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» What's the best way to bake beets in the oven? Beets baked in the oven. The easiest way to cook

What's the best way to bake beets in the oven? Beets baked in the oven. The easiest way to cook

One of the common types of vegetable salad is beetroot. Beetroot salads can be made with raw root vegetables. But most often boiled vegetables are used to prepare such dishes.

Beetroot for salad can be boiled in water, steamed in a double boiler or slow cooker. You can also bake it in the oven.

Baking and steaming are the most preferred methods, since during heat treatment, vegetables retain the greatest amount of vitamins, they do not boil down, do not become watery, and, as a result, they turn out more tasty and healthy.

This is described in detail in the article "Beet salad with cheese and garlic".

In this article we will talk about baking in the oven.
You can bake beets either peeled or peeled. Whole or in pieces.

In this case, I will talk about baking large beets weighing 700 grams.

Such a root vegetable would have to be baked for a long time. So I peeled it.

I cut it into medium pieces (do not chop it, so that it would be more convenient to grate the finished beets).

Placed in a baking dish in one layer.

I covered the pan with foil so that the vegetables would bake faster and not dry out. And sent it to bake in the oven at 190 degrees.

The beets are baked for about 1 hour. It may take 10-15 minutes less or more, depending on the oven and the vegetables themselves. You can check readiness with a toothpick. If the beets are soft and a toothpick fits into them easily, then they are ready.

The cooled pieces of beets can be grated and then follow the chosen salad recipe.

Small root vegetables are more suitable for roasting beets with skins. They should be washed well with a hard sponge or brush, placed in a baking dish in one layer, covered with foil and baked until ready. Peel the cooled beets and use them to prepare the salad.

Enjoy your meal! Cook easily and with pleasure!

Beets are a very healthy root vegetable from which you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes. But not everyone likes its taste and prefers to exclude it from their diet altogether. To prevent this from happening, and to allow a person to get all the necessary vitamins and microelements from beets, this vegetable can be baked in the oven rather than boiled. Why? This will be discussed below.

Why are baked beets better than boiled ones?

Most recipes that include this juicy root vegetable begin with the words “boil the beets.” In fact, boiled beets don't taste that good, so most people immediately discard the idea of ​​cooking such dishes.

But there is one simple secret on how to make a dish much tastier without making any effort and without adding other ingredients: beets can be baked in the oven rather than boiled. It is when baked that it not only retains its beneficial properties, but also acquires a richer and sweeter taste.

Baked beets will be an excellent addition to such familiar dishes as borscht, herring under a fur coat or vinaigrette. Thanks to its rich sweet taste, any ordinary food will become much more appetizing. Among other things, there are a number of other advantages:

  1. When baked, beets retain not only their taste, but also all vitamins and other beneficial substances (they evaporate during cooking);
  2. Baked beet remains the same rich burgundy color as when fresh;
  3. The vegetable will not burn, as often happens when cooking when the water evaporates;
  4. This method of cooking is much cleaner, and the housewife does not have to clean up the kitchen after everything.

How long does it take to roast beets? This is a fairly common question from cooks who have little experience. Now just remember! In order to bake this vegetable, it will take different times, because everything will depend on the size of the root vegetable. For example, the maximum cooking time will take up to 2 hours, provided that the temperature is at least 200°.

How to bake whole beets in the oven in foil

Step-by-step preparation:

How to bake a large root vegetable in a sleeve

You can bake this vegetable in various ways, including using a sleeve:

The approximate cooking time is from 1.5 hours to 2 hours. The calorie content of such a product will not exceed 44 kcal per 100 grams.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First of all, you need to turn on the oven and preheat it to 200°;
  2. Now you can take care of the beets, which need to be washed very well; you can even use a brush or sponge in this matter in order to wash off all the dirt and sand from it;
  3. Wet root vegetables are placed in a baking sleeve; if necessary, they can be lightly salted or peppered, after which the sleeve is tightly tied on both sides;
  4. Line a baking sheet or large baking dish with two layers of foil, place the sleeve with beets on it, then cover it with two more layers of foil;
  5. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 1.5 hours, then remove the vegetables and check for doneness using a thin wooden stick (or a knife and fork);
  6. After the beets are ready, they need to be removed from the oven and allowed to cool right in the sleeve, after which they can be eaten or used in other dishes.

How to properly bake beets in salt on a baking sheet

One of the unusual ways to bake beets and get a delicious product is to cook them in salt.

This dish takes about 1 hour 40 minutes to prepare, and its calorie content will be very low - only 19 kcal per 100 grams.

How to bake:

  1. The first thing you need to do is wash the beets very thoroughly from all pieces of dirt, after which you need to dry them well (wet beets will not work in this recipe);
  2. Chop the rosemary sprigs into medium pieces;
  3. Pour sea salt into a large bowl and mix it with chopped rosemary;
  4. Sprinkle some of the salt and seasoning mixture into the bottom of the prepared baking dish;
  5. Place clean and dried beets in a mold, sprinkle the remaining salt and rosemary on top (the vegetables should completely “drown” in the salt);
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°;
  7. After the specified time has passed, the beets can be removed from the oven and carefully dug out of the salt;
  8. The vegetables are laid out on a plate, the top is cut off, and a piece of butter is placed in its place.

How to bake vegetables for vinaigrette, borscht and other dishes

Oven-baked vegetables are not only the key to a tasty dish, but also to a healthy diet in general. But in order for the vegetables for such dishes to actually be useful, you need to be able to eat them correctly. There are a number of mandatory rules:

  1. Both carrots and beets should be baked with their skins on, meaning there is no need to peel the vegetables;
  2. Before putting food in the oven, it is necessary to wash it very thoroughly;
  3. For baking, it is advisable to select products of the same size (or at least approximately the same). Thanks to this condition, the vegetables will cook almost simultaneously;
  4. In order to check the readiness of vegetables, it is advisable to use a thin and sharp object made of wood, for example, a toothpick;
  5. To prevent vegetables from losing their juiciness, they must be cooked in deep baking dishes, in a sleeve or foil.

What can you cook

You can prepare various dishes from baked beets, for example, healthy and satisfying salads. Let's look at their recipes.

Dish No. 1 – Salad with garlic

The preparation time for the salad will take only 15 minutes, however, baking the vegetable will take about 1.5 hours. The calorie content of such lard will be about 120 kcal per 100 grams.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Bake the beets in the oven;
  2. Meanwhile, grind the nuts using a blender;
  3. Pass the garlic through a press;
  4. Grate the finished beets on a medium grater, mix them with nuts and garlic, add mayonnaise and serve.

Dish No. 2 – Salad with goat cheese and asparagus

Salad preparation time is 20 minutes maximum. Roasting time for vegetables is 1.5 hours. Calorie content per 100 grams of dish is 169 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Bake root vegetables in ovens in any convenient way;
  2. Meanwhile, cut the onion into medium-sized half rings;
  3. Also cut the asparagus and cherry tomatoes into small pieces;
  4. Fry the onions, tomatoes and asparagus a little in olive oil;
  5. Reduce heat to low, pour balsamic vinegar into the pan, cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables for about 6 minutes;
  6. Cut the finished beets into small cubes;
  7. Crumble goat cheese;
  8. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt and pepper, add Provençal herbs and serve.

Beets do not need to be peeled before baking. Also, you should not cut off the tail from it, otherwise all the juice will evaporate from it, and then the vegetable will no longer be so juicy and tasty.

If a baked root vegetable is needed to prepare any dish, then you should remember that when baked it will lose up to 1/3 of its weight. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of ingredients per dish.

It will be useful for every housewife to know how to bake beets in the oven. After all, such a dish can ultimately become not only an addition to salads, but also an independent side dish - very healthy and dietary. It is when baked in the oven that vegetables retain the maximum amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

To ensure that the beets bake perfectly, it is best to choose medium-sized fruits. Vegetables that are too large will take too long to cook. And there is always a possibility that they will still remain raw inside. It is also important to select root vegetables with intact skins.

The easiest way to bake beets for cold dishes, various salads and other cold appetizers is in foil. This method of cooking the vegetable under discussion in the oven is the most common. If the beets are medium or small in size, they can be baked whole.

  1. First, the root vegetables are thoroughly washed to remove sand and other contaminants. The tops and roots should not be cut too short with a sharp knife.
  2. Each beet is placed on a sheet of foil approximately 1.5 times larger in size than the vegetable itself. It is necessary to seal it as tightly as possible.
  3. If the vegetables are very small, several pieces can be placed in each sheet of foil at once.
  4. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees, after which the prepared beets are placed in it and left in the cabinet at the same temperature for approximately 1.5 hours. The cooked vegetables will become soft, which can be easily checked with a toothpick.

It is best to leave the beets to cool directly in the foil. After this, it can be unwrapped, cleaned and crushed. It is the root vegetables prepared in this way that last the longest. Beets baked in the oven in foil can stay on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for at least 3 days. The main thing is not to unroll the coating. And the remains of unused beets can even be frozen.

If a housewife needs to cook vegetables as quickly as possible, then she can use various tricks to speed up the baking process. For example, pour a small amount of water onto a baking sheet.

Bake beets in a sleeve

If you don’t have foil on hand, you can cook beets in the oven using a special baking sleeve. Each of them will fit no more than 5 medium root vegetables.

  1. The beets are thoroughly cleaned of contaminants, washed with water and dried with a towel.
  2. The vegetables are placed in a baking sleeve, which must be tied on both sides, after releasing all the air.
  3. The workpiece is placed on a baking sheet in a hot oven for about an hour. After just 40 minutes, you can check the readiness of root vegetables using toothpicks or thin wooden skewers.

By the way, the following secret will help to significantly speed up the process of baking beets in the oven: you will first need to place the vegetables in a baking sleeve, and then wrap the top with foil. True, in this case the housewife will have to spend more time preparing the products.

Beets baked on a baking sheet in the oven

If the cook doesn’t have any additional accessories at hand, then you can bake the beets using the open method. To do this, it will be enough to use a baking sheet or even an oven rack. The baking speed for any option will be the same.

  1. After thoroughly rinsing with water, the beets are dried with a paper towel and placed on a baking sheet.
  2. The top of the root vegetables is lightly sprinkled with sunflower or olive oil.
  3. A heat-resistant dish with water is placed at the bottom of the oven. This will prevent the vegetables from drying out while cooking.

After about an hour, the oven turns off, and the beets remain in it until they cool completely. This will allow the root vegetables to “reach” the desired state and not end up raw inside.

How long to bake beets in the oven?

It is impossible to say for sure how long to bake beets in the oven until fully cooked. It will depend on many factors. For example, on the type of oven, on the size of root vegetables, on the set temperature, and others.

If you want to speed up the process of cooking vegetables, you should not set the temperature above 200 degrees. Otherwise, the beets will be overdried, which will negatively affect not only its appearance, but also its taste.

On average, the cooking time for beets is 1-1.5 hours. To correctly determine when vegetables are ready, you should periodically pierce them with a toothpick. Once the root vegetables are completely soft, you can turn off the oven.

Roasted Beet Recipes

Modern cookbooks present a lot of salads with baked beets. Among them there are both the simplest and the most intricate.

Garlic salad

This salad is prepared as quickly as possible and from the simplest ingredients. For it you will need to take 6-7 pcs. vegetables, a large handful of shelled walnuts, garlic or garlic sauce. The latter can be replaced with sour cream and unsweetened yogurt.


  1. Baked beets are grated on a medium grater;
  2. Walnuts ground in a blender are added to the vegetables;
  3. All that remains is to season the dish with garlic sauce or sour cream (mayonnaise, yogurt) with the addition of garlic passed through a press.

The salad goes well with any meat dishes. It can be served both for an everyday dinner and for a holiday table.

Cream soup with melted cheese

You can also make a hearty puree soup from baked beets. It is best to prepare white bread croutons for it in advance. In addition to 4 pcs. beets you will need to take 0.5 liters of chicken broth, 1-2 potatoes and 200 gr. processed cheese without additives.


  1. Potatoes, cut into small pieces, are boiled until tender and added to the broth;
  2. Chopped beets are also sent there;
  3. All that remains is to add cheese to the vegetables, thoroughly puree the mass, add salt and any seasonings to it, and then put it on medium heat for 5-10 minutes.

The soup is served with croutons and chopped herbs.

Beetroot slices with Tartar sauce

Baked beets will also be an excellent side dish on their own. To do this, prepared vegetables are cut into small slices and placed in portions. All that remains is to prepare a sauce for them from sour cream, mayonnaise, granulated garlic and pickled cucumbers. The latter are finely chopped or grated. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the sauce can be placed on top of the beet slices. Beetroot juice will help make its color more rich and appetizing.

The side dish is ready. It complements especially well red fried or baked meat.

You can prepare many different dishes from beets: borscht, vinaigrette, etc. Most recipes use boiled root vegetables, but beets can also be baked, and we will now tell you how to do this correctly. Baked beets are much more aromatic, sweeter and tastier.

How to bake beets in the oven in foil?


  • medium beets – 1-2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 15 ml;
  • green onions - for serving.


We thoroughly wash the beets to remove soil and dirt, cut off the roots with a knife, and then place them on a towel and dry them. Then we wrap each root vegetable tightly in foil and place the preparations on the grill. We send the vegetables to bake in a well-heated oven and time for 75 minutes. After this, turn off the stove and cool the root vegetable. Next, carefully remove the baked beets from the foil, peel and chop into small slices. Place them on a plate, pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped green onions. This cooking method preserves all the beneficial substances in the beets and guarantees a wonderful aroma and taste of the root vegetable.

Baked beets recipe up your sleeve


  • medium-sized beets - 3 pcs.


We thoroughly wash the vegetables, cut off the roots and dry them with a towel. Then we place the root vegetables in a baking sleeve and tie it on both sides, releasing all the air. After this, place the workpiece on a baking sheet and send it to a hot oven for 55 minutes, setting the temperature to 195 degrees. After 35 minutes, check the degree of readiness with a wooden skewer or fork. Cool the baked beets, clean them and use them to make salads or simply cut them into slices and serve.

How to bake beets in the microwave?



We choose beets of the same size, wash them thoroughly, cut off the roots with scissors and wipe them dry with a towel. Then place the root vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl and cover the top with a lid. Place the beets in the microwave, close the appliance door and turn on at maximum power for 10 minutes. We check the readiness of the beets with a skewer and if they have become evenly soft, carefully remove them, cool, peel and cut into slices. We lay them out on a plate, pour some butter over them and place them on the table.