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» How to make bird sounds using your hands. We learn to whistle in different ways. Photos and videos of teaching whistling. How to learn to whistle with two fingers

How to make bird sounds using your hands. We learn to whistle in different ways. Photos and videos of teaching whistling. How to learn to whistle with two fingers

There are many amazing things associated with the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, that have been kept silent for a long time.

Selene, Phoebe, Diana - the only satellite of our planet - have always worried scientists. At one time, a popular theory was that the Moon was not a natural cosmic body at all, but an artificial satellite launched by some cosmic intelligence. However, this hypothesis was not confirmed.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, on the contrary, the Moon is in many ways similar to a living organism. And with her existence she maintains fragile harmony natural conditions on our planet, allowing humanity to survive.

The Moon orbits at a distance of 385,000 kilometers from our planet. You can fly from Earth to the Moon in just three and a half days. This is the planet closest to us. That is why its gravitational field constantly attracts the Earth. The attraction of the Moon is so strong that under its influence the waters of the World Ocean seem to bend towards it, and ebbs and flows arise on Earth. When the Moon, moving in its orbit, approaches our planet, the tide comes, and when it moves away, the tide comes. Due to the ebb and flow of the tides, a frictional force arises between the surface of the Earth and the waters of the World Ocean. This leads to the fact that the speed of rotation of our planet around its axis is constantly slowing down, which means that the Earth’s day is becoming longer.

“The rotation of the earth itself is changing. Time is decreasing all the time. The day is increasing. The day will increase all the time, the year will remain the same, but there will be more hours (in the day), the calendar will have to be redone. Our day will have 50 hours,” - says Valentin Esipov, astronomer, leading researcher at the SAI MSU.

The “braking” of our planet under the influence of the Moon occurs constantly. This has been going on for 4.5 billion years. Ever since oceans formed on Earth. 3 billion years ago, the Earth's day was only 9 hours long. When prehistoric animals lived on our planet 530 million years ago, a day lasted 21 hours. But for dinosaurs who lived 100 million years ago, a day lasted 23 hours. Now the day has stretched to 24 hours.

Thus, if the braking continues, this will lead not only to a change in the length of the day, but also in the climate. Scientists have long wondered whether our planet will be habitable in the future. Few people know, but in the USSR, in case of a global catastrophe, a plan was even developed to colonize the Moon.

In the 1960s, a model of a lunar city was created at the General Engineering Design Bureau. Scientists have been working on it for more than a year. As a result, cylindrical structures were developed, which were planned to be buried in the lunar soil. According to scientists, this was supposed to save the lunar inhabitants from solar radiation. Make these lunar houses it was necessary to make them out of metal and provide them with thermal insulation so that the inhabitants of the Moon would not suffer from sudden temperature changes. After all, literally in one day the temperature on the Moon changes within 300 degrees.

Soviet scientists proposed transporting these structures to the Moon using rockets. One lunar house could be placed in their head compartment. Therefore, it was necessary to make at least 50 flights to deliver everything necessary for the city and its future residents.

The first lunar inhabitants were to be biologist Andrei Bozhko, doctor German Manovtsev, and technician Boris Ulybyshev. They were very seriously prepared for the flight to the Moon. And while the designers were developing the rocket, they lived in an experimental complex - a small box in which conditions were created that exactly replicated the expected living conditions on the Moon.

Similar projects were developed in the USA. But neither the USSR nor America ever implemented them.

In July 1969, American astronauts landed on the moon for the first time. And 7 years later this fact was disputed in the same USA. In 1976, a book entitled “We Never Been to the Moon” appeared on bookstore shelves. Its author is American writer Bill Keissing. He argued: the flights of American astronauts to the Moon were a hoax, created by order of the American government. And the negotiations between the astronauts and the mission control center, the video recording of the lunar landing and numerous photographs taken on the Earth’s satellite are just a fake. And it was created by Hollywood directors. In the filming pavilions of the “dream factory” they built the necessary scenery and simply simulated a lunar expedition, filming it all.

After the publication of Bill Keissing's book, many supporters of the so-called “moon conspiracy” appeared in the world. As one of the main evidence, supporters of the lunar conspiracy cited a secret order from NASA, according to which in 1968, just six months before the Apollo mission, almost 700 people were fired from the agency on one day. And all of them are designers involved in the development of a rocket that was supposed to take astronauts to the Moon.

Proponents of this theory consider photographs and videos taken during the expedition to the moon to be further evidence of the “lunar conspiracy.” For example, in the famous footage of Neil Armstrong planting the American flag on the lunar surface, the flag flutters in the wind. Conspiracy theorists are sure that this is a fake, since there cannot be wind on the Moon.

However, the arguments of supporters of the “moon conspiracy” theory are powerless in the face of facts. After all, hundreds of specialists carefully monitored the American lunar mission all over the world, including in the Soviet Union. Moreover, signals from Apollo 11, launched to the Moon, were recorded by dozens of radar stations.

The moon landing was broadcast on live to the whole world. More than a billion people saw American astronaut Neil Armstrong emerge from the module and take his first steps on the lunar surface.

And a few minutes later the broadcast was suddenly interrupted. Instead of an image, viewers saw only noise. These problems lasted almost 2 minutes, after which the communication session was restored, and the lunar picture appeared on the screens again.

Only in 1999, 30 years after this historic mission, the legendary American astronaut Edwin Aldrin - the second crew member of the Apollo 11 mission - made a sensational statement. It turns out that two minutes of interference on the air is not an accident. The radio signal was artificially distorted in the mission control center itself. This is because something began to happen to the astronauts on the Moon in those two minutes that defied any reasonable explanation. The American aerospace agency NASA simply did not dare to broadcast this to the whole world.

Only recently this recording of the astronauts’ conversations was discovered in NASA’s secret archives.

ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG AND BUZZ ALDRIN REPORTED FROM THE MOON: "These are giant balls. They are coming. No, no... This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about it!"

FLIGHT CONTROL: Apollo 11, what's going on? Describe what you see?"

ASTRONAUTS: “They are here, next to us, the light is too bright, we can’t see anything.”

FLIGHT CONTROL: “What’s there? (Communication was interrupted) Control Center is calling Apollo 11...

You can clearly hear on the tape that the crew of the spaceship encountered something inexplicable. Very soon this film disappeared, and NASA said that more than 700 boxes of video and audio recordings of space expeditions literally disappeared into thin air. Hundreds of priceless materials were stolen, but the most incredible thing is that a unique video recording of the flight to the Moon, about which no one knew anything, disappeared.

For many years, the astronaut who was then part of the crew, Edwin Aldrin, tried to prove that what they saw on the Moon was not fiction or a hallucination. But they didn’t believe him. After all, except for the astronauts who visited the Moon, no one could confirm this: not a single instrument recorded the presence of foreign objects. Many believed that Edwin Aldrin was simply fantasizing. Only today can we assume: everything he saw was not fiction or fantasy...

One might think that all these stories are nothing more than hallucinations caused by a lack of oxygen or stress... But it turns out that Soviet cosmonauts also observed something similar.

Vladislav Volkov heard a dog barking and a strange voice while flying, as if the Universe itself was speaking to him. Alexander Serebrov, without binoculars, saw all the streets of Cape Town from orbit. Vitaly Sevastyanov heard the sound of rain, Yuri Gagarin said that throughout the flight he was haunted by an unknown melody that he had never heard before, very complex and very beautiful. Vitaly Sevastyanov, flying over his native Sochi, clearly saw his own two-storey house. Astronaut Gordon Cooper, flying over the United States, saw with the naked eye not only big houses and surrounding buildings, but also a steam locomotive crawling along the rails. Only after the flight did it become clear that his wife was traveling on that very train that day.

Be that as it may, plans to colonize the Moon were being developed. And they were developed seriously. Suffice it to recall the mysterious Kyiv-17 project, which began to be built next to Chernobyl. It included a large airfield for transport aircraft, 8 factories and a main rocket launch facility.

After Stalin's death, the lunar baton was picked up by the new Secretary General - Nikita Khrushchev. All the country's forces were devoted to space exploration. In 1957 Soviet Union sent the first artificial satellite into earth orbit. Its launch stunned the whole world. That same year, another blow for the United States was the launch of Sputnik 2, which sent a dog named Laika into space. Sending the first man into space became a matter of honor for Washington.

In the fall of 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, was created in the United States. America began to step on the heels of the Soviet Union. The USSR threw all its strength into being the first to reach the Moon. In December 1959, the Soviet Luna-1 station transmitted to earth the first images of the surface of our planet's satellite. And a year later the whole world watched with a shudder the flight of Belka and Strelka. The dogs made 17 orbits around the Earth and landed safely. Soon Strelka gave birth to healthy puppies, one of which Nikita Khrushchev ordered to give to the wife of US President Jacqueline Kennedy. The final slap in the face was Yuri Gagarin's space flight in April 1961. In response, Kennedy set a goal: to send a man to the Moon by the end of the decade.

Thus began the "Moon Race". In the USSR, Sergei Korolev was tasked with developing a super-powerful rocket that could reach the surface of the Moon. On June 23, 1960, Khrushchev signed the government decree “On the creation of powerful launch vehicles, satellites, spacecraft and space exploration.” This was the beginning of the creation of the N1-L3 complex. It included three elements: booster block D, which served to slow down the entire complex near the Moon and then for braking before landing, the lunar spacecraft itself, and the lunar orbital spacecraft.

Different versions of the lunar spacecraft were developed at the country's leading design bureaus - Korolev, Yangel, Chelomey. Enormous flows of money were spent on any development, just to soviet man first flew to the moon. The total costs amounted to about 12 billion rubles. If you count at that rate, it’s 18 billion dollars.

Project N1-L3 repeated American project Apollo, which launched three years earlier than the Soviet program. For several years, ships were being built at an extremely fast pace to land a man on the Moon. But on July 20, 1969, information about the landing of the first man on the Moon came like a bolt from the blue. American.

After Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, the space race between the USA and the USSR was almost curtailed. The hasty completion of the lunar program alarmed even ignorant people. What could American astronauts discover on the Moon, and what scared them so much?

At first, NASA published a large memorandum according to which they planned to build the first lunar city on the Moon almost in the next 5-6 years. But after that, six lunar flights took place, and the remaining six were canceled. Moreover, three of the canceled flights were even paid for. The missiles were ready, the crews were prepared, all the equipment was purchased.

Why did it happen? Today no one can give an exact answer to this question. However, perhaps very soon many cosmic mysteries will be solved. After all, the first steps have already been taken on the path to mastering solar system.

Today, Russia, the USA and Europe are fighting for the right to become the first country to carry out a manned flight to Mars. Already in 2018, the European rover Exomars Rover should go to Mars. It is planned that he will take soil samples and compile detailed map terrain. Even India launched its Mangalyaan space probe to Mars in November 2013. It is needed to develop technologies for space flights to the Red Planet. China also announced its plans to explore Mars, after the successful launch of the automatic interplanetary station Chang'e-3 to study the Moon. NASA is testing a “flying saucer” designed for a soft landing of a spacecraft in the rarefied atmosphere of the Red Planet.

At the end of July, scientists made a sensational announcement that a unique space engine had been created, thanks to which it would be possible to reach the Moon in just four hours of flight, and to Mars in two and a half months. It was developed by British engineer Roger Shoer 15 years ago. For a long time, despite numerous tests, it was not possible to bring the engine to fruition. Many scientists even nicknamed it "impossible." However, today NASA researchers finally confirmed that the engine passed the test. This means that, perhaps very soon, space travel to the Moon and Mars will become commonplace.

“Traces of the most ancient HUMAN civilization have been found on the Moon.”

Richard C. Hoagland.

– Why did you and Ken Johnston decide to make this secret data public now? Why didn't they do this earlier? Were you afraid of something?

“We didn’t wait at all.” Back in 1996, Ken Johnston, myself, and several other former NASA engineers and scientists attended a previous conference at the National Club in Washington, D.C., the main topic of which was NASA's cover-up of Apollo images of ancient lunar ruins. Back then, Ken told how his superiors at NASA ordered him to destroy these images during the Apollo program. And even then he showed the press several of the very photographs that he had kept, contrary to orders. They depict evidence of extraterrestrial civilization. But no one, apparently, cared about this. And now, when hundreds of those same images suddenly appeared on various “official” NASA sites, confirming everything that Johnston said in 1996, I decided that it was time to vote again. Thanks to the Internet, people around the world (including ordinary citizens, journalists and honest scientists from NASA) can completely freely go to the NASA sites, the names of which we announced at a recent press conference, and download these amazing images...

We were never afraid. But we were unable to get our statements taken seriously.

– Aren’t you afraid that NASA or the American government will come after you? After all, you revealed secret information.

- No. Other NASA whistleblowers, who lack the courage of Ken Johnston to go to the press, have published many of those same truth-revealing lunar images on various space agency websites over the past year. These are excellent resolution photographs. They confirm everything Ken Johnston said in 1996. If anyone now tries to shut me or Johnston up, it will only be political confirmation of what we have been saying for 11 years... That NASA has been hiding the REAL Moon all this time...

– What is your opinion about the discovered civilization? Are we dealing with another new Atlantis?

– I believe that the Apollo project confirmed the existence of an amazing ancient, but still human civilization on the Moon. It was laid down by our ancestors in what kind of tribe it’s scary to think. But we have been able to release only a small part of the information obtained by NASA about an ancient, long-lost human civilization, which indicates that people once inhabited the entire solar system. This is evidenced by data received from Mars; they are also classified by NASA. Are you asking if the ruins of a new Atlantis have been found on the Moon? Well, for starters, it seems to me that it would be more correct to say “old Atlantis.” The developed science of that civilization made it possible to travel from Earth to the Moon thousands (or even millions) of years ago and erect structures there from a material resembling glass. This can be judged from the published materials.

After all, there is an ancient Egyptian myth about the god of wisdom Thoth, who allegedly descended from the Moon and taught man language, writing, architecture, and so on. The veracity of the theory of the existence of civilization on the Moon can be confirmed or refuted only TOGETHER. It is necessary to go to the Moon as a joint expedition, and not to quarrel. It is necessary to implement the plan that was not implemented by Khrushchev and Kennedy.

– Is it true that Nikita Khrushchev learned about the secrets of the Moon from Kennedy, who invited him to organize a joint expedition there? What is this information based on?

– We don’t know for sure whether the president shared with Khrushchev his assumptions about what awaits man on the Moon in the early 60s, after the so-called Brookings report, in fact, predicted evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon. But we do know that shortly after the official launch of the Apollo program (May 25, 1961), one of the goals of which was called “an attempt to get to the Moon of the Soviet Union,” the president secretly made the following proposal to Khrushchev during the first Vienna summit: “Let our nations will fly to the moon together!” That the president repeated his proposal several times over the following years is confirmed by documents from the White House, as well as the memoirs we quote in “Dark Mission.” At first, these proposals were made in secret behind-the-scenes negotiations, but on September 20, 1963, Kennedy spoke completely openly about cooperation between the United States and the USSR in the first expedition to the Moon. According to Nikita Khrushchev's son Sergei, his father finally accepted the proposal for a joint mission to the Moon around November 12, 1963. Ten days later Kennedy was assassinated.

In my opinion, only the prospect of sharing the scientific and technological achievements of an extraterrestrial civilization that was on the Moon could reconcile the rivals. Make it the property of all humanity. That dream died when the president was assassinated. This happened just a few days after the amazing agreement was concluded...

– There is information that it was found on the Moon new way control over gravity. Has it already been tested, does it work?

– In the second chapter of “Dark Mission” we write about 50 years of gravity research, conducted, among other things, by the brilliant Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev. It was Soviet scientists who proved that gravity can be created, and therefore controlled. It seems to me that part of NASA went to the Moon to find confirmation of this particular discovery of Soviet scientists. First attempts to send spaceship to the Moon show how Americans lacked knowledge of the peculiarities of gravity. But Soviet specialists had this information.

– “The latest technologies found on the Moon will spur the arms race on Earth” – about which technologies exactly? we're talking about? Can the spread of these technologies be prevented?

- Not about any the latest technologies, found by NASA on the Moon, we did not talk. This was not discussed either in “Dark Mission” or at the last press conference. We do point out that some of the technologies found on the Moon indicate high levels development of technical thought. NASA had 40 years to recreate everything found on the Moon. But whether it was actually recreated and used for military purposes is empty rhetoric. It is not possible to prove this. There is only one way to prevent the use of technologies found on the Moon for military purposes: make everything public!

– What is your attitude to the widespread opinion that the Americans have never been to the Moon, and the episode with the landing of the American astronaut was simply filmed at a film studio?

- It's a lie. Based on NASA evidence that I have collected and analyzed for 20 years, I can say that this rumor is in fact an elaborate military disinformation. It is designed to hide what NASA actually found on the Moon and brought back to Earth.

Our new book, Dark Mission: the Secret History of NASA, describes how I served as a science consultant for CBS News at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory during the Apollo 11 mission. It was July 1969, when the first astronauts were returning from the Moon. Based on what I saw there with my own eyes, I am now convinced that NASA itself started the "we've never been to the Moon" lie. It was a kind of insurance policy so that no one would ever ask the dreaded question: “What did NASA really find on the Moon?”

I believe that the creation of the "moon myth" gave NASA confidence that it would continue to cover up everything related to the "failed" lunar exploration program. To hide the fact that the astronauts were given secret assignments to report on all the priceless ancient extraterrestrial technologies samples of which were discovered there.

– In connection with the intensifying “race for the Moon” today, the suspicion naturally arises that your sensational statement is just a game according to a scenario invented by the US government?

- That's bullshit. We have been fighting our own government for the right to release data for 20 years. If it weren't for other whistleblowers at NASA who heard our call and started publishing pictures, we wouldn't be talking about this now.

By the way, I would like to remind you that during the “ cold war", after Khrushchev's ouster, the Soviet Union sent an all-terrain vehicle to the Moon, which also took pictures ancient civilization. When we tried to get these photographs for a thorough analysis, my representative in Moscow was literally dragged by the chest into one of the rooms of the Academy of Sciences building and persistently asked “not to look anymore.” Thus, information about the existence of ruins of buildings built by an extraterrestrial civilization, as well as technologies (and all this can be found not only on the Moon, but also on other worlds within the Solar System), was hidden not only by NASA, but also by the Soviet government. It seems to me that this is why Khrushchev’s fate was perhaps not as dramatic, but just as sad as Kennedy’s. He was removed less than a year after the president was assassinated. They were both opposed by forces that opposed the release of information.

In my opinion, now is the chance for George Bush and Vladimir Putin to make the dreams of Kennedy and Khrushchev come true. Make those finds the property of all humanity. Let the whole world be introduced to REAL story, which awaits us all on the Moon!

There is a long trail at the top of the photo.

Lunar ruins.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... NASA image presented at the Press Club in Washington on October 30 (300 DPI resolution).

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland. Panoramic photo taken by Apollo 14. The photo below clearly shows what remains of the once-existing “temple” made of a material resembling glass.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... The first frame is compared with the second second photograph taken by NASA (AS14-66-9279), which depicts "anomalous structures on the Moon, built from a material similar to glass."

Lunar ruins.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... A 20 mile high tower rising from the Sea of ​​Crisis. The photo was taken as part of the Apollo 16 program.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... NASA image presented at the Press Club in Washington on October 30 (300 DPI resolution).

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... Ken Johnston's version in the upper right corner. NASA versions on the right and left. The golden structure in the photo on the left is one of the supports of the Apollo lunar module.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... “My favorite photo is a photo of what may be a robot. The picture was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission, and perhaps this robot was taken to Earth for analysis,” Richard explained to us.

Below right is a photograph of “earthly” ruins for comparison, all the rest are “lunar”.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... The picture was taken by the Surveyor 6 lunar rover. And again, we see something geometric in the lunar sky. This structure is illuminated, but the Sun has long gone below the horizon.

Photo courtesy of MK.RU Richard C. Hoagland... Photo taken by the Soviet Zond 3 satellite in 1965. One of them shows a structure that strongly resembles the “tower” filmed in the Sea of ​​Crisis.

Space has always interested man, and the Moon, as the closest object, has become the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, NASA's Ranger program took the first close-up images of the Moon and began collecting information in preparation for a human mission to the Moon. Since that time, the number of photographs has grown steadily, and with them the number of lunar mysteries has grown. What professionals and amateurs didn’t find in the photographs of our neighbor...

A strange object above the lunar horizon, captured by Lunokhod 2.

IN different places of the Earth's satellite, traces were taken, presumably left by rolling boulders.

The first photographs of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, and their collection is still growing.

The smaller object in this image, the one that took the longer path, somehow rose out of the crater before continuing down the slope.

This picture was taken using Google Moon: on the back side of the satellite near the Sea of ​​​​Moscow, when very close, you can see strange object- seven points located at right angles.

This image was captured by the Clementine space station's HIRES camera. The structure, which has suffered from erosion, has a distinctly rectangular anatomy.

And this is a crater taken on the far side of the Moon, which looks more like a hole in the surface. This type of crater has been called “collapse crater,” and ufologists suspect that it is nothing more than the remains of underground lunar structures.

The crater in this photo has rectangular shape, which contradicts the laws of nature.

These are the craters Messier and Messier A. Also a strange shape, similar to the fact that they are connected by a tunnel.

A photo taken by the American Lunar Orbiter probe on the far side of the Moon. In the Sea of ​​Crises, near the Picard crater, there rises an amazing “tower” resembling an artificial structure.

Skeptics believe that this “moon tower” is simply a defect in film processing, but judging by the enlarged fragment of the image, the object seems quite real.

The second Lunar Orbiter find is even more controversial: image number LO3-84M shows a strange structure almost two km high.

The shadow of the object and its unevenness in reflected light are clearly visible, as if it were made of glass.

An anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in a lunar crater was found by modern virtual archaeologists in one of the publicly available photos of the Apollo 10 mission.

Mystery lovers believe that the lens captured the entrance to some kind of dungeon.

And this is a photograph of a relief reminiscent of ruins on Earth.

October 30, 2007 former manager NASA lunar laboratory photography services Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland held a press conference in Washington, reports of which immediately appeared in all world news channels.

They stated that at one time American astronauts discovered on the Moon the ruins of ancient cities and artifacts indicating the existence on it in the distant past of a certain highly developed civilization.

And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the Moon.

The Chinese lunar satellite Chang'e-2, launched on October 1, 2010, discovered such objects.

The pictures were published by Alex Collier, who is known for retelling messages coming from space from aliens.

Here are more photographs of the surface of the Moon, which depict structures of interesting shapes.

Some kind of design.

Relief of unusual shape.

The outlines of the buildings can be clearly seen in the photograph.

Another object that seems artificial.

A similar glow on the dark side of the Moon has been seen many times.

And this strangely shaped stone very much resembles a skull.

Unidentified object on the surface of the Moon.

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper The New York Times: “A human skeleton was discovered on the Moon.” The publication refers to Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang, who presented this photo at a conference in Beijing.

NASA released these images taken by cameras installed on the twin satellites Ebb and Flow, one of which flew over the rectangular-shaped object.

Lunar “buildings” again.

Not long ago, ufologists from Secure Team 10 discovered a “tank” in one of the NASA images.

And a popular American ufologist under the nickname Streetcap1 found an “alien base” in the photographs reverse side Moons taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

This is a photo of the Moon's surface published by former employee NASA by Ken Johnson: in its center you can see the Apollo mission module, but on the left side there are several mysterious dots.

Most of the points are located in even parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

New NASA research has revealed that the Moon has mysterious swirling patterns of light and dark spots. They are found in more than a hundred different places throughout the surface.

On November 25, 2015, an amateur astronomer named Dennis Simmons captured in his telescope photograph the International Space Station, which should be at an altitude of about 400 km from the surface of the Earth, but for some reason in the photo it is located right next to the Moon.

Another Australian, Tom Haredine, also photographed the station there on November 21, 2015.

It turns out that either the ISS flew to the Moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object similar to an earth station.

A lot of noise has been made on the Internet by footage that clearly shows an “alien” roaming the surface of the Moon.

On September 15, 2012, one of the amateur astronomers published a video on the Internet in which you can see how a whole flock of small luminous objects comes off the surface of one of the craters.

UFO above lunar surface discovered in footage taken by the Apollo 10 mission.

And this huge oblong " alien ship"buried" its nose into the lunar soil, apparently during an unsuccessful landing.

This object with a “tail” of light was discovered by ufologists in footage from the Apollo 11 mission.

The UFO resembles a projectile or a flying ship.

This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth's satellite.

The photo of an unusual object above the lunar horizon was taken by Apollo 17 pilot Harrison Schmidt.

“Straight wall” is the name given to a perfectly flat formation almost 75 km long.

They say: “Don’t whistle, there won’t be any money.” Perhaps due to superstition, some people never learned this. But this skill comes in very handy. Let's figure out how to learn to whistle without fingers.

People master this skill with at different speeds. Some people succeed on the first try, while others need several weeks or even months of practice.

There are two ways to whistle without fingers. Try each one and use the one you like.

  • How to whistle without using your fingers:
  1. Move your lower jaw forward about half a centimeter.
  2. Completely cover the bottom row of teeth with your lip and press it against them.
  3. Pull the corners of your mouth slightly.
  4. The tongue is in a natural position.
  5. When you exhale, the air should pass under your tongue and out between your lips.

Note: Do not immediately exhale forcefully. First, practice with a weak air flow, get used to the position of your lips. Once you get the hang of it and get the first sounds, try making a loud whistle.

  • How to learn to whistle with your lips using a straw:
  1. Pull your upper and lower lips forward.
  2. Fold them into a tube. The hole should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the tip of the little finger.
  3. Keep the tip of your tongue from the lower teeth at a distance of 5–8 mm.
  4. Having fixed the position, exhale the air slowly in an even stream.

Note: If you fail to make a sound, lift the tip of your tongue to the outer edge of the roof of your mouth and try again.

Consider these useful tips:

  1. Practice in front of a mirror. This helps correct the position of the lips and jaw.
  2. If after a long practice you do not achieve anything, experiment with the position of your tongue. Oral cavity Everyone’s tongue is different in size and shape, which means there can’t be any specific rule about language.
  3. Relax. During training, excessive tension only gets in the way, so try to whistle at ease.

Don't be discouraged if, after several attempts, nothing comes out of your mouth except drool. The main thing is not to give up and practice.

You can acquire any skill if you devote enough time to learning. Don't give up - and you will succeed.