye.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that such a phenomenon as the evil eye actually exists. But is the cause of failures at work, illnesses and problems always the negative influence of others? Be objective and do not shift the blame onto others for what you yourself are to blame for. You can blame anything on the evil eye, but it will not bring any benefit. Learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes. But still provide protection from the evil eye, let it be.

We all want to succeed at work. Our career does not always depend only on us. Often bosses do not notice the employee's merits. Colleagues may envy your successes and openly want you to quit. In this case, problems arise. All negative energy messages materialize. Problems at work, illnesses, mistakes begin.

It is absolutely impossible to work in such an environment. If you want to find a direct career path, use wise decision. It will be a good career amulet. It will need to be hidden in the workplace. Choosing a talisman for yourself is not the easiest task, because there are so many different items. They help you find your right path at work. Choose carefully, do not forget to perform the ritual of activating the item.

Charms for work help thousands of people achieve incredible results. They bring success, money and fame. Your life will become completely different.

Business and magic

What could be the connection between business and magic? Magical and mystical teachings have appeared since time immemorial. Then the magic of success and good luck was used by traders, moneylenders, and merchants. They asked magicians to make protective talismans, amulets and amulets for them. How did they work?

  • They brought success in transactions.
  • They brought many buyers or clients.
  • Protected from thieves.
  • They interrupted competitors.
  • They protected from the magical effects of other magicians.

All this is still relevant today. If you have your own company, then you should seriously think about several useful amulets. For those who have not yet acquired their own company, they will need luck and success.

From job search to career advancement. Such a talisman will greatly help those who are timid and unsure of themselves. There are many types of amulets that will help you at work. They are determined not only for success and career, but also protect against energetic influences. Nothing has changed since ancient times. You also need to be wary of the evil eye, damage, and inept practitioners who decide to harm you. Which symbols to use - decide for yourself.

Envy of colleagues and dissatisfaction of the boss

The situations can be very different. You have a good start - your boss likes you, you get interesting tasks, and a pay increase. Your colleagues are starting to get jealous. Why did Luck choose you? Maybe you work hard or just get lucky? In both cases, this is only your merit. The envy of your colleagues can backfire on you.

Constant dissatisfaction and hidden resentment can transfer into our material plane. This is strong negative energy that cannot be controlled. Your victory is another outburst of your colleague’s hatred. The least that can happen is failure, illness.

This is really small. His constant envy can lead to your failure at work, the loss of an important client, and dismissal. Constant exposure to strong negativity leads to serious, fatal diseases. Work will become a place where you don't want to be.

There is another option - the boss is constantly dissatisfied. An employee in such a situation begins to get nervous and make mistakes. This makes it difficult for you to work focused and for your boss to appreciate you. Either way, it's hard for you. Work should not only bring grief and nerves. These situations can be corrected by a properly selected amulet.

Amulets for the workplace

These amulets can be kept right at work in a safe place.

Write the following text on a piece of paper:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

It needs to be folded three times, crossed, and hidden. Prayer will help from all envious people and ill-wishers who want to harm you.

Enchanted Coin

You need to melt the wax from three white candles in a metal mug. When the wax boils, place a silver coin in it and say:

“God has a paradise, in paradise there is a garden. The devil has a boiling hell. You boil, candle, boil, you save up wealth for me, save up. As long as this wax money is with me, all the wealth will go to me. An angel stands at the Garden of Eden, the devil stands at a boiling hell. There will be no department for my case. I close, I close. I lock it, I lock it. I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Remove the coin so that it is completely covered with wax. You can remove it with tweezers or a slotted spoon. This amulet should be placed in an envelope and kept at work. You can't show it to anyone. He will bring good luck and punish his enemies.

Figurine made of black obsidian

This is a stone with mystical properties. It reveals conspiracies against its owner, and returns all negative messages to the ill-wisher. Place it on your desktop.

Black obsidian

Jack of Clubs

The card must be old and played. If you have vintage cards, use the jack from this deck. It gives its owner a lot of charm and helps to build successful working relationships with the right people. For important events or negotiations, carry the card with you in your pocket. He will help you conclude profitable contracts. No one can refuse the owner of such a card.

Jack of Clubs

Symbols for career protection

Some of these symbols are from the Feng Shui tradition. They improve energy balance in the workplace.

She goes slowly, but always reaches her goal. There is no need to rush on the path to a career and success, because haste can ruin everything. A wise turtle will tell you the right path and indicate the direction. When it’s hard for you, rub its shell with the fingers of your right hand. It is best to choose figurines made of natural stone: jade, crystal, agate.

Money carp

It can be hung above your workplace or placed on the table. Money carp brings good income, shows how to make money. If your carp often falls or even crashes, you need to leave such work, because it has no prospects.

Money carp

Pentacle of Fate

It can be stored in a desk drawer. He suggests the right decisions and helps in concluding important deals. It is best to place the pentacle in a black velvet bag. He will also help take the evil eye and envy away from you.

Pentacle of Fate

Single Raido Rune

This is the rune of the right path. In Scandinavian mythology, Raido means moving quickly along the path of life on a many-legged horse. If you want quick and safe career advancement, leave this amulet at your workplace.

Activation of the amulet

You need to activate all amulets for work and career. Each amulet or symbol already carries a certain energy charge. If you want to add another property, discuss it during the ritual.

  1. Buy two thick wax candles, an Icon of Matrona and your Saint from the church.
  2. Place candles and icons in the room where you sleep.
  3. Place the amulet under your pillow.
  4. Light the candles and say:

    “Our holy blessed mother Matrona, with your holy prayers help the servant of God (name) to find work convenient for salvation and spiritual growth, so that he may grow rich in God and not waste his soul on worldly things - vain and sinful. Help him find a merciful employer who does not trample on the commandments of God and does not force those who work under him to work on Sundays and holy holidays. Yes, the Lord God will protect the servant of God (name) in the place of his labors from all evil and temptation, may this work be for his salvation, for the benefit of the Church and the Fatherland, for the joy of his parents. Amen".

  5. Cross yourself, go to bed. Candles should burn all night.
  6. In the morning, drink holy water on an empty stomach.

Now you need to specify all the properties of the amulet, specified and desired. Pray to the Icon again, and take the amulet to work. This is a pure, bright ritual. You need to pray with all your heart.

There will definitely be work for those who are looking for it. If you are already working, then prayer will help you establish good relationships at work, protect yourself from the evil eye, the evil eye and damage. There are many stories about how prayer helped in work and career for those who did not expect such success at all. It is very important that the person praying is a baptized person and a believer. Otherwise, there will be no effect from either the prayer or the amulet.

  • If you bought or created an amulet, do not give it to anyone, do not show it. It is charged with your energy and works for you. Transferring your amulet is tantamount to losing its beneficial properties.
  • Check the condition of the amulet periodically. If it breaks or cracks, it's a bad sign. Someone is affecting you energetically: an evil eye, damage or curse has been cast. The amulet protected you, but it itself broke.
  • All activation rituals are carried out on Thursday on the waxing Moon.
  • The ritual cannot be performed if it is on the 4th, 14th, or 24th of the month.
  • All tools for work must be new, paid for in cash.

Do not use other people's amulets. If a friend wants to give you his lucky charm, refuse. It's better to create or buy your own. Someone else's luck will not help you.

These simple requirements must be followed. Your luck is in your hands even without a talisman. A magical item will enhance your personal character traits that are useful for work. With it, the thorny path will seem easier to you, because the amulet is your reliable partner, friend. Believe in yourself and everything will work out.

Use proven amulets for your career. These items will help you maintain clarity of mind, see ill-wishers and repel their attacks. Your career path will lead to success. Be sure to follow the advice given by business magic practitioners. You need an amulet or amulet with energy that is pleasant to you. Hold the item in your hands for a while to decide whether it suits you or not. It needs proper energetic activation - do not neglect this requirement. Your work will bring only joy. To spite everyone, become the most successful employee.